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that the students achieve a solid grasp of the Thomistic synthesis. As was stated in Fides et Ratio,

If it has been necessary from time to time to intervene on this question, to reiterate the value of the Angelic Doctor’s insights and insist on the study of his thought, this has been because the Magisterium’s directives have not always been followed with the readiness one would wish. In the years after the Second Vatican Council, many Catholic faculties were in some ways impoverished by a diminished sense of the importance of the study . . . of Scholastic philosophy. . . . I cannot fail to note with surprise and displeasure that this lack of interest in the study of philosophy is shared by not a few theologians. . . . It should be clear in the light of these reflections why the Magisterium has repeatedly acclaimed the merits of Saint Thomas’ thought and made him the guide and model for theological studies. . . . In his thinking, the demands of reason and the power of faith found the most elevated synthesis ever attained by human thought, for he could defend the radical newness introduced by Revelation without ever demeaning the venture proper to reason.

John Paul II, Fides et Ratio, Paragraphs 61, 78

As a strict academic discipline, the theology major is an ideal preparation for careers in teaching, in Catholic broadcasting or in religious journalism, for seminary study, and for other graduate work in academic theology. It can lead to positions as directors of religious education in schools, parishes, and dioceses’ growing field.

Requirements for the Theology Major and Minor

Theology majors must be able to read ecclesiastical Latin. Proficiency in Latin can be acquired through fulfillment of the College’s language requirement (LATN 202 or higher). The major consists of at least thirty hours, which must include the following THEO courses:

301 Moral Theology and 302 Apologetics, required of all Christendom students 308 De Deo Trino and 312 De Verbo Incarnato the two courses that focus specifically on the central mysteries of the Faith, the Trinitarian God and the mystery of the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, namely Five THEO electives at the 300 level or higher THEO 512 Senior Thesis

The minor requires 18 hours of theology from THEO courses numbered 300 or higher. THEO 301 and 302 may be counted toward the THEO minor. A course grade of at least C-minus is necessary for a course to fulfill the department’s major or minor requirements.

Students who complete a major in the THEO department will be able to


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