Many college students are presently required to take Computer courses including word processing. How do you thinkthiswillhelpapplicationofskillsneededinEdTech2?
Computer courses including word processing will be a greathelpforcollegestudentsespeciallyintheirapplication ofskillsneededinEdTech2.Because,theseskillswillnotonly come in handy in real world teaching and learning scenariosbutaswellasinnavigatingthedigitalworldwisely and in a manner that allows an individual to achieve maximum productivity with minimum amount of expense and effort. Moreover, having acquired such skills will help future educators to give their students a better platform for learning and improving their cognitive and psychomotor skills.Providingeducationwiththeuseoftechnologywillnot onlytransformtraditionalclassroomsintoamoreconducive, student-centered one. Hence, Computer courses will help applicationofskillsneededinEdTech2byfosteringstudent enthusiasm and revolutionizing the teaching and learning process.
Do you think there are enough websites for educational purposes?Doyouthinktherearemanyusersofeducational websites?
From a personal viewpoint, I think there are enough websites for educational purposes and these websites are alsoefficienttocaterthemanyusersoftheseplatforms.21st century learners are now known to be digital natives, thus, they are into navigating the digital world not only to learn buttogainskillscriticalinthemodernworld.Duetothevast demand of these websites, web creators are more likely to innovateandcreatetocatertheneedsofteacherstoassist them in their teaching and of the learners to assist them in their learning. That, I believe, is the very reason why most educational websites are built with the purpose of collaboration which enables cooperative teaching and learning. These are of great help and importance to teach users personal and social responsibility as well as shaping themtobecreativeandcriticalthinkers.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow the instructions will be marked zero. 5pts each
1. What is the main objective in technology for teaching and learning 2?
The main objective of teaching and learning 2 is to instill in student-teachers the content knowledge and skills required to integrate into their teaching and learning process. This course also aims to provide students with basic information technology learning theories as the pillar of today’s learning necessities. Nowadays, 21st century skills are absolutely necessary for adapting to student learning needs. As a result, future educators should be able to utilize and evaluate online resources efficiently. As a result, the goal of teaching and learning 2 is to primarily assist learners and teachers alike in promoting higher-level thinking, creativity, and collaborative work through fostering the integration of information technology.
2.What is Technology Literacy?
In today’s increasingly technological world, knowing how to properly and securely utilize the myriad tools at our disposal is more important than ever. By preventing careless or reckless use of technology, and fostering an environment where its responsible application thrives, technological literacy is a powerful tool for improving our lives. Literacy in using digital information effectively is synonymous with this term, digital literacy. Due to the ubiquitous nature of technology, it has considerable bearing on our lives and well-being. We must be cautious in our use of technology, making sure that we are only experiencing positive effects and not letting the potential for negative ones creep in.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow the instructions will be marked zero. 5pts each
3. As a 21st century teacher, Why is there an important for us to be well equipped when it comes to technology teaching?
As a 21st century teacher, I believe that in the gravity of becoming well-equipped when it comes to technology teaching. Learners in today’s generation are now known to be digital natives, thus, they are into navigating the digital world not only to learn but to gain skills critical in the modern world. Due to the vast demand of these technological integration in teaching and learning, teachers are compelled to learn, innovate and create to cater the needs of the students to assist them in their learning. That, I believe, is the very reason why most educational websites are built with the purpose of collaboration which enables cooperative teaching and learning. These are of great help and importance to teach users personal and social responsibility as well as shaping them to be creative and critical thinkers. We should also keep in mind that 21st century teachers are expected to deliver the best teaching mode possible because the quality of teaching reflects to the level of learning our students will acquire. If they are indeed learning, then, we can count on the effectiveness of instruction we have integrated in the classroom, may it be in a traditional or virtual set up.
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow the instructions will be marked zero. 5pts each
4. In this modern world, how will you address the generation gap between the 21st century learners and the traditional teaching style?
Answer: In this modern world, I will address the generation gap between the 21st century learners and the traditional teaching style by gradually introducing to my students the diverse ways in which they can learn and hone their potentials easily and with a little amount of wasted effort. Generation gap is indeed prevalent, however, we should take into consideration the several key aspects in which we can be effective facilitators of teaching and learning. As we have been taught, traditional style of teaching cannot be totally eradicated, there is only an integration of technology so as to cater their individual needs. Moreover, providing them the content knowledge and skills necessary with the use of technology will not only transform the classrooms that we are used of having into a more collaborative environment but as well as a set up that promotes student-centeredness. This revolutionizes the learning progress of each learner and thus transcends borders in the context of generation gap.
INSRUCTIONS: Research on the computer programs and amplify their descriptions. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will be marked 0.
1. MicrosoftOffice
MicrosoftOfficeisasuiteofapplicationsdesigned to meet every requirement in the classroom and the workplace. What this implies is that we may quickly and accurately create professionallooking documents, charts, calculations, reports, and presentations using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS-Access, Publisher, etc. Its widespread acceptance can be attributed to its adaptable design and user-friendly tools for drafting documents and coordinating efforts. Students as well as teachers may benefit from it. When it comes to computer software, this is indeed indispensable. Microsoft Office’s collaborative software is a boon to students and teachers alike. In short, it's an essential tool that can be accessed from any web-enabled device, anywhere in the world, to boost productivity and efficiency.
INSRUCTIONS: Research on the computer programs and amplify their descriptions. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will be marked 0.
PowerPointpresentationsservemanypurposesinour life and even in work. Microsoft PowerPoint is a comprehensive graphics suite for making presentations.Itequipsuswithallthetoolsnecessary to create a polished presentation. In addition to standard word processing and outlining functions, it also includes drawing, graphing, and presentation management features. As a component of Microsoft Office, we can use it for both formal and informal presentationpurposes.Inordertomakeprofessionallookingelectronicslideshows,PowerPoint(PPT)aided us to create sophisticated and simple to use computer program that use visual and graphical representations of data to convey information in a more engaging and dynamic way. Simply put, PowerPoint is essential for us to deliver our presentations to an audience in which each slide is shown in sequence and in a predetermined order. Thus, we can give detailed reports especially in a classroom setting through this, giving way to a more proficientreportandoutput.
INSRUCTIONS: Research on the computer programs and amplify their descriptions. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will be marked 0.
Microsoft Excel is a computer program that can be used to store, organize, and track data sets through the application’s usage of formulas and functions. This makes thesoftwareapowerfulinstrumentforthevisualizationand analysis of data. With its subtle assistance to the lives of individuals engaged in an educational institution, the data included in a spreadsheet may be formatted, organized, and calculated. By organizing the data using tools such as Excel, users like us can make the information more easily observable as new data is added or as existing data is amended.Itisalsofilledwiththesethingscalledcells,which are structured in rows and columns. With that, it has the capability of storing, analyzing, and reporting on significant amountsofdata.Excel’smostcommonapplicationisinthe field of accounting, where it is used for financial analysis; however, it is useful for professionals in any industry who need to handle large and complex data. As the most commonapplicationisinthefieldofaccounting,Excelhasa wide variety of applications, ranging from calendars to financialreports,budgetingandinthecaseoftheteachers, computingandstoringgradesandotherquantifiedlearning outcomes of learners. Hence, Excel is essential as it offers a speedy solution or shortcut that can make things go more quickly.
INSRUCTIONS: Research on the computer programs and amplify their descriptions. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will be marked 0.
Google is probably one of the most subtle yet important software that everyone can use for a varietyofpurposes.Itespeciallyaidedustoefficiently scanthebillionsofpagesavailableonline.Thesearch enginegivesusaneasiertimelocatingthesitesafter they have been indexed or inputted. Moreover, it catalogues and indexes all of human knowledge so that it may be used by as many people as possible. This means that information from many different types of sources can be easily retrieved via Search.
Teachers who utilize Google for Education, for instance, might spend more time tailoring lessons to the needs of their individual pupils and less time administering the tools they employ. Truly, the inclusion of Google’s accessible elements that inspire all students to perform at their highest level, today’s students can learn 21st-century problem-solving strategies and acquire employable skills through its excellentefficiency.
INSRUCTIONS: Research on the computer programs and amplify their descriptions. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will be marked 0.
Email is a kind of communication computer program that users of the internet can utilize to exchange information, get insight into various topics of interest, share knowledge and send messages and attachments easily. It has become the major mode of communication for a large number of people, and it is also used for conducting research on a variety of topics. For instance, many people have both a desktop computer and a mobile phone, which enables them to have continuous access to their email accounts from either device. Due to the fact that email is both costfree and accessible from a wide number of devices, virtually, anyone can have an email address. Nowadays, Email is helpful for a myriad of reasons, including maintaining communication with loved ones, setting up online accounts, and improving one’s virtual safety when using the internet. We can also send information in the form of letters and can be used in place of traditional mail, and thus, we can save both physical room and paper. We can minimize the amount of paper and other items that contribute to clutter in our house by making decisions such as switching to receiving our bills electronically rather than through the mail from post offices.
• Classroom
Google Classroom is undeniably one of the best medium of learning that students must acquire in order to gain a set of technological competencies in addition to the traditional academic subjects. It allow students to actively participate in the development of technological projects and assignments that increases their level of engagement. When using Google Classroom, we are more likely to get engaged in our learning progress as we can track our learning progress through it at the comfort of our homes and is also accessible at any moment. In addition, handouts and other learning materials can be distributed online. The teachers and l students will benefit much from this in the most convenient way possible. In conclusion, it is highly recommended to use Google Classroom since it guides us in our teaching and learning process, saves us time, and can be navigated easily. It could indeed help us get a leg up in life.
INSRUCTIONS: Research on the computer programs and amplify their descriptions. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will be marked 0.
When it comes to online convenience in our present situation as digital natives amid the onslaught of pandemic, Google Meet is among the very finest for teaching and learning. It is an online meeting service that makes use of chat rooms for a variety of functions. Individuals using the same account can create separate rooms or groups and assign those permissions as needed. Moreover, there are specialized instructions for coordinating with students in meetings and lectures. Irrefutably, it has become increasingly popular for educational purposes. Also, it is the most effective tool for teaching today’s students. Distance between students and instructors is no longer an issue. In the current educational landscape, this computer program improves the standard of online conversation due its proficiency in facilitating better teacher-student dialogue. Google Meet is an online meeting tool that may be used by educators to have virtual conferences with their classes and we can always benefit it most, as students, if we give due diligence in our studies.
INSRUCTIONS: Research on the computer programs and amplify their descriptions. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will be marked 0.
5.Kahoot/onlineeducationalwebsites(please specify)
• Kahoot–Kahoot!Isadigitalplatformforeducation that employs quiz-style games to pique students’ interest in learning and facilitate retention. The webaccessible cloud service is compatible with most devices. That implies that students can use their own personal computers, tablets, or smartphones in the classroom or at home. Kahoot! Is a game where you canaskaquestionandgivemultiple-choiceanswers. More interaction can be added with the use of rich medialikegraphicsandvideo.
• Scribd – In terms of digital content, Scribd is unrivaled. Stories, novels, articles, research papers, and more are available to readers all around the world. As a voracious reader, I have formed a special bond with this platform. Considering that my time is always limited to studying and household chores, Scribd opens the doors for me in a whole new level. I get to access audiobooks and listen to them wheneverIhavesomeextratimetodoso.Hence,with this online educational website, I can still continue enriching myself with different areas of knowledge mayitbethroughreadingorlistening.
INSRUCTIONS: Research on the computer programs and amplify their descriptions. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will be marked 0.
5.Kahoot/onlineeducationalwebsites(please specify)
• Coursera – Coursera is an online learning platform that provides anybody, anywhere with access to courses and degrees from top institutions and companiesacrosstheworld.Thereisawidevarietyof educational options available on this platform, from individual study to formal education leading to professional certification and beyond. Inquisitive peoplecanuseCourseratotakeadvantageofawide range of courses that will help them advance their careers and broaden their horizons. Learning at your ownpaceispossiblewithCoursera’sonlineoptions.It seemed as though the software might be used in everycircumstance.
INSRUCTIONS: Research on the computer programs and amplify their descriptions. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will be marked 0.
5.Kahoot/onlineeducationalwebsites(please specify)
• Khan Academy – Khan Academy is a free online resource that includes courses and practice in math, science, and the humanities as well as access to remote learning materials and assessment tools for educators and parents. Learning outcomes improve when teachers incorporate Khan Academy into the classroom. Teachers can utilize their data on student development to zero in on areas where students are having difficulty and tailor their lessons to meet those needs. Because of this, educators may devote more time to developing meaningful relationships with their learners.
INSRUCTIONS: Research on the computer programs and amplify their descriptions. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will be marked 0.
5.Kahoot/onlineeducationalwebsites(please specify)
• Edukasyon.ph – Edukasyon.ph is the most popular and innovative educational technology platform in the Philippines. Edukasyon.ph, a website that works in collaboration with a large number of schools, businesses, and charitable organizations, provides young people with information that enables them to construct and mold their own routes as they learn more about who they are and the opportunities that are open to them. Edukasyon.ph has not wavered from their commitment to ensure that no student falls through the cracks.
II. Discuss the capabilities of the PC outside of education and some related issues. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will bemarked0.
Entertainment is an ever-present factor in the lives of everybody, mayitbeinthepastorinthepresent.Peoplehavealwayslookedfor ways to keep themselves afloat amid all the challenges. Presently, technology advancements have allowed computers to become standardintheentertainmentbusiness.Games,forexample,canbe simulated on computers, allowing players to test out new tactics. Thus, the usage of computers in the entertainment area has increased over the last decade, and now computers play a crucial part in various industries including movies, music, presentations, sports, and games which is a tough struggle to fight when we get boredatsomepointinourdailyroutine.Wecandoanythingwewant for fun if we have access to the Internet. The world of entertainment hadbeenbroughtintothecurrenterathankstothisplatform.Ontop ofthat,italsogrewincapabilitybyintegratingwithotherwebspaces includingsocialnetworks,musicsites,andgaminghubs.Sincethisis the case, the Internet opens up a wide range of possibilities for entertainment aside from its educational aspects. With the help of thistechnologicaldevelopment,wemayreachouttoothersandgive themsomethingthatissuretoputasmileontheirfaces.
II. Discuss the capabilities of the PC outside of education and some related issues. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will bemarked0.
In terms of advertising, the computer is an extremely effective medium. In today’s digital era, advertisements can be placed on a wide variety of online platforms. Reviews of a product written by several customers can be posted, and electronic communications can be received. An advertisement’s visuals and audio are also producedbycomputers.Intermsofadvertising,thecomputeroffers a global audience for the company’s messages. Internet marketing has rapidly grown in importance, with nearly all businesses now include some form of online advertising in their strategies. As a matteroffact,webadvertisingiscrucialtoournowglobalizedworld’s economicstrategy.
II. Discuss the capabilities of the PC outside of education and some related issues. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will bemarked0.
Theadvancementofinformationandcommunicationtechnologiesis significantly influenced by the protection of intellectual property. Intangible assets like as ideas, works of art and literature, designs, names, and images are all examples of intellectual property. These definitions also include software. It’s becoming increasingly obvious that practically every industry is destined to be disrupted by innovation as technology continues to modify and change the very structureofhowweliveandwork.Asaresult,it’snothardtoseewhy Intellectual property rights are so crucial in the tech industry. Many people believe that ideas are the most valuable commodity in the 21st century, but the capacity to secure those ideas is what really ensures their worth. Proper management of intellectual property rights allows you to not only safeguard your ideas but also make moneyoffofthem.
II. Discuss the capabilities of the PC outside of education and some related issues. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will bemarked0.
Internet use has been the single most important factor in the proliferation of pornography over the course of the history of technology. Anyone with an Internet connection who is willing to put in a little bit of effort may now access a wide range of pornographic chat rooms, pictures, and videos for a price that is oftentimes very low or even free.The proliferation of pornography is directly proportional to the advancement of various forms of technology. The current state of the art in computer-based sex technology spans from extremely basic to reasonably advanced, and it is unavoidable that as advancementsaremadeinvirtualrealitytechnology,cybersex will be at the forefront of these innovations. Our culture has progressed to the point where the rate at which technology is growing is at a place where our social ideals are having difficulty keeping up with it. Because sexual activity is such an essential component of human nature, we need to start thinking about how the development of cybersex will have an impactonourculture.
II. Discuss the capabilities of the PC outside of education and some related issues. Answer each question in not less than 5 sentences and not more than 10 sentences. Failure to follow instructions will bemarked0.
The thrill and fascination of video games have only grown as technology has progressed, providing players with greater opportunities for visual stimulation, creative expression, and overall enjoyment. Because of the rise of the digital age, the industries of video games and animated films have begun to work together on both a business and creative level to share resources and create innovative new offerings for consumers. The current invention also seeks to improve the gaming experience and encourage repeat use of electronic gaming devices by creating a lottery system/interface and gambling game. The thrill of a slot machine or video gaming device is combinedwiththelotterygame,whichwasformerlyplayedon aseparatedevice.Thecurrentinventionnotonlyallowsforthe paymentofwinningcombinations,butalsoprovidestheplayer with a chance to win massive extra prizes as part of the connected lottery event. As a result, the current invention representsasignificantadvancementabovepriorartdevices.
Intoday'sfranticworkingcriticalpath,itisfundamentaltoacquire someknowledgeinallfieldsandtoexplorealljobavenues.Asalearner, the proper use of digital tools allows me to illustrate my aptitude and develop proficiencies. This also allows me to broaden my horizons and becomemoreadaptable,aswellastopursueandattainmyobjectives. Abreakthroughinnovationintechnologydoesnotoccurveryfrequently. Instead, relatively similar approaches are continually refined to provide ease functionality. It's similar to how smartphones progressed from basicphonesandcontinuetoprogressregularly.
Moreover, having a solid understanding of the educational technologies being utilized is vital, as this not only enables us obtain moreexpertisebutalsomakesuswiserandmorecompetent.Wealluse cellphones, laptops, and other devices for work, education, and enjoyment,butthegoalofthesedevicesisfarmorethanjustbeingused forthesereasons.Throughtheuseofnewfeaturesinthesemechanisms, one can become more innovative and successful. For lack of a better description, using some mobile apps to try new knowledge, obtain directions, help peers, or in real world learning to develop a set of competencies required to secure future greater opportunities. The easiestmethodtostaycurrentonrecentdevelopmentsistocontinually referring to knowledge sources. Because knowledge develops with interest,thus,onemustbeinterestedinlearningaboutnewprocesses.
In conjunction, students like me who are aiming for decent employment must learn and adapt new digital tools, applications, and processes.Inordertomeettheneedsofadynamicenvironmentthatis rapidly evolving, we must also keep ourselves abreast of the latest. It won'tbemisleadingtosuggestthatthekeytosuccessisacquiringand masteringtechnologicalanddigitalabilities.
Therefore, educators can empower learners to improve the skills they need to be successful in the careers of the upcoming years as technologicaladvancementsfuelmodernizationandthedigitalization.