2 minute read
This subject is one of three choices that satisfy the VCE English study requirements.
It most closely aligns with students’ previous English studies and is a general study of English suitable for the majority of students.
VCE English aims to develop competence in the understanding and use of English for a variety of purposes. It emphasises the integration of reading, writing, speaking, listening and thinking.
Year 11
Students read and explore a range of texts across the study. They engage in reading and viewing texts with a focus on making connections and sharing their understanding of meaning. Students also explore how to craft a written text, engaging with a range of writing styles and pieces.
On completion of Unit 1 a student should be able to:
• make personal connections with, and explore the vocabulary, text structures, language features and ideas in, a text.
• demonstrate an understanding of effective and cohesive writing through the crafting of their own texts designed for a specific context and audience to achieve a stated purpose; and to describe individual decisions made about the vocabulary, text structures, language features and conventions used during writing processes.
Unit 2
Students build upon their inferential reading and viewing skills. They analyse arguments presented and the use of persuasive language in texts and create their own texts intended to position audiences.
On completion of Unit 2 a student should be able to:
• explore and analyse how the vocabulary, text structures, language features and ideas in a text construct meaning.
• explore and analyse persuasive texts within the context of a contemporary issue, including the ways argument and language can be used to position an audience; and to construct a point of view text for oral presentation.
The study of English contributes to the development of literate individuals capable of critical and creative thinking, aesthetic appreciation and creativity. This study also develops students’ ability to create and analyse texts, moving from interpretation to reflection and critical analysis.
Year 12
Unit 3
Students read and respond to texts, applying reading and viewing strategies to critically engage with texts. They analyse the ways authors construct meaning through vocabulary, text structures, language features and conventions, and the presentation of ideas. Within a framework of ideas, students explore mentor texts with a focus on the craft of writing and to inspire their own creative processes, to generate ideas for their writing, and as models for effective writing.
On completion of Unit 3 a student should be able to:
• analyse ideas, concerns and values presented in a text, informed by the vocabulary, text structures and language features and how they make meaning.
• to demonstrate effective writing skills by producing their own texts, designed to respond to a specific context and audience to achieve a stated purpose; and to explain their decisions made through writing processes.
Unit 4
Students further sharpen their skills of reading and viewing texts, developed in the corresponding area of study in Unit 3. Students consolidate their capacity to critically analyse texts and deepen their understanding of the ideas and values a text can convey. They continue to develop their analysis skills through analysing the use of argument and language, and visuals in texts that debate a contemporary and significant national or international issue.
On completion of Unit 4 a student should be able to:
• to analyse explicit and implicit ideas, concerns and values presented in a text, informed by vocabulary, text structures and language features and how they make meaning.
• to analyse the use of argument and language in persuasive texts, including one written text (print or digital) and one text in another mode (audio and/or audio visual); and develop and present a point of view text.