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Court Development

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by Simon Talbot-Williams



Since taking on the Court Development brief in November, Richard Dalzell and I have continued with the Tennis strategy, endorsed by the T&RA Board in 2019, to proactively improve court coverage throughout the UK.

For Rackets, we are alert to new possibilities, although the financial model is more challenging, with reliance on individual benefactors, as in the case of the re-modelled original court at Harrow School officially opened in April.


Whilst no new Tennis courts are under construction, we have identified realistic possibilities in nearly all of the target counties specified in the 2019 strategic review. Discussions are ongoing with the relevant institutions and in two cases negotiations are well advanced, one of these instigated by a school.

The viability of new development opportunities is enhanced where they are:

1. Located within educational establishments

2. Integrated within other racquet sport centres

3. Linked with the introduction of Padel tennis

A key stumbling block in some cases is the identification of a suitable Project Champion who has the necessary time, enthusiasm, drive and local connections to move the opportunity forward. If you would like to get involved or have any suggestions, please contact me (see below).


Middlesex University has served notice to terminate Tennis at the Millennium Court on the Hendon Campus. This takes effect on 14 February 2026. The tragedy is that, with the Lucke-Hille Foundation having spent around £1.5m (in 1999 money) on the most technology advanced court in the world, the university would only grant a 10-year lease.

Although continuance of the Tennis use was secured in 2010/11, from the university’s point of view, having consolidated activities at the Hendon campus, the notice to quit was the rational outcome of a review of their future space and use requirements.

However, morale at the Club is high, courts remain fully booked and the officers of a new Club entity have formed a very effective Relocation Committee. We are working with them to find a new location in the northwest of London and discussions are ongoing.


We obviously keep our eyes open for opportunities at all the out-of-use courts around the UK. Those at Coombe Abbey in Warwickshire and Crabbet Park in West Sussex are currently in commercial use whilst the Georgian court in Bath remains a museum. Easton Neston in Northants and Fairlawne in Kent are in private ownership. Troon is also firmly on our radar as it remains in the curtilage of a Nursing Home placed in “special measures” for part of the last two years.

Of particular interest is the court at HMP Hewell Grange in Worcestershire. Until recently a gym for inmates, the entire estate is now on the market for sale. We have been working very closely with the selling agents and most potential purchasers. The listed court is in excellent condition and restoration to its former use seems to be the only viable option. Hopefully, buyers of the estate will agree with our logic!


The cost of a standard new Tennis court, built as part of a larger sports complex and thus sharing changing facilities, club room and professionals’ office, is likely to be in the region of £1m.

T&RA is committed to offering grants towards the cost of new courts of at least 10% of the total development cost – and hopefully for a court in a priority County this may be increased to 15%. The financial model included, see T&RA’s website, anticipates a good level of individual donations from supporters as well as Sport England, with the institution’s own contribution being primarily the land.

A well-run club will produce a positive cash flow within 3 years which will enable the interest on any debt to be covered and repayments made by year 10.


T&RA’s website provides a host of information on Tennis court development, including a statement on the strategy, court plans, alternative models and case studies of all the recently developed courts in the UK. It also covers the Key Requirements for Successful Developments as well as the Unique Selling Points for the game. Do take a look: www.tennisandrackets.com/real-tennis/court-development


There is clearly much going on with at least 15 potential projects underway. All involve travel, meetings and much interaction. So, whilst I am grateful to our many individual enthusiasts, if we are to succeed in the promotion of new and re-use courts, to provide a comprehensive service to each of our various prospects will need more resource, hopefully of a voluntary nature, so please do get in touch with offers as Project Champion or more generally from those with expertise in property, planning and construction matters. The current strategy, endorsed by the T&RA Board, is to improve the coverage for Tennis throughout the UK and to fill in the gaps. To this end, analyses have been produced for each of the 48 counties of England as well as the major cities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Whilst no new Tennis courts are under construction, we have identified realistic possibilities in nearly all of the target counties specified in the 2019 strategic review. Discussions are ongoing with the relevant institutions and in two cases negotiations are well advanced, one of these instigated by a school.

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