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Hello everyone I hope this finds you well. A new edition of TUG and a new chairman writing this. I want to start by expressing the huge feeling of gratitude to Jill from all group members for the huge effort and dedication she has shown to EAMG as both an Observer and Chairlady. Just observing on its own takes us away from many things that you all take for granted, be it a Sunday lunch, missing a match on tv etc, double that with chair duties and one tends to find dinner is often left in the oven for when you get back.
I also want to say a huge thanks to all who volunteer in making this group run the way it does. We are not John Lewis or M&S, we exist on the donations of others in time effort and funds. We really need to take a step back and appreciate just how good our group is, it’s so easy to look at the small negatives, but I think we have an incredible asset, that asset is people. I think we cater superbly in both rider training and social activities. This group belongs to ALL of us, so lets make the very most of what we have on offer, I think you would have to go a very long way to find another group like ours! Talking of this being our group, it is our 40 th Anniversary year, so it appears that the theme for our 40th year BBQ celebrations should reflect life in 1982. Please start looking in the loft for any clothes you might have still from then, have a laugh trying them on. My one piece Lewis Leathers don’t seem to get past my knees anymore, why do they shrink like that all by themselves in the attic?! It is also the Queens jubilee, my word she has been chair of the UK and Commonwealth for a lot longer than Jill. So we can have bunting and 1980s tunes blaring out while scoffing the delicious food we now are used too. I do want to see if we can get a wider involvement among our membership with more external activities on a social level, so the committee are discussing ideas of how we EAMG can give back to our membership. Some of the ideas are us fully/ part funding trips to National Motorcycle Museum, Triumph factory visits, Duxford Museum, Brooklands , Skid pan day and so the list goes on. Some of you may have