Costa Rica 2022


Hotel Bougainvillea

Motmot The Room The Gardens

Soda y Mirador Cinchona

Christmas Orchid San Fernando Waterfall Green Thorntail Hummingbird Brown Violetear Hummingbird
Coppery-headed Emerald Hummingbird
Blue-gray Tanager
Barbet Silver-throated Tanager
Emerald Toucanet

Spectacled Caiman

On the Side of the Road

Laguna del Lagarto

The Gardens The Room
Yellow-throated Toucan Keel-billed Toucan with a Collared Aracari in the background Collared Aracari
Putting up the Perches
Collared Aracari Montezuma Oropendola Brown-hooded Parrot
Great Curassow

King Vulture Blind

Black Vulture
King Vulture
Eyelash Viper Eyelash Viper Green-And-Black Poison Dart Frog Typical Housing
Glass Frog Eyelash Viper Grasshopper
Tree Frog Nectar Bats Pale-billed Woodpecker Black-cheeked Woodpecker Great Kiskadee Black-cowled Oriole Buff-throated Saltator Olive-backed Euphonia Yellow-throated Euphonia (male) Yellow-throated Euphonia (female)
Red-Legged Honeycrepper (male) Red-Legged Honeycrepper (female)
Green Honeycreeper (male) Green Honeycreeper (female) Shining Honeycreeper (male) Shining Honeycreeper (female) Palm Tanager
Thrush Golden-hooded Tanager
Blue-gray Tanager
Black-crowned Tityra (male) Black-crowned Tityra (female)

Hummingbird Flash Set Up

White-necked Jacobin Hummingbird



Finca Dos Calaveras

White-faced Capuchin Monkey Great Green Macaw and Scarlet Macaw
Southern Lapwing
Water Buffalo

Arenal Volcano

Arenal Observatory Lodge

The Room Bridge at the Resort Waterfall on the Danta River Grounds of the Resort

Cecropia Tree Hybiscus Hybiscus

Fern Tree

Spider Monkey Crested Guan Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Great Curassow


Boa Constrictor Mouse Opossum Neotropical Rattlesnake Masked Tree Frog Reticulated Glass Frog Blue Jeans Dart Frog
Red-eyed Tree Frog
Reticulated Glass Frog
Emerald Glass Frog Hour Glass Tree Frog Tropical Banded Gecko Weevil Striated Salamander Praying Mantis
Casque-headed Lizard
Casque-headed Lizard
Fasciated Tiger-Heron Sunbittern
Boat-billed Heron
Strawberry Dart Frog Blue Morph Butterfly Muscovy Duck Yellow-crowned Night Heron

Bosque de Paz

The Room The Grounds
Catarata del Toro Green Hermit Hummingbird (male) Common Chlorospingus
Flash Set Up
Violet Sabrewing Hummingbird Green-crowned Brilliant Hummingbird Green Hermit (female)
Agouti Coati Anthurium Black Guan Mural in Zarcero Catholic Church in Zarcero Topiary in Zarcero Lunch at La Casona del Maiz


Natural Reserve

Resplendent Quetzal
The Cloud
Countryside The Room
Slaty Flowerpiercer Emerald Toucanet Rufous-collared Sparrow Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher Collared Redstart Volcano Hummingbird Talamanca Hummingbird Lesser Violetear Hummingbird Buffy Tuftedcheek Acorn Woodpecker
Flame-colored Tanager (male) Flame-colored Tanager (female)
Savegre River
Waterfall in a Tibutary to the Savegre
Crossing the Savegre by Horseback Calla Lily Hen & Chicks Fuchsia
On the Trail in Grounds Around the Hotel Mushrooms
The View from our Deck The RoomThe Boat on the Sierpe

Aguila de Osa at Drake Bay on the Osa Peninsula

The View from the Breakfast Table
Three Howler Monkeys
Bamboo Ficus Tree - Strangler Fig
Corcovado National Park Iguana Crab
Bats Bare-throated
Tiger Heron Whitefaced Capuchin Monkey Howler Monkey Spider MonkeyWhitefaced Capuchin Monkey Scarlet-rumped Tanager (male) Scarlet-rumped Tanager (female) Chris paddles up the Rio Agujitas Playa Colorada Yellow-headed Caracara Common Black Hawk Whitefaced Capuchin Monkey Leafcutter Ant Cana Island
Humpbacked Whale
Sea Turtle Scarlet Macaw

Arenas del Mar - Manuel Antonio

The Suite
Views from the Resort
Orange-chinned Parakeet
White Ibis
Three-toed Sloth
Iguana Common Basilisk Crowned Woodnymph Hummingbird Black Vulture Squirrel Monkey White-faced Capuchin Monkey
Sloth Howler Monkey White-faced
Final Sunset Leaving Quepos On a Small Aircraft

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