Community Centred Conservation (C3)

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BAG FOR LIFE A report submitted to Global Greengrants Fund

Community Centered Conservation 2003

Š Community Centered Conservation 2003 Community Centered Conservation (C3) is a non-profit organization registered in Palau on 22nd April 2002. The activities described in this report have been supported by a grant from Global Greengrants Fund Suggested citation:

C3’s banner hanging outside a major grocery store in Koror 18th June 2003

Community Centered Conservation (C3) (2003) BAG FOR LIFE. A report submitted to Global Greengrants Fund. 11pp


Community Centered Conservation (C3) P.O. Box 1206 Koror, Republic of Palau 96940

Global Greengrants Fund 2840 Wilderness Place, Suite E, Boulder, CO 80301 USA Tel 1 (303) 939-9866 Fax 1(303) 939-9867


Edited by P.Z.R Davis Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Koror 2003





2.1 Expenditure log


2.2 Breakdown of expenditure




3.1 Bag for life in the national press


3.2 Bag for life flyer


Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Bag for Life

1. ACTIVITIES REPORT Community Centered Conservation (C3) received a $5000 grant from Global Green Fund in February 2003 to support its Bag for Life project. The aim of the Bag for Life project was to increase consumer awareness about the environmental hazards of plastics and to introduce a reusable shopping bag which could be used instead of plastic bags. In March 2003, C3 employed Yvonne Ueda as the part-time Project Coordinator. Yvonne began researching the materials, design and potential costs of the Bag for Life. She consulted women’s groups in Koror, including Ekei, Milad L Dil, Didil Belau and Mai Berel and showed the women various sample bags in order to identify the most popular material and dimensions for the shopping bag. All the women’s groups were extremely supportive and offered to help with the campaign in the future.

Bag for Life - logo designed by Denise Bond

In April, Yvonne designed public awareness materials, including posters, brochures, leaflets and flyers, which provided details about plastics, their impacts on our environment and the alternatives. Store managers were approached on a one-to-one basis and invited to join the Bag for Life campaign by ordering the bags. These would be provided along with the public awareness materials to their store on the Launch Day, Tuesday 17th June 2003.

70 initial bags and leaflets were made in Palau for display at C3’s Earth Day Booth on 22nd April 2003. The bags were very popular and all of them were sold in one morning! Press releases were written by Yvonne Ueda, Patricia Davis and Denise Bond during the lead up to the launch and were published in the local newspapers. The articles covered issues such as the hazards of burning plastics, biodegradable alternatives and examples of other countries that have banned or are trying to phase out the plastic bag. In May, a supplier for the Bag for Life was identified. It was decided that the bags would be made in the Philippines in order to cut costs, but with a local businesswoman, Tina Bausoch, coordinating the contract.

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Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Bag for Life

A local song-writer/musician was contracted to compose a song about the Bag for Life that could be played on the local radio stations in order to raise awareness about the reusable shopping bags in the lead-up to the launch. The song was written in Palauan and played on three local radio stations. In June, preparations were made for the Launch Day, including the preparation of a banner which was to be hung outside the launch venue, Palasia Hotel and then to be circulated around the participating stores throughout June and July.

Patricia Davis, C3 Project Manager at KR FM studio, recording public announcements - Photo: Mark Rudimch

Invitations to the Launch Party were sent at the beginning of June to all supporters, including women’s groups, other environmental organizations, dignitaries and politicians. On Tuesday 17th June, the Launch Party was held at a function room at Palasia Hotel. This consisted of introductory speeches by the C3’s Project Manager, Patricia Davis, Bag for Life Coordinator, Yvonne Ueda, Guests included the First Lady, Mrs. Debbie Remengesau, Miss. Palau, Minister of Finance, Senator Steven Kanai, Delegate Joel Toribiong, renowned businessman and store owner, Santy Asanuma and Miss Palau 2002, Jennifer Dermody. The event was filmed by Belau Cares Incorporated (BCI), a non-profit filming company that focuses on community issues.

Senator Steven Kanai gave a speech after dinner and informed guests of the proposed bill to ban plastics (proposed by Del. Joel Toribiong), which is currently being considered by the Senate. He assured those present that he would do everything in his power to ensure that the Senate passed the legislation. Santy Asanuma also gave a speech in which he outlined his concerns about plastic bags and their impact on Palau’s unique environment. He recounted a story about how he had been fishing with a friend and saw what appeared to be a large white fish swimming in the ocean. When he attempted to catch it, he discovered it was a plastic bag and not only that, but a bag from his store! He felt ashamed that his business was affecting the marine environment in such an adverse way so as a result of that incident, he introduced paper bags as an alternative to plastic at his grocery store. Also in June, C3 contracted Belau Cares Incorporated (BCI) to produce a video on plastics and the environment. The script was written by Yvonne Ueda and Patricia Davis and translated into Palauan by Gale Ngirmidol of BCI. Miss Palau 2002, Jennifer Dermody, is the narrator for the video and Jo Aitaro, the International Waters Program Coordinator for the National Government’s Office of Environmental Response & Coordination features in the video. Solid Waste has been identified as the priority issue for Palau’s International Waters Program and so the Bag for Life ties in with their work in spreading awareness about the need to reduce solid waste throughout the country. The video is to be shown on the local Island Cable Television throughout July.

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Bag for Life

Bags displayed at the check-outs at SureSave Mart (Rudimch Enterprises) grocery store, June 2003

Community Centered Conservation (C3)

By the beginning of July, C3 was already receiving requests from stores for more bags. A second order will be placed this month and C3 has received offers of help in locating a long-term supplier through Rudimch Enterprises, which coincidentally ordered the greatest number of bags (250) for it’s SureSave Mart. Rudimch Enterprises also runs a popular radio station, KR Fm, and C3 has been given the opportunity to record messages about plastics and the Bag for Life for broadcasting to the general public on a regular basis.

Ideas for future projects include a schools competition for which schools throughout Palau will be invited to design an anti-littering/anti-plastics sign to be placed in their state at the side of the new Compact Road, which will catch the attention of visitors and people driving through their state. A new anti-littering law will come into effect on 1st August 2003 and will increase the penalties for littering and increase the powers of police for prosecuting those who litter. We feel the schools’ sign competition will also help to raise awareness about the new legislation. Another idea is to offer an Environmental Store of the Year Award and challenge all stores in Palau to come up with a means of reducing the amount of plastics used in their store or by their customers.

Bag for Life displayed at Surangel & Sons grocery store, June 2003

The Bag for Life campaign has involved the coordinated efforts of many motivated individuals, government and non-government organizations and has truly been a success in the community of Koror. We hope that with further funding we can expand our awareness program throughout Palau and sustain the momentum of the campaign.

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Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Bag for Life

2. FINANCIAL REPORT 2.1 EXPENDITURE LOG DATE 20 DEC 02 27 JAN 02 22 MAR 03 27 MAR 03 28 MAR 03 28 MAR 03 1 APR 03 11 APR 12 APR 03 19 APR 03

USD 145.00 10.00 6.00 72.00 228.00 8.20 25.00 234.00 76.00 330.40

TO The Print Zone Denise Bond Marietta Denise Bond Yvonne Ueda Yvonne Ueda MY Publication Yvonne Ueda Boyet, Manila West Office Supply

22 APR 03 25 APR 03 30 APR 03 30 APR 03 9 MAY 03 9 MAY 03 9 MAY 03 9 MAY 03 22 MAY 03 23 MAY 03 1 JUN 03 3 JUN 03

26.25 246.00 56.10 50.00 45.50 61.20 36.75 192.00 50.00 183.00 100.00 500.00

The Print Zone Yvonne Ueda Palau Horizon Tia Belau Marietta FR Express The Print Zone Yvonne Ueda Roland Tangelbad Yvonne Ueda Roland Tangelbad Tina Bausoch

6 JUN 03 10 JUN 03 12 JUN 03 16 JUN 03 16 JUN 03 18 JUN 03 19 JUN 03 19 JUN 03 1 JUL 03

180.00 100.00 750.00 150.00 180.00 704.00 207.00 84.00 100.00

Yvonne Ueda Belau Cares Inc. Tina Bausoch The Print Zone Islands Horizon Corporation Desomel Restaurant Yvonne Ueda Denise Bond Belau Cares, Inc


ITEM 120 bags printed plus screen 2 prototypes 1 prototype Time & Expense Paycheck#1 Fuel & stamps 50 brochures Paycheck #2 Material for 60 bags Posters. Leaflets, flyers, brochures 21 bags printed Paycheck #3 Ad to store managers Ad to store managers Labor for Bags Remittance charge for material 49 bags printed Paycheck #4 deposit for song composition Pay check #5 Final payment for song Deposit for bag production (500) Pay Check #6 50% video payment Final payment for 500 bags Banner 60 posters Launch Dinner Function Paycheck#7 Time & expense 50% video production



MONTH (2003)




Bag production



Launch party



12 weeks April –June


Awareness campaign

Project Officer ($6/hr, 271hrs) TOTAL


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Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Bag for Life


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Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Bag for Life

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Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Bag for Life

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Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Bag for Life

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Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Bag for Life

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Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Bag for Life

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Community Centered Conservation (C3)

Bag for Life


‘ Bag For Life ’ Campaign

What’s the problem with plastic? Plastic is an extremely useful, durable, lightweight, waterproof material yet it is fast becoming one of the most serious environmental problems we face in the 21st century. Most plastics, like those used to make plastic shopping bags and drink bottles take HUNDREDS of years to decompose. How many plastic bags and drinks bottles do you use and throw out every week? Now multiply that by 20,000 and you will be surprised and maybe alarmed at the amount of plastic we all dump in the soils and waters of Palau just in one week.

The plastic you throw away when you are/were 10 years old will still be in the soil when your great-great-great-great grandchildren are alive! Plastic disposal is more of a problem for a small island nation like Palau, with no recycling facilities and limited land for waste disposal. Since Palau is an island, much plastic ends up in waterways and the sea where it entangles, suffocates or is eaten by marine animals like turtles, dolphins and whales, which later die.

How can you help reduce plastic use? •

• • • • •

Please take home and re-use any drinks bottles you buy either as water bottles for boat trips or olbaol. The more times you can re-use the bottle before dumping it, the better. Try to buy drinks in aluminum cans instead and give them to the recycling plant in Palau so they don’t fill up dump sites. Do not release balloons into the air – when they burst, they often end up in the sea, where marine mammals and turtles eat them and die. Keep plastic bags you get at the store as trash bags or for carrying things when you get home. Pick up plastic from the streets, rivers or the sea and dispose of it properly. Use paper plates at customs, not Styrofoam, which takes 500 years to decompose!

Use a BAG FOR LIFE (reusable material bag ) when you go to the store – fill it up with your shopping and re-use it next time. Just leave it in your car until next time you shop. Don’t accept plastic bags when you can carry the items without a bag! Help us conserve Palau’s environment on land and at sea.


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