Niko New Cataloge

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HiddenWires - Niko unveils new Home automation Catalogue for the UK

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Niko unveils new Home Automation Catalogue for the UK (10/8/2009)

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Niko (UK) Limited has introduced a new home automation catalogue for the UK market.


Designed in the UK, the new- look catalogue is colour-coded to give easy navigation of the product categories for fast access to the key information that installers need.

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With case studies, wiring diagrams, colour charts, tips - and much more - to help guide you through the design and specification process, the new catalogue is the first piece of literature in a new range planned from Niko UK that will make ordering and specifying Niko even easier in the future. Commenting on the new catalogue, Niko UK's Steve Calder said, "We have been determined to produce a catalogue that is specifically geared to the needs of the UK market. The ethos of Niko is to provide a range of products that make installation of home automation and lighting systems more reliable, easier and much more user friendly. "The new catalogue is a step towards simplifying the whole process so that our installers can have a fast and efficient method of accessing the key information that they need when planning a project." (1 of 2) [17/03/2010 15:36:38]

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HiddenWires - Niko unveils new Home automation Catalogue for the UK

Niko UK is an organisation that prides itself in its support for its installers. As well as providing free training for installers at its Toddington headquarters, the Niko team are always available for site visits and to help define the Niko design for specific projects. To find out more about the Niko proposition for home automation and lighting solutions, or to order your free copy of the Niko Home AutomationCatalogue, contact: contact Niko (UK) Limited, Black Horse Barns, Fancott, Toddington, Beds. LU5 6TH Telephone: 01525 877707 or fax: 01525 877708 or email: Visit our featured links

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