2011 Roof Dog Run Sponsorship

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num $500 Gold 0 $200 0 Silve r $1 000 Bron ze $ Copp 500 er $2 50



Sponsorship Levels

Item in participant bag

    

Sponsor name/logo and web address included in event brochure and on posters

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Sponsor logo on top/back of event t-shirt

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Sponsor logo on back of event t-shirt

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Sponsor name on back of event t-shirt

September 4, 1944 – March 29, 2011

This year’s Roof Dog Run is dedicated to the memory and work of the Rev. Ron Robertson.

  Having grown up the son of a colonel in the U.S. Air Force, Father Ron Robertson was provided the opportunity of living in different geographical locations and experiencing various cultures. He learned to enjoy and appreciate the wonderful diversities which were evident in those cultures. This in part became the basis for his ministry to the children of the Casas Hogares in Arequipa, Peru.

Race Day Recognition May display sponsor banners at event site

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Product placement and/or free booth space at event

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Sponsor mention by event announcer

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Plaque presentation by event announcer

Logo placement on Start/Finish banners

Participation Complimentary race entries for employees, friends and family of sponsor

Sponsorship Information






In 2004, Fr. Ron and his wife, Vicki, heeded the call to sell their things (car, house, and even give away their dog) and to move to Arequipa, Peru, where Fr. Ron served the growing Anglican diocese to raise up and train local clergy at the seminary and to minister to the children of Casas Hogares Anglican Children’s Homes. Ron enjoyed working with the staff, and most especially he loved being with the kids. And, how they loved him too. To the kids, he was Padre Ron who always had a listening ear and a gentle nature. In November 2009 Fr. Ron’s work was cut short. Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he and Vicki returned to the U.S. for care. In March 2011, the cancer had spread and his health failed. He is greatly missed by all who knew him. Now at peace with his heavenly Father, Fr. Ron’s legacy of love, service, sacrifice and dedication to the Lord is an inspiration that continues to impact the lives of children at Casas Hogares.

5k Run 1 mile walk

In memory of Fr. Ron Robertson

Sat, Sept. 10, 2011 facebook.com/TheRoofDog Hosted by Christ Church Plano. Proceeds benefit the Casas Hogares Children’s Homes in Arequipa, Peru.

Roof Dog Run Sponsorship Agreement

About the Roof Dog Run Since 2005, the annual Roof Dog Run has been held by Roof Dogs from the Plano area as a fun family event which raises funds to benefit orphaned children in Peru and raise awareness for international needs. In Arequipa, some dogs actually live on the rooftops of their owners’ homes, serving as protectors over their family’s household. Inspired by the canines, a group of missionaries from Christ Church Plano adopted the name for themselves as a way of expressing their love and desire to protect the children of Casas Hogares children’s homes. Casa Hogar San Jose and Casa Hogar Sagrada Familia are the homes of orphaned children ranging in age from 3 to 18. The Roof Dogs visit the orphanages annually and continue to be moved by the gentle spirit that these children exhibit. All proceeds from the Roof Dog Run contribute to the Casas Hogares for food, shelter, clothing and other daily necessities of the beautiful children who inhabit these homes.

By sponsoring or donating to this year’s Roof Dog Run, you are insuring a better life for orphaned children in Peru. All proceeds from the run will be used to build a new orphanage.

Include us as a sponsor*

Include us as a donor

$5,000 Platinum sponsor

In-kind service

$2,000 Gold sponsor

Monetary donor

$1,000 Silver sponsor


$500 Bronze sponsor $250 Copper sponsor

Run the Roof Dog Date




Sat, Sept 10, 2011

1 mile walk/run

8 a.m.

Sat, Sept 10, 2011

5k walk/run

8:30 a.m.

Make checks payable to Christ Church Plano and note Roof Dog Run on the memo line. *see sponsor benefits on reverse panel

Location Sponsor/Donor Information Jasmine

For more information on the Casas Hogares, visit their website: http://casashogaresaqp.blogspot.com Interested in sponsoring Casas Hogares? Contact Susan Kerr, Director of Missions & Outreach, Christ Church Plano: SusanK@ChristChurchPlano.org or 214-291-5028.

Company Name Contact Person Address

Dates to Remember

City, Zip

Sun, Sept 4, 2011

Early Bird Registration Deadline

Phone /Fax

Sun, Sept 4, 2011

Early Packet Pickup - 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. in Christ Church Fellowship Hall


Sat, Sept 10, 2011

Late Packet Pickup - 7 - 7:45 a.m., at Christ Church, Run Site

Sat, Sept 10, 2011

8 a.m.—1 mile walk/run

Sat, Sept 10, 2011

8:30 a.m.—5k walk/run


Adults (16+)

Kids (6-15)


Early Registration




Regular Registration




Children age 5 and under are free

We will have an item for participant bag. We will have a banner or booth. (Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze sponsors only)

Remit payment and this form to:

Proceeds from the 2009 and 2010 Roof Dog Run events helped to fund the building of a new home to house 24 children, ages 12–18. Roof Dog missionaries visited in February and surveyed the progress. Construction is expected to be complete by summer 2011.

Christ Church Plano 4550 Legacy Drive Plano, TX 75024

Susan Kerr Christ Church Plano 4550 Legacy Drive Plano, TX 75024

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