Compressed Portfolio Summer Internship

Page 1

Hands Make Architecture

M. Arch. Portfolio

“Architecture drives my

soul to manifest designs for humanity.

But where the hands of architecture help me, they can also obstruct


“My ultimate goal in life is to leave an engraved stamp on Earth while at the same time enriching the lives of others. My faith has given me the astounding challenge of using design to break the repetitive cycle the world has become accustomed to. My past experiences have prepared me to take on such a monumental task.” “This portfolio highlights my design process using various methods including hand parti making and the composition of conceptual studies into the social design of buildings.”

Hartford, The City of the Heartbeat

- Personal Statement

Thank You For Your Consideration

01 West Brookfield, MA

Nipmuc Community Center

Client: Nipmuc Tribe Theme: Off Grid Regerative Design

Objective: The Nipmuc Tribe (people of water), currently has 3,000 living members without space for any tribal gatherings. The goal of this project was to work with the tribe to develop a project that could become a model for what the tribe wants. The biggest consideration for this design was the tribes request for an off-grid building that embodies regenerative design and methods. This reflects the tribes relationship with the earth. Vernacular of Water & Design

The circle is a very prominent figure in the tribe’s vernacular, it represents the cycle and various patterns of life. My interpretation incorporates methods of basket weaving to create a parti that begins to tell the relationship of spaces, systems, and its relationship to the human body.

Weaving Upward

Weaving Downward


Contemplation Space Spaces & Hospi-

Design Parti

Off Grid Systems Living Machine Primary Water Treatment Grey Water Catchment Solar Heat Gain

My sectional study of the Nipmuc Community and Educational Center embodies the relationship between on site physical entities and possible building mechanisms. The living machine and other water catchment systems follow the flow of the parti models created previously and on the below image.

Water flows from the top of the building to the center where it is treated. Inside of this closed process water from the site is managed stratigically for efficient reuse by the tribe. The Nipmuc Resource Courtyard brings the external ecosystem into the center of building, here the tribe will have a opportunity to have a feeling of nature throughout the year, which bridges the gap between the human element and mother nature.

Systems Diagram

Water Catchment Diagram

Sectional Parti Study


Weaving Structural Member

Heat Flow

Structural Support

Nipmuc Community and Education Center Program Program Key 1. Exterior Classroom 2. Gathering Space 3. Nipmuc Resource Courtyard 4. Seconday Wetland Treatment 5. Observing Balcony 6. Lobby 7. Restrooms 8. Kitchen 9. Archives 10. Emergency Shelter 11. Classroom Space Primary Wetlands

12. Storage/ Library 13. Wood Chimney


Section AA

At Grade

10 9 8 12





6 7 4.




1’ Below Grade 3’ Below Grade

Primary Wetlands

South Elevation South West Elevation

Bas Relief Section BB Model Using gluams reinforces the curvature of the roof structuraly. Columns help to support the roof, but most of it is supported by rammed earth walls. Gluams are resistant to tension and compression which in turn makes it perfect for spanning.

and Educational Center

Section-AA details the water catchment system that is guided by the curvature of the roof. The water is deposited into the Nipmuc Resourse Courtyard for further treatement. This tertiary grey water treament space gives the tribe the ablility to have drinking water from on site rather than using unsustainable bottled water.


Water Catchment

Standing Seam Roof

Wood Decking

Glulam and Perlins

Exploded Structural Axon

Gestural Model

Nipmuc Community and Educational Center

Gathering Space


Nipmuc Resource Courtyard

Gathering Space From Balcony

Cultural Signifigance The gathering space was the most important entity of this project, because of the importance of the Pow-Wow. This event is a large gathering for the Nipmuc in which they celebrate their culture and spiritual presence. Many of the dances and movements involve circular promenades. An outer ring is reserved for the crowd to watch the Pow-Wow, in addtion to this, booths may be set up to sell merchandise and teach visitors and younger tribe members about their culture.

life situations to considbefore. The practical er when creating projects. nature of our class and 02 Amherst, Massachusetts Creating a Cohesive Spaces This semester working working with ATL allowed Client: All Things Local Cooperative Theme: Cooperative Workgreat & Design with ATL was a me to learn while working experience because I got in teams to serve others to see how ideas between using design. I also architect and client evolve enjoyed working in the through conversations. Amherst community.

Cohesive Dialo

g A Cohesive Dialo

esive Space Between Cohesive Space Between ng With All Things Lo Most design studios focus on solving hypothetical issues within a given site or area, however in this particular studio, Human Centered Design, through active engagement with our local community partner, All Things Local Cooperative, my group and I used our critical thinking skills to solve architectural and marketing issues to help promote the new store. Working with a community group brought us outside of the rhetoric in which our design classes typically function. In a similar manner to the group dynamic, we were immediately plunged into an obligation that went beyond normal class work. Not only did we need to design our own project but we became part of a dialogue which understood or created the situation in which that project would be developed. Furthermore, that dialogue was both the result of and the foundation for the development of relationships between the members of the group and members of the community partner.

oncept Diagram Concept Diagram


e: All Things Lo





ATL Space

TL Space

f s ces e

Cohesive Dialogue

Cohesive Dialogue

Local Sources





hings Local and the Producers

Art/Craft Person Exposure

All Things Local


Through a series of conversations with the store managers and volunteers, and observations from working in the store, there were Person four distinct projects that would evolve throughout the semester that would help improve the efficiency and manner at which the store operated and comunicated with customers.

All Things Local

Working With All Things Local

Secondary space under construction, site of future design

manner to the group dynamic, we were immediately plunged into an obligation that went normal classcame work.toNot only did wethat need to After an intial period of observation and dialougue, the All Things Localbeyond staff and my group an agreement design our own project but we became part of a dialogue which the store needed ways to attract more people into the market and then more interactive ways of keeping them egnaged or created the of situation in which would be with items. We approached this in two ways. Oneunderstood being exterior activating space,that the project other being how Working with a community group has brought usan outside offunction the developed. Furthermore that dialogue was both the result of and the created better spaces within the interior rhetoric in which our design classes typically function. In a similar foundation for the development of relationships between the members of manner to the group dynamic, we were immediately plunged into an the group and members of the community partner. obligation that went beyond normal class work. Not only did we need to design our own project but we became part of a dialogue which understood or created the situation in which that project would be developed. Furthermore that dialogue was both the result of and the has brought us outside ofdevelopment the foundation for the of relationships between the members of ses typically function. In a similar the group and members of the community partner.

Transformation of Sp

Our Relationship With All Things Local

ve Spaces

Transformation of Space Through Coll

With All Things Local

Sax an Corrin Meisse-Munns John Gerber Amanda Wasserman e were immediately plungedAl into General Manager Assistant Manager Member/Core Volunteer The Local Cafe Owner mal class work. Not only did we need to came part of a dialogue which on in which that project would be Infographic StoreFront Design Display Fixture Screen Partition ogue was both the result of and the f relationships between the membersJohn of Gerber Corrin Meisse-Munns Amanda Wasserman ommunity partner. Assistant Manager Member/Core Volunteer The Local Cafe Owner

In our design studios we typically do not have real life situations to consider when creating projects. This semester working with ATL was a great experience because I got to see how ideas between architect and client evolve through conversations.

This was different than any other studio I have been in before. The practical nature of our class and working with ATL allowed me to learn while working in teams to serve others using design. I also enjoyed working in the Amherst community.

Working in this manner has allowed us to work smoother, and accomplish more than we could otherwise have accomplished individually. Working with ATL made the group process enjoyable.

Working with All Things Local this semester has been a new and enjoyable experience. I have earned a lot of new skills and made real connections with the people both there and in the

Creating A Cohesive Dialogue: All Things 4.

n Gerber Core Volunteer

Amanda Wasserman The Local Cafe Owner

Creating A Cohesive Dialogue: All Things Loca

Creating a Cohesive Space Between All Things Local and t 3. Creating a Cohesive Space Between All Things Local and the Co Process: Working With All Things Local

In our design studios we typically do not have real life situations to consider when creating projects. This semester working with ATL was a great experience because I got to see how ideas between architect and client evolve through conversations.

This was different than any Working in this manner Working with All Things other studio I have been in has allowed us to work Local this semester has before. The practical smoother, and been a new and enjoyable nature of our class and accomplish more than experience. I have working with ATL allowed we could otherwise have earned a lot of new skills me to learn while working accomplished and made real Concept Diagram in teams to serve others individually. Working with connections with the Creating using design. I also a coheATL made the group people both there and in Community enjoyed working in the process enjoyable. the sive environment Customers Community Customers Amherst community. ATL Space


Creating a coheg A Cohesive Dialogue: All Things Local sive environment ating A Cohesive Dialogue:All AllThings Things Local A Cohesive Dialogue: Local within All Things Cohesive Space Between All Things Local and the Community


Concept Diagram

Circulation Diagram Circulation Diagram




within All ThingsATL Space Local was oone of Cohesive Dialogue Volunteers Local was oone of goals Cohesive Dialogue our primary any Working in this manner Working with All Things Local Sources this semester . We n in has allowed us to work Localprimary this semester has our goals Producers smoother, and been a new and looked enjoyablea lot into All Things Local this semester Circulation Diagram Spatial Diagrams Concept Diagram accomplish more than Diagram experience. I have . We Circulation Diagram Spatial Diagrams Concept Art/Craft Person circulation and Exposure da cohewe could otherwise have earned a lot of new skills All Things Local looked a lot into ng accomplished and made real use of space. Circulation Diagram Spatial Diagrams Concept Diagram Community Spatial Diagrams sronment individually. Working with connections withand the circulation Community Customers ATL made the group people both there and in ll ThingsATL Space Craft Shelves use process enjoyable. the of space. s oone of Community Cohesive Dialogue Customers Gallery Area Volunteers Design Concept 1 Cohesive Dialogue Produce Shelves ary ATLgoals Space Sketches Local Sources Refridgerators ester . We Volunteers Old Space Producers Cohesive Dialogue Cafe All Things Local lot into Sources Meeting Space Design Concept 1 Art/Craft Person Old Space on and Exposure Old Space New Space Cafe Seating Area All Things Sketches Local Producers Circulation Diagram Spatial Diagrams pace. Diagram Spatial Diagrams raftCirculation Person rculation Diagram Spatial Diagrams Old Space Cafe

sorking Local ing a Cohesive Space Between All Things Local and the Community With All Things Local Volunteers




Local Sources

hesive Space Between All Things Local and the Community Cafe Seating

Meeting Space


Cafe Seating

Art/Craft Person Exposure

d the Community


Meeting Space

__ Entrance and Exit Circulation __ Cafe Circulation

__ Main Store Circulation

logue: All Things Local gue: All Things Local Screen Design ogue: All AllThings Things Local logue: Local

__ Entrance and Exit Circulation __ Cafe Circulation

__ Main Store Circulation




ATL Space






en All Things Local and the Community All Things and the Community Screen Design en All ThingsLocal Local and the Community ocal n All Things Local and the Community Register

Local Sources

Cafe Seating

Meeting Space



Register Cafe Seating

Art/Craft Person Exposure

New Spa

Meeting Space

__ Entrance and Exit Circulation __ Cafe Circulation

__ Main Store Circulation

Cafe Seating

Meeting Space

__ Entrance and Exit Circulation __ Cafe Circulation

__ Main Store Circulation

Circulation Diagram All Things Local

Local Local

Spatial Diagrams


en Design

__ Entrance and Exit Circulation


Refridgerators Refridgerators

__ Main Store Circulation

Gallery Area Cafe

Produce Shelves

Design Concept 2 signCommunity he n e Community w Space Register



Refridgerators Cafe




Cafe Seating

Cafe Seating Cafe Seating Cafe Seating

Meeting Space



Meeting Space

Meeting Space Meeting Space

Meeting Space

Cafe Seating Area

__ Entrance and Exit Circulation __ Cafe Circulation __ Main Store Circulation

Spatial Diagrams

__ Entrance__ and Exit Circulation Entrance and Exit Circulation ntrance and Exit Circulation

ObservedAllCirculation Things Local Logo SpatialStore Diagrams

__ __ Cafe Circulation afe CirculationCafe Circulation __ Main Store __ Circulation

ain Store Circulation

Craft Shelves

__ Cafe Circulation

Craft Shelves



Main Store Circulation


Design Concept 1

Concept 2 100Design Mile Radius of producers

Produce Shelves Refridgerators

Design Concept 3

Design Concept 1 Old Space Design Concept 1 Old Space Old Space Space Old

Gallery Area


New Space

Design Concept 2 Design Concept 2 Meeting Space

Cafe Seating Area

Space New Space New Space 100 Mile Radius of producers AllNew Things Local Logo

Prior was Store IteminLayout Proposed Store Item Layout Our group featured an Article on masslive at Craft Shelves 2014/03/coop_market_all_things_local_h.html Gallery Area Craft Shelves Glass Blocks 100 Mile Radius producers “Brennan saidof the design of the shop will likely change with the season (as will the fresh produce).

Informational Graphics

Jennifer Pa ge Inner Amherst, MA Fortun Happ Am Amhe y Vall herst, MAe rst, M A ey D A og Bo Amhtekrst,ins M Am o MA arke hers k t, M & t Plo A wF A E arm Am n Pe ar lha th he g 6 .6 m rst ie mil , M C ,M D A e irc A iB s les en ed et to

Amelia Tuttl e South Hadly, MA 9.6 Tan B miles ro ok Po rst, M A tt Co ery Had pp G 4.4 ley, MA erh Le ab mile v ead 5.8 erett ri s mil , M el Farm le es A C Sta Am ohe pl herst, M n T B Su e G eton A iles 7.2 nd an A a m erla c Ra ile nd a mhe bo rst s nc ,M k , r ’s A e Co MA Eg h gs F m H u pa 4.4 adle ng ny m y, M i ile A A s lly Amhe

Amherst, MA

B W rid 16 est g h Ap .6 mil amp em Na pal es ton, Mont ac Go t A Fa i 19 she ura rm mil MA .5 n, ls an es M Br miles MA on Mo ook st nta Sp s 1 1.9 gu Be e Whe a e, M n m rk Amr C iles e d A l P l V V Farm e & hers oz ierc iew all t, y e ey She B S C lburn r o wi MA o Po 22.9 the Gre ffee Ho ng mile e, MA e rs Am ul s n 18.7 nfield he tr e Ea mil , MA es GoB y & S rst, MAy r Am rin S t c e e em hm he g Am Bergero hers rr y rst n ,M s Lev al t, M Butte Peanut A ere tz A Simp Sugar r Inc. 5.8 tt, MA Gree m nfield le Sh , 18.7 oem iles House miles MA a P k Leydon, eg Gera ing Shut esbu MA Real Pickle ry, 26.7 mile Amherst rd s 9.7 m MA s , MA Greenfield iles , MA 18.7 miles Parker’s Suga r House Granby, MA Leyden Lamb 9.8 miles Beatrice Dragon Leyden, MA


Fa r



Ch ind 94 arlest rift .8 m ow iles n, M Sod A a

Th e Ki Turk As tch ish h 22 field en .7 ,



Ha 37 wle .9 y, m M ile A s


Sm Fa ith rm ’s ste ad

W 40 inch .4 en m d ile on s ,





Shutesbury, MA 9.7 miles


Fio r

Birch Moon Herbals

Easthampton, MA 12.2 miles

M 86 anch .7 m este ile r C s en te r,

ton, MA

r m Sta s ar , MA s ur m A k F wn mile Fo Far ld, M iles oc erto 0.1 p! e fi th 4 m dc lch 1 t U MA s , r e 2 No n I nway mile oo B W tto Co 15.9 iso A rm l Fa , MA Bu M M Hil hfield miles er way, iles Riv Con 15.9 m e Bug As 22.7 th uth l t So ish ba ok er Rel rves A t M a ebro rm , l g H yH Ar eld es Fae, MA enfi mil Shin Cit Ray Gre 18.7 lburn iles ise, MA tie A y She 22.9 m Farm radpton KHaadlemy,ilMes amer Fire ue, MA PNaorthmamiles Red Monta1g1.9 miles 4.4 Cre ery 8.6 ley ’s Bak ey Val le er Vall in ple eopt, MA Pione rn y’s Gra ! Madley, MA PAmhers Popcldo, MA Emil ueen’s /Q FreeMA Ha miles Hatfie miles CreekMapeline 4.4 , eadow 11.6 King MA Longm 36 miles ens Hadley,les swald 4.4 mi Gre Phyllis Je herst N. Am s Conway, MA ile 2.4 m hua Berins 15.9 miles Joserst, MA


rm Fa n ic,eMA ma o y st CAhmher De nn Da ea ldt, MA avibdury, MA a CAhmhers DShu.7tems iles Wash 9 og st D ider h, MeAr Carr’sMAC m Aelham es ley, Had iles P mil m 4.4 nce 6.6 f Flore eArs o Flohew rst, M rley Am Ba Beet’s & Northamp 8.6 miles

Pioneer Valley Vinegar Works

AboutInfgraphic the Infograph About

Parnella Naturals

Sunderland, MA 7.2 miles

d Ol .5 m 92

5.8 miles

The exterior infographic helps to bring pedestrians closer to store while making them familiar with the radius that the market goofs come from. The graphic would be visible at all times even when the store is closed to continue the dialogue between the town of Amherst and All Things Locals. This would also help mitigate the stores setback which prevents it from having normal foot traffic.

r ve Ri T epyme, Cs e D L ile


sculpture that can be adapted to the changing vendors, and of course the graphic itself.

e Ay .6 m 61

e Fri

ym Th

and Amanda, was apparant that many many peopleit don’t know about people don’t know about their mission their mission and how they operand hown they operate. Most importantate. Most importantly they don’t ly they don’t know how much All Things knowhas how muchFor Alla Things Loca to offer. solutionLocal to this has to offer. For a solution to problem the infographic was decided on this problem theproject infographic as a project. This includeswas two decided on the as map a project. installations, in frontThis of the project includes installations, store entrace and atwo physical sculpture the map front oftothe that can beinadapted thestore changing entranceand and physical vendors, of acourse the graphic itself.

a Try


M 11 onta .9 m gue ile , M s A



Ba Te jran aC g om He un pa rba 24.8 tingt Die mil on, M ny l Sp es A We m oo n a d 17 .4 m ell, M nd n Th Dov Far iles A Ri e etail m ve 10a Lo Coll rJ k Gre c S P She age a i e mp lb l 18.7 nfield otte Sh ew Am C 22.9 urne, M ut , le mile MA ry he a es le mile A f bu s r G st, e s i 9.7 ry, r y S M f G u t A nshin ina sF Native W m MA N. ile B e a A lc Cha s ater h mh r e Ca Fall River, ers m 10.1 ertown MA p , MA rds 2.4 t, M mile 105 mile Milk Am la A Pictu mil A s hers in s es t, M &H re A Plain Vie one Bridge That w y He mont Westh Springfi Farm Shu Farm Tow am eld tesb rbs 16.6 m pton, MA ury n Lin 25.5 mile , MA Hubbars iles 9.7 , MA s ton, eF mile 40.3 miles MA N. Am arm s herst, M Elbow Room 2.4 m A iles Many Hands Chanterelle Farm Coffee Amherst, MA Williamsburg, MA To Go Ellen Hopman 14.3 miles West Springfield, MA Amherst, MA Dancing Deer Heather’s 24.9 miles n Boston, MA n Grow Kor ShutesShut M&G Kettle esbury, MA Beverages 92.5 miles 9.7 miles Belchertown, MA Ashley Falls, MA Rodleoy,ts s miles n od MA 10.1 o Fo 78.1 miles o arm inter M Ha Mezaeadow, MA les 4.4 mi gbird F W ockin Longme A n M M , iorst, MsA a t a mpton e ha 36 miles r st Ea B C Amhe bucd, MA D iles J m .2 12 m rlan 10/20 miles away w’s t KoSunde huryMA /Sno y Fire ra alys Shire Cit Bart’s am d rst, DiLau ls Kat ow Amhe re MA h omt, MA rt C a h r e e e ra H id C Ic enfield, C eld, MA isd ers Natnugfield, MA Honurt,’sMA A 40 miles away W Amh arurm Gre ulip ish Pittsfi s y, M iles ri F F T ile Sp e m s Rockpo s b ile i e a s m ile t 18.7 s 48.1 m 25.5 m ch Shute 9.7 ook 124 mile Sta C Bay re A Sim ill ne a ville, M ers eH h s 60 miles away h S a t s d rtu o Ch r o Bon iles F m m A nB m 16 Faarrwick, Ms sti ar A e W mil Au lley oFwn, M e’s 80 miles away 30.9 i t r a s e l V elch iles E A ill B .1 m ie ta H dge, M t ’s 10 Hosst Stockbri nt es , MA eker igo rmen ce s We miles r h g Au okirtown t 100 miles away F o g .9 u u Sa A E 63 o che iles Aplden, MA t o i C l G sta ld, M Ma miles Be .1 m mm ce 90.9 10 Papringfieiles Su rodu m H S m P .5 & ffrey, Niles ar 25 F Ja .1 m ha Ma 51 ng ew, Salainvi miles All Things Local is fairly new to P .8 28 ing the Pioneer Valley. After Liv c i s n od All Things Localinisthe failry new and to the ga volunteering store Or perfoMA Pioneer After volunteering in the Sualpole,iles workingValley. closely with Corrin and W ya .3 m 88 so A store and working closely with Corrin Amanda, it was apparent that Na r, M iles Gra Fa y Dog ’s H rm

Brig h 87 m ton, M A iles

Farm EIEIOLevere tt, MA

.8 17

s l Design Hawkow Amherst, MA arketa est MAmherst, M ry Harv ke A d Bamherst, M kyar A LC Bac te L n, MA s TaNosrthampto8.6 mile arm F herst, MA s Am l ba A erherst, M e HAm


App a Jerk lacian yCo .

pr yS on e rm ag Ha verw, MAs Beudlo mile

Radius Map


Co ne 26 lrain Hi l .3 mil , MA l es

26.7 miles



Exterior Space Activation

One of the major disadvantages of having a store setback from the street level is that the flow of pedestrian traffic does not pass by the store. This prevents more people from looking into the storefront of the market This projects aims to bring more attention to the store The vibrant colors emulate the store logo and brighten up the overall appearance the of the store. The entrance is also very unclear to customers who often squeeze through the open double doors. The trellis design above the door helps to draw attention to the front door of the market.

Produce Shelves

L Braket

The proposed trellis design proposes to activate the exterior of the building acting as a form of shade but also exterior display. Where the trellis meet the ground are baskets Produce Shelves that can hold produce for customers to see as they enter the store. The trellis would also be green and white to further carry on the theme of All Things Local. The change of color also helps to differentiate the market from the L Braket adjacent store.

Supporting Rods

1x7 Lumber 1x4 Lumber


Display Fixture

The process for the fixture began as a group effort where we researched different alternative store fixtures. The design upon which we settled builds on the premise of a gondola-like fixture unit that may be used individually or aligned with other units to form an aisle. The fixture is above all meant to be versatile. Its design is meant to echo the dynamic nature of the store.

East Elevation

Front Elevation

West Elevation

Top View


Screen Partition

The new space in ATL is meant to be for selling their crafts but will also house a meeting space in the back behind the ramp. These two spaces need to be separated at certain times to maintain a level of privacy. The idea of incorporating a screen came from this observation. These two different iterations of how the screen can look stemmed from ideas using leaves and apples from the logo, and glass blocks with color indicating different producers in the store.



Creation of City Art Node

Artists: Andreas Gursky & Rachel Whitehead Theme: Live/Work and Public

Early Project Study: 16’x16’x16’ Interlocking Spatial Cube Observation: Passage of Central Light and Formation of Floor Plates

Two Person Spatial Study

Holyoke, Massachusetts is an old factory city that is now undergoing strategic revitilization and revival. The site of my project lies within the art node. My project is situated within the art node and had the goal of combining elements of the city’s plan by incorporating public access into the design my artist home. The challenge of live-work elements in addition to limited space were approached by considering the passage of light through the center of the floor plates that wrap around to create the artist spaces. These areas are juxaposed in close quarters. They either share a common wall or space where each other’s presence must be respected. The public can enter the building from a rear alleyway or front entrance into a two-floor gathering space.

The resulting spatial interlock sketches and ideas for the Artist Live-Work Project shows the relationship between floor plates and the artists spaces. Circulation partterns were then studied. The most appropriate movement seems to revolve around the the outer edges of the building. In the center of my parti model negative space is surrouded by circulation ramps. Here is where a possible light passage could exists.

Perspective Movement Drawing

e Site Analysis Andreas Gursky

3 Point Entry Access Relationship to Holyloke Urban Fabric Impact of Building Site to Art Node

Surrounding Site Development

Rachel Whitebread


District Sectors

Node Development

Holyoke residents and vistors

Client use of pace and camparison

Stimulation of new lively andcapitalizes intersection, Avenuetooff Main�. The utilization of the rearwalkway alleyway onthe the“Artists opportunity allow public access Epic center new activity. from twoofdifferent directions. In addition, the artists can use the alleyway as a drive up unloading dock. The possible movement around the new building can stimulate the art node, and as a result make the near interesection a lively epicenter for urban growth.


Railroad & Roadways

Program Sculptor Studio

Andreas Gursky

Gallery/ Open Lobby Exterior Space Access


Volume of Space Living Space Working Space-

Photograp Studio

Rachel Whitebread

Holyoke residents and vistors

Client use of pace and camparison

Gallery/ Open Lobby Exterior Space

Gallery/ Open Lobby



Exterior Space

Volume of Space


Living Space

Working Space


Volume of Space

Sculptor Studio

Artist Over Lapping Living Quarters

pace Working Space-

Contemplation Space Building Public Gesture

Photographer Studio

3 Client Interaction

rking Space



Public Entry / Gallery

Volume of Space


Floor PlanS The artist floors are shared: there is a common wall that seperates each person. Beetween them also lies a central light atrium which carries light throughout the entire building from Gallery/ Open Lobby Exterior Space top to bottom.

Sculptor Studio Sculptor Studio


Andreas Gursky


Volume of Space Living Space Working Space-

Gallery/ Open Lobby Exterior Space Access


Artist Over Lapping Living Quarters

Volume of Space Living Space Working Space-

Artist Over Lapping Living Quarters

Photographer Studio

Contem Building P

Photographer Studio

3 Client Interaction Gallery/ Open Lobby Exterior Space Rachel Whitebread




Volume of Space

Gallery/ Open Lobby Exterior Space


Living Space Luminosity

Working Space Volume of Space

3 Client Interaction Living Space

Working Space

Public Entry / Gallery Public Entry / Gallery


Gallery/ Open Lobby Holyoke residents and vistors

Client use of pace and camparison

Exterior Space Gallery/ Open Lobby


Luminosity Exterior Space

Volume of Space



Volume of Space

Lower gallery

Upper Gallery First Level Entry Scale 1/4”=1’0” First Level Entry Ground Level Scale Scale 1/4”=1’0” First Level Entry Scale 1/4”=1’0” Ground Level Scale 1/4”=1’0” Scale 1/4”=1’0”


Central Light Atrium & Creases

Roof Top


vel Living


-Programatic Layout in Section and Space Inter

Artist 1st 1st Level Living Floors

Ground Level Scale


-Programatic Layout in Section and Space Interactions

1st Level Living 1st Level Living Scale 1/4”=1’0” Scale 1/4”=1’0”

Sculpture Studio

Artists 2nd Level

2nd Level Living 2nd Level Living Scale 1/4”=1’0” Scale 1/4”=1’0”

Upper Sculpture Stud Upper Sculpture Studio Space

Holyoke Live-Work Interior Perspectives

Sectional Cuts

Section BB

Sectiion AA

East View

Central Light Atrium

South View

Exterior Perspectives ` The final design of my building overhangs the walkway to encourage the public to approach the building. There are two entrances in the front both leading to the galleries. The cantilever inhabits an interior sun room where both artists can enjoy views of the city and use as a entertaining space for visitors. The central light atrium helps to bring light directly into the center of the building. The floors above exist around this and receives light from above and from the atrium. Visitors also get to enjoy this moment when looking upward when in the galleries.

04 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Bastakiya Artists Court Yard House Spring 2013 Historic Culutal Site CourtYard House Private/Public

Bastakiyah is an historic cultural site in old Dubai. The challenge of this project involved designing an artist’s home with public access that uses some of the venacular of the existing site. An existing courtyard sits adjacent to the site. Incoporating this large space into the design of my artist’s home is very important. The goal of the final design revolved around the circular movement around the pathway of my building. This sequence would then lead visitors back into the main courtyard outside the building.


Movement and space abstraction

Traditional Court Yard

Public Accessible Courtyard

Open Courtyard

Strong Emphasis Of Four Way Intersection

Batsakiyah has many narrow pathways that can be found throughout the site that help to control air confulence. Tight spaces become wind funnels that flush cooler air into gathering areas. I used this venacular as a natural cooling mechansim within the design of my building. The pathway that becomes the entryway to my artist house funnels coolor air into the opening the courtyard. This also influences the circular movement around the buidling.

Rounded Edge

T Tra


R Su

Point of Access 2: North Entry

Private Artists Space

Public Galley/CourtYard

Bastakiyah Courtyard House Drawings My building design preserves the circular studies seen on the previous page, helping to influence movement. The central light that seeps into the courtyard helps to brighten the entire space from top and bottom.

Front Courtyard to Alley Way

Public Level

N Gallery

Artists Level


Artist Studio/Living

Courtyard House Entry Sequence

Bastakiya Wall Section

Spaces for Contemplation and Public Viewing The pathway to entering the galley creates a smooth transition and sequence from an interior space to a covered, un-conditioned space. Accessing the building in this manner still allows visitors to have views of the adjacent courtyard. The large spaces allow for gathering areas to coexist with walkways. The artist’s studio sits above the courtyard. From here the artist has the opportunity to have multiple views of the visitors. He or she can see who enters the space and leaves. The rest of the builfing also has views of the center courtyard and exterior courtyard. The Mashrabiya, an Islamic term that describes an elegant screen, serves as a shield to protect the artists from the sun and visitors who may look into the studio space.

North Elevation

CourtYard Elevation

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