Instaurare | Winter 2007

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The Christendom College Quarterly Magazine

Vol. XV, No. IV Winter 2007

Inside this issue...

O’Donnell Celebrates 15th Anniversary - pg 5

Men Seek Deliverance from Rapids of WV - pg 6

Monks Abound at Medieval Fest - pg 13

Christendom Crusader Sports Roundup - pg 16

30th Anniversary Reflections

From the President Dear Friends: I am pleased to share with you this newly-formatted 30th Anniversary edition of Instaurare. It is our hope that by redesigning this magazine it will be more readable and will offer new opportunities for us to share with you even more information about the great things that are happening here at Christendom College. Instaurare remains our primary means of communicating to you the great news in higher education that is Christendom College. We have planned a whole series of wonderful events throughout our 30th Anniversary Celebration. One of the principal highlights has been a series of talks given by the Founders of the College. These talks will continue throughout the academic year and as you will see in this issue, we have already had three of our Founders – Dr. William Marshner, Dr. Kris Burns, and our beloved Founding President, Dr. Warren Carroll – address our students this semester. This will be a significant year for all of us as we continue the authentic renewal of Catholic higher education in our country through our liberal arts apostolate. When students come to Christendom College, they are exposed to the seminal works of the greatest thinkers of our Western Christian Civilization as the precious patrimony of Catholic learning is being passed on to a new generation of leaders. The academic year began with our Opening Mass, celebrated by Bishop Paul Loverde. This Mass is always one of the high points of every academic year, but this year, on our 30th Anniversary, there seemed to be a particular poignancy as the entire faculty knelt in the presence of Bishop Loverde and once again professed our loyalty to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church, showing again to all of our students, especially the freshmen, that there is no real conflict between Faith and reason, and demonstrating that Christendom is devoted to embracing the Catholic Faith and authentic academic freedom. The 30th Anniversary of the Founding of Christendom College was celebrated on September 14. This momentous anniversary was marked with a special Academic Convocation. During the event, we honored Dr. Ronald McArthur, the Founding President of Thomas Aquinas College, Father Michael Scanlan, of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and Dr. Warren Carroll with the College’s Pro Deo et Patria medals for distinguished service to Christ, His Church, and our beloved nation through their tremendous contributions to Catholic higher education in the United States. We also honored Archbishop Raymond Burke, of St. Louis, with an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters. The Archbishop was the celebrant and homilist at the Solemn Mass that followed the Academic Convocation. A reception and concert rounded out the festivities and it certainly was a day to remember with joy. As we look forward to upcoming events during this 30th Anniversary year, I think one of the highlights will be a special pilgrimage to Rome in early March (February 28th through March 9th) to include the Board of Directors and other friends and benefactors of the College. We have


Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS

selected as our base of operation in the Eternal City the beautiful and historic Hotel Columbus, the headquarters of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, which is located on the Via della Conciliazione, directly in front of St. Peter’s Basilica. There could not be a more glorious location for us to celebrate this anniversary! The trip will include a tour of the Eternal City, with an overnight in Assisi, as well as visits to the Catacombs, the Coliseum, etc. A special celebratory reception with the College’s faculty and students who are studying in Rome, along with many of the College’s Roman friends, including Francis Cardinal Arinze, Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Mr. Sean Lovett, and others will also be included. Since space will be limited, if you are interested in participating in this College celebratory pilgrimage with a number of Vatican dignitaries, please contact us so that we can provide you with more information. As many of you now know, Pope Benedict will be visiting the United States in April 2008. How fitting it is that our 30th Anniversary Gala Dinner will take place during his visit here. Our celebration at the Washington-Dulles Hilton Hotel will truly be a glorious one! Our Chairmen of this dinner will be Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls and Francis Cardinal Arinze, who both expressed their delight that they would be able to celebrate the anniversary of the Pope’s election with us at this special dinner, while the Pope himself will be in America celebrating Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. Mark your calendar for April 19, 2008, as we celebrate 30 years of Christendom College and 30 years of fidelity to the Pope and the Magisterium on behalf of our academic apostolate. I am happy to let you know that this summer we will be having our traditional Summer Institute. For our 30th Anniversary, we will focus upon the Apostolate of the Laity. We hope to have a great variety of speakers who are active in lay apostolates – everything from the entertainment industry in Hollywood to medicine, business, and Catholic education. More details on this event, which will take place in mid-July, will be forthcoming. How wonderful it is that in our 30th year, we stand on the threshold of four hundred undergraduate students and have a graduate enrollment in Alexandria of 125, bringing the total college enrollment to a record 525. It is a great grace to be a part of this lay educational movement to restore and renew Catholic higher education in this country. Christendom College is once again uniting the two orders of Faith and reason and has created an environment for learning which allows the students to grow intellectually and spiritually, and to pursue wisdom and a life of virtue, all within a campus atmosphere which rejoices in the Catholic way of life. Have no doubt that we are forming the future leaders for our Church, who will take their positions in society and seek throughout their lives to achieve the dream of Christendom College, which is to restore all things in Christ. None of this, of course, would be possible without you, and with all my heart, I thank you for your gracious support and urge you to join in, to the full extent that you can, this wonderful year of celebration and grace. A Blessed Christmas to you all,

Cover Story

College Founders Give Reflections on 30th Anniversary of Christendom


A number of Christendom College founding members recently gave a series of lectures to the College community in honor of its 30th Anniversary celebratory year. College Founder and First President Dr. Warren H. Carroll and Founding Philosophy Professor Dr. Kristin Burns reflected on the early days of the College as part of the Major Speakers Program, and Founding Theology Professor Dr. William Marshner delivered a lecture to the faculty and senior class at the annual Senior Dinner. Dr. Kristin Burns, who now serves as the Dean of Christendom’s Notre Dame Graduate School, gave an insightful view of the years leading up to the founding of Christendom, as well as reflections on the first three years of the College’s existence. She illustrated her talk with a slideshow of pictures from the early days of the College so that the current students and faculty could better appreciate her remarks, which she made on October 29. “I remember waiting in the foyer of our building on arrival day,” she recounted, “wondering, with Mr. O’Herron [another Founding Faculty member], if any students would actually come, and if they did, would they be normal? “Although, I believe, Dr. Carroll had actually met most of the students as part of the application process, we hadn’t met any of them and we were wondering how weird somebody would have to be to come to a college started by us,” she quipped. Burns, who has been teaching philosophy at Christendom since its founding, also spoke about the important role of the Christian Commonwealth Institute (CCI) summer program, which was sponsored by Triumph magazine—a monthly Catholic magazine published from the mid-60’s to the mid-70’s. “The CCI got everyone thinking about a truly Catholic education, what it would be like, what courses would be included in the curriculum, and what the community life would be like. EvDr. Burns received Christendom’s St. Catherine ery summer, someone of Siena Award from President O’Donnell. would mention how

Dr. Carroll was presented the Queen Isabel Catholic Vision of History Award for one who through his life and teachings has helped to promote, defend, and articulate a Catholic vision of history and culture. great it would be if we could have a whole college instead of just a summer program,” she recalled. “We didn’t know it at the time, but the CCI was a practice for Christendom College, and the experience we gained in those summers was useful then when we actually started. The summer program also helped to form us academically. We learned from each other.” The College opened its doors to 26 students in 1977, led by the five founding faculty members (Dr. Warren Carroll, Dr. William Marshner, Dr. Jeffrey Mirus, Mr. Raymund O’Herron, and Dr. Kristin Burns) who also served as the administration, along with a cook and librarian. Prior to Burns’ talk, O’Donnell awarded her the Christendom College Saint Catherine of Siena Award, which was created to honor women who have shown heroic dedication and sacrifice in service to Christendom College and the Roman Catholic Church. Dr. Burns is the first recipient of this award. College Founder Dr. Warren Carroll addressed students with a talk entitled Thirtieth Anniversary Reflections from the Founder on November 12.


“I regard myself as immensely privileged to have been able to devote so many of my 75 years to the creation, guidance, and maintenance of this college,” Carroll began, “and I know that, under my splendid successor, Timothy O’Donnell, this College will remain unchanged throughout the next thirty years, halfway through the twenty-first century. Please join me in praying that our essence will never change.” Before founding Christendom, Carroll dreamed for years of a college or university that would change the world, he said. “Here at Christendom College, we have two watchwords. The first is Truth Exists, today widely denied in mainstream colleges and universities. Thanks be to God and to my mother, I have always believed that Truth exists. Then when I became a Catholic, due to the prayers of my dear wife and the sterling example of the man I worked for, Catholic hero John Schmitz, I added the second watchword: The Incarnation Happened. These five words sum up all that Christendom College teaches. “I wanted to create a training ground for the apostles of the future. That is what Christendom College has been, is, and God willing, will always be. One of the finest compliments ever paid to our College was by one of our early students when she said, ‘this is a place where it is easy to be good.’ We send forth not only our graduates, but also their children, who more and more are attending this College. Good marriages are made in Heaven, and Christendom College has become a place where God makes them,” he said.

Carroll, who retired in 2002, concluded with his opinion that the graduates of Christendom College will help to sanctify the twenty-first century. “Men and women make history. You will help to bring Christ back into a world which now has almost forgotten Him. What we launched thirty years ago will change our country and the world, thanks to all of you who are here today who have been a part of the history, triumph, and glory of this College. It is your duty to keep it as it is, as far into the future as you can carry it, in your time and your children’s time.” Founding faculty member Dr. William Marshner addressed faculty and students at the annual Senior Dinner held October 1. His talk, The Recrudescence of Modernism and Christendom, delved into the roots of modernism and the importance of Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis. “The word modernism can be taken in two senses,” Marshner said. “It can be taken to refer to a historical movement promoted by a relatively small group of people who held modernism in the second sense, namely modernism as theory, or, if you will, as a heresy. Those who held modernism as a heresy were vastly more numerous than those who ever participated in modernism as a movement. As a matter of fact, many of those who at the turn of the century held modernism as a heresy believed that the movement was futile. They refused to have anything to do with it on the ground that the Roman Catholic Church was incorrigible.” Marshner explained that the modernist heresy is a metalinguistic heresy. “Metalanguage is the language you use to talk about language. When you talk about propositions—when you say for example that they are true or immutable—that’s metalanguage. But when you talk about things—to say for example that Christ was virginally conceived—that’s object language. Every other heresy in the history of Christianity had denied something in our object language.

“Modernism has the unique proposal to deny nothing Dr. Warren Carroll with fellow founding faculty member, and in the object language of current professor, Raymund O’Herron. Christianity. Leave every


Dr. William Marshner. dogmatic statement standing just as it is, but somehow change the meaning of it all. Every item in the Creed stands letter for letter the same, the only difference is that the Creed is no longer about facts—it’s a symbol. It’s a symbol of togetherness or something. “So modernism is the first purely metalinguistic heresy. That’s why at the beginning of the twentieth century it touched everything at once. Pius X noticed that it was the amalgam of all the heresies. It was as if everything had gone haywire at once. On every question, everyone had all of a sudden gone mad. “It’s very simple: the point of error centers on the very meaning of what we do,” he remarked. Marshner concluded by saying that “modernists claim that the dogmas of the Church can acquire a different meaning than the one the Church has always held. That’s why, on the close of Vatican II, everything again seemed to go haywire all at once. It was in that maelstrom of doubt about what on earth to cling to that this College was founded and its Theology department was set up. The Theology department, along with all the other departments in the College, would be some kind of remedy—some kind of answer—some kind of immunization—of the mind against the seduction of this meta-linguistic heresy.” The talks by Dr. Carroll and Dr. Marshner can be heard at Christendom’s website via iTunes U, Christendom’s new portal for digital audio and video content.

Procession Marks Feast of Our Lady and O’Donnell’s Anniversary


The entire College community gathered for a Eucharistic Procession in honor of the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in recognition of and gratitude for Dr. Timothy O’Donnell’s 15th Anniversary as President of Christendom College. The College community prayed the Rosary and sang Marian hymns as the group traversed the campus on an unusually warm autumn day October 7. “This is Christendom at its best,” Chaplain Fr. John Heisler said. “We’re following the call of Pope Benedict XVI, John Paul II, and all their predecessors to adore and venerate the Eucharist. Long live Dr. O’Donnell and long live Christendom!” Following the Eucharistic Procession, O’Donnell was honored at a special brunch celebrating his service as College president. During the brunch, which also honored O’Donnell’s wife, Cathy, Executive Vice President Mark McShurley gave a short review of a number of the major differences at Christendom since O’Donnell became president in 1992. “During Dr. O’Donnell’s tenure, the student enrollment has increased 264% (144 to 524 including the graduate school), total financial assets have increased 440%, and total plant costs increased 397%. Many of

Dr. and Mrs. O’Donnell were honored on October 7 for their many years of dedication and service to Christendom College. the buildings which have become hallmarks of campus life have been built since his installment, including the Chapel of Christ the King, the St. John the Evangelist Library, the St. Lawrence Commons, St. Louis the Crusader Gymnasium, and the John Paul II Student Center,” said McShurley. The O’Donnells received a standing ovation from all those in attendance and received gifts of appreciation to acknowledge their hard work and dedication to the College.

Students Receive Christ in His Fullness On Monday, October 29, author and former Protestant minister Bruce Sullivan stopped by Christendom to spend time with the students and to give away copies of his most recent book, Christ in His Fullness. His book addresses the question, “What did you find in Catholicism that you did not find in Protestantism?” Anyone interested in having Sullivan speak in their parish, please contact him by either telephone (270.428.4280) or e-mail (

Bruce Sullivan signs a copy of his book for fellow convert and student Thomas Polak.


White Water Rafting Trip Has Men Praying for Deliverance


Thirty-three students participated in the annual Men’s Convocation Weekend on September 28 and 29. The men were led by Philosophy professors Dr. John Cuddeback and Dr. Douglas Flippen; Dean of Student Life Joe Wurtz; College Chaplain Fr. John Heisler; and Parochial Vicar Fr. Christopher Pollard of Front Royal’s St. John the Baptist Church. This year’s weekend expedition involved camping, white water rafting down West Virginia’s Gauley River in West Virginia (considered some of the most challenging white water in the country and tenth in the world), and plenty of male bonding and camaraderie.

The men began the weekend at base camp on Friday night with a talk given by Fr. Pollard about Servant of God and Seminarian Frank Parater. Crowded around a bonfire, the group listened to Fr. Pollard speak about how Frank Parater was at peace knowing he was going to die at a young age. This got the group thinking about their day ahead on the treacherous white water and, according to Wurtz, “made us realize that the only life we have is the one we have at this moment so we should strive to live each day as if it were our last. But we really hoped and prayed that we’d all make it through the following day’s perilous journey!” The next morning, the men rose with the sun and attended Mass outside in the middle of the campground, surrounded by 40-50 tents. After Mass, they watched a video dubbed “How not to die on the river,” which gave those attending even more to ponder. They then boarded an old yellow school bus and proceeded to drive down the side of a mountain on what West Virginians call “no fault roads” (no fault because the roads are so bad and accidents occur so often, it would be a legal nightmare to enforce responsibility). Having been presented with the prospect of death several times by now, the men of Christendom College did what any respectable men would do in such situations…they began to sing. “Red is the Rose,” “The Mermaid,” and other Irish ballads highly impressed the river company staff. Cuddeback led rounds of “Jubilate Deo” and “Non Nobis Domine.” At one point while singing “Jesus I adore You,” one of the river company staff members even joined in!

respectful, joyful, and courageous.”

Zac Inman, a senior from NY, recognized how well the group conducted themselves. “I was impressed by how our group affected the rafting company staff by Dr. Cuddeback and his team try to stay afloat. doing simple things, like our positive attitude throughout the day, respect for their authority as our guides, and even the fact that we weren’t swearing like sailors.” “I remember our raft hitting a wall of white water and I couldn’t see anything,” recalled Junior Thomas Francis, “but we eventually got through it. I think that has an application to life. Some things you just can’t see through, but there are clear cool waters on the other side. You just need to paddle through.” Cuddeback thoroughly enjoyed his exhilarating weekend with the students and found it to be a great learning experience for himself as well. “White water rafting was an outstanding experience for the men. To say that we learned about ‘teamwork’ only begins to express the power of the experience. I refer to it now in class as an example of many truths, especially the importance of authority and obedience, and how unity of vision and purpose in a community is essential to its success.”

When they finally arrived at the water’s edge, they could hear the roar of the white water. Their trip was to be 12 miles long, which included 45 rapids of class III-V rating (V being the most challenging), with fearful names including Upper and Lower Mash, Heaven Help You, and Pure Screaming Hell. “Looking back on the trip, I struggle to pinpoint the best memories,” said Wurtz. “Perhaps it was watching Thomas Francis and John Jalsevac debate with our river guide the importance of Thomistic philosophy today (our guide was a Kantian). Or maybe it was watching an entire raft of our group being catapulted into the river. One thing for sure is that I was Fr. Pollard and his raftmates paddle hard through class V rapids in West Virginia during incredibly proud of our young men. They were Convocation Weekend.


New Guide Ranks Christendom as Joyfully Catholic and Proud of It


Christendom College is one of a mere 21 institutions included in the first publication of the Cardinal Newman Society’s The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College: What to Look for and Where to Find It guidebook on higher education.

strong academic program and our fidelity to Christ’s Church, as well as our dynamic campus life. The Guide takes the Faith as seriously as Christendom does, and I have no doubt that Catholic families across the nation will find it useful.”

have much impact here.”

“While some colleges in this Guide may match its Catholic commitment, it is unlikely that any exceeds it,” the publication states of Christendom. The purpose of the Guide is to show students where they can expect to find a faithful Catholic education and “a campus culture that upholds the values taught in their homes and parishes.”

The Guide divides the 21 colleges into three major categories: Joyfully Catholic, Born from the Crisis, and Fighting the Tide. Christendom College was listed first in the Joyfully Catholic category because, as the Guide states, Christendom is among those “that we find to be the most thoroughly orthodox institutions, those whose Catholic identity informs most of what they do as an institution and how they present their programs to prospective students and donors… their commitment to fidelity above all else ensures that secularizing influences are not likely to

The Guide quotes one faculty member saying, “The college exemplifies in small what ‘Christendom’ means: a society ordered to Christ, our God and King.”

“It is a great joy to be included in this prestigious guide,” College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell said. “As the College celebrates its 30th anniversary, it is an honor received with enthusiasm. This is a testament to our

The Guide states that Christendom is “a stellar example of a small, orthodox Catholic liberal arts college. For more than a generation, Christendom has been preparing graduates to live their faith within families, careers and vocations.”

“You can see it, you can feel it on the campus,” the Guide continues, “They are justifiably proud of presenting Catholicism as ‘the air that we breathe.’” Concluding, the Guide asserts: “For 30 years Christendom College has made a vital contribution to American Catholic life through its solid spiritual formation and its liberal arts curriculum.” For more information about this college guide, please contact the Cardinal Newman Society by going to their book website at or calling 703.367.0333.

Fall 2007 Scholarships

Christendom is pleased to announce that the following undergraduate students have been awarded the following scholarships: William & Clara Roedig & Family Memorial Scholarship Rebekah Skiba

Valary & Howard Morrison Scholarship Lisa Irwin, Janie Wells

Byron & Mary Doyle Scholarship Abigail Hill

Harvey Noel Memorial Scholarship David Klosterman, Mary Catherine Wright

David T. Ricks Memorial Scholarship Michael Inzeo

Sacred Heart Scholarship John Jalsevac

Benjamin F. Homan Memorial Scholarship Jennifer O’Neil

Fr. James Cowan Memorial Scholarship Teresa Boak, James Hannon, Miriam Rauschert, Marc Solitario, James Wynn

Palestrina Scholarship Mary Elizabeth Baker, Meghan Beller, Paul English, Draper Warren

William Casey Memorial Scholarship Peter Donohue, Ryan Mitchell, Dominick Severance

Marie O’Donohue Monahan Memorial Scholarship Brittany Buckner

Kline Endowment Fund Steven Curtin, Christopher Genn

St. Bernard Classics Scholarship Meredith Wise

Padre Pio Memorial Scholarship Daniel Gutschke, William Waller, Brady Wilson, Paul Wilson

Harold V. Welch Memorial Schlarship Elise Anderson, Amanda Dean

Francis A. & Lilian B. Mekus Scholarship Benjamin Allen, Joseph Ruhl

George B. & Mary C. Creed Memorial Scholarship David Wilson

Alumni Scholarship Therese Fetsko, Elizabeth Francis, Thomas Francis, John Hambleton, Mary Harrington, Bernadette Horiuchi, Monica Horiuchi, Katie Lademan, Virginia Norris, Anna Scheetz, Rosemary Scheetz, Emily Scrivener, Nathan Scrivener, Richard Scrivener, Mary Kate VanderWoude, Joseph Vicinanzo, Thomas Vicinanzo

Patrick J. Duffy Scholarship Micah Willard


College Mourns the Loss of Friend and Benefactor David Walkey


David Peter Walkey, 92, resident of Kingsport, TN, for 61 years, died peacefully in his sleep on Sunday, October 14, 2007. Walkey, a long-time, generous supporter of the College and a close friend of several Christendom families, knew College founders Warren and Anne Carroll, as well as the Mirus family even before Christendom existed. Since 1983, Walkey contributed over $500,000 to the College, and his generosity will never be forgotten. When Dr. Carroll sought patrons in the early Christendom years, Walkey enthusiastically sponsored at least one student – Mrs. Hope (Chesanek) Johnson of Jackson, MS – with whom he remained in contact throughout his life.

Walkey was generally an unannounced, but always welcome, visitor to Christendom College. His great big Cadillac, frequently perched in various “No Parking” spots around campus, would be a sure sign that the ‘big man’ was in town. A veteran of both World War II and the Korean War, he cheerfully dispensed sage advice and goodwill to faculty, staff, and students alike. Phone Bank student workers fondly remember the evening telephone-manner training sessions that Walkey gave each February for students who participated in the annual Student Thank-You Phone Bank. Other students and alumni who worked at the Christendom switchboard recall also the familiar, gravelly voice at the other end demanding to speak with the President or a Vice President immediately “… and no, you may not ask who is speaking!” He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Marie Kaeder Walkey and by his two sons, Timothy Phillip and James Michael Walkey.

Young Joe Ciskanik wishes David Walkey a Happy 91st Birthday in July 2006.

The next time you walk by the Christendom boardroom in the beautiful St. John the Evangelist Library and observe the plaque mounted on the wall by Walkey in memory

Jan Cardinal Schotte and David Walkey were at Christendom’s 25th Anniversary Gala together. Hopefully, now, they are both enjoying the Great Banquet in Heaven! May they rest in peace. Amen. of his loved ones, please take a moment to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of this great man and for the repose of his immortal soul and those of his family members. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

Redeeming Beauty Art Exhibit at the St. John the Evangelist Library


The St. John the Evangelist Library once again welcomed high caliber artistic works selected by the Foundation for Sacred Arts in its new traveling exhibit, entitled Redeeming Beauty: Religious works of contemporary artists. The show was open to the public at the College library beginning at the end of October and continuing throughout the fall semester.

ented men and women at the College to use their talents to the service of Christ and his Church.” Even for those who are not artistically inclined, the exhibit was an important contribution to their education at Christendom, as many of the works build upon the long-standing tradition of the Catholic Church in the arts.

Redeeming Beauty provided a splendid opportunity for the students – and the local community – to behold the quality of works in the fine arts produced by faith-filled men and women nationally and throughout the world. The students bore witness to incredible examples of artists giving glory to God through their work even in this modern age.

The collection of artistic works complemented the students’ rigorous studies in the Theology, History, and Philosophy that formed the patrimony of Western Civilization. In addition, it gave one hope that the same patrimony is still alive and well, not only at Christendom, but in the various communities where the artists reside. The Foundation for Sacred Arts insisted that a series of events be promulgated on campus to stimulate discussion about where this beauty might lead. In November, the library staff, work- Students marvel at the works of art on display in the ing closely with Christendom Col- library as part of the Redeeming Beauty art exhibit.

The art exhibit allowed Christendom College to put into practice its motto, “To restore all things in Christ,” noted Andrew Armstrong, Director of Christendom’s Library. Armstrong hopes that “the exhibit will go a long way to inspire many of the young and tal-


lege’s Beato Fra Angelico Fine Arts Program, hosted a forum that brought together a number of local artists who shared their thoughts on the creative process with the students. In addition, Christendom’s Choir Director Dr. Kurt Poterack lectured on and performed some contemporary Choral music in the rotunda of the library.

2006-07 Honor Roll of Annual Giving The following combine annual and capital gifts given to the College during Christendom’s fiscal year: May 2006–June 2007

President’s Council Founder’s Circle Member $10,000 or more Rev. Joseph P. Abele† ê8 Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation ê13 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Cavazos ê3 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cecconi ê4 W. G. Christianson Foundation ê11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crnkovich ê3 Dr. Philip T. Crotty ê23 Rev. Jerome R. Daly ê8 The Dan Murphy Foundation Mr. John B. Dooley ê12 Mr. Richard S. Flahavan ê11 Rev. Richard Gilsdorf† Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Gorman ê9 Mrs. Frances Hardart Mrs. Helen D. Homan ê23 Miss Claire Huang Mrs. Juan B. Lacson† Mr. and Mrs. William S. Martin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John McNeice, Jr. ê12 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Murphy ê4 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Mylod ê9 Miss Mary C. Neugent Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nolan ê22 Mr. John J. O’Brien ê23 Mrs. Elizabeth O’Keefe ê4 Theresa and Edward O’Toole Foundation Plain Sight Foundation ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Roche Rev. Robert L. Roedig ê8 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schuberg ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shannonê3 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shaughnessy, Sr.ê3 Mrs. Rose-Blanche Shields† Mr. Stan F. Skowronski Mr. and Mrs. Owen T. Smith ê5 Southern Cross, Inc. ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Squarzini Mr. and Mrs. Mark Swartzberg ê3 Mrs. Anne E. Vicinanzo Mr. and Mrs. David A. Vicinanzo Mr. David P. Walkey† ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Walsh ê6 Dr. John F. Ward ê3 Mr. Harry Warfield† Mrs. W.H. Welch Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wurster ê12 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew V. Youngblood Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zurlo ê4

Board Associate Member $5,000 to $9,999 Mrs. Caroline C. Ball ê4 Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bick ê4 Mr. and Mrs. Warren G. Christianson The G. L. Connolly Foundation Di Loreto Foundation ê23 Ernst & Young ê5 Mr. Edward R. Ettner ê20 Rev. Thomas C. Fahey ê14 Mr. and Mrs. Edvin V. Farinholt III ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Goyette, Jr. Mrs. Mary C. Graham Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hickin ê14 Mrs. Virginia K. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. William A. Higgins ê8 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kelly ê4 Dr. Brian Kenney Dr. and Mrs. Rafael F. Madan Miss Jeanette M. Maschmann ê23 Rev. Lawrence B. McInerny Mr. Robert J. Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Moore ê23 The Moran Foundation ê4 Miss Alice J. Neugent ê15 Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. O’Donnell ê5 The Rafael Madan and Lilian Casas Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rauschert ê14 Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Steven J. Redmann ê3 Mr. Martin R. Smith ê7 Mrs. Mary F. Stanton† Strake Foundation Miss Ann T. Sullivan ê22 Mrs. Elizabeth N. Sullivan ê23 Mr. Edward R. Thielk Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Turicchi ê3 Captain Patrick C. Weinert, USMC ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. West, Jr. ê8 Mr. Thomas L. Young Ms. Julianne A. Zelov ê13 Sustaining Member $2,500 to $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Marion Bickford Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Bodoh ê3 Dr. James B. Chu ê22 The Honorable and Mrs. Wayne Cobb ê3 Combined Federal Campaign ê4 Mr. and Mrs. Chris N. Cuddeback ê12 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. De Rosa ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Dewey Mrs. Lucie Dilger ê6 Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Doty ê3 DOW Matching Gift Office Mr. and Mrs. William J. Downey ê11 Mr. and Mrs. George T. Elliott III ê3

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esposito ê5 Mrs. Theresa M. Flay ê7 Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fletcher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Armando Flocchini ê9 Dr. Elizabeth Frauenhoffer ê5 Mrs. Edwin G. Gemrich ê12 Mrs. Margaret E. Hagans ê15 Mr. Mark D. Harber Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hickin ê17 Dr. and Mrs. Donald J. Higby ê21 Holy Cross Abbey Ms. Marion A. Horn ê3 Intercollegiate Studies Institute K & B Underwriters, L.L.C. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Mahon Miss Joan Maschmann ê3 Mr. Robert F. McDermott ê19 Miss Elizabeth A. McGuire ê14 Rev. Robert A. Meng ê8 NovusCG Dr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Donnell ê13 Rev. Joseph O’Meara ê9 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Pascoe ê8 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Riordan ê6 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shaughnessy, Sr. ê3 Sisemen Development, LLC Wachovia Bank Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Wavering ê14 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Woltering Miss Rose Zukas ê8 Member $1,000 to $2,499 Accenture Foundation, Inc. ê4 Miss Audrey Amerski ê15 Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Mgmt. Services, Inc. Miss Mary S. Aylward ê7 Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Baird Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Baker ê7 Mr. Joseph Bauernfeind Mr. Michael J. Becker† Mrs. H. C. Beekley ê11 Mr. Thomas Bell Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bellafiore ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Beno, Sr. ê5 Mr. Edward J. Bochniak ê16 Mr. William H. Borghesani, Jr. ê3 Mr. Francis J. Briscoe ê9 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Brodfuehrer ê3 Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Brown ê8 Mr. David G. Budinger, Jr. ê13 Mr. Edward F. Burns ê5 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cady Mr. and Mrs. James R. Canvin ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Carlson Dr. and Mrs. William S. Carnazzo Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Chapman


Ms. Mary H. Counselman ê3 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Creel ê8 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Cridge ê3 Mr. John F. Croddick ê3 Mr. Leslie Cronau ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Curtin Miss Ann B. Cvaniga ê20 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Daly Mr. and Mrs. John DeMatteo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Dietrich ê16 Mr. Robert J. Dietrich ê15 Mrs. Mary L. Dix Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Donahue ê9 Mrs. Patricia Downing Mr. and Mrs. James Eckstein ê10 Miss Theresa A. Egan ê4 Mrs. Dolores Falatyn ê15 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Fallon ê6 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Feld Fire One, Inc. Mr. Paul J. Ford ê5 Ms. Charlotte Foulk Capt. and Mrs. Thomas A. Francis ê6 Mrs. John B. Friedrich ê8 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fritz ê5 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gaburick ê4 Miss Lorraine Gentile Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Ghering ê6 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Gossin ê22 Mr. and Mrs. James Grundl ê6 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Guiffre ê4 Mr. Michael Hall Miss Norene A. Halvonik ê5 Miss Patricia M. Hann ê12 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Harrigan ê9 Mr. Kenneth M. Haught Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hayes ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert G. Hegener ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Heitker ê14 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henkels Rev. Edward R. Horkan ê3 Rev. Richard A. Hughes ê5 Miss Carmen Iacobelli ê9 J. Duggan and Associates, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson Mr. Walter Janaro III ê17 Knights of Columbus (Mount Vernon, 5998) ê4 Mr. George A. Kendall ê18 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Kimmich, Sr. ê15 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. LaVelle ê22 Dr. Vincent Lin Mr. and Mrs. James Lippert Dr. Alice H. Maier Dr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Manning ê13 Dr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Marcolin ê15 Dr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Marks III Mr. and Mrs. David J. Marra ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Martino Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Matey ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. McCaffrey ê11 Mr. and Mrs. John P. McDonald ê5


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. McFadden Mr. John W. McLemore ê4 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Menke Mrs. Terri S. Mersereau Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Metzger ê5 Mr. Dale Meyn ê6 Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Molineaux Mr. Samuel L. Morell ê14 Rev. Robert E. Morey Mrs. Kathleen T. Murphy† Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Murray ê3 National Title Insurance Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo A. Navas Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Neglia ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nelson ê3 Northrop Grumman Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. O’Connor ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. O’Keefe ê7 Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. O’Reilly ê4 Mr. and Mrs. James Patton Very Rev. Kevin T. M. Peek ê3 Mr. Bernard Pilon Mr. and Mrs. James A. Poinsatte ê5 Mrs. R. J. Poranski Rev. Joseph Portzer ê4 Mr. Lozelle L. Pratt ê9 Mr. Raymond J. Preski ê22 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Quinn ê15 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rabot ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ryan ê6 Mr. and Mrs. John Saeman Saint Anthony Post #1791 Saint Joseph’s Roofing, Inc. Saint Mary’s Catholic Church ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Scanlon Mr. Francis J. Scavitto ê12 Mrs. John G. Schmitz Mrs. Anne S. Scrivener ê15 Dr. J. B. Sheedy ê22 Shell Oil Company Foundation ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Silva ê14 Col. Walter B. Simmons, Jr. ê5 Miss Lois M. Skinner ê13 Mrs. Kathryn S. Sperrazzo ê8 Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Spiering Mrs. Daviette Stansbury ê7 Pauline A. Stolteben Foundation ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle M. Strening, Jr. ê22 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Stumpf ê23 Mr. and Mrs. Roderic Thomas ê15 Mr. Charles P. Tymon ê22 Mr. and Mrs. James Vargas ê4 Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Velasco ê4 Mr. Thomas A. Vicinanzo Col. and Mrs. William Vinet ê23 Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Walz ê5 Dr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Walz, Jr. ê14 Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Ward, III ê14 Mr. Edward F. Waterbury ê4 Mr. Leonard N. Weydert, Jr. ê23 Dr. and Mrs. Moody D. Wharam ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick M. White ê17

Wiley Rein & Fielding, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Wilson ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wise ê4 Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Wolpert Mr. Harold Ziegler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle L. Zitzman ê22

Gold Benefactor Club $500 to $999 Dr. John P. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Duane Banderob Mrs. Beatrys M. Beekwilder Mr. Patrick J. Bender† ê10 Mrs. Patrick J. Bender ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Benz ê19 Mr. Frank Berberich ê4 Rev. Kevin J. Beres ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Bergan ê9 Mr. Gregory J. Bevelock ê7 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bohan ê9 Miss Dolores J. Bormann ê22 Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Brach ê5 Mrs. Mary M. Brand ê3 Mrs. Ann Brien Mr. Hugh J. Brien† Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brons Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Byrnes Mr. Robert Cahill ê7 Mr. David S. Cammack ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cammack Miss Patsy Y. Cannon Mr. Phillip A. Carnaggio ê8 Mr. George S. Case, Jr. ê6 Mr. Eugene D. Casserly Cavalier Maintenance Services, Inc. Col. and Mrs. Kevin P. Clearkin ê21 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Clune Mr. and Mrs. John W. Corbett ê8 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cuny ê22 Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Date Miss Amanda J. Dennehy Dr. J. Frederick Doepker, Jr. ê6 Rev. Denis Donahue Mr. John F. Duquaine Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Egan Col. James F. Egbert ê14 Estate of Edgar Debany Dr. and Mrs. William E. Fahey ê3 Ms. Jennifer N. Fakult ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Fanning ê4 Mr. Francis E. Feingold Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Ferguson Dr. Anita Figueredo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr. ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Follett ê6 Mr. James A. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Francis Fusco Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gallagher Mr. John F. Gecik Mrs. John T. Geldermann ê6 Mr. and Mrs. Michel Gemond

Miss Kathleen R. Gilbert Mr. Lukas Halim Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Halisky Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Harber Mr. John Harrer ê9 Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy J. Haugh ê7 Mr. Lawrence P. Hayes ê6 Mr. John B. Heenan ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Heim ê6 Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. Hepler ê4 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hofbauer ê7 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Hogan III ê5 IBM Corporation ê9 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Janaro Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Janaro ê23 Mrs. Patricia Jennett ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan M. Jones Mr. Edward F. Jurgielewicz ê12 Mr. Bert Kalisch Ms. Barbara Karg Mr. and Mrs. John Kazyak Mr. Francis J. Kelsey ê3 Rev. Patrick W. Kemp ê4 Mr. Arthur R. Kernen† ê14 Mrs. Elizabeth S. Kernen ê14 Mr. Stephen J. Kofron ê15 Rev. Joseph C. Kolb ê5 Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Kunath ê5 Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lambert ê11 Capt. and Mrs. Richard M. Lindenauer ê5 Rev. John J. Lombardi ê5 Ms. Patricia Lowney Col. and Mrs. M. J. Lundberg ê14 Mr. Frank A. Marciniak ê5 Rev. Roger L. Marot ê8 Mr. John McDermott ê10 Mrs. Lois F. McEnrue ê19 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. McFadden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGinley ê3 Rev. Stephen F. McGraw ê4 Miss Patricia McGuire ê5 Dr. Ralph McInerny Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Robert McQuie Mr.and Mrs. David S. Miller ê5 Mr. Jonathan P. Minick Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Minneman ê3 Miss Sarah E. Miranda Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mooney Mr. Donald V. Murray ê9 Rev. Fred J. Nietfeld ê14 Mr. Charles R. Noll Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Norton Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Oberlin Mr. Patrick O’Neill ê4 Mr. Joseph H. Orth Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Palladino ê12 Mr. Steven Petullo Miss Angela M. Pfister ê3 Mr. Frank J. Pollnow, Jr. ê13 Mr. Daniel L. Pratt ê16 Rev. John J. Purtell

Col. and Mrs. John E. Quigley Mr. John Regan ê13 Mr. Glenn Rice ê7 Mr. John Rittue Rivendell Club, L.L.C. Rev. Joseph Roach ê6 Dr. Stephen D. Rycyna, Jr. ê7 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Saboe ê17 Mr. and Mrs. Dirgham R. Salahi Mr. and Mrs. Bradley P. Salmon ê7 Mr. Michael Santelli Mrs. Shirley Sassani ê5 Miss Marie T. Scanlan ê15 Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Schoenster ê6 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schulz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Schweninger, Jr. ê15 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. Slagel ê14 Dr. and Mrs. Gary C. Smith ê8 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan Dr. and Mrs. Al Szews ê6 Mr. and Mrs. James O. Tallman Mr. Richard F. Thompson ê4 Mr. Edward B. Timko ê23 Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Trudel Mr. Thomas Trykowski ê22 Rev. Charles R. Valentine ê13 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Van Norden ê8 Mrs. Alice Vandenberg ê6 Dr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Walz Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Wickstrand ê5 Mr. Edward H. Wiles ê10 Mrs. Linda W. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wisneski ê22

Silver Benefactor Club $250 to $499 ACE USA Foundation ê6 Ancient Order of Hibernians Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton R. Armstrong ê13 Mr. Edward W. Atkinson ê3 Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. Barreca ê5 Mr. Louis C. Bauer ê22 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Bodoh The Hon. & Mrs. Robert Bork ê4 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Brady Mr. and Mrs. James Brake ê7 Mr. Richard L. Breault ê13 Rev. Frederick J. Brost ê7 Rev. Victor Brown ê4 Mrs. L. Brent Buckley-Bozell ê3 Cardinal Investment Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Carlsson ê7 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cavanaugh Mr. Joseph F. Chismar ê3 Mr. Martin J. Ciskanik ê17 Mr. and Mrs. James L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Jeff E. Coleman Miss Diane Collins ê6 Dr. Eileen Conway

Fr. Francis J. Culkin ê14 Mr. John A. Dailey ê22 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Dalton ê9 Mr. Stephen D’Antoni ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Logan Morris Dayton Mr. Paul DeCleva Mr. and Mrs. Michael Deighan ê6 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Diamond ê4 Mrs. Julia Dickson Mr. John J. Donovan, Jr. ê9 Mrs. Lisa M. Dow Mr. Thomas Doyle ê3 Mrs. Alice C. Drennan ê6 Mr. Richard W. Dufresne ê20 The Duke Power Company Foundation Mr. Robert Eastman ê5 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Echaniz ê6 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elder ê11 Mr. and Mrs. George Emilio ê10 Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Esposito ê3 Mr. Albert T. Farese ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Farley ê13 Capt. and Mrs. William A. Finn Mr. and Mrs. George T. Finnegan Mrs. Edmund Fitzgerald ê6 Mr. Kevin Flaherty ê4 Mr. Roland Flemming ê5 Dr. and Mrs. James H. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Francis ê5 Mrs. Barbara Froio Mr. Charles Furr Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Gabriel ê22 Mrs. Michelle Zak Gacioch Mr. Daniel B. Gallagher Mrs. Theresa Gallagher ê22 Mr. John F. Glennon Mr. John J. Goebel Mr. Gerald J. Goldee ê23 Rev. Lee W. Gross ê8 Mrs. Maureen Grzeslak Mr. Edward W. Habert ê14 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Hain IV ê5 Rev. James E. Haran ê5 Mr. and Mrs. William Harris Mr. David Hasser Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Heisler Rt. Reverend Frank J. Hendrick ê23 Mr. and Mrs. Julian Heron, Jr. ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. John ê14 Mrs. Elizabeth M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dick Keffer Dr. Eleanor A. Kelly Mr. Thomas J. Kelly ê8 Ms. Margaret Kemp Rev. Herman H. Kenning ê5 Mr. John E. Keogh ê8 Mr. John Kettelkamp ê5 Mr. John Kleinhenz Rev. Dennis Kleinmann ê14 Rev. S. M. Kleinschmidt ê5


Knights of Columbus (Virginia) Mr. Keith C. Koch, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kocurek Mr. and Mrs. George Kovach Miss Patricia A. Kozloski ê8 Mrs. Margaret Kreischer ê22 Dr. and Mrs. James Kromhout ê4 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Lagan Miss Therese Lawrence ê22 Mr. Paul A. Leehan ê5 Rev. Francis G. Lendacky ê11 Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Lesperance ê22 Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Littlefield ê3 Mr. Jim Loughran Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Lowney ê15 Mrs. Thomas C. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. John E. Maloy Dr. Buenaventura G. Manalo, Jr. ê5 Mrs. Caroline Marchuck ê21 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin ê4 Mr. David Matual Dr. and Mrs. William Maxted Mrs. Arthur J. McAvoy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McClain ê7 Mr. Gregory McCoy ê4 Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald ê12 Rev. Walter McGovern ê8 Mrs. Doreen B. McGuckin Ms. Mary T. McKay Mr. and Mrs. M. R. McKone ê15 Mr. and Mrs. James McNally ê9 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Meng ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Merle ê8

Mr. Don Meyer ê4 Dr. Marcella V. Meyer ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Farrell E. Miller ê3 Mrs. Alice M. Minarik ê18 Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle N. Montanye, Jr. ê12 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mott ê4 Mr. David Najvar Mr. Terence J. Nolan ê6 Miss Siobhan M. O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. O’Herron ê4 Mr. and Mrs. Raymund O’Herron ê6 Mrs. Marjorie Payne Miss Jean M. Pennefather Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Petullo ê15 Pharmacia Foundation ê6 Mrs. Joan L. Philbin ê8 Mrs. Margaret H. Pickard Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Potts ê3 Rev. Thomas W. Prior, C.M. ê14 Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Quagan ê12 Mr. Michael Raible ê5 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Redlinger ê10 Miss Maizie A. Redner Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rice ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Rose ê3 Deacon and Mrs. John E. Sadowski Saint Thomas Aquinas Church Mr. James Schluender ê10 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Schmidt ê8 Mr. Nathaniel R. Schuetz Mrs. Albert M. Scruton ê22 Miss Rachel L. Shrader Mr. Joseph Silek ê3

Mr. Andrew J. Siwko ê5 Mr. Thomas F. Skehan ê6 Mrs. Madgel M. Skinner ê7 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Slakey Mr. Brigham P. Slocum Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Small ê3 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stecklein III ê7 Mr. Alan J. Stegmayer Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Stephan ê17 Mr. William G. Stoops, Jr. ê3 Dr. and Mrs. Edward Strickland ê3 Mr. David F. Sullivan ê13 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Sullivan, Jr. ê6 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sweeney ê11 Mrs. Agnes Thissen ê22 Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Turecek ê14 Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Turner ê22 Valley Drilling Corp of Virginia Mr. Pallas L. Van Schaick Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Wacker ê4 Mr. William F. Walker ê4 Mr. Joseph P. Wall ê3 Mr. Philip C. Wehle ê4 Mr. David J. Worth Capt. and Mrs. Edward B. Young ê15 Key: † - deceased ê - three years consecutive giving Number after name – total years consecutive giving

Christendom College Pilgrimage to Rome Join Members of Christendom’s Board of Directors as they celebrate

Meet Francis Cardinal Arinze at a private reception.

Christendom College’s 30th Anniversary with a pilgrimage to the Eternal City February 28 – March 9, 2008 Directed by Dr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Donnell, and accompanied by Chaplain Fr. John Heisler. Accommodations at the historic Hotel Columbus on Via Concialiazione, located 100 yards from St. Peter’s Square. Includes a special Anniversary Reception with College Friends in Rome. All inclusive cost of $2850.00 is due by January 18, 2008


For more information, please contact Miss Siobhan O’Connor by phone at 800.877.5456, ext. 1211 or by email

Community Relives Medieval Times During Parents’ Weekend


Parents’ Weekend at the College provided the setting for more than 50 parents to travel to the campus and visit with their children and meet their children’s teachers October 26-28.

It was a sumptuous feast of roasted chicken, potatoes, veggies, and of course the tastiest pork in the kingdom. The evening brought a Faculty, Staff, and Parent Reception, held in St. Kilian’s Café. The cozy café’s ambience was enhanced with many candles, fall decorations, and choice beverages. Parents enjoyed casual conversations with their children’s professors throughout the evening.

Professor Robert Rice gave a brief history of the College during a Friday afternoon gathering, followed by Career Development Director Tom McGraw, who spoke about the career paths and chosen vocations of Christendom alumni after graduation. Parents were also given the opportunity to learn more about ChrisA grand Medieval tendom’s Rome Program Dance was held at the and Missionary Trips. Stephen Pilon juggled for the crowds. end of the beautiful day in the St. Lawrence The traditional Friday evening pig-roast was Commons, which had been recreated into rained out, but a few proud men braved the a magnificent medieval hall. Students and elements and roughed it for a night, keeping their families enjoyed learning traditional watch on the two smoking pigs. Others took contra dances. advantage of the “Open Gym” and played racquet ball and shot hoops in the home of The weekend came to a close the next day the Christendom Crusaders. with Sunday Mass and “Brunch with the President,” Timothy O’Donnell. Saturday morning saw the rain fade away and brilliant blue skies come to life – just in time for Medieval Fest. Monks, knights, Associate Chaplain Fr. Seamus O’Kielty, in ladies, peasants, and fishmongers came from accordance with the Pope’s recent Motu Proall corners of Christendom’s silvan campus to prio allowing for a more generous celebration the Square in front of the grand St. John the of the Mass of Blessed John XXIII (TridenEvangelist Library. There, parents, students, tine or 1962 Latin Mass), offered the extraorfaculty, staff, and their families enjoyed a dinary form of the Mass on November 2 in the College’s Chapel of Christ the King, a truly festive afternoon. first in College history. Librarian Stephen Pilon juggled balls, pins, machetes, and flaming torches; a live mad- Fr. O’Kielty was ordained prior to the Vatican rigal band played ancient dulcet tones; and II changes in the Mass, and as such, spent his History Professor Chris Shannon and Clas- beginning years as a priest celebrating the Trisics Professor Dr. Mark Clark argued the dentine Mass. During the first two months of now famous “Disputed Question,” a comical school this semester, he worked with the altar servers and reviewed the extraordinary form philosophical debate. of the rite so that he could properly offer this Many booths were available for the enjoy- great gift to the College family. The Mass of ment of all: caramel apples, create-your-own- Blessed John XXIII continues to be offered candy-castle, paint-a-pumpkin, medieval hair each Friday morning. dress crafts, cookie decorating, face-painting, The College currently offers two Masses a day apple cider, baked goods, and pie throwing. for its students, with the majority of them acThe pigs were removed from the flames in cording to the ordinary form of the Mass and the late afternoon and a procession formed to in English. Additionally, three of the Colusher the main course into the St. Lawrence lege’s weekly Masses of the ordinary form are Commons. There the King’s Banquet began. said in Latin, including a solemn Latin lit-

The fairest maidens in the land.

The Medieval Band played delightful songs.

Literature Professor Sharon Hickson (right) speaks with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Newcomb.

Extraordinary Form of the Mass Celebrated


Fr. O’Kielty offers the weekly Friday morning Mass according to the extraordinary form. urgy each Sunday with chant and polyphony. Having this new option (the extraordinary form of the Latin rite) available will enhance the liturgical life of the College according to the mind of Pope Benedict XVI.


Students Animate Corporal Works of Mercy in Local Community


Christendom students have always been eager to put their faith into action, whether by involvement in the pro-life movement or venturing to foreign lands on mission trips. They have also acted locally and, for the first time this year, there is an official organization, dubbed Outreach, supporting their efforts to help those in need in the local community of Front Royal. The new organization has its roots in a student club started by Alumna Dani Lussier (’07). “When I helped found this group, there was no official program for students to get involved in the community,” Lussier recalled. “I’ve always had a love for charitable works and I knew other people on campus would be interested. So I talked with Meghan Wurtz [wife of Dean of Student Life Joe Wurtz] and she suggested that we get involved at the local parish’s soup kitchen.” Lussier started the Corporal Works of Mercy Club and soon, not only did students work in the soup kitchen, but as part of an established program called Meals on Wheels they also took meals on the go every Wednesday to members of the community confined to their homes. Before Lussier graduated, the group was also making weekly visits to a local nursing home. Junior Cynthia Gilday, a transfer student from Georgetown, is the current president of the club, now called Outreach, which receives funding from the Student Activities Council. “I went with Dani [Lussier] to a soup kitchen and that’s when I started to get involved,” Gilday said. “It inspired me. I loved it. “I don’t think you really understand what giving of yourself is until you’re at the nursing home and someone just sits there or sometimes yells at you or whines about how they can’t get out or even explains that the FBI is keeping them there as part of a conspiracy. You’re not going to get anything back—they can’t give anything back,” she said. “I’m not sure how it works. Maybe it’s that Divine spark in us, but when you give of yourself like that—giving knowing that there is no reward—it’s a reward in itself,” she said. Gilday believes that a great deal of self-knowledge could be gained through Outreach. “It


helps you see where your weaknesses are,” she said. “You learn to work with people who aren’t anything like you. It can be humbling at times. “Part of growing in humility and charity happens through connecting with people who don’t have the morals or values that you do, and often don’t even want them. To work with these people is Christendom students and friends work at the local soup kitchen. what we are called to do as Catholics. What unable to visit the prisoners themselves, but good is it being Catholic if you’re going to they can write to them. Students write greeting cards to the prisoners in the local juvenile put the light of your faith under the bed?” detention center in anticipation of all the This semester, female students have begun major holidays. volunteering at the local Crisis Pregnancy Center. The students go through a five-hour “While most of us will be going home for orientation on how to counsel the women who Thanksgiving to big family gatherings with come. They administer the pregnancy test and pumpkin pie and turkey, these young men will be in prison cells,” Senior Agnes King said. then remain with them for the results. “The holidays can be rough, so we hope to lift Outreach also does prison ministry. They are the prisoners’ spirits with these greetings.”

CONVENTICULUM AESTIVUM IN AKADEMIA CHRISTENDOMIENSI Latin Immersion Program at Christendom. Have you ever wished that you could speak Latin? understand spoken Latin? read Latin at the same speed you read English? It used to be (before the advent of the twentieth century) that all students going to college had to be able to understand spoken Latin, speak it well, and write it well, for all teaching and learning was conducted in Latin. For this reason, Latin was taught for more than a thousand years so that nonnative speakers of Latin could attain native or near-native fluency. Obviously, anyone attaining such “active” mastery of Latin would be able to read and understand Latin authors much better than those who today have only a passive understanding of Latin. Beginning in the summer of 2008, Christendom College will offer a oneweek, intensive, active-Latin immersion course for high school aged students designed

to introduce aspiring Latinists to the beauty and power of the ancient language of the Church. All classes will be conducted wholly in Latin, and students should expect to make substantial progress in active Latin, even in one week. Cost of the program, including room and board, is $600.00. Dr. Mark Clark, Christendom’s Associate Professor of Classical and Early Christian Studies, and Dr. David Morgan of Furman University, whose Morgan Lexicon is well known to all those wishing to achieve fluency in Latin, will be the magistri. Because no more than fifteen students can be accepted, those wishing to attend should register early by contacting Christendom’s Admissions Office at 800.877.5456 or Prior knowledge of Latin is preferred, although not required. The dates of the program will be set in the near future.

Mega-Shield Brings Over 125 Students to Their Knees at the Abortuary


Under the title “Shield of Roses,” a group of Christendom students travels to Washington, DC, to peacefully protest abortion by praying outside an abortion mill each Saturday, after attending 7am Mass on campus. This tradition was established at Christendom from the very beginning and continues up to this day. According to Sophomore Paul Wilson, the current president of Shield of Roses, normally about 25-50 students give up their Saturday mornings each week to defend life through their witness and prayer at the abortion mill, operated by Planned Parenthood, located centrally in Washington, DC, on 16th St. and L. More than 125 Christendom students participated in the prayerful efforts of the Shield of Roses on November 17. Extra effort and high attendance for the event, dubbed the Mega-Shield, generally takes place once a semester, although the last time this many students took part was in 2004. “Not everyone can give up their Saturday morning each week to protest the horror of abortion,” Wilson says. “We are students, after all, that’s our vocation at the moment,

and that means we have papers, tests, and lots of homework – and Saturday mornings are primetime for these types of activities. But encouraging a large portion of our student body to attend a miniature ‘March for Life’ once a semester is good for everyone because it helps us see the ‘real’ faces of abortion – the pro-choice escorts, the women entering the building, and even the people on the street who yell things from their cars as they drive by – and this helps us to pray harder for the babies, the women, the doctors, and the nation. And I think that’s a good thing.”

Christendom’s motto, “To restore all things in Christ,” is more than just a saying for the students. It is their mission and their way of life. Through the rigorous moral and academic education that they receive at Christendom, the students are well prepared to enter society and the workforce as “Soldiers for Christ,” dedicated to the restoration of all of Christendom.

“Christendom students never cease to amaze me,” says Admissions Director and Shield of Roses Moderator Tom McFadden, who took part in Mega-Shield with the students. “I spend my days informing interested students and their parents of the merits of Christendom College,” says McFadden. “When the students get excited about saving the lives of the unborn and encourage almost 35% of the Front Royal campus students to travel the hour and a half to DC to pray many Rosaries and the Divine Mercy Chaplet in front of an abortuary, my job gets easier. These actions speak for themselves.”

John Killackey kneels holding an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe as the escorts look on.

Ali Schuberg and Micah Willard participated in Mega-Shield on November 17.

The student-led group, Shield of Roses, organized Mega-Shield on November 17, which attracted over 125 students who traveled to Washington, DC, to pray in front of a Planned Parenthood abortuary.


Crusader Sports Roundup Fall 2007

Freshman Johnny Ciskanik added much speed, stamina, and skill to the soccer team this year.

Junior Courtney Nelson does some fancy footwork to get by the defender.

Becca Harris works her magic leading her team to a 65-60 overtime victory over NoVa.

Pate Quest slips by the opposition to make a crucial layup for the Crusaders.

Senior Greg Monroe drives the lane against Maryland Bible College in a narrow loss.

Mary Kate VanderWoude shoots a free throw as her family watches in anticipation.

Senior quarterback Pate Quest sacrifices his body by throwing for a touchdown to bring the West to a final score of 18-14 over the East in the annual East vs West flag football game.

Ladies Volleyball Team: Back (l to r) Rachel Williams, Amanda Dean, Rebecca Loth, Elise Holland, Sarah Miranda, Coach Mehic; Front (l to r) Bethany Brower, Becca Harris, Ali Schuberg.


College Celebrates Bavarian Oktoberfest


At the end of September, students and faculty gathered together to celebrate the great Bavarian Feast of Oktoberfest. The festivities started with vespers and a procession to the St. Lawrence Commons, where College Chaplain Fr. John Heisler blessed the beer: Spaten and Sam Adams Oktoberfest. Professor Dr. Robert Rice then led the crowd in a German prayer, followed by a toast and traditional song sung in the Hofbrauhaus of Munich.

East Quarterback Thomas Francis jukes and jives behind the cover of his offensive line.

Chef Don Higby prepared a German feast of sauerbraten, weisswurst, sauerkraut, fried potatoes, German potato salad, black forest cherry cake, and sumptuous strudels. After the meal, students took part in and witnessed the “Strongman Competition,” which included barrel rolling, farmer’s carry, keg toss, barrel toss, and axe throwing.

Dr. Robert Rice toasts fellow Bavarian, Pope Benedict XVI, during Oktoberfest.

Later that evening students enjoyed a special Contra dance, featuring several folk dance styles in which couples danced in two facing lines. And as would be expected of a traditional German celebration, students took part in a polka dancing competition.

The East’s Bobby Lancaster rushes through a tough defense to get to the endzone.

Oktoberfest started in 1810 when Prince Ludwig of Bavaria, who was later crowned King Ludwig I, wanted his people to share in the celebration of his marriage to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen.

Students dance many of the traditional German dances, such as the Laendler.

The last play of the game resulted in a jump ball situation with the West getting an interception.


A Student Reflects on the Junior Semester in Rome Program Editor’s Note: Christendom publishes a weekly online update of the happenings at the College called The Chronicler Online. Each issue includes a section entitled, Rome Report, written by a selected student each semester. Junior Matt Anderson was the Rome correspondent this past semester and I thought that Instaurare readers may be interested in reading his reflections on the importance of his semester in Rome. It is re-printed here in its entirety – TLM.


Once again and for the last time this semester, welcome to the Rome Report! In the past, I have tried to use the Rome Report to give everyone a taste of what we are doing here in Rome. And indeed, it would be very easy to continue the trend this week. I could describe in detail the visit of Dr. and Mrs. O’Donnell, Fr. Heisler, and Miss Spitz to the Rome campus. I could go on and on about the fun-filled sessions of Irish songs at the Bridge of Angels and Trevi Fountain. I might even be able to focus on the procession and veneration of St. Therese of Lisieux’s relics that many of us attended. But I won’t. No, rather, I would like to use this last edition of the Rome Report to focus on the true meanings and lessons of the Christendom Semester in Rome. Though we have been learning much in the classroom, our primary education this semester has been more on the spiritual level.

To live in Rome, at the heart of the Church, for nearly three months teaches one what it means to be truly Roman Catholic. It has taught us that being Roman Catholic is to be rooted in the very Mystery of the Incarnation. Because God became man, earthly things take on a more supernatural meaning. Rome has taught us that Catholicism must infiltrate every aspect of our lives, not just our prayer lives, but also the very material and ordinary aspects of our lives as well. From the architecture of churches to the statues of the saints—found on nearly every corner— Rome testifies that God must be the ultimate end for every single one of our actions, and if He is not, then the action is meaningless. Catholicism is not something to be kept in the Churches; no, it is something that should pervade our culture as if it were in the very air we breathe. As Dr. O’Donnell reminded us during his November visit, our Faith is a historical one, and because it is historical the whole of creation is affected. Perhaps the best manner in which Rome teaches this lesson of the unity of the Divine with the material is through the witness of the martyrs. In fact, I was speaking with my fellow classmate Hilary Schafer and she said something very striking. She told me that the Rome semester has given her a much greater appreciation for martyrdom and for

its importance in society. Indeed, the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church, and nowhere is this more evident than in Rome. Simply walking down a street takes on a whole new meaning when that street has been soaked with the blood of those who gave their lives for Christ. Rome has taught us that at the very heart of devotion to the Incarnation lies the practice of martyrdom. There is no greater expression of love for Jesus than to give our lives for Him Who gave His life to save ours. This lies at the heart of Rome: that the normal blood of a man, when he gives that up to Christ, becomes a means through which thousands and millions of other men come to serve and love the same Christ and His Church. And even though we leave Rome now, in some sense we will always carry it with us. Rome must become a part of our very lives. We must live its lessons of devotion to the Incarnate God and eager self-sacrifice for Him and His Church in our daily lives. In doing so, we will never leave Rome, for we will carry Rome to all those who have never been there physically and also to those who have never been there spiritually. This is the central lesson of the Christendom Semester in Rome. On behalf of all the students here, thank you for all your prayers, and may God bless you!


Published quarterly by the Christendom College Admissions & Marketing Office. Managing Editor, Layout, Design: Tom McFadden Contributing Editor: Niall O’Donnell Copy Editor: Maria O’Brien Christendom College 134 Christendom Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630 800.877.5456 ~ Copyright © 2007. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided the following credit line is used: “Reprinted by permission from INSTAURARE, the quarterly magazine of Christendom College (” SUBSCRIPTION FREE UPON REQUEST.


Raymond Arroyo

Marcus Grodi

Fr. George Rutler

Cardinal Arinze

Fr. Groeschel

Cardinal Pell

Fr. Mitch Pacwa

Fr. Thomas Dubay Archbishop Burke

Archbishop Chaput Bishop Bruskewitz Archbishop O’Brien

Small College. Big Name Appeal. All these “Big Names” (and many more) know about Christendom and have been to the College’s campus. Maybe it’s time you should, too!

It offers an 84-credit hour integrated core curriculum, with majors in History, Philosophy, Theology, Political Science, English, and Classics.

Christendom College, celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year, is an accredited 4-year co-educational Roman Catholic Liberal Arts College, located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.

A Junior Semester in Rome is one of the highlights of the educational experience, as are the small classes, personalized attention, and vibrant Catholic culture which permeates the entire program.

Ranked by Young America’s Foundation as one of America’s Most Conservative Colleges and by the Cardinal Newman Society as one of the country’s Most Joyfully Catholic Colleges, it’s the perfect college for anyone interested in an education integrating Faith and Reason. Apply online today or call the Admissions Office to schedule a visit!

And Speaking of Big Names....

Christendom College’s 30th Anniversary Gala Will Have Lots of Them in Attendance! Three of the “Biggest Names” in the Catholic Church will be coming to the Washington, DC, area in April, so mark your calendars: Pope Benedict XVI, Francis Cardinal Arinze, and Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls.

Here’s a plan: Come to the Washington, DC, area, go to Mass with the Pope on April 17

at the Washington Nationals’ Stadium, then attend Christendom College’s 30th Anniversary Gala Benefit Dinner on April 19 at the Washington-Dulles Hilton Hotel where you will have the opportunity to mingle with many of today’s greatest Catholic luminaries while celebrating Christendom’s 30 year anniversary.

Sounds like a wonderful couple of days, don’t you think? For more information, please contact the Development Office at 800.877.5456 or email Limited seating and sponsorship opportunities are available.


Christendom College’s High School Summer Program

Experience High school students currently in their Junior year are invited to take part in Christendom’s High School Summer Program to experience for themselves one of the most rigorous academic, spiritually uplifting, and culturally sound Catholic colleges in the nation. During the program, participants will be given a taste of what life is like to be a student at an authentic Catholic college, being fully immersed into a truly Catholic atmosphere where fun, friendship, culture, and academics are seamlessly woven together. Activities will include classes, daily Mass and Benediction, canoe trips on the Shenandoah River, hikes through the Blue Ridge Mountains, day-trips to Washington, DC, and much more.

Join Us! June 22-June 29, 2008 (Session I - one week) $425.00 – Only 50 spaces available . Application deadline is May 26 July 6- 19, 2008 (Session II - two week) $850.00 – Only 50 spaces available Application deadline is June 16 Limited financial assistance available. Apply online at or contact the Admissions Office at 800.877.5456

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