The Truth Will Set You Free

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All the evils which poison men and nations and trouble so many hearts have a single cause and a single source: ignorance of the truth —and at times even more than ignorance, a contempt for truth and a reckless rejection of it. Thus arise all manner of errors, which enter the recesses of men's hearts and the bloodstream of human society as would a plague. These errors turn everything upside down: they menace individuals and society itself. – Pope St. John XXIII



Since its founding in 1977,

Christendom has been one of America’s most dynamic centers of uncompromisingly faithful Catholic thought and leadership. Our Founder, Dr. Warren Carroll, put forth as the college’s watchwords: “Truth Exists. The Incarnation happened.”

Amidst today’s crisis of faith, we need more Catholic men and women who are prepared to transform the culture and the world —men and women who know Jesus Christ intimately, are well educated, and have received a formation in virtue.

Through The Truth Will Set You Free campaign, Christendom College is redoubling its efforts to draw young men and women to the truth.

Together, we will build on our foundation of faithfulness through three overarching commitments staying faithful to the truth —both natural and revealed—completely free of federal funding while meeting students’ financial needs, renewing and deepening our commitment to teach and share the truth , and further developing our campus so that, in a culture of isolation, our Christendom community can fully live the truth .

Strengthened in prayer and fortified financially, we will be prepared as one Christendom family to help renew the Church, the family, and the culture for years to come.

JOIN US. 1 2 3



The very bedrock of Christendom College is our unwavering fidelity to the truths of faith and reason. To ensure our freedom to be faithful, Christendom has always maintained its Zero Federal Funding stance, rejecting the federal dependence that causes so many other schools to lose the freedom to teach the truth. Through The Truth Will Set You Free campaign, Christendom will strengthen its ability to stay faithful to the truth through a robust Zero Federal Funding student financial aid program.

We intend to expand our scholarship and financial aid program to ensure that our students receive the competitive aid they need without federal funding; protect the long-term sustainability of our scholarship and financial aid program by doubling our permanent funds; and expand access to Christendom for alumni children and scholar-athletes through special scholarship funds.

THE DIFFERENCE Thousands of future Catholic leaders will have the generous financial aid they need—without federal interference—to fully engage in Christendom’s life-changing educational experience.

1 campaign priorities Total
m Ensure Competitive Zero Federal Funding Financial Aid $25.3 m Build for the Future with Permanent Student Scholarship Funds $20 m Expand Scholarships for Alumni Children and Scholar-Athletes $6 m

“Everything changed for me when God led me to Christendom. I discovered here the faith-filled education I longed for, and professors and peers who challenge me to grow in my faith, not abandon it. I’m so grateful to be at a college where my mind and my faith are strengthened in every part of my life.”

$16.1m in student
$8.5m in
students every
$16,000 average scholarship and financial aid package 98% of students receive scholarships or financial aid $2.5m
scholarships distributed over the next decade
scholarships and financial aid to
million in federal funding rejected every year through donor support Ensure long-term sustainability of federal-free scholarship program Percentage of our scholarship and financial-aid program funded through endowed funds doubled from 10% to a strong 20% Figures are estimates only and cannot be guaranteed. These figures assume a 4% distribution rate and 7% net investment return. Investment returns are subject to change and vary with market conditions. Endowment distribution rates may be modified by the Board of Directors due to changed circumstances.


Central to Christendom’s transformative education is our commitment to unsurpassed academic excellence, as seen in our faithful, talented, and committed teacher-scholars who are rooted in their Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium of the Church. They live out their commitment to Truth as educators, mentoring students in and out of the classroom, and modeling the pursuit of wisdom and a virtuous life.

We intend to invest in our academic program by increasing our full-time faculty by 25%; creating stability by permanently funding new faculty positions; enhancing the academic, career, and other student support programs that ensure student success; constructing an academic office building to ensure dignified space for faculty to study and mentor students; and investing in online education programs to form Catholics all over the world through Principles free online classes and Christendom Graduate School programs.

THE DIFFERENCE Guided by dedicated mentoring faculty, Christendom graduates and Principles students will be prepared to serve as joyful and articulate witnesses to the truths of the Faith in all walks of life.

2 campaign priorities
and Support New Faculty and Build New Office Building $2.3 m
Fund New Faculty Positions $14 m
New Faculty Office Building $1.3 m
KEY INITIATIVES Total Target $27.7 m
Enhance Academic, Career, and Student
$2.5 m Expand Natural Science Classes and Build Permanent Labs $2.5 m Share Our Education through Online Graduate and Free Principles Classes $5.1 m

“Both in and out of the classroom, my professors are intelligent, joyful, and faithful Catholics who are passionate about what they do and love God and integrate Him into their entire lives. They have renewed and increased my fervor for Christ and for learning, demonstrated how to be an active Catholic, and taught me to seek and find the True, Good, and Beautiful in the world.”


of students receive one-one-one career guidance every year
Catholics experience
Principles classes New faculty teach 56 excellent classes each year 21 Principles free online classes created to share the truth throughout the world increase in number of full-time faculty THE IMPACT


Christendom’s physical campus is more than just a tangible setting for education—it is a living community, a place that is integral to the soul of a transformative education. Our campus and cultural life are built to intentionally foster community—shared worship, encounters with professors and staff at meals or events, study and friendship in the residence halls, Catholic culture and festivity. The very structure and beauty of each building testify to the Catholic life we are living.

In a culture where isolation and loneliness predominate, we are renewing our commitment to showing our students how to be fully human through a lived Catholic academic community. We will build a vibrant campus center that unites our academic, cultural, and community life; we will expand and convert the St. Lawrence Commons into a permanent dining hall and student center; and we will deepen the community for our male students by bringing them together into a newly completed men’s “quad” through the addition of our final men’s residence hall.

THE DIFFERENCE Prepared by a vibrant community life, our students will be ready to continue to go out into the world as faithful Catholics who integrate their faith into every aspect of their lives. They will be examples, touching hearts and building community wherever they go.


Build a New Campus Center with an Academic Building, Cultural Building, Student Commons, and Square $26-30 m (initial estimate).

Invest in Community Life through the Men’s Residence Hall Project $10 m

3 campaign priorities Total
$36-40 m

“When we live in intentional community, we have the chance to challenge and support each other—to live out the values and lessons that we are learning in the classroom. These new buildings will be a visible sign and essential support of our Christ-centered community committed to the pursuit of wisdom.”


The New Campus Center includes 1) a marquee academic building to elevate our academic life, 2) a cultural building for lectures, the arts, and gatherings, 3) a dignified dining facility and student commons, 4) a central square for community life, and 5) a clocktower and multi-section bridge connecting the Campus Center to other parts of campus.


The men’s residence hall project will improve men’s community life by 1) completing key new hall with sufficient space to bring all men together, 2) creating a central gathering place in the middle of a men’s quad, and 3) separating halls from other functions by moving administrative parking and creating new green space.

N.B. EARLY CONCEPT DRAWINGS Design Subject to Change Through Planning Process

2 3
m ajor H alls and B uildings on C H ristendom C ollege C ampus t oday 1 9 1. Old Chapel 2. St. Lawrence Commons 3. St. John the Evangelist Library 4. Regina Coeli Hall (Administration) 5. Madonna Hall (Faculty Offices) 6. Thomas Aquinas Hall (Classroom) 7. St. John Paul the Great Student Center 8. Christ the King Chapel 9. St. Louis the Crusader Gymnasium Residence Halls SHENADOAHRIVER 2 3 5 6 7 8 4
C ampus m ap s H owing p lanned l o C ations of n ew C ampus f a C ilities 1. Academic & Cultural Buildings 2. Expanded St. Lawrence Student Commons 3. Campus Square 4. Men’s Residence Hall 5. Men’s Common Area 6. Office Building for Faculty 7. Parking Areas (recessed or shielded from view) Note – Drawings and Locations are Initial Concepts Only: Significant modifications may occur as part of the building and design process. SHENADOAHRIVER 1 2 3 4 5 7 6


What students find at Christendom is the antidote to the moral and intellectual confusion that plagues our world today.

Christendom was made for this moment. “The only rightful purpose of education is to learn the truth and live by it.”

These words stand as the first line of Christendom’s vision statement because the college was a direct response to the rejection by leading Catholic colleges of their Catholic identity beginning in the 1960s.

To ensure that these words would always hold true at Christendom, our founders put in place three powerful pillars.


Truth, found both in natural reason and revealed in the Catholic Faith, is the starting point of true education and must be integrated throughout the curriculum.

“Christendom College has no doubt been one of the greatest blessings in my life, and I am forever grateful. The classes, professors, and thoroughly Catholic community have allowed me to thrive academically and spiritually; I am truly a better person because of it!”



Each of our professors and members of the Board of Directors makes an Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.



Christendom is the only Catholic college in America that has rejected all forms of federal funding since its founding—allowing us to teach the Truth without compromise.

By God’s grace, the results have been astounding. Formed in the truth, thousands of Christendom alumni have gone forth to bring the light of faith and reason to a world badly in need of illumination. They are living the Christendom mission “to restore all things in Christ” through their marriages and families, the businesses and schools they start or influence, and many vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

2 3
Priests Religious Alumnus-toAlumna Marriages 103 58 546


Christendom College began humbly with 26 students and trustful surrender to Divine Providence.

As we celebrate 45 years, Christendom stands ready, with the same humble faith, to burn ever brighter as a beacon of truth in a troubled world—thanks to the generous support of our Christendom family of alumni and friends. We invite you to join us in answering the call to shine the light of Truth to a world in need.


• Ensure Competitive Zero Federal Funding Financial Aid $25.3m

• Build for the Future with Permanent Student Scholarship Funds $20 m

• Expand Scholarships for Alumni Children and ScholarAthletes $6 m


• Find and Support New Faculty and Build New Office Building $2.3m

• Permanently Fund New Faculty Positions $14m

• Build New Faculty Office Building $1.3m

• Enhance Academic, Career, and Student Support $2.5m

• Expand Natural Science Classes and Bbuild a Permanent Lab $2.5m

• Share Our Education through Online Graduate and Free Principles Classes $5.1m


• Build a New Campus Center with an Academic Building, Cultural Building, Student Commons, and Square $26-30m (initial estimate).

• Invest in Community Life through the Men’s Residence Hall Project $10m

$51.3 m

$27.7 m

CAMPAIGN TOTAL $11 5 m 1 2 3
YOUR IMPACT # of Gifts Gift Amount Subtotal % of Total Cumulative Total % of Cumulative 1 $25,000,000 $25,000,000 22% $25,000,000 22% 1 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 9% $35,000,000 30% 1 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 4% $40,000,000 35% 4 $2,500,000 $10,420,000 9% $50,420,000 44% 10 $1,000,000 $11,700,000 10% $62,120,000 54% 13 $500,000 $9,191,000 8% $71,311,000 62% 30 $250,000 $9,735,000 8% $81,046,000 70% 70 $100,000 $10,850,000 9% $91,896,000 80% 107 $50,000 $6,634,000 6% $98,530,000 86% 138 $25,000 $4,554,000 4% $103,084,000 90% 279 $10,000 $3,916,000 3% $107,000,000 93% Many <10,000 $8,000,000 7% $115,000,000 100% PROJECTED GIFTS REQUIRED “The education of our children and the sharing of the Faith are vitally important today. By supporting this campaign, we can ensure that the next generation of leaders are prepared to share the Truth that enriches the whole of our society.” LOU AND DENISE KRATZ BENEFACTORS
BUILD A LEGACY FOR TRUTH THROUGH ESTATE PLANS You can build a legacy of truth for future generations through a gift in your estate to The Truth Will Set You Free campaign. Christendom seeks to bolster the long-term sustainability of its mission with a goal of obtaining 100 new estate gift commitments. Ask for more information on Christendom’s Legacy Challenge.

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