Vertical farming balconies in urban cities GRADUATION STUDIO | BIG HOUSE
Master thesis by: C.H. Wong 0786004 Supervisors: Prof. ir. J. Bekkering Prof. ir. I.C. Nan ir. J. Schevers ir. Z. Ahmed Master track AUDE graduation project 45 ECTS 2020-2021
COLOFON Project: STEM-tower Institution: Eindhoven University, NL Education: Master AUDE Level: Master thesis Supervisors: Prof. ir. J. Bekkering (chairman) Prof. ir. I.C. Nan ir. J. Schevers ir. Z. Ahmed Period: 2020-2021
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem statement | 10 1.2 Ambition | 11 1.3 Research question | 11
CHAPTER 2: RESEARCH 2.1 Vertical farming in residential buildings | 14
CHAPTER 3: CASE STUDIES 3.1 Tiny House | 20
2.2 Meaning of Big | 16
3.2 L’Arbre Blanc Residential Tower | 21
2.3 Claycast 3d printing | 17
3.3 Clelia tower | 22
2.4 Conclusions | 18
3.4 Sloterdijk | 23 3.5 Trudo Vertical Forest | 24 3.6 Conclusions | 25
CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS 4.1 Site analysis | 28 4.2 Volumetric study | 36
CHAPTER 5: DESIGN 5.1 The concept: the outdoor growing space | 43 5.2 The Program | 44 5.3 Types | 47 5.4 Final design drawings | 52 5.5 Materialisation & detailing | 74
CHAPTER 6: APPENDIX List of Figures Appendix I: The Meaning of Big | 93 Appendix II: Digital Manufacturing | 330 Claycast research | 366
Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my tutors & contributors. Firstly, Prof. ir. J. Bekkering (Chairman) for her inspiring tutoring sessions and guidance that helped me during my research and the design process of my graduation project. Secondly, to Prof. I.C. Nan for her continuous support of my master study and research, for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and broad knowledge about 3d printing. Thirdly, To my tutor ir. Z. Ahmed for his insight of 3d printing with my group research of Claycast. Fourthly, to my tutor ir. J. Schevers for his workshops on lighting + renderings and great knowledge of 3d modelling and materialisation, which helped me throughout the thinking process of my design. Then, I would like to thank the entire faculty and my fellow collaborators of the graduation studio for their support during the entire year. My company MDB-TBI, who gave me the possibility and space to pursue my study. Last but not the least; I would like to thank my family & my parents for supporting me throughout my life.
Food is the basic needs of our daily life. In urban dense cities, the space to grow food becomes too scarce. The problem is the food consumption per household globally is getting high on numbers. In the Netherlands, the average households have a high ecological footprint on food consuming, which is the twice of the world average. Companies like Bowery are distributing annually tons of vertical farmed vegetables throughout the whole world. But the transport costs are high and it produces a lot of waste and air pollution. Food waste and transportation are the factors that causes the big impact on the way we are consuming food and the environment. Food production can help to reduce these high rates. It can be reduced by starting producing food locally that uses less transport costs. This thesis proposes a residential tower scheme, which can be seen as an alternative for vertical farming in urban dense cities, and contains different variations in outdoor growing balconies for producing food for daily life. By distributing to the nearby neighbourhood, it can benefit from fresh food. The spatial quality of these balconies can be defined as the main feature in this building, to grow, to share and to harvest the food. The STEM-tower, recognized by the natural form of a tree stem, housing four types of apartments: the lofts are differentiated in S, M, L, XL, are gradually ranged from low to high, which is categorized to house the different classes of households. The outdoor balconies are the central growing space in the apartment where the residents can grow, harvest & store their crops. The types of vegetation can be differentiating by sun orientation and height. The special vegetation units are growing crops indoor, which can be entered by the residents themselves and the service gardeners. They have access to all the vegetation units and the outdoor growing spaces on each floor. Space for growing food in urbanized cities becomes scarce in plot size. The outdoor vegetation ribbon contains earth where the seeds can be placed in Spring, and when it can be harvested in the summer months, the service gardeners will store the crops in storage units on each floor of the apartments.
KEYWORDS: food production, outdoor growing space, harvest, grow, storage.
1.1 Problem statement
Food transportation, consuming and waste in the Netherlands is a big problem where households in big urban cities like Rotterdam cope with. It affects our daily consuming on food, where we waste more than we actually consume. According to the CBS, the Central Bureau of Statistics (fig. 1), the graph shows the land use of the Netherlands on feed and grasslands use are extremely high compare to other countries. Means by our land use is mostly for export food to other countries and only a small amount is left for ourselves, that we can only rely on importing food from other countries. But transportation is a problem, it affects the air quality and the costs are high, which will eventually raise the consuming prices on food. fig. 1 Demographic shows the Global land use for Dutch consumption in 2005.
Waste & transport of food Another problem related to this subject of food is the waste and transportation. The graph in fig. 2 shows the food and transport statistics what we consume and import per year. Both of those two aspects are highly on numbers and it needs to be reduced for a healthy living environment. 2,9 tons of food wasted per year is on animal based food. To react on the high waste on food, urban farming could reduce this number, if more of such buildings can be built in the city to sustain the self-sufficiency of households in growing fresh crops. 10
fig. 2 Food consumption and transportation per year.
1.2 Ambition
Food production in urban dense cities are needed for long term, because grasslands becomes scarcer in a decade from now. Especially nowadays where the pandemic situation takes over, people are staying at home more often. To stimulate the home situation, growing and sharing food becomes important as a balanced social activity, where interaction and social behaviour between residents plays a big role to have a coherent living environment. The goal of this thesis project is to show the possibilities how residents can interact with each other through the outdoor growing spaces between their apartments.
1.3 Research question Research question: How can these outdoor growing balconies stimulate a self-sufficient use for food production in residential buildings in urban dense cities? Sub questions: - How can these growing balconies be used as an interaction between apartments? - How can the crops be harvested and stored in the apartments?
2.1 Vertical farming
History Vertical farming is literary growing crops in stacked vertical layers. It is often related with controlled agri-cultural farming, which to optimize the growth. Vertical farming has a relatively short history, it was first introduced by Dickson Despommier in 1999. he began during his time as the professor of Public and Environmental Health at Columbia University, testing with students the first concept of a skyscraper farm that can produce crops to feed 50000 people. Although it has never been realized, but it has popularized the idea of vertical farming. Nowadays, still referring to his concept, but with LED lights it could yield ten times more the traditional farming method.
fig. 3 The principle of vertical farming by Dickson Despommier.
Rooftop farming In residential buildings, vertical farming is needed to balance the context between nature and living. In Rotterdam, many rooftops are transformed into roofgardens . For example, the Dakakker roof garden, located on top of the Schieblock office. Where people can enjoy the nature on height.
fig. 4 Rooftop garden The Dakakker at the top of Rotterdam’s Schieblock office.
Vertical farming systems A building for growing crops needs a structural system to have a optimized growth of crops. A comparison of systems paper shows that, each structural system has it’s advance and disadvantages. This table shown in fig. 4 the different structural systems of vertical farming which has impact on the growth of the crops in a building. The most important impact is the space. Skygreens is the positive outcome of those comparisons, because of it’s a space saving structural system of stacked vertically and only uses a small m2 space.
fig. 5 A comparison of various vertical farming systems in residential buildings.
Conclusion Urban farming systems uses less space to grow crops in residential buildings. The Skygreen project shows effectively of soil based hydroponic media can better the taste of crops. Per unit it can produce 5 times more than traditional farming. Roof gardens are needed to create socially interaction between residents and visitors.
2.2 Meaning of Big - collaborative research The collaborative research, the Meaning of Big is a collaboration with fellow Collaborators E. Dieteren & R. van Asten. The different case studies lead to conclusions to form the meaning of Big. The research has been divided into three parts: Big House, Social Issues & Technologies. In each part, we have selected several case studies that have been compared and discussed. These discussions lead to the final conclusions for the research. Big House The case studies related to the size of the big house were categorized from S to XXL. It became clear to us when in the discussion about the size, we concluded that there are no strict boundaries in a big house. It’s about multifunctional, smart solution & representation. Social Issues In this section we have analysed the four typical logical groups that focusses on various social issues. Social Housing, care, Co-Living & Emergency Housing. Technologies Emerging technologies are affecting the construction costs and waste in the production. The consequences will be different when using a type of technology to produce a structural element. The usage of different materials together has the most impact on reducing the construction costs and waste.
fig. 6 Wintergarden as communal space.
fig. 7 Space saving Hong Kong flat.
fig. 8 Social balconies by Edwin van Cappeleveen.
2.3 Digital Manufacturing & Claycast 3d printing research (appendix II) The Digital Manufacturing research is a collaborative research, which consists of two parts: Part 1 & Part 2. Part 1 is the research begins with the problem statement on the AEC industry (Architecture, Engineering & Construction), where then we go deep into the subjects of 3d printing technologies that are used to solve the construction manufacturing problems. These are: Addictive Manufacturing, 3d printing in construction & Extrusion based printing. Part 2 is divided in three research groups, where clay, liquid concrete and plastic 3d printing will be tested in a design process that leads to the final test of an 3d printed object in that material. The research groups are: the ClayCast group ( C.H. Wong, A.D.K. Rozema, D.C. Breukelaar), Morphics group (J.W. van Wegen, M.P.M. Peeters & R. van der Heijden), and the CLIp group ( R. van Asten, D.M. Dieteren, E. Boon & J.P. van Zeijl). The 3d printing research ClayCast, was done with collaborators A.D.K. Rozema & D.C. Breukelaar. The research was to experiment with the clay material to create a 3d printed dissolvable formwork that can be used to cast concrete in a temporary clay mould. This formwork can be re-used after demoulding. It was mainly purpose to focus on angled geometric shapes that are difficult to cast with traditional formwork systems. We have built a clay extruder that is manually controlled as a prototype that can eventually further developed. First, we have designed the clay extruder with a stepped motor and a clay cartridge that can be easily demounted and replaced. The extruder body is made of PVC and it’s covered by two begin and end steel plates connected with steel rebar to seal the tube. Through a hose that is connected to the Gantry printer in the structural lab at the TU/e, we could print with the prototype. We have printed several clay test moulds to test the different parameters, such as angled and sloped shapes, several added water percentages to test whether which percentage is most suitable to make the clay mixture. From the research, we have analysed the characteristics of clay in different conditions to test out the most suitable parameters to print with the extruder. I think the design process of testing gave me new perspectives on how clay as a dissolvable material can be used to cast concrete forms.
fig. 9 The first extruder prototype.
fig. 10 Four clay elements printed.
fig. 11 four clay elements stacked.
2.4 Conclusions Literature review - conclusions The conclusions from each research lead to a design direction for the urban farming residential tower. From the vertical farming literature review, the project located in Singapore, which is one of the first low carbon hydraulic water-driven system for growing crops, is a good example by using less water and space to grow crop indoor. I think that the system for inner growing for crops can be realised in the vegetation units between the apartments. Because the indoor units can be used to grow crops, where the water system uses a low carbon hydraulic water-driven system with a filter to pump the water back into the Maas river.
Meaning of Big research - conclusions ‘‘Big’’ has no limits to size, but it’s about the multifunctional, smart solutions and representation that together makes how big house looks like from the outside to the inside. A small studio can have multiple space if the walls are smart designed to be able to change the space. For example, on the Domestic Transformer apartment from architect Gary Chang (fig. 7), i think the many possibilities of how a space can be created with smart solutions, the small size of the space can turn into various spaces. I think the outdoor space that i will design can use this component of multifunctional & smart solutions. On the social issues on housing, the social interaction between residents is an interesting aspect. The student housing project Urban Rigger by BIG architects, shows the communal winter garden, (fig. 6) which is a shared space for students to gather. I think these spaces are needed to have a space to rest. The case study of Social Balconies, Edwin van Cappeleveen (fig. 8), shows similarity from what i would design as outdoor spaces to grow crops. For my design, i think the interaction is needed to be successful for growing vegetation on each floor level with various types of residents. The communal spaces, where the balconies are shared, most of the interaction will take place. Digital Manufacturing & Claycast research - conclusions The digital Manufacturing booklet, where the current problem statement is pointed out of the slow labour productivity, because of it’s still done manually in construction. I think additive manufacturing can increase the construction speed up with a 3d printing technology that could be used on site. A dissolvable framework can help the process of using it to create a temporary mould to pour the concrete into shape and be dissolved for re-use. From the 3d printing research with clay as the dissolving material, i think it could be implemented on the structural elements for vegetation growing, which i want to design for my project. The pillar which we have eventually designed, consists of four pieces of 3d printed clay elements, it provides knowledge on how the sloped geometrical forms can be made and dissolved for re-use of the framework. With the elements i will design, a continuity of the growing elements can be achieved in the form of a ribbon which wraps around the balconies. 18
The Tiny House | UN & Yale university
This pilot project is a collaboration of UN & Yale university of developing an ecological living module for future ecological living. It shows what elements is needed to feed a single/ two person living space within 22m2. The space is relatively small and fits in an apartment concept that can be implemented in the in- & outside space. The main feature is the facade, where the crops can be grow with fully exposed by sunlight. The nutrition serve per person in the Tiny house is according to the nutrition guidelines of the WHO (World Health Organisation). Based on the guidelines, a person per day needs 5 servings of nutrition from fruit & vegetables. That comes to a minimum 65% of nutrient dense fruit & vegetable serving per family annually. See fig. 14.
fig. 12 the entrance of the tiny house.
fig. 13 Growing facade of the Tiny house.
fig. 14 Nutrition guidelines of the Tiny house.
fig. 15 The interior of the living space.
L’Arbre Blanc Tower | S. Fujimoto, N. Laisné + OXO + D. Roussel arch
This residential tower located in Montpellier has different depth of balconies for social interaction between apartments. The balconies are using their depth for maximizing the outdoor space for leisure and planting, the architects quotes: ’’Forming an effective protective veil for the façade, they provide the necessary shade and break up skew winds to help air circulate more harmoniously.’’ (P.Pintos, archdaily 2019) fig. 16 Overview of the outdoor living space in the Montpellier tower.
The balconies in the apartments are ranged between 7 - 35m2. The cantilever structure is the key element in this building to make deep balconies that can reach 7,5 meters, using steel cables to fix on the structural columns that forms an A-shape.
fig. 6 Axonometry of the outdoor living space in the Montpellier tower
fig. 17 Cantilever detail of the balconies.
In the loft apartments, the balconies are connected with the lower ones to extend the outdoor living. The balconies are cantilevered up to 7,5 metres long, creating a world first innovation. fig. 18 The cantilevering of the balconies.
fig. 19 Facade of the Montpellier tower.
Clecia tower | NL architects
This residential tower concept from a design competition with spaces sticking out of the facade, it really has drawn my intention. The enormous mixed-use space of the living room with counter space on top, it variates from an outdoor pool to garden space.
fig. 20 The Clelia tower with sticking out spaces.
The different variation and orientation of the mixed spaces makes the facade more unique where the experience of the space can fully adapt light, view and free form geometry.
fig. 21 The Clelia tower with variations of spaces.
fig. 22 Variations in functions on top of the lower space.
fig. 23 Variations in the composition of the mixed spaces in the floorplans.
Sloterdijk | NL architects
This residential tower located in Sloterdijk, Amsterdam. NL architects designed this residential tower with every level to have a different height, to break the generic barrier of the surrounded buildings. The balconies have plants with a water bearing, that changes on each level. Each floor has a animal lodging and a variety of mixed vegetation to plant in the outer band of boxes. Therefore, it’s environmental friendly designed to respond to the nature with the facade of the building. The apartment building consists of ecosystem of types, ranged from size S to XXL. Each floor is a mixture of different sizes of apartments, which creates diversity in floor plans. Also, it creates interesting combinations of interaction between neighbours.
fig. 24 Facade with variation of heights non generic.
The revealed balconies on different ceiling heights, works as a ribbon that wraps the entire floor with vegetation. The plant boxes has water bearing on the bottom to keep the earth wet.
fig. 25 Different themes on each level.
fig. 26 Floorplan with revealed balconies and plants all around the level.
fig. 27 Plant box with water bearing unit underneath.
Trudo Vertical Forest | Stefano Boeri architects
This residential tower is located in Eindhoven, designed by Stefano Boeri architects, who is renowned by using vegetation in his buildings. The Trudo tower is stacked by zones of vegetation, which each of the balconies are surrounded by green. The residential tower will be 75 metres in height and be able to plant 125 trees of various species. The trees can take up a lot of Co2, which is good for the environment. fig. 28 Axometry water system - vergetation zones of Bosco Verticale.
The apartment loft has a diverse of plant box shapes and the shifted balconies creates a irregular composition on the facade.
The trees help to block direct sunlight, which gives a more balanced temperature on the inside.
fig. 6 Floorplan with the vegetation zoned balconies.
fig. 29 Loft axonometry of the outdoor space
fig.30 The Trudo Vertical Forest building facade
fig. 31 Floor plan with the outdoor balconies
3.5 Conclusions These case studies have shared a common language, by means the outdoor living space, where people can socialize & interact. The different outdoor spaces in the projects, which i think it can be implemented in my concept design.
Tree boxes on balconies The Vertical forest balconies in the Trudo project by Stefano Boeri has different width where the trees are placed in rectangular boxes, it’s a good way of positioning the vegetation.
Tree box
fig. 32 The outdoor balconies with different sizes on levels.
fig. 33 The tree box on the balconies of the Trudo building.
Different depth of balconies The balconies in the Montpellier tower has different depths and levels that creates playful outdoor spaces, which have the same language, but differs in sizes. Some balconies are connected on different levels, which allows the user to interact different between heights. fig. 34 The cantilevered outdoor living balconies with different depths.
Vegetation ribbon The apartments of the Sloterdijk project consists vegetation ribbons that separates the outdoor spaces at the same time it creates a continuity throughout the whole floor. This continuity is the element that will be implemented to my design. fig. 35 The outdoor vegetation ribbon around the whole floor plan.
Urban dense cities like Rotterdam has less green and the Municipality of Rotterdam is encouraging and support greener in the centre of the city. Katendrecht was once a busy port in Rotterdam with many sailor men whom works and living there. It has a bad image of prostitution and drugs dealing in the 70s. Mixed cultures could be found here in the diverse cuisine, with lot of dining places and cafes. That’s why I choose Katendrecht as my location of its diversity, where there are more high-rises to be built in the upcoming years. I think a residential urban farming building fits in the context with the revitalisation of Katendrecht.
Revitalisation of Katendrecht The municipality has planned new residential projects on the island to create a more dynamic area in the harbour district of Rotterdam. All the new projects are highlighted with the green filled spots. The Groene Kaap project by Bureau Massa architects is under construction. The building block consists several residential towers linked with a terraced roof garden, which connects the residential towers. It’s just located within 500 meters in the east from the plot site. Another project on the rise, is the Havenkwartier project by VMX architects, also a residential building block, is located within 300 meters in the south of the plot.
The Codrico project is a collaboration between several architectural firms, Powerhouse Company, Office Winhov, SHOP & Meccanoo architects. The project transforms the old factory plots into new revitalising residential buildings that forms a new centre on the island of Katendrecht. All the projects together form a new image of Katendrecht, where a urban farming project can fit well as part of the revitalising plan
fig. 36 The location map of the spots on the Island of Katendrecht.
The chosen plot is close to the waterfront of Katendrecht island. It is a plot next to the Buizenpark, surrounded by dense trees, with the maximum possible building dimension of 22-meter-wide by 25-meter long. The biggest obstacle for the view lines is the Cargill factory (44 meters high) on the left side of the plot, which blocks side views. The trees near the plot are ranged from 17,5 meters to 25 meters high.
fig. 37 Site plan of the plot and the surrounded buildings.
45m 30
New route inside the building
height blockage trees 17,5m & Cargill building 45m.
It’s in an open area, at the tip of the Buizenpark, it’s a favourite route for runners and bikers which can lead to the Wilhelmina island, connected via the Rijnhavenbridge where the skyscrapers designed by many famous architects. It has a ferry stop at the waterfront, which can reach several spots in the Rotterdam Haven. It has plenty of car and cycling roads around the residential blocks.
fig. 38 The plot surrounded by high trees.
fig. 39 The site from the waterfront with the ferry stop.
fig. 40 The walking/jogging path alongside the Buizenpark.
fig. 41 The Buizenpark.
The park is an important feature on this island, which provides a resting & leisure place for families, bikers and runners. Walking alongside the waterfront from the park with views of the bridge and the skyline with the high-rises are outstanding. From many corners, it has zero blockage of viewing the skyline.
fig. 42 The waterfront next to the Cargill factory, photo taken from the Wilhelmina island.
The plot seen from the opposite side at the top of the Wilhelmina island, the inlet of the ferry stop at the waterfront is visible, which can attract tourists to go the place. The Cargill factory is in the prominent spot of the waterfront.
PARKS Besides the Buizenpark which is just next to the plot, there are parks, which are close to the Katendrecht island. Those are the Euromast park & Walhallapark. Each park has different sort of tree in the park. There are many trees in the Buizenpark, which are above 18 metres. I have decided to start the apartments above 18 metres, where there is none blockage of view.
t pa
as urom
e Buiz
hal Wal
fig. 42 The different parks located in the city center of Rotterdam.
TREES The trees around the plot has different sizes and heights. The most common tree is the Dutch Elm tree, which most are alongside the path at the waterfront. The diversity of trees in the park creates a colourful natural environment in the site.
fig. 43 The different trees from the Rotterdam tree website.
1. Ulmus x hollandica Dutch Elm tree
2. Pterocarya fraxinifolia Wingnut tree
fig. 44 The trees in the Buizenpark.
3. Acer pseudoplatanus Maple tree
4. Pinus nigra Black Den tree
Building heights The highest buildings on the Katendrecht island are the residential towers, which are ranged between 50m to 80m.
The different building heights on the Katendrecht island compare to other areas around the city center.
After analysis of the location by seeing the actual perimeters on site, consideration the height is an important aspect on this spot of the island. Because there are many trees which are above 18 metres, which is about 4 stories high. I have decided to start the apartments above 18 metres, where there is none blockage of view. Another aspect is the factory on the right side of the plot, which the highest point reaches 45 metres. Implementing a public function above that height would be suitable.
The private & public functions divided in height.
Building functions Mostly residential buildings can be found on the Katendrecht island, alongside with industrial buildings, which some are still active. The industrial waterfront will gradually disappear in the future, where it will be replaced by new residential blocks with greater views. The different functions around Katendrecht and in the city center.
fig. The site section model
4.2 Volumetric study The cardboard volumetric scale model shows the floors incisions, which has different sizes of outdoor balconies spaces. These incisions form an architectural language that can be repeated on each floor level, by placing the outdoor spaces more towards the sun directions, creates a play of light for the crops.
The site model
The design phase was started with a volumetric study with a site model. In the further study i tried to orientate the building facades towards the sun direction, to get fully use of it to orientate the balconies for the need of direct sun light hours. The plot
The public blocks divided by a route.
The workshop function covers the shop & restaurant.
The small & medium lofts from 3rd floor till 10th floor.
The teahouse floors topping the Cargill factory.
The mixed floors with S, M & L lofts
The mixed floors continues with bigger balconies.
The penthouse lofts on top.
4.5 Sun light study
The sun light study model perspective view
The sun study is to analyse where the crops can be placed according to the available sun light hours which is the most suitable to grow the type of crop. There are 2 different sun hours. - 8-4 sun hours East - South - 4-2 sun hours North - West
East 6 sun hours
West 4 sun hours
North 2 sun hours
South 8 sun hours The sun light study model perspective view
Sun light hours in one day
The sun light at 8:00 am in the morning penetrates the east facade and a part of the south facade. During the morning, it has 4 sun light hours for the crops. Suitable for crops with long light hours.
The sun light at 12:00 pm covers the whole south facade and a few parts of the balconies on the sides. During the mid-day, there are 5 sun light hours, when the light reaches its strongest UV point. Suitable for crops that demands longer light hours.
The sun light at 17:00 pm in the afternoon covers the whole west facade but only has 2 sun light hours. The light is not very strong and suitable for crops with a short light demand.
The site analysis gave me a good view of the plot in relation with the park and its surroundings. The park has a walking route for runners, they will eventually stop by a split road at the front of the plot. This plot can act like a transition/resting place for walkers & runners to take a rest or find something to do in the plinth. The height of the volumetric study shows the parameters where the building has its limits and obstacles. The two main height obstacles are the tree height of approximately 18 meters, which is more suitable to start above 18 meters with the residential apartments. The other obstacle is the height of the Cargill building, which is 45 meters in total. Therefore, a public function can be used as a break in the height of the building.
With these conclusions i will continue to make my concept for the residential building in the design phase.
East 6 sun hours
North 2 sun hours West 4 sun hours
The results from the sun light study has shown where the sun light hours are the longest and shortest. In the East - South direction has the most sun light hours, whereas the North - West direction has the less sun light hours.
South 8 sun hours
5.1 The Concept: the outdoor growing space The Municipality of Rotterdam is encouraging and supporting more outdoor space in the centre of the city, announced in the plan of Rotterdam Adaption plan 2025. The outdoor space in apartments are mostly terraces or balconies with great views over the city. But these are just ordinary balconies without any social interaction between neighbours. My concept is to bring the residents together in shared balconies, where outdoor activities can take place. The outdoor space is an integrated space, in between two apartments. It can be defined in three different variations of growing spaces: 1. Type 1: The in-between space 2. Type 2: Shared balcony with fixed growing panel 3. Type 3: The courtyard These spaces can be found on each floor of the levels, the higher the level, the bigger the outdoor growing space will be.
1. The in-between balcony growing space The small and medium lofts are sharing one balcony that are in the middle between their kitchen space. On the outside curtain walls, the growing facade is faced in the opposite side. This way the residents can share their crops during all seasons. 2. Shared balcony between two levels The small loft and the medium or large loft shares a communal space on the below and upper level. In this way, the two residents can communicate through a staircase that connects the two levels to be able to grow on different heights. 3. The vegetation walls
interraction within a shared balcony
interraction between two balconies
These corner balconies have the advantage of making use of both facade where the sun is orientated. The vegetation walls can hold different kinds of crops during seasons. 42
interraction with vegetation walls
5.2 The program The program is focusing on apartments for small till big families between the age of 25 till 60 years old. The outdoor space is the central place for social interaction, where the residents can interact and share the harvests. In the plinth and on the floors between the S&M lofts and L lofts are public functions like workshops, a restaurant and a shop that could use the harvest from the seasonal growing spaces. On 45 metres height, there is a leisure tea garden where people can rest and take a break. This mixed-use program is suitable for the location, where young dynamic families can live in a social interactive environment.
Residential 11330 m2
XL loft 1200 m2
S & L loft 2800 m2
S,M & L loft 3700 m2
Teahouse 950 m2 S & M loft 3700 m2
Commercial 2400 m2
The program.
Workshops Restaurant Shop 1380 m2 The section program.
The function of the trees By adding trees in the building, it creates a pleasant atmosphere for the outdoor space, but it functions as a filter the weather conditions to give the apartments a comfort climate indoors.
The direct sun light will be blocked by the trees during summer time. It protects from direct sun light. The temperature inside won’t be too hot, because trees creates shades for the apartment.
During the winter time, the sun light would enter deeper into the apartment.
21 deg.
31 deg.
21 deg.
The trees protects the apartment from the wind.
The trees produce oxygen for the apartment, where the natural air can enter the apartments.
O2 Co2 O2
The trees will reduce the acoustic pollutions. It forms a natural barrier, where the residents are free from the noises.
The functions The program consists of three functions: Residential, Public & Service
Residential functions
The residential functions are the various types of the apartments. Each apartment has different sizes of outdoor living balconies and vegetation unit for indoor growing of crops. The storages are located close to the outdoor space, which makes it convenient to harvest and have direct access.
growing unit/storage storage
Public & service functions The public functions are the outdoor growing space between the apartments. In the plinth of three stories consists a restaurant, fresh food shop and workshop spaces. The service is the routing of harvest and maintenance of the apartments and crops. The special entrances are created at the bedroom floors, which is only accessible for the maintenance service of the building. The overload of crops can be further distributed to the close by shops and restaurant to obtain fresh food.
5.3 The Types of lofts The types of the apartments are divided into four types: S, M, L & XL. Each type is based on the user’s living standards.
S LOFT: 75 M2 This is the smallest loft in the apartments. The user is mostly a single or two-person household. It shares a balcony between two apartments.
M LOFT: 140 M2 The medium loft can household a family two adults with two children. It has a private balcony and shares another with the small lofts. It has enough outdoor space for kids to play.
L LOFT: 190 M2 The large lofts have the best view over the waterfront skyline of Rotterdam. Suitable for a family with high income, a high demand of outdoor space. The balconies are facing north and the apartment shares a balcony with the smaller lofts.
XL LOFT: 300 M2 This is the largest apartment lofts on top of the building. The user is mostly wealthy to be able to live in this apartment. It has several Japanese garden spaces that are connected with the living room level and bedroom level. The communal garden is situated on the south side which has green walls to grow all kinds of vegetables and fruits.
Living room
The Types per typical level
4th/6th/8th floor
10th floor
3th/5th/7th floor
9th floor
13th/15th/17th/19th/ 21th/23th/25th floor
14th/16th/18th/20th/ 22th/24th/26th floor
28th floor
27th floor
3d printing - Element
The concept of the outdoor growing spaces can vary in forms. One of the growing spaces can be 3d printed a structural form where crops can be planted on the surface of the element. From the concept of a pillar with the Claycast research, it is possible for geometry with a slightly slandered angle that is suitable for adapting sun light efficiently for the vegetation. This vegetation wall is made of a mall of printed clay as a dissolvable formwork. When it is enough hardened, the concrete can be casted into the formwork to make this form of a slanted wall. See the 3d diagram of the wall.
Axonometry of the outdoor spaces.
5.4 Final drawings
In this chapter, all the plans, section and facades will be explained. It starts with the site plan.
Site plan | scale 1:500 The plot is surrounded by the trees from the Buizenpark, which makes part of the green area. The Cargill factory next is blocking views over the skyline of the city center of Rotterdam. The main road is the car road that bends from the plot. The path alongside the Buizenpark is a popular walking/jogging route.
Morphology | balcony shapes The balconies on each floor are different orientated. Each balcony is placed according to the sun direction, which is the most suitable position for growing crops. Here is an overview of every floorplan on how the balconies evolves, when the level becomes higher to the top.
Ground floor
1st floor
2nd floor
3rd floor
4th floor
5th floor
6th floor
7th floor
8th floor
9th floor
10th floor
11th floor
12th floor
13th floor
14th floor
15th floor
16th floor
17th floor
18th floor
19th floor
20th floor
21st floor
22nd floor
23rd floor
24th floor
25th floor
26th floor
27th floor
28th floor
Ground floor plan | scale 1:200
Section 3
Section 2
4. 10410
5. 13650
1. Section 1
First floor plan | scale 1:200
Section 4 3
Section 2
5. 3080
Section 1
4. 6500
Second floor plan | scale 1:200
Section 4 3
Section 2
3. 2. C
5. 7000
1. Section 1
Floor plans typical S & M loft 3F - 9F | scale 1:200
7. 8. 8.
5. 1.
3. 4.
8. 8. 7.
Floor plans typical S & M loft4F - 10F | scale 1:200
7. 6.
6. 7.
2. 4.
2. 1.
8. 7.
5. 9.
5. 10.
7. 8.
Teahouse garden floor plan 11F | scale 1:200
2. 1.
3. 5.
Teahouse garden floor plan 12F | scale 1:200
5. 2.
Teahouse garden axometry & section plan 11F+ 12F | scale 1:200
Floor plans typical L loft 13F - 25F | scale 1:200
6. 5.
8. 8.
6. 4.
5. 2.
3. 11.
3. 10. 9. 12.
13.13. 12.
Floor plans typical L loft 14F - 26F | scale 1:200
6. 5.
3. 5.
3. 4. 6.
4. 7.
5. 6.
Floor plans typical XL loft 27F | scale 1:200
2. 9.
2. 7.
9. 1.
4. 8. 5.
8. 5.
Floor plans typical XL loft 28F | scale 1:200
3. 1.
7. 6.
The skin of the STEM tower is made of concrete prefabricated elements. On each side of the facade are composition of the balconies irregular and stacked. The stacking of the balconies turns into a vertically flipped trapezium, which creates a large volume on the top with a small body on the lower levels. The seasonal expression is visualised with colours on the trees that represents the four seasons, each on the facades separately.
5.5 Materialisation & Detailing
The materialisation for curtain walls is aluminium, which creates transparency within the outdoor living spaces.
The materialisation for the structural core walls are in situ casted concrete. These core walls are all way to the top of the roof, to provide the stability for wind.
The materialisation for the structural frame is precast concrete columns and beams. These beams are cantilevering the balconies with a maximum length of 7 meter.
: mm
: 03/11/21
Section public functions
3 detail 1
detail 2
detail 3
Renders Interior | Public functions
Renders Exterior | Entrance residents
Renders Exterior | Balconies
Renders Interior | Tea house
Render interior | The Living room
Render night view
Renders Exterior | Waterfront perspective
The concept of the outdoor growing spaces can vary in forms. The use of the in between spaces, makes the space more socially attractive for the residents to interact. On each floor, the outdoor growing space makes the integral part of the whole. Through the outdoor spaces it connects the living zones with the bedroom zones. This building has built up the outdoor space from low to high, where the spaces evolves into bigger spaces. The social interaction will then increase, by letting the users involve into the growing process. These outdoor growing spaces will continue to be used for self-sufficiency to grow food for the future. In dense urban cities, this won’t be something strange anymore. It will become a daily habit.
From this graduation studio i have learned a lot about 3d printing technologies and how to design a building with thinking about the elements which can be 3d printed. Despite of the pandemic situation with COVID-19, the overall progress was still ok. Working at home became from an alternative to a regular form. My design of the STEM tower, taught me about the spatial qualities that are needed to be considered for lofts, the zoning is something i need to work on in the future in my profession. I am thankful for the teaching sessions that really helped me in it to improve. I have learned a lot of vertical farming in residential buildings, which i can use as an tool to create these kind of concepts to implement in my designs in the future.
LIST OF FIGURES Chapter 1 Figure 1: Demographic shows the Global land use for Dutch consumption in 2005. (source: CBS) Figure 2: Demographic shows the large Dutch food consuming of 5,6 tons co2 per year. (source: Chapter 2 Figure 3: The principle of vertical farming by Dickson Despommier. The Rise of Vertical Farms, (source: https://www.researchgate. net/publication/38052439_The_Rise_of_Vertical_Farms) Figure 4: Rooftop garden The Dakakker image (retrieved at Figure 5: A Comparative Analysis of Vertical Agriculture Systems in Residential Apartments by A., Chaudhry & V.P. Mishra (source: Figure 6: Wintergarden as communal space. (retrieved image at source: Figure 7: Space saving Hong Kong flat (retrieved image at source: Figure 8: Social Balconies by Edwin van Capelleveen image (retrieved at source Figure 9: the first extruder prototype (image retrieved from Claycast research booklet, image by D.B. Breukelaar) Figure 10: Clay models printed image (retrieved from Claycast research booklet, image by D.B. Breukelaar) Figure 11: Clay sections stacked (image retrieved from Claycast research booklet, image by D.B. Breukelaar) Figure 12: The entrance of Tiny House (image retrieved from source cc6e/fc00/061f/large_jpg/2018DS32.401-WEB.jpg?1532023054) Chapter 3 Figure 13: Growing facade of the Tiny House ( image retrieved from source f197/ccf1/f000/029c/newsletter/2018DS32.404-WEB.jpg?1532022895) Figure 14: The nutrition guidelines of the Tiny House ( image retrieved from source Figure 15: The interior space of Tiny House ( image retrieved from source ccf1/f000/029a/slideshow/2018DS32.410-WEB.jpg?1532022788) Figure 16: Overview of the outdoor living space in the Montpellier tower ( image retrieved from source Figure 17: Cantilever detail of the balconies (image retrieved from source Figure 18: Cantilevering of the balconies ( image retrieved from source jpg) Figure 19: Facade of the Montpellier tower ( image retrieved from source jpg) Figure 20: The Clelia tower with sticking out spaces (image retrieved from source Figure 21: The Clelia tower with variation of spaces ( image retrieved from source Figure 22: Variations in functions on top of the lower space.( image retrieved from source Figure 23: Variations in the composition of the mixed spaces in the floorplans. (image retrieved from source Figure 24: Facade with variation of heights non generic. ( image retrieved from source Figure 25: Different themes on each level ( image retrieved from source Figure 26: Floorplan with revealed balconies and plants all around the level. (image retrieved from source http://www.nlarchitects. nl/slideshow/337?slide=39) Figure 27: Plant box with water bearing unit underneath. (image retrieved from source Figure 28: Axonometry of the water system & vergetation zones in Bosco Verticale (image retrieved from source https://upload. Figure 29: Loft axonometry of the outdoor space (image retrieved from source uploads/2018/02/Stefano-Boeri-Architetti_Eindhoven-Trudo-Tower_apartment-2.jpg) Figure 30: Facade of the Trudo Vertical Forest (image retrieved from source Figure 31: Floor plan with the outdoor balconies (image retrieved from source uploads/2018/02/Stefano-Boeri-Architetti_Eindhoven-Trudo-Tower_plan-1.jpg) Figure 32: The outdoor balconies with different sizes on levels. -self made drawing Figure 33: The tree box on the balconies of the Trudo building. (modified image retrieved from source slideshow/337?slide=43) 86
Figure 34:The cantilevered outdoor living balconies with different depths. (image retrieved from source Figure 35: The outdoor vegetation ribbon around the whole floor plan. (image retrieved from source slideshow/337?slide=39) Chapter 4 Figure 36: The location map of the spots on the Island of Katendrecht. (image retrieved from source autocad drawings from the municipality of Rotterdam by email) Figure 37: Site plan of the plot and the surrounded buildings. (image underlayer autocad drawing retrieved from the municipality of Rotterdam by email) Figure 38: The plot surrounded by high trees. (image taken by myself) Figure 39: The site from the waterfront with the ferry stop (image taken by myself) Figure 40: The walking/jogging path alongside the Buizenpark. (image taken by myself) Figure 41: The Buizenpark (image taken by myself) Figure 42: The waterfront next to the Cargill factory, photo taken from the Wilhelmina island.(image taken by myself) Figure 43: The different parks located in the city center of Rotterdam. (image drawn by myself) Figure 44: The different trees from the Rotterdam tree map on website - Boomvervangingskaart 2020-2021 (image retrieved from source - Image Wingnut Tree source - Image Ulmus × hollandica source dei_%28stadspark_groningen%29.JPG - Image Acer pseudoplatanus peg?h=505&w=555&scale=canvas - Image Pinus Nigra Research papers: The rise of Vertical Farms by D. Despommier source A Comparative Analysis of Vertical Agriculture Systems in Residential Apartments by A., Chaudhry & V.P. Mishra source:
BIG Research to big houses Part of the graduation studio ‘Big House’
BIG HOUSE Research to the concept of the big house
Tutors Prof. Ir. Arch. J.D. Bekkering Ir. Z.Y. Ahmed Ir. Arch. J.P.A. Schevers dr. Dipl.-Ing. C. Nan Authors Esmée Dieteren Roy van Asten Chi Hou Wong
1288911 0887847 0786004
Date & place April 2021 Eindhoven University of Technology
Introduction. The starting point for this research was a very broad search for examples of Big Houses. Three topics were identified as searching criteria: Boundaries of the Big House, Social Issues and Emerging Technologies. This search resulted in a diverse collection of Big Houses, which gave new views on this theme. In this paper the theme of Big House is approached as a concept which embodies a certain meaning. Through the different case studies different meanings have been discovered. Some examples mainly function as a representation of individual wealth and status, while others try to reduce their visual impact but still offer a lot of spatial quality and merge with their surroundings. Other projects have a meaning in terms of social structures, sustainability or flexibility. A common characteristic of these projects is their focus on improving or facilitating processes on the long term and short term for a large group. Examples are collective housing types to serve communities, expandable and adaptable housing types to serve different users or housing types with alternative energy and water supply to facilitate a more sustainable way of housing. These examples helped us to define our scope within the broad theme of Big House.
Introduction 01. Big House 1.0 Introduction 1.1 S(0-100m²) 1.1.1 Mini living urban cabins 1.1.2 Buitenhuisjes 1.2 M (100-1000m²) 1.2.1 Villa Vals 1.2.2 Kaufmann House 1.3 L (1000-5000m²) 1.3.1 Wall House 1.3.2 Hillside House 1.4 XL (5000-10000m²) 1.4.1 Smiley Zeeburgereiland 1.5 XXL (>10000m²) 1.5.1 The collective old oak 1.5.2 Antilia 1.6 Discussion
10 12 14 18 24 26 30 36 38 44 50 52 58 60 66 70
02. Social Issues 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Social Housing 2.1.1 Quanta Monroy 2.2 Co-living 2.2.1 Co-living complex 2.2.2 Urban Rigger 2.2.3 Social Balconies 2.2.4 Urban Village Project
72 74 76 78 84 86 92 98 102
Content. 2.3
2.4 2.5
2.3.1 Ronald McDonald House 2.3.2 Drug addict hotel 2.3.3 Children’s home Nosy Be Emergency Housing 2.4.1 Home for the homeless 2.4.2 Paper log houses Discussion
106 108 114 120 124 126 130 134
Technologies 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Off the grid 3.1.1 Retreat in Finca Aguy 3.2 Demountable 3.2.1 CIWOCO 3.3 Expandable 3.3.1 Beyond the shell 3.3.2 Expandable house 3.4 Energy efficient 3.4.1 Zero emission building pilot 3.5 3D printing 3.5.1 3D printed community 3.5.2 Dubai municipality 3.5.3 3D printed micro home 3.5.4 3D printed courtyard house 3.5.5 DFAB house 3.6 Discussion
136 138 140 142 146 148 154 156 160 164 166 170 172 176 182 186 190 198
Our scope for the big house
Exploring the boundaries of the Big House as a concept
Introduction. It is a dream for most architects to design a big house, preferably with a high amount of money. This first chapter shows different case studies of big houses and explores the boundaries of the big house. What can be called a big house? What is the smallest and biggest a big house can be? The houses are categorized by their size ranging from S (0-100m²) to XXL (>5000m²).
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Bird’s eye view [Dezeen, n.d.] 14
Mini Living Urban Cabins
1.1.1 MINI LIVING URBAN CABINS FreeLandBuck Los Angeles, United States 2018 15 m2
Why? Dispite of the small scale, this building has the potential to daily solutions for bigger houses, and shows the smart technologies inside the building to comfort the needs.
This cabin was designed by the firm FreeLandBuck and was built on a roof of an apartment in Los Angeles. It was part of the global Village, presented at the 8th edition of Los Angeles Design Festival in 2018. It was shown as a temporary home for the local people, and it provides alternatives and the flexibility on dealing daily based aspects on a 15 m2 footprint.
0-100 M²
Architect: Place: Date of built: Floor area:
of concealing it, we multiplied it, first adding a second rotated frame and then the image of a third frame projected through the layers of structure.” “We’ve been making threedimensional, building-scale drawings and illusions recently. In this case, the skin of pavilion is printed with a drawing of the same metal framing that encloses the central space. We are hoping to create an interplay between the layers of physical structure and the graphic that folds through them that will expand the small space of the interior perceptually.” [FreeLandBuck - Archello, n.d.]
Quotes from FreelandBuck on the MINI Living Urban Cabin: “The structure is conventional metal stud framing, but instead 15
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Front view[Worldarchitecture, n.d.]
Fig. Top view [Dezeen, n.d.] 16
0-100 M²
Mini Living Urban Cabins
Fig. The plan of the Global village [Worldarchitecture, n.d.]
Fig. The section plan [Worldarchitecture, n.d.] 17
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Exterior [De Grote Beer, n.d.] 18
1.1.2 BUITENHUISjES Depot Rotterdam Terschelling, Netherlands 2015 45 m²
Why? When looking at the different types of big houses and looking for the boundaries in them, one can also look at tiny houses. These can also be seen as big houses. The point is, however, from which context one looks at the word ‘big house’. For someone from a rich country, a big house is quickly associated with a house with a swimming pool, several bedrooms and bathrooms, a large garden, and so on. When one looks from someone from a third world country, a tiny house can already be seen as a big house.
0-100 M²
Architect: Place: Date of built: Floor area:
actually is. There is one bedroom with a double bed, a bedroom with both a double bed and a loft bed and then there is an extra bed under the glass roof. In fact, more than 4 to 5 people could sleep here. In addition, there is a kitchen, living room, dining area, bathroom, toilet, workplace and laundry in the tiny house. So a lot of functions in only 45m2 [De Grote Beer, n.d.] So looking from a different context a tiny house can also be a big house.
This project contains tiny houses that are set up as holiday homes. It is a house of 45m2 with sleeping accommodations for 4 to 5 people. In addition, the house is located on a plot of 235m2. Smart solutions in the interior of the house will surprise people how much space there 19
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Outdoor terrace [De Grote Beer, n.d.] 20
0-100 M²
Fig. Master bedroom [De Grote Beer, n.d.]
Fig. Bedroom and workspace [De Grote Beer, n.d.] 21
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Plan [De Grote Beer, n.d.] 22
0-100 M² Fig. Dining area [De Grote Beer, n.d.]
Fig. In and outdoor space [De Grote Beer, n.d.] 23
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Villa Vals [SeARCH, n.d.] 26
Villa Vals
1.2.1 VILLA VALS SeARCH Vals, Switzerland 2009 225 m2
Why? This project shows how a big house can be presented in a very subtle way. It has been very carefully integrated in the landscape and uses this landscape as a quality in the design. It represents a great building using small means. This project was inspired by Peter Zumthor’s famous Therme Vals, which is located nearby. The most important similarity is the embedding in the landscape. The surrounding nature was left intact as much as possible and was incorporated in the design. Both the characteristics of the landscape and local architecture were applied. For the latter local building types and techniques were interpreted for in this project. Local materials found during the excavation of the site, were used. A typical Swiss barn typology functions as the entrance to the villa and is connected to the rest of the building through a
100-1000 M²
Architect: Place: Date of built: Floor area:
22-meter underground tunnel. The main part of the villa is organized around a patio, which provides the house with daylight and a stunning view over the Alpine landscape. The façade is used to express the interior organization of the building. The different rooms are shaped by concrete boxes at various levels. The façade openings indicate the locations of these rooms. The patio is literally incorporated in the landscape as it forms a kind of crater in the hill, which is also materialized with the natural stone of this area. Being in this patio and enjoying the view makes you feel part of the landscape as well. The interior in materialized with local products like oak and natural stone. Also for the heating and electricity supply local sources are used, such as thermal heat and hydroelectric power from a nearby reservoir. [SeARCH, n.d.] 27
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Project reference: Zumthor’s Therme Vals [Fouillet, F., 2018]
Therme Vals by Zumthor
Villa Vals by SeARCH
Fig. Embedding in the landscape [SeARCH, n.d.] 28
100-1000 M²
Villa Vals
Fig. Axonometric section [SeARCH, n.d.]
Fig. Interior [SeARCH, n.d.]
Fig. Floorsplans and section [SeARCH, n.d.] 29
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Exterior [Kroll, A., n.d.] 30
Kaufmann House
1.2.2 KAUFMANN HOUSE Richard Neutra Palmsprings, United States 300m2
Why? The iconic vacation house is a modern house which can be addressed as a big house. It shows the charitaristics of a family house, where the spaces are orientated to the most functional and practical sides of the surroundings. This big house was a vacation house designed for mr. Kaufmann by Richard Neutra. The design of the house is quite simplistic; at the centre of the house is the living room and the dining room that is the heart of the house and the family activity. The rest of the house branches out like a pin wheel in each of the cardinal directions. From the centre of the house each wing that branches out has its own specific function; however, the most important aspects of the house are oriented east/west while the supporting features are oriented north/south.
100-1000 M²
Architect: Place: Floor area:
The north and south wings are the most public parts of the house that connect to the central living area. The south wing consists of a covered walkway that leads from the centre of the house to the carport. The house’s swimming pool is one of the most iconic and recognizable aspects of the Kaufmann House; however, it is not solely a photographic gem or simply a recreational feature. The swimming pool creates a compositional balance of the overall design of the house. The house alone is unbalanced and heavy as the wings are not equally proportioned, but with the addition and placement of the swimming pool there is a cohesive balance and harmony throughout the design. [Kroll, A., n.d.]
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Front entrance [Kroll, A., n.d.]
Fig. Terrace [Kroll, A., n.d.] 32
100-1000 M²
Kaufmann House
Fig. The vertical mullions [Kroll, A., n.d.] 33
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. The family room [Kroll, A., n.d.]
Fig. Interior facing the pool [Kroll, A., n.d.] 34
100-1000 M²
Kaufmann House
Fig. The floorplan [Kroll, A., n.d.]
Fig. The pool surrounded by the mountains [Kroll, A., n.d.] 35
Wall House
1.3.1 WALL HOUSE Guedes Cruz Arquitectos Lisbon, Portugal 2013 1.100 m2
Why? This house we can really call a big house how would imagine it as we first think at it. The house is fully automated and has different luxury extras like two swimming pools, a big roof terrace and a beautiful view over the golf resort were it is located. The house was designed inspired by the beauty of the surrounding. The house can be the best described by the description of the architect himself: ‘Like a wall in a Castle not in stone, but in concrete, glass and wood. Not to for protection but because of the neighbours and the strong Atlantic Wind. A Patio house with a Mediterranean country culture in the hardness Atlantic Coast. A big Window opens to the golf and scenery sea views can be seen from the interior and exterior spaces. Two exterior pool’s located in the patio crossing each other, one in the ground and the other in the air.’ [Apers, J.,
1000-5000 M2
Architect: Place: Date of built: Floor area:
2017] So the house consist of a block made out of concrete, glass and wood. The big glass facades and the wooden panels can open to let in fresh air from the Mediterranean Sea. The most striking elements are the two pools, especially the pool on the first floor. The pool not only functions as a pool but also as a roof without losing light. The water also gives a nice contrast between dark and light in the building. The house is designed for the weather. As the architect says: ‘Nothing is designed for the appearance’. The house is designed for the climate were it is in. On a hot day, the glass walls can open to let in a breeze. There are no doors that open and close but walls which function like that. On a windy day the walls stop the wind [Press, S., 2019] 39
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Swimming pools [Oliveira Alves, R., n.d.] 40
1000-5000 M2
Wall House
Fig. Back of the house [Oliveira Alves, R., n.d.]
Fig. Outside space [Oliveira Alves, R., n.d.] 41
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Ground Floor [Guedes Cruz Arquitectos, n.d.] 42
1000-5000 M2
Wall House
Fig. First Floor [Guedes Cruz Arquitectos, n.d.]
Fig. Basement [Guedes Cruz Arquitectos, n.d.] 43
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Hillside House [Letch, A., n.d.]
Hillside House
1.3.2 HILLSIDE HOUSE SAOTA Los Angeles, United States 2019 1.687 m2
Why? This architect used the greatness of the location to create a great house. The view over Los Angeles is captured as much as possible in the design. The program and the construction of the building are adapted to ensure a strong connection with the landscape. The most important element that makes this villa a Big House is the 300-degree panorama it provides over the Los Angeles area. The design consists of an east-west and a north-south orientated wing. Roof planes were dimensioned relatively big to create covered outside spaces adjacent to the villa to incorporate the landscape and the view as much as possible into the building.
1000-5000 M2
Architect: Place: Date of built: Floor area
by many living areas linked to the outdoor spaces around the building. This free plan is also visible in the vertical direction with atrium’s and glass volumes penetrating the building and shifting volumes creating an airy facade. To execute this almost modernistic open organization a structural solution on the outside of the project was needed. The floor slabs are carried by steel columns which are located on the perimeter of the building. [Silva, V., 2020]
The floor plan shows a free plan/ plan libre where the different rooms and the surrounding landscape float into each other. The program is characterized 45
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Entrance in the basement level [Letch, A., n.d.]
1000-5000 M2
Hillside House
Fig. Section showing the open organization [SAOTA, n.d.]
Fig. Floorplan showing the open organization [SAOTA, n.d.] 47
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Spaces floating into each other [Letch, A., n.d.]
Fig. Strong connection between inside and outside [Letch, A., n.d.] 48
1000-5000 M2
Hillside House
Fig. Panoramic view over Los Angeles [Letch, A., n.d.]
Fig. Panoramic view over Los Angeles [Letch, A., n.d.] 49
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Roof terraces [Cuypers, P., n.d.] 52
Smiley Zeeburgereiland
1.4.1 SMILEY ZEEBURGEREILAND Studioninedots Zeeburg, Netherlands 2016 ± 7.500 m²
Why? This building can be seen as a big house because it consists of several studio’s which together form one big house. This can be compared to a normal house where everyone has their own bedroom but also shared functions such as a laundry room. At a plot on Zeeburgereiland in Amsterdam Studioninedots created a housing block with 364 student apartments. The studio designed the apartment building in a way that the building can facilitate collective use of different functions. A good example are the shared roof terraces at the stepped roof were all the students of the apartment block can meet. The building is designed as a noise barrier for the residences behind the building.
5000-10000 M²
Architect: Place: Date of built: Floor area:
bicycle shed, laundry room, roof terraces, etc. It is one big block in which different persons live. The complex is located on Zeeburgereiland, an area in Amsterdam that is developing at lightning speed. The interior spaces are designed in such a way that a collective culture is created and the building can be used dynamically. By building the building with stairs, as it were, it provides variety in the urban silhouette. In addition, the building serves as a noise barrier for the houses behind [Mena, F., 2016]
In this building one has different studio’s with their own kitchen, bathroom en bedroom/ living room. The shared facilities are the 53
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Roofterraces [Cuypers, P., n.d.] 54
5000-10000 M²
Smiley Zeeburgereiland
Fig. Front facade [Cuypers, P., n.d.]
Fig. Back of the building [Cuypers, P., n.d.] 55
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Plan ground floor [Studioninedots, n.d.] 56
5000-10000 M²
Smiley Zeeburgereiland
Fig. Concept drawing [Studioninedots, n.d.]
Fig. Facade section [Studioninedots, n.d.] 57
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Exterior [De Architect, n.d.] 60
The Collective Old Oak
1.5.1 THE COLLECTIVE OLD OAK PLP architects London, United Kingdom 2016 16.000 m2
Why? Despite of the large scale, this building has many sharing components that can be addressed as a big house with co-living units inside that harmonizes the atmosphere.
This project is the largest co-living building in the world, with 16.000 m2, redesigned by PLP architects. It was a former industrial building At a micro scale, the building has conceived the privacy of the inhabitants and in the individual spaces, they allowed to have small clusters of people whom share in the communal spaces, like the kitchens, dining rooms, cafe and etc. These clusterings, predicated on the one’s feeling comfortable in their presence, are the key of success to forming a community within the building.
≥ 10000 M²
Architect: Place: Date of built: Floor area:
At a large scale, with the different moods in the various spaces, it comforts the inhabitants in their stay. The Collective is about sharing these social spaces naturally, their layout of the units and distribution throughout the building, is the most important consideration of this concept of co-living. The work & life components are a mix in this building. The incubator for young startups, which is an boost to the communal activities and creative solutions in this building. [PLP architecture, 2019]
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Axonometry [PLP architects, n.d.]
Fig. Workspaces [Mairs, J., n.d.] 62
≥ 10000 M²
The Collective Old Oak
Standard Room Large Flexible Room Accessible Room
Fig. The floorplan [Krabbendam, P., n.d.]
Fig. The gaming room [Mairs, J., n.d.] 63
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Massage room [Mairs, J., n.d.]
Fig. Gaming room [Partington, S., n.d.] 64
≥ 10000 M²
The Collective Old Oak
Fig. The co-living studios [The Collective, n.d.]
Fig. The shared kitchen hall [Trendiswitch, n.d.] 65
Boundaries Big Houses
Fig. Antilia [Becker, J., 2012] 66
1.5.2 ANTILIA Perkins & Will Mumbai, India 2010 37.000 m2
Why? This project is an extreme and a slightly cynical example of a big house. One the one hand it is one the most expensive private houses in the house, on the other hand it is located in one of the poorest areas in the world. This enormous residential project with office space is initiated by the Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani. It is located in Mumbai, approximately 170 meters tall and costed 2 billion dollar to build. It is one of the most expensive private residences in the world. This project has seen a lot of controversy giving the poor living conditions of most inhabitants of Mumbai. The top floors will be privately occupied by Ambani’s family. In the lower parts of the tower corporate facilities and parking space are located. Corporate and residential space are separated by an open green layer in the
≥ 10000 M²
Architect: Place: Date of built: Floor area:
middle of the tower. Much of the façade surface is covered with greenery to provide shelter against the heat stress. [Sokol, D., 2007] Construction took four years and was completed in 2010. It provides parking space for 168 cars. The residential part of the tower offers many facilities including a ballroom, swimming pools, theatre, spa etc. The building is topped off with a helipad and a panoramic view over the city. [AllThatsInteresting, 2011] The tower was designed by the American office Perkins & Will, but curiously enough they do not advertise with their responsibility for this building on their website.
Boundaries Big Houses
Three helicopter runways
Maintenance floor
Four story family residence
Guest apartment
Maintenance floor
Roof garden
Theatre with 50 seats
Mechanical workshop
Six story car park for 168 cars
Fig. Program of Antilia [Trincado , B., n.d.] 68
≥ 10000 M²
Fig. Antilia in its context [Becker, J., 2012]
Fig. Interior [Becker, J., 2012]
Fig. Roof garden [Becker, J., 69
Discussion. In this chapter it becomes clear that a big house can be interpreted in different ways. Starting with the smallest big houses it immediately becomes clear that there are no strict boundaries of a big house. Whether or not a house is big depends to a large extent on the context from which one looks at it. Take, for example, the project ‘Buitenhuisjes’. A project with a small floor space but by making clever use of the space it still looks large and contains many functions. In this chapter it also becomes visible that a house can be big in size but look not big and has a low impact on the appearance of the environment like we have seen at Villa Vals. In the paragraph ‘XL’ we see that a big house does not only have to be intended for a family.
A combination of different studios with shared functions such as a bike shed, laundry room, etc. can also form a big house. The last category, XXL, shows that a big house can take on extreme forms. Not only a combination of several smaller living units together but also a single family house can take on extreme forms as we see in the Antilia project. So in this chapter it becomes clear that there is no hard limit for a big house. It can be a house with a smaller surface area in which several people live as well as a very large surface area in which only one family lives. It is about multi-functionality, smart solutions and representation.
Connecting to real social issues and architectural discourse
Introduction. This section gives an overview of case studies which focus at various social issues. The case studies are divided using four typological groups: Social Housing, Co-living, Care and Emergency Housing. These groups are then ordered according to the severity of the social situation they deal with. Social Housing is considered the least severe, after that Co-living, and thirdly Care. Emergency Housing is considered the most severe social situation as they provide shelter for people in relatively harsh circumstances. The specific case studies were chosen for their exemplary approach within their typological group. They are examined to start a discussion about social issues, which are relevant for this graduation studio.
Social Housing
Emergency housing
Social issues
Fig. Quinta Monroy housing unit [Palma, C. , n.d.]
Quinta Monroy
2.1.1 QUINTA MONROY ELEMENTAL Iquique, Chile 2003 Social housing
Why? This project illustrates a very unconventional approach to house 100 families in a location they have occupied since 30 years. The project allows for qualitative dwellings for a very limited budget in a relatively expensive location. Important boundary conditions were the Housing Policy and a $7.500 subsidy for each dwelling (including land acquisition, infrastructure and building). Although the land prices are relatively high in this specific area, the goal of the project was to accommodate the 100 families in the same site and not in a cheaper area. Normally social housing projects in Chile are developed in very cheap and remote areas, far away from facilities such as work, transportation and healthcare. This leads to a very inefficient land use. Also a good location for the dwellings will allow for a
constant of even rising value of the properties, which makes the investment more interesting. Still, the high land prices and the limited budget made it very hard to house the 100 families. A $7.500 budget allows for a rough 30m2 of area to build on. Making very narrow dwellings with the width of one room seems logic. However when a family decides to enlarge the dwelling by building on the front or the back of the building, it will block daylight and fresh air in the existing rooms and it will create a linear organization in the building with multiple rooms in a sequence, which affects the privacy of each rooms. A high-rise building could also be possible, but this would not allow the families to expand their dwellings in a later stage, which is something the architect considered important for this target group.
Architect: Place: Date of built: Function:
Social Issues
Four starting points were important for the design of this social housing project: 1. Create enough density to fit in the limited area while preventing overcrowding. 2. Create collective spaces, which is an intermediate between private and public spaces. It provides restricted access but also contributes to the social system in the families. 3. Create structures that can facilitate later expansions instead of limiting this. In this way later expansions will not negatively affect the value of the dwellings. 4. Create dwellings which will be delivered to the families unfinished to limit the buildings costs.
Especially this last point, to deliver half-finished buildings, seems very strange for an architect. Still this approach is expected to be very beneficial for the future property value. The architect provides the families with an expandable structure in which only the essential elements are present, such as kitchen, bathroom, stairs and carrying walls and floors. These elements will be executed within the $7.500 budget and the families themselves can later expand the dwellings to a maximum of 72m2 with functions like bedrooms and storage. In this way a qualitative core within a limited budget is delivered, which can be later be enlarged without affecting the spatial quality and value of the properties. [Fracalossi, I., 2008]
Quinta Monroy
Fig. Core housing units at delivery [Palma, C. , n.d.]
Fig. Housing units after expansion by the residents [ELEMENTAL, n.d.] 81
Social Issues
Fig. Site plan [ELEMENTAL, n.d.] 82
Quinta Monroy
Future expansion with loggia
Future expansion
Fig. Floorplan 2nd floor [ELEMENTAL, n.d.]
Future expansion Future expansion
Fig. Floorplan 3rd floor [ELEMENTAL, n.d.] 83
Social Housing
Emergency housing
Social issues
Fig. Exterior [Dujardin,F., n.d.] 86
Co-living Complex
2.2.1 CO-LIVING COMpLEX bureau SLA Almere, Netherlands 2017 Co-Living
Why? This building shows that it is possible to design your own house with a small budget. You can build together with other people to reduce the costs and then everyone can live in their own designed home based on their own wishes. A client of bureau SLA dreamed of an alternative way of living. He asked bureau SLA to design his dream house on a potato field from one hectare. But because the budget was limited it was not possible to build a free-standing villa. Then the architect came with the solution of finding friends who wanted to join the project. It is cheaper to build several houses at the same plot and time then one house. The client was able to find some friends and they started making plans for the different livings.
of that is a 100 meter long building containing out of 9 livings. The positioning of the building on the plot leaves the greatest amount of space for creating a community garden. The building was raised from the ground to make it seems like it is floating. The roof cantilevers to provide the residents for the sun. To make it easier to make contact with the neighbours the roof is cantilevering creating a huge porch.
Architect: Place: Date of built: Function:
Inside the building, everyone has been given 160 square meters of family space, which they could freely allocate. The building is the winner of the Frame Award 2019 in the category Co-living Complex [Luco, A., 2019]
The limited budget was a key feature in the budget. The result 87
Social Issues
Fig. Cantilevering roof [Dujardin,F., n.d.] 88
Co-living Complex
Fig. Overview of the complex [Dujardin,F., n.d.]
Fig. Interior of one of the homes [Dujardin,F., n.d.] 89
Social Issues
Fig. Plan [bureau SLA, n.d.]
Fig. Section [bureau SLA, n.d.] 90
Co-living Complex
Social issues
Fig. Circle of containers [Urban Rigger, n.d.] 92
Urban Rigger
2.2.2 URBAN RIGGER BIG Architects Copenhagen, Denmark 2016 Co-Living
Why? Over the years, the number of students in Denmark has increased, and with it the demand for student housing. This project consist of student housing which can expand fast and meet the needs of the students. Over the years, the number of students in Denmark has increased, and with it the demand for student housing. This number will continue grow and therefore additional student housing will be needed. A solution to this problem can be found in Copenhagen. Here the port, an unused and underdeveloped place in the city, has been renamed a residential area for students. A building typology has been designed for them that is optimized for port cities. This typology ensures that students stay in the city.
A standardized container system has been developed that makes it possible to transport goods all over the world at very low costs. The use of containers makes it possible to create a flexible building typology. CO-LIVING
Architect: Place: Date of built: Function:
The architect has placed the containers in a round shape. There are three container homes on the ground floor, and nine container homes on the first floor. In the middle of the houses is a winter garden where the students can come together. The containers float in the water and all circles can be linked and form a whole. [BIG, 2016]
Social Issues
Fig. Outside circle [Urban Rigger, n.d.] 94
Urban Rigger
Fig. Wintergarden [Urban Rigger, n.d.]
Fig. Interior [Urban Rigger, n.d.] 95
Social Issues
Fig. Plan apartment number 8 [Urban Rigger, n.d.] 96
Urban Rigger
Fig. Ground floor [Urban Rigger, n.d.]
Fig. First floor [Urban Rigger, n.d.] 97
Social issues
Fig. Facade [Van Capelleveen, E., n.d.] 98
Social Balconies
2.2.3 SOCIAL BALCONIES Edwin van Capelleveen Netherlands 2018 Co-Living
Why? This project connects the problem of being on your own in your own apartment with architecture. The balconies stimulate social contact between the neighbours.
This project is a project designed by a product designer, Edwin van Capelleveen, for his graduation at the Design Academy Eindhoven. The project is a concept for a modular balcony system that is designed to get more contact between neighbours. The concept consists of a set of modular components that can be placed between pre-existing elements in a way that they are connected and create a new shared space in-between. This should encourage neighbours for communal activity.
The modules consist of staircases to connect neighbours on different levels and bridges to connect neighbours next to each other. Besides the staircases and bridges the system also consists of planters to make the building comming more alive. CO-LIVING
Architect: Place: Date of built: Function:
As the designer said: “This living concept places itself between co-housing and a private way of living. It offers a more delicate way of implementing social cohesion for the masses.” [Jordahn, S., 2019]
Social Issues
Fig. Planter [Van Capelleveen, E., n.d.]
Fig. Facade [Van Capelleveen, E., n.d.] 100
Social Balconies
Fig. Facade [Van Capelleveen, E., n.d.]
Fig. Facade [Van Capelleveen, E., n.d.] 101
Social Issues
Fig. Impression of the Urban Village community [SPACE10, n.d.] 102
Urban Village Project
2.2.4 URBAN VILLAGE pROjECT SPACE10 and EFFEKT Architects Under development Under development Co-living
Why? Climate change, growing city populations, ageing populations and rising housing prices are big challenges for which urban populations need to formulate answers. This project proposes a solution. This project still is in a conceptual phase and is being developed by SPACE10 and EFFEKT Architects. The Urban Village Project is a communal housing project which focusses on the topics of “Liveability”, “Sustainability” and “Affordability”. It rethinks how houses are being designed, built, financed and shared in the future cities. Local water supply, renewable energy production, local food production and local waste processing are important elements for a more sustainable community. Apartments in different layouts for different individuals, couples or families
are provided. They are built of Cross Laminated Timber, which reduces the environmental footprint compared to other building materials. Moreover the dwellings are modular and demountable, which allows for easy adaptations and recycling of building parts. The standardized building systems of the Urban Village Project can be prefabricated on a large scale. This allows for cheaper production and more control for the communities over their property. Also the share of resources leads to better affordable living conditions. People living in the communities together pay for and share for basic needs like rent, electricity, water, heating, maintenance etc. Additional needs like food, insurance, transportation and recreations could also be collectively arranged. Lastly people can buy real estate shares to become owner over time. [SPACE10, n.d.] 103
Architect: Place: Date of built: Function:
Social Issues
Fig. Small housing module [SPACE10, n.d.]
Fig. Large housing module [SPACE10, n.d.] 104
Urban Village Project
Fig. Demountable module parts [SPACE10, n.d.]
Fig. Impression of urban embedding of Urban Village [SPACE10, n.d.] 105
Social Housing
Emergency housing
Social issues
Fig. Exterior night view [EGM, n.d.] 108
Ronald McDonald Family Room
2.3.1 RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE EGM Utrecht, Netherlands 2011 Care
Why? This Ronald McDonald Family Room is a place for families to retreat with their kids, away from the crowdedness in the city. This tree-house concept is strong in the way it has designed for the function in to give comfort to kids, away from any hospital treatment. Safety, homeliness and comfort were important starting points for the design of the Ronald McDonald Living Room at the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital. A place where children, parents and siblings can escape the hospital, if only for a while. A place without medical hustle and bustle, a place with a cosy and homely feel. A place to relax, read a book, play board games or computer games or watch television. The Ronald McDonald Living Room is located on the roof of the entrance hall at the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital.
The wish to leave the medical environment behind was brought to life through a ‘treehouse’ design: a little free-standing house with a pointed roof, just like the one every child knows and draws. The roof and exterior side elevations of the ‘treehouse’ are clad with slate in grey and orange hues. The north elevation consists entirely of glass in a robust wooden frame. This contrast continues inside. High ceilings are juxtaposed with snug corners. Room dividers made of wooden columns provide privacy or indeed subtle view lines. Natural materials such as wood and cork and warm colours create a homely atmosphere. Ronald McDonald Living Room contributes to a pleasant stay in hospital and hopefully promotes a speedy recovery. [EGM, 2011] 109
Architect: Place: Date of built: Function:
Social Issues
Fig. Ground floor [Archdaily, n.d.] 110
Ronald McDonald Family Room
Fig. The hallway [EGM, n.d.]
Fig. Playing space [EGM, n.d.] 111
Social Issues
Fig. First floor [Archdaily, n.d.] 112
Ronald McDonald Family Room
Fig. inside the tree [EGM, n.d.]
Fig. Learning space [EGM, n.d.] 113
Social issues
Fig. Exterior [Archdaily., n.d.] 114
Drug addicts Hotel
2.3.2 DRUG ADDICTS HOTEL Kempe Thill Amsterdam, Netherlands 2012 Care
Why? This building for drug addicts shows the social aspect the whole building is neutrally organised. The specific colours green and white suits the psychological atmosphere where the addicts are housed in. The drug addicts hotel was designed by Kempe Thill architects in 2012. The simple building consists rooms and a communal space in the middle with activities for the addicts and serves as an atrium for the visitors. The building is owned by a building society and has been rented by a foundation for a period of ten years. Yet unclear is whether the building will still be used as a “Drug Addicts’ Hotel” after 2022, or whether it should be used for other programs down the road. In order to make it possible for the owner to make
simple adaptations within the structure, Atelier Kempe Thill was, for the first time, faced with the challenge of creating a structure that is truly neutral in function. Due to its compactness and its use, it is important that a considerable amount of natural daylight is available within the building. The façade was therefore generously glazed and allows significant light to penetrate the interior. The central atrium is illuminated by a skylight and receives additional light via the façade. Space-dividing walls are often executed in glass, which gives rise to expansive visual connections within the building that are necessary for facilitating an overview and for social interaction. [Archdaily, 2012]2.1.1.
Architect: Place: Date of built: Function:
Social Issues
Fig. The atrium [Archdaily, n.d.] 116
Drug addicts Hotel
Fig. The floorplan [Archdaily, n.d.]
Fig. communal space in the cavity [Archdaily, n.d.] 117
Social Issues
Fig. the atrium floorplan [Archdaily, n.d.]
Fig. Section [Archdaily, n.d.] 118
Drug addicts Hotel
Fig. roof floorplan [Archdaily, n.d.]
Fig. Roof terrace [Archdaily, n.d.] 119
Social issues
Fig. Facade Children’s Home [Calandra, F., n.d.]
Children’s Home in Nosy Be
2.3.3 CHILDREN’S HOME IN NOSY BE Aut Aut Architettura Hell-Ville, Madagascar 2019 Care
Why? This project is located in the context of extreme social conditions. Not only is it situated in one of the poorest regions on earth, it also aims at one of the most vulnerable groups in society: physically disabled children. This design responds to this situation. This project was initiated by a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) which assists children with physical disabilities. Madagascar is characterized by poverty and limited healthcare and education. This building provides 36 vulnerable children with a place to eat and sleep and a place where they can study and meet each other. It has been realized next to an existing school building. The building consists of two dormitories, sanitary rooms, nurse rooms, a kitchen, a dining room and a central covered outside space connecting to the school yard.
The roof has been detached from the underlying spaces to create an air layer. The upper roof provides shelter against the extreme sunlight and heavy precipitation while the lower roof is airier to allow for natural air circulation. [Silva, V., 2020] This project was designed by Aut Aut Architettura, an office of four young architects in Rome. According to their description their strategy aims at ‘social enhancement’. They use architecture as a tool to ‘catalyse a discourse through new and even provocative spaces’. They also strive for a reduce ecological footprint of architecture. [Aut Aut Architettura., n.d.]
Architect: Place: Date of built: Function:
Social Issues
Fig. Roofed collective space [Calandra, F., n.d.] 122
Children’s Home in Nosy Be
Fig. Site plan [Calandra, F., n.d.]
Fig. Floorplan [Aut Aut Architettura., n.d.] 123
Social Housing
Emergency housing
Social issues
Fig. Front facade of the shelter [One Light Studio, n.d.]
Home for The Homeless
2.4.1 HOME FOR THE HOMELESS xystudio Jankowice, Poland 2019 Emergency housing
Why? This project provides an exclusively designed home for homeless people. It houses an extensive program for a very vulnerable group located in a very representative and idyllically located building. This shelter was established for homeless people with physical disabilities who cannot apply for the regular care facilities in Poland. The project was initiated by nuns and the people living here have 24-hour care. The project is located in a remote area. The idyllic landscape plays an important role in the view from the rooms. The front part of the building contains some public spaces. Here a chapel, offices and shared spaces such as the canteen are located. In the next part of the building the residences for the homeless people are found. There are 18 rooms with adapted
bathrooms, which can be shared by multiple people. The rooms were designed very small to trigger the people to go out and rehabilitate among others. In the centre of the building a courtyard provides the adjacent rooms with light and outside space. Many areas in and around the project are arranged in such a way to stimulate social interactions. Even the countless tobacco addicts are facilitated in order to help them to socialize. In the back of the building the private rooms for the nurses are located. Four small apartments provide the people who care for the others with some privacy and the possibility to retreat from the hard reality in the house. For the project cheap but ecological materials were used. For instance bricks from demolished buildings were recycled in this project. It is a very modern building but with very tangible, human character. [Tapia, D. 2020] 127
Architect: Place: Date of built: Function:
Social issues
Fig. Recycled brickwork in the facade [One Light Studio, n.d.]
Fig. Front garden with entrance [One Light Studio, n.d.] 128
Home for The Homeless
Fig. Aerial view with surrounding landscape [One Light Studio, n.d.]
Fig. Floorplan [xystudio, n.d.] 129
Social issues
Fig. Paper Log Houses [Tadaima, n.d.] 130
Paper Log Houses
2.4.2 pApER LOG HOUSES Shigeru Ban Kobe, Japan 2016 Emergency housing
Why? This project provides shelter for the refugees of disasters in the Kobe region in Japan.
TThe Japanese architect Shigeru Ban is known for his innovative work with paper, particularly recycled cardboard tubes used to quickly and efficiently house disaster victims. Kobe was the hardest hit city with 4,571 fatalities, more than 14,000 injured, and more than 120,000 damaged structures, more than half of which were fully collapsed. At the time a young Tokyo-based architect, Shigeru Ban responded to the urgent need for temporary relief shelter by designing the Kobe Paper Log House, which served to house thousands of displaced
Kobe residents. Since its creation, Ban has been called on by such organizations as the United Nations to develop his innovative structures, regarded for their low cost, easy accessibility and simple application. The foundation consists of donated beer crates loaded with sandbags. The walls are made from 106mm diameter, 4mm thick paper tubes, with tenting material for the roof. The 1.8m space between houses was used as a common area. For insulation, a waterproof sponge tape backed with adhesive is sandwiched between the paper tubes of the walls. The cost of materials for one 52 square meter unit is below $2000. The unit are easy to dismantle, and the materials easily disposed or recycled, as a result of this, Ban’s DIY refugee shelters are used around the world. [Michalarou, E., n.d.] 131
Architect: Place: Date of built: Function:
Social Issues
Fig. Exterior view of the Log House [Tadaima, n.d.]
Fig. Inside the Log house [Tadaima, n.d.] 132
Paper Log Houses
Fig. The construction [Tadaima, n.d.]
Fig. Elevations & Sections [Tadaima, n.d.] 133
Discussion. Multiple case studies, which deal with different social issues in different ways, have been discussed. They show a variety of short term emergency solutions for extraordinary situations to long term structural solutions for everyday life. Especially projects which formulate new approaches for everyday social questions, such as social housing and co-housing, appear to be very interesting. They offer alternative housing types for different locations in the world, with different circumstances and with different purposes. Some projects focus on creating affordable housing for low incomes, while others propose new housing types to allow for more social and ecological communities. Further research on new ways of designing, building and using our houses appears very relevant for many people in many places.
Incorporating the extensive use of emerging technologies
Introduction. This chapter shows the emerging technologies used in housing today: Demountable, Expandable, Energy-efficient & 3d printing. The reason to arrange the different technologies types in this order from low-tech to high-tech is that we would like to put the low-tech technologies first that are most relevant to our social issues and constraints. According to our social issues of low costs, local materials, and off-grid housing, these specific case studies are chosen to showcase which advantages has on the productivity in the construction process.
Off the grid Demountable
Energy efficient
3D printing
Fig. Retreat in Finca Aguy [Finotti, L., n.d.] 142
Retreat in Finca Aguy
3.1.1 RETREAT IN FINCA AGUY Architect: Place: Date of built:
MAPA Architects El Edén, Uruguay 2015
Why? This project shows the practical implementation of the off-grid housing concept. It proves the financial, ecological and architectural feasibility of building in remote areas without affecting the landscape.
optimal solar orientation. Although carefully embedded, the project as a whole forms a contrasting element in the landscape. The projects expenditures were approximately $250.000. [Wang, L., 2017]
This retreat provides living space in a remote environment with minimal impact on the landscape. It is located near the town of El Edén in Uruguay and was designed by MAPA Architects. This office is characterized by their aim to fit projects in remote areas. To reduce the impact on the landscape a prefabricated, off-grid (detached from central infrastructure grids) design was chosen. A steel frame and metal cladding were applied for little maintenance. The placing of the house was primarily focused on optimal views over the landscape and 143
Fig. Transportation of module [Finotti, L., n.d.]
Fig. Placing of module [Finotti, L., n.d.] 144
Retreat in Finca Aguy
Fig. Floorplan of retreat [MAPA Architects, n.d.]
Fig. Context [Finotti, L., n.d.] 145
Off the grid Demountable
Energy efficient
3D printing
Fig. The collective roof garden [GAAGAA, n.d.] 148
3.2.1 CIWOCO GAAGAA Amsterdam, NL 2018/2019 demountable
Why? This project shows how you can build a demountable apartment complex. The project consists for 90% of materials that are recyclable and reusable. It is demountable so can be dismantled when needed. A testing ground for circular construction is located in Buiksloterham (Amsterdam). One of the projects concerns the CiWoCo project by architectural firm GAAGAA. The architecture firm designed a demountable and adaptive project that can adapt to changing use in the future. The building is built in two parts that are connected by a collective roof garden. The roof garden is located above the parking garage. 90% of the materials used in the building are recyclable and reusable. Demountable parts
have been developed for the concrete structure in collaboration with the builder, Bestcon and Peikko. The shell of the building is therefore completely demountable. The piping, which is normally poured into the floors in residential construction, is included in secondary walls and false ceilings. This makes it possible to demountable the casco. Due to the lack of piping in the floors, the floor is also tinner which makes a difference in the amount of material that is needed. In addition to the fact that the shell can be dismantled, the use of materials in the building is also sustainable. The facade is made from old sheet pile profiles. The building is participating in the urban mining trend; the building is a repository of raw materials that can be mined for new use at the end of their life. [GAAGAA,n.d.] 149
Architect: Place: Date of built: Technology:
Fig. Front of the building [GAAWAA, n.d.] 150
Fig. Facade [GAAWAA, n.d.]
Fig. Construction site [GAAWAA, n.d.] 151
Fig. Facade detail [GAAGAA, n.d.] 152
Fig. Plan first floor [GAAGAA, n.d.]
Fig. Section [GAAGAA, n.d.] 153
Off the grid Demountable
Energy efficient
3D printing
Fig. Modular stacking [Bartlett school of Architecture, n.d.] 156
Beyond the Shell
3.3.1 BEYOND THE SHELL LianJie Wu Bartlett school graduate UK 2019 Expandable
Why? This project is not a housing project but the innovation of modular stacking of spaces, by the wishes of the user. This technology uses a robot crane to stack the different volumes that fits the base of the structure.
Wu stated: “The unfinished shell helps to address the issue of overfinished but unaffordable housing supply,” the designer told Dezeen. “It provides a strategy to take advantage of residents’ labour to cut down the construction cost as a way to lower the price.”
The Modular project Beyong the Shell, designed by Bartlett school of Architecture graduate Lianjie Wu, gives a big overview of how living spaces can be shared and expanded in a modular way.
Fabrication of the rudimentary structure would take place on site, using a transportable robotic arm crane that would carve blocks of foam into moulds for casting the components in concrete.
The concept was to rethink the traditional high-rise tower as a modular, multi-storey estate, with public and private spaces of different sizes stacked on top of each other to create a higher highrise.
The Rebar steel rods would add structural reinforcement to the concrete modules, while builtin channels would allow panels of glass, sliding doors and additional insulation to be slotted into place upon assembling the load-bearing framework.
Buyers then take ownership of the structural shells and adapt them to suit their needs of expansion and interior tastes.
[Adey, S., 2019]
Architect: Place: Date of built: Technology:
Fig. The modular structure [Bartlett school of Architecture, n.d.] 158
Beyond the Shell
Fig. Space inside the living [Bartlett school of Architecture, n.d.]
Fig. Modular community in process [Bartlett school of Architecture, n.d.] 159
Fig. Expandable House [Teteris, C., n.d.] 160
Expandable House
3.3.2 EXpANDABLE HOUSE Urban Rural Systems Nongsa, Indonesia 2003 Expandable This vertical densification helps to Why? reduce the area needed to house This project illustrates the the ever-growing population and application of very simple to spare land for agriculture. technologies to enhance living Collecting rainwater, generating conditions in tropical settlements. solar energy and managing The low tech solutions in this domestic waste on a local scale project allow for affordable give a more reliable infrastructure building but also form a durable than the centralized system for facility in this developing area. water, electricity and sewage. Manually hoisting the floors, The Expandable House provides rainwater and solar energy affordable living space for the collection and managing domestic fast-growing population in Asian waste using septic tanks has been cities. It is based on the existing tested since 2018. The prototype informal settlements in tropical has reached its maximum size areas and the changing dynamics of three floors and 108m2 floor in these areas. The construction is space. Next step is testing this based on a so-called ‘Sandwich concept on a township level with Section’: the developer or public spaces, energy and water government provides the sharing and cooling. This is done foundations, floors and roof with mockups. Developers work (the bread) and the residents on acquiring sites for commercial provide the infill based on their implementation. The expandable specific needs and budget. Other house contains technologies functions like shops or cafés are that can be adapted to the local also possible. The roof can be characteristics. It could therefore manually hoisted to raise the be applied in the development building to a maximum of three of many towns in tropical areas. floors. [Abdel, H., 2020] 161
Architect: Place: Date of built: Technology:
Fig. Bare structure on ground floor [Urban Rural Systems, n.d.]
Fig. Structure with infill on ground floor [Urban Rural Systems, n.d.]
Fig. Two floors with infill [Urban Rural Systems, n.d.]
Fig. Three floors with infill [Urban Rural Systems, n.d.]
Expandable House
Fig. Interior view [Teteris, C., n.d.] Fig. 1.1 figure text (Source)
Fig. Section [Urban Rural Systems, n.d.] 163
Off the grid Demountable
Energy efficient
3D printing
Fig. ZEB Pilot House [Schwital, P. A., n.d.] 166
Zero Emission Building Pilot House
3.4.1 ZERO EMISSION BUILDING pILOT Snøhetta Larvik, Norway 2014 Energy efficiency
Why? This project shows how an integrated multidisciplinary design approach can result in a building with neutral energy consumption and carbon emission and at the same time can create a pleasant living atmosphere. This project comprises a family home, but it also functions as a demonstration for energy efficient building. The philosophy of the Zero Emission Building (ZEB) was to serve both the living and energy requirements of the client. The surplus energy generation of this project is enough to provide power to drive an electric car for one year. The roof is covered with solar panels and collectors. Geothermal energy is used as well and together with the solar energy it provides the building with enough energy. Orientation of windows and the geometry of
the building are adapted to the methods of passive warming and cooling. Despite the high-tech character of this building a warm and safe atmosphere was desired for this house. Materials are applied based on their thermal characteristics, contribution to the air quality and their appearance. The aim for a Zero Emission Building requires a very different design approach than traditional building. A multidisciplinary cooperation is necessary as well as strict documentation. Consciousness about the material use is vital from the start of the process. It must be integrated in the design and not be a mere cladding of the construction. [Snøhetta, n.d.]
Architect: Place: Date of built: Technology:
Fig. Interior [Schwital, P. A., n.d.] 168
Zero Emission Building Pilot House
Fig. Stacked firewood to enhance the homey atmosphere [Schwital, P. A., n.d.]
Fig. Applied climate technologies in the ZEB [Snøhetta, n.d.] 169
Off the grid Demountable
Energy efficient
3D printing
Fig. 3D printed house [Perez, J., n.d.] 172
3D printed community
3.5.1 3D pRINTED COMMUNITY Name: 3D printed community Commisioning partner: New Story Place: Tabasco, Mexico Date of built: 2019/2020 Why? This project is one of the first projects where 3D printing with concrete is used to construct several houses. Besides that it tackles the social issue of the homeless. The houses minimalise the homelessness and provide a safe home. Mexico is working on the world’s first 3D printed community. The 3d printed was used to create homes for the homeless. They want to offer them adequate shelter.
ICON, which is specialized in construction technologies. The first two 3d printed houses are currently completed. The total number of houses that they want to realize are 50. The houses are printed on the construction site. The printer is made for quickly building multi-storey houses. It has the capacity to build a house of 2000m2. [Grace, K., 2019]
The client, New Story, aims to reduce the number of homeless people. After doing multiple projects in other countries with traditional building methods, they started researching innovative building solutions for a faster building process two years ago. For the development of 3d printed houses in Tabasco, New Story collaborates with 173
Fig. Kitchen [Perez, J., n.d.] 174
3D printed community
Fig. Printer on the side [Perez, J., n.d.]
Fig. Exterior [Perez, J., n.d.] 175
Fig. The front facade of the Dubai Municipality [Harrouk, C., n.d.] 176
Dubai Municipality
3.5.2 DUBAI MUNICIpALITY Apis Cor Dubai UAE 2019 3d printing
Why? This project shows the concrete possibilty of printing large buildings, with this technique, only 3 men was needed to complete the 3d printing, which shows the efficient use of labor through technology. The Dubai Municipality wanted to have 3d printed the whole building at once. Apis Cor, an American company which was responsible for the concrete printing, has worked on the project with just three men to construct the building. the robot arm has been placed on site in phases, where the concrete columns and wall are poured layer by layer.
Cor, a U.S.-based company, the structure was directly built on-site. Apis Cor, the first company to develop specialized equipment for 3D printing in the construction industry, completed the 3D printed wall structures of a twostory administrative building for the Dubai Municipality. The innovative 3D printer used allowed the structure to be built directly in place, without any extra assembly works. Spread over 640 sq. meters, the total area of the edifice is “larger than the printing area accessible when the Apis Cor’s 3D printer is stationary”. [Harrouk, C., 2020]
Once completed, the Dubai Municipality will become the world’s largest 3D printed building, standing tall at 9.5 meters with an area of 640 square meters. Executed by Apis 177
Concrete 3D printer: Place: Date of built: Technology:
Fig. Robot crane printing [Harrouk, C., n.d.] 178
Dubai Municipality
Fig. concrete printed walls with steel rebars [Harrouk, C., n.d.]
Fig. Constructing walls [Harrouk, C., n.d.] 179
Fig. bird’s eye view [Harrouk, C., n.d.] 180
Dubai Municipality
Fig. Interior view [Harrouk, C., n.d.]
Fig. Facade view [Harrouk, C., n.d.] 181
Fig. 3D printed micro home [Van den Hoek, S., n.d.] 182
3D Printed Canal House
3.5.3 3D pRINTED MICRO HOME 3D printed micro home DUS Architects Amsterdam, NL 2015/2016
Why? This project shows how we can build sustainable 3D printed homes. It is made out of bioplastic which makes it possible to reuse the materials when the house gets destroyed. It is also a solution for fast growing cities around the world. DUS architects created a 3D printed micro-home for staying overnight in Amsterdam. The micro-home is eight square metre and made out of sustainable bio-plastic [Frearson, A., 2016] It is build through ‘Design by Doing’. It is a first step in the process of using 3D print technology for developing sustainable housing solutions for fast growing cities around the world [DUS Architects, n.d.] The 3D printed micro home is made as a solution for temporary housing or disaster relief. It is eight square metre big and has a outside bathtub.
Because the house is made out of bio-plastic it can be destroyed when it is not needed anymore and the materials can be reused. The walls are created with angular protrusions to create a three-dimensional surface which gave the structure of the building extra stability. At one end of the building there is a big window, on the other end there is the entrance with a seating area. Inside the house there is a bed which can be folded into a seat during the day. There is no bathroom but a 3D-printed bath outside the home. It is not the first project of the architecture firm which is about 3D printing with bio-plastic. They also work on printing a canal house out of plastic and made a 3D-printed sculptural facade before. [Frearson, A., 2016] 183
Name: Architect: Place: Date of built:
Fig. Exterior with bathtub [Van den Hoek, S., n.d.] 184
3D Printed Canal House
Fig. Pavilion on the site [Ossip, n.d.]
Fig. Window frame [Heijmans, n.d.] 185
Fig. Two 3D printed courtyard houses [Aldama, Z., 2017]
3D printed courtyard house
3.5.4 3D pRINTED COURTYARD HOUSE Winsun3D Suzhou, China 2016 3D printing
Why? Winsun3D strives for the implementation of 3D printing building construction. They see many technical, economical and social benefits. This project was the first to combine traditional Chinese architecture with this new technology. This 130m2 typical Chinese courtyard house has 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 3 bathrooms and a kitchen. Decorative elements were printed in one whole. The printed walls are hollow to allow insulation materials to be added. [Winsun 3D, n.d.] The construction of this house took two days of printing and mounting. 3D printing of buildings means a revolution is traditional field of construction. 3D printing possibly reduces material use in construction with 30 to 60% and it may decrease construction time with 50 to 70%, according to Ma Yihe, founder of Winsun 3D in an interview with
the South China Morning Post. [Aldama, Z., 2017] The material used by Winsun 3D is 100%% recycled, it originates from industries, mining and demolitions. Ma also argues that the plasticity of the composites provides better structural properties to resist earthquakes and wind. It took some years since their first completed project in 2014 to improve the styling of 3D printed buildings. For this project Winsun3D developed a composite which has a natural stone look and makes the facades more appealing. 3D printed buildings also have a clearer construction budget than traditional projects. Cost estimates are relatively precise and reliable, which prevents corruption by officials involved. This occurs frequently in Chinese construction practices.
Architect: Place: Date of built: Technology:
Fig. First 3D printed project by Winsun3D [Winsun3D, n.d]
Fig. Detail of printed wall [Aldama, Z., 2017]
3D printed courtyard house
Fig. View of the courtyard [Aldama, Z., 2017]
Fig. Aerial view of two courtyard houses [Winsun3D, n.d] 189
Fig. 3D printed house [ETH, n.d.] 190
DFAB House
3.5.5 DFAB HOUSE ETH Zurich, Switzerland 2019 3d printing
Why? This project is one of the first projects where 3D printing technology has been used to construct the whole house with different 3d elements. A new technology has been introduced: Smart Slab. This house is completely constructed with 3d printing modules. The different design approach which the research has been applied into the building construction. By using the new technology of the smart slab, the efficiency can be achieved with rapid speed in casting steel reinforced concrete elements such as walls, floors and roof.
structures using a formwork significantly smaller than the structure produced. A slender, 12-m-long undulating Mesh Mould wall is the main load-bearing element of DFAB HOUSE. Instead of adding extra material, the undulations stiffen the wall against buckling, increasing its structural performance. The Mesh Mould Wall carries approximately 100 tons of load, coming from the concrete ceiling and the two-story timber unit above. [Grifftihs, A., 2017]
Designers: Place: Date of built: Technology:
Smart Dynamic Casting (SDC) is a continuous robotic slipforming process that enables the prefabrication of materialoptimised load-bearing concrete 191
Fig. The assembled fragment [Griffiths, A., n.d.] 192
DFAB House
Fig. Mesh mold printing process [Griffiths, A., n.d.]
Fig. Exterior night view [Mac, D., n.d.] 193
Fig. The exploded view [Griffiths, A., n.d.] 194
DFAB House
Fig. render [Griffiths, A., n.d.]
Fig. Interior view [Mac, D., n.d.] 195
Fig. The wooden structure [Mac, D., n.d.] 196
DFAB House
Fig. wooden structure with double layered membrane [Mac, D., n.d.]
Fig. The bedroom space [Mac, D., n.d.] 197
Discussion. In this chapter, we discuss the different emerging technologies. Which technologies are important for the alternatives in the big house? It becomes clear about the different technologies that have consequences on the construction time and costs. New methods of constructing houses with low tech technologies, can bring new housing typologies. They can reduce housing prices and increase productivity in the construction process. New creative ways of using techniques like the expandability of spaces. In terms of energy efficiency, where the integration of carbon emission and neutral energy consumption, can limit the impact on the environment. Some of the emerging technology projects, that are related to social issues, become relevant and interesting projects to use for our graduation studio.
3d printing technologies like concrete printing, CLT & CNC milling projects in our Fabrication technologies booklet, are relevant for using different materials in the construction phase to increase the productivity, using fewer materials and reduce waste. These are the solutions to reduce the construction costs, waste and to increase the productivity of the construction process, and on the ecological, sustainable and environmental aspects, that we can use and need to consider in our designs
Our scope for the Big House
Boundaries Big Houses
OUR SCOpE FOR THE BIG HOUSE Abstract This paper and catalogue with case studies are built up around three topics: Boundaries of the Big House, Social Issues and Emerging Technologies. The social questions involved, like the affordability of housing and the ecological footprint of housing, result in different architectural solutions focusing on specific groups. This approach is part of a larger trend in architecture, which is based on specific, differentiated solutions instead of general, uniform means. Differentiated solutions are based on local resources, cultural and social structures and applied technologies, either high-tech or low-tech. This way of designing is illustrated with examples and case studies from the catalogue. It leads to new housing typologies and technologies, which are based on new inventions like automated fabrication on the one hand, or revived centuries-old techniques on the other hand. These techniques have in common their aim to solve social issues by improving the affordability and/or reducing the ecological footprint of housing. Lastly, the Boundaries of the Big House are not only characterized by size but more importantly by other parameters like functionality and technologies. In this paper size and the impact of houses are compared. It can be concluded that a Big House is much more defined by different social, functional and technological parameters rather than just size.
Our scope for the big house
4.0 Introduction 4.0.1 General background A lot of things are changing in the world of the built environment. Housing prices are rising, ecological issues play an increasingly important role and new techniques are emerging. What seems to have not hardly changed over the years is the design of big houses. There are opportunities to design new kinds of architecture which respond to the present and future wishes of mankind. This paper will focus on the current trends, challenges and solutions in housing and how they can be implemented in the big house of the future. 4.0.2 Setup This paper starts with a description of the current trends and challenges in housing. It illustrates the development from uniform solutions for housing during Modernism to more differentiated, custom fit solutions since the 1970’s. This differentiated approach forms the context for many contemporary housing projects, which aim at creating more social, more sustainable and more affordable living conditions. Also the current situation regarding increasing housing prices, exhausting resources and an increasing ecological footprint contribute to this context. In this essay multiple means and technologies are presented to create a big house for the future. They mainly focus on low-tech, affordable and locally resourced solutions. This paper tries to find an answer for the question; Which technologies and methods can be helpful to achieve more affordable and more sustainable housing types regarding the big house?
4.1 Historical approaches for housing Architecture has always been closely linked to the way people life. Over time architects have tried many approaches to create liveable environments for everyone. Especially more vulnerable groups deserved attention in providing them with qualitative housing. During the 1960’s and 70’s new forces emerged to improve living environments. (Preiser et al, 2015) New design approaches contributed to a more effective way of achieving this. ‘Differentiation’ instead of ‘uniformity’ was one the starting points for this new approach. For example, the participation of vulnerable users, like disabled people, resulted in more social buildings. Procedures like Post-occupancy Evaluations and Environmental Impact Assessments have become common in most design approaches and so does the social impact of the built environment. Differentiated architecture aims at serving the needs of people in a differentiated way. Still miscommunication between the users needs and the architect’s intentions occur, resulting in ineffective buildings. [Preiser, W. et al, 2015] People must be able to identify themselves in buildings. In order to create humane architecture an ‘imaginable structure that offers rich possibilities for identification’ is needed [Norberg-Schulz, C., 1986]. For a long time architects failed to create this differentiated architecture, leading to the anonymous modernist building blocks of the 1950’s and 60’s and the anticlimax being the demolition of the Pruitt-Igoe building in St. Louis in 1972. This event was symbolically considered to be the death of the modern movement and the rise of a new era in architecture. [Haddad, E., 2009] A new approach, which pays attention to local specifications instead of global conventions, evolved. In this catalogue some case studies can be found that manage to adapt to local needs and traditions in order to formulate an answer to social questions. The social housing project in Iquique, Chile by ELEMENTAL for example focuses on the important family structures that are present in Chilean communities and the possibility to enlarge the dwellings if wished by the residents. [Fracalossi, I., 2008] Another project by 204
Our scope for the big house
Urban Rural Systems in Nongsa, Indonesia has a similar approach for expansion possibilities, but this time aimed at communities in tropical areas. It allows the local people to build their own houses according to their budget and wishes, but within a structural frame to ensure a minimum level of safety and quality. [Abdel, H., 2020] 4.2 State of the art in housing Currently the circumstances in the housing market are characterized by increasing housing prices, exhausted resources and a changing climate. At the same time new technologies and building methods are developed, which can provide a solution for those issues. Housing types like eco-housing, co-housing and off-grid housing get more and more attention, partly driven by the disapproval of the stress housing puts on its environment. People start to look for alternatives and architects need to find them. 4.2.1. Eco-housing In many countries the trend of eco-housing is present, although still marginalized. To achieve ecological architecture the notion of cultural context, lifestyles, biodiversity, materials, climate, wind and sun conditions etc. is essential. And most importantly the relation between these element is crucial. Generally the functions of eco-houses are: minimize resource use and waste, maximize renewable energy and material use. The form in which this goal is achieved varies however from high-tech systems to low-tech natural approaches. High-tech solutions do help to increase the efficiency of eco-houses, but at the same time the big reliance on this forms a threat. As the social aspect of the functionality of eco-housing is often overlooked, the technological aspect cannot function optimally. For example when people leave their windows open, the climate system will not work efficiently. The same goes for low-tech measures which affect the usability. So more attention to the social aspect of eco-housing is crucial to make it a success. [Pickerill, J., 2017] 205
Urban Village Project [EFFEKT, 2019] 4.2.2 Co-housing The demands and desires people have of a house are linked to the location, political and societal circumstances. But despite the changes in employment, technology, relations and quality of life over the years, houses have not changed a lot ever since. There also is the elements of continuity and nostalgia which seem to influence the feeling about home. [Heathcote, E., 2012] So there is a variation of fixed social norms, which have influenced housing for a long time, and more flexible norms, which change over time, and allow for different approaches regarding housing. A good example of this is the social norm of privacy. More informal relations within families and communities since the 1950’s and the need to share space in order to reduce the need for space, infrastructure and resources, have resulted in more collective solutions for housing, for example co-housing. This way of living together allows people to share scarce space, resources and services. It results in a more efficient, more affordable and more 206
Our scope for the big house
sustainable living environment. [Leafe Christian, D., 2003] The Urban Village Project is good example of such a housing type in which both the building and the users strive for a sustainable way of living. The dwellings are built of renewable materials and offer flexibility to adapt to changing needs. The people share resources and other facilities and use renewable energy for their daily life. 4.2.3 Off-grid housing So people’s behaviour and their demands influence the way houses are built, but also the other way around. Self-build eco-homes therefore are suited to force a more ecological way of living. They can be adapted to a specific client with specific behaviour and demands. Also the location of a home can strongly influence the way a house is built and the way
Off-grid retreat in Finca Aguy [Finotti, L., n.d.] 207
people life in it. Off-grid homes are a good example of homes in which people will have to adapt to the resources provided by the environment. Offgrid homes are detached from the conventional water and electricity grid and have their own supply. This demands from the users to build their own electricity, power and waste infrastructure and to life according to the constraints of this. It results in more consciousness and understanding of energy consumption. Off-grid building also allows to build in remote areas and it saves a lot of money as there is no need for centralized infrastructure. It is a type of building that provides more in-dependency from the traditional way we used to exhaust our environment. [Pickerill, J., 2017] 4.3 Current technologies in housing Existing building technologies are continuing to develop new ways of building houses, and finding smarter, cheaper, and new techniques to improve the way of living. The current problem is, in the way we build our houses with traditional technologies construction costs are too high and they are raising the housing prices. That is why low tech technologies can reduce construction costs, which is a big factor in reducing housing prices. It is found that about 26.11% and 22.68% of the construction cost can be saved by using low-cost housing technologies in comparison with the traditional construction methods in the case studies for walling and roofing respectively [Tam, V.W.Y. 2011]. New methods of constructing houses with low tech technologies, can bring new housing typologies, which can reduce the housing prices over time. When thinking about the low technologies and the low costs, the location is important to find local materials to build a house.
Our scope for the big house
4.3.1 Technology in Eco-housing This project Gaia House is highlighted for the use of local materials and the way they have used the materials in an ecological way, provided by nature and low cost in logistics. The mixture of soil, chopped straw, and rice husk, were all found nearby. Because the materials have been locally found, the logistics and material costs have already been reduced a lot. Although the robot crane is a high tech invention, it can be easily executed with just a small number of men and little materials needed, instead of many workers building it traditionally. This technology is sustainable and the material is fully biodegradable, according to the construction company WASP. They believe, if the building can’t be maintained anymore, the materials can be turned into soil again and it can be reused. [Jordahn, S., 2019].
The Gaia House is 3d-printed with bio-based materials. [Jordahn, S., 2019]
4.3.2 Technology in off-grid housing Off-grid housing is based on the way houses are designed for remote areas to reduce climate change, where the houses are completely independent of public resources, such as electricity, water and wind energy. The technologies, how these energy resources to be produced and stored, depends on the environment the user chooses to live in. The orientation and environment are important for producing enough energy to be consumed and stored for long term & short term. Therefore, to select a project which shows how to deal with these conditions, the Black barn house in Suffolk by Studio Bark is chosen as a case study where the orientation of the barn was the key to produce sufficient energy for the shared homes, which is fully powered by solar and bio-diesel, is designed to have a minimal environmental impact, with the bedrooms placed in the flint-structured ground floor. The orientation of the bedrooms and living rooms are the key to energy efficiency in the site. [Crook, L., 2019].
The offgrid Black Barn produces self-sufficient energy. [Crook, L., 2019] 210
Our scope for the big house
4.3.3 Technology in Co-sharing In the environment of big urban areas, where land is scarce and spaces have more and more limitations, it should be shared to make life comfortable for everyone. Co-sharing is becoming important where spaces can be shared in common. When the space is limited, it needs to be flexible in order to use it optimally. The possibilities where spaces could be in the form of shareable spaces. The Domestic Transformer designed by Gary Lin is an apartment located in Hongkong in a complex residential block, where space is the biggest limitation in size, has found solutions to cope with the existing space for sharing. In terms of space co-sharing, the existing room can be maximized by using a sliding system to pull elements from the wall to extend the need for space for the moment. [Alter, L. 2009] The main living room is the space where the activities for the guest will take place. All the functions are hidden behind the walls, and when the dining room is needed to fit in guests, the function can be pulled out from the wall
The Domestic Transformer with sliding wall units and foldaway furniture. [, 2010]
directly. The same system can be executed for the mini bar, TV, in total 24 different functions can be recalled for the moment of use. These case studies show the advantages of technologies that relate to the social issues within our scope of research. We can learn from the Gaia House to use biodegradable materials sustainably in our design, that can be reused and reduce the waste of materials due to climate change. From The Black barn off-grid project, we can learn that the orientation of the building is important to make optimized use of the sun to produce sufficient energy to use and store for the building. Using these techniques creates minimal impact on the environment. The domestic transformer apartment case study shows the small space limitations can be maximized by smart solutions, like the sliding system of rails with separation walls that can be turned into a function when needed. We can learn from the sharing aspect to extend elements in the design of our big house. 4.4 Size vs impact Besides the trends of the differentiated design approach, increasing housing prices, scarce resources, climate footprint, low-tech and cheap building we see the trend that we are, during the years, building more houses with a bigger floor area. Where, in the Netherlands, in 2013 the number of completed new-build homes of 150m2 and bigger was still 14 percent of the total of new-build homes, this percentage had risen to 22 percent in 2017 [Doodeman, 2018]. So we build more and more bigger houses. The question is, however, what can be understood under a big house? Is a big house only related to size, or can it also be something else? And is there a relation between big houses and the other trends we see in the built environment? It is hard to explain what big exactly is. Rem Koolhaas writes that: ”Beyond a critical mass, a building becomes a big building...”. What 212
Our scope of the big house
he’s not talking about is what the critical mass exactly is. There are several aspects that can fall under big such as length, height, width, volume, etc. Arch2O (n.d.) summarized what Koolhaas said: “‘Bigness’ is not about the dimensions but rather the ‘parameters’ that the given Architecture stands for. The idea is to make Architecture stand for something ‘bigger’ than what the built form’s façade and interior speaks of, and everything ‘beyond’ – which one might not be able to see, but can always perceive. A large number of works in practice today are established at a scale, which, by virtue of its dimensions, can very well be categorized as Small or Medium Scale. But there is much beyond the dimensional aspects that define this ‘so-called scale”. So ‘Bigness’ is not only about measurements but about the parameters where the architecture stand for. Jacob Hadler (2009) writes: “If we picture Notre Dame next to The Empire State Building, Notre Dame as a big building will not be apparent until we step inside, as we can no longer see the skyscraper. Can we then conclude that size is static while our perception of it is dynamic?”. If we look at those examples we can say that size is static if we look at square metres, volume, etc. while our perception of it is dynamic. It depends on the parameters that are there that decide whether something is big or not. The definition of bigness as mentioned by Rem Koolhaas and Jacob Hadler is in line with the ambition of this research into low-tech, cheap, self-built housing which also tackle social issues. It is not about the exact size of a building in terms of dimensions, but the parameters that the architecture stands for. A larger goal than architecture in itself. There is a close relation between those themes and the examples which are shown in this research paper and in the booklet. Not all of the buildings have a high amount of floor area or volume. Some projects 213
can be called big because they used new techniques, are big but have a low impact on the landscape and there are also project which are big in their way of thinking about tackling social issues. Take, for example, Quinta Monroy and the Expandable house by Urban Rural Systems. Both are based on low-tech technologies, low costs, expandable living and based on changing dynamics. They are at a first glance not big project because the size of the projects is small but looking at the parameters of those projects the projects are telling us more than just some measurements. They are built for the future with the perspective of a changing society. So the parameters tell us that they are big houses. The same follows for the project ‘Buitenhuisjes’. The floor area is not large but by using small solutions like a foldable table, foldable bed, etc. the house looks big although it is just 45 square metres. So important to note is that big stands for the parameters the building stands for and not just the amount of floor area.
Our scope of the big house
4.5 Discussion Working on this booklet helped us exploring the concept of the Big House. Multiple Big Houses and their parameters which make them ‘big’ are discussed. From those case studies we began to define our scope for this graduation studio. For this some case studies where selected and further analysed. The case studies try to formulate an answer to the following questions: how will we live in the future? How will our future-proof houses look like? And what parameters play a role? Those question relate to different social issues, the most important ones being affordability of housing and reducing the ecological footprint of housing. Based on those question three different strategies for alternative housing will be executed during this graduation studio. Two strategies focus on developing new housing types which offer a long-term solution for economical issues at the one hand and ecological issues at the other hand. The economical solution will focus on developing affordable housing for starters on the housing market. More specifically, solutions will be investigated in unexplored urban areas, which require a different approach for the development of housing. The ecological solution will focus on alternatives of vertical farming that reduce the ecological footprint. The focus is on food production in areas with a limited amount of land. This concept is suitable for large scale buildings with a small footprint in urban areas. The third strategy focusses on short-term housing solution for people with psychological problems. The chosen location is related to the specific target group. The location provides a healing environment.
IMAGES BIG HOUSE Dezeen. (2018, July 20). Bird’s eye view [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.dezeen. com/2018/07/20/video-interviewmini-living-urban-cabin-los-angelesfreelandbuck-movie/ (2018, July 30). exterior front view [Photograph]. Retrieved from article-links/ehnhg/mini_living_and_ freelandbuck_unveil_new_urban_ cabin_on_los_angeles_rooftop.html
Dezeen. (2018, July 20). Top view [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://www.dezeen. com/2018/07/20/video-interviewmini-living-urban-cabin-los-angelesfreelandbuck-movie/
De Grote Beer. (n.d.-a). Exterior [Photograph]. Retrieved from http:// De Grote Beer. (n.d.). Outdoor terrace [Photograph]. Retrieved from
De Grote Beer. (n.d.). Master bedroom [Photograph]. Retrieved from De Grote Beer. (n.d.). Bedroom and workspace [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www. (n.d.). Floor plan [Photograph]. Retrieved from article-links/ehnhg/mini_living_and_ freelandbuck_unveil_new_urban_ cabin_on_los_angeles_rooftop.html (n.d.). Interior [Photograph]. Retrieved from article-links/ehnhg/mini_living_and_ freelandbuck_unveil_new_urban_ cabin_on_los_angeles_rooftop.html
De Grote Beer. (n.d.). Plan [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://
De Grote Beer. (n.d.). Dining area [Photograph]. Retrieved from
De Grote Beer. (n.d.). In and outdoor space [Photograph]. Retrieved from http://www.
SeARCH. (n.d.). Villa Vals [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://!content/villa-vals
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Oliveira Alves, R. (n.d.). Back of the house [Photograph]. Retrieved from au/wall-house-portugal-guedescruz-arquitectos/#foobox-1/19/ The-Wall-House-on-PortugueseRiviera-by-Guedes-Cruz-ArquitectosYellowtrace-20.jpg
Oliveira Alves, R. (n.d.). Outside space [Photograph]. Retrieved from
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Digital Manufacturing 01}04}2020
D.C. Breukelaar A.D.K. Rozema C.H. Wong
R. van der Heijden M.P.M. Peeters J.W. van Wegen
R. van Asten E. Boon E.M. Dieteren J.P. van Zeijl
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0 1 . P R O B L E M S TAT E M E N T
1.1 1.2 1.3
Context Current State of the AEC Digitization and Automation
0 2 . A D D I T I V E M A N U FA CT U R I N G 2.1 2.2 2.3
Advantages of AM over SM A M Te c h n o l o g i e s Application of AM
Spray Based Printing Power Based Printing Extrusion Based Printing
04. EXTRUSION BASED PRINTING 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4
System Engineering Material Engineering Design Methodologies Application
0 5 . L I T E R AT U R E R E F E R E N C E S
08 09 10
12 12 15 15
18 18 20 20
22 22 25 27 30
1.1 1.2 1.3
07. MORPHICS 2.1 2.2 2.3
0 8 . C . L . I . P. 3.1 3.2 3.3
Chapter 1
1.PROBLEM S TAT E M E N T The Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry is trying to pursue digitisation and automation for a higher productivity. Advancements are being made regarding automation and robotics, but the industry is a long way from fulfilling its potential. The problem is that the current state of the AEC industry shows a minimal growth in this digitisation and automation. Labour productivity is extremely low compared to other industries, and the supply chain of the AEC is too complex. This brings inefficiency between different parties in the construction process. Automation in constructions can bring about solutions in digitisation for the construction process by using additive and subtractive manufacturing. These will improve the quality and productivity, but also safety and other factors, by adopting digital technologies in the industrial production. This will become important for speeding up the construction process with on-site automation, such as 3D printing with robots.
1.1 CONTEXT The global population is estimated to increase with 81 million people per year [1]. Most of these people will live in urban areas, as currently, the world’s urban area is increasing by 200,000 people per day. All of whom need comfortable housing, as well as transportation and utility infrastructure [2]. The entire population relies on the quality of the AEC industry to live comfortable lives [2]. This growing rate at which buildings are being constructed also has an increasing impact on the environment. With three billion tonnes of raw materials used to manufacture buildings worldwide, the AEC industry is the single largest consumer of resources and raw materials [2]. All these resources leave behind immense waste; about 40% of all solid waste derives from
the construction and demolition of buildings [2]. Apart from material impact, the AEC industry also eagerly consumes other resources like oil and fuel for machinery, which accounts for approximately 20% of the total materials [3]. Consequently, the industry is responsible for 30% of the world greenhouse gas emissions [4]. The big impact of the AEC Industry on our lives also has a positive note. The AEC industry fuels global economic activity in a wide range of sectors [3], providing more than 100 million jobs worldwide [2]. Around $10 trillion a year is spent on the industry, which translates to around 13% of the global GDP, see figure 1.1 [2], [3], [5]. The spending is increasing with 3.6% since the end of the financial crisis and is expected to continue to at least 2025 [3].
Fig 1.1: Construction Related Spending [3]
Problem Statement
1.2 CURRENT STATE OF THE AEC INDUSTRY In this rapidly advancing world, the AEC Industry faces some urgent problems. The biggest problem regards its labour productivity. The labour productivity of the construction industry over the past 70 years has only increased with factor 1.1x, see figure 1.2, whereas other comparable industries, such as manufacturing (8.6x) and agriculture (16.1x) have grown significantly. The main reason for this low productivity is the manual labour required for construction projects. Whereas other sectors have mechanized, digitized or robotized, the construction industry is still considered low-tech [4]. Despite some highly technical and complex projects being undertaken, construction has largely continued to rely on traditional methods characterized by poor quality and performance [3], [4]. Little has changed over the past 800 years; pulleys have been substituted by cranes, but they work with the same principles: manual control, human operator visual feedback, big positioning error, etc [6]. Whereas other sectors have boosted
Fig 1.2: Labour Productivity: Value Added per Hour Worked [3]
productivity by innovations, the productivity within the construction industry has actually declined in some markets since the 1990s [7]. The poor labour productivity of the construction industry is pervasive. It is a long-term issue that affects virtually every economy, and which has not been tackled for decades [3]. It is estimated that a 1% increase in productivity could save around $100 billion in construction costs [2]. The cost to the industry is substantial, but therefore so is the opportunity [3]. Another problem is the complexity of the supply chain in the current AEC Industry. Building developments involve complex decision making [8], which is being fragmented into smaller firms. In total, around 2.7 million enterprises are currently involved in the industry [6], all of which have their expertise. This results in a highly complex system of relations. Xue et al. visualise this complex supply chain, as can be seen in figure 1.3 [9].
Chapter 1
Fig 1.3: Complex Supply Chain in AEC Industry [9]
1.3 DIGITIZATION AND AUTOMATION One of the solutions to countering these problems is to digitize the construction industry. Other industrial sectors, such as automotive, aeronautics and aerospace underwent radical process changes by adopting digital technologies to improve quality and productivity, these transformations are generally described as industry 4.0 [4], [6]. In contrast, the construction industry is one of the least digitized sectors, see figure 1.4, which indicates that a lot of improvement can be made in this field. There have been advancements in digitization in the construction industry, but these have mainly been at the planning phase (planning, suppliers’ relationships, etc.). Those advancements have not been translated to the production phase of the process (building erection, masonry, on-site automation) [6], [11]. The core of the problem will not be solved by these partial advancements; a digital solution should cover all phases of the construction process.
Digitization in the production phase can be achieved by Robotics and Automation in Construction (RAC). This brings some highly desirable advantages to the industry. First and foremost, RAC has the ability to improve the construction efficiency, and with that, increase labour productivity [3], [5], [6], [12]. This improvement will particularly be effective when elements are manufactured on-site. This is mainly due to the precision that the robotics can deliver [5], [6], [13]. Another factor is the quality of the product [5], [6], [12], [13]. Similarly to prefabricated elements that are more and more common on construction sites today, elements produced with RAC will be constructed under a controlled environment. This will guarantee products with similar high quality throughout. RAC will also greatly influence the impact of the AEC industry on the environment [14], [15]. The precision of the robotics provides a tool for the precise placement of material, therefore
Problem Statement
Fig 1.4: Industry Digitization Index; 2015 or latest available data [10]
reducing the overall material usage compared to tradition methods. Also the highly labour intensive and wasteful production of formwork is no longer needed [16], [17], which has a positive impact on the environment. Apart from the construction process, RAC is capable of simplifying the whole process, from design to manufacturing [3], [13]–[15]. This intergration of information can simplify the complex supplychain of figure 1.3. Everything happens in one
digital flow of information; a phenomenon from which the industry can learn from other sectors such as the automotive or aerospace industries. However, overall it should be noticed that RAC will not simply solve all these problems. It is a tool which can improve part of the problem. One of the more promising tools is additive manufacturing, which will be covered in the next chapter.
Chapter 1
2.ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a technology that has transformed our perception on how products are designed and produced, AM is defined as; ‘’a process of joining materials to make objects from
3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing (SM) and formative manufacturing methodologies” [18]. The way AM operates is by creating a computer-aided
design (CAD) model which will be digitally sliced in individual layers, the design will then be build up layer by layer [19]. The term AM was used to be called rapid prototyping (RP), which describes this ‘rapid’ process for creating a prototype etc. the most popular term for AM is called 3D Printing [20]. In contrast to AM, there is another type of manufacturing, namely subtractive manufacturing (SM). SM is removing material instead of adding material, like AM does, which is more a conventional technique of manufacturing, figure 2.1 shows the processes of both AM and SM.
2.1 ADVANTAGES OF AM OVER SM Compared to traditional manufacturing methods and other methods, like SM, AM has several advantages as “AM has now reached a
Another advantage being that AM can make parts from start to finish, ‘’the only tooling
advantages of AM as well as the challenges of this technique. The most characteristic of AM processes is that production is done by just one machine, this is why complex geometries are even more possible compared to the use of conventional methods, thus providing a lot of design freedom [20]. Unlike AM, SM is not as detailed when it comes to design freedom. This is caused by the fact that SM requires a cutting tool, producing parts is more difficult cutting into very thin material, for example, than it is to simply produce a layered part according to a CAD model [19].
also ensures that there is little material loss, this can lower the reduction of materials by 75% and lower the costs and production time by 50% [21]. This is in contrast to SM products, where a lot of material loss occurs because you remove material. However, the advantage of SM compared to AM according materials is that AM is developing its material use thus more high-end machines are required, while “SM can make
involved is a single AM machine, so a constant point where it is ready to be implemented for tooling cost is eliminated” [20]. Partly because industrial use’’ [21]. Figure 2.2 summarises the AM can produce a part from start to finish, this
products out of almost any material. It is a proven and rugged technology, which has been using for ages” [19]. Another advantage for AM
to easy change the design and complexity of it,
Fig 2.1: AM process (left) and SM process (right)
Problem Statement
is the versatility. The Versatility of AM makes it easy to alter design decisions even during the production process. AM can offer this versatility due to digitization using CAD. Also, the advantage is that unique designs are more equal to standardized products now because the AM process can replace the specific crafts and/or equipment’s to only using digital inputs. ’’Thus
the producing costs of customized product will be more or less the same with standardized ones, and individualized buildings will be promoted’’ [13]. The ‘final’ benefit according to figure 2.2 is the part optimization, it states that there is no design restriction for optimize a design. This is similar as Topology optimization, which is according to [22] ‘’a computational material
distribution method for synthesizing structures without any preconceived shape.’’
Fig 2.2: Advantages and challenges of AM [21]
Not only are there advantages to using AM, but there are also some challenges worth mentioning. For example, the surface of AM products need post processing because of the layered effect this technique has. For SM it is possible to vary in surface finishes by choosing the optimal set of machining parameters, but this process of SM surface finishing costs a lot of energy [19]. The build rate for producing large quantities of AM products is limited, the process is expensive because of the high investment which is needed for example high end printers, and another challenge is the material and size restrictions which are limited because of the different 3D printers.
Chapter 1
Fig 2.3:
Different types of AM Technologies [21]
Problem Statement
2.2 AM TECHNOLOGIES AM has many different technologies. The different technologies are visible in figure 2.3 and will shortly be elaborated. All main technologies also consist of different types of additive manufacturing. These are not mentioned here. The pictures next to the technologies show the main concept of the additive manufacturing technologies. 2.2.1 Vat photopolymerization Vat photopolymerization is a process in which UV light is shined onto a photopolymer resin. As a result, the resin cures and a hard layer of resin is formed. This process is repeated several times according to the geometry as drawn in the CAD model. After a layer is hardened the next layer can be produced until the model is completely realized [19]. 2.2.2 Material extrusion Material extrusion, also known as extrusion-based AM, is a very well-known way of additive manufacturing because of its cheaper set-up and hardware. In this process, a material raw material is extruded onto a plate by means of a nozzle. The model is formed according to the CAD model and built up layer by layer [19]. 2.2.3 Material jetting Material jetting can be compared to the technique used with 2D inkjet printers. A photosensitive polymer is applied by means of drops to a plate after which the polymer is cured by means of UV light. After this, the plate is taken down and this process is repeated. This creates an object layer by layer [19]
2.2.4 Binder jetting The binder jetting process is characterised by the process of spraying a liquid binder onto a thin layer of powder through a print head. After the subsurface has been lowered and the next layer of powder has been sprayed, the overall model is gradually realised. When the work is finished it remains in the powder to harden and gain strength. After curing, the excess powder is removed by means of a jet of air [19]. 2.2.5 Powder bed fusion Powder bed fusion involves the process of sintering or melting a powdered material by means of a thermal energy source such as a laser or electron beam. The sintering takes place layer by layer in order to arrive at the final object. The spreading of the different layers of powder is done by a mechanism of a roller or a blade [19]. 2.2.6 Direct energy deposition Direct energy deposition refers to a method in which the building material, a powder or wire form is heated, melted and bonded. The energy is supplied by a laser or electron beam focused on the building material [19]. 2.2.7 Sheet lamination Sheet lamination is the layer by layer lamination of paper material that is cut by a CO2-laster. Each layer represents a cross-section of the CAD model of the part [20].
2.3 APPLICATIONS OF AM According to Venekamp and Le Fever [22] the use of AM can be divided in two application areas: Finished Products (figure 2.4) and Parts (figure 2.5). AM offers a variety of advantages in terms of operational costs. For each application area a number of sub-areas and their interest in AM is discussed.
2.3.1 Finished Products Prototypes is one of the oldest applications of Additive Manufacturing, which used to be called Rapid Prototyping. Prototypes are Finished Products which aim at an early evaluation of designs regarding the functionality. Traditionally prototyping used to take a lot of time and
Chapter 1
Fig 2.4:
Application of AM in two categories [24]: Finished products: a: Prototypes, b: Models, c: Consumer Goods, d: Biomedical products
Fig 2.5:
Application of AM in two categories [24]: Parts: a: Spare parts, b: Singular parts, c: Bio constructs, d: Micro structures & electronics
Problem Statement
craftmanship, but the application of AM can reduce the production time and thereby improve the design iterations [25]. Models are one of the Finished Products for which AM offers many opportunities. AM allows to make precise representations and visualizations for scientific and educational purposes. More specifically models in the medical field focus on mimicking anatomical structures for research, surgical planning and education. In this way AM contributes to more efficient health care [26]. Consumer goods form a broad range of Finished Products including replicas, custom fit equipment, and of course products for construction. Replicas and miniatures are being mass-produced using AM. Further development of AM devices and open source data provision will enable people to produce items themselves in the future [27]. A lot of research on AM produced Biomedical products is in progress. Biomedical products include both consumer goods such as hearing devices and medical protheses such as teeth and artificial joints [26]. 2.3.2 Parts Spare Parts are a type of parts for which AM offers a lot of opportunities. Spare parts can be quickly produced on demand instead of being stored until a client needs them for replacements, so it reduces storage space and costs. Furthermore the decentralized production of spare parts on location eliminates transportation costs and time, which again reduces the down time (time production is halted by mechanical failure) [28]. AM also reduces the ramp-up time (the time a producer needs to anticipate on future demand), it reduces the lead-time (the time between ordering and receiving parts) and it reduces material waste [24]. Space missions are an example of geographical isolated situations where AM can be very helpful in producing spare parts. Time isolation can occur when parts are not traditionally produced anymore because of changing procedures or because of discontinuation of the producing company after a bankruptcy or other events [29].
For the development of completely new or improved singular parts, AM offers opportunities. For example, in Formula 1 geometric design freedom and new material properties improved hydraulic flow with 250% compared to traditional manufacturing. In hydraulic components flow paths can be optimized resulting in less energy consumption and more efficient engines. At the same time AM allows a higher complexity of designs without an exponential rise of the production costs [30]. AM allows for the construction of biological structures, such as human tissues and organs. Different cells can be ordered along different axes to generate complex structures. This technique can be used to repair or produce tissues and organs but it also gives new knowledge about the anatomy and functioning of those tissues [31]. Also for the production of medicines AM can bring advantages. 3D printed oral drugs were developed which have a more complex release profile than conventionally produced drugs [32]. Lastly using AM in food production allows for new forms, textures, colors and flavors, whereas conventional robotic food production is only aiming at copying manual processes [33]. AM can also contribute to the production on micro scale. Rapid Prototyping (RP), a synonym for AM, was applied to print photomasks for the production of micro-electrodes and microlenses on photo-sensitive surfaces [34]. AM in combination with Direct Writing (DW) allows to directly print conductive patterns on a surface. The advantage of Direct Writing is the possibility to print on both flat and uneven surfaces. It is also possible to print conductive materials on prefabricated products [35]. In construction AM is used for the production of both Finished Products and Parts. Whole buildings manufactured at once using AM are considered Finished Products, whereas 3D printed walls and other elements are Parts. More on AM in the construction industry will be covered in the next chapter.
Chapter 1
3.3D PRINTING IN CONSTRUCTION Within the context of the AEC industry, the process of additive manufacturing is dominated by printing techniques that use concrete-like materials, and is therefore often referred to as 3DCP (3D Concrete Printing). A reason for the almost exclusive use of cementitious materials can be found in the fact that very little research has been done into the load-bearing capabilities of other materials in a context of additive construction [36]. From this point on, all AM techniques that are being discussed are related to the AEC industry and involve a nozzle of types, and will therefore be referred to as 3D printing techniques, or 3D printing techniques of cementitious materials, or 3DCP to narrow down the focus of the research. In the AEC industry, not all 3D printing techniques are used to the same extent. The extrusion based process seems to be the most valuable printing process within the context of AEC. Followed by the powder bed fusion technique. On the other hand, a relatively new technique called spray printing is showing various interesting developments in the field of additive construction. These three 3D printing techniques will be briefly introduced in the context of AEC, after which we will explore the extrusion based printing process of cementitious materials in more detail to create a comprehensive overview of the state of the art of 3D printing within the field of construction.
3.1 SPRAY BASED PRINTING The spray printing of concrete, or ‘shotcrete printing’ has only recently been researched in the context of 3D printing techniques. The technique of shotcrete itself has been around for more than a 100 years already. Applications for it can be found in the mining and construction industry [37]. However, relatively recent, the universities of Braunschweig, Clausthal and Hannover started looking at the possibilities of shotcrete as a 3D printing technique in the construction industry. The process of spray printing concrete brings with it some advantages over other 3D concrete printing techniques. The first is the possibility to spray print on vertical surfaces. A useful application of that technique can be found in the double curved reinforced concrete wall that the university of Braunschweig developed in 2020. The wall is initially built up by depositing layers of concrete on top of each other, similar to how one would print a concrete wall using the extrusion based process. In between some of the layers, horizontal reinforcement is applied. Then, vertical reinforcement is placed
against the wall, which is then vertically being spray printed over, to create a strong reinforced double curved concrete wall (figure 3.1). Other advantages include the excellent bonding of various layers, and the possibility to introduce additional accelerators to adjust the solidification times [37]. The spray printing of concrete is however a rather difficult process, with many parameters that influence all aspects of the outcome. Such aspects include the layer thickness, the early strength and the concrete quality. The many parameters that need to be taken into account are the spraying distance, the spraying angle, the concrete volume flow rate, the delivery pressure, the air volume flow rate, the air pressure, the concrete accelerator dosage and parameters related to the path planning such as the nozzle distance, velocities, layer spacing, application angle or times between layer applications [37].
Problem Statement
Fig 3.1:
Double Curved 3D Concrete Spray Printed Wall [38]
Chapter 1
3.2 POWDER BASED PRINTING Besides the extrusion based processes , the powder bed fusion based processes is currently the most valuable contributor to AEC in the field of 3D printing techniques. The process is based on the transformation of a material from a powder state to a solid state. This transformation might be achieved by sintering, melting, applying an energy source, or by means of a chemical reaction [36]. When the process is complete, the residual powder may be removed and reused in a next printing session. The powder bed process in the AEC context makes use of a concrete-like powder, rather than the metals which are usually used in this process in other fields [36]. In AEC a powdered concrete mix is often used which is cured by means of hydrating the mix using an ink jet spray [39]. One of the things that makes the powder bed based process extremely beneficial to the construction industry, is the fact that there immediately is a supporting structure, which is the
powder that in not used for the object that is printed at the time. This means that it is much easier to create objects with overhangs or arches [40]. On the other hand, however, the powder bed is much more vulnerable to exterior influences such as the weather [40]. This makes it difficult to apply this process to in situ constructions. Instead, most powder bed based objects are thus printed off-site. Making that an important constraining consideration during the design phase. The most notable approach of powder based printing is the D-Shape, which was invented by Enrico Dini [41]. The D-Shape approach produced what is generally also considered to be the first large-scale additive manufactured structure, which is the Radiolaria Pavilion [36], which can be seen in figure 3.2. It was built in 2006, using the earliest version of Dini’s D-Shape printer.
3.3 EXTRUSION BASED PRINTING The most used 3D printing technique in construction at this point in time is extrusion based printing [36]. The process involves the deposition of a material in a liquid state by means of a printing nozzle [36]. Once the material is deposited, the curing of said material will result in a solidified whole. Examples of such processes are Fused Deposition Modelling, PolyJet and Inkjet. Within the context of AEC, the extrusion based printing techniques can be roughly divided into two categories. The first category is the extru-
sion based printing of thermoplastics. There are no structural applications for this process in the construction industry, as it is mainly used for prototyping. We shall therefore not further discuss the topic of extrusion based printing of thermoplastics. The other category of extrusion based printing, is that of cementitious materials. This is by far the largest category that has any bearing in the AEC context. This 3D printing technique will be extensively covered in the next chapter.
Problem Statement
Fig 3.2:
Radiolaria Pavilion printed by Dini’s D-Shape Printer [42]
Fig 3.3:
Dini’s D-Shape Printer [43]
Chapter 1
4.EXTRUSION BASED PRINTING As stated before, the extrusion based printing process of cementitious materials is currently the most valuable contributor in terms of 3D printing in the context of the AEC industry. It is based on the computer-controlled continuous extrusion of a cementitious material by means of a nozzle, while depositing various layer on top of each other to create an object in three dimensions [36]. Extrusion based printing offers a cheap and fast alternative to traditional construction. It has the potential to fully transform the AEC industry [44]. In order to understand the current state of the art of this 3D printing technique, this chapter will firstly cover the system engineering aspect of it. Then the material properties will be discussed. Thirdly, the importance of various design methodologies will be covered. And lastly, various applications of extrusion based printing will be elaborated.
4.1 SYSTEM ENGINEERING The relevant hardware that needs to be discussed when talking about 3D concrete printing in the AEC context can be subdivided in the type of robot that is used, the printer head, and the delivery system. The extrusion based printing of cementitious materials is currently being executed by four different types of robots. These are the gantry system, the industrial robotic arm, swarm technology, and by means of cable suspended robots. 4.1.1 Gantry System An example of the gantry system can be found at the university of Eindhoven (figure 4.1a). A gantry system operates on a structure, that allows the printhead to move in the X,Y and Z direction. It offers the advantages of being able to print relatively large structures, up to the size of a whole building. A gantry system generally has three, or sometimes four degrees of freedom. The first gantry system being developed for concrete extrusion was used for the Contour Crafting process, as invented by Khoshnevis from the university of South Carolina [36]. 4.1.2 Industrial Robotic Arm Another type of robot that is widely used in 3D concrete printing, is the industrial robotic arm (figure 4.1b). The robotic arm mostly offers six degrees of freedom. It is more precise and accurate than the gantry system and therefore,
the robotic arm is thus often used for smaller objects with more detail present. The downside of such a robot is the limited printing area, due to the restrictions in the size of the arm. Another challenge that is posed by the robotic arm, is the fact that a deeper knowledge of the programming of such a robot is required in order to correctly operate it. 4.1.3 Robotic Swarm Technology Robotic swarm technology might pose a future solution to some of the challenges that the industrial robotic arm faces. The idea of swarm robotics rejects the use of a single robotic entity, but instead, makes use of various smaller mobile robots (figure 4.1c). The swarm technology is especially interesting and practical for 3D printing in extra-terrestrial environments, where transportation is an important limiting factor on the size and weight of the robots [36]. The swarm robots can navigate their own way through a construction site, which again is very beneficial in extra-terrestrial environments, but also on harsh earthly environments [36]. One of the key aspects to get swarm technology to truly work, is to provide the robots with the ability to climb the structures they build. That way, they are not dependent on a large gantry system, or long robotic arms. One institution that made this a reality is the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia with their Minibuilders project.
Problem Statement
Fig 4.1:
Types of extrusion based robots; a: Gantry system at the TU/e [45], b: Industrial robotic arm at Vertico [46], c: Robotic swarm technology by MINIBUILDERS [47], d: Cable suspended “spider bot” by MIT [48]
4.1.4 Cable Suspended Robots The cable suspended platform, as is shown in figure 4.1d is rather similar to the gantry solution. However, it has various advantages over the gantry solution. The cable suspended printer has a structure that uses less material, which makes it easier to move around and thus making it easier to cast in place. Due to the fact that it consists of less parts, it is also much quicker in assembly and disassembly [36]. Another advantage that the cable suspended platform offers
is the possibility of having a print head with six degrees of freedom, rather than the three or four that the gantry solution offers. The cable suspended platform is still in early development stages, but various institutions are investigating its possibilities and its potential at this point.
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4.1.5 Print head and delivery system Besides the type of robot, the print head itself of said robot has a huge impact on the 3D printing process. The print head usually consists of an extruder, a nozzle, possible side trowels, and a case with an Archimedean screw that forces the concrete out of the nozzle. The nozzle may come in various shapes, which will help achieve the desired shape, size and buildability of any particular concrete layer [44]. Overall, it seems that the circular shape of the nozzle offers more freedom, as the angle does not need to be changed to correct for changing angles in the path [49]. The size of the nozzle may differ, depending on the desired width of the beads. The orientation of the nozzle must be applied tangent to the tool path [44]. The speed of the print head needs to be carefully calibrated, otherwise too much or too little material will be deposited, which might result in an increased or decreased bead dimension, which in turn will impact the finished object [49]. Some printer heads have trowels and the end of the nozzle, to help smoothen the surface of the concrete once it has been deposited. This also ensures a more consistent bead width.
Fig 4.2:
In most cases the supply of the materials happens through a pump, which acts as the delivery system. Before the pump a mixing unit is located within this delivery system. The mixing unit provides the specified concrete mix, which is usually a high viscosity past like mix, to ensure the shape is retained when printing [49]. This also means that the pump needs to be relatively strong in terms of pressure, to transport said mix to the nozzle. Often, a variety of aggregates will be present within this mix, providing an extra difficulty to the pump. Alternatively, the concrete mix can be made with a higher viscosity, as long as additives in the nozzle are injected into the mix to make it quicker to cure [49]. The other half of system engineering consists of software engineering. An important consideration here is the toolpath. The toolpath is the path that the printer head needs to follow when extruding the concrete. It is important to realise that each 3D printer comes with its own software. On top of that, all software that was used during the design process, has to be able to work together with the software of the printer itself.
Printing Head and Delivery System [50]
Problem Statement
4.2 MATERIAL ENGINEERING Concrete is to the present day the most used building material in the world. The raw materials neccesary for producing concrete are cheap and commonly available in most areas. Its popularity is mainly due to its compressive strength, fire resistance and the fact that it can be applied in any shape because of its fluid state before setting. The actual composition in practice in general at least consists of a mixture of a cementitious material and water, together with a filler of sand, gravel or another granulate material. These are often complemented by additives like aggregates [44]. Regarding the 3DCP extrusion based process, the traditional concrete can’t be applied instantly. The composition of the concrete is of high importance as there is an absence of formwork. In order to accomplish a consistent extrusion of material, research of the rheological properties of concrete in its fresh state is required. The influential factors of the material in its fresh state is defined by the characteristics of pumpability, extrudability, buildability, interlayer adhesion and open time. The latter concerns the time the fresh concrete needs to set. It defines the time between completing the mixing and the initial setting time of the material [49]. 4.2.1 Pumpability and extrudability Pumpability concerns the material’s mobility and stability. In order to pump the material, a relatively soft mixture is required. When the concrete reaches the nozzle, a somehow more stiff material is desired so it does not slump while being extruded. The composition of the extruded concrete should be well-considered as it largely influences the pumpability [49]. As the material is being pumped over a distance, depending on the printer size and the desired working volume, the fresh concrete is less viscous when reaching the nozzle compared to traditional extrusions. The extrudability covers a proper and consistent extrusion of the material, where it should retain shape when extruded through the nozzle (figure 4.3a). Pressure differences may arise as the nozzle and pipe often differ in cross-sectional dimension. Material proportions should be carefully chosen and controlled, as a failure might lead to segregation of the mixture and possible material blocking in the pipe or nozzle [49].
4.2.2 Buildability and interlayer adhesion Once extruded, the material’s buildability refers to the printed layers being able to hold the subequent layers on top. It is of high importance that the material is self-supportive and it should be resistent to collapsing and deforming. Imperfection of layers could lead to instability as successive layers are added (figure 4.3b). A way to improve the buildability is to create a supporting filament [49]. These are printed adjacent to the actual structure to ensure a stable printing environment (figure 4.3c). Additionally, when extruded, the material should set as fast as possible to remain shape. However, it should not dry too fast as it should still bond with the subsequent layer (figure 4.3d). This covers the parameter of interlayer adhesion. It is important that each printed layer is able to harden when poured and hold its self-weight. Although, it shouldn’t become a separate entity [51]. All parameters are dependent on state parameters of concrete in its fresh state. The shear stress, viscosity and thixotropic behaviour of the concrete need to be researched [44]. As soon as the extrusion of the fresh material is successfully executed, the material properties in the hardened phase need to be researched. The structural properties of the hardened concrete are influenced by the strength (both compressive and tensile), shrinkage and ductility [52] [49]. The influence of these parameters may cause cracking of the concrete if not considered carefully. In order to control these parameters, and improve on the workability of the material, the printable mixture may be complemented with additives like aggregates, fibers, reinforcement and chemical additives (figure 4.3e). A better bonding by means of additives allows for achieving specific properties such as a high strength and a certain level of ductility [44]. If successfully executed, a concrete structure in its hardened state can have similar strength and density as cast concrete [53]. A successfully 3D printed concrete structure will remain a well-considered balance between all mentioned parameters in both the material’s fresh state and hardened state.
Chapter 1
e Fig 4.3:
a: Consistent extrusion, b: Buckling due to inappropriate buildability, c: Support structure to improve buildability, d: Bonding between layers, e: Addition of fibers
Problem Statement
4.3 DESIGN METHODOLOGIES 4.3.1. Optimizing topologies The method of optmizing topologies is opening new doors in relation to design, for example the 3D printed bridge by Vertico, shown in figure 4.4 is designed in accordance to the method of topology optimization which provides a freedom for structural designers who can now be more innovative with their structural lay-outs etc. A big advantage of this method is the way in which
the material and weight can be reduced compared to how products would traditionally be designed. ‘’Arup claimed to have been able to
reduce the weight of traditional steel nodes by 75%, resulting in an overall weight reduction of more than 40% for the considered structure. ‘’ [36] see figure 4.5.
Fig 4.4: Topology optimized bridge by the University of Ghent [54]
Chapter 1
Fig 4.5:
Arup’s stainless steel AM node with connecting threaded swaged ends to the cables. [55]
Complex geometries
“3-D printing is an additive manufacturing (AM) technique for fabricating a wide range of structures and complex geometries from three-dimensional (3D) model data.”
For the construction industry extrusion based prosses could be extremely beneficial in the field of freeform constructions. The maintenance of high degrees of geometrical freedom, is a recurring theme. [36] By means of 3d printing, the complexity of a part is no longer determined by the production process but by the desired design and functionality of a product. Complex geometric parts that previously could not be produced with conventional techniques such as milling, turning and casting are possible with 3d printing. With the possibility of 3d printing, any subject that can be constructed in a 3D CAD program can also be produced. There are hardly any limitations. It gives designers maximum design freedom A project where freeform plays an important role is a project by XtreeE and Seaboost. They
are doing research to the 3D printing of coral reefs. To construct the coral reefs they use a sand based concrete which imitates the natural composition of the coral reefs the best. The advantage of using 3D concrete printing is that they are able to replicate the intricate shapes of the coral reef 4.3.3 CAD to CAM With the emergence of Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems, design and drawing processes of buildings have sped up [56]. This development allowed designers to draw in either 2D or 3D, with the use of computer software. However, the divergence between design and physical manufacturing has become more obvious by the emergence of Computer Aided Design (CAD) software [57] Computational design methods have produced architecture that is materially generic. [58]. The advent of Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) tends to fill the gap that exists between design and actual manufacturing. CAM refers to the use of computer software applications,
Problem Statement
Fig 4.6:
3D printed coral reef
in order to automate and facilitate parts of the manufacturing process. Briefly, the CAD drawing is a model of what will be physically realized, due to the contribution of CAM. Whereas with CAD drawings, the gap between design and material became bigger, CAM combines the physical properties of materials with the virtual design. This development enables us to move from the digital manifestation of physical form to its physical manifestation of digital form. [59]
Fig 4.7:
The software respectively creates instructions, in order to steer a machine to the realization of desired manufacturing parts. [60] Data present in CAD drawings and models, can be extracted in order to realize the instructions. The choice of material and the form of the object can therefore be determined based on the information that is provided by simulations. Basically the design of form using CAD has changed to the design of algorithms using CAM. [61]
Manufacturing of concrete wall using CAM [62]
Chapter 1
4.4 APPLICATION 4.4.1 Common Environment There are different environments in the building construction where 3D printers are currently used. This could include, for example, the workshop where the printer is installed, or the construction site where the printer can be installed. The advantage of printing in a Common environment is, for example, that less material has to be used, because formwork is not necessary. The additive construction also allows for highly optimized construction processes and the production of highly optimized components. The controlled environment makes this possible. when external factors occur, including wind, rain. etc, this can cause problems. An example where the components are made in the workshop and transported in parts to the location is a project by the Eindhoven University of Technology, Project milestone figure 4.8. is a multi-level housing project, printed in concrete. This project is located in Meerhoven, a new district of Eindhoven. The Houses will be printed one by one, to learn from each printed house. The elements will be printed at the university, but the aim is to move the printer to the building site.
“The project is the world’s first commercial housing project based on 3D-concrete printing. The houses will all be occupied, they will meet all modern comfort requirements, and they will be purchased and let out by a real estate company.”
Fig 4.8:
The following example (figure 4.9) uses a printer that can print on location. The example is a project by XtreeE using a 6-axis robotic arm. The wall element that is printed with this, is made of ultra-high performance concrete and was geometrically optimized, this ensures better thermal insulation. Production time was about 12 hours. [62] Finally, an example from the Eindhoven University of Technology. The bicycle bridge has a span of 6.5 meters and a width of 3.5 meters. figure 4.10. The elements are printed by means of 3DCP. The upper part of the bridge consists of printed elements, interconnected by tendons installed later. In addition, some reinforcement cables have embedded layers during their deposition. All elements of the bridge are printed in 48 hours. [53] In the following quote from Marinus Schimmel (director of BAM), indicates what advantages 3DCP has by printing bridges, after the success of the bridge of the TU/e;
“We have a world’s first here,” explains Marinus Schimmel, director of BAM. “with 3D printing,
you have more flexibility regarding the shape of the product. in addition, 3D printing a bridge is also incredibly efficient: you need less concrete, but there is also no need for shuttering where the concrete is normally poured in. you just use exactly what you need, and there is no release of CO2 emissions.”
Project Milestone
Problem Statement
Fig 4.9:
3DCP pushes the limits of construction
Fig 4.10: 3DCP cycle bridge elements in the Netherlands
4.4.2 3D printing for Harsh Environments The use of Additive manufacturing in a harsh environment can have advantages. A harsh environment is an environment that is difficult, impossible or even dangerous to reach for people. This category also includes areas affected by natural disasters or war zones. AM can offer a solution here by realizing first aid houses and repairing infrastructure, bridges, etc. in remote areas. [36] Also underwater is currently being tested with 3D printing. As a research, a series of 3D-printed reef units for the Oyster Reef Recovery research project was placed in the North Sea in 2017. The reef figure 4.11. units are printed in Rotterdam by Boskalis with D-shape technology. The sizes
vary from 50cm high to 120cm high. The effects of the salt water on the material will be monitored in the coming years. (reefdesignlab) This research is a basis for possible further research into underwater printing. An example of this is underwater by designoffice figure 4.12. Another example of a harsh environment is for example on Mars. here too, studies are being carried out into whether it is possible to make 3D printed buildings. An example of one such project is AI SpaceFactory’s habitat, figure 4.13. This egg-shaped designed building deals with the atmospheric pressure and is built from a material composed of a mixture of basalt fibre extracted from Martian rock, and renewable bioplastic derived from plants.
Fig 4.11: 3D printed Oyster Reef Recovery
Fig 4.12: Design of a printed house underwater
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Fig 4.13: AI SpaceFactory’s building ”3D printer”
Problem Statement
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CONTEXT Limitations of 3DCP → why formwork -reinforcement -sustainability (material properties, waste during process Formwork in concrete construction Digital fabrication of formwork PRACTICAL EXPERIMENTS RESEARCH QUESTION Research question RESEARCH BODY Clay introduction 1.
material research
object design
reuse material
Introduction Eliminating or reducing formwork for architectural concrete elements is one of the main challenges in digital construction research. 3d printing techniques seem promising for reducing labour and material, but face the problem of adding reinforcement and the challenge of performing both as printed material and finished elements. Additive formwork overcomes these challenges by printing the formwork, the concrete is cast conventionally. ClayCast researches the possibility of using clay as a sustainable dissolvable formwork material for making architectural elements out of concrete.
Context Role of formwork in the concrete industry
Concrete is a beloved material because of its ability to take almost any shape, however, the concrete will need formwork to support the fluid material as it transitions into a solid. The fabrication of these formworks largely determines the total construction costs of the concrete element, see figure X.X (Burger et al. 2020). Especially for non-standard shapes, the formwork can have high costs even up to 80-90% of the total element (Burger et al., 2020). The formwork is often wasteful as it is usually discarded after construction (Burger 2019). Reducing or eliminating the material and labour needed for formwork could have a positive influence on the AEC industry not only by reducing costs but also by creating form freedom for designers.
3d printed formwork Recent research in digital construction focusses on eliminating or reducing the use of formwork (Doyle and Hunt 2019). In this context digital fabrication of formwork is being investigated. Non-standard formwork for concrete can digitally be produced by CNC milling of foam blocks, actuated moulds, robotic extrusion, robotic hot wire cutting, robotic welding, or even with fabric. hese techniques however have shown to be time and labour-intensive and have severe limitations to the geometry that can be created. To overcome these limitations the 3D printing techniques have been proposed (Jipa et al. 2017). The use of large scale additive manufacturing techniques for concrete seems promising for eliminating formwork but has its own problems particularly the difficulty of adding reinforcement (Burger et al. 2020). Almost all built concrete structures use integrated reinforcement to compensate for the weak tensile strength of concrete. New reinforcement techniques like adding fibres to the concrete are in development but cannot yet replace conventional steel reinforcement. Therefor most cases of 3DCP have been nonloadbearing or lost formwork(Burger 2019). When using the lost formwork technique in concrete another problem arises: the printed material, which is designed to perform well in 3d printing, is also equivalent to the material of the final product (Bandurek 2005). Concrete used in 3DCP is less strong and less sustainable than conventional concrete.
Dissolvable formwork The biggest challenge for 3D printed formwork is the removal of the formwork itself (Leschok and Dillenburger 2019). Complex geometries or fine surface ornamentation can make the removal of the formwork hard or even impossible, which leads to design restrictions. Additionally, there is a high risk of damaging the cast object when removing the formwork (Leschok and Dillenburger 2019). Also, the waste needs to be considered, most non-standard formwork cannot be reused and is not biodegradable. Sustainable (water-) dissolvable formworks like the eggshell, see figure X.X (Burger et al. 2020), or thin shell projects (Leschok and Dillenburger 2019), could be the solution to easy removal of the formwork.
Clay as alternative The problem with projects like the eggshell or thin shell projects that use dissolvable formwork of plastic is first of all the printing time. The method is relatively slow, the printing time long, and therefore the element less energy efficient. Furthermore, while some plastics are in theory recyclable, the process of recycling is complicated especially when polluted with concrete residue (Burger 2019). An interesting alternative sustainable material is clay, which is fully recyclable. Clay has proven to be a material well suited for large 3D printed objects and easily removed from the cast (Leschok and Dillenburger 2019) (Burger 2019). Research question ClayCast researches the possibility of using clay as a sustainable dissolvable 3D printed formwork material for making non-standard architectural elements out of concrete. How can clay be applied as a sustainable 3D printed formwork material for making non-standard structural elements out of concrete?
The fabrication of clay printing The fabrication process of ClayCast system is a circular process as shown in figure X.X. Dry clay powder is mixed with water and optional additives. The wet clay is extruded through a nozzle by air pressure, a ram pump, positive displacement or combinations of these techniques. The clay is fed through a hose to the nozzle or by attaching the extruder directly to the robot arm. The formwork is printed according to the digital model. In ClayCast a consecutive fabrication method is used, see figure X.X. This means that in contrast to a simultaneous fabrication method, the placement of reinforcement and pouring of concrete is done after de print work is done. This is either directly after printing or after drying of the clay. After the concrete is hardened the clay formwork can be removed by breaking it away or softening it with water to reveal the final concrete object (Burger 2019). The clay of the mould can be grinded into dust and be reused. For the process to work each
Material Clay is a natural soil material that has come up in the 3D printing research in recent years. ClayCast looked at 23 clay and soil printing research papers and projects (see table X.X) with the oldest dating from 2014. Important to note is that projects called clay printing use a material with at least 40% clay (Ibrahim 2020) and rarely add sand, projects with the name soil printing use materials that are officially no clay, for example the Gaia House project which uses soil consisting of 30% clay, 40% silt and 30% sand (Chiusoli 2018). Clay is divided into different categories with the most common ones being porcelain, earthenware and stoneware. Porcelain is a mostly white clay type with low plasticity and a high firing temperature, porcelain is also generally the most expensive of the three. Earthenware are the generally red or brown clays with a must higher plasticity and a low (950-1000 °C) firing temperature. Earthenware is much more widely available and therefor much cheaper. Stoneware is in plasticity and availability similar to earthenware but has a higher firing temperature and is generally grey in colour (Ibrahim 2020). Most projects chose either an earthenware or stoneware type clay as the plasticity of these types is preferable over porcelain, but there seems no convincing argument for choosing earthenware over stoneware of vice versa except for the colour. Moisture levels differ from less than 10% (Im, AlOthman, and Castillo 2018) to 40% (J. C. Wang, Dommati, and Hsieh 2019) but it seems that the lower levels are preferable because it makes the clay more buildable, but little water makes extruding difficult and is only possible if the extruder can take the pressure. Some projects use additives to improve buildability. Powdered sugar, Maltodextrin and different types of fibres are most common additives but most projects use plain clay. ClayCast uses a earthenware with 0 - 0.5 mm chamotte. As the clay is used as a formwork instead of a final object the colour of the material is irrelevant and earthenware is more common in our area than stoneware. We use no other additives than chamotte to keep the reusability and recyclability as high as possible. The clay is mixed with ??% water.
Extruder Feeding the clay through a nozzle is one of the key aspect in the 3D printing process. In most of the researched projects the development of an extruder played a large role in the process. There a these extruders can be divided into different types: air pressure, mechanical ram pump, positive displacement extruder or combinations of these types. Air Pressure Extruder: The air compression extruder is the most used system. It either extrudes clay directly by pushing air on to the clay in a syringe type extruder or indirectly by pushing a plunger into the clay. Over half of the researched project and most basic DIY guides for 3D clay printing use a form of air compression in their extruder. It is a closed systems with means that the size of the cartidge defines the maximum size of the printed object. Filling the cartidge can be time consuming as airbubbles will make the print to fail. Also clay flow can be hard to control, but for continues line printing this is the easiest and cheapest option. For example the Robosense 2.0 project uses an air pressure extruder (Bilotti et al. 2018). Stepper-driven syringe or ram pump extruder: With the stepper-driven ram pump extruder the clay is extruded by mechanically pushing a plunger into the clay. The basics of this syringe type system is simple but when scaling up to more material and more pressure a more advanced system is needed. Executed well it fixes problems the air compressed extruder has to deal with except for it still being a closed system. Also the system can become quite large as the system needs to be twice as long as the cartridge. Informed Ceramics uses a stepper-driven syringe extruder (Ko et al. 2019).
Positive displacement extruders Positive displacement extruders are those extruders that are based on cavity or auger pumps. They rely on an external material reservoir rather than a syringe. Cavity extruders have the advantage of controlling the flow of clay more precisely than with a syringe type extruder making starting and stopping possible and it can in theory be an open system so clay can be added during printing. There are however almost no projects that rely on gravity for the material supply, as a clay mixture with little water is preferable. Within the researched projects there is only one example of an extruder that uses only positive displacement (Wang et al. 2017). Also in most cases open extruders do not work easily on a 6-axis robot arm. Most systems that use positive displacement use a hybrid extruder. They use both air compression or a ram pump as well as an auger or moineau cavity pump near the nozzle to control clay flow. Most common problem for these types of extruders is the pressure in the extruder becoming to high for it to function properly or problems with back flow. Most small scale clay printers use this system as it is the most precise, but it can be very complex and expensive as well.
Claycast ClayCast uses a ram pump extruder as starting and stopping is not necessary in the project. Also the easier transportation of the ram pump over the air compression extruder and available resources made the ram pump more suitable in the project of ClayCast.
3D printing questions before testing: - Layer height - 5 mm - Printing speed - ? - Air bubbles and other inconsistencies - Casting and demolding process - Overhangs Clay printing - tests In the first couple of tests, we notice that the clay, after pouring into the formwork, it was easy to get off the concrete.
Clay printing - the final object After several try outs with simple geometries, we have finally made a design of a concrete pillar, which the dissolvable formwork is divided in four pieces. In the photo below you see the design of the pillar head, and we were about to pour the concrete after the clay was dried out. Unfortunately we couldn’t cast the concrete due to Covid 19 issues.
Conclusion Our claycast prototype of the extruder can print max 25 layers before it collapse. Based on the stepped motor and the adding the amount of water, makes the difference of how the clay will be pumped through the hose. We discovered that the clay mix should be adding 36,5% of water per 3,5 kg of claypowder. That is the good mixture balance between the moisture and elasticy.
Discussion (limitations of our project) - Size cartridge (print amount) - Design of the extruder (time to change cartridge, safety mechanism, uncontinous supply of clay) - Pressure in extruder, power of the driver (mechanical properties of extruder) - Buildability, weight of object when scaling up (material properties) - Material reuse issues (powder, time etc)
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LIMITATIONS OF 3DCP Reinforcement One of the most prominent problems to overcome for 3DCP is the incorporation of reinforcement within 3DCP elements. Concrete performs well under tension but can hardly take any tensile strength and is therefore usually reinforced with steel rebar. To become an effective method of construction, that can provide safe, loadbearing structural elements, 3DCP must find a way to deal with tensile strength (Marchment & Sanjayan 2020). Several methods of intergrating reinforcement are being developed such as; Screw Reinforcement (Hass & Bos 2020), Shotcrete (Freund et al 2020), Layer Penetration Reinforcement Method (LPRM) (Marchment & Sanjayan 2020). One of the most researched methods is a way to include fibre reinforcement while printing, such as research by (Gebhard et al 2020), Zeeshan, Other option is to print a 3DCP element, then to cast concrete inside the element and incorporate reinforcement in that (Bekaert et al 2020) (Constanzi et al 2018) (Marchment & Sanjayan 2020) Penetration Reinforcing Method for 3D Concrete Printing (Hass & Bos 2020) Bending and Pull-Out Tests on a Novel Screw Type Reinforcement for Extrusion-Based 3D Printed Concrete (Freund et al 2020) Studying the Bond Properties of Vertical Integrated Short Reinforcement in the Shotcrete 3D Printing Process (Gebhard et al 2020) Aligned Interlayer Fibre Reinforcement and Post-tensioning as a Reinforcement Strategy for Digital Fabrication (Bekaert et al 2020) Printed Concrete as Formwork Material: A Preliminary Study (Constanzi et al 2018) 3D Printing Concrete on temporary surfaces: The design and fabrication of a concrete shell structure Sustainability (material properties, waste) Another limitation of 3DCP is the concrete mixture that must be used. Because the concrete needs to be pumped in order to be extruded, but needs to harden quickly in order to provide the required buildability, special concrete mixtures have to be developed. Because the concrete needs to fullfill many specific requirements regarding its pumpability, buildability etc, “Freeform” geometries Another limitation of 3DCP lies in its promise of freeform geometries. 3DCP allows for precise placement of concrete therefore allowing for less material usage. However, because of the layer by layer additive manufacturing, shapes involving overhangs or complex patterns are difficult to produce. Research in this field has found ways around this, by using chemicals that cure the concrete faster, therefore allowing for steeper angles (TAM) FORMWORK IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY DIGITAL FABRICATION OF FORMWORK