15 minute read
Read Opioid Crisis in the Pew
Opioid Crisis in the Pew
Hope Wrought by Faith
by jim morgan and joe bohn
already found its way into your congregation. The face of the opioid crisis is no longer the heroin addict strung out on the streets. Roughly 21 to 29 percent of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them.1 He’s the former football player who is a frequent attender silently dealing with the long-term effects of knee injuries. She’s the mother of two in the back pew, suffering from loneliness and relationship issues originating from childhood sexual abuse. It’s even the teenager in the youth group experimenting with pills, succumbing to peer pressure.
Overdoses and deaths from prescription and illegal opioid usage are dramatically increasing across the country. In 2017, the National Institute on Drug Abuse reported over 70,237 drugoverdose deaths, up from 36,010 drug-overdose deaths a decade earlier. The annual cost of prevention, treatment, recovery, and deaths reached $78.5 billion in 2016.2
Tampa Bay Churches Join the Fight
In 2016, there were 2,798 opioid-related overdose deaths in Florida—a rate of 14.4 deaths per 100,000 persons, compared to the national rate of 13.3 deaths per 100,000 according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. On the west coast of Florida, a group of pastors, other faith leaders, academia and community partners have taken action to increase education, awareness and support, while reducing stigma associated with the addiction crisis. Under Humana’s national Bold Goal initiative, aimed at addressing key national public health challenges, a cross-sectoral group of partners across three counties is working to stem the tide of opioid addiction. In the early planning stages, the partnership channeled their efforts into engaging faith leaders in the crisis.
Why faith leaders? In evaluating the root causes for opioid abuse, as well as the pathways out of addiction, a recurring theme emerged—the critical role of hope wrought by faith. People from all population segments often turn to faith leaders as a first source for help in coping with personal and family crises. Faith-based organizations (FBOs) undeniably are important players in our nation’s public health safety net, sustaining and enhancing the emotional, physical and spiritual health of those who struggle.3 The support system of a church family, counseling by faith leaders, and programs offered by FBOs significantly reduce substance abuse, violence, and crime in local communities, regardless of affluence or economic disadvantage. In fact, even the US Department of Health and Human Services recognizes the importance of engaging faith leaders, publishing the “Opioid Epidemic Practical Toolkit: Helping Faith and Community Leaders Bring Hope and Healing to Our Communities” in 2018.
Strategy and Structure
Starting in January 2018, representatives from over 50 regional FBOs, health providers, public agencies, and educational institutions began to discuss local challenges and activities related to the opioid crisis, mental health, and suicide. All three counties recognized that mental health issues lay at the root of opioid misuse, yet there was a wide variance in community health repercussions for each county. While confronting similar causal factors, the counties were dealing with different sets of downstream issues. One experienced high suicide rates. A second saw the detrimental impact of opioid addiction on child and family welfare, while the third was concerned about spikes in homelessness and crime.
Given these differences, the planning committee formed three county-specific leadership teams—one for Hillsborough, another for Pasco and a third for Pinellas. The teams put together initial forums, which were held in the fall of 2018. Each forum attracted roughly 100 attendees, primarily faith leaders, service providers, community partners, and university and high school students. Agendas at each forum followed the same order, based on an approach and objectives around a model created by a university doctoral student and coined “E4.” 1. Educate—awareness of alarming crisis statistics and trends 2. Empower—awakening to the signs of addiction, as well as local resources and initiatives 3. Engage—action each faith leader can take to address the crisis within communities and congregations
4. Equip—availability of best practices and tools to assist faith leaders and accountability for taking advantage of them to address the crisis
Following the forums, the planning committee launched ongoing efforts to reach out to faith leaders and more partners proactively, reinforcing the messages from the forums with those who attended and sharing them with those who could not attend. Additional workshops were planned with representatives from targeted communities, including Hispanic and Muslim neighbors being impacted by opioid abuse. The E4 stakeholder mobilization framework approach is being carried forward and adopted as a simple model for pastors and other faith leaders to implement changes within their congregations. Overall this regional grassroots initiative has stimulated new interest in the intersection of faith-based and secular collaboration around educational programming related to behavioral health and substance abuse.
What Can Your Church Do?
Even with the door wide open to demonstrate the love of Jesus to a waiting world, most pastors and churches remain largely unaware of or uninvolved in the opioid crisis. Opioid use is entirely centered around one objective: pain alleviation, whether physical or psychological. What all faith leaders must realize is that the opioid crisis is not about drugs. It is about escaping the harsh reality of seemingly unresolvable pain—from surgeries, PTSD, depression, isolation, failed relationships, socioeconomic conditions, child neglect or abuse.
C. S. Lewis wrote in The Problem of Pain, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” Many must understandably seek relief responsibly through legal opiates, but escapism beyond what is necessary through abuse of legal
or illegal pain medications is not God’s will. Romans 5:3–4 says, “We also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope”—the critical role of hope wrought by faith.
No doubt, at least a few members of every congregation are in physical or psychological anguish. Consequently, if you surveyed your church, there is a good chance that nearly every family has been touched in some way by the opioid crisis—not to mention alcohol addiction.
Churches have a unique opportunity to come alongside those suffering, especially their own members, at three critical stages— prevention, intervention and recovery. However, most faith leaders hesitate to speak openly about the opioid crisis and share facts about the dangers. This contributes to the stigma surrounding addiction. Pastors can lead the way in demonstrating the love of Jesus by removing that stigma, offering acceptance, and finding the natural places to talk about the spiritual dimension of wholeperson healing. Faith leaders can train members to recognize the signs and intervene boldly, reducing the risk that those in pain will fall to temptation or continue to abuse opiates. And the consequences of succumbing are dire, costing many their faith, families, careers, savings, health and lives. Consider the impact on children as well, like me (Jim), who for all practical purposes lost my mom as a young boy to prescription drug and alcohol addiction.
Yet few pastors have the opioid crisis on their radar. Most have not personally encountered it in their churches even though almost certainly it is present there, carefully concealed to cover shame. Even if someone did approach them about an addiction of any kind, much less an opiate, few faith leaders are well equipped to respond. This could change with increased education, awareness, and collaboration geared toward greater collective impact.
What is happening in Tampa Bay is an example of where collaboration between faith-based groups and the wider community can achieve a common goal. It is working because cross-sectional partners have found a common agenda and are committed to a shared vision—decreasing opiate addiction. Congregations are a vital resource.
Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” The mounting opioid crisis threatens our congregations and communities. Moving forward, we each have a choice. We can recognize and stand up to the challenge. We can seek opportunities to reduce the stigma felt by those burdened with addiction. We can educate and mobilize for the sake of our neighbors in need—strengthening congregational care.
Sometimes it is the little changes we make that lead to the greatest benefit in society.4
Think of the power in your messages. The sermons, the prayers, and counseling those who are suffering, often seemingly without hope. But hope can always be found in Jesus Christ. We have a chance to remove stigma, eradicate pain, and bring light back into the lives of those in need. One person at a time, the healing begins and we can restore many in our society who have been trapped in this national public health crisis.
1. K. E. Vowles, M. L. McEntee, P. S. Julnes, T. Frohe, J. P. Ney, and D. N. van der Goes. “Rates of Opioid Misuse, Abuse, and Addiction in Chronic Pain: A Systematic Rand Data Synthesis," Pain (2015). 2. C. S. Florence, C. Zhou, F. Luo, L. Xu. “The Economic Burden of Prescription Opioid Overdose, Abuse, and Dependence in the United States, 2013.” Med Care (2016). 3. J. Levin, “Partnerships between the Faith-based and Medical Sectors: Implications for Preventive Medicine and Public Health.” Preventive Medicine Reports 4 (2016): 344–350. 4. H. J. Bohn, “Improving the Health of Communities: A Systems Perspective for the Next Generation,” in Population Health. Management, Policy, and Innovation, 2nd ed. eds. R. J. Esterhay, L. S. Nesbitt, J. H. Taylor, and H. J. Bohn. Second Edition (Norfolk, PA: Convurgent, 2017), 189.
Jim Morgan is the founder and president of Meet The Need Ministries, created in 2002 to lead the way in networking partners to collaborate around hunger relief, homelessness, disaster relief, substance abuse, foster care, and other issues facing communities across the nation. Visit www.meettheneed.org.
Joe Bohn, PhD, MBA, is assistant professor and director, community engagement, for the University of South Florida College of Public Health. His PhD is from the University of Louisville.
An action plan for your community
GOALS Education
• Increase your understanding of addiction and the opioid crisis • Educate others in your congregation and community • Break down the walls of shame and stigma
• Monitor and prevent risk factors for potential opioid abuse • Recognize signs of opioid use and act early
• Foster genuine community and transparency
• Ask tough questions when opioid abuse is suspected
• Advise and counsel those currently affected by addiction • Provide and promote access to faith, social and clinical resources
• Celebrate overcomers and share success stories of recovery journeys • Support those struggling through the long road to recovery, reconciliation and redemption
• Conduct an Awareness Sunday at your church • Distribute information about the crisis
• Encourage those impacted to seek help • Share the hope that healing is possible • Issue a call to action • Identify those able and willing to provide support
• Conduct a church-wide assessment • Identify primary spiritual and social needs of the congregation
• Learn about outside resources that can be leveraged if needed • Gauge preparedness to address risk factors and crisis internally • Take note of those in physical or emotional pain and get ahead of the issue (e.g. going through surgery, divorce or loss of a loved one) • Counsel those at risk (and/or their family members)
• Appoint an (internal) leader on this issue
• Organize efforts to build support structures for families in crisis • Improve perception of your church as a “safe” place for help • Ensure staff and other key leaders are trained to recognize signs of drug abuse • Provide practical support to individuals and families in crisis • Point congregants to vetted resources for clinical and medical support
• Provide a more holistic picture of “health”
• Have resources and information ready and available
• Provide “family” and community for those in recovery • Organize efforts to build support structures to wrap around families in crisis • Provide economic, food, housing and transportation assistance
• Start a Celebrate Recovery program
Health Ministry Connections
How to Use This Issue in Your Congregation
Aministry of healing has a long history within Christian tradition. When Jesus came to announce the kingdom of God, healing was as much a part of the gospel as his sermons and parables. As his followers, we carry on the work Jesus sent his first disciples out to do when we include health ministry. How can you use this issue in health ministry that helps your congregation answer the biblical to healing work? Fall 2019 · Volume 9, Number 4
bible study outlines
Building a Vibrant Health Ministry 4 Bible Study Outlines
SeSSion 1: Jesus’ Gospel of Health In advance, read “Empowering to Healing Work” on page 16 and Mark 12:1–12 and John 10:9–10. This session explores Jesus’ intertwining of caring both for the body and the spirit because he saw people as whole persons. (For expanded study, you may want to explore Genesis 2:47 and John 4:13–14). As you lead, emphasize these points. Building a Vibrant Health Ministry Mobilize Strengths in Your Congregation • Jesus prepared his disciplines to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick.
His ministry stressed healing the whole person. • Every congregation has the potential to make each person’s days become full of life and love. • Health teams enable congregations to act nimbly and effectively to address wellness issues and support whole-person health as Jesus did.
Discussion questions
Plan a series of Bible study sessions on health ministry.
Use the brief outlines provided as a launching point to develop and lead small-group adult study sessions adaptable to your congregation’s ministries. Read the suggested articles and expand on the points to emphasize with your own thoughts. Use excerpts from highlighted articles to read aloud with your group, and guide discussion with questions in the session outlines along crafting additional questions based on your group’s interest and needs. See pages 12 for Bible study outlines.
How can the Bible inspire us to do the hard work of laying a solid foundation and raising strong walls for enduring health ministry? Use these brief outlines to develop and lead small-group Bible study Evaluate your sessions adaptable to your congregation’s ministries. Read the suggested articles and expand on the points health ministry. to emphasize with your own thoughts. You also might like to choose some excerpts from the Whether you are highlighted articles to read aloud with your group. Craft additional discussion questions based on your group’s starting from scratch interest and needs. 12 Church Health Reader | Fall 2019 or revitalizing, evaluate the needs you can meet through health ministry, the resources you have to work with—both within your congregation and in the community—and how to set your ministry up for success. Read the articles in the features section and use them as the basis for discussion with an exploratory committee or a health ministry team. Make it a goal to come up with a list of concrete next steps. See pages 14, 24, and 28.
Support health through the holidays.
As congregation members move deeper into the fall months, pressures and traditions of the holidays will be upon them. While this is a time many people look forward to, it’s also a time that health habits easily go off track. Distribute or post reproducible and downloadable resources in this issue to support positive health habits all the way through the holiday season. These include Scripture Cards for Advent and Christmas and Holiday Nutrition Strategies. See pages 5 and 10.
Fall 2019 · Volume 9, Number 4
SeSSion 2: A Vision of Health Ministry
In advance, read “The Cure Method” on page 20 and Isaiah 58:6–12. This session explores a picture of a healing community and becoming dedicating to bringing this vision about in practical terms. (For expanded study, you may also want to explore Luke 4:16–20 and Matthew 25:34–40). As you lead, emphasize these points. • Congregational health ministry is not the specialized work of a few but an invitation for many people to share a vision that finds its roots in the Bible. • Congregational health ministry translates a vision into actions that change people’s lives for the better. • Congregational health ministry is an opportunity for faithful stewardship of the gifts and resources that reside within the local faith community.
Discussion questions
1. Read Isaiah 58:6–8 together. The author has been talking about false and true fasting or worship. How do these verses help us how a health ministry that improves lives is sincere service or worship of God?JESUS’ MODEL 2. Read Isaiah 58:9–12 together. How do these verses show us a picture of community FOR health restored—not just the individuals but the community as a whole?MINISTRY 3. Share experiences of health and wellness that have come out of community experience of faith and service. IDEAS YOUR TEAM CAN USE NOW
1. Read Mark 2:1–12 together. Name the ways we see the four friends coming together to for the well-being of the man who could not walk. How do we see
Jesus caring for both the body and spirit of the man? 2. Look at John 10:9–10 together. Jesus came to bring us abundant life. In what ways can living in this fullness seem to be stolen from us and undercut our health? 3. Share examples of how you have seen caring for both the body and spirit of an individual make a difference in overall wellness and experience of the abundant life.
Close with prayer.
Building a Vibrant Health Ministry Mobilize Strengths in Your Congregation
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