2022 WednesdayGAT 7th September
What is the GAT? The General Achievement Test (GAT) is a test of general knowledge and skills including: • communication • mathematics • science and technology • the arts • humanities and • social sciences
Why you do the GAT • Asses your skills against literacy and numeracy standards • important for checking that VCE external assessments and school-based assessments have been accurately and fairly assessed • can be used if you have a Derived Examination Score (DES) approved.
GAT schedule
Who does the GAT Section A • all students enrolled in one or more VCE Unit 3-4 sequence • all students enrolled in a scored VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequence • all Senior VCAL students Section B • all students enrolled in one or more VCE Unit 3-4 sequence • all students enrolled in one or more scored VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequence
Where do you do the GAT • The Chapel, RTC, Taylor and Flynn buildings • Each student will be allocated a room and a specific place. • Room allocation is available on the Senior School Hub
• The
What time should you be there 9:00am gather outside your room What happens if I am late?
Up to 30 minutes after the scheduled start of writing time the student is the full writing time but is given no allowance for reading time. than 30 minutes after the scheduled start of writing time, the student may be admitted only if: principal, or the principal's delegate, recommends the student's admittance. They sign a statutory declaration acknowledging that their response may not be accepted by the VCAA.
What to bring • You may take an English and/or bilingual printed dictionary into both sections of the GAT, but not a thesaurus or a combined thesaurus-dictionary. Electronic dictionaries are not permitted. • A scientific calculator is permitted in both sections of the GAT. • You will need pens, pencils and an eraser to complete the GAT. • Bottled water is permitted in the examination room provided it is in a clear bottle and has no label, maximum of 1.5 litre. • Student number. This is available from Cathy at the student office. • Full school uniform
What not to bring Students must not possess mobile phones and electronic devices that are capable of storing, receiving or transmitting information or electronic signals, such as recorded music and video players, organisers, dictionaries and computerised watches. Bags • You will be able to leave bags outside the room. There will be no other students at school that day. • If you leave your phone in your bag. Please turn it off.
What about lunch? • Bring your own lunch and leave it in your bag • Canteen will not be open • Coffee van will be available • You are not to leave the college during the break What about buses? • Normal college buses will operate
What happens if I can’t attend? The VCAA may give you an exemption if you miss the GAT because of: • an unexpected injury • Illness • personal trauma or other serious event You must produce a medical certificate or statutory declaration, signed and dated on the day of the GAT Let the school know if you have any concerns about attending or undertaking the GAT
COVID • At this stage – subject to government regulation • We recommend that you take a test the night before • If you test positive, you must register your illness on the Department of Health website. You will receive a text message as proof of registration. • We recommended that you wear a mask
Results • GAT Statement of Results • sent out in December as part of your overall results package
Further information GAT information brochure (distributed in House Group) On the Senior School Hub • A copy of this PowerPoint • Room allocation • A link to VCAA GAT information • A link to Sample https://christiancollege.vic.libguides.com/c.php?g=941449&p=6919564Questions
A baby hedgehog Because Nick told me I need pictures.