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Material: Pinecones and diamonds
While the pine cones is not the inspiration for the building selected the sharp and hard appereance of the closed scales reminded me of the diamond-shaped ashlars.
Fig 1 - Closed pine cone
The ashlars follow a rigid pattern of rows and columns, very probably because of design trends at the time.
Like the “Palazzo dei Diamanti” in Ferrara; or the “Palazzo Punta di Diamanti” in Rome as cited by Rasmussen in Experiencing Architecture (1959), La casa de Los Picos utilises texture as a device to provide the building with a specific appearance. In the examples mentioned, the scaled up diamondshaped ashlar has been incorporated to achieve a hard and sharp appearance, which translates into a masculine and robust quality.
Fig 3 - Casa de Los Picos (XV C -Segovia - Spain) Variation on the scale of the texture can add interest and provide for a richer haptic experience The band flows continuously through the different walls,
Incorporated a translucent section to add permeability and variety to the haptic expericence
0 1 2 5m Perspective view (1.70 m Camera height)