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For my Bachelor’s research paper, I aimed to delve into the theory of typography and its impact on us. My study began with a review of key milestones in the history of letters and writing up to the present, followed by an examination of various typeface styles and their functions. I then explored the basics of visual perception and semiotics and their connection to typography, highlighting how form and perception, in combination with memories and experiences, shape the viewer’s emotional response.
Building on this foundation, I conducted a review of existing studies that tested viewers’ reactions to different fonts types. I found that the results varied, as expected, given the large number of fonts, their similarities, and the subjectivity of people. However, I gained valuable insights into the effects that a typeface can have on individuals.
In conclusion, I scoured the web and uncovered various tools and resources for graphic designers to aid in font selection and combination, as well as more efficient methods for font categorization beyond genre.