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Foundational Curriculum

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MATH 294 Principles of Computer Science Introduction to basic concepts in computer science, including computing theory, programming languages, algorithms, operating systems, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Incorporates student projects and presentations. There are no prerequisites for this course, and no programming experience is necessary. The course fulfills the College core requirement in mathematics. (3 credits)

Advanced Courses

MATH 302 Calculus II Continuation of MATH 201. Topics include inverse functions, techniques of integration, sequences and series, the conic sections, and the polar coordinate system. Prerequisite: At least a C- in MATH 201 or equivalent. Required of all majors (4 credit hrs)

MATH 303 Calculus III Continuation of MATH 302. Topics include limits and continuity in three dimensions, vectors, vector functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, the notions of gradient, divergence, and curl, and the basic theorems of vector calculus. Required of all


MATH 304 Differential Equations This course covers the basic techniques for solution of ordinary differential equations. Topics include first and second order linear equations, non-linear equations, systems of linear equations, the fundamental matrix, series solutions of differential equations, numerical methods and introduction to stability theory. Required of all majors.

MATH 332 Probability and Statistics Introduction to the basic notions of probability and statistics. Topics covered include combinatorial probability, distribution functions, discrete and continuous random variables and distributions, conditional probability, the central limit theorem, and typical applications in reliability, sampling, and estimation theory including Bayesian Inference.

MATH 351 Fundamentals of Advanced Mathematics This course introduces the student to modern mathematical structures that are not present in introductory mathematics courses and aims to develop a student’s skill in composing and writing proofs. Topics include elementary logic, methods of proof, philosophies of mathematics, set theory, functions and relations, cardinality, and elementary number theory. Required of all majors.

MATH 353 Linear Algebra Introduction to the concepts and theory of linear algebra. Topics include vector spaces, bases, matrices, linear mappings, scalar products and orthogonality, determinants, bilinear forms, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, the spectral theorem and the SVD decomposition. Required of all majors (4 credit hrs)

MATH 373 Symbolic Logic Introduction to symbolic logic and the theory of formal systems. Topics include the traditional logic of categorical sentences, truth functional logic, the first order predicate calculus, higher order systems, the notions of decidability and completeness, and some typical applications, among them a brief look at the design of digital computing machinery. Prerequisite: PHIL 101 or equivalent.


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