The Big Opening 開幕 : 28 April (Thu) 6:00pm Venue 地點 : The Space
Exhibition 展覽
Date 日期 : 1 (Sun) - 15 (Sun) May appointment 或預 約 Time 時間 : 1:00pm to 6:00pm or viewing by Gallery a Damin : Venue 地點 Free Admission 免費入場 For more information, please visit: 更多詳情請瀏覽以下網址: www.damina-gallery.com www.frenchmay.com / www.chokolistrawberry.com / Le French May Arts Festival 2011
Le French May Arts Festival 2011
ing aesthetic criteria, as to Graffiti art is an art form. The reasons, includ of illegality, incoherence, sm critici the igh outwe form art why it is an and nonstandard presentation. overcomes these concerns, Consider this as an explanation as to how graffiti art form. art an as ered and thereby can be consid of the recognised artisans of Suppose that Leonardo, Monet, Picasso, or any t day. Then, suppose that presen the in alive were e cultur ean Western Europ rpiece on the side of maste a paint to d one of these famous artists decide your neighbourhood. in wall a on or door front your on or your house lism? vanda or art or i graffit be Would Picasso or Monet’s markings markings are those that say could The answer may vary across people, but you only if they lism vanda as y qualif would ngs marki Their i. art in the form of graffit answer same The ssion. permi t appeared on private or public property withou art. i graffit as known i graffit of genre holds for the present day, ators of the French graffiti Mist, Tilt, Kongo, and Ceet are among the origin right here in Hong Kong, movement. Their worldwide artistic journey stops at The Space, on April 28, 2011. t paintings, and projections On exhibit you will find sculptures, large forma d the world. aroun d painte have artists the of the original works 是一種藝術形式, 塗鴉藝術是一種藝術形式。它之所以 鴉是目無法紀違、 其理由及美學標準,遠比那些批評塗 得更為有力。 ,來 雜亂無章、不合藝術展品標準等論調 越以上這些顧慮, 姑且在此解釋一下,塗鴉如何超 而被大家視為一種藝術形式。 方其他著名藝術家 假如達芬奇、莫奈、畢加索或西 家門 前、 牆上 , 在您 一位 其中 他們 仍然 在世 ,又 假如 留下的痕跡將會是 或鄰居牆壁上畫一幅傑作,他們 證呢? 的罪 塗鴉、藝術,還是故意破壞公物 些印 記是 以塗 鴉 不同 的人 會有 不同 答案 ,但 我認 為這 家擅自畫在私人或 為形式的藝術,只有當這些藝術 樣的答案也適用於 同 公共地方,才算是惡意破壞。 。 藝術 塗鴉 當今裝飾畫之其中一種,即 國塗鴉運動發起人 Mist, Tilt, Kongo 和 Ceet,都是法 中一 站, 作品 將 的其 之一 。香 港是 他們 世界 巡迴 活動 。 展出 ce Spa 於2011年4月28日在 The 覽上,當中包括雕 多種不同的藝術創作會呈現在展 家塗在世界各地的 藝術 塑,大型繪畫,還會有投影展示 畫作。
法 國 五 月 藝 術 節 二 0 一 一
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法 國 五 月 藝 術 節 二 0 一 一