1 Photo
Issue 1 • April 2014
New MAGAZINE Chernobyl images in this Issue
Exclusive Interview with photographer Chrissy Eastwood
! Front Cover Image !
Outdoor Victorian swimming pool in Mirfield by chrissy Eastwood.
03 Introduction from the Editor 04 Exclusive interview with Chrissy Eastwood
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07 Chernobyl vs UK
BUSINESS 11 Future direction
12 In the studio
13 Opportunities
16 Learning new strategies in the photography world!
! ! Exhibition
! !
14 Image 15 Image 18 Image 19images
2 1 Photo. www.chrissy-eastwood.com
FROM THE EDITOR Welcome to the first edition of 1 Photo a magazine aimed at photographers who are serious about getting their images noticed and are working towards a professional career in photography. Here at 1 Photo our aim is to promote and focus on one photographer per month to delve into the work of that photographer and bring the reader some informative subject matter. Our other intentions are to involve our readers by inviting them to enter our monthly photographic competitions, which will be themed accordingly, and judged by our BIPP qualified professional photographers, additionally there will be a special guest judge who will be announced each month. The images can be emailed and also uploaded to our website via the link all details will be fully explained on the competitions page. Here at 1 Photo we look forward to hearing from our readers with feedback in the form of reviews on how we are doing, we are also requesting any photographers that are working on a personal project to contact us here with details of their project, and we will endeavour to include it in our monthly magazine for our readers to enjoy. As the world changes around us we seem to follow in its movement without even realising it, technology has become a huge part of everyones daily life. Children are becoming more knowledgable with computers at an early age, the need to keep ourselves up to date with new trends grows…Or do we? This is a question Chrissy Eastwood asked herself during a recent visit to Kiev, witnessing the protestors in the streets sleeping in tents with nothing but a drum burning with the logs and broken wooden pallets previously stacked up ready for the cold winter nights, cooking big pans of stew to keep them warm. Away from computers and I pads, the people actually sat and talked to each other. Thank you and enjoy
Editor In Chief ! Chrissy@1Photo.com ! Associate Editor! Page@Pages.com
Contributing Writer! Thesaurus.com
Contributing Writer! Chrissy55 @cchrissy55.com
Art Director! C.Eastwood
Graphic Artist! Apple.Temps ! Circulation Officer! Google
Sales Officer! free.com
1 Photo cchrissy55@aol.com • 3
The love for photography has been a part of Chrissy Eastwood’s life since an early age, born in 1959 in Manchester and later moving across the border to Huddersfield with 4 young children in 1992. Life was hard but the family struggled through and became popular within the community, Chrissy had her own interests which were put to one side while bringing up a family.
1 P h o t o ’s f e a t u r e d photographer Chrissy Eastwood gives an in depth interview about how photography has ultimately changed her and gives us an insight into her work.
4 • 1 Photo • cchrissy55@aol.com
In 2010 Chrissy applied for an access to Higher Education Art & Design course at Kirklees College Huddersfield, which at that point seemed out of the question for a person in their late forties to be accepted on such a course. The course was extremely exciting and brought back memories of wanting to be an artist when leaving school. The course ran for a year in duration and towards the end of the year many students were applying for universities around the country, this option never entered Chrissy’s head because although the children were now grown up and moved away from home, (all but one) Chrissy was single and therefore working to pay the mortgage and bills, so university was out of the question.
“ this Mill has since been demolished, a sign of the times” Chrissy Eastwood Image from ‘IDENTITY’ exhibition 2011
After discussing options with tutors at college Chrissy decided to apply for a university foundation degree at the Batley School of Art which was easily accessible and had been stated as being the best institute for a photography degree. Having applied; a place was then offered to Chrissy following an interview with the head of photography department Katrina Whitehead, this was the start of a new journey into the photography world much to Chrissy’s surprise.
The two year foundation degree extended to a 3rd year top up BA(Hons) degree which will be finalised with an exhibition at The Old Truman Brewery, London in July 2014. 1 Photo asked Chrissy about the highlights of the course and how has this qualification helped her progression towards a career change as a middle aged woman. In the first year of the foundation degree Chrissy explained how her photography had been literally shooting any object building or person for experience.
Prior to being accepted on the course Chrissy explains that her photography began at home, after purchasing her first DSLR camera in 2009. She would mostly shoot her daughter (image page 4)) who then lived at home. “ Determination to improve and produce quality photographs was the ultimate goal” she stated. The degree was a way of gaining more knowledge and understanding of how the camera works in addition to exploring the full potential of her abilities to focus on a career change.
1 Photo• www.chrissy-eastwood.com • 5
“ Huddersfield has diverse and interesting Architecture” During her second year of study, a variety of genres were introduced into the modules, giving the students
chance to experience shooting something different such as food and fashion photography,this could be a career direction to pursue if the student had found their niche. Architecture however remained to be at the forefront of Chrissy’s preference after she produced the image above for a 2nd year module which asked for a contemporary building; research of architecture in Huddersfield revealed a variety of architectural styles around the Town. “Huddersfield has some diverse and interesting Architecture”.
The technical process of shooting images of varying exposures and blending them together is known as HDR
which stands for high dynamic range.This is the process Chrissy has been using since the first year in her images of graffiti taken in a local mill for the first year exhibition. The process can be taken too far if not used properly and the result is that the image seems flat having no depth and all to often the images look unreal, this effect can be useful however if this was the desired result. The HDR processing method is commonly used in Architectural photography and used correctly creates stunning images although it is common to hear professional photographers dismiss the technique.
A software called Photomatix Pro provides greater control in creating nicely toned HDR images. Quote from a magazine review;! "The Photomatix details enhancer does a better job of rendering shadow detail than the comparable local adaptation algorithm in Photoshop, and produces images with a distinctive ethereal appearance. Photomatix is polished software, backed by a helpful technical support team, and is highly recommended." 6 • 1 Photo • www.chrissy-eastwood.com
Major Project Chernobyl vs UK Chrissy wanted her exhibition to The main influences of Chrissy’s focus on the urban abandonment of properties after having come across an empty mansion which had been deliberately destroyed by vandals. This former home was now testament to the economic crisis as homes are repossessed around the country. While in Ukraine a contrasting situation lies unresolved in the town of Pripyat in Chernobyl. Home of the largest nuclear explosion which occurred in 1986. Around 500,000 families were moved out of the area and re-housed in other towns, this left the 30km zone of Chernobyl abandoned. After 28 years Pripyat is being taken back by nature with trees from the nearby forest closing in on the high rise flats and the wildlife ransack the homes in search of food since there are no people living there anymore. The devastation in Chernobyl was caused by a manufacturing fault on the reactor (it is said); however, in the UK the abandonment has been caused by the economy in other words PEOPLE.
work came from Niki Feijen who is Dutch and Henk Van Rensbergen from Belgium. Both photographers specialise in documenting abandoned places and forgotten architecture, using only the available light and then transforming their images in a subtle and skilful manner in the HDR process. Chrissy contacted Van Rensbergen to ask if he was able to help her find a location to shoot in order to accomplish her final images for the exhibition. The email she received in return from him read: Hi Chrissy,
I suggest your look around on the internet and decide which (kind of) location you would like to visit. If I can help I will do so. Most interesting places are in Belgium, Germany, Italy of France.
! !
! The mind an environment do not dismiss In exposing and imagining a total myth
28 years have passed since this day When the entire Town was blown away Pripyat a metropolis buzzing with life Quickly wiped out in its prime
Words by Chrissy Eastwood
Keep me advised, Henk This was a promising result and would be used as a back up plan in the event of any issues in visiting Chernobyl may arise.
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Pripyat !
In Pripyat the tour company takes a set route around the zone, there are guarded check points where police must receive a letter of authorisation from the authorities and passports are also checked before any visitors are allowed to enter.
Once in the guide has an itinerary to stick to and by no means is he allowed to change the route, Chrissy states “ we kept trying to get the bus to stop at places that looked interesting and would make great photographs, but the guide kept saying, ’NO we cannot stop here’, it was very frustrating ”.
Some of the stops were very short and the bus would drive off again, the whole area is very large and to cover it does take a while because there is so much to see.
8 • 1 Photo• www.chrissy-eastwood.com
There are many tour companies in Kiev who run trips to Chernobyl which can be from one day up to five or six days depending on the time of year for availability. These tours have rules as do most trips which consisted of: No eating or drinking in the zone: No use of photography equipment to be placed on the floor (but taking photographs and making videos was allowed): No sitting or placing bags etc on the ground:
Chrissy assumed that going early in the year would be a quiet time and hoped not many people would be joining the 2 day tour she had booked for the 13th Feb 2014, she was right, only 5 people were booked on the trip. This was good news as too many people would make it difficult in getting the shots required.
The above image is one of the shots Chrissy took in an apartment block in Pripyat of the letter boxes.
Chrissy stated that for most of the trip she didn’t have use of her tripod due to the rules; however, having discussed this matter with the guide permission was granted.
This was both satisfying as well as pleasing for her as there had been some lost photographic opportunities but there were more to come. The only downfall Chrissy mentioned was the time limit at every drop off, “we would get out of the bus, and be told we have 5 minutes to look around a hotel with hundreds of rooms. It took five minutes to just have a quick look, more time would have definitely been beneficial”.
An example of the challenges Chrissy faced are shown below in the two images which were shot in one of the apartment rooms at Pripyat. Chrissy didn’t have her tripod and took the shot of the room (which was very small and full of furniture) hand held, using a tilt shift lens which doesn’t have an image stabiliser. She leant against the door frame keeping a steady hand while the camera simultaneously took four shots two of which were long exposures needed to create a HDR image.
Another issue Chrissy faced was to capture the whole of the bed, the room was small making it difficult to avoid getting the door frame in shot. Even shooting with a 17mm wide angle lens this was unavoidable.
When processing Chrissy was compelled to create one final image from two different shots to get the right hand leg of the bed and a little more floor into the shot. She achieved this by opening both shots in photoshop and enlarged the size of the canvass on one image before dragging the other image over it. She then created a mask layer which enabled all of the layered image to be removed apart from the right hand side of the bed, creating a new image with the full bed.
Whilst working on the processing Chrissy experimented with another software called Nik collection, it consists of 8 different groups of processing tools. The collection includes Analog Efex Pro and Colour Efex Pro the two main
groups that Chrissy worked with in an attempt to create a futurist look.
The inspiration for futurism came from researching images online in doing so Chrissy came across a game called ‘Shadow of Chernobyl’ by S.T.A.L.K.E.R. the game consists of scenes around Pripyat. Having this in mind Chrissy then decided to create a futuristic theme to her images, determined to show a different side to Pripyat.
‘Seeing these things with ones own e y e s M a k e s re a l i ty s t a n d a s i d e Take a breath then look inside at what once was someone’s pride Heartbreakingly hard to succumb to this Children’s toys, books and beds A l i f e s o d i f f e re n t i t c a n n o t b e ignored Ignorance shall not be endured ‘
! !
Words by Chrissy Eastwood
Image from the ‘Shadow of Chernobyl’ Game
1 Photo• • www,chrissy-eastwood.com 9
Future Direction Architectural Photographer
Moving forward into the working world of professional photographers Chrissy aims to gain work as a freelance photographer within the architectural genre including property developers, building contracting companies and estate agents. She has previously worked for over a year with a prospective company and has gained not only experience in the area but a working relationship with both Vanilla letting agency and Carbon ltd. Chrissy has also had a recent meeting with the head of Hanson Contracts ltd in Sheffield who have completed numerous office and shop outlet refurbishments around the country. Chrissy has agreed to shoot 20 of their finished works including John Lewis and Selfridges. The images are for Hanson Contracts Ltd to use as advertising on their website, these images will be of advantage to Chrissy in her final portfolio for future job prospects. ! Chrissy has approached a building contractor Richard Barker an established contractor for over 20 years and is currently constructing new properties, they are soon to discuss future work together. ! Chrissy has also considered applying to the arts council for a grant which will help her set up business and she plans to accomplish her own project which can be
The future is bright for Chrissy working as a professional she has a clear understanding of the opportunities out there.
exhibited. One idea is to return to Pripyat in Ukraine to meet some of the re-settlers to document their lifestyle with accompanying footage of their stories regarding the disaster and how life has changed for them since the accident then showcase her findings by way of an exhibition.! Keeping it real though Chrissy understands that as a first time applicant of an Arts Council grant, her work may have to be nearer home in order for the grant to be agreed. In this case Chrissy has already planned to document a food business in Leeds called The Real Junk Food Company founded and run by Adam Smith. ! The aim of the business is to collect waste food from other businesses e.g. supermarkets and restaurants normally food that is out of date that day and is being thrown away. Then make well balanced healthy meals on their premises to feed people who can't afford to eat or are on a low budget and struggling in the current economic crisis. The RJFC has no set prices people pay how much they can afford or nothing. They are doing really well and plan to open a premises of the same in Manchester later in the year Chrissy has contacted Adam regarding a documentary project and is waiting to hear back from him.
An abandoned Hospital in Derby England
Self criticism comes naturally to Chrissy it is part of her nature, she is never satisfied with her shots only on rare occasions will a shoot go just as expected. This is part and parcel of being a photographer, having to deal with disappointments and things not going to plan are a regular occurrence which is why a plan B is needed when planning a shoot, some would say having more than one back up would be an advantage. !
Chrissy is still learning, and has noticed that on numerous occasions she has missed the top of a building and even considered making this her trade mark. The hospital shot above is an example of a disappointment as this shot was rushed due to time restraints, this is another area that requires better management, as time is a defining factor to a successful shoot. !
Each time Chrissy goes out shooting she will return regretting not having taken more time or wishing that a different lens was used, sometimes she will revisit the location and take the shot again because perfection is her ultimate goal.!
Having planned all requirements for a shoot including time and travel considerations can still be disrupted and executing a shoot exactly to plan never or rarely comes off.! 1 Photo • www.chrissy-eastwood.com • 11
STUDIO Lighting Set Joe Wells asked if Chrissy could help him with a studio shoot for his major project and she agreed. Not having had much experience working in the studio this was a good opportunity for her to have more practice using the various lighting equipment provided in the photography studio at Batley School of Art. The two students collaborated over the lighting to be used in order to gain the exact look Joe wanted from the shoot which was to be included in his published magazine. Joe brought in the model and had previously researched images online which he would then like to replicate with Chrissy s help. Advice from Philip Peaurt the college technician was received gratefully and help with positioning the overhead light with an explanation of how to manoeuvre it thus allowing the amount of light to differ according to the students preference. This shoot was achieved using canon 5D Mk 2 with an 85mm canon f1.8 lens and tethered to a macbook pro all editing was left to Joe as the images were for his work, apart from this image which was edited by Chrissy for the sole use in this article.
12 • 1 Photo• www.chrissy-eastwood.com
Opportunities Louise Woollard a financial advisory company contacted Chrissy by email requesting the use of one of her images that is currently shown on permanent display at the Canalside Sports Complex on Leeds Road in Huddersfield. The request was for an image of Castle Hill which they were going to use on an advertising brochure to be printed and given to prospecting clients, the brochure is also to be uploaded online. Chrissy asked for credits to her image that would be used and the company have agreed to this in addition to other agreements. This image of Castle Hill has also been submitted to be used as the front cover of the new Batley School of Art prospectus magazine front cover, in addition to being used in a small sandwich shop local to where Chrissy lives, where it can be seen used as wallpaper covering the full wall in the shop and was printed by CV Graphics a firm regularly used by Chrissy who had approached her for the image.
Since having her images shown in the Canalside Complex Chrissy has been contacted regarding people wanting to purchase a particular image from her for personal reasons, two people wanted a picture of Castle Hill because their family members ashes had been put up there, as many others must have been. This shot again was a challenge due to its composition of the castle to the left of the landscape image, if being used for a wrap around cover on a book the Castle then needed to be on the right. This was not the reason for the shot when taken therefore adjustments were made later making the image possible to be used in a marketing product such as a magazine or similar.
Louise Woollard new brochure with an Image by Chrissy
Chrissy took the whole image cut it in half on photoshop then moved the right side over to the left and corrected the sky and other aspects to make the whole image blend in nicely .
After the adjustments were made for the Kirklees Prospectus
Chrissy stated “ Images of Castle Hill could keep a business going for a long time. But there is a big wide world out there waiting for more”
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14 • 1 Photo • www.chrissy-eastwood
The two images shown here were taken in Chernobyl. Left, an apartment in Pripyat. Below is a school in the same town.
Two of the images High School once full of noisy children Excited to learn and play or detention Now filled with memories of lessons learned And a floor covered in gas masks all worn A building sadly torn bearing windows broken And furniture is only a token Of what we know was a special place
by Chrissy Eastwood 2014
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Logo Cards
Get noticed by having business cards printed and have a logo
16• 1 Photo • www.chrissy-eastwood.com
All businesses need to be noticed and recognised by the public and what better way than to get your own logo.
Finding the correct logo is essential and not an easy task but well worth the hard work when it all finally comes together. Chrissy had a logo designed by a graphic designer who incorporated a camera into her design.
website: www.chrissy-eastwood.com Business cards are great to have on hand just in case of a chance meeting which could lead to a future job.
! They are also a professional way of working, leaving a business card with a new client will make an impression on first meeting. It lets them know that you are dedicated to your work and will help in the deciding factor should more people apply for the same job.
Having your own website too is an advantage when applying for jobs.
Make sure the one chosen is HTML5 compatible this means that it will be able to be viewed on a smart phone and I pad without distorting. The I Pad can then be used to show your website to prospective clients in the event that the portfolio is not to hand.
Add all of the previous tips together and you have a complete package. It is up to the individual to discover various ways that will
improve their own business. One last tip is to print a book research shows that the Blurb website has proven most favourable within the industry for making a book as a portfolio. This is easy to do using the set templates and by the addition of some text you are ready to show to all your customers.
Portfolio is another essential tool to have especially when attending an interview.
Most clients will theses days accept on online portfolio but having printed images will be an advantage as people like to see images first hand. A range of portfolios can we found online and can cost between £70-£300 depending on the style. Look for one that suits your needs and looks professional and this will get you on the right step.
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Exhibition Images to be Confirmed
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These are just a selection of images to be included in the Truman Brewery on Brick Lane Exhibition in July 2014
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