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Product Showcase
Extensive tree planting and retention of existing trees in developments, with provision for long-term maintenance, has just become a priority with new Government policies taking effect. Concrete block permeable paving offers an important opportunity to help satisfy these requirements with irrigation integrated with SuDS, hard surfaces and urban design – as the trade association Interpave explains.
The latest requirements for trees in developments have been established in the July 2021 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) for England. The NPPF sets out what local planning authorities (LPAs) will require, when setting local policies and also considering planning applications for all developments. The NPPF states that: “Planning policies and decisions should ensure that new streets are treelined and that opportunities are taken to incorporate trees elsewhere in developments.”
This is backed up by other recent Government and local guidance such as the National Model Design Code, which says: “All schemes will be expected to follow national policy by achieving a 10% net gain in biodiversity. All new streets should include street trees.”
Tree maintenance requirement
However, measures need to be put in place to nurture and allow trees to mature, generally for decades, enabling them to actually deliver their real potential – including net-carbon storage, urban cooling through shading and evapotranspiration, biodiversity and public wellbeing. So, the NPPF also requires that “appropriate measures are in place to secure the long-term maintenance of newly-planted trees, and that existing trees are retained wherever possible”.
Urban trees and paving have traditionally been seen as in conflict. But this is not the case, with concrete block permeable paving (CBPP) a key sustainable drainage (SuDS) technique to reduce flood risk and make cities more liveable. CBPP offers unique opportunities to collect, attenuate and treat rainwater runoff, removing pollutants before irrigating green infrastructure. Unlike conventional impermeable hard landscape materials, CBPP allows the same pattern of runoff transfer to the ground as natural vegetation, allowing water to reach tree and shrub roots, despite providing an attractive hard surface above.
Local planning authorities now need to incorporate long-term tree maintenance measures in their planning consents and a straightforward spatial solution, such as permeable paving providing irrigation, offers a holistic multifunctional solution.
Beneficial relationship
A recent Interpave case study (available via www.paving. org.uk) explored the 20year beneficial relationship between CBPP and trees at the Martlesham Park and Ride scheme. Here, concrete block permeable paving has operated efficiently with minimal maintenance amongst extensive tree planting without root disruption or other issues.
The benefits of CBPP for trees while retaining accessibility are recognised by the current Code of Practice for accessibility in the external environment, BS 8300-1:2018, which states that: “Tree grilles should be avoided. Smooth or paved permeable surfaces should be used wherever practicable.” Permeable paving can be laid level and still avoids puddles without the need for drainage gulleys. It provides a safe, firm, pothole-free surface for everyone – including wheelchair users and people pushing prams. Two decades of experience in the UK demonstrate the long-term performance of CBPP with minimal, if any, maintenance.
CBPP generally comprises an upper layer of concrete blocks with permeable jointing and laying course, over a sub-base and other structural layers of permeable material for water storage. Interpave is currently exploring new ways of applying CBPP to optimise gradual supplies of water for tree irrigation at both levels, as well as effective interaction with tree planters and proprietary tree pit systems. Paving layouts are also being considered to maximise the permeable paving catchment area for tree irrigation, particularly outside the protective tree-canopy zone.
Interpave would be pleased to hear from anyone considering integrating permeable paving and trees on projects (email: chris.hodson@paving.org.uk).
Low intervention retrofit
Another important innovation, particularly for regeneration, is the retrofitting of CBPP as an overlay to existing, conventional road bases or other hard surfaces. These thin overlays create attractive, safe and sustainable shared surfaces. They can be particularly effective when used to supply a gradual flow of clean water horizontally into raingardens or bioretention areas with trees and other green infrastructure, via simple slot inlet/outlets, to store water for irrigation and biodiversity, as well as SuDS. Such lowintervention techniques enable transformation of the public realm in response to the raft of recent active travel, low traffic and open space initiatives.
This approach is exemplified in Bridget Joyce Square, London, an important regeneration project designed by Robert Bray Associates (RBA) in conjunction with McCloy Consulting for the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, which won the top prize at the 2017 Landscape Institute Awards. Here, a typical, adopted asphalt street and adjacent parking areas were transformed for community use with CBPP overlay shared surfaces and tree-planted raingarden basins – an exemplar for future urban landscapes. The basins provide water storage for SuDS to reduce overloading existing drains (in the absence of the CBPP sub-base), as well as for irrigation.
Well-established green infrastructure
Interpave revisited the project in August 2021, around five years after completion, and noted that trees and other green infrastructure were healthy, substantial and particularly well-established. The permeable paving is also performing well and, it is understood from local sources, experienced no problems during recent extreme summer storms, despite extensive flooding nearby.
RBA Founder, SuDS expert and Landscape Architect, Bob Bray, commented: “All the plants have grown really well. Birches are particularly sensitive to drought and urban heat island effect but they have thrived here and the vegetation has remained green all summer. The critical thing seems to be that even small rainfall events are captured by the permeable paving in summer and with larger events concentrated in the basins.”
Before development
2016 – regeneration complete 2021 – green infrastructure well established
Concrete block permeable paving in conjunction with green infrastructure transforms Bridget Joyce Square, London
A comprehensive specifier’s guide to fire safety standards in flat roofing has been launched by waterproofing specialist TN International (TNi).
TNi’s guide, which also advises building owners, looks at the fire safety responsibilities that key individuals have when a flat roof system is specified and installed. It details the background to this important issue in the industry and explains how to interpret external fire ratings such as BS 476: Part 3:2012 and BS EN 13501-5. It also details the in-depth process that manufacturers must go through to achieve a Broof (t4) fire rating and provides advice on how to interpret these fire test results.
As well as exploring the various considerations with both warm and inverted roofs, the guide advises on the fire ratings for terraces and balconies, the latter requiring construction to BS 8579:2020. It also examines how the latest cap sheets incorporate innovative graphite technology, which help prevent the spread of flames on a roof.
TNi’s guide concludes by offering five key tips to specifiers who are assessing the fire credentials of a particular system, and warns that some manufacturers only have fire test data showing one thickness, such as 120mm PIR, which means the data can be rejected if the insulation thickness required is different.
As lockdown measures begin to ease, roof systems manufacturer, Marley has published an in-depth whitepaper that brings together the opinions of both homeowners, tenants and specifiers in a post-Covid UK. The new whitepaper, entitled ‘Raising the Roof: Homes and communities in a post-Covid UK’, saw Marley survey 2000 homeowners, social and private housing tenants to understand how the way they view their houses and local communities has changed following the last 12 months. Jo Sims, Marketing Manager for Marley, says: “This research adds important and relevant insight to the ongoing debate concerning the long-term fallout from the once-in-ageneration event the country and the world has experienced. Many have been reassessing how they live their lives, how they want to use their homes, as well as establishing stronger views on the local community in which they have been forced to spend more time since March 2020.”
Specifying insulation for healthcare environments is now easier thanks to a new healthcare hub from ROCKWOOL. The ROCKWOOL healthcare hub comprises a wealth of resources to support the use of non-combustible stone-wool insulation for positive patient outcomes while meeting the stringent cost- and energy-efficiency requirements of healthcare settings. At the heart of the healthcare hub, users will find ROCKWOOL for Healthcare Construction, a new comprehensive guide to designing and building with health in mind. Providing a deep-dive into sector-specific Building Regulations and best practice, as well as case studies and future building methods, ROCKWOOL for Healthcare Construction has everything designers and specifiers need to create a safe, modern healthcare environment. From the hub, users can also be immersed in the ROCKWOOL Interactive City virtual hospital. Intuitively designed using cutting-edge augmented reality, the environment makes designing and selecting insulation solutions quick and easy. Through features like zoom, 360º views and pan-able application build-ups, users can explore the ROCKWOOL insulation range across a wide range of facades and applications within public health settings.
A poor subframe choice or installation can lead to decking being damaged or can even result in decking becoming structurally dangerous and eventually fail. With so many different subframes to choose from, which one is best and what should you look out for? Here we look at three options. Timber subframes
Softwood timber is the most common material used for decking subframes. Timber is easy to work with, generally readily available and is a naturally strong product with a high strength-to-weight ratio. When correctly specified and installed, timber subframes can have a long service life.
However, there have been many cases of timber subframes that have failed within six years of being installed, often because of a lack of understanding of the requirements of timber, incorrect timber being used in the wrong location and bad workmanship. Timber is inclined to rot, and care must be taken to ensure the structure is adequately ventilated. It is a common belief that all treated timber is suitable for decking subframes, however, this is incorrect as the classification of pressure treatment can make a big difference on the longevity of the frame. For example, an ‘interior-grade’ Use Class 2 (UC2) pressuretreated timber may look the same as an ‘exterior-grade’ Use Class 4 (UC4) pressure-treated timber, however, they carry very different classifications and are designed for use in different locations.
Plastic subframes
Plastic subframes can be an excellent alternative for constructing the framework for decks, seating, planters and more. For example, Plas-Pro is constructed from recycled plastic and is strong, versatile and easy to work with. Available in a range of sizes to act as posts, joists and bearers, it can be fitted in a similar way to wood yet never rots, even when placed in water.
The benefits of a product like Plas-Pro are that it can be used in contact with the ground and in water without the need for any airflow ventilation gaps; it can be sunk into the ground and surrounded fully with moisture without adverse effect. Being a non-rot system, it can also be used in areas where the subframe is likely to constantly get wet.
Aluminium subframes
A combination of superior strength aluminium and flexible plastic can provide distinct design opportunities for decking and outdoor structures that would be impossible with timber subframes.
DuoSpan is a unique landscape construction frame made with aluminium joists and beams, aluminium brackets and plastic support profiles.
Being made from aluminium, the joists are resistant to rotting or moisture ingress, negating the need for airflow gaps to the framework or end-grain preservative treatment. With other solutions, the profiles aren’t always straight, leading to numerous noggins being required to help in the installation, whereas with DuoSpan, the aluminium joists and beams are almost perfectly straight, resulting in a faster install.
The DuoSpan subframe system comes with a range of fixed and flexible brackets that allow the components to be connected at almost any angle. These brackets are uniquely designed to fit perfectly into the side of the joist, helping each joint sit flush. Screw-locating grooves on the side of the joists and self-drilling screws ensure fast, consistent fitting. The self-drilling screws provided with the brackets are made from A4 marine-grade stainless steel, and they are coated in a cathodic barrier coating to minimise the potential for galvanic corrosion between the aluminium and stainless steel.
In conclusion, timber, recycled plastic and aluminium subframes all have different attributes and being familiar with the benefits of each and knowing what to use and when can add years to the deck’s longevity.
Rhino Rocks is a professional floor cleaning business based in Yorkshire, specialising in both residential and commercial floor cleaning. A family-run business which prides itself on its excellent customer service and quality of work, the team’s expertise covers both internal and external flooring surfaces.
A prospective client contacted Rhino Rocks regarding the restoration of a residential care home in Leeds that was nearing completion. The building contractors wanted to find a reliable company that could clean and restore some very tired old vinyl floors, within a relatively tight timeframe.
The floors were dry and scratched and needed a substantial amount of care and attention. The contractors had considered various options and were undecided about whether to replace or restore the old flooring. However, the Rhino Rocks team were confident that by using the right products on the floor, they could deliver brilliant results, without the outlay of buying and fitting a new floor.
Martin Beanlands, Team Coordinator at Rhino Rocks, explains: “We knew that the product applied must be super durable and hardwearing to accommodate wheelchairs and older people, who would be using walking accessories directly over the floor daily. Our choice was Dr Schutz because we’re confident their products deliver fantastic results. Dr Schutz products tick all of our boxes; they are high quality, easy to apply and produce a fantastic finish.”
The Rhino Rocks team used Dr Schutz Turbo Strip to fully remove all the old sealant with 36kg machines, combined with 10kg added weight to fully remove all the wax and residue.
Dr Schutz Turbo Strip is ultrafast and exceptionally effective in stripping surfaces thoroughly and mechanically clean, ensuring they are free from all dust, grease, oil, wax and care films, residues and finishes.
The team’s ultra powerful, truck-mounted floor cleaning machine at 1300 PSI was then used to rinse the floors with a vortex extraction tool. A powerful drying machine was then deployed to dry the floor areas.
To complete the project, three coats of Dr Schutz Ultra High Shine Hard Sealer was applied to the floor for maximum shine and a quality finish.
Dr Schutz Ultra High Shine Hard Sealer is a hardwearing and highly scratch-resistant polymer sealer for the protection of vinyl and linoleum floors. It creates a shiny, nonslip protective film ensuring a high degree of safety.
The project from the start to the application of the final coat, took three members of the Rhino Rocks team six hours, followed by a visit the next day to complete the finished floor. After the final coat was applied, the area was left overnight to dry and set.
Martin continues: “The results we achieved with Dr Schutz products were superb, and the contractor that employed us was delighted, not to mention the customer who had trusted the work to us, he knew we wouldn’t let him down! We were also delighted that Dr Schutz was able to deliver additional products to site, at very short notice to make it possible to complete the project.”
Professional dancers can spend hours working in a dance studio, it is their place of work and should offer a safe environment fit for purpose. The floor is a dancer’s most important work tool; not only is it the canvas for their creativity, it also gives them protection against slips, falls and longer-term stress injuries.
Erlev school in Denmark’s Haderslev is visionary and award-winning for many reasons. With all columns and beams constructed in wood, it is one of the largest timber structures to be constructed in the country for a long time. It’s also unusual for the teaching method it employs, which comprises studentcentred learning and flexible, open-learning environments. The school has also just won Denmark’s prestigious School Building of the Year 2021.
Experienced dancers can judge a good floor instinctively as to whether or not it feels right. And if it feels right, they can effectively forget about the floor and concentrate on putting all their focus and concentration into the artistic performance.
Anyone specifying floors for dance should remember that dancers may not be the commissioning clients, but they are the end users. Major dance companies understand this, which is why it is not uncommon to ask their dancers to ‘test’ floors before the final choice is made.
It is a common assumption that a well-designed sports floor will suit the needs of dancers, but this is not the case. Unlike sportsmen who wear increasingly high-tech, air-cushioned shoes to give grip and protect against impact injuries, the modest ballet shoe has barely changed in design since the mid-18th century. Made from soft leather, canvas or satin, the ballet shoe is very flexible, has a thin sole and offers little protection for the wearer.
There is no doubt, the choice of flooring is critical. For over 40 years, Harlequin has been the performance floor of choice for the world’s most prestigious dance and performing arts companies, theatres, venues and schools.
Harlequin’s experience and reputation are founded on the design, manufacture and supply of a range of high-quality portable and permanent sprung and vinyl floors chosen by the world’s leading venues – from the Royal Opera House, to the Bolshoi Theatre, the Paris Opera Ballet to Queensland Ballet.
Architecture firm Arkitema conceived the design based on the principle of a supported forest-like grid of columns in a fixed, modular system. This supports high ceilings lined with Troldtekt acoustic wood-wool panels to create quiet and attractive leaning areas.
Pernille Svendsen of Arkitema Learning is very pleased with the acoustic solution, comprising fine surface wood-wool panels. She comments: “I think that the Troldtekt ceilings are a wonderful match for the wooden structures and the many interior elements in wood. Troldtekt is both an acoustic solution and also suits the overall design catalogue for the school. The panels have a surface that is a bit rough, but in a good way. A school shouldn’t look too fine and polished. It should signal that it can withstand use, hanging things up, exhibiting and moving around. There’s room for change here.”
Founded on the Cradle to Cradle design concept, Troldtekt’s natural and inherently-sustainable panels are available in a variety of different surfaces and colours and contribute positively to a building’s BREEAM, DGNB and LEED ratings.
Public toilets have long held a certain notoriety. Originally designed for convenience to provide comfort outside of the home, today’s reality is very different. Far from offering ‘amenities’ and ‘comfort breaks’, they are often unhygienic, uninspiring and unappealing – the antithesis of what is required of public washrooms.
As we finally return to shared spaces, it’s time to address this lack of comfort and place a renewed emphasis on hygiene when refurbishing communal washrooms and designing public facilities for offices, shopping centres, restaurants and transport hubs.
Great expectations
Nowadays, public washroom users expect cleanliness, aesthetic designs and comfort in terms of touch-free water and soap delivery, and full temperature control. The facility manager demands reliable, safe and hygienic products, in addition to water and energy savings. The installer, for his part, looks for easy installation and reduced maintenance. The real challenge is meeting everyone’s expectations.
DELABIE’s new range of BINOPTIC mixers and taps, with coordinating accessories, weaves an elegant link between design, functionality, hygiene and comfort. The company’s product designers combined form and function to deliver sleek profiles in matte black, which withstand intensive daily use yet retain their elegant looks.
Touch-free taps
Completely touch-free, the user can wash, soap, rinse and dry their hands without touching any surfaces. However, hygiene runs deeper, with key features to reduce water stagnation and limit bacterial development, such as an automatic duty flush, a smooth interior with low water capacity and a reducedstagnation solenoid valve. Mixer versions also have a side lever to adjust the water temperature with a maximum limiter to prevent scalding. User comfort is assured.
Specifying BINOPTIC taps in public washrooms guarantees sustainability. They avoid unnecessary waste, activating only when a user is detected, and closing when their presence is no longer detected. The flow rate is 3lpm, but can be set as low as 1.5lpm to meet water efficiency standards. Reducing water usage also impacts energy consumption. If less hot water is used, less energy is required to heat it.
Keeping it simple
DELABIE’s taps and soap dispensers are batteryoperated and, since they need no electrical connection, they are simple to install. Maintenance for the electronic taps is also less onerous, assisted by LED diagnostic aids. Parts are standardised and they can be easily accessed without isolating the water supply since the mechanism, solenoid valve and battery are integrated within the body.
As footfall increases, and since hand hygiene has become second nature, the fittings in public washrooms must be resilient. BINOPTIC taps feature shock-resistant mechanisms and sensors, housed in a solid brass body. The taps and soap dispensers also feature anti-blocking, which ensures that no water or soap is delivered if the sensor is permanently covered.
The matte black range from DELABIE offers a stylish solution to fulfil the complex demands on modern washrooms. Specifically designed for public and commercial places, it delivers user comfort, reduces waste, controls consumption and contributes to good hygiene practices, and all delivered in a stylish package.
Energys Group, one of the UK’s leading decarbonisation delivery companies, has calculated that it has been responsible for the delivery of approximately 20% of the total spend on lighting upgrades as part of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS).
The company, which is based in West Sussex, was involved in over 70 projects that were given the go-ahead under PSDS, equating to a total value of around £6m.
The company estimates that it supplied and installed around 50,000 new light fittings and sensor controls as part of the PSDS projects. Products specified include a variety of Energys’ latest LED solutions, including IntelliDim smart luminaires that can be commissioned via a smartphone app that allows the commissioning of precise light levels and occupancy parameters. In general, installations using IntelliDim can expect to register between 20 and 40% extra savings on top of those normally seen when upgrading from traditional lamps to LEDs.
First announced in September 2020, the UK Government’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme entailed a £1bn fund being made available for public sector energy reduction projects. The primary objective of PSDS was to help decarbonise heating. This meant all applications had to include a heat decarbonisation plan or an element of heating decarbonisation. The scheme also made funds available for other energy-efficient technologies that can make a real difference to carbon and energy cost reduction – including LED lighting.
Energys Group Managing Director, Kevin Cox, comments: “We’re all delighted to have played such an active – and significant – part in supporting the Government’s decarbonisation goals. The response from end-users – teachers, pupils, estates staff – to the new lighting technology has been uniformly positive, while the forecast of carbon emission reductions – approximately 75% at each upgraded facility – speaks for itself.”
F. Ball and Co.’s new Styccobond F58 PLUS is a fast-drying, fibre-reinforced, pressure-sensitive adhesive that is ideal for the installation of LVT floorcoverings. Its fast-drying formulation enables LVT tiles and planks to be secured from just five minutes following application of the adhesive, allowing for a much speedier installation time. Commenting on the new adhesive, Sales Director Darren Kenyon said: “Styccobond F58 PLUS offers greater flexibility to suit contractors’ needs and preferences, allowing early installation of LVT tiles to significantly reduce waiting time while the adhesive dries and minimising the downtime that areas are out of commission. High coverage rates delivered by each tub of adhesive also represents great value for money.”
www.f-ball.co.uk 01538 361633 mail@f-ball.co.uk
Main contractor Laing O’Rourke has awarded the £1.5m furniture and fit-out contract for the first phase of the £485m 3Ts redevelopment of Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton to Deanestor, a leading fit-out specialist. Deanestor will manufacture around 17,000 items of furniture for the project and will be fitting-out 2000 rooms across the new, purpose-designed, 11-storey building. The bespoke joinery package includes a stunning 6m-diameter main hospital reception desk for welcoming patients and visitors, and using natural walnut hardwood and veneers. 35 nurse stations and staff bases with solid surface finishes and wood grain fascias will be manufactured and installed across the building, together with 40 touchdown bases providing staff with convenient additional workspaces in the clinical areas.
Ventilation manufacturer Vent-Axia has supplied its Lo-Carbon PoziDry Compact Pro to successfully tackle persistent condensation and mould in a social housing property. The housing association selected the PoziDry Compact Pro for a flat which had mould in the bedroom and living room. The unit was chosen since it is the ideal solution for combating condensation and mould in problem properties without a loft. Prior to the installation of the Lo-Carbon PoziDry Compact Pro in the property, there was no ventilation. The unit was installed in the flat’s cloakroom and has successfully eliminated the ongoing condensation and mould problem. This is not only protecting the building’s structure but will also positively impact the inhabitant’s health by improving their indoor air quality.
Wooden worktops look stunning in almost all kitchen styles and colours, offering a warm and stylish finish and timeless appeal. Like all kitchen surfaces, worktops take the brunt of the wear and tear in a busy home, so they need to be cared for properly.
Over time, water damage and mould can affect wooden worktops, especially around areas like the sink, so prevention is better than cure. To keep wooden worktops at their best, treat with Osmo TopOil. Newly-oiled wooden surfaces using TopOil require approximately two to three weeks to completely cure and harden properly before normal usage.
The key benefit for worktop use is that TopOil is extremely water repellent, helping to make surfaces more durable. It is resistant to common liquid spillages such as water, juice, tea and wine, making it ideal for the kitchen. It has a microporous, breathable finish that does not crack, peel or flake. Using the product regularly can prolong the life of your worktop, so you won’t need to replace it.
Treating your worktop
To get the best performance from TopOil, you need to get an optimal volume of this hard wax oil into the fibres of the wood. To help with performance on worktops, the wood will normally require the surface to be sanded to a maximum of a P150 grit grade (depending on the wood species).
To deliver the ideal amount of the finish into the absorbent wood surface, it’s recommended to apply the first coat thinly along the wood grain with an Osmo microfibre roller, flat brush or oil finish applicator fleece. Allow to dry for approximately eight to 10 hours and ventilate the room well while drying. Then, apply the second coat with an Osmo oil finish applicator fleece or a lint-free cloth.
It is possible to spot sand and repair any watermarks. It’s necessary to use the same finish sanding grade to sand back, then retreat those spot areas using the same application technique originally carried out. Once these areas have been allowed to dry, apply a little more oil to build up some protection. Use an Osmo applicator fleece/pad for this procedure.
Finally, care must be taken with the cleaning and maintenance of the TopOil. For regular cleaning (perhaps daily or weekly), this should ideally be carried out with products like Osmo Wash and Care or Osmo Spray Cleaner. These products clean the surface without breaking down the natural oils and wax in Osmo finishes. The soaps within these products contain a tiny amount of natural oil to help nourish the surface over time. Products, such as washing up liquid, are designed to strip away oils and waxes, therefore, the finish will require topping up if there is high exposure. You could top up thinly with a cloth to the clean, dry surface using Osmo TopOil or Osmo Maintenance Oil products. Osmo Maintenance Oil is very practical as it is much thinner than TopOil, and there is less risk of building up too much wax on surrounding treated areas.
With the right care, Osmo TopOil can enhance the natural beauty of your wooden worktop and keep it looking new for many years to come.
www.osmouk.com 01296 481220 info@osmouk.com
The bathroom is one of the most challenging and dangerous places for a person with dementia or visual impairment. Research has highlighted that people with dementia are twice as likely to fall as others in the same age bracket, with these falls resulting in significantly higher mortality rates. However, addressing something as small as the choice of a bathroom’s lighting can help reduce those falls.
To meet this need, AKW, a leading provider of accessible home solutions, has recently launched its occupational therapist-specified bathroom taskfocused lighting range into the care sector. According to Occupational Therapist Kate Sheehan, Director of The OT Service, extra task-focused lighting in the bathroom can significantly increase bathroom safety for residents, particularly those with dementia or sight loss, which is why Kate first suggested and then helped design the AKW range.
Stuart Reynolds, Head of Product and Marketing at AKW, explains further: “Kate and a number of other experts in dementia and visual impairment advised us that almost all the care bathrooms they see have inadequate lighting, with shadows, glare and dark areas. Although a single centrally-located LED light may be fine for someone who only has reduced mobility, it very rarely provides enough light for those with dementia and/or sight loss.”
AKW’s Task Focused Lighting can be bought as single lights or as a kit, containing five narrow beam (30°) ceiling LED task lights and accessories including a blue pull cord switch. AKW’s task lighting kit has been designed to give just the right type and quantity of lights to illuminate an 8 x 6ft bathroom space. Additional lights can be purchased for larger bathroom spaces. The ideal layout for the task lighting, as advised by Sheehan, is to have the five task lights placed directly over the shower area, the toilet and washbasin. This helps residents to locate shower controls and toilet flushes easily, as well as to make grooming tasks easier to perform.
www.akw-ltd.co.uk/lighting 01905 823299
Interface, a worldwide commercial flooring company and global leader in sustainability, has announced that all carpet tile products made in its European manufacturing facilities from September 2021 features its CQuestBio backing that contains carbon negative materials. CQuestBio is the company’s new non-bitumen, bio-composite backing innovation made with bio-based materials and recycled fillers, which are net carbon negative. Customers who specify Interface carpet tiles with CQuestBio will be able to further support their own sustainability goals with even lower carbon footprint products in their spaces while achieving the same level of flooring performance.
The Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust is the latest healthcare site to benefit from Triton2, a patented, high-security master key system from ASSA ABLOY, delivering assured security and key control. One of the key features of Triton2 is its long-lasting patent protection. Guarding against unauthorised and 3D key copying, Triton2 is patented until 2036 for guaranteed peace of mind. Keys can only be cut by registered dealers, maintaining a high level of security should a key ever be misplaced. With built-in anti-pick, anti-pull, anti-drill and anti-bump protection, the system’s cylinders exceed the requirements of BS EN 1303:2015, meeting the highest standards for physical security.
Premier Modular, one of the UK’s leading offsite specialists, has achieved BOPAS accreditation for its modular living solutions, following its expansion into the residential sector. BOPAS – the Buildoffsite Property Assurance Scheme – is the industry benchmark to give funders, principal mortgage lenders, valuers and purchasers the confidence that homes built using offsite construction will have a life of at least 60 years. It also demonstrates the integrity of the offsite system, consistent delivery and long-term performance to specification. Premier specialises in the offsite construction of affordable, sustainable and fast-track apartments, studios and multi-occupancy buildings for social housing, build-to-rent, schemes to address homelessness, hotels and student accommodation.