to the CHS Co-operative Day News Team newsletter. In this newsletter we will be sharing CHS’ ideas on what being a co-operative school actually means. 25th June 2014 was ELE day at Chorlton High School. However, this was no ordinary ELE day, it was CO-OPERATIVE ELE DAY!!! As many of you already know, in 2013, CHS became a Co-operative Academy. There were activities such as what you thought could change the school to make it better, co-operative games, finding out what being a co-operative academy means, etc. Becoming a Co-operative Academy has helped Chorlton High School in a big way. It has helped implement qualities in students all over the school such as equality, self-responsibility, equity, self-help, solidarity and democracy. These are all important qualities in life and will benefit them in later years b and make them better people. This can make for a better life and world for the students. We hope you enjoy reading our articles. Alfie Chester (Year 7)
Bethany Barker (Year 8) Heather Germaine (Year 9) Najma Ahmed (Year 9) Dougie Pitman (Year 9)