Christelle HERVE (France,1986) is a Total artist who attends to the PH.D Intermedia Art of the China Academy of Art, in Hangzhou. She is interested by memory, identity and sociology. Her artistic approach concerns what she calls “the agrarian memory� in the real and virtual societies. She removes the material from his environment in order to operate it and put it away in the white cube.
p 4-5
Flocon, Féerie, Filleule, Fougère, Fleur overview, may 2010 sery of 5 sculptures workshop Lorient, France p6
Portrait of Féerie
detail of Workhorses, may 2010 5 overalls, oranges tags, black marker, sugar 61*100*38mm p7
p 8-9
Window boxes,
overview, october 2009 workshop Lorient, France p 10
Summer, Window box n°3 detail, october 2009
rubber gloves “Mapa” gardening steel, wire woven 40*15*30cm
p 11
p 12-13
Scan Countryside overview, may 2011
“Folded Plane” exhibition Mingyuan Art Center, Shanghai
p 14
Scan Countryside detail, may 2011
Scanned pictures of Shanghai’s ground 10 photographies 1,50m*5m p 15
p 16-17
From the Hand to the Feet web’s view, june 2012
Monaddigital web exhibition p 18
From the Hand to the Feet overview, june 2012 Body scanned 1 photo 170*35cm p 19
p 20-21
overview, april 2010 workshop Lorient, France p 22
detail, april 2010 farmer magazines put on a washing machine with nylon, animal tags p 23
p 24-25
Tondu n째1 et 2
overview, may 2010 workshop Lorient, France p 26
Tondu n째1 et 2 detail, may 2010
cuddly toys, clippers, scissors, tweezers, paintbrushes, red spray painting, wood tables p 27
Christelle HERVE (France, 1986)
p 28
2011/ 2015 PH.D Intermedia Art China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
2010/2011 Post-degree Xi Yi Tang,
International School of post-degree, Shanghai
2010 Master of Art Ecole Européenne Supérieure d’Art de Bretagne, Lorient, France
2007/ 2008 Study Abroad Program China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
2007 Bachelor of Art Ecole Européenne Supérieure d’Art de Bretagne, Lorient, France
2006 Certificate of Contemporary Art Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts, Lyon, France
p 29
Group Exhibitions: 2012 XING Hanting Inns & Hotels,
No 218 Nanshan Road, Hangzhou, China
2012 discover the body online 2012 造.化
快意空间,Hangzhou China
2012 四海艺同、和而不同
The 5th biennale exhibition of the International College of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
2011 Portrait of Childhood (1): 1600 A.D faraway Chilvarous Cantaloup Commune Workshop, Shanghai
2011 Real Game Fake Life 2011 Folded Plane Mingyuan Art Center, Shanghai, China 2011 Invisible Landscape Fangxiang Art Center, Hangzhou, China 2011 Hollow Box Dongzha Contemporary Art Center, Jiaxing, China p 30
2010 improbable&improvise&immersion Flower Market An Shun, Shanghai, China 2010 Translation Nanjing University of the Arts, China 2010 Itinéraires Graphiques, La Menace Biennale of Graphic Arts,
Galerie du Faouedic, Lorient, France
2009 Le Charpentier “L’Art Chemin Faisant” festival,
Pont-Scorff, France
2005 La barricade des bocaux Festival des Lumières, Lyon, France
p 31
p 32
website address China Academy of Art, 218 Nanshan Road, Building no 9, Room 405 Hangzhou 310002 China Phone (00 86)15868829890 Mail
p 33