Chris Cavanaugh Song Book Movie Essay Don’t we all have something to be thankful for? Sometimes, it may seem like the world is working against you, and that nothing you can do will change what is happening. Like everything you do just isn’t good enough, or that it just won’t matter. Why should I be thankful then, if this is the case? All of these thoughts are instantly erased when I hear the song, “I’ve got plenty to be thankful for” by Bing Crosby. Just something about the soothing tone of his voice, and the jazzy brass instruments in the background combined with a smooth harmony of strings makes me thankful. The intricate melodies that overlap a message of simple gifts that Bing reminds us we’ve all been given make me believe that I really should be thankful. The song makes me think of a time when people were content with much less, and it’s nice to hear an old inspiring tune every now and again. This song brings me to a vibrant and hopping place long forgotten, when people were happy with themselves and the gifts that god bestowed upon them. As Bing talks of all the things he has, and all he needs, I try and relate this to modern times. I look at my hands, and think of how much power the eyes, lips, and ears really do hold. I think of what would be a minimal requirement for me to survive, and what things I could live without. I picture people in the fifties, dancing and swaying, laughing and conversing at their favorite sodapop joints. I can almost see Bing standing there, with a smile on his face, and the rest of his band behind him in support. I think of a black and white movie, and drive in theaters, elements of a past generation alive only
now in memories. I think of how little Bing needs to be happy, and of all the material items we cherish nowadays. I think over the progress made in the time since this song was written, and wonder if it really was progress at all. I think of my grandparents, and how they too are thankful, yet live on so little. In the end, this song makes me realize what is of real importance and what is just a placebo for happiness.