39 minute read
from fca november 20
The Government’s Green Homes Grant, introduced on 30th September 2020, was meant to encourage homeowners to make their properties more energy efficient. Instead, the scheme has been beset by criticism from consumers and installers alike. Here, Ian Rippin, CEO at MCS – the national standards organisation for renewables – discusses what he views as flaws in the scheme, and what can be done to ensure low-carbon technologies become a staple solution for new-build properties of the future.
In the wake of a global pandemic, which has seen increased pressure placed on the Government to support Britain’s tradespeople, you could be forgiven for thinking that Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Green Homes Grant arrived at just the right time for the renewables sector.
A £2bn investment designed to support more than 100,000 jobs in green construction and, in turn, allow for home improvements in an estimated 600,000 properties across England, it was sold as a means of economic recovery with the environment at its heart.
Consumers were to be given vouchers of up to £5000 to spend on energy-saving home improvements – with lowincome households eligible for up to £10,000 – covering insulation, heat pumps, solar thermal and more, and creating an estimated saving of up to £600 per year on home energy bills. To complete lowcarbon heating installations, tradespeople must be certified by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) and be TrustMark registered.
However, since its launch, homeowners and installers alike have shone a light on numerous flaws that have called the efficiency and effectiveness of the scheme into question.
At MCS, we have fielded calls on a daily basis from installers seeking clarity and expressing their concerns. Having had something of a turbulent year due to the pandemic and subsequent lockdown, they have returned to work and are busy delivering on existing projects that had been paused. As such, they now find themselves without the capacity to fulfil new projects under the Green Homes Grant; much less to recruit and train the requisite number of installers.
Homeowners have also queried the process. The eligibility assessment alone has proven challenging, as it asks specific questions about property infrastructure that your average homeowner is unlikely to know. Subsequently, a great deal more work is needed to help consumers understand the best options for making their home more energy efficient.
A national commitment to green energy
In 2019, the UK became the first major economy in the world to commit to ending its contribution to global warming by 2050, bringing all greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero.
Decarbonising heat is our biggest challenge when it comes to achieving net-zero emissions, with the built environment contributing around 40% of the country’s total carbon footprint. Heating alone accounts for 10% of carbon emissions, with homes having a more significant impact than any other form of construction.
To date, meeting this target has meant a focus on retrofit: installing green energy in existing properties to save money on energy bills in the long-term and reduce carbon emissions. Undoubtedly, the right approach at this point in time, as existing properties certainly present the biggest challenge.
The dilemma is that essential carbon savings ultimately come at a cost to the homeowner. A heat pump, for example, is not a like-for-like replacement for a gas boiler, many of which are distress purchases with consumers only choosing to ‘upgrade’ when their existing boiler breaks down. The installation of a heat pump delivers immediate carbon emission savings which, dependent on the type of heat pump installed and the system it is replacing, can lead to reductions of up to 70%*. Still, to work well, they require a comprehensive system created by a skilled designer and, for some properties, new pipework and radiators, all of which adds to the cost of installation.
Looking to the future
In our view and that of our installers, the Green Homes Grant is the very definition of short-termism. While the scheme has clearly stimulated consumer interest in green energy, which has translated into demand, with just five months (up until March 2021) to fulfil a £2bn commitment by the Treasury, it is not surprising that the sector is struggling to keep up.

In fact, a number of our certified installers have found themselves subject to such a volume of enquiries that they have been forced to advise they are no longer accepting those in relation to the grant. Government incentives are welcome, but we need real, long-term policy initiatives that support a supply chain capable of installing up to one million heat pumps per year by 2035.
If we are truly serious about meeting our target for net-zero emissions, we must also ask ourselves why we are continuing to install fossil fuel systems in newbuild properties. The Future Homes Standard consultation, aimed at property developers, builders and manufacturers, among others, ran from 1st October 2019 to 7th February 2020. It sought to address this question, with proposals to future-proof new-build properties with the installation of renewable heating and hot water systems.
While we await the conclusions of the consultation, which will determine the changes to Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations for new dwellings, MCS is lobbying Government for a commitment to ‘shutting the stable door’; ensuring that all new properties set us on the right path to meeting our emissions target.
In addition, the value of certification cannot be overlooked. Quality is key for making our commitment viable in the long-term. MCS certification relies upon standards developed by industry experts, which have been tested in the field on over 1.3 million renewable energy installations and we feel strongly that all homes in the UK will benefit from this industry standard, including new-build homes.
The industry is stepping up to a cliff edge as we await the end of the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) in 2022 and in our opinion, the level of fiscal support levelled at the Green Homes Grant would have been better suited to the Clean Heat Grant, which is currently going through consultation and aims to direct further investment into heat pumps as a source of renewable energy.
Nevertheless, with a commitment to the extension of the Green Homes Grant, backed up by an understanding of how the sector will be supported in the coming years, we are confident that the scheme could play a strong part in helping to build confidence, grow our industry and put us on track to meeting our commitment to netzero emissions by 2050.

Here, FC&A Editor, Rebecca Kemp, asks Martyn Rolfe, Firefly Sales Director at TBA Protective Technologies, the most frequently asked questions surrounding the specification of fire protection products.

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Always check that the correct and current certification for the application you require is in place. This is best sourced from certifying bodies’ websites to ensure it’s upto-date and will perform to your requirements. commercial buildings, how effective is compartmentation in limiting fire spread? conjunction with the compartmentation partitions, are a costeffective method of extending the compartment line without compromising the overall performance of the partition. architects and specifiers look out for? Independent UK certification for manufacturers’ products from one or more of the following certification bodies: IFC, BRE, Fireas, Exova, Warrington or the LPCB. manufacturer-approved installer? It is a recommendation from most manufacturers that an installer’s operatives have undertaken the relevant installation training. It is also often a requirement that the fire stopping or barrier installer company is independently certified for its own right to undertake the works. Unfortunately, I have recently witnessed non-compliant installations by untrained installers; which ultimately resulted in the barriers having to be removed and reinstalled. 01: Pleat joint 02: Firefly Collaroll to be stapled with 12mm staples at 80mm maximum centres 03: Firefly Apollo Lite Packing to be insulated barrier 04: Cables 05: Cable tray 06: Firefly Collaroll 07: Staple the Firefly Collaroll to the butt and pleat joints 08: Butt joint 09: Use two beads of Firefly high temperature adhesive to attach the flange to
When specifying fire barriers, what’s the most crucial element to look out for?
With regards to large-scale Flexible fire barriers, when correctly installed and working in What third-party accreditations should How essential is it to use a the barrier. What do you think the future holds for fire protection solutions? I believe that fire protection will become much more regulated from an installation and certification of the materials point of view. There is scope for improving the combination of products to provide more of a ‘onestop-shop’ for solutions with every component being tested and certified.
Before Grenfell, what was the biggest misconception surrounding passive fire protection (PFP) amongst those working on high-rise buildings? This is a tricky one, but it might have been that the manufacturer’s information was considered sufficient in its own right. Nowadays, independent certification and testing are a must for most architects and specifiers before they consider using a product.
Following Grenfell, what was the most significant change that you witnessed amongst those specifying PFP solutions? Mere compliance of a product is not now the key driver. A system solution where performance exceeds the legislative requirements, has easy installation details, and verifiable certification is more likely
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to be specified in what seems to have become a ‘belt and braces’ approach. This can only be a good thing!
What’s the biggest lesson we’ve learnt from Grenfell? That the specialist knowledge, verification and the performance of a product or system is paramount. It’s best to utilise the expertise that already exists to avoid issues. Do you believe today’s architects and specifiers are educated sufficiently with regards to the fire integrity and the containment properties of building materials? It’s challenging to remain upto-date with advances in the industry, but I believe that most have embraced the need to be at the forefront of fire safety where they can. We would recommend the use of online CPDs (such as ours), webinars, specialist industry trade bodies (such as the ASFP) and local authority bodies, which all can be an invaluable source in keeping up-to-date.
Do you feel the amendments to the Building Regulations Approved Document B (Fire Safety) are sufficient? There is always room for improvement, but we would like to see universal compliance with current regulations to achieve a consistently high standard and compliance by everyone involved in PFP at present.

A network of fire panels from UK manufacturer Advanced has been installed as part of a campus-wide system replacement at the Imperial College London (ICL), Hammersmith.
Six industry-leading eight-loop MxPro 5 fire panels and a TouchControl remote control terminal and repeater panel have been installed across the Wolfson Education Centre, the Institute of Reproductive Development Biology and the Commonwealth Building at Imperial College London’s Hammersmith campus.
www.advancedco.com 0345 894 7000
The installation, part of a system-wide upgrade, was conducted by Surrey-based Lloret Fire & Security, which was tasked with replacing the existing fire alarm control panels, installing new cabling and devices and commissioning the system across occupied buildings, where live coverage needed to be maintained at all times.
Imperial specifically requested a move away from the closed protocol fire system approach, and its associated service charges, which had been in operation for 15 years. Lloret Fire & Security’s experience installing Advanced control indicating equipment in other large-scale educational facilities meant it was confident the open protocol MxPro 5 could easily provide the levels of flexibility and stability required by the site.
Paul White, Design Director at Lloret Fire & Security, said: “The project at Imperial’s Hammersmith campus involved the replacement of the fire system across a range of building environments – from offices, workshops and research labs, through to lecture theatres and conference halls – each with its own specific fire protection requirements.
“In consideration of the site’s false alarm management strategy, multi-sensor detection was installed to manage and reduce the risk of false alarms. For example, detectors have been configured for day/night use or can be altered as area usage changes.”

An innovative fire safety expert which has revolutionised traditional sprinkler systems in homes has scooped two prestigious awards for its ground-breaking work and business growth. British engineering firm Plumis won ‘SME of the Year’ and ‘Innovation of the Year’ in the regional finals of this year’s Make UK Manufacturing Awards. Plumis was formed in 2008 with the aim of creating a more affordable and effective alternative to traditional fire sprinkler systems. Its life-saving products, which use fire suppression misting technology, are easy and cost-effective to install or retrofit. They also use much less water, so reduce any consequential water damage if activated in comparison to conventional sprinklers. The company more than doubled its turnover in the three years to 2019 and, following the launch of its latest fire suppression system in 2018, grew its
The roof space to an existing commercial property in the north west of business by almost a third by 2019. It now has 27 employees.
England has been given the added protection of having its very large roof space sub-divided using the APOLLO Lite 30:30 system manufactured by TBA FIREFLY. The APOLLO Lite 30:30 was recommended because it has been developed for use in vertical separation or compartmentation situations, offering 30 minutes’ integrity and insulation, thereby exceeding the minimum requirements of the Building Regulations. The nonrigid woven material is easy to cut and fix and is chemically treated to improve its cooling properties, and, therefore, prevent temperatures rising in adjoining areas. The system has been fully tested to BS 476 Parts 6.7, 20 and 22 and is thirdparty certified by IFCC. The 6m-long rolls of APOLLO Lite 30:30 have a minimum thickness of 6mm and are installed using special staples as well as heat-resistant adhesive.

As winter approaches and the days shorten, many people look back on the long days of summer with a sense of regret. Daylight flooding into workplaces, schools and homes has a positive impact on our daily lives, and that is not just a vague feeling, it’s a scientifically proven fact and one that architects and designers are keen to exploit.
The 2017 Nobel Prize for Medicine went to three American scientists for their work on understanding circadian rhythms – the 24-hour cycle, also known as the internal body clock. Daylight suppresses the hormone that induces sleep and the ultraviolet wavelengths in natural light have a positive effect on the body’s immune system.
Crittall is in a unique position to offer complete solutions to these cross-cutting issues so as to provide specifically tailored environmental conditions, whether the end result is an office complex, a university, a hospital or a home.
The hallmark of a Crittall window is the slender steel frame that is so much slimmer – and; therefore, admits so much more light – than the alternative window systems that use PVCu, timber or aluminium.
Crittall has a solution to offer whether the particular project demands a highperformance, thermally-broken steel system or a traditional rolled steel profile, both of which enhance the thermal performance of buildings, assisted by the window’s excellent weathertightness and an extensive choice of glazing to control solar gain as required.
The use of such fenestration forms an important part of an architect’s passive daylighting strategy and addresses the issue of ‘collecting’ light into the building. But further options are available from Crittall to assist in the ‘distribution’ of natural light through the interior of a building.
This can be achieved by incorporating Crittall Innervision glazed interior partitioning screens, a seamless transfer of that increased level of natural daylight throughout the building, reaching even the most remote working areas.
www.crittall-windows.co.uk 01376 530800
In 2016, Imperial College London acquired the neighbouring disused Royal Mail Post Sorting Office from the Science Museum, sitting on the corner of Exhibition Road and Imperial College Road. Planning was submitted, and passed, to convert the building into the ‘Dyson School of Engineering’.
Architect practice Pascall+Watson was employed to devise a sensitive yet practical design for the change of use of this fourstorey building. A significant amount of heat and energy can be lost through poor performing windows, so secondary glazing was specified to improve their performance. 180 windows across the building were treated, with over seven different styles of secondary glazing installed to match existing sightlines and shapes; large sweeping curved headed casements were treated with matching sightline Series 41 side-hung casements, tall traditional box sash windows were treated with Series 20 and 25 vertical sliding units, along with circular high-level stairwell porthole windows at the top of the building. To increase energy performance further, the units were glazed with 6.8 low-E laminate glass.
Obscurity glass was used in windows overlooking the service area of the Science Museum to prevent distractions.
On facades overlooking busy thoroughfares, a cavity was


created to provide much-needed acoustic insulation, and in labs with costly new equipment, units accredited to Secured by Design were installed.
Established in 1966 and Royal Warrant Holder since 2004, Selectaglaze offers a free technical advisory service and RIBA-approved CPD seminars.
Quality F.H. Brundle hardware products have provided the finishing touch to a stunning multi-million-pound development.
Aluxury spa was added to the existing buildings of The Olde Belle hotel and restaurant in Retford, Nottinghamshire, including a unique and impressive indoor-to-outdoor vitality pool.
The project’s managers called on Brundle’s decades of expertise to provide an array of quality glass spigots and glass stiffeners. “This was a challenging but extremely rewarding project for us,” comments Brundle National Field Sales Manager, Trevor Wines.
“We loved working on such a fantastic, modern building, and seeing our input have a real impact on the finished design.
“We were first approached quite late in the process, when the project managers encountered an issue with the building’s glass balconies – specifically concerning how they’d install glass or railing systems.
“We were quickly able to visit the site, advise the client on the best course of action, and deliver a
complete solution in a very short period – supplying 25m of stainless steel tube and 30m2 of toughened laminated glass alongside the spigots, stiffeners and fixings.”
F.H. Brundle supplies an extensive range of glass spigots for balconies and balustrades for walkways. The company’s user-friendly Tilt-Loc Spigot system can be quickly handadjusted from one side, levelled by hand, then secured into position by just one person. It also offers SpigLite Pro, which, with only two spigots per metre, is one of the fastest to install on the market.

01708 253545

As a leading international supplier of load-bearing thermal insulation products and reinforcement technology solutions, Schöck continues to optimise its digital portfolio service for planners; with the focus very much on improved digital workflow using web applications and BIM objects.
In addition to the Isokorb thermal break range – which offers three distinct levels of detailing – the updated CAD/BIM library also now offers the Bole punching shear reinforcement range and Dorn single-shear and heavy-duty dowels. All in many common 2D and 3D formats. The BIM-compatible IFC files of these varied Schöck products can be used in all common BIM planning software such as Revit, Archicad or Tekla Structures. Digital product information is easily accessible for all those involved from planning to the construction site and can be efficiently integrated with a continuous, networked process.
The Schöck CAD Service platform is free of charge and available by visiting: https://cad.schoeck.
Optimus Point, one of many CA Group projects FRUSTRATION FOR INSTALLERS IN SUPPLY
While supply issues right across the market are obviously having a serious impact on fabricators, lead times and operational efficiencies, in most cases it is installers, operating at the sharp end of the industry, who are actually bearing the brunt. In the commercial market, where there are sometimes penalties for late completion of jobs, the pressure and frustrations have been particularly intense. For The Window Company (Contracts), which works right across the social housing and commercial new-build sectors, obtaining stock to maintain its market-leading service levels and avoid penalties has been one of the biggest challenges it has faced since factories reopened in April and May. Company Chair David Thornton says that, while he and his team are sympathetic to the problems that fabricators face, installers need open and honest communication from their suppliers if they are to manage their businesses effectively when demand is at the record levels that it is currently.

www.thewinco.co.uk 01245 268120 thornton@thewinco.co.uk ALUK’S C70S 70MM WINDOW
AluK has launched its brand-new C70S aluminium window system, designed with all the versatility required to suit low-, mid- and high-rise applications in both residential and commercial projects. Engineered to the highest UK standards, the C70S delivers what AluK is calling “a winning combination of high-performance and impressively slim sightlines”. This new 70mm system offers market-leading
As winter approaches, improved energy efficiency of the entire window installation, not just the frame, can be provided by the ISO BLOCO 600 range of self-adhesive sealant tapes from ISO-Chemie. The pre-compressed tapes, which have been independently tested and are both BBA- and Passivhaus-certified, can be used on joints up to 42mm, providing a high-performance weathertightness and thermal/acoustic insulation seal for fenestration applications as the weather gets cold. Quickly applied by hand around the frame during fitting, ISO BLOCO ONE 600 are energy-rated weathertight thermal and acoustic tapes which reduce heat loss and noise ingress to a U-value better or equal to the frame. This assures property owners and homeowners that a comprehensive A-rated installation can be completed rather than just an A-rated window supplied. The tapes can be used to seal joints providing excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties. The product can accommodate a temperature range of -30° to +90° and is impermeable to driving rain with a minimum of 600 Pa.

Associated Steel Window Services is a family-managed business now into its third window refurbishment and replacement company. It has evolved continuously since 1960 and is now a leading figure in the steel window industry. ASWS has been a member of the Steel Window Association since the late 1980s, working to optimise expertise in the industry. Established in 1960, the company started with a small client base working mainly for large insurance companies. Since the mid’80s, the company has grown considerably and moved into a more specialised field; that of replacement, refurbishment and redecoration of steel windows encompassing a complete site package.
generation and 60th year as a specialist steel U-values as low as 1.1W/m2K with triple glazing and 1.3W/ m2K with double glazing, but it also comes with three different foam insulation options so that specifiers have the flexibility to design U-values either up or down to suit the specific performance and budgetary requirements of each project.
www.aluk.co.uk 01291 639739 info.uk@aluk.com

Senior Architectural Systems is encouraging specifiers to consider the use of colour in fenestration design and how the use of powder coating can not only help reduce maintenance requirements but also offer essential design flexibility in the age of social distancing. Senior’s full range of aluminium fenestration products are available in a choice of colours and finishes, all via the manufacturer’s state-of-the-art, in-house powder coating facility. As well as providing standard RAL colours, the company’s high-quality colour matching service also enables bespoke shades to be created. The aluminium frames can be painted in a wide choice of single or dual colour options.

Changes to the Building Regulations and guidance in Approved Document B (ADB) have resulted in some difficulty and ambiguity in interpreting which materials are suitable for relevant buildings over 18m in height. Steve Wild, Technical Consultant at Construction Products Group (CPG) – which includes the illbruck brand of sealing and bonding products for windows, facades, interiors and exteriors – explores the main issues.
Under the new Building Regulations Approved Document B, membranes used as part of the external wall construction above ground level should now achieve a minimum of Class B-s3, d0 to EN13501-1 ‘Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using test data from reaction to fire tests.’
The European Reaction to Fire classification (Euroclass) system is the common EU standard for assessing the qualities of building materials when subject to fire. According to the European standard EN 13501-1, products will be classified in one of the seven primary classes from A1 to F, according to their level of combustibility, as well as possibly belonging to additional classes according to the amount of smoke developed (s1, s2 or s3) or the amount of burning droplets or particles (d0, d1 or d2).
In order to assess the appropriate classification, a product must be tested in accordance with EN 13823 (known as a ‘single burning item’ test). ‘Reaction to fire’ evaluates specific materials’ behaviour and contribution to fire, whereas ‘resistance to fire’ assesses a product or system’s ability to resist the penetration through the product or system and prevent a temperature rise between the exposed and unexposed sides in a fully developed fire situation.
Best practice in the use of membranes
Although membranes are exempt from being noncombustible (Class A1/A2s1,d0) via Requirement B4, Regulation 7(3), they do have to be a minimum of Class B-s3, d0 when used in ‘relevant’ buildings over 18m in height. A current Government consultation document indicates that this will reduce to 11m (in line with Scottish Regulations). illbruck has launched a fully independent accredited membrane system which achieves Class B-s1, d0 to EN 13501-1. The illbruck system comprises ME010 Façade UV & Fire Membrane and SP025 Fire Membrane Adhesive, used to bond the membrane. The system offers an assured, robust solution, which has been tested by MPA Hannover.
It’s of note that any classification should include the method of fixing, which is clearly the case with ME010. A membrane which is classified in isolation as B-s3, d0 may have a lower classification when tested with the required adhesive. In addition, it is essential that the membrane is installed in compliance with the manner in which it was tested and classified. There is an obvious benefit and comfort for clients, specifiers and installers in knowing that there are no uncertainties associated with the specification of ME010.
Additional benefits
As well as meeting the reaction to fire classification, ME010 fulfils other criteria of significance to specification professionals, particularly with regard to performance capabilities. It is primarily a breather membrane – used either as a full facade application or in narrower widths as a window perimeter interface seal.
Measuring up
Questions of compatibility should also be asked as part of the specification process. One area of note is that, whilst EPDM membranes have been widely favoured for many years for air and weathertight applications, in the context of fire, they are non-compliant with ADB, being Class E to EN13501-1. They are also not vapour permeable, so not suitable for a breather membrane application.
Questions should also be raised as to whether a breather membrane, which meets the Class B requirement, has also achieved the W1 watertightness level to EN1928 and the appropriate vapour resistance, which should be < 0.6MNs/g.
A warehouse floor in Barnsley was transformed using Bradite’s new single pack water-based floor paint, DP9 Floor-It.
The 1200m2 power floated, porous concrete floor had been penetrated with oil so required preparation for painting with Bradite’s TD39 Industrial Degreaser. Diluted with warm water, the solution was used to scrub the floor. Once dry, the floor was lightly abraded to provide a key for the Bradite DP9 Floor-It coating.
“I have used TD39 previously, and I trust it to do the job,” says Jay Summers, Managing Director of Bedford-based Mayfair Decorating Contractors, which completed the renovation. “It was the first time for me with DP9, but I found it very user friendly,” he adds.
Four coats of the high-performance, water-based acrylic floor paint were applied by roller by a team of two. Completing the task in two phases meant the building could remain in use. Once the surface was fully cured, it was again

able to withstand fork-lift traffic. Thanks to DP9’s quick recoat time of just one hour, it was possible to apply two coats in a day.
“Because the DP9 is water-based rather than epoxy resin, it is not thick and gloopy, which makes it easy to apply,” says Jay.
01248 600315

Bradite Technical Sales Manager, James Burton, reassured him of the suitability of the product and the correct method of use. “I can’t fault Bradite or James for the advice given,” says Jay. “I’d use it again. You’d be silly not to.”
Harlequin, a world leader in advanced technology floors and dance studio equipment for the performing arts, is launching a new, improved version of its flagship vinyl dance floor, Harlequin Cascade.
Harlequin has partnered with BioCote, a market leader in antimicrobial technology, to create a new, improved Cascade with BioCote antimicrobial protection.
BioCote antimicrobial technology is manufactured into the new Harlequin Cascade, creating a dance surface upon which microbes, such as bacteria and viruses, cannot survive.
Steve Green, Harlequin Group Marketing Director, said: “Harlequin Cascade has been the choice of the world’s most prestigious dance and performing arts companies for many years because dancers know and trust the floor.
“But in these difficult times, it is more important than ever to focus on improving hygiene in the dance studio, so we are launching our new Harlequin Cascade with built-in antibacterial protection.
“The BioCote antimicrobial technology constantly works to reduce the presence of microbes on the surface of the floor. The result is a floor which is easier to keep hygienically clean, so reducing the risk of cross-contamination.”
BioCote antimicrobial protection uses silver ion technology, which is manufactured into new Harlequin Cascade and is proven to offer protection for the expected lifetime of the product. Unlike some antibacterial protection, it will not wear out or wash off.
This technology reduces microbes on the floor by up to 86% in 15 minutes and up to 99.99% in 24 hours. It works continuously and has

been proven effective against a wide range of microbes, including influenza A virus (H1N1) and feline coronavirus (strain Munich).
The BioCote silver ion additive is inert and has no effect on the appearance or performance characteristics of the Harlequin Cascade.
Danish-manufactured Troldtekt panels are commonly specified throughout the UK and Europe to improve the interior acoustic environment. Two recent Danish projects are the transformation of an old building into a car dealer’s offices for Karvil Biler, while the other is an extension of Randers Architects’ own headquarters into a mix of offices and exclusive residential units.
Both projects use Troldtekt line with its perfectly symmetrical vertical lines to balance walls and ceilings with great aesthetics, conveying warmth and providing a modern look coupled with high-performance sound absorption.
For the architects’ washrooms, Troldtekt line was chosen to add visual vibrancy to the rooms. It also exhibits different appearances depending on the angle from which the wall surfaces are viewed. The edges have been milled where the panels meet the ceiling, around electrical sockets and switches and also at floor level where bamboo skirting has been integrated. All have been elegantly cut to ensure a neat finish and fine detailing.
In the car dealers, Troldtekt line was selected in order to enhance and benefit the whole indoor climate. “We wanted to create a coherent look. The milled grooves have a visually calming effect and contrast well with the new raw concrete floor,” the project manager explained.
Troldtekt line forms nine acoustic solutions that make up the Design Solutions range which combines the best ideas of form and function. Founded on the Cradle to Cradle design concept, 100% of Troldtekt’s natural wood-wool panels are manufactured in a new state-of-the-art production facility. With a variety of different surfaces and colours, they can be supplied in the FSC 100% category (FSC C115450) contributing to a building’s BREEAM, DGNB and LEED rating.
www.troldtekt.co.uk 01978 664255


High-performance products from F. Ball and Co. have been used to install safe and hygienic flooring in a London hospital. Situated over two floors of a repurposed office block, Riverside Hospital, in Brentford, Middlesex, incorporates two operating theatres, 14 en-suite patient bedrooms and clinical rooms for consultation, diagnostics and screening, for a range of specialisms. Contractors from RSW Projects were commissioned to install Tarkett Safety vinyl sheet throughout the hospital, a total area of 1845m2. To provide a perfectly smooth base for the new floorcoverings, contractors applied F. Ball’s Stopgap 1200 Pro high-performance smoothing underlayment at a depth of 3 to 5mm throughout the ground floor. The fast-setting, fast-drying smoothing compound is suitable for preparing sound internal subfloors. Its protein-free formulation makes it suitable for use in clinical and biologically-sensitive areas, such as hospitals, laboratories and clean rooms. It can also be used over old adhesive residues, without the need to prime subfloors beforehand.
Ground-Guards has launched a brand-new ground protection system that can be installed in support of the Government’s social distancing policy. FastCover PLUS is made from environmentallyfriendly 100% recycled PVC and can be configured with highly visible yellow markers every 2m as a constant reminder for people to maintain a safe distance from each other. This innovative and cost-effective system is an extension of Ground-Guard’s popular FastCover range and features unique interlocking flanges for improved ease of use and a superior trip-free surface. Lighter and easier to install, FastCover PLUS is a versatile ground protection solution suitable for a wide range of applications, from surface protection for block paving and interior floors, to creating safe, clean paths and walkways during site works. Weighing just 14.5kg per mat, FastCover PLUS can be laid directly onto grass, footpaths or stone bases, with its superior anti-slip surface delivering maximum health and safety benefits.


The I Ciliani Primary School in Tuscany, Italy, was in need of more educational space, so it was decided to expand the existing school building, creating more classroom capacity as well as laboratories, a canteen and an archive.
To contribute to the pleasant atmosphere already provided by the greenery in the school garden, RMIG manufactured a facade depicting trees using RMIG ImagePerf as well as round hole perforation – a facade that is both functional and pleasing to the eye.

Raw material: Aluminium Pattern: RMIG ImagePerf and R10T14 Thickness: 2.0mm Surface treatment: Anodising Architect firm: Diletta Moscardi
The Passivhaus Institute has awarded the Designo wooden loft ladder certification for use in passive buildings. The Designo features the latest innovations in loft ladder design to perfectly balance aesthetics with performance. It offers excellent thermal efficiency (U-value 0.60 W/m2K) and an airtight seal (Class 4 certified) thanks to a highly insulated trapdoor with six-point

The redevelopment of an unusually large agricultural homestead at a farm in the Surrey commuter belt has seen technical benefits offered by Marmox Multiboard, in facilitating the creation of an attractive new outward appearance that will deliver low maintenance as well as improved energy performance. One of the company’s Founders, Charlie Cooke, recounts: “Marmox offered us all the technical guidance we required, including comprehensive installation instructions, and our operatives found the boards very easy to install using the special washers and sealant. We expect to be applying the K-Rend in November, depending on the weather, as the job nears completion.”
the main contractor make full use of the locking mechanism. The Designo also benefits from high strength performance; rated to 180kg per tread. This makes it ideal for demanding projects. Furthermore, it features concealed hinges and a discrete, recessed operating latch. The result is a high-quality, seamless finish.

0345 900 0195 sales@aqata.co.uk

If music be the food of love, then this new video demonstrates just how deep the love for doors exists and how it plays in perfect harmony with nature. It is crafted with a sophisticated design and accompanied by a melody that strikes a chord for the future. As one of the largest European players in the design and production of quality interior timber door solutions, technical doorsets, wardrobes, panels and even furniture; this communication reinforces the Vicaima brand values. With its recognisable signature ‘Unexpected Harmony’, the video embodies aesthetics and emotional inspiration.
Vantage SF-FS is internally protected by the ground-breaking Thruwall System
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and specifiers, certified assurance is now a prerequisite for many tender opportunities, giving the new Vantage Secret Fix-Full System a commercial advantage.
Mark Wiper, BTS’ Technical Manager, said: “Working collaboratively enables us to harness the collective intellect of industry-leading experts as well as deliver proven performance. This has given us the ability to develop a wall system that is fully compliant with the latest Building Regulations. Through the dedication and commitment of our supply chain partners, the system has been delivered to market in record time, allowing us to meet the latest safety test standard. This level of testing

01: External insulation: 100mm rock mineral wool (0.035 W/mK) 02: Sheathing: 1x 12.5mm Weather Defence 03: Framing: EOS light steel in-fill framing 04: Cavity insulation: Full-fill rock or glass mineral wool (0.035 W/mK) 05: Internal boards (inner): 1x 12.5mm dB board 06: Internal boards (outer): 1x 12.5mm dB board (for standard applications)
Recognised for investing in industry-leading research and a collaborative culture, EOS is supporting prominent rainscreen and facade manufacturer BTS Facades and Fabrications to bring an innovative and high-performance complete walling solution to market.
Taking a safety-first approach, the pioneering Vantage Secret FixFull System (SF-FS) is a complete through-wall system incorporating an external rainscreen facade, protected using EOS’ innovative Thruwall system, that can be used in both new builds and refurbishment projects.
Developed by BTS in partnership with EOS, Etex, Siderise, DuPont, Knauf Insulation and SFS and Nvelope – the system is believed to be the first in the UK to have successfully completed two large-scale tests in accordance with the most recent BS 84142:2020 standard. The Vantage Secret Fix-Full System was recently tested in Belfast for fire performance by UKASaccredited test laboratory Efectis UK and Ireland, and successfully conformed to all the stringent criteria for both internal and external spread of flame, as well as mechanical failure.
Steve Thompson, Managing Director of EOS, said: “Bringing our expertise in developing advanced steel framing solutions to the project team, the new Vantage Secret FixFull System is protected by our ground-breaking Thruwall system – developed in partnership with EOS and Etex.”
Compliance with BS 84142:2020 provides not only technical credibility but, importantly for designers
and collaboration gives clients the confidence in our system knowledge and in our ability to bring projects to market.”
A robust testing protocol was seen as an essential part of the product development strategy to not only gain a specification advantage in the open market but also to demonstrate technical prowess to a wider construction audience at a time when a building’s safety performance is under rigorous interrogation. Demonstrating commitment to regulatory compliance by bringing a fully tested and certified system to market with proven performance was deemed vital by the development team to offer confidence to the construction sector.
Following successful trials, record’s traffic light FlowControl system is now being rolled out across 1100 Tesco stores across the country.
Fully automated and with highly accurate counting, the FlowControl is being supplied and installed on customer entrance and exit doors at all store formats of Tesco stores including Express, Metro, Extra and Superstores. This will help Tesco comply with COVID-19 social distancing guidelines and ensure
Private investment business Intrinsic Equity has acquired AQATA. Based in Hinckley, Leicestershire, AQATA now joins Intrinsic Equity’s family of KBB- and design-related brands. Aqualux was acquired from Dutch bathroom giant Fetim in late 2019. Commenting on the acquisition, Group CEO Steve Lee stated: “We are delighted to be able to take this bold, strategic move during such unprecedented times. AQATA has been part
customers and staff feel safe during the pandemic.
The highly adaptable and configurable system enables Tesco to safely redeploy staff currently manning entrance doors and give managers the flexibility to control customer numbers in store. Removing staff from doors not only saves time freeing them up to work elsewhere but, importantly, removes the potential abuse they face having to act as a gatekeeper.
The FlowControl traffic lights inform customers when it is safe to enter or when they need to wait because the store has reached its pre-set maximum safe capacity. When the store has reached capacity, the doors automatically deactivate and only re-open once someone leaves the store. This is an effective solution preventing customer exploitation and maximising wellbeing in store.
To further help customers, especially those with specific needs like sight impairments, the FlowControl systems at the larger Extra and Superstores will play prerecorded messages to advise whether it is safe to enter the store or not.
All stores will also have a staff alert system fitted at the customer service desk to notify staff when a store is nearing or has reached capacity. Staff will also be able to monitor the actual number of people in the store at any time on the FlowControl display. This display also allows staff to make
www.record.co.uk 01698 376411

adjustments and changes to settings and counts, for example, to adjust for staff that have entered or left the building.
The FlowControl system will be installed by record over the next eight weeks, mostly out of hours to minimise the impact on customers and disruption to the stores.
With a 30,000ft2 facility in Blantyre, near Glasgow, record is one of the largest manufacturers, installers, maintainers and service providers of automated pedestrian entrances and aluminium shopfronts in the UK.

Premier Modular has been awarded the homeless families in Barking who are in urgent need of accommodation. The new homes are developed by Be First, the regeneration arm of Barking and Dagenham Council. The £1.5m contract was awarded to Premier by main contractor Jerram Falkus and will provide 20 two-bedroom apartments in two blocks, all manufactured offsite. The use of an innovative offsite solution for this project has reduced the programme to just 15 weeks for the procurement, manufacturing and fitting out of the apartments, installation on site and commissioning.
www.premiermodular.co.uk 0800 316 0888 sales@premiermodular.co.uk
contract to provide modular housing for of the fabric of the British shower industry since it was established by Peter Brown in 1986. We are proud to have the opportunity to continue the great work of MD and owner Jayne Barnes, who headed up AQATA for over 15 years following her father’s retirement in 2005.”

www.aqata.co.uk 01455 896500 sales@aqata.co.uk

LEISTER has extended its welding range to suit plumbers and tinsmith traders as well as roofers, with the introduction of an iron soldering kit to fit the existing TRIAC AT. The kit equips the hot air tool for soft soldering work including making materials watertight and provides the soldering industry with an alternative option to a standard open gas flame, permitting operators to work safely and efficiently. The TRIAC AT soldering kit is recommended for all soldering work on roofs and gutters made of copper, chrome and zinc, to connect roof fascia, general soldering work on roof renovations and dust-prone or windy job sites.


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