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Fingers and toes crossed we will be out of this doom and gloom soon. Hopefully you have all seen the committee’s road map out of lockdown. We made difficult decisions to keep rigidly to the government restrictions and to uphold the good reputation we have as a training group. I’m sorry if you felt we could have done more sooner and we wish we could have, but we are close to having some normality for the summer. Please remember when you are undertaking any group activity we will be scrutinised by members of the public and part of our promoting excellence in motorcycling is the public perception of motorcyclists in general.
We have held a couple of on-line natter nights hosted by Mick Hewitt and myself which have given new members a chance to pop in and say hello. These will continue till we are allowed back in Channels. If you haven’t had the opportunity to ride during the restrictions please remember to take some time to practice and get your riding