Eich Assurance Program Brochure

Page 1

E I C H as s ur anc e T he

Getwi t ht hepr ogr am!

Fr eeWi f i

1 00% Ser vi c eWor k Guar ant ee


MoneySavi ng Of f er s

Compl i ment ar y St ar buc ksCof f ee

Manuf ac t ur er Par t s / Ser vi c e

Ser vi c eRemi nder Pr ogr am

Vehi c l e Pi c kup/ Dr opof f *

Ser vi c e Shut t l e

Ser vi c e L oaner Pr ogr am

Fr eeCar was h wi t hSer vi c e

30Day War r ant y

Fr eeVehi c l e I ns pec t i ons

Y t A s w h j l i p w

You’ ve

hear d

i t

sai d

bef or e.

“ Theyt ookr eal l ygoodcar eofus. ”

TheEi chAssur ancePr ogr am i st her et odo

t hesamef oryou.I t ’ snor ei nvent i onoft he

wheel .Ever yaspectoft hi spr ogr am i show

we’ ve done busi ness f oryear s,we j ust

nevermadeapoi ntt oshouti toutl oud.So

now we’ r ebr oadcast i ngt hi si mpor t antand

“ mor et hanweexpect ed”pr ogr am. What

ar eyouwai t i ngf or ?Getwi t ht hepr ogr am!

Vehi c l e Pi c kup/ Dr opof f

I f conveni ence i si mpor t ant t o you, consi dergi vi ngusacal lt or equestt o haveyourvehi cl epi ckedupf orser vi ce atyourhomeorwor kpl ace. * Weknow ďŹ ndi ng t i me t o br i ng yourvehi cl ei n bef or eordur i ngwor ki sdi f ďŹ cul t .Avoi d wai t i ngal lt oget her .I nf or m usofyour needsandwewi l lpi ckupyourvehi cl e andhavei tr epai r edandr eadyf oryou whenyouneedi t . * wi t hi n1 0mi l esofSt .Cl oud,MN

Fr eeWi f i

Thewor l dmovesatamuchqui ckerpacet han i n1898,t heyearEi chMot orCompanywasest abl i shed.Wepr ovi def r eewi r el essi nt er neti n ourst or ef orcust omer st hatneed t o send emai l s,updat et hei rFacebookpage,orr ead t hel at estheadl i nes.I ft hei nt er netcandoi t , socanyouf r om t hecomf or tofourser vi cedepar t ment .

Fr eeCar was h wi t hSer vi c e

Mi nnesot aweat hercandoanumberonyour vehi cl e.Avehi cl eshoul dnotonl yr unwel l ,but l ookgoodt oo.That ’ swhywi t hever yser vi ce* atourst or e, you’ l l r ecei veaf r eecar washatno ext r achar get okeept hebugs, sal t , anddi r tof f yourcarandputasmi l eonyourf ace.

* Weat herper mi t t i ng.

Compl i ment ar y T M St ar buc ks Cof f ee

Ah,cof f ee.Over501bi l l i oncupsofcof f eear e consumedi nt hewor l dannual l y.Wewant ed t omakesur et hatourcust omer sar eser ved pr emi um cof f ee. I t ’ spr obabl yhappened t o youbef or e,hasn’ ti t ?You’ vevi si t edoneoft he “ ot herguys”and dr ank whatwe cal l“ shop cof f ee. ”Youwon’ tbeser ved“ shopcof f ee”at Ei chMot orCompany.You’ l lget“ cof f eeshop cof f ee. ”: ) * SeeaSal esConsul t antf orcompl et edet ai l s.

Fr eeVehi c l e I ns pec t i ons

I t ’ si mpor t antwi t ht he compl exi t i es oft he moder naut omobi l et oknow exact l ywhatcondi t i on one’ s vehi cl e’ s br akes,engi ne,t r ansmi ssi on,oral i gnmentar ei n. Ourf act or yt r ai ned t echni ci ans can t el li n onl y a br i ef amountoft i mehow yourvehi cl ei sper f or mi ng andr ecommend,i fneedbe,t heTLC i tneeds. Wei nvi t eyout ost opi nanyt i mef oraf r eevehi cl ei nspect i on. I t ’ st he best i nsur ance agai nstbi ggerconcer nsdownt her oad. * SeeaSer vi ceAdvi sorf orcompl et edet ai l s.

Ser vi c e Shut t l e

Sayyouhaveaf ew er r andst or un,oryou’ ve comef r om outoft ownandwi sht omakeat r i p t ot he mal l ,j ustask a Ser vi ce Advi sorf or shut t l e ser vi ce t o any dest i nat i on wi t hi n St .Cl oudandwe’ l lmakesur et ogetyout her e saf eandsound.Whi l eaway, we’ l l keepyoui nf or med ofyour vehi cl e’ s st at us and when r eady,t heser vi ceshut t l ewi l lbr i ngyouback t ot hedeal er shi p.Soundsi mpl e? I ti s!

Ser vi c e Remi nder Pr ogr am

Ther ear esomanyt hi ngsaper soni sr equi r ed t or ememberdur i ng t he day -l etal one a mont horyear .Leavet her emi ndi ngt ous!We know exact l ywhenyourvehi cl ewasi nf orser vi ce and when i tshoul d be back. Ser vi ce r emi derl et t er sar eaf r eeandsi mpl ewayt o ensur eyourvehi cl eget st heat t ent i oni tneeds. Enr ol l menti seasy!Justser vi ceatEi chMot or Companyandi naf ew mont hs,you’ l lgetar emi nderl et t eraut omat i cal l y.


MoneySavi ng Of f er s

Who doesn’ tl i ke a l i t t l e cash back i nt hei r pocket ? Wi t ht heEi ch Assur ancePr ogr am, we’ l lsend you amont hl yemai lwi t h ser vi ce speci al st osaveyoumoney.They’ r er el evant , conveni ent ,andwemakesur et hey’ r enott oo puny.Yourcont i nuedbusi nesswi t husi si mpor t antandi t sanot herwayt osayt hankyou f oryourl oyal t y.

Manuf ac t ur er Par t s / Ser vi c e

Cor ner fixi tshops can’ tmake t hi s cl ai m. Ei ch Mot orCompany enj oys a ver y st r ong r el at i onshi pwi t hVol kswagenandMazdaand whi l ewehavet hef act or yt r ai nedt echni ci ans, par t s,t ool s,and flui ds i nt ended f or your vehi cl e,weal sohavet hesuppor toft hemanuf act ur ert oassi stwi t hwar r ant ycl ai ms,ori nsi ghti nt or ecal l spost edf oryourvehi cl e.I t ’ s an i nval uabl easpectofdoi ng busi nesswi t h Ei chMot orCompanyandwhenandi fyoufind your sel fi nneedoft hi ssuppor t ,you’ l lbegl ad youhadi t .

1 00% Ser vi c eWor k Guar ant ee

I tseemssi mpl e,doesn’ ti t ?I fyoubr i ngyour vehi cl ei nt o have somet hi ng r epai r ed,you expecti tdoner i ght .I nt heunl i kel yeventt hat somet hi ng shoul d happen t o need a r et ur n vi si tt o ourser vi ce depar t ment ,Ei ch Mot or Companywi l lmakesur et her epai r sar edone cor r ect l y and compl et el y,f r ee ofaddi t i onal char ge.Youcant r ustusast heexper t s,but now youcanbr i ngt hatt r ustt ot hebank.Er , wel l ,l eavei tt her e.Youknow whatwemean.

Getwi t ht hePr ogr am!

Publ i shedby Ei chMot orCompany

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