Instaurare | Spring 2010

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The Christendom College Quarterly Magazine

Vol. XVIII, No. I Spring 2010

Inside this issue...

Students Provide Aid to Haitians - pg 9

Chapel Celebrates 15 Year Anniversary - pgs 12-13

College Marches for Life in DC - pg 15

Fr. Benedict Meets Christendom in NY

College Celebrates St. Joseph’s Day - pg 21

From the President

man Catholic Church.

Dear Friends of Christendom College,

Father in heaven. At the end of Matthew’s Gospel, He said,

I would like you to reflect with me on the College’s mission statement:

“All power in heaven and earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold I am with you all days, even unto the consummation of the world.” (Matthew 28:18- 20)

Christendom College is a Catholic coeducational college institutionally committed to the Magisterium of the Ro-

The College provides a Catholic liberal arts education, including an integrated core curriculum grounded in natural and revealed truth, the purpose of which at both the undergraduate and graduate levels is to form the whole person for a life spent in the pursuit of truth and wisdom. Intrinsic to such an education is the formation of moral character and the fostering of the spiritual life. This education prepares students for their role as faithful, informed, and articulate members of Christ’s Church and society. The particular mission of Christendom College, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, is “to restore all things in Christ,” by forming men and women to contribute to the Christian renovation of the temporal order. This mission gives Christendom College its name. You will note that there is a healthy tension in that statement. First, the mission statement acknowledges that students’ tenure at Christendom is a time of study and formation preparing for a life spent in the pursuit and acquisition of truth and wisdom. The subjects of our students’ study are intrinsically worthy in and of themselves, demanding time, withdrawal, reflection and contemplation. At the same time, we are preparing our students for entrance into society. It is meant to help prepare them in their specific vocations to make a contribution to the Christian renovation of the temporal order: Caritas Christi Compulsi! Divine charity impels us to allow this education to bear fruit in an active involvement in the world, engaging and seeking to transform our culture. We are all called to greatness. Our Holy Father challenges all of us to this high standard. In an address he gave in July of 2005, he said, “We pray that the new generations, drawing their vital limb from Christ, may know how to be leavening in... society for a renewed humanism, one in which faith and reason cooperate in a fruitful dialogue for the promotion of man and the construction of true peace.” The United States – indeed, all of Western Civilization – is struggling in the midst of a profound moral and cultural crisis. It is in times such as these that we must place all our hope and trust in our Lord, who after warning the apostles that the world would hate them, persecute them and even kill them because of their faith in Him, spoke these words of assurance and comfort: “These things I have spoken to you that in me you have may have peace. In the world you will have affliction. But take courage: I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Throughout history, God has provided us with countless examples of how He has intervened in the affairs of man, and in so doing has shown us just how much He cares for us, or more importantly, that we can rely on the promise He made to us as He ascended to His


Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS

In a very real way, the words and actions of Pope Benedict today remind me of a wonderful saint who comes to us from the period in history known as the Dark Ages. His name was St. Aidan, and he was a monk sent from his monastery on Iona, off the coast of Scotland, to Northumbria in northeast England to convert the pagan Anglos to Christianity. Aidan was not the first to be asked to take on this mission and to leave his island monastery. Prior to his coming, another monk from his abbey was in Northumbria, but returned, saying the people were too “uncivilized,” and “too barbarous” to accept his teaching (much like most of the people living today in the so-called “developed” nations of the world in Europe and North America). According to St. Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of the English People, when Aidan heard this complaint he rose and calmly stated to his brother monk: “I am of the opinion, brother, that you were more severe to your unlearned hearers than you ought to have been and did not at first, conformably to the apostolic rule, give them the milk of more easy doctrine, till, being by degrees nourished by the Word of God, they should be capable of greater perfection, and able to practice God’s sublimer precepts.” Hearing this response, Aidan’s superiors decided that he was just a man for the job! So they ordained him a Bishop, and in 635 sent him off to their friend King Oswald. It was a dark time of violence, yet he established the monastery of Lindisfarne, a tiny peninsula just off the coast of England. From that center of spirituality, Aidan went about shining the light of truth and converting the pagan tribes to Christianity. He was able to win the people over because of his genuine charity and care for them. What a great reminder of how God can use one person to bring about the conversion of a multitude. He has done this repeatedly throughout history and will continue to do so. The crisis in our Church and in society is one of leadership. Even more, we know from our study of Catholic history, the crisis in the Church and society is always a crisis of saints, and that ultimately is our calling. Let us recall the healthy tension found in our mission statement and recall that Christ’s first words to His followers were, “Come. Come learn of me.” That is why we have a faculty, staff and wonderful group of priests here to assist our students to come and learn of Him. Let us also not forget His last words were, “Go. Go out into the world.” This is our common mission through our educational apostolate. I want to thank each of you for caring about the educational apostolate of Christendom College. Thank you for loving Him so much, and for loving her who bore Him. Christ came not to make life easy, but to make men great. Please pray that our students, faculty and staff come to share in His greatness by fulfilling our duty in loving, joyful service to our Lord, His Holy Church, and our fellow man.

Cover Story

Friends Meet Christendom in New York to Hear from Students Lobbying at UN


On March 10, Christendom held a special event at the prestigious Yale Club located in downtown New York City. Hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeRosa, the event brought together over 75 guests, including such notable Catholic priests as Fr. Benedict Groeschel, Fr. George Rutler, and Fr. Kenneth Baker. The evening began with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, concelebrated by Fr. Anthony Mastroeni, former Christendom College chaplain, and Fr. Benedict Groeschel, well-known author, lecturer, and spiritual advisor. Following Mass, the attendees were given the opportunity to hear from a panel of Christendom students who were working with the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM) as lobbyists over their spring break. These students gave incredible insight into the internal workings of the United Nations, where they were serving as pro-life, pro-family lobbyists as part of the 54th Commission on the Status of Women.

Christendom’s Philanthropy Officer Tim Flagg with the evening’s hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeRosa.

Over the course of the two week commission, United Nations member states were involved in intense negotiations over “reproductive rights” language, which some delegations believed would be used to promote abortion. The Christendom students tried to form relationships with the various delegates and talk to them about pro-life issues and pro-life language in various UN documents that were being passed during the week. “It was extremely eye opening to see how third world countries are constantly preyed upon by the Western world,” said Senior Emily Jaroma. “The disparity between the rich and the poor countries became very apparent over the week and it was easy to see how the developing countries were being manipulated. Many of these developing countries came to this Commission to improve the lives of women in their countries with clean water, food, and education but with these simple intentions they were easily taken advantage of and were constantly pressured to accept pro-abortion language in the documents. The goal of the United States as well as the European Union was to achieve for women the universal right to abortion and they tried to advance this goal as well as pressure developing countries to do the same.”

Guests of the College share a laugh with Homiletic & Pastoral Review editor Fr. Kenneth Baker, SJ.

Professor Bracy Bersnak, an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Christendom, served as emcee of the panel and was pleased with the students’ passion for trying to bring the fruits of their intellectual pursuits to the UN. “I was proud to see Christendom students with different majors applying what they learn in the classroom to defending marriage, the family, and innocent life at the UN,” he said. “They showed the

NY City’s Dynamic Duo: Fr. George Rutler and Fr. Benedict Groeschel.


truth of Cardinal Newman’s claim that a liberal education prepares a man to enter into any field with comparative ease.” During the dinner that followed, College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell made some remarks, while recent graduate Tyler Ament gave a testimony to the effects of the Christendom College educational experience on his life. Recent graduate Tyler Ament talks with Fr. George Rutler and Fr. Kenneth Baker.

Seniors Emily Jaroma and Krystle Schuetz were two of the panelists relating their UN experiences.

Dr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Donnell with Fr. George Rutler.

Alumni Paul Kucharski, Heather Tansey, and Peter Jensen rekindle old friendships.

Alumnus Dr. Alphonse Pinto chats with Fr. Anthony Mastroeni and Fr. Chris Pollard.

New York’s Director of Young Adult Outreach Patrick Langrell with Fr. Benedict Groeschel.

The Holy Father’s representative at the United Nations, called the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, Archbishop Celestino Migliore sent his attaché to the dinner to deliver his best wishes. Fr. Christopher Pollard, former Parochial Vicar of the Church of St. John the Baptist in Front Royal, VA, recently assumed his duties as attaché and was pleased to meet up with members of the College community at the dinner and deliver His Excellency’s remarks. “Christendom College is recognized for its proven program of formation based on virtue and devoted to the discovery and appropriation of the True, the Good and the Beautiful,” His Excellency wrote. “[T]he Catholic liberal education to which you are committed prepares young women and men to live a good life and pursue what is truly good, both for themselves and for society.” “It was a unique experience working with delegates from various countries and lobbying for pro-life language in key international treaties,” says Paul Nangurai, a sophomore from Kenya. “It was amazing finding myself using principles that I have learned at Christendom both from philosophy and theology to defend the pro-life movement position on various matters. For me, working with the Kenyan mission to the UN was very unique. Kenya is just about to write a new constitution and being able to lobby for positive causes on life and family issues gave me a sense of satisfaction.” “The ability to think and reason, which are highly emphasized at Christendom, served me well at the UN,” says Jaroma, “because I was able to understand the intricacies of the UN documents, understand where the problematic language was, and present new ideas to delegates.”

Tyler Ament, Tim Lanahan, Krystle Schuetz, Professor Bracy Bersnak, Shelagh Bolger, Dr. Timothy O’Donnell, Emily Jaroma, Mrs. Cathy O’Donnell, Alan Ng, and Dennis Toscano at the NY dinner.


This was the second consecutive year that Christendom students have taken part in C-FAM’s lobbying efforts at the United Nations.

Conroy Passes on Mother Teresa’s Lessons of Love to Students


“What Mother Teresa was doing was not extraordinary,” Susan Conroy told students and faculty at Christendom College during an address given on February 8. “They were basic, simple, ordinary things. It was the love, humility, and spirit with which she served the dying that was extraordinary.” Author of the bestseller, Mother Teresa’s Lessons of Love and Secrets of Sanctity, Conroy recounted what she had learned from Mother Teresa through her experiences in Calcutta at the orphanage and the home for the dying. In 1986, at the age of 21, Conroy traveled alone to Calcutta to work with Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity. She also traveled there in 1991. She and Mother Teresa kept in touch until Mother Teresa’s death in 1997.

the babies at the orphanage’ and ‘I have my health and strength maybe I can feed some of the men and women in the home for the dying,’” Conroy recounted. Upon her arrival at Calcutta, Conroy said that she was struck by the profound humility of Mother Teresa. “I felt like telling her ‘don’t you realize how important you are?’ I’ve now come to see that humility is a sign of greatness,” she said. Mother Teresa taught Conroy the importance of joy in a person’s vocation and daily life. “Mother Teresa made it sound so easy. You had to come with joy. You had to come with a smile, a sense of humor, and cheerfulness. You couldn’t come in a grumpy mood. She would send you home.”

Conroy said that her journey to Calcutta started with a letter she received in college from her mother which included a picture of Mother Teresa. On the picture was a quote from Mother Teresa which inspired Conroy: “Joy is strength. Joy is prayer. Joy is love. Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.”

Another powerful lesson of love Conroy learned was “one, one, one.” Mother Teresa showed her that it all began with one person at a time. “Put all your love, attention, care, respect, and reverence into one human being at a time. Mother Teresa said, ‘If I hadn’t picked up that person off the streets of Calcutta, I wouldn’t have picked up the 42,000 others.’ Never think it’s too small,” Conroy said.

“I remember as a college girl looking down at my hands and saying, ‘I have two strong hands, maybe I can change the diapers of

Illustrating this point, Conroy told the story of her first day in the orphanage, when she picked up a crying girl and calmed her. Soon

a little boy began to cry and as she went to put the little girl down to attend to the boy, the little girl’s hands tightened around her neck. “It was as if she was afraid that if I put her back down on the floor, it might be a while before anyone came and held her again. My most important job was love, love, love – to touch them and cuddle them and hug them. These children had enough food at the orphanage, but they were starved for the human touch,” she said. In closing, Conroy compared the feats of Olympic athletes to those of the soul in the spiritual life. “They have such determination and desire for the final goal. Let’s not limp towards the goal, let’s run towards the goal.”


Published quarterly by the Christendom College Admissions & Marketing Office. Managing Editor: Tom McFadden Contributing Editor: Niall O’Donnell Copy Editor: Torey Cervantes Christendom College 134 Christendom Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630 800.877.5456 ~

Seniors Maureen Dalley and Lauren Merz speak with Susan Conroy following her talk.

Copyright © 2010. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is hereby granted, provided the following credit line is used: “Reprinted by permission from INSTAURARE, the quarterly magazine of Christendom College (” SUBSCRIPTION FREE UPON REQUEST.


Priests and Religious Aid Students in Discerning Vocations


“We want God’s grace to grow in us. We want Him to work through us, but we cannot do that unless we surrender,” Christendom College Alumnus Fr. Tony Stephens told students and religious at the College’s annual Discernment Weekend held February 19-21. “We have to allow Him to work in our hearts.”

Fr. Stephens delivered the homily during Friday evening Vespers, which launched the weekend’s events. He told students that they should use this Lenten season to grow in humility. “Be brutally honest with yourself and in confession,” he said. “Humility is the way to grow closer to God.” On Saturday morning, the St. Lawrence Commons was filled with priests and religious who were able to meet with students and explain their order and way of life. The afternoon featured a series of break-out sessions on discernment topics ranging from “Marriage as a Vocation,” to “Life as a Nashville Dominican.”

Sophomore Sarah Golden speaks with a religious sister during Discernment Weekend, held February 19-21.

“Seminarian Matthew Hoelscher’s talk was awesome,” Sophomore David Frank said.

Alumni Tim and Katie Halisky spoke on the vocation of marriage. Frank was also glad to see the Arlington Diocese’s Director of Vocations, Fr. Brian Bashista, there. “His presence provides a great opportunity for local students in the Arlington Diocese who are discerning a religious or priestly vocation, like I am, to make first contact with the Vocations Director.” Frank also enjoyed spending time with so many

Christendom’s Alumni Priests and Religious: 55 Priests, 37 Sisters, 4 Brothers, and 2 Deacons Sr. Mary Immaculate Almeter, OCD Fr. Charles Bak Sr. Elizabeth Ann Barkett Sr. Mary Christiana Barry, PCC Fr. Attila Bartal Fr. Patrick Beno Fr. Kevin Beres Fr. Michael Bliss Sr. Suzanne Marie Bodoh, OP Sr. Juanita Cruz Bodoh Fr. Vincent Bork Br. Michael Bowman Fr. Joseph Mary Brown Sr. Mary Joannes Baptista Fr. Thomas Cahill, MJ Fr. Ben Cameron, CPM Sr. Carly Campagna Fr. Louis Caporiccio, CPM Fr. William Casey, CPM Fr. Michael Cermak Fr. Jacinto Mary Chapin Br. Dac Celement Sr. Veronica Anne Cotter, OP Sr. Mary Grace Curran, OCD Fr. Scott Daniels, OP Fr. Michael Diemer, MJ Madre Therese Dodge Fr. Denis Donahue Sr. Catherine Joseph Droste, OP Sr. Maire K. Duggan, MJ Sr. Juanita Marie of the Cross Flagg, OCD Sr. Joanne Fields Fr. Christopher Foeckler, MJ


Sr. Mary Michael Fox, OP Sr. Immaculata Francis, OP Sr. Mary Jordan Friemoth, OP Fr. Frank Fusare, CPM Sr. Mary Catherine Fye Sr. Agnes Marie Gallagher, OCD Sr. Mary Angelica Germann Sr. Emmanuel Gross Sr. Juana Maria de la Cruz Guarnizo Sr. Debbie Hain Fr. Albert Heidecke Fr. John Heisler Sr. Mary Martha Hetzler, OP Fr. Michael Hickin Fr. Marianus Hough Fr. Joseph Kenna Fr. James Kyrpczak Fr. Thomas M. Longua, FSSP Sr. Irma Luna Fr. Bjorn Lundberg Fr. Joseph Mahoney Fr. Stephen McGraw Sr. Marie Mullen, OP Fr. Edward Murphy Sr. Mary Paul Murphy, OP Fr. Basil Nortz, ORC Br. Robert Nortz Fr. Carroll Oubre Sr. Thomas Marie Panalsek, OCD Fr. Kevin Peek Sr. Mary Agnes Peek Fr. Francis Peffley Fr. Jerome Pilon

Sr. Miriam Esther Podlinsek Fr. Joseph Portzer, FSSP Sr. Amy Quartararo Fr. John Rader Fr. Antonio Ramos Fr. Michael Ruddick Fr. Gerard Saguto, FSSP Fr. Romeo Salcido Sr. Mary Charitas Schneible, PCC Fr. Victor Shoemaker Sr. Marie of the Incarnation Siegmund Fr. Brian Simon Fr. Christopher Smith Rev. Mr. Michael Stein Fr. Tony Stephens, CPM Fr. Michael Taylor Sr. Eileen Tickner Fr. Thomas Vander Woude Fr. John Verrier Fr. Paul Vota, MJ Fr. Justin Wachs Fr. Kevin Walsh Fr. Mark Wenzinger, OSB Fr. Shaun Whittington Br. Boniface Willard Fr. Peter Williams Fr. David Wilton, CPM Sr. Mary Wolpert Sr. Mary Lawrence Wright, OP Deacon Michael Mary Wright Sr. Mary Anne Zuberbueler, OP Fr. Matthew Zuberbueler

priests, seminarians, and religious. “I had excellent conversations with them,” he said. Freshman Emi Funai agreed. “I loved seeing the different religious orders on campus and especially seeing students talking to the priests, monks, and nuns excitedly about their vocations,” she said. “It’s awesome to see so many young people who are open to whatever God has planned for their futures.” One of those young people is Senior Jozef Schutzman. “Discernment Weekend really made me realize the importance of deciding whether or not I had a vocation,” he said. Schutzman plans on discerning a vocation this summer with the Transalpine Redemptorists, an order of monks located on the island of Papa Stronsay, Scotland. “I am really looking forward to it,” he said. An open panel discussion with priests and religious was held on Saturday night. Sophomore Ted Cantu was particularly amazed by it. “There were over 20 religious answering questions, offering advice, and sharing some of their experiences,” he said. “It’s tremendous that we are able to get so many religious to come here and help us discern our vocations. It was a really edifying weekend.” The weekend concluded with Sunday Mass and brunch where the priests and religious were once again able to spend time with students. “I think it is great that Christendom College has a weekend like this,” Sophomore Tim Ginski said. “It provides the students with a great opportunity to see the many charisms existing in the Church and the beauty residing within each one.” A collection of the talks given during the weekend can be downloaded at

Fr. Ambrose, a Norbertine from California, answered questions during the Q&A time.

Pilgrims Invited to Discover Catholic Ireland


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to walk in the footsteps of many of the great Irish saints and scholars? Have you wanted to delve more deeply into the Catholic culture of Ireland and learn more about Irish literature? This summer, Christendom’s President, Dr. Timothy O’Donnell, will lead a pilgrimage to Ireland as part of the College’s study abroad program, and it is open to the public. On July 25, pilgrims and students will begin their discovery of Catholic Ireland by taking classes on Christendom’s Front Royal, Virginia, campus, with classes in Irish Literature and the Catholic Culture of Ireland taught by renowned English Professor Dr. Patrick Keats and Dr. Timothy O’Donnell, respectively. After almost of week of classroom instruction, the pilgrims will then depart for Ireland and begin their adventure discovering the riches of the Emerald Isle. During the journey, the Christendom group will visit each of the four provinces of Ireland – Munster, Leinster, Ulster, and Connaught. The major stops will be in Killarney, Athlone, Knock, Donegal, and Dublin. Throughout the tour, the group will visit many important religious sites. Among these are Clonmacnoise, home of Saint Kieran; the

Shrine at Knock, where Our Lady appeared in 1879; and Ballintubber Abbey, where Mass has been celebrated for the past 800 years. The group will travel to Clare Island, the home of pirate queen Grace O’Malley, and then head north to Donegal, a beautiful city in the northwest of Ireland. During their time in Donegal, the group will attend Mass at a Mass Rock, at which two priests were killed during the penal days. On the way to Dublin, the group will travel through Belfast, St. Peter’s Church in Drogheda, where the head of St. Oliver Plunkett is preserved, and Downpatrick, where Sts. Patrick, Brigid, and Columcille are buried. The Christendom pilgrims will return to the United States on August 13, full of a renewed gratitude for their Catholic Faith and a lasting appreciation for the country of Ireland and its history and heritage. Mass and rosary will be offered daily and students may earn 6 college credits. For more information about this unique educational and spiritual journey, please contact Melanie Baker at 800.877.5456, ext. 1211 or visit Space is limited and registrations are due on or before May 31, 2010.

Join Dr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Donnell & Dr. Patrick Keats as they lead Christendom College’s 2010

Pilgrimage and Study Abroad in Ireland Program July 25 - August 13, 2010 Price of $3875 per person includes: -Roundtrip airfare from Washington -Accommodations in First Class and Tourist Class hotels -All hotel taxes and service charges -Meals as per itinerary -Land travel by deluxe motorcoach -Sightseeing and entrance fees -Room and Board at Christendom -Daily Mass and Rosary -Two 3-credit courses (The Catholic Culture of Ireland and Irish Literature) For more information, contact Melanie Baker at melaniebaker@ or 800.877.5456, ext. 1211.


Intramurals Dominate Campus Despite Record Amounts of Snow


Two weeks after the students returned from a nice long Christmas break, Mother Nature dropped a total of close to 40 inches of snow across the state of Virginia. The Shenandoah Valley was transformed into a winter-wonderland with snow drifts making it resemble Colorado minus the great skiing – enter intramural dodgeball and indoor soccer.

ents, and friends can follow the action. The blog contains rosters, schedules, recent results, pictures, videos and even video highlight clips from the intramural evenings. The blog, which can be viewed at www.crusaderintramurals/, will continue to

Board Member Sees College as Cultural Event


Monday and Thursday evenings have been transformed to intramural nights on the campus. With a total of close to 80 participants in dodgeball, the two weeks of cabin-fever turned into two weeks of intense, exciting evenings filled with balls whizzing by team members’ heads, diving catches, and an occasional sliding pass to a teammate for an out. Dodgeball reignited the campus with the taste of intramurals and now the campuswide favorite, indoor soccer, has taken over. With 20 teams and over 115 participants, the sport has taken the campus by storm. Even professors are getting into the mix, as philosophy professor and avid European soccer follower Mark Wunsch is on a team ready to do battle! In fact, the huge support has forced the time slot for intramurals to increase due to the number of teams, a problem Athletic Director Chris Vander Woude is glad to have. Intramural director Joseph Stephens continues to do a great job of planning and scheduling all the teams so that the season is enjoyable for every team that participates.

With the growth of the intramural program in recent years, the athletic department has added an intramural blog where fans, par-

Board member Douglas Dewey has been an admirer of Christendom College for decades. “Everyone I meet who is connected to Christendom is joyfully ‘walking the walk,’” Dewey says. Dewey’s introduction to the College came twenty years ago when his job brought him to Washington, DC. At his parish, he met Dr. Kristin Burns, a founding faculty member and current Dean of Christendom’s graduate school, as well as alumni Bob and Amy Hambleton. “I knew from the start that there was something special about this place. It was more than a college, it was a cultural event,” he says. As a combative pro-lifer, Dewey worked for George Bush for President in 1988 and later worked for the Bush administration in the Education Department. He then teamed up with a colleague to start a privately funded voucher program in the District of Columbia, called the Washington Scholarship Fund, which is still helping low-income kids attend private and Catholic schools. This program was the prototype for Dewey’s national Children’s Scholarship Fund, which has helped 111,000 children attend the K-8 schools of their family’s choice. A native of Toronto, Dewey currently lives in New York with his wife, Leni, and ten children, two of whom currently attend Christendom— his daughter Frances is a sophomore and his son Dean is a freshman.

“The plan is to send all hundred Rob Hambleton, Tim Beer, Blaise Buckner, Cecilia O’Reilly, Tim grandchildren to Christendom, Ginski, Tim McPhee, and Pat Stein were the Dodgeball champs. as well,” Dewey quips.


be updated throughout the rest of year for the different intramural sports. Make sure to check it out for a glimpse of what goes on during intramural season at Christendom, despite how many feet of snow lay on the ground!! Dewey is currently a financial advisor with Bernstein Global Wealth Management. He believes that his liberal arts education did more for his career than any of the “practical” courses he ever took. “A liberal arts education teaches us to ask the deeper questions about the nature of God and man, and, when done right, offers some compelling answers,” he says. “To be truly competent at anything, to speak with authority about your occupation, you must be able to say why it should be done at all. People who can read, write well, and think critically have an enormous advantage at the higher levels of any profession, over those who struggle with these things. An authentic liberal arts education, like the syllabus at Christendom, provides these lifetime tools.” Dewey likens Christendom College to a big Catholic family that begets big Catholic families. “Call it the ‘Christendom Charism,’” he says. “And if you’ve ever noticed, people who grow up in strong and loving families tend to be generous, hardworking, and confident.” Dewey sees this as the greatest achievement of Christendom: producing winsome souls that are ready, willing and able to go out there and “restore all things in Christ.” When asked what his favorite thing about Christendom is, Dewey says, “the food,” followed by a dramatic pause. “I mean the spiritual, intellectual and social food,” he continues. “This is a place that feeds students with all the best stuff this side of Heaven— they graduate mentally and spiritually fit, yet with a lifelong appetite for learning.”

College Students Help Haitians in Need with Music Fundraiser


The massive earthquake that devastated Haiti on January 12 was a wake-up call for many of the students at Christendom College. Over their years at Christendom, many students have taken part in missionary activity to the Diocese of Arlington’s mission in Banica, located on the Haitian border in the Dominican Republic, and have experienced the extreme poverty of the area for themselves. Although they were on Christmas break at the time of this tragic natural disaster, a number of students could not wait to return to campus to help organize some events to help raise money for the Haitians. Massachusetts native and Christendom senior Sarah Miranda, the President of the student group, Outreach, wanted to do something to help organize her fellow students in raising money to provide relief to the Haitian people. She joined with fellow seniors, Chris Dayton and Brian Gallagher, to encourage the College community to donate to the relief fund and to put on the Outreach Club sponsored event, the Haiti Relief Concert. “Though the devastation of this earthquake created serious obstacles for countless people, it also created an opportunity—an opportunity to act in a spirit of service and charity,” said Miranda. “In the midst of what seemed to be darkness, we had to respond to the call to give—both spiritually through our prayers, and materially through any contribution.” Gallagher agreed. “I had the incredible experience of visiting Haiti in the summer of 2008 and I saw their poverty first-hand. They needed our help before the earthquake and now, after this disaster, their needs are even greater. We had to act out of charity to help those less fortunate and this concert was an amazing opportunity for us to come together to make a little sacrifice that could save lives.”

Immediately, the trio set up a special Haiti Relief donation page on the College’s website which collected more than $1,500 in online donations. Then, on January 30, the Haiti Relief Concert was held in the College’s St. Lawrence Commons where members of the College community were treated to the musical talents of many Christendom students, including performances from the much-loved student country band, Nick Freeman and the Texas Heat. The event raised over $1,200 which, when added to the online donations of $3,155, totaled $4,355. The money was donated to the St. Francis of Assisi Mission in Banica and was used to purchase blankets, food, water, and medical supplies for the Haitians.

James Hannon, Rory O’Donnell, Troy Spring, and Jacob Morgan join Nick Freeman in bringing country music alive on campus during the Haiti Relief Concert which raised $1,200.

Alumni Scholarship Fund to Help All Alumni


Seniors Chris Dayton, Sarah Miranda, and Brian Gallagher led the Haitian relief efforts.

Freshman Theresa Lamirande plays a song.

Christendom’s Alumni Scholarship Fund was created in 1998, in conjunction with the College’s 20th Anniversary celebrations. Now, 12 years later, over 100 scholarships have been awarded to legacy students, that is, students who have at least one parent who is an alum of the College. During the current academic year, 29 legacy students are receiving the Alumni Scholarship and 27 more have already applied for the upcoming academic year.

“Currently, the Alumni Scholarship Fund has a balance of approximately $400,000 from which legacy children receive a scholarship of $500 a semester,” says Vice President of Finance Mark McShurley. “But if the number of legacy children who wish to attend Christendom continues to grow as expected,

the fund must also grow, and for that to happen, alumni and friends must remember to contribute on an annual basis.” According to projections, if the legacy student numbers continue to grow, and the alumni continue to donate $400-$500 a year toward the fund, it is quite possible that the annual award could go from the current $1000 to possibly $3000, thus making a Christendom education more affordable for the alumni and their children. The amount of the Scholarship award is uniform across the board. Anyone who has matriculated at the College for one or more semesters is considered an alum of the College. Donations to the fund are tax-deductible and can be made by anyone at any time throughout the year.


Shannon Publishes History of American Irish in Hollywood Films


In February, Christendom College History Professor Dr. Christopher Shannon published his latest book, Bowery to Broadway: The American Irish in Classic Hollywood Cinema (University of Scranton Press). Talk of the Irish in the Golden Age of Hollywood inevitably calls to mind images of John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara in John Ford’s classic 1952 film, The Quiet Man. Professor Shannon’s book examines a different side of the Irish in Hollywood—the urban, IrishAmerican films that represented Irish during the 1930s and 1940s. In 1931, James Cagney’s portrayal of the urban Irish-American gangster Tom Powers in The Public Enemy set the gold standard for the Hollywood gangster, yet also helped to launch a golden age of Irish-American cinema. Irish gangsters shared the screen with a broad range of urban Irish characters, such as boxers, working girls, priests, and entertainers. Films such as Angels with Dirty Faces, Gentleman Jim, Kitty Foyle, Going My Way, and Yankee Doodle Dandy presented the American

Irish as inhabitants of an urban village, at once traditional and modern, Irish and American. At a time when the Depression caused many to rethink the American dream, these films offered an alternative social vision that prized communal solidarity over individual advancement, local loyalty against the rootless freedom of the frontier. No minor “ethnic” genre, Irish urban village films attracted the greatest stars of the era, including Spencer Tracy, Bing Crosby, Errol Flynn, Pat O’Brien, Ginger Rogers, Joan Crawford, and Olivia de Havilland. Against both the nationalizing trends of the New Deal and the rising nostalgia for the rural American past, these films affirmed the reality of community in the urban present. Drinking and fighting, loving and hating, playing and praying—through it all, the Irish remained local heroes. Christopher Shannon is an assistant professor in the department of history at Christendom College. He completed his graduate work at Yale University and his undergraduate at the University of Rochester. This book, which

was favorably reviewed by author Peter Duffy in the Wall Street Journal on March 16, may be purchased at

Cuddeback’s Book on True Friendship Receives Rave Reviews


Christendom alumnus and Philosophy Professor John Cuddeback always looks forward to reading the Nichomachean Ethics in the sophomore core ethics course. It is then he has the joy of teaching Aristotle’s treatment of the nature of friendship. In 2003, Cuddeback took the insights of Aristotle and St.

Thomas Aquinas on friendship to a broader audience by writing his first book, Friendship: The Art of Happiness. Now, 7 years later, due to high demand, the book has been reprinted by Epic Publishing with a new title, True Friendship: Where Virtue Becomes Happiness. According to Peter Kreeft, philosophy professor at Boston College, “Friendship has not ceased being one of life’s greatest goods – but it has ceased being one of modern philosophers favorite topics. John Cuddeback redresses that injustice with a book that impressively combines ancient wisdom (Socrates, Aristotle, Aquinas) with modern experiences, faith with reason, and principles with practicality....This book is very wise, very practical, and very much needed.” And Catholic luminary Alice von Hildebrand highly recommends the book. “Basing his rich analysis on the works of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, he demonstrates that true friendship based on virtue benefits the individual, family life, and social life.” The book details the many different types of friendships that people have – the pleasant, the useful, and the virtuous friendships – and


explains the importance of knowing the difference between them. Cuddeback discusses the role of friendship in evaluating oneself and one’s relationships with others. An understanding of true friendship, he says, has a unique importance when considering dating and marriage, and he writes that spousal life, lived to its fullness, is a unique instance of true friendship. Cuddeback also gives great insights into how to date, and when to date in order to prepare for the vocation of marriage. He finds the greatest significance of friendship, however, in the insight it affords into the supernatural vocation of the Christian. “Christ issues the remarkable invitation for us to become friends with God. We must try to fathom what this means,” says Cuddeback. Each chapter concludes with general study questions and questions for personal reflection to help the reader “practice friendship.” True Friendship: Where Virtue Becomes Happiness costs $11.95 and can be obtained by calling 303-962-5750 or by visiting www.

Married to a Poor Man: Graduate School Student Vows Virginity


On August 22, 2009, Christendom graduate school student Carmen Briceno entered Queen of Apostles Catholic Church in Alexandria, VA, dressed in a wedding gown. There at the altar, her spouse-to-be waited patiently for her, full of love for His beloved. Unlike most bridegrooms, however, He was not wearing an expensive black tuxedo. In His humility and poverty, this particular Bridegroom chose instead to clothe Himself in the simple, pure white of the Sacred Host. Briceno was not the least bit surprised by the attire of her new husband that day. She herself had chosen to wed this simple, humble, “poor” man, the King of the Universe. Briceno, a native of Venezuela, spent much of her youth in the United States, as her father was a diplomat. She attended Catholic schools in California, Louisiana, and Florida before returning to Venezuela at the age of twelve. She attributes much of her love and appreciation for the Catholic faith to her time spent living in Venezuela, a place where Catholicism “is not just a faith, but also a culture.” Briceno returned to the US at the age of twenty, and completed a BA in Art and a Master’s in Education at George Mason University. It was here in the United States that she began to develop a deep desire to understand her Catholic faith more fully, prompted by interactions with non-Catholic friends. Little by little, she began to fall in love with the Faith, but it wasn’t until attending World Youth Day in 2005 that she began to seriously consider what God might be asking of her and the possibility of the consecrated life. Briceno says that she was “struck by how alive the Church is” and by the “excitement” of living one’s life for God. Returning to Virginia, she spoke to a trusted priest about discerning her vocation, and shortly thereafter moved into a discernment house for women. After a discernment process that took roughly four-and-a-half years, Briceno was received into the “Order of Virgins,” an ancient order of the Church that dates back to the first century of Christianity, and includes among its members a number of well-known virgin martyrs such as Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, and Cecilia. Consecrated virginity as a unique calling distinct from both the single life and the religious life was brought back into bloom after Vatican II, with Sacra Sanctum Concil-

ium, which called for a renewal and revision of the Rite of Consecration of Virgins. Today there are approximately three-thousand consecrated virgins worldwide. Briceno is currently involved in the youth and young adult ministry of the Diocesan Laborer Priests, and travels throughout the diocese giving talks to teenagers and young adults on topics such as theology of the body and vocational discernment. Briceno, who is on track to receive her MA in Theological Studies from Christendom’s Graduate School this summer, is filled with immense gratitude for her unique vocation. “We all seek happiness,” she said. “Happiness comes from holiness, which comes from following our vocation.” Even if that means being married to a “poor man.”

Carmen Briceno with Archbishop Diego Padron of Cumana, Venezuela.

What Do You Think of Instaurare?

Your input is important to us. Let us know what you think of our publication. Please fill in the survey on the reply envelope located in the center of this magazine. You can also fill in your information to be entered into a drawing to win signed copies of Dr. Timothy O’Donnell’s two books: Heart of the Redeemer and Swords Around the Cross.


Chapel of Christ the King Celebrates 15 Years - Looks to Future


On October 11, 1992, Dr. Timothy O’Donnell was installed as the third President of Christendom College. During the reception following his installation, he announced that the College was planning on building a new chapel, the Chapel of Christ the King. He also announced that he was going to raise funds for the much needed chapel by taking 15% of all unrestricted donations to the College and putting them toward the Chapel Fund. The College community was excited, albeit a little skeptical that Christendom could raise the funds needed to build such a beautiful chapel. But O’Donnell expressed his confidence that if we “seek first the Kingdom of God” and build His chapel, all the rest will be added. And he was right. On November 22, 1992, the Feast of Christ the King, a special ground blessing ceremony was held on the site of the planned Chapel of Christ the King. Just a few weeks later on December 6, the ground was broken for both the chapel and the St. Lawrence Commons building, which was located next to the new chapel site. By mid-December, the College had raised over $200,000 for the chapel project which allowed the College to begin paying for the actual construction which began on December 18, 1992. The Chapel of Christ the King was modeled on Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Winchester, VA, built in 1870. Thanks to then-

Stained glass window of St. Patrick.


Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington John R. Keating, after Sacred Heart was closed, Christendom was the recipient of many of its furnishings, including the altar and the beautiful stained glass windows. As of February 1994, the College had received $506,653, almost half of the projected needed funds to complete the project, which was under the direction of alumnus Frank O’Reilly ’83, president of Petrine Construction. According to the front page article of the February 1995 issue of Instaurare, Christendom reached its fundraising goal for the Chapel of Christ the King, $890,225, by January of 1995, with a large donation of $100,000. This donation, made by Dr. Eleanor Kelly and her children in memory of Donald J. Kelly, substantially closed the fundraising gap. This then enabled Petrine Construction to guarantee a finished chapel by the planned dedication ceremony on April 8, 1995. The College received many physical donations for the chapel, including the high altar (made of very rare and expensive pure carrara marble and restored through the generosity of alumni Frank and Angelique O’Reilly in memory of Frank’s father, the late Dr. Sean O’Reilly), stained glass windows, bell, holy water fonts, and Communion rail from Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Winchester, VA; beautiful wooden pews from St. Edward’s Church (a closed church in Philadelphia); and stations of the cross from philan-

thropist Thomas S. Monaghan. On April 8, 1995, the Chapel of Christ the King was finally consecrated by the late Jan Cardinal Schotte, Pope John Paul II’s Secretary General to the World Synod of Bishops. Over 500 people attended the ceremony at which Cardinal Schotte presented Dr. O’Donnell with a gift from the Holy Father (a chalice and paten) and read a telegram from the Vatican’s Secretary of State, Angelo Cardinal Sodano, to Cardinal Schotte, on behalf of Pope John Paul II: “His Holiness Pope John Paul II was pleased to learn that on April 8 next you will preside at the dedication of the Chapel of Christ the King on

Jan Cardinal Schotte with a chalice and a paten - gifts from Pope John Paul II to the College.


Chaplain Fr. William Fitzgerald offering Mass. the campus of Christendom College. He asks you kindly to convey to President O’Donnell and to all present his cordial greetings and good wishes on this happy occasion…With great affection he commends Christendom College to the intercession of Mary, Seat of Wisdom, and cordially imparts his apostolic blessing as a pledge of grace and peace in Christ our Savior.” On April 8, 2010, the College celebrated the 15th Anniversary of the Chapel of Christ the King. Fifteen years after the initial construction of Phase I of the Christ the King project, the sacred building is truly the heart of the campus, serving thousands of students over the years by providing them a place to worship God, receive the sacraments, and spend time in silent prayer. But now, the College is poised to begin Phase II of the Christ the King project which will greatly expand the chapel by doubling the amount of seating. Hopefully, with the help of Christendom’s committed family of donors, the College can complete the renovations to the Chapel by its 20th anniversary in April of 2015.


In March 2008, on a trip to Rome, O’Donnell had the opportunity to show Pope Benedict an artist’s rendering of the proposed changes to Christ the King Chapel, to which His Holiness responded, “This is very beautiful.” The Holy Father then blessed a new marble cornerstone that will be used in the construction of the addition.

Dr. O’Donnell and Board Chairman Donna Bethell show Pope Benedict the chapel plans.

Future 13

President O’Donnell Participates in Pontifical Council for Family


On February 8-10, Christendom College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell participated in the 18th Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Family as an official consultor. The theme of the assembly was “The Rights of Childhood,” chosen with reference to the 20th anniversary of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Cardinals, bishops, and scholars convened to discuss a wide range of topics, such as “challenges facing Catholic non-governmental organizations in the UN” and “the adoption of children by homosexual couples.”

As a consultor to the Council, O’Donnell will be involved in the creation of the vade mecum, reviewing it’s contents and making suggestions before it is officially published. The Pontifical Council for the Family is responsible for the promotion of the pastoral ministry and apostolate to the family, through the application of the teachings and guidelines of the ecclesiastical Magisterium, to help Christian families fulfill their educational and apostolic mission.

Dr. and Mrs. O’Donnell with His Eminence, Ennio Cardinal Antonelli, Council President.

Senior Peter McGuire plays the bagpipes.

Dr. O’Donnell accompanies Mr. O’Herron.

What would St. Patrick’s Day be without a harp?

Dr. and Mrs. Warren Carroll take part every year.

College Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day 2010

“It was a great honor to be involved in the recent gathering of the Pontifical Council for the Family,” O’Donnell said. “It was a special joy to gather together around the successor of Peter and reflect upon the rights of the child within the context of the family.” O’Donnell, who was first appointed to the Pontifical Council of the Family by Pope John Paul II and then recently re-appointed by Pope Benedict XVI, noted that the catholicity of the Church was manifested in the geographical diversity of the participants, who came from Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Latin America. “We even met a delightful couple from Galilee,” he said. O’Donnell also connected with friends of Christendom College, including George Cardinal Pell of Australia and Boston’s Seán Cardinal O’Malley, who serve on the Council as well. During the assembly, the Council proposed the creation of a vade mecum or guide for marriage preparation to Pope Benedict XVI. The Pontiff called this project an “important task” and in an address to the Assembly, defined three stages in marriage preparation: remote (youth), proximate (engagement), and immediate (the final steps before marriage). “This catechesis is so important,” O’Donnell said, “particularly given the brutal secularization of our world with the concomitant loss of a clear understanding of the nature, purpose, and ends of marriage. The loss of faith in our modern world has made this a very crucial work indeed. I look forward to participating in this work entrusted to the Pontifical Council by Pope Benedict XVI.”


Dr. O’Donnell leads the Irish sing-a-long while Mrs. Sofia Cuddeback accompanies on the fiddle.

Students Join 300,000 in Marching for Life in Washington, DC


On January 22, Christendom College transported over 400 students, faculty, and staff to the 37th March for Life in Washington, DC. Braving the cold weather, the College community rallied on the Mall facing Capitol Hill with an estimated 300,000 fellow pro-lifers. “The March was extremely hopeful and joyful despite the hard times we are facing,” Junior Ania Zganiacz said. “It’s wonderful how Christendom supports the March by making it so easy for students to attend—it really is an essential way for the Christendom community to stand up for the culture of life.” Christendom College traditionally cancels classes on the day of the March, and the Student Activities Council charters the many buses needed to transport the entire school. Students begin the day with Mass and pray the four different mysteries of the rosary en route to and during the March—making the event a time for both political and spiritual action. “I am very thankful that my fellow students and I were given the opportunity by Christendom to join those unsung heroes and reaffirm our commitment to establishing a culture of life,” said Senior Cyrus Artz, President of Students for Life. “It was also very inspiring to come across many Christendom alumni at the March who showed that the lessons they learned at Christendom were being lived and not forgotten or discarded.” Senior Anna Adams appreciated how easy it was for her to attend the March as well. “I think it was fantastic that Christendom was able to provide its students with the opportunity to show our support,” she said. Adams found the enthusiasm of her fellow marchers bolstered and encouraged her own convictions concerning the issue of abortion. “It serves as a great witness to the world that the ongoing controversy over abortion cannot and will not be ignored through indifference or ignorance.” Sophomore Joseph Stephens was also deeply moved by the March. “Christendom’s presence there communicated the importance of sacrifice in saving human life,” he said. “Even though there are no classes, it is not a free day. It is a sacrifice to be in a massive crowd

and stand or walk all day in the cold,” Stephens said. “As a community, Christendom truly lives up to its motto of ‘restoring all things in Christ.’ Together, all faculty, staff, and students bore witness to the culture of life.” Christendom College students are active in pro-life efforts at other times throughout the year as well, most notably each Saturday morning when many of them travel to Washington, DC, to protest outside a Planned Parenthood clinic. Other students take part in pro-life activism through the Students for Life group, while others help out with the College’s outreach program and work with the local crisis pregnancy center.

Seniors Joby Norton, Marya Doylend, and Lindsey Mersch at the March for Life.

Wunsch Gives Series on Faith and Reason


Philosophy Professor Mark Wunsch recently delivered a series of lectures for the Diocese of Tulsa’s diaconal formation program. The series of seven lectures taken together formed a course entitled “Faith and Reason,” which dealt principally with the interrelationship between philosophy and theology. The course was designed to function as a capstone of the student’s philosophical formation and to prepare them for how their philosophical education may be able to be integrated with the theological formation they have yet to receive. The central texts that formed the basis for the lectures were the first question of the first part of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae, Pius IX’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith, Dei Filius, (a work of Vatican

I that is dedicated to the theme of faith and reason), Leo XIII’s encyclical on the Restoration of Christian Philosophy, Aeterni Patris, and John Paul II’s Encyclical Letter, Fides et Ratio. Collectively these texts offered a sampling of what the Church and her best theologians have had to say about the relationship between faith and reason throughout history. The lectures were very well received by a diverse group of men studying for the diaconate. One of the men, an engineer by trade, commented that “this was the best course I have taken at any level of my education.” A family practice doctor said “the class went a long way in helping me to find a way to integrate the truths of science with the truths that can be affirmed by way of philosophy and theology.”


Summer Programs Offer Students Amazing Insights into College Life


Christendom’s admissions office will be offering four one-week sessions of its ever popular “Experience Christendom” Summer Program for current high school juniors during the months of June and July (see back page for dates).

Sure to attract some of the brightest and best students in the nation, these programs are designed to give students an introduction into Christendom’s rigorous academic program, as well as to let them experience what

life would be like as a student on campus. After hearing all about Christendom from an older sister who had attended the “Experience Christendom” Summer Program in 2008, Sarah Landry had developed a view of what she thought Christendom College was. To her, it was an authentically Catholic college; it had six majors; it had a dress code; it didn’t have Mom’s cooking; and it was small. And since she and her sister had vastly different tastes, she determined that Christendom was simply not her type of college. But that all changed during her own visit to campus during the 2009 “Experience Christendom” Summer Program.

Shortly after her arrival on campus, the student counselors led the group on a tour of the campus. “I remember the first time we went into the chapel,” Landry recalls. “One of our counselors explained to us that the chapel was placed in the center of the campus to symbolize ‘how God is, or at least should be, in the center of our lives.’ It was then that my eyes first began to open and see what a Catholic culture really is.” During the course of the week, the program participants attended daily Mass alongside the counselors and professors. “Their example was inspiring! Our counselors, in particular, impressed me. They were willing to share their faith and personal stories,” she said, “lend a hand and give advice, while always making sure we had fun. Acting as role models, they showed us what it means to truly live in a Catholic culture.” This Catholic culture extended to the classroom, too, she said. All of the professors explained their classes’ purpose in relation to their earthly and spiritual lives. History Professor Brendan McGuire emphasized in his history class the importance of knowing the Church’s past and the teachings of the Catholic faith. College President Timothy O’Donnell’s theology class made them dive deeper and realize truths about the Catholic Faith about which they were either ignorant or they had simply taken for granted. Philosophy Professor John Cuddeback’s class was revolutionary to the majority of the students. They were asked seemingly simple questions, but soon discovered their complexity cloaked

Students take classes in History, Philosophy, English, and Theology. by simply written words. They were questions that really made them think and ask more questions. He taught them what philosophy really is, rather than just making them study philosophers of the past. In Mrs. Hickson’s literature class, she taught them the significance of literature, its relation to philosophy and history, and the benefits of a liberal arts education. “The summer program helped me to realize that Christendom is a lot more than a small school with only a small number of majors,” says Landry. “It is a place to discover what really matters in life. I am still unsure what career God is calling me to, but I want to construct a strong foundation upon which I can build a faith-filled life. With a first-rate Catholic liberal arts education I believe I will be able to better serve my Lord and become who He wants me to be.” The students take four classes during their week-long session: Moral Imagination in Literature, Faith and Reason, Ethics, and The West and Christianity. These classes in English, Theology, Philosophy, and History are taught by Christendom’s faculty who will

The 2010 Experience Christendom Summer Program Counselors are eager to welcome the participants to campus: (l to r) Joseph Townsend, Mary Kate Vander Woude, Head Counselor Matt Rensch, Nicholas Blank, Tommy Salmon, Colleen Harmon, Emi Funai, and Katie Gutschke.


Christendom Ranked Top Conservative College


Christendom has once again appeared at the top of the Young America’s Foundation’s (YAF) annual listing of its Top Conservative Colleges.

The students go to President O’Donnell’s home for an Irish sing-a-long and dance. spend time with the students both in and out of the classroom. Each day, the students have the opportunity to attend Mass, confession, Eucharistic adoration, and pray the rosary as a group. In the afternoons and evenings, students will take part in a variety of fun social activities, including dances, hikes, canoe trips, sing-alongs, bowling, sports, and a talent show. “We have been receiving a steady stream of registrations for these exciting programs,” says Program Coordinator Beth Fettes. “Since we are only accepting 30-40 students per session, it is quite possible that we will end up with a waiting list this summer. Register soon!” Although each session is reasonably priced at $500, there are still some students who would greatly benefit from this program but, unfortunately, are unable to afford it. Thanks to the generosity of a number of Christendom’s committed donors, the admissions office can offer some financial assistance to those who request it, therefore, enabling everyone to be able to take advantage of this life-changing program. Please contact the admissions office to either donate money to this Summer Program Fund or to request funds from it.

ATTENTION! Please consider making a donation to the

Experience Christendom Summer Program Fund to allow needy students to attend at a discounted rate. Please use the envelope in this magazine. Thank you!

YAF’s 2009-2010 Top Conservative Colleges list highlights fourteen colleges and universities that proclaim, through their mission and programs, a dedication to discovering, maintaining, and strengthening the conservative values of their students. The list aims to provide high school students with a ranking system based “on the overall experience that colleges offer,” the YAF states on its website. “Students who are interested in going to a college which does not bow down to today’s political correctness should pay close attention to this list,” says Christendom’s Admissions Director Tom McFadden. “Christendom is certainly a conservative college and we are glad to be part of this list.” “The original vision of Christendom lives

today through the institution’s devotion to Catholic theology and way of life. The core curriculum reinforces a Catholic worldview and teaches students to ‘distinguish truth from error or distortion, and then to communicate truth accurately, effectively, and convincingly to others,’” the report states. According to the YAF, Christendom is among those schools which offers “an alternative to the liberal status quo, because they allow and encourage conservative students to explore conservative ideas and authors. They offer coursework and scholarship in conservative thought and emphasize principles including smaller government, strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values. Furthermore, they avoid trends in academe by continuing to study Western Civilization instead of straying toward the study of Marxism, feminism, sexuality, postmodernism, and other distractions that do not give students a complete understanding of our country, our culture, and its founding principles.”

College to Honor Rev. Thomas Euteneuer and Dr. Charles Rice at Graduation in May


During Commencement Weekend May 1416, 2010, Christendom College will honor two great men who have been very involved in the pro-life movement: Reverend Thomas Euteneuer, President of Human Life International, and Dr. Charles E. Rice, Professor Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame Law School. Since becoming president of Human Life International (HLI) in 2000, Rev. Thomas Euteneuer has traveled more than one million miles as a pro-life missionary and has visited fifty-seven countries. Located in Front Royal, VA, HLI is the world’s largest pro-life organization with affiliate offices and associates in eighty countries around the world. He will be awarded Christendom’s Pro Deo et Patria Medal for Distinguished Service to God and Country. An advisor to Christendom College’s Board of Directors, Dr. Charles E. Rice is a former law professor, Catholic apologist, and author of several books. He began teaching at the University of Notre Dame Law School in 1969, and in 2000 earned Professor Emeritus status. He will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters and will deliver the Commencement address on May 15.

Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, President of HLI.

Dr. Charles E. Rice, Professor Emeritus of Law.


Conservatives Marshall and Obenshain Tell Students to Get Involved


On March 1, FOX News Commentator Kate Obenshain and Virginia State Delegate Bob Marshall addressed students at Christendom College. The event, hosted by the College Republicans, was the first in a series of Coffee Socials that provide students with an informal setting to meet great conservative leaders and exchange ideas.

principles and you have to be ready to stand for them and fight for them,” she said. Delegate Bob Marshall (R), representing Virginia’s 13th District since 1991, then addressed students and reinforced Obenshain’s charge to be active in politics while sharing a number of personal experiences in politics. “You have more power and influence than you think,” Marshall said. “You need to participate in this [political] process.”

He too warned students of President Barack Obama’s threat to the nation. “It’s no wonder Obama has so many czars running College Republican Leaders Freshman Kelly Lawyer and Seniors Elizaaround DC—he beth Whittaker and Chris Dayton pose with Obenshain and Marshall. wants a dictatorship. Obenshain, who is also the Vice President of He really does. He does not want you to be the Young America’s Foundation, encouraged a citizen where you have a mutual agreement students to be active in the political sphere.

with the leaders based on a constitution that everyone understands. He wants to break your conscience—and the only people who want to break your conscience are tyrants,” he said. Senior Chris Dayton, who helped organize the event, said that he and his peers found the talks to be inspiring. “People came up to me and were saying that the talks had really got them thinking and made them see that they really could make a difference,” he said. Dayton hopes to attract similar conservative leaders whom he describes as “doing good things for the country and staying true to their principles” for future College Republican Coffee Socials. Students at Christendom are active in the College Republicans as well as other conservative and pro-life organizations throughout the year. Both Obenshain’s and Marshall’s addresses can be heard at Christendom on iTunes U,

Students Spend Spring Break in Honduras


“Get internships with conservative organizations,” she said. “Come to conferences. It is so important to learn about the ideas that are out there—to equip yourself and educate yourself.”

She asked students to get particularly involved with what she called “a big fight” against the current health care bill being lead by President Obama. Obenshain said that the bill is a threat to our freedom. “Anytime the government encroaches on our liberties, we have to stand firmly,” she told students. “We cannot compromise. Do not fall for that compromise language when it comes to your values and what you believe in.” Obenshain remarked that truly conservative colleges like Christendom were a rarity and was enthused by what she experienced on campus. She encouraged students to run for office, citing a need for good conservative men and women, now more than ever. “You all are not going to give up on what you believe just because you’re challenged or you’re tempted. You have to understand your


During spring break in March, nine Christendom College students traveled to Honduras with alumnus Fr. Joseph Mary Brown ’85 to perform missionary work. The group spent a week working in a home for abused mothers, helping the women and spending time with the children. “It was a life-changing experience,” says Sophomore Elizabeth Twaddle. “We would go back in a heartbeat if the occasion arose again, and would recommend the trip for anyone who is willing to give a very little bit to receive a hundred fold in return.”

Alumnus Fr. Joseph Mary Brown led the missionary trip to Honduras.

A short video documenting this trip may be found on the College’s YouTube site: Christendomtube.

The Christendom students spent much of their time digging irrigation systems.

Ethicist Paul Voss Tells Students How to be Successful in Business


“The Catholic intellectual tradition is one of the greatest gifts anyone can give you,” business ethicist Paul Voss told students at Christendom College on March 15. His talk, entitled “To Hell and Back: Catholicism, Liberal Arts, and Business Ethics,” explained how the wisdom and ethics of the Catholic intellectual tradition has the ability to shape the future of business for the better.

He explained that there were ethical hazards in the business and banking culture. “In business, an ethical hazard is when we actually provide an incentive for people to engage in unethical or reckless behavior,” he said. He sighted the housing market as an example of a market wrought with ethical hazards. Banks recklessly financed people’s homes at 100 percent. Since so little was invested in the home, people were encouraged to default on their loans. People had little incentive to stay in the home.

up against the world, but that “we can’t have our education be a diploma that hangs on our wall. If we haven’t internalized it and moved it out into the culture, we’ve failed as educated human beings.” This talk is available for download at Christendom on iTunes U, www.christendom. edu/itunesu.

Admissions Office Reports Record Year


The housing market would not have collapsed had those involved behaved ethically and wisely, he said. Using Aristotle’s Art of Rhetoric, Voss sighted three elements that can Dr. Paul Voss gave a dynamic talk on “Ethics and the Catholic Intel- guide markets and individuals: ethos, logos, and lectual Tradition” on March 15. pathos. Voss explained that ethos is who you “Whether you’re Catholic or not, the Cath- are—your appearance, reputation, and perolic intellectual tradition provides us with formance, as a person or a company. Logos a framework for understanding the com- is what you know or what you offer through plexities of the world and helps us stand special skills, a product, or even knowledge up to today’s chaos-filled environment,” he of the Faith. Pathos is an awareness of the said. audience or emotional intelligence, how the audience or consumer relates to you. Voss is the President of Ethikos, an ethics consulting group, and an Associate Professor He cited the recent scandals surrounding at Georgia State University. A gifted public Toyota, AIG, and Tiger Woods as examples speaker and award-winning teacher, his cli- of pathos being damaged due to either corents include the FBI Labs, General Electric rupt ethos or logos. Energy, British Petroleum, the Home Depot, Visa, the Federal Railroad Administration, “Ethos, logos, and pathos—which of those and many others. three areas need the most work?” Voss asked the students. “I would guess that it is not goVoss explained that the current recession is ing to be your logos. Your curriculum here not, as some people are claiming, the result is so robust that you are going to come out of increased greed. He said that the recession of here as some of the most educated Cathwas the result of a culture, which lacked eth- olics in North America. I also suspect that ics and wisdom. it’s not going to be your ethos. From what I have heard and seen, you seem like digni“The way we think and relate to each other fied, holy, serious, and authentic Catholics. I creates a culture and that culture, for better think the biggest challenged for you will be or for worse, will enhance or detract from the pathos.” our spiritual and materiel well being,” Voss said. Voss warned students that it is hard to stand

Christendom’s admissions office reports its most successful recruiting season in its history and, due to an extraordinary number of qualified applicants, has had to institute a waiting list for the Fall semester. “Last year was very challenging for us,” says Director of Admissions Tom McFadden, “but we still met our enrollment goals for the year. This year, though, we have received a record amount of interest in our educational offerings and we are on track to have an incredible incoming freshman class this year.” According to McFadden, as of April, applications to the College are up almost 20% while the number of deposits received is up 17%. The College’s acceptance rate has remained similar to past years at around 72%. “I think there are more and more students out there who are reluctant to spend a lot of time and money attending a ‘Catholic in name only’ school. They would much rather attend a college where they can receive an authentic Catholic liberal arts education and ‘breathe Catholic air.’ And that’s what we do best,” says McFadden.

Grad School Offers Online Courses


Christendom’s graduate school offers a number of online courses for students interested in either earning a Master of Arts in Theological Studies or simply learning more about the Faith. This summer, renowned moral theologian and author, Dr. William E. May, will offer an online course in Moral Theology. In this course, May will teach about the fundamental principles of moral theology in light of the Revelation of God’s law and the grace of Christ. To register, go to www.christendom. edu/grad.


Warren Carroll Recounts the Fall of the Soviet Empire


Christendom’s Founding President and acclaimed historian, Dr. Warren Carroll, recently delivered a public lecture that analyzed the decline of the Soviet Party. “This world-shaking fall came as a total sur-

“It was a dark joke in the Soviet Union— where everyone worked for the government—that the people pretended to work for the government and the government pretended to pay,” Carroll said. “When I visited Moscow in 1988, the government would not even take rubles, its own currency—only dollars—to pay for tours of the Kremlin.” Brezhnev was succeeded by Adropov, and then Chernenko. Both men only ruled briefly before dying from health complications. It was then in 1985 that Mikhail Gorbachev took power as the last General Secretary of the Communist Party. Soon after taking office, Gorbachev abandoned Lenin’s policy of attempting to incite communist revolutions in the rest of the world.

prise—nobody in the world predicted it,” Carroll said at the beginning of his lecture, “Fall of the Soviet Union.” Carroll was educated at Bates College and received a Doctorate of History from Columbia University. He served as Christendom College’s President until 1985 and then as the chairman of its History Department until his retirement in 2002. He is the author of numerous historical works including The Rise and Fall of the Communist Revolution and his major multi-volume work The History of Christendom. During the cold war, Carroll worked for the CIA’s anti-communism division as a Communist propaganda analyst. During that time, he formed an association called the Nike Group, which Carroll described as being “dedicated to victory over communism in Russia.” “To understand how it all happened, you have to first understand how a one-party state is governed,” Carroll said. “The one-party state was created by Lenin and Hitler and is the worst form of government ever devised. I have said that it was made in Hell.” Carroll explained that in a one-party system a private association takes the place of the legitimate government. Under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, this system rotted the Soviet Union. When their successor Brezhnev finally passed away, the economy had stagnated and the production at Soviet farms had grown less than 1% in ten years.


“Such a sequence of events no man could have predicted,” Carroll said. “It was God’s

answer to all the prayers of the victims of communism down through the years, to the dying cries of the martyrs to communism.” In 1988 Gorbachev met with the leaders of the Orthodox Church and acknowledged the role of Christianity in Russia’s history. No previous leader had done this. He pledged a new law on freedom of conscience that should “take account of believers’ concerns.” Carroll explained how Gorbachev, with the help of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II, slowly destroyed all that the Soviet Party had built. “The fall of the Soviet Union was one more triumph of the Cross,” Carroll said. This talk, and many others by Dr. Carroll, is available for download at Christendom on iTunes U,

Thomas S. Vander Woude Memorial Golf Tournament Join Christendom College’s Faculty, Staff, and Alumni as they take part in this 1st Annual Golf Tournament to benefit the Thomas S. Vander Woude Memorial Scholar-Athlete Fund.

October 8, 2010

Blue Ridge Shadows Golf Club, Front Royal, Virginia “#3 Best Courses You Can Play in Virginia” - Golfweek Magazine 9am, Shotgun Start, Scramble format Contests: East vs. West Alumni Challenge, Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, Chip of a Lifetime, and a Hole in One. Prizes: Vacation Packages, Sports Apparel, Golf Equipment, Religious Items, Win a Car with a Hole in One. Needed: Volunteers, Sponsors, Monetary Donations, Players, Donated Prizes. Cost: $100/alumni or current faculty/staff; $150/friend of college; $400/foursome.

For more information or to register, please go to

Alumni Credit Christendom for Their Success in Grad School


Ever since its first graduating class, Christendom College graduates have been yearning to continue their education and attend graduate school. Leo White was in the first graduating class in 1980, along with Mary Stuart. Following graduation, White attended the University of St. Thomas in Houston, TX, where he earned his MA in Philosophy, and then he went on to the Catholic University of America to earn his PhD in Philosophy. Now, 30 graduations later, Christendom graduates still choose to attend many various graduate schools across the nation and beyond. In recent years, students have attended The University of Virginia Law School, Washington and Lee Law School, Harvard, The University of Notre Dame, Fordham, the Angelicum, William and Mary, Oxford University, The University of Dallas, and the Catholic University of America (CUA). Currently, at least 11 Christendom graduates study at CUA while one teaches there. Alumna Marisa White (no relation to the aforementioned Leo White) is at CUA earning her PhD in Literature. She sees her education as a life-long process. “I want to continue learnMarisa White ing and writing even after graduate school,” she says. “I want to give others an education like the one I am so grateful to have received.” John Archer (’07), Francis Feingold (‘09), Fred Fraser (‘03), Peter Furlong (’06), Daniel Gutschke (‘08), Donna Shute (’06), Clare Storck (’06), Anna Svendsen (’08), James Tillman (’09), and Patricia Tillman Murphy (’06) join Marisa White (‘06) in pursuing advanced degrees in various departments at CUA.

tion for giving them the capability and confidence that many of their peers in graduate school lack. “I think I can say, without exaggeration, that Christendom’s philosophy department is the strongest of its kind on the undergrad level in the US,” Feingold says. “I have the philosophical tools to excel at my graduate classes and to engage in confident debate with my professors and fellow students, tools which many of my classmates here did not have the good fortune to receive.” Fred Fraser is pursuing a PhD in Philology, the study of both form and meaning in linguistic expression, and says that Christendom provided him with more than just the essential Fred Fraser ability to understand ancient languages and write well. “What set Christendom’s preparation apart is

Not only are alumni being educated at CUA, they themselves are educating. Alumnus Dr. Raymond Hain graduated from Christendom with a BA in Philosophy in 2002 and, afDr. Raymond Hain ter earning his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame last year, he is now a Visiting Assistant Professor in CUA’s School of Philosophy. As students and educators, these alumni are sharing the riches of their alma mater. They join their fellow alumni—dentists, neurologists, FBI agents, Wall Street brokers, performing artists, amazing moms, and priests— in restoring all things in Christ.

College Honors St. Joseph with Italian Feast

The College community came together for Solemn Vespers and a procession prior to the festive dinner in honor of St. Joseph.

Francis Feingold and Daniel Gutschke are pursuing PhDs in Philosophy. Both were attracted to CUA’s program because, like Christendom, it holds a commitment to the Aristotelian and Thomistic philosophical tradition. Both Feingold and Gutschke say that they are indebted to their Christendom educa-

the integration of the life of the Church with the life of the mind,” he says. “This is a secret the Fathers, like St. Augustine and St. Gregory, knew. In order to grow in knowledge, one must grow with the sacraments.”

Chaplain Fr. Daniel Gee blessed the homemade breads at the traditional “Tavola di San Giuseppe” or “St. Joseph Bread Table.”

Each year, Christendom students with Italian heritage cook a homemade Italian meal for the entire student body. This year, Senior Katie Carducci and Associate Director of Admissions Mike Schmitt spent many hours preparing and cooking an authentic Italian dinner for the Solemnity of San Giuseppe on March 19.


College Creates New Vander Woude Scholar-Athlete Scholarship


Christendom College is proud to announce The Thomas S. Vander Woude Scholar-Athlete Scholarship for the fall of 2010. Former Athletic Director Tom Vander Woude, who died saving the life of his youngest son on September 8, 2008, was dedicated to character development and personal formation in young people, especially in the areas of both intercollegiate and intramural athletics. This award will strive to offer more students who excel in academics, leadership, and athletics the chance to attend Christendom. These students will be given the opportunity, as Thomas Vander Woude believed, to be formed mentally, spiritually, and physically. The scholarship will be awarded to one incoming freshman each year, as funds permit. More scholarships hope to be added in the future as well as an endowment for the scholarship fund providing a truly lasting legacy.

to be intercollegiate next year); and many intramural sports such as 3-on-3 basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball, whiffleball, flagfootball, and dodgeball. Up until the present time, students wishing to pursue athletics at Christendom have not had the opportunity to receive scholarship money for their athletic talents. With this new scholarship, students interested in receiving a highly rigorous academic education and playing in competitive sports while

in college can have both. To help with the initial funding of this new initiative, the Athletic Department will host a golf tournament in October (see ad on page 20). Anyone interested in more information about the golf tournament or those interested in applying for the scholarship or donating to the scholarship should contact Athletic Director Chris Vander Woude at

The scholarship award has been initially funded through the generous contributions of a number of friends of the College, including Mrs. Mary Ellen Vander Woude, wife of the deceased Thomas Vander Woude. Christendom offers many athletic opportunities, including intercollegiate sports such as rugby, basketball, soccer, golf, and baseball; club sports such as boxing (which is hoping

Lady Crusaders: l to r (back) Coaches Maria Morgan and Anna Mourachian, Mary Kate Vander Woude, Mary Hill, Kate Morgan, Emily Baldwin, Frances Allington, Jane Snyder, Jeannie Goeckner; (front) Theresa Manssur, Meghan Kavanagh, and Sarah Barren.

Men’s Crusader Basketball Team 2009-10: l to r (back) Coach Chris Vander Woude, Matt Hadro, Anastacio Hinojosa, Matt Rensch, Brendan Krebs, Brian Fox, Sam McMahon, Dominic O’Donnell, Joe Townsend, Peter Hill; (front) David Townsend, Tim McPhee, Patrick Stein, TJ Nacey, Matt Lancaster, Mark Hepler, and Tim Beer.


Omnia in Christo Certain things are widely known about “Coop,” as he was affectionately called: that he was a two-time Oscar winner; that (along with John Wayne) he was Hollywood’s most famous western star; that he had a notorious affair with film actress Patricia Neal that culminated in the abortion of their child; even, perhaps, the fact that Gary died a Catholic in May of 1961. In the following excerpt, I focus on Gary Cooper’s conversion to the Catholic Faith. This conversion was greatly influenced by the fervor of both his wife, Veronica (better known as “Rocky”), and their daughter, Maria. Rocky never gave up on Gary, even during the darkest moments of their marriage. To learn more about Gary’s career as an actor, his marriage to Rocky, as well as his often turbulent but, ultimately, triumphant life, I would recommend the complete article on Gary Cooper that appeared in St. Austin Review, as well as a follow-up piece that I wrote for St. Austin Review (January/February 2008 issue) on Patricia Neal. - Dr. Patrick Keats, Associate Professor of English Language and Literature. “Gary Cooper and the Lord’s Mysterious Ways” Though not in general a church-going Christian, Gary Cooper had been raised Episcopalian and was always a believer. His wife, Rocky, and daughter, Maria, attended Mass regularly at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Beverly Hills, while Gary joined them for special occasions, like Christmas and Easter. Then one Sunday in 1958, in typically understated fashion, Cooper said, “Hey girls, wait for me.” From that time on, Gary attended Mass regularly with his family. Both Gary and Rocky Cooper then enlisted the aid of Father Harold Ford, a young priest in residence at Good Shepherd, to speak to Cooper and give him regular instructions. Fr. Ford quickly became a friend of the whole family, coming to the house not only to instruct Gary but also to talk to him about guns, hunting, and fishing. After weekly instructions in the Catholic Faith from Fr. Ford, Gary Cooper was baptized a Catholic on April 9, 1959. In the spring of 1960, Gary Cooper was diagnosed with cancer. Gary underwent two operations. Though both operations appeared successful at the time, in fact the cancer soon spread throughout his body. Gary Cooper continued to work, making one more film in England and a major documentary for American television (The Real West). He performed both tasks heroically, much of the time in great pain. During the remaining months of Gary Cooper’s life, his Catholic Faith became a source of immeasurable comfort. On learning, in early 1961, that his cancer had returned and was inoperable, Coop told Rocky and Maria, “We’ll pray for a miracle; but if not, and that’s God’s will, that’s all right too.” Later, on his deathbed and in the midst of tremendous suffering,

Patrick Keats, Ph.D.

Coop thought of his old friend Ernest “Papa” Hemingway, who would die less than two months after Gary. A.E. Hotchner, a mutual friend of both men, recounts the following conversation during his (Hotchner’s) last visit to Cooper: When the pain had passed, Cooper reached his hand over to the bed table and picked up a crucifix, which he put on the pillow beside his head. “Please give Papa a message. . . . Tell him . . . that time I wondered if I made the right decision”– he moved the crucifix a little closer so that it touched his cheek–“Tell him it was the best thing I ever did.” “I’ll tell him.” “Don’t forget.” “Don’t worry, Coop, I’ll tell him.” He died ten days later. Similar accounts of Gary Cooper’s courage and deep faith are given by Monsignor James O’Callaghan, in his 1997 article for Catholic Digest entitled “The Last Days of Gary Cooper.” Fr. O’Callaghan, then a young priest at Good Shepherd, first met the friendly but shy movie star after Sunday Mass, and the two arranged to play golf the following Friday. As the priest recalls, “We had a great time joshing and kidding each other—neither of us challenged the pros.” When he learned that Gary’s cancer had returned and was inoperable, Fr. O’Callaghan told him simply, “Gary, I am so sorry.” Coop’s response was one the priest would never forget: He smiled, put his arms around Rocky and Maria, squeezed them, and said, “You know, Father, God has really blessed me in this life. God has given me so many wonderful gifts. I have a loving wife and daughter, and God has surrounded me with many sincere friends. I have no complaints. If God wants to take me now, it’s OK with me, because God certainly has not shortchanged me.” In the final weeks of his life, Gary received regular visits from Fr. O’Callaghan and, later, Monsignor Daniel Sullivan, who saw him every day for the last two weeks. It was Monsignor Sullivan who administered last rites to Gary on Mary 12, 1961. The following day, at home and with his family around him, Gary Cooper died at 12:47 pm. Writing more than thirty years after the event, Monsignor O’Callaghan wrote, “As a priest, I have prepared many people for death. But I have never met a person more resigned and better disposed for death than Gary Cooper.” Like Sergeant York, the hero he had portrayed twenty years before his death, Gary Cooper experienced firsthand the Lord’s mysterious ways.


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2010 Summer Programs Sacred Music/Chant Summer Program

Latin Immersion Program

Experience Christendom Summer Program

Students who will be entering their junior or senior year of high school in the Fall of 2010 are invited to join Christendom College’s Choir Director, Dr. Kurt Poterack, and guest lecturer, Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, for this inaugural Sacred Music and Chant Program.

Interested in speaking and reading Latin, rather than simply translating Latin? Will you be a high school junior or senior in the Fall of 2010?

Students who will be entering their senior year in high school are invited to join students from across America and around the world to take part in this life-changing summer program.

Dr. Poterack holds a PhD in Music Composition and is a gifted director, editor, and composer. He was the Editor-in-chief on the Adoremus Hymnal editorial committee and is an Editor Emeritus of the Church Music Association of America, as well as Editor-at-large for their quarterly publication, Sacred Music. Fr. Zuhlsdorf was ordained by Pope John Paul II in 1991. He is a former collaborator with the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei and he writes a weekly column in The Wanderer on liturgical translation. One session (with a max. of 20 students) will be held from June 16–20 and will cost $350.

Christendom College Classics Professor Dr. Mark Clark will guide you in deepening your ability to think and converse in Latin, using the same method that modern language immersion programs use, as well as the Latin teaching traditions of the Catholic Church. Meet other young aspiring Latinists from around the country and experience the richness of the Latin language, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Choose one of two one-week sessions, each costing $895. Prior knowledge of Latin is preferred, although not required. July 11–July 17 OR July 18–July 24

Students will experience what life is like as a student at Christendom College. The academic life will be seamlessly joined to the spiritual, physical, moral, and recreational aspects of the Christendom educational experience. Choose one of four one-week sessions, each costing $500 (limited financial assistance is available on a first-come, first serve basis - call for details). Only 40 students will be accepted for each session. Session 1: June 19–June 26 Session 2: June 27–July 4 Session 3: July 10–July 17 Session 4: July 18–July 25

Register Online Today at

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