40th Anniversary Celebration Gala Program Booklet

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A P R I L 1 4 , 2 0 1 8 | T H E M AY F L OW E R , WA S H I N G T O N , D . C .

About Christendom College Christendom College is a Catholic liberal arts college offering a time-tested and rigorous education that develops the student’s intellect in such a powerful way that he graduates with the ability to master any subject—no matter how complex the vocational calling. Our curriculum and committed faculty are complemented by a culture of unmatched personal attention helping students discern and develop their academic and vocational goals. Our students thrive in a supportive and Christ-centered culture dedicated to helping them realize their potential and become the great men and women God has called them to be. They graduate inspired and empowered to achieve true greatness and become tomorrow’s leaders.

Gala Host Committee The Honorable & Mrs. Richard J. Santorum, Chairmen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bethell Mrs. Mary Ellen Bork Mr. & Mrs. John A. Cecconi Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Crnkovich Mr. Philip T. Crotty Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. D’Agostino Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Hester Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Hough, III Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. O’Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Craig Pascoe Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Ryland Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Scrivener Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. West, Jr. The Zurlo Family

Gala Honorary Committee Francis Cardinal Arinze, Chairman Mr. Dale Alquist Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Arroyo Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio Dr. & Mrs. John T. Bruchalski Most Reverend Fabian W. Bruskewitz Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke Most Reverend James D. Conley Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone Dr. Robert P. George Mrs. Mary Ann Glendon Dr. & Mrs. Scott W. Hahn Dr. Peter J. Kreeft Rev. Mother Assumpta Long, O.P. Most Reverend William E. Lori Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde Mr. Sean P. Lovett Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Madrid Most Reverend Robert Morlino The Honorable & Mrs. R. James Nicholson His Eminence Seån Cardinal O’Malley Dr. Russell R. Reno Rev. George W. Rutler Rev. James V. Schall, S.J. Rev. Robert A. Sirico Dr. Janet E. Smith The Honorable & Mrs. Clarence Thomas Mr. & Mrs. George S. Weigel


Ruby Mr. & Mrs. John A. Cecconi

Silver Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bethell Blue Mantle Technology Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Crnkovich Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Gorman Petrine Construction Relevant Radio Mr. William G. Stoops, Jr. The Zurlo Family

Bronze Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Adams Anonymous Archdiocese of Washington The Basilica of Saint Mary Mrs. Mary Ellen Bork The Cardinal Newman Society


Bronze Case Consulting Services, Inc. Christendom Alumni Advisory Council Dr. Phillip T. Crotty Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. D’Agostino Diocese of Arlington Divine Mercy Care - Tepyac OB/GYN Emerald Heights Academy EWTN Global Catholic Network Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Hough, III McCarthy & Akers, PLC O’Brien and Keane Architecture Dr. & Mrs. Timothy T. O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. O’Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. Ryland Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Sage Underwriting The Honorable & Mrs. Richard J. Santorum The Scrivener Families Sisters of Life St. Joseph’s Roofing Traffic Systems and Technologies Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. West, Jr.

Evening Program O     B         Fr anc i s C a rdi n a l A r i n ze N     A     M r. Ma rk Fo r res t W   Th e Hon or ab le & M r s . R i c h a rd J . Sa n t o r u m D     R         Fr an c i s C a rdi n a l A r i n ze C     R    Dr. Ti m o t h y O ’ Do n n el l C      B         Bish o p Mi c h a el Bu r b i dg e D       D     

Vi s i t c hri stend om .ed u/p ictures on Apr il 17 for photographs f rom this eve n t .

Menu H O R S D’ O E U V R E S

Grilled shrimp skewers with mango salsa Beef tenderloin with blue cheese and caramelized onion Cherry blossom goat cheese puff


Roasted beet salad with arugula, goat cheese, toasted pecans, and wildflower honey dressing


Filet of Angus beef with Cabernet mushroom reduction Maryland crab cakes with mustard sauce

A C C O M PA N I M E N T Dauphinoise potatoes Grilled bell peppers Broccolini Tricolored carrots


Assorted mini desserts Coffee, tea, open bar

SPEAKERS Patrick Madrid

Master of Ceremonies Patrick Madrid hosts the popular “Patrick Madrid Show” radio program, which airs on 130 stations across the U.S., Monday through Friday on Relevant Radio. Patrick is a popular speaker and author of numerous articles and books, including Why Be Catholic? and Envoy for Christ and the multi-volume Surprised by Truth series.

Francis Cardinal Arinze

Opening Benediction and Reflections Francis Cardinal Arinze is Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. He served on the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and is a longtime defender of the family and outspoken opponent of contraception, abortion, and euthanasia.

Mark Forrest

National Anthem Mark Forrest, an international Irish tenor, has sung inspirational hymns for luminaries such as Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa and entertained award-winning performers including Charlton Heston and Maureen O’Hara. In 1999, he and his wife, Muriel, founded The Faith and Family Foundation, an organization that supports and encourages individuals with special needs and their families.

SPEAKERS The Honorable & Mrs. Richard Santorum


Rick and Karen Santorum are the authors of the book Bella’s Gift, which tells the inspiring story of life with their special-needs youngest child. Richard was a candidate for the Republican nomination for president of the United States in 2012 and 2016. He has served in the House of Representatives and in the Senate. They are the proud parents of seven wonderful children.

Dr. Timothy O’Donnell

Closing Remarks

Timothy O’Donnell, president of Christendom College, is a Knight Grand Cross in the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre and a Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the Family. He is the author of Heart of the Redeemer and Swords Around the Cross. A highly sought-after speaker, he has hosted numerous EWTN shows. He and his wife, Cathy, have nine children and 13 grandchildren.

Bishop Michael Burbidge

Closing Benediction

Bishop Burbidge is the fourth Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Arlington. Prior to this appointment, he served as the fifth Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Raleigh, the rector of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, and as auxiliary bishop of Philadelphia, where he oversaw the Office of the Vicar for Clergy and the Office of Communications.


The college is boldly moving forward in faith with a $40 million comprehensive campaign.


$13.5 Million ENDOWMENT FUND

$13 Million ANNUAL FUND

C a mpaign Progress $3 6 , 3 8 9 , 0 8 7 o f $ 40 M I LLI O N ra i s e d 91%


A Symbol of Hope You can remember your loved ones in perpetuity by dedicating one of the remaining exquisite features of the new Christ the King Chapel: new stained glass windows, altars, and more, including restoration projects of current stained glass windows and Stations of the Cross. Every day, for many generations to come, students will be praying surrounded by the beautiful edifices that have been dedicated to you and your loved ones. To learn more about dedication opportunities, please contact Vice President for Advancement Paul Jalsevac at 540-551-9171 or pjalsevac@christendom.edu or visit campaign.christendom.edu.


Dr. Warren H. Carroll founds Christendom College and opens its doors to 26 students



Christendom holds first Commencement Ceremonies, sending off two students

Dr. Damian Fedoryka is appointed the second president of Christendom

The college completes its first building project, St. Edmund Campion Hall



Carroll completes volume one of his six-volume History of Christendom

1990 College embraces Pope Saint John Paul II’s latest Apostolic Exhortation on Catholic Universities, Ex Corde Ecclesiae

First Mass in Christ the King Chapel



Dr. Timothy T. O’Donnell is appointed the college’s third president

College board of directors, faculty senate, president, and founding president ratify the college’s official Vision Statement



Christendom College achieves university status by merging with the Notre Dame Institute and forming its Graduate School of Theology



Pope Benedict XVI blesses the cornerstone for the new Christ the King Chapel



Campus expands to Donegal, Ireland, with launch of the St. Columcille Institute




College welcomes a record enrollment: 493 undergraduate students, 249 graduate students











College celebrates 25 years and launches its premier Junior Semester in Rome program


College to celebrate its 39th Commencement Ceremonies honoring Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

Construction begins for St. Clare Residence Hall, the seventh major residence hall



College mourns the loss of its founder, Dr. Warren H. Carroll, who is buried on campus



St. John the Evangelist Library opens its doors


Christendom hosts ďŹ rst home basketball game on campus with completion of St. Louis the Crusader Gymnasium


“Men and women make

“Everybody was in it together.

history. You will help to bring

Students felt like they were

Christ back into a world which

responsible for making this

now has almost forgotten Him.

College a success. They were

What we launched will change

just as essential to the College

our country and the world, thanks to all of you who are here today who have been a part of the history, triumph,

as we were. They stepped up with responsibility and took ownership of the College.”

and glory of this College. It is your duty to keep it as it is, as far into the future as you can carry it, in your time and your children’s time.”

– Dr. Warren Carroll

– Dr. Kristin Popik Burns

“The students at Christendom

“It was in a maelstrom of

“The establishment, early

expect to learn their Catholic

doubt about what on earth

development, and stabilization

faith as it is taught by the

to cling to that this College

of Christendom College

Church, without omission or

was founded, and that its

was an almost unthinkable

distortion, and are enthused

theology department was set

achievement. Today,

about doing so. Those who

up in the hopes that it—along

Christendom proudly bears

claim that modern youth will

with all the other departments

[Dr. Warren Carroll’s] original

not accept the traditional

of the College—would be

stamp, and continues to mold

teaching of the Church, in

some kind of remedy, some

students in the tradition he

its fullness, and without

kind of answer, some kind of


alterations in the pursuit of

immunization of the mind

‘relevance,’ are sadly mistaken.”

against the seduction of this meta-linguistic heresy of Modernism.”

– Prof. Raymund O’Herron

– Dr. William Marshner

– Dr. Jeffrey Mirus

WORDS OF PRAISE FOR Bishop Michael Burbidge Arlington, Virginia “For four decades, Christendom College has prepared students to be authentic Catholic witnesses in the world and to spread the Gospel message in their families, parishes, and communities. With God’s grace may the college continue to carry out this mission with zeal and fidelity for many years to come.”

Rev. Robert Sirico President, Acton Institute “Who can deny that as we look around our culture at the present moment and witness not only the denial of the claim of truth on the human heart, but indeed the very repudiation, that we see in the lines of the poet John Donne a veritable prophecy? ‘Tis all in pieces, all coherence gone. All just supply, and all relation.’ For almost a half-century, Christendom College has been working at the re-assembly of those disparate pieces so as to form young minds once again on the coherence of their lives, this world, our culture, and the intransigent claims of the Church. Which is to say that this institution becomes increasingly indispensable the more others around us erode. May God grant Christendom College and its leaders great courage, energy, and wisdom in its work of reassembling the puzzle.”

Mary Ann Glendon Harvard University “Permit me to add my voice to the chorus of grateful congratulations to Christendom College for having proved over its first 40 years that academic excellence and Catholic education are not only compatible but mutually sustaining. Christendom has taken to heart Saint Paul’s injunction not to conform to the spirit of the age but to seek what is good, true, and pleasing to the Lord. By hewing to that counsel over four turbulent decades when many secular and religious colleges alike were losing their sense of purpose, Christendom has given its students access to a first-class education in an environment where their faith can grow and deepen. It has sent out into the world young men and women who are fully prepared to evangelize the culture rather than being evangelized by it. Ad multos annos!”

CHRISTENDOM COLLEGE Dale Ahlquist President, American Chesterton Society “I have not only seen the great benefit of a Christendom education for my son, but I have especially appreciated the fact that as I travel around the country, I meet Christendom graduates who are leaders in every field, and who boldly and articulately stand up for the Catholic faith. For four decades this marvelous college has been one of the greatest gifts to the Church.”

Raymond Cardinal Burke Rome, Italy “Considering the historical mark which Christendom College has reached, I thank God for Dr. Warren H. Carroll, the founder, and for all who shared with him the vision of a truly Catholic institution of higher education. From its foundation until today, Christendom College has been, in the words of Pope Saint John Paul II, ‘born from the heart of the Church’ and has striven steadfastly to remain faithful to Our Lord Who teaches us through the living Tradition of His Mystical Body.”

Archbishop Timothy Broglio Military Services, USA “I have crossed paths with many of your graduates. They are an impressive group of men and women and contribute greatly to building up the Body of Christ. Your contribution to the ordained ministry and the consecrated and religious life in a mere 40 years is overwhelming. I can only hope that you will continue to gift the community of faith with committed women and men whose faith convictions in all walks of life strengthen all of us.”

James Nicholson U.S. Ambassador (Ret.) “It is difficult to fully appreciate that all that you have become at Christendom has happened in only 40 years. In addition to the beautiful, pastoral campus that is in place is the footprint of a well-respected liberal arts college, known for its academic rigor and its Catholic fidelity. As a Catholic American who loves (worries about) his Church, I feel very grateful that Christendom College exists, producing well-educated, highly motivated citizens who are serving our country and our Church with distinction.”

WORDS OF PRAISE FOR Archbishop William Lori Baltimore, Maryland “Christendom College was founded four decades ago as a pioneering endeavor to offer a distinctive form of Catholic higher education. Its founders sought to establish an institution with a culture of fidelity to the truth of the Catholic faith in all its depth and beauty, a culture in which faith sheds its light on the great treasury of human knowledge and experience as reflected in liberal arts. Indeed, long before Ex Corde Ecclesiae was issued, Christendom College was embracing its principles and, in so doing, has helped to form the mind, heart, and character of its students. All of this and more constitutes a tremendous contribution both to the mission of the Church and to society.”

John Bruchalski Divine Mercy Care “My late father, a prep school teacher of civics, would always quote Daniel Webster to his young students: ‘What makes men good Christians makes them good citizens.’ Christendom College has been training and sending out such men and women for 40 years, and these citizen soldiers advancing God’s Kingdom through service have deeply touched my life. Everywhere I go, your grads find me. In an emergency room, helping a hemorrhaging woman, I will never forget the nurse, a Christendom alum, who was by my side. Together we became instruments of medical healing, just as Jesus was to the bleeding woman. From a chaotically intense medical trauma center, to backstage on an EWTN set, I have met the people of Christendom College eye to eye, and we have always collaborated heart to heart. With one voice, we have proclaimed how to advance the Gospel; how to help people connect with Christ; how to find the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”

Bishop James Conley Lincoln, Nebraska “Congratulations to Christendom College on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the college. My years as adjunct instructor of theology on the Christendom Rome campus were among the most memorable of my priesthood. I was always deeply impressed with the high quality, profound faith, and genuine goodness of the students I taught. I am still in contact with some of those students and their families to this very day. Christendom’s fierce loyalty to the Church’s Magisterium and its joyful and dynamic orthodoxy have always been the hallmark of the college. May it always continue.”

CHRISTENDOM COLLEGE George Weigel Ethics and Public Policy Center “In a turbulent and sometimes dark time, Christendom College is preparing students for the New Evangelization—and thus for a new awakening of American culture and society. Ad multos gloriosque annos!”

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone San Francisco, California “We live in very troubled and uncertain times both as a nation and as a Church. In the future, we will have a great need for the next generation of Catholics to be well-catechized and evangelized. The intellectual and spiritual formation at your college is contributing greatly in preparing future Catholics to be our future leaders. In my travels as Archbishop, I meet many of your alumni who are now contributing greatly to the Christianization of our nation. I find them to be individuals who know not just the doctrine of the Church, but who have been able to use this knowledge to develop a personal relationship with God.”

Janet Smith Sacred Heart Major Seminary “The good effects of Christendom are incalculable; it would be at any time in history. But in a period where freedom of speech and action is threatened and where education is more indoctrination than the search for truth and honing the ability to think, Christendom offers a rare and indispensable service. Truth, goodness, beauty, that is what Christendom has to offer.”

Peter Kreeft Boston College “Christendom College may not have saved Western civilization (yet), but it has certainly saved hundreds of lives from cultural amnesia, miseducation, meaninglessness, foolishness, ‘political correctness,’ faithlessness, hopelessness, lovelessness, and above all Christlessness. The angels smile broadly down upon you and so should we.”

WORDS OF PRAISE Robert George Princeton University “It is of the essence of the Catholic religion that it is a tradition of thought as well as a tradition of faith. Faith and reason are so tightly—indeed, inextricably—bound together in the Church’s self-understanding, that it risks misleading to speak of ‘faith’ and ‘reason’ as if they were separate realities or categories. Reason is built into our understanding of faith; faith is built into our understanding of reason. And yet, this crucial point is neglected or even misunderstood at many institutions of learning that advertise themselves as ‘Catholic.’ What is wonderful about Christendom College is that the authentic Catholic understanding of reasonable faith and faithful reason is in its institutional DNA. It suffuses the intellectual and spiritual life of the community. This makes Christendom College a blessing to its students and a model for other Catholic colleges and universities.”

Carl Anderson Supreme Knight, Knights of Columbus “Much hard work and careful planning over the years have brought the vision of Dr. Warren Carroll to fruition, and you have much to be proud of as you celebrate the success of the college. The anniversary motto, ‘Boldly Moving Forward in Faith,’ pays tribute to your founding and provides inspiration for everyone involved to build toward an even brighter future. Of course, the true measure of success is seen in the many fine Christendom College graduates who have become leaders in the Church and in society, witnessing to the faith as they seek to bring our culture closer to Christ.”

Seán Cardinal O’Malley Boston, Massachusetts “In the Scriptures, 40 is always a very significant number; it implies fulfillment. It is a joy to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Christendom College, which has made a unique contribution to the life of our Church. We are so grateful to Dr. Carroll and all of those who were involved in the founding of the school. I am proud to be an honorary graduate, and grateful for Christendom’s witness to love for the Church and fidelity to the Gospel. Pope Francis often talks about the need for missionary disciples. Indeed, Christendom College is about forming missionary disciples, young men and women on fire with the Gospel and the desire to carry the message of Christ to the ends of the earth. “

Blue Mantle Technology Would like to congratulate CHRISTENDOM COLLEGE On providing 40 years of Catholic higher education!

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Relevant Radio® congratulates

Christendom College on 40 years of academic excellence in complete faithfulness to the Magisterium. Tune into Relevant Radio® to: • Spread the faith beyond the pulpit. • Provide daily support to face life’s trials. • Bring people back to the Church.

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Congratulations to Christendom College for 40 years of leadership in the field of sacred music from the Church Music Association of America and its quarterly journal Sacred Music.

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Since its formation in July 2016, the Christendom College Planned Giving Office has spread the good news of the value of supporting the college's mission through wills and estate plans. As part of the 40th anniversary, the college has launched the St. John Paul II Legacy Society. The society was created to recognize and to provide stewardship activities for the growing number of benefactors who have included Christendom in their wills and estates. To learn more about the St. John Paul II Legacy Society, contact John Ciskanik at ciskanik@christendom.edu or 434-907-3063.

ch ris te nd o m .e d u/ planne d giving



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Congratulations Christendom College on Forty Successful Years of Educating Men and Women to be “Shrewd as Serpents and Simple as Doves”

John and Nancy Cecconi

Founded by Dr. Warren H. Carroll—a man who wanted to make a difference by educating the laity to be leaders in the new evangelization to restore the temporal order—Christendom College is proud to celebrate its 40th anniversary. During this celebration, we give thanks for all who have given so generously and joined us on this remarkable journey, as we strive to offer the finest possible Catholic liberal arts education. We will continue to advance the True, the Good, and the Beautiful, as we stand on the pillars of the civilization that were built by history’s greatest scholars, scientists, saints, and heroes. As a center for Catholic thought, we are a launching point for future leaders, who seek to restore all things in Christ and bring hope to a









troubled world. We are boldly moving forward in faith.



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