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dioceses of Arlington, Virginia; Burlington, Vermont; Lincoln, Nebraska; Manchester, New Hampshire; Peoria, Illinois; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; St. Augustine, Florida; and several foreign nations. Through the development of actively faithful and liberally educated clergy and religious, Christendom College is playing a role beyond all human calculation in the universal task to restore all things in Christ.

St. Thomas Aquinas and the Curriculum

The object of all liberal education is freedom in truth. Christendom College, in keeping with the teaching of Holy Mother Church, acknowledges the essential role played by St. Thomas Aquinas in our curriculum. All those who would pursue wisdom, both natural and supernatural, will owe a special debt to the Angelic Doctor, for the truth has been set forth most clearly in his writings. As Pope John Paul II has said, If today also . . . philosophical and theological reflection is not to rest on an “unstable foundation” which would make it “wavering and superficial”, it will have to draw inspiration from the “golden wisdom” of St. Thomas, in order to draw from it the light and vigor it needs to enter deeply into the meaning of what is revealed and to further the progress of the scientific endeavor.

The philosophy of St. Thomas deserves to be attentively studied and accepted with conviction by the youth of our day, by reason of its spirit of openness and of universalism, characteristics which are hard to find in many trends of contemporary thought.

From the Address on the Perennial Philosophy of St. Thomas for the Youth of Our Times, at the Angelicum, Rome, 1979. Therefore, in accordance with the mind and discipline of the Church for the formation of the young, Christendom College is committed to a Thomistic educational policy: programs of instruction in philosophy and Sacred Theology shall be taught according to the spirit, method, and principles of the Common Doctor.


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