problem statement
Patagonia uses very li0le adver2sing to showcase its environmental prac2ces. Because of this, the majority of Patagonia’s target audience is unaware of the extent to which Patagonia is commi0ed to the environment.
To create a socially forward community dedicated to the environment.
Strengths •
High-‐quality products
Expand target audience
Environmental ac2vism
Increase online presence
Promotes socially responsible ini2a2ves to increase consumer base corporate responsibility
Increase environmental responsibility
Increase consumer engagement
Cost of product
High Compe22on
Limited distribu2on
Aging Target Market
Few consumer incen2ves
Limited by Advancing Future Material Technology
target audience Career men and women living in the Northwest area. They are environmentally conscious consumers who take pride in their efforts to keep the planet healthy. Exploring the outdoors is a passion and hobby that happens on a weekly basis. Living an organic lifestyle that is fulfilling through adventure instead of materialist desires, is a choice most of these people have made.
male Name: Mark Age: 35 Residence: Washington Family: Wife and 1 adolescent son Educa2on: College Graduate Occupa2on: Public Rela2ons Specialist Hobbies: backpacking, hiking, indoor rock climbing, reading, and Volunteer Organiza2ons: World Wildlife Fund, United States Environmental Protec2on Agency, Boy Scouts of America
female Name: Kathrine Age: 27 Residence: Boulder, Colorado Family: 1 Labrador Retriever and 1 Border Collie Educa2on: Master’s Degree Occupa2on: College Professor Hobbies: hiking, ra`ing, trail running, skiing, star gazing, and cooking. Volunteer Organiza2ons: Earth First, The Clean Water Network, and Wildlife Rescue Services
the message Expanding public engagement by staying true to Patagonia’s core values. Patagonia prides itself on making clothes for climbing, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, fly fishing, paddling and trail running. All of these are silent sports, they create moments that connect people to nature. The company’s values are reflec2ve in the products created, the stories people share, and the posi2ve environmental impact on the planet.
tactics adver9se without adver9sing Product: Highlight the unique aspect of the Worn Wear program by expanding it to universi2es across the country.
People: Provide an adult scou2ng community that brings Patagonia loving individuals together for outdoor excursions.
Planet: Create publicly owned nature parks sponsored by Patagonia.
worn wear The Worn Wear program celebrates the stories we wear, keeps our gear in ac2on longer and provides an easy way to recycle Patagonia garments when they’re beyond repair. Seamstresses traveled cross country in the custom made Worn Wear truck to make garment repairs, hear personal stories from brand enthusiasts, and promoted the company’s mission statement of reusing and recycling.
worn wear u Expanding on the mobile Worn Wear concept, the seamstresses would travel cross-‐country to West Coast universi2es instead of large ci2es. By doing so, Patagonia can reach out to the college market. An audience that: • has the poten2al of becoming loyal to the brand once a steady job is in place • can become more apprecia2ve of the brand if they already own Patagonia gear • can become educated on what Patagonia is doing for the environment that differs from other outdoor clothing companies.
worn wear u Universi2es that would benefit from the Worn Wear truck: • • • • •
Anchorage, Alaska (University of Alaska Anchorage) Boulder, Colorado (University of Colorado Boulder) Portland, Oregon (University of Portland) Sea0le, Washington (University of Washington) Truckee, CA (University of Nevada Reno)
patagonia parks 6.2 MILLION: Dollars have been donated this fiscal year to fund environmental work 70 MILLION: Cash and in-‐kind services have been donated since the company’s 2thing program began in 1985 100 MILLION: Dollars 1% For The Planet has donated to nonprofit environmental groups Patagonia Park, in the Aysen Region of Chile. The park sweeps from the northern ice cap, down to the Baker River and out to the arid borderlands of Argen2na.
patagonia parks Expand on the concept of Patagonia Park by construc2ng smaller nature parks across the United States. Restore land in communi2es that would benefit from having a place for running and walking trails, while con2nuing to preserve wildlife and nature.
patagonia scouts The New Localism -‐ “We are all locals. And we live in a global world. We can no longer pass through or visit remote wild places and trust they will remain that way.” How communi2es of people are brought together under one cause: • # Crude Awakening -‐ Help Protect Our Coast • Free the Snake -‐ Restoring America’s Greatest Salmon River • The Fisherman’s Son -‐ Ramon Navarro and Protec2ng Punta de Lobos • Defined by the Line -‐ Fight to Protect Bears Ears
patagonia scouts Like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, except for adults who love Patagonia and share a common love for the outdoors. Social groups where individuals can become a member and a0end outdoor events and adventures with fellow Patagonians in their community. Events could range anywhere from mee2ng in a loca2on to share stories of their favorite Patagonia gear, to going on a weekend river ra`ing trip.
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