Instaurare | Winter 2011

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The Christendom College Quarterly Magazine

Winter 2011

College Ranked “Best V alue� page 16

Fighting Obamacare Author Anthony Esolen Addresses Students page 5

page 3

Homecoming 2011 page 14

Origins of the New Roman Missal page 4

Annual Golf Tournament Supports An Extraordinary Athletics Program Winter 2011


From the President

Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS


As we move toward our 35th anniversary The reason I love Christendom and I love our students, is that every celebration next year, I remember that student that goes to Christendom College understands this story. at our 30th anniversary dinner, we were They have answered the question that mankind has raised: What is the privileged to have as our guest, Dr. meaning of Life? What is the most important thing in life? Truly, the Joaquín Navarro-Valls, who had been most important thing in life is our Catholic faith, and, being faithful Pope John Paul’s secretary for decades to Our Lord. and had witnessed the great collapse of communism. Dr. Navarro-Valls was very That was the vision of Dr. Warren Carroll. He was one of those men impressed with Christendom. When he who had faith in his bones. That type of faith and tradition, and that returned to Rome, he sent me an email, which I have always saved love for the True, for the Good, and for the Beautiful, that willingness and keep on my desk at home. After his time at Christendom, he told to make sacrifices— this is what fidelity is about. The fact that there is me: “Christendom is an idea. It is a great idea. And when everything a new generation of students who are coming up, who understand why gets tough, and you might become a bit discouraged, remember that the faith is so important and, ultimately, what the meaning of life is. this is an idea worth fighting for.” Coming from a man who had seen what he had seen and lived the way As the culture continues to decline, he had lived, that is something I have become increasingly Christendom is an idea. It is a great things always kept close to my heart, as a great meaningless, people everywhere tribute to our mission. idea. And when everything gets are looking for the purpose and meaning in life. Fr. Neuhaus talked This current year is a significant year tough, and you might become a bit about the “Catholic moment.” It for us in many ways, especially with discouraged, remember that this is an is always the Catholic moment! the passing of our founder, Dr. Warren To be able to form young people Carroll. In some ways, it was the end idea worth fighting for. in the truth of faith and the truth of an era. But Dr. Carroll’s courage, of reason, so they can embark to his tenacity of purpose, and his vision are something that we want give this message of hope in a joyful and convincing way—this is “an to continue to celebrate and remain faithful to. The beauty of Dr. idea worth fighting for!” Carroll’s vision was that it was the Church’s vision. In fact, with John Paul II’s great document on the Catholic University Ex Corde Ecclesiae, I, as president, want to say how deeply I appreciate the sacrifice so it seems if the Holy Father had in his mind exactly what we were trying many have made for our faith through their support of Christendom to do here at Christendom, founded in 1977 prior to the document’s College: those who have gone to school here, those who are parents, publication in 1990. Consequently, this is a tribute to Dr. Carroll’s and those who are donors. Without you, this college would not exist. vision. Dr. Carroll’s great joy was to be Catholic, and what he desired As we prepare to celebrate the central event of history, the birth of the to do more than anything else was to sentire cum ecclesia, “to think Son of God, who reveals to us fully the true meaning and purpose of with the Church.” life, with all of my heart, I thank you for your support, and may God bless each and every one of you. I would like to share with you a story, taking us back to 1912 to a little tenement in London, where an Irishman, exiled from his native land, was dying. The Irish priest who told me this story had known the priest that was called to this man’s beside to give him Last Rites on INSTAURARE that cold December night. The priest arrived to this little tenement, Published quarterly by the Christendom College Admissions & Marketing Office. where he found the sick man very close to death. As he prepared to Executive Editor: Tom McFadden give him Last Rites, he noticed that the poor man was shivering with Managing Editor & Layout: Niall O’Donnell the cold. Yet, this man had his left foot sticking out of the bed. In compassion, the priest lifted the poor man’s foot to place it back under Christendom College the warmth of the quilt. However, the man pushed his foot back saying, 134 Christendom Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630 “No, Father, no. That foot does not go under the covers.” Disturbed, 800.877.5456 ~ the priest asked him, “Why is that?” Lying on his deathbed, the man feebly explained: Copyright © 2011. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is hereby granted,

Many years ago, during the famine, my family was starving, and I was desperate. I did not know what to do. Then I heard that if I was willing to take instruction at a Protestant church, and was willing to go there, they would give me food for my family. So I got up, and I went there. I opened the door, and I stepped in with my left foot. Then, I suddenly realized what I was doing. I pulled the foot back out. Ever since that day, in a spirit of reparation, I have never put that foot under a cover.



provided the following credit line is used: “Reprinted by permission from INSTAURARE, the quarterly magazine of Christendom College (” SUBSCRIPTION FREE UPON REQUEST. Instauare magazine (pronounced “in-sta-rar-ay”) receives its name from the Latin in the college’s motto, “Instauarare Omnia In Christo” or “To Restore All Things in Christ.” Christendom College does not discriminate against any applicant or student on the basis of race, sex, color, or national origin.

Cover Story Tournament Supports Extraordinary Athletics Program


Christendom College hosted the 2nd Annual Thomas S. Vander Woude Memorial Golf Tournament on October 7 at the Blue Ridge Shadows Golf Club in Front Royal, VA. Kicking-off homecoming weekend, the tournament raised over $10,000 for the College’s Scholar-Athlete Scholarship. “It was another great success,” Athletic Director and event organizer Chris Vander Woude said. “The beautiful day guaranteed a great time and was enjoyed by all. I can’t thank all the participants, sponsors, and volunteers enough for their generous support of the tournament.” Alumni, friends, and supporters of the College came together to assist in the hosting of the tournament, which featured various contests, raffles, and door prizes. Ranked as the 3rd best golf course in Virginia, Blue Ridge Shadows provided participants with a great game of golf. Joseph Volk, Mike Volk, Scott Hardy, and Scott Rohland of National Vendor Management Services were the tournament winners. The tournament, which included over 120 golfers and close to 50 committed donors, featured a real-time scoring system and tournament updates via text messaging for all participants. 8SYVREQIRX ;MRRIVW .SWITL :SPO 1MOI :SPO 7GSXX ,EVH] ERH 7GSXX 6SLPERH The Thomas S. Vander Woude Memorial Scholar-Athlete SJ 2EXMSREP :IRHSV 1EREKIQIRX 7IVZMGIW Scholarship strives to offer students who excel in academics, future, and efforts are being made to establish an endowment for the leadership, and athletics the chance to attend Christendom. scholarship fund, providing a truly lasting legacy. Former Athletic Director Tom Vander Woude—for whom the scholarship is named—died saving the life of his youngest son on In its inaugural year the scholarship was awarded to Mary Barbale September 8, 2008. He was dedicated to the character development from Charlton, MA. This year the scholarship was awarded to Joseph and personal formation of young people, especially in the areas of both Walsh of Baltimore, MD. Walsh attended Franklin High School just outside Baltimore where he played basketball as well as participated intercollegiate and intramural athletics. in ROTC programs. Both Barbale and Walsh were at the tournament, Recipients of the scholarship are given the opportunity—as Thomas assisting with registration and even playing. Vander Woude believed in—to be formed mentally, spiritually, and physically. The scholarship is awarded to one incoming freshman “I cannot thank everyone enough for the support and generosity they each year, as funds permit. More scholarships hope to be added in the have shown since the founding of this scholarship in honor of my


Winter 2011


father,” Vander Woude said. “Three years ago we were thinking about starting this scholarship and hoping that we would be able to support it. Now, due to the support and generosity of so many, we are adding a second scholarship to be awarded each year. We are so excited about enabling more young student-athletes like Mary and Joe the ability to make a difference by being a Crusader.”


Christendom boasts one of the most unique sports programs in the nation featuring a high level of competition centered on the Faith. The sports are not seen as an end in themselves, but rather as a kind of formation. The teams offer the men or women involved a great way to grow in the light of the Catholic faith. The program emphasizes the necessity to give one hundred percent. Coaches challenge students and ask them: if you can’t give your all for the sport you love then how are you going to give your all in your academic or prayer life? The life-perspective and the qualities that the coaching staff tries to instill are invaluable. Freshman Elizabeth Slaten was attracted to sports at Christendom when she was in high school for this very reason. “Everything is centered around Christ,” she says. “All of our practices begin and end with a prayer and the coaches and players really try to live good Christian lives. At Christendom, sports are important, but they have their place. I think that is what makes Christendom athletics special. The sports are there for us to play competitively, but they are not there to become the center of our lives.” The Crusader athletics program offers varsity-level soccer (for men and women), basketball (for men and women), baseball (for men), rugby (for men), and volleyball (for women). The program also boasts a popular intramural program, in which over 40% of the student body regularly participates. Intramural sports include whiffleball, volleyball, dodgeball, indoor soccer, basketball, tennis, and racquetball.




Anyone interested in more information about athletics at Christendom, the scholar-athlete scholarship, or donating to the scholarship fund should contact Athletic Director Chris Vander Woude at athletics@ or visit 'LVMW :ERHIV ;SYHI GSRKVEXYPEXIW *V 6SFIVX . ;EKRIV SR [MRRMRK XLI ±0SRKIWX (VMZI² 'SQTIXMXMSR



Christendom College, known throughout the world for its faithful adherence to the teachings of the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church, joined seventeen other Catholic colleges and universities and The Cardinal Newman Society in an appeal to the Obama administration to exempt all religious objectors from a mandate requiring health insurance plans to cover sterilization and contraceptives—both of which are contrary to Catholic Church teaching. “It is very troubling that our government, which claims to believe in freedom and tolerance, would take such a draconian measure,� Christendom College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell said. “This mandate violates the natural rights of conscience and should never be forced upon Catholic institutions of higher learning.� The appeal was organized by The Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education, a division of The Cardinal Newmanp Society (CNS), and authored by attorneys Kevin Theriot and Matthew Bowman of the Alliance Defense Fund. Joining the Center and 18 colleges in the letter were the Society of Catholic Social Scientists and Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Curry of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Bishop Curry, who signed in his individual capacity, is chairman of the Committee for Catholic Education at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. “This health insurance mandate is potentially very damaging to Catholic higher education, both in its immediate impact on the moral climate of colleges and universities and its broader implications for the Constitutional rights of religious employers,� said Msgr. Stuart Swetland, Executive Director of the Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education and Vice President for Mission at Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, MD. The letter sent to the Obama Administration cites the official summary of the mandate, in which HHS acknowledges “that one reason it


was rushed to finalization prior to the notice and comment period was precisely to ensure that collegiate women would have access to ‘contraception,’ abortifacients, sterilization and the like as quickly and as freely as possible.� The mandate will likely force Catholic colleges to include such coverage in student health plans. “These regulations, which claim to be defending the rights and the dignity of women, are actually completely destructive to the dignity of women,� O’Donnell said. Together the Catholic colleges, Catholic higher education groups, and Bishop Curry call on HHS to issue “a blanket, non-discretionary exemption from the Mandate for any employer, issuer, payer, individual, or entity who in his or its own determination has any religious or moral objection to providing, issuing, enrolling in, participating in, paying for or otherwise facilitating or cooperating in coverage of any required practice or of any required provision of information.� “I commend The Center for the Advancement of Catholic Higher Education for taking a leadership role,� O’Donnell said. “We are honored to add our voice to this cry for fundamental justice.�

%VPMRKXSR (MSGIWI 4VMIWX *V 4EYP 7GEPME HIPMZIVIH E PIGXYVI to students on November 7 entitled Clarity and Charity: The Catholic Response to the Challenge of Homosexuality.

Winter 2011


1WKV ;EHW[SVXL )\TPEMRW the New Roman Missal


Theologian Msgr. Andrew R. Wadsworth delivered a talk, entitled The Making of the Missal, to the students and faculty of Christendom College on September 19. Msgr. Wadsworth, the Executive Director of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL), examined the role of the Commission in producing the new translation of the missal of the Roman Rite. At ICEL, Msgr. Wadsworth has worked to prepare the English translations of Latin liturgical books and texts in accord with the directives of the Holy See. He is a priest of the Archdiocese of Westminster, England, and has taken a leading role in his country in promoting the worthy celebration of the liturgy in both the ordinary and extraordinary forms of the Roman Rite. “A frequent observation made in relation to the new translation is that it is more formal,” Msgr. Wadsworth said. He clarified that the formal language was used to reflect the quality and the characteristics of the original Latin text. It also avoided the regional differences, which are found in the English language when it is used colloquially. “The difference that we have in our language, when we use it in an everyday way, does not exist to the same level when we move everything up a notch,” he said. “When we move everything to a more formal register of the use of English, then we have a language that is common across regional and national boundaries.”

he said. “Great care has been taken in the preparation of something which is so precious to us.” He said that a base translator, who is accomplished in both linguistics and theology, initially translates each text. That translation is then evaluated by a team of four bishops, who present the text to the 11 bishops who serve on ICEL. The text then goes to the 11 conferences that those bishops represent. There, comments and recommendations are made, after which it is sent back to ICEL. ICEL makes adjustments to the translation and then it goes back to the 11 conferences for review. With a 2/3-majority vote, it is approved and sent to the Holy See. Concluding, Msgr. Wadsworth said that the purpose of the production of the English edition of the Missal—and the guiding purpose in all of ICEL’s activity— is to create a dignified celebration of the sacred liturgy enabling all people to come to a greater experience of the saving mysteries that are celebrated.

Wa d s w o r t h r e a d a n example of the original Latin text from the missal and then two versions of a translation—one from the current missal and one from the new missal.

“I would suggest that if we were to characterize those “In that respect, the goal of two different approaches, ICEL and Christendom College the current translation is is essentially one and the same,” a bit flat,” he said. “The he said. ideas are there, but they’ve sort of been squashed. In This timely and informative A frequent observation made in relation to lecture was part of Christendom the new translation, they are re-inflated. They have the new translation is that it is more formal. College’s Major Speakers Program something of the natural a n d c a n b e d ow n l o a d e d a t balance that is evident in the Latin. The phrases balance each other Christendom on iTunes U, perfectly, the ideas are well presented, and you get a greater sense of what the prayer is about.” Christendom College’s Major Speakers Program is an important aspect of the academic life at the College, offering the students and Msgr. Wadsworth also explained the process of achieving the new community an opportunity for cultural, intellectual, and spiritual translation, which was implemented in the United States on November enrichment beyond the classroom. The program offers students the 27, 2011. opportunity to gain greater insights and depth of understanding of important issues, and to interact personally with a wide range of men “The bishops are involved in every stage of the production of this text,” and women who are shapers and critics of our society.



Anthony Esolen Exposes Society’s Misunderstanding of Love


Acclaimed author and professor, Dr. Anthony Esolen, delivered a talk entitled The Gift of Self: Modern Culture’s Impact on Love to the College community on October 24. Part of the College’s Major Speakers Program, the talk examined how modern society’s understanding of human love has destroyed all sense of mystery and imagination. A professor at Providence College, Esolen explained that society has reduced love to sex, and sex to hygiene—a reduction that has occurred due to a skewed view of what it is to know something. He described modern society’s idea of knowledge as having “analyzed a thing’s measurable features so as to make use of it for profit or pleasure.” This misunderstanding of knowledge is why physical functions are described with clinical detachment in contemporary sex education courses. “All the sense of mystery is destroyed,” he said. Esolen suggested that in order to gain true knowledge, one must be open to the mystery of a thing’s being.

we are is revealed back to us by those who receive our love. The lover may even come to know us better than we know ourselves.”

Esolen cited the account of the creation of man and woman in Genesis to illustrate the mystery of a humble knowing and loving of another, which We do not practice the virtue of purity then brings about a knowledge of oneself.

for what it will help us obtain, we practice it because it is right and just. ’

“We surrender ourselves to it in humility,” he said. Quoting the theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar, Esolen said, “There is no true knowledge without humility.” This humility, coupled with a “gift of self,” results in a true knowledge and love. “We know ourselves truly through loving another,” he said. “‘What Students and faculty lined up to speak with Esolen following his talk to HMWGYWW XLI XSTMG JYVXLIV

“God has given men to women and women to men not only to prolong the species, but to open our minds, keeping in mind the mystery that each sex presents to the other,” he said. Where there is a sense of mystery and a proper understanding of what it means to know something, you find a healthy imagination and the readiness to delight in the goodness of each sex, rather than a readiness “to scorn it, ignore it, or pervert it,” he explained. Esolen proposed the virtue of purity as the answer to society’s current misunderstanding of love and sex. He observed that while abstinence is defined by absence and refraining, purity is “an essential light radiating from the core of the holy.” Purity does not deny the power of sex, but rejoices in that power. It is impurity that degrades, denies, and despises the power of sex, he said. “We do not practice the virtue of purity for what it will help us obtain, we practice it because it is right and just,” he said. “The reward comes from the virtue itself. We will not only see the sexes in their beauty, we’ll become the sorts of people who delight in that vision. We’ll become the sorts of people who maybe behold the lowliest thing—the chicken on the fence, the orange blossom—and enter into the mystery and the truth.” This talk, along with many others, may be downloaded at Christendom on iTunes U,

Winter 2011


Recent Graduates Excel in Politics at National and State Levels


“To have a political education founded in theory, philosophy, and practical implications is priceless,” 2010 alumna Emily Jaroma says. Jaroma is one of many Christendom College alumni, who have gone into politics and found themselves to be effective and prized members in the administrations of elected officials. Jaroma serves on the Joint Economic Committee for Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) and is also pursuing a Master’s Degree in Government from Johns Hopkins University. Working as a Research Assistant, she covers a variety of issues including, budget, taxes, welfare, monetary policy, and health care.

‘ I am proud to have come from a school

that taught me what is worth fighting for and providing me with a balanced understanding of faith, government, and prayer.’

Jaroma says that it would be “an understatement” to say that her liberal arts education gave her a well-rounded education. She points out that even though she majored in political science, she also studied history and philosophy—amongst other subjects. “The very fact that my education is not so specialized does not put me at a disadvantage, but rather at an advantage,” she says. “I understand why we believe in limited government and a free economic system, and I can effectively communicate these and other points to those with whom I work, in theory and practicality.” She notes that while politics is the free exchange of ideas, in order to change the establishment, you have to effectively communicate those ideas. “Sometimes simply citing data is not enough,” she says. “If you can read and write well, you can effectively and clearly communicate your ideas to any audience,” Jaroma says. “Christendom’s emphasis on reading and writing has made it extremely easy for me to %PYQRE )QMP] .EVSQE transition to the Hill, where communicating clearly is so important.” Chris Dayton, a political science major also from the Class of 2010, agrees with Jaroma. He, too, finds his Christendom education invaluable, saying that the College’s Political Science Department prepared him for his career “extremely well.” Originally from



%PYQRYW 'LVMW (E]XSR [MXL 2I[ .IVWI] +SZIVRSV 'LVMW 'LVMWXMI Manasquan, NJ, Dayton works as the Chief of Staff to the Minority Whip of the General Assembly in New Jersey’s State Legislature. Dayton specifically mentions Political Science professor Bracy Bersnak’s classes on political theory and philosophy as being very helpful, saying that he experiences many different political theories when encountering elected officials. Political Science professor Dr. Bernard Way’s Political Practica class helped Dayton see the various avenues he could take his career and also gave him the opportunity to meet and discuss his many questions with those in public service. History professor Dr. Adam Schwartz informed him of where America, as a people, had started and what policies of antiquity to remember. Political Science professor Dr. Luckey provided him with an understanding of economics, which has proven crucial in New Jersey politics today. Finally, Political Science professor Rafael Madan, in his Constitutional Law class, provided him with an understanding of the law in a way that Dayton says he could never have experienced anywhere else. It wasn’t just Dayton’s intellect that was enriched at Christendom. “Christendom’s education also provided me with a sense of balance and helped me achieve a work ethic that I can be proud of—having the discipline to sit down and get my work done,” he says. “I am proud to have come from a school that taught me what is worth fighting for and providing me with a balanced understanding of faith, government, and prayer.” Like Jaroma, Dayton sees his Christendom liberal arts degree as a great asset in his career. He says that in politics there is a real need to be able to comprehend a lot of information from various topics.

“One day, I could be talking about pension and benefit reform and be able to give my boss a full review of the policy, or the next, be talking about education reform,” he says. “Being able to handle many different subject matters is a must and, with my liberal arts degree, I am able to accomplish that.”

“I consider my job to be a form of public service and I take to heart that I am there to help those in my community,” he says.

Dayton admits that being a Republican in a Democratic state is difficult, but he is confident that through the values and education that he gained at Christendom, he will always have a strong foundation to fall back on.

“Well, I have to say that nothing can be further from the truth. People are working hard every day in all different fields and issues in politics for change, it just takes a while.”

“Some people may say that there is no hope in politics and that some things are never going to change,” says Jaroma.

College Website Wins Exclusive Award


Christendom College’s Admissions Office website is among the most highly rated in the country, scoring in the top 100 of all sites rated. The site was recognized in the 13th annual My College Options® Enrollment Power Index® (EPI), an analysis of the admissions websites of nearly 3,000 colleges and universities. “We are proud to have our admissions website recognized by My College Options as one of the leading sites in the nation,” said Admissions Director Tom McFadden. “We developed our site with the knowledge that potential students would be looking here for critical admissions information. As a result, we have made strides to constantly update our site with the latest tools and information that meet the needs of students and ensure that they can learn about what we have to offer.” is the nation’s largest online college planning program. Every summer, its staff of college admissions and internet experts conducts a research-based analysis that measures how well college and university websites provide information to prospective students to assist them through the application process. Of the post-secondary institutions whose sites were graded, less than 45% earned a score of A or B. “Very few institutions are able to keep up with the rapidly increasing demands of prospective students when it comes to online user experience,” said Don Munce, President of NRCCUA®. “To be rated in the top 100 Admissions websites is a powerful statement that the institution has a focus on the cutting-edge.”



On September 14, the 34th anniversary of the College’s founding, the College celebrated Founder’s Day. The 11:30 am Mass was offered for the repose of the soul of College founder, Dr. Warren Carroll, who died this past July 17. Then at 4:45 pm, students, faculty, and staff gathered for the blessing of a new roadside crucifix, donated to the College by faculty members Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rice. Following the blessing, College Chaplain Fr. Donald Planty led a procession to the grave site of Dr. Carroll, where there was a special blessing and hymns sung. In conclusion, Christendom students Sadie Bratt, Meghan Kelly, and Katie Shannon sang a moving rendition of the popular song, “Oh Shenandoah.” All, including Dr. Carroll’s wife, Anne, were able to pay their respects and pray for the repose of his soul. The day concluded with a 6 pm Rosary, offered in the Chapel of Christ the King for Dr. Carroll, and a reflection on Carroll’s life by College President Dr. Timothy O’Donnell.





Lady Crusaders Volleyball Steals the Fall


Last year, under first-year head coach and Philosophy professor Mr. Mike Brown, the Lady Crusaders volleyball team completed their first-ever winning season. This year, the team continued to improve and finished the season with an impressive 13-4 record. “When we won our first two games against Division III opponents, I thought this might be a pretty special season,” Coach Brown said. He certainly was right. Not only did the Lady Crusaders win their first two games, they finished the season with a 5-1 record against NCAA Division III opponents. This stat definitely stands at the top of recent Crusader team achievements and will be a milestone to achieve for many teams afterward. The one loss to a Division III opponent, Hood College of Frederick, MD, ended up being the best volleyball match the Lady Crusaders played during the season. Hood came out very strong and won the first two games, both by a score of 25-21. Following the huddle at the beginning of the third game, the Lady Crusaders came out and played the next two games at an extremely high level. Despite being

‘ When we won our first two games against Division III opponents, I thought this might be a pretty special season. ’

outsized by Hood, the Lady Crusaders battled hard, extending plays and outlasting the other team multiple times. With each point, the Lady Crusaders built confidence. Fueled by near perfect play and the home court advantage of the Christendom Crazies, the Lady Crusaders won the third game, 25-23, and thus signaled a turning point. The next game saw the Lady Crusaders race out to an early lead against the Blazers of Hood. Led by the stellar play of junior Anna Harris, freshman Clare Duda was able to make accurate sets to the front-line hitters, including Bridget Vander Woude, Theresa Jalsevac,

and Mary Barbale. As the game went on, Hood sensed the change in momentum. Hood used both of its time-outs in an effort to try and stop the Crusader onslaught. Unfortunately for the Lady Crusaders, it worked and the Blazers fought back into the game and pulled out a nail-biter by a score of 27-25. The next night, the Lady Crusaders faced the Gators of the College of Notre Dame in Maryland—another Division III opponent—and fueled by the confidence from the night before the team won the match in five games. The season in general, but specifically these two games, really drove home the fact that the Lady Crusaders volleyball team “has arrived.” Taking a good Hood team to the brink of a fifth game and then defeating the Gators in five games showed the will, determination, and skill which the team played with throughout the entire season. “These are definitely two of the matches that stand out in my mind from the season since they were against good competition and we played some of our best volleyball during them,” junior Anna Harris said. The team defeated Washington Bible College in the Championship game of the Shenandoah Chesapeake Conference, finishing a historical 13-4 season. Best of all might be the fact that the team graduates no members of the starting lineup and will hopefully enjoy more years of having the best setter on the court: freshman Clare Duda. Duda demonstrated every game that she was the best setter—if not player on the court—through her decision-making and quality sets. She and fellow freshman starter Gabrielle Muskett were key additions to this year’s team and hopefully will help the team continue its winning ways in the upcoming years. Junior Theresa Jalsevac and sophomore Mary Barbale finished as the leaders in blocks for the team and sophomore Bridget Vander Woude led the team in kills. The team would like to thank all their fans who came out to support them throughout the season and coaches, Mr. Mike Brown, Mr. Josh Petersen, and Mr. Jesse Dorman for their dedication during the past season.



Players Have Audiences Rolling with Laughter During Room Service


The Christendom College Players performed Room Service on November 11-13. A comedy about show business, the Players captured the zany humor of the 1930’s Broadway play with colorful characters and witty lines delivered at a breakneck speed. Dr. Patrick Keats, a professor of literature and experienced producer of plays at Christendom College, directed the production and was assisted by College alumna Mar y Harrington, as well as students junior Kelly Lawyer and senior Brianna Miller. “The energy of the play’s characters was certainly matched by the enthusiasm of our cast, which included many freshmen,” Keats said. “We had a great time and lots of laughs at rehearsals, and I think that enjoyment was passed on to our audiences.” Every year the Christendom Players produce two plays: one in the fall and one in the spring. And because Christendom does not have a drama department, students from across all disciplines are welcome to audition for the performances, making Christendom’s liberal arts experience rich in the fine arts as well.



Winter 2011




On September 16-18, Christendom College hosted its top donors at the Second Annual President’s Council Visit Weekend, one of the Advancement Office’s “Meet Christendom College” events. The weekend gave over 50 donors the opportunity to sit in on classes, meet students, take a cruise down the Shenandoah River, enjoy musical performances by students, and attend the Awards Dinner. The President’s Council is an organization dedicated to the advancement of the College through financial and personal involvement. As the principal donor recognition society of the College, the President’s Council plays a vital role well beyond the Annual Fund Program. Its purpose is to foster an environment among alumni, parents, and friends of the College that promotes financial

support and volunteer leadership. President’s Council members provide critical support to programs that serve Christendom students and advance the College’s mission. Specifically, gifts from President’s Council members provide student scholarships and student financial assistance; attract quality faculty and support their professional development; sustain and upgrade the technological tools necessary for effective teaching and learning; and meet the needs of students with enhanced student services. President’s Council membership is open to alumni, parents, and friends who meet or exceed the recognition level of $1,000 in annual support during the course of each fiscal year running July 1 to June 30. Members may renew their gift annually to retain their membership and may make donations anytime throughout the year.






Quality Enhancement Plan Moves Forward


In the fall issue of Instaurare, readers were introduced to Christendom College’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Education for a Lifetime: Christendom’s Academic and Professional Integration Program, or ELP. Now, as the year continues to progress, so does this important initiative of the College’s re-accreditation process. ELP is designed to address the two central pillars of the College’s QEP. The first pillar is that the program should extend over a student’s entire time at Christendom. That is why the courses being developed in support of ELP (more on those in the next issue in the spring) are designed to be spread over two years and include classes or workshops each semester. The other pillar is that the program is not simply a career development program, but one that integrates the liberal arts into each student’s preparation for life after Christendom. The QEP Leadership Team felt it of critical importance that the liberal arts mission of the College both form the core of and be reinforced by the ELP approach. In light of the need to address these two QEP pillars, the overarching goal of Christendom’s ELP is to enhance the students’ learning environment. ELP will do that by empowering students to: 1.

Integrate the liberal arts; that is, develop an understanding of how their liberal arts education and the broader Christendom experience are profoundly connected with forming them to be men and women who will contribute to the Christian renovation of the temporal order.


Build confidence; that is, develop themselves into confident, hopeful, and enthusiastic leaders, capable of integrating what they learn and do at Christendom with their lives in the world after graduation.


Take the next step; that is, prepare themselves to develop initiatives, determine direction, and take action with regard to their role as

faithful, informed, and articulate members of Christ’s Church and society through the acquisition of necessary practical skills. Coming up next semester will be a very important aspect of the re-accreditation process: the visit by the SACS OnSite Reaffirmation Committee (OSRC). The OSRC will be on campus in late March and the students will play a role in their visit. In accordance with SACS re-accreditation process, the OSRC is “expected to examine and evaluate, as appropriate, the institution’s mission, policies, procedures, programs, resources, services, and other activities as they support compliance� with the SACS accreditation standards. Beyond that basic role, however, the OSRC is also charted to assess Christendom’s implementation of its QEP. In performing its role while on campus, the OSRC will review documentation and conduct interviews with various groups of faculty, staff, and students.

Christendom in Europe: (V 3´(SRRIPP HIPMZIVIH E talk at the First Sacred Heart World Congress in Paray-le1SRMEP *VERGI SR 3GXSFIV His talk examined the history of devotion to the Sacred ,IEVX *VSQ *VERGI 3´(SRRIPP traveled to Rome where he %WWMWXERX 'LETPEMR *V .SWITL *S\ [LS [EW PIEHMRK E TMPKVMQEKI MR 6SQI gave tours to the students in XLI 'SPPIKI´W 6SQI 4VSKVEQ celebrated 1EWW EX 7ER 'PIQIRXI [MXL XLI IRXMVI 'LVMWXIRHSQ KVSYT

Winter 2011


This Fall at Christendom












Vietnamese Priest Finds Home in Catechetics Program


A new student has arrived to study at the Christendom Graduate School. He wears a Roman collar and traveled halfway across the world to study at the Graduate School in Alexandria, VA. Fr. Andrew Phu Vinh Luong began his MA studies in September at the request of his bishop, The Most Reverend Paul Nguyen Thanh Hoan of the diocese of Phan Thiet, Vietnam. Fr. Andrew is answering the call to earn a master’s degree in Catechetics so that he can help shape catechetical formation is his home diocese. Fr. Andrew has always had a passion for catechesis, and used to teach catechetics at his local seminary. As a result, he was thrilled when his bishop sent him for further study. He spent two years in Houston, TX, perfecting his English, before coming to Virginia to enroll at Christendom. Fr. Andrew is enthusiastic about his coursework and is always upbeat. “The more I study…the more I love God and His Church,” he says. He sometimes leads the prayer at the beginning of class and blesses his fellow students. He also offers Mass on a weekly basis at the Graduate School. “My first aspiration is to achieve my duty in studying as my bishop wishes,” he says. “And my dream would be for the bishop to assign me to manage the catechetical program for our entire diocese.” Fr. Andrew was born in 1966 in the Muong Man Commune of Vietnam’s Binh Thuan Province, and from the age of ten, helped in the family labor on a farm, while attending school through junior high. He seemed destined for life on the farm until a debilitating illness threatened to curtail his life. At only 16 years old, he contracted an intestinal hemorrhage, from which everyone expected him to die. But after three painful months of illness and convalescence, he regained full health. Crediting his recovery to the grace of God, the young farmer resolved to enter the priesthood in response to God’s call. But the road to ordination was rocky, as the Vietnamese government and society commonly discriminated against Catholics and denied them educational opportunities. Without a high school diploma, seminary was out of the question. Three years passed until one day, while Fr. Andrew was working on the railroad, a guard inexplicably selected him to take an examination (normally closed to Catholics) that would permit him to attend a technical high school, the Technical Secondary School of Railway Branch in Sai Gon. Thus armed with the equivalent

of a high school diploma, Phu met the admissions requirement for seminary, and his bishop approved his application. However, due to government restrictions on seminary entrance, Fr. Andrew was not allowed to enter the seminary and thus was forced to continue his job at the railroad for several more years. Finally, in 1991, he received permission to enter St. Joseph’s Seminary, where he graduated and was ordained deacon in 1997, and ordained a priest on August 27, 1998. For ten years, Fr. Andrew served at the diocesan headquarters, where he held varied administrative and pastoral roles, such as secretary for altar boys and for sacred music, catechetics professor, diocesan treasurer, parish administrator, member of diocesan council, and head of various building boards. Having overcome—with God’s grace—so many challenges on the road to priesthood, and having come to the United States and learned English, Fr. Andrew now proceeds to the next challenge in his vocational journey: earning an MA in Theological Studies with an emphasis on Catechetics.


Register today at GLVMWXIRHSQ IHY KVEH Winter 2011


Homecoming Reunites Alumni From Across the Decades


Homecoming weekend 2011 saw the return to campus of many alumni, with an extra large contingent from the early 1980s and ‘90s. Held over the Columbus Day weekend, October 7-9, this year’s homecoming offered alumni an opportunity to come back to campus and rekindle their friendships with their classmates from so long ago. Many alumni joined friends and benefactors of the College at the 2nd Annual Thomas S. Vander Woude Memorial Golf Tournament on Friday, October 7. The tournament was a great success, and raised over $10,000 for the Thomas S. Vander Woude Athlete-Scholar Scholarship fund (more information may be found on page 1). Later that evening, the men and women of the alumni ranks took on the current students in the always exciting annual Alumni vs Students basketball games. The Lady Alumnae played hard against the Lady Crusaders, going into double overtime but losing in the final seconds. The Men Alumni played well against the Crusaders and came out on top, with an incredible performance by Pat Vander Woude ‘05 who scored 23 points in just 26 minutes of play. The Post-Game Reception was held in St. Kilian’s Café, drawing approximately 150 alumni and students, where everyone had the chance to relax and socialize with one another. Saturday’s Class of 2001 Ten-Year Reunion Luncheon was held in the Chester-Belloc Room of the Regina Coeli Building and catered by Alumni Relations Director Tom McFadden. Many members of the faculty and staff were present at the luncheon and enjoyed reminiscing about the “good ‘ole days” with the alumni who were present. On Saturday evening, the main event for the weekend—the Warren H. Carroll Alumni Reception—was held in the Chapel Crypt. Over 250 alumni were present at the event to enjoy fine

food (prepared by College Chef Dennis and his staff) and beverages, as well as great conversations. Many alumni also joined the students at the Homecoming Dance which featured Yesterday—a 17 piece swing orchestra. Members of the Class of 1991 celebrated their 20th Anniversary by meeting for hors d’oeuvres and drinks in the Chester-Belloc Room prior to the dance. Many people who had not been to the campus in a while attended this event, organized by members of the Class of 1991, Kathy (Moriarty) Williams and Kathy (Harrigan) Foeckler. A number of alumni who attended Christendom in the early 1980s traveled back to campus and had their own mini-reunion at a local alumna’s home, and then later attended the Warren H. Carroll Alumni Reception. For some of them, the last time they were on campus was 1983 or 1984, so they had a wonderful time seeing all of the changes that have happened on campus over the years. On Sunday, during the East vs West football game, alumni and students enjoyed watching a close game that saw the East finally beat the West (13-12). Alumni and their families took advantage of the tailgating opportunities that were available during the game. Next year’s Homecoming Weekend is scheduled for October 5-7 and will feature a 20 year reunion for the Class of 1992 and a 10 year reunion luncheon for the Class of 2002, as well as many more events for all the alumni.








)EWX W[IIX ZMGXSV] Winter 2011


Where in the World is Tim Flagg?


Recently, Major Gifts Officer Tim Flagg’s travels took him to Tennessee where he visited with alumni, Joe and Melia Ghering. Flagg and the Gherings enjoyed dining outside, café style, at Picasso’s, a restaurant owned by Melia’s brother. Both Joe and Melia attended Christendom and had their own particular stories about what brought them there and what made them stay.

“I was very hesitant when I first saw the campus,” Melia said, “but once I started talking to some of the faculty and students, I knew I found a place where the education would be excellent and my faith would be right at home.”


Joe agrees. “Being a graduate of Seton School, I had some exposure to Christendom but there was still a lot I didn’t know about it,” he said. “My parents were really instrumental in fostering the desire for a Christendom education. I’m so thankful!” The Gherings have been faithful donors to Christendom since they graduated and are homeschooling their 7 children. “We’re grooming them for Christendom,” Melia said. Joe and Melia have a desire to “spread the news about Christendom at any opportunity” and they encourage their fellow alumni to do the same. Joe and Melia are proud of their Christendom education and the global impact the College is achieving. “Christendom may be young by institutional standards, but its effectiveness in producing intelligent, articulate, and faithful people who form the Church is profound,” Joe said. Look for Tim Flagg in his coming travels to Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York!

College Ranked “Best Value” by Kiplinger


Christendom is once again included in an exclusive ranking of the top 100 liberal arts colleges in the nation in Kiplinger’s Personal Finance. Kiplinger’s made the announcement in early November, including Christendom in its annual list of best values in private institutions, naming the private universities and liberal arts colleges that combine outstanding quality with affordability. “The institutions on Kiplinger’s rankings for best value in private colleges represent schools that provide high-quality academics as well as affordable cost even in these tough times,” says Jane Bennett Clark, Senior Associate Editor for Kiplinger’s Personal Finance. “With money tight and the college choice so important, you have every reason to expect the best bang for your buck.” Each year, Kiplinger assesses quality according to measurable standards, including the percentage of students who are admitted out of those who applied, the test scores of incoming freshmen, the ratio of students to faculty members, and graduation rates. This year, Kiplinger adjusted its criteria to better reflect the issues affecting families. Now, the rankings give more weight to the four-year graduation rate—a measure of the college’s ability to deliver academic support and of the overall cost to families—and to colleges that keep student debt down. “While the criteria have shifted, the focus on value remains the same,” Clark says. “Many of the schools on the list have appeared in Kiplinger’s rankings in previous years, demonstrating that these schools



consistently deliver good value.” The average cost of one year at a four-year private school has lately been about $37,000, according to the College Board. “Christendom’s cost, including room and board, comes in well below the average at $27,540,” says Christendom’s Director of Admissions Tom McFadden. “And many students are able to deduct up to $20,000 off that price through our robust financial aid program. Assistance will vary in size—based on need, merit, and other factors—but you’re not going to find our caliber of education and personal formation anywhere in the country—especially at a price like that.” The annual Kiplinger top-100 rankings appear in Kiplinger’s December issue. An expanded ranking with a total of 200 private institutions appears on Kiplinger’s web site, at www.kiplinger. com/links/college. The website features a tool that lets readers sort colleges according to the criteria that most interest them as well as answers to the most frequently asked questions about Kiplinger’s annual rankings. Recently ranked one of the top ten colleges in the nation by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Christendom appears in numerous other national secular and religious guides each year including Barron’s Best Buys, Peterson’s Competitive Colleges, The Newman Guide to Choosing a Catholic College, and others.

Omnia in Christo Truth in St. Thomas Aquinas


‘Truth’ has several senses in Aquinas. Two common principles serve to unify these various senses. The first is that ‘true’ (verum) and ‘being’ (ens) are convertible terms. The thought is that a thing is knowable just insofar as it exists (even if it exists just in the intellect, as in the case of negative realities and ‘possibles’). ‘True’ imports relation to an intellect as ‘good’ imports relation to an appetite. In both cases, what is ‘true’ or ‘good’ is some being (ens or ‘existing thing’). ‘True’ is being under the aspect of its intelligibility. That leads directly to the second principle: Truth is a relation— specifically, a relation of conformity—between intellect and thing. Thus, truth in its most fundamental sense is, for Aquinas, an adequatio intellectus et rei—a proportion of equivalence between the intellect and the thing it knows. These two principles immediately highlight the distinction between two senses of truth outlined above: truth in things and truth in the intellect composing and dividing.

Robert Joseph Matava, PhD

truth by asking whether truth resides only in the intellect or also in things. The assumption is that truth is in the intellect; the question is whether it is anywhere else. As we have seen, Thomas concludes that truth is in things, but that it is primarily in the intellect. However, the sense in which Thomas here holds truth to reside primarily in the intellect is not by the intellect’s reflexive judgment of its own conformity with given reality (composing and dividing to form a speculative proposition), although this is one way truth is in the human intellect. Nor is the assumed sense the intellect’s conformity with given reality in the intellect’s first operation (which is presupposed by such a reflexive judgment). Albeit, truth is in the intellect in this second way also, but just as in quadam re vera—as in any thing that is true—because in grasping what a thing is, the intellect has the form proper to its nature. Rather, Thomas concludes that “truth resides primarily in the intellect and secondarily in things according as they are related to the intellect as their principle.”

St. Thomas maintains truth is both in the intellect and in things. But while he acknowledges truth in some sense is in things, he maintains that truth is not primarily in things, but in the intellect. Moreover, “properly speaking, truth resides in the intellect composing and dividing.” In other words, truth is chiefly in the Here, two things must be noted. The first is that the ‘relation to intellect, and not simply by the intellect’s first grasp of being, an intellect’ in which the truth of things consists is specifically a whereby it has the form proper to its nature in possessing a likeness conformity of the thing to its conceptual archetype or exemplar of the thing known (since the form proper to the intellect’s nature idea. Insofar as a thing conforms to its exemplar idea, it has the is ‘knowing’ or ‘apprehending’). Rather, truth is properly in the ‘form proper to its nature’ and is said to be ‘true.’ The second thing intellect’s reflexive act of judging that the likeness it bears of the to note is that the intellect by conformity to which things are here thing known corresponds to the way that thing is in actual fact. said to be true is the divine intellect. Truth To make such a judgment is not merely to is in things by virtue of the relation things ‘form a quiddity’ or apprehend the essence T h o m a s b e g i n s h i s bear to the mind of God, for “everything is of a thing (quod quid est); it is to form a called ‘true’ absolutely, according to a relation proposition about what is real by—most consideration of truth to the intellect on which it depends” and all fundamentally—using ‘is’ in a copulative things depend on the mind of the Creator for sense (or by employing some grammatical by asking whether truth they have of being and intelligibility. equivalent). Truth, then, is primarily in the resides only in the intellect whatever For Thomas then, the primary sense in which intellect insofar as truth is a characteristic truth resides in the intellect is according to a of propositions—which only exist in some or also in things. practical mode, and the intellect in question is intellect—formed in the act of judgment. the mind of God. This reflects that Thomas’ analogy of truth is an integral aspect of his theology of God—a theology that begins with The idea that truth is propositional is relatively uncontroversial, the fact of creation (ST I q. 2) and with what creation implies about even if the details of Aquinas’ theory of truth are unfamiliar or one God’s existence, His transcendence, and the radical dependence of holds for a different view of propositions and their extra-mental creatures upon Him. reality. Often, when we think about the nature of truth, we tend to think of it as a property of speculative propositions, namely, when Robert Joseph “RJ” Matava is an assistant professor of theology at a proposition picks out some delimited, understandable aspect of Christendom’s Graduate School in Alexandria, VA. Matava received his given reality, which we might call an ‘obtaining state of affairs.’ Such PhD from the University of St. Andrews. The above excerpt on truth a view, as far as it goes, accords with Thomas’ theory of truth, but in Aquinas is from an essay that was presented at a session of the 2011 it does not completely represent it. International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, sponsored by the Center for Medieval Philosophy at Georgetown University, where In any case, it is not this understanding of ‘truth in the intellect’ RJ was a fellow last year. RJ, his wife, Danielle, and their three children which opens the discussion in Question Sixteen of the First Part of are members of Queen of Apostles parish in Alexandria. the Summa Theologiae. There, Thomas begins his consideration of

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