PORTFOLIO Professional + academia
CHICAGO MANSUETO LIBRARY savannah college of arT and design; undergraduaTe academic Work; educaTional insTiTuTion
neW segmenT
old segmenT
connecTion Plane
segmenTed Plane
The design solution aims at creating a structure connecting students and staffs to the advance retrieval system below ground that houses the library’s collection while establishing a connection between the old and new. The library extension
250,00 sq.ft of built-up area and a state of the art underground retrieval system.
sPaTial diagram
savannah college of arT and design; undergraduaTe academic Work; museum
In designing the museum for companions I focused on experimenting with the idea of old vs. new. Inspired by Rome’s
concePT skeTch
Physical model
aerial vieW collage
VILLA NOUVEAU savannah college of arT and design; undergraduaTe academic Work; exTenTed sTay hoTel
exPloraTion skeTches
When creating the primitives we employed techniques such as twisting, bending and creasing as a base for our form, surface logic and structure. The bending technique transformed the primitives by creating a relationship between each
villa has a height in relation to the existing residence, with setbacks on the lane (south façade) providing parking. Our main volume, The ‘ Twisting Lady’ addresses the corner by creating a sensual invite that accommodates the main entry, the
Plan skeTch
KRC LPL Context Map
shimoda design grouP; indePendenT design conTracTor Professional Work; TenanT imProvemenT
Wing Options
conTexT maP
canoPy design oPTions The proposed design option leaves the entries in current location, creates arrival and connectivity loggia. Loggia includes a morning coffee bar and outdoor lounge seating which provides electricity to allow people to work and take meetings outside. A grove of trees between the loggia and the buildings.
souTh axon Walkthrough
Walk Through
PROJECT OCEAN Render - Lobby
Board room + recePTion
shimoda design grouP; indePendenT design conTracTor Professional Work; TenanT imProvemenT
Render - Work Cafe
oPen office + Work cafe
inTeriior office oPTions
exTerior office oPTions
Axon 2
Axon 4 a