2 minute read
A Note from the Editor
Suzanne Lauridsen
Editor, Relax Dear Members,
How to begin? The year 2020 has shocked me to my core. In fact, it all still seems a little unreal, and sometimes surreal. I have been guilty of trotting out trite phrases like – nobody saw this pandemic coming. However, it seems that many scientists did. Specifically, those who had been studying the pattern of outbreaks of infectious diseases knew that it was just a matter of time till a pandemic of this catastrophic magnitude hit us. Hopefully, with the painful learnings of recent months, the world will be better prepared to battle the next pandemic when it comes.
Enough doom and gloom. The truth in that old saying that every cloud has a silver lining is becoming increasingly apparent with every passing day. With great respect for those who are struggling with illness, grief, financial hardship and separation from loved ones, there is a bright side to this wretched situation. You just have to look for it. We did just that it and shared what we found in ‘Pondering the Pandemic’. Read about how the world is turning lemons into lemonade – including your fellow Members and loyal staff members, on Pages 28 - 33.
Whether you are WFH (that’s Working from Home, of course), at home, at work or at school, please take care and stay well – and as the Monty Python gang famously sang, always look on the bright side of life!
Inside this Issue
3 A Note from the Editor 4 Club Management, Staff and Reservations 4 Committee 5 Welcomes and Farewells 6 A Word from the Committee 7 Swiss Club Redevelopment Update 7 Opening Hours 8 A Message from the General Manager 9 Meet Your Safety Management Officers 9 All Caught Up
10 A Taste of Oktoberfest 12 On the Wine List… in October
16 An Ode to Oktoberfests Past
9Meet Your Safety Management Officers
18 Tennis Cravings Satisfied 19 A World-class Swimming Programme 20 Focus on Fitness 21 Super Summer Soccer 22 Yoga for Physical and Mental Health
23 Swiss National Day Celebration at Home 24 Meet Our New Faces 25 Meet a Staffer: Wife, Mother, Foodie, Cook and Colleague 26 Manicure and Pedicure Service 28 Pondering the Pandemic: In Search of Silver Linings 34 Fitness with Friends 10 A Taste of Oktoberfest 28 Pondering the Pandemic: In Search of Silver Linings 23 Swiss National Day Celebration at Home
Tennis Cravings

22 Yoga for Physical and Mental Health
Relax magazine is edited and designed by SPEcial Pte Ltd. Content is curated by Swiss Club Marketing.
Suzanne, Copy Pam, Liaison E: suzy@spe-cial.com E: pam@spe-cial.com T: (65) 9820 9520 T: (65) 9871 0666 Edwin, Art Trick, Art E: edwin@spe-cial.com E: trick@spe-cial.com T: (65) 8500 2975 T: (65) 8511 5746