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Outdoor Education (1 unit)
Outdoor Education
This unit investigates a variety of natural environments to understand the unique living and non-living characteristics, their interdependence and the way humans relate to them, while encouraging an appreciation for the environment and ways to contribute to the sustainability of our fragile planet. Students will analyse risktaking activities to gain an appreciation for the role of risk in our daily lives and learn about ways to manage it. Students selecting Outdoor Education will be assigned to either Semester 1 or Semester 2 depending on the other subjects selected. The curriculum engages through hands-on experiences in the outdoors, which include a 3-day journey, day trip and afternoon practical sessions, utilising environments that are available to us in the respective seasons. Students will have the opportunity to participate in flat water canoeing, mountain bike riding, rock climbing, camping, hiking and the possibility of a day trip cross country skiing at Lake Mountain. The Year 10 Outdoor Education elective provides a solid foundation for the study of VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies.
Studies Units 1 and 2.
Time impact: 3-4 days
Subject levy: $400 Charged to Fee Accounts
VCE Outdoor Education (Whole year: 2 units)
Outdoor Education
This unit examines some of the ways in which Indigenous peoples and non-Indigenous peoples understand and relate to nature through experiencing outdoor environments. Learning through experience is a key to understanding concepts discussed in this course; therefore, practical components form a compulsory aspect of the unit. This includes a range of activities in the Otway Ranges, hiking in the Grampians National Park and ski touring in the alpine environment. Through these activities, students will explore the ecological, historical, economic and social factors that have shaped our environments over time, including the different ways to understand outdoor environments and the impact of humans on outdoor environments. Students develop skills that promote safe and sustainable interactions with these environments as well as identify and analyse strategies to protect, conserve and manage outdoor environments in a sustainable manner. Unit 1 and 2 Outdoor & Environmental Studies will provide a solid foundation for the study of VCE Units 3 and 4 Outdoor & Environmental Studies.
See page 53 of the Senior Subject Information Booklet for more details.
Time impact: 9 days
Subject levy: $950 Charged to Fee Accounts
It may be possible for highly capable and motivated students to accelerate to complete Units 1 and 2 Outdoor Education in Year 10. This will be subject to criteria and minimum standards achieved in Year 9. Further information regarding acceleration options can be found in the Senior Subject Information Booklet.