A CHRISTIAN uniform?
One man’s suggestion: penguin outfits But here’s the thing: we’ve already been asBy Scott Riggan signed a “uniform,” so to speak: a definitive, It was one of those late-night dorm room conobvious characteristic that should let everyone versations – probably fueled by study fatigue, know Whom we serve. Here’s what Jesus has to stress and stale pizza. A seemingly profound say about it: suggestion was proposed: what if, when one “A new command I give you: Love one became a Christian, some kind of uniform another. As I have loved you, so you must love could be issued. Upon wearing this uniform, one another. By this all men will know that the follower of Jesus would be easily identified you are my disciples, if you love one anothby everyone all around. er.” – John 13:34-35 NIV Okay, sure. You have to admit, there’s little on Jesus – whose opinion matters, I think – is saythe outside of us that reveals what we believe ing that our actions speak louder than the Jesus about God. Even things like the Jesus fish or the fish on our Volvos. How we live – and particuChristian T-shirt have limitations, since much larly, how we love – identifies us as His folof our Christian cultural shorthand doesn’t lowers. Notice He doesn’t say “by your Moral always convey what we might hope. Perfection” or “by the Tidiness of Your Front Say you’re standing in line at Starbucks. I’m Scott Riggan Yard” or even “by your Correct Theology.” pretty sure nobody around you could guess that No. They’ll know we follow Jesus by the way you’re a disciple of Christ just by looking at you. Would your we LOVE. order of a Grande Soy Mocha clue anyone in to your faith oriNot obvious enough, you say? Well, I’ll agree that our penentation? How about if you were wearing a Christian T-shirt? guin suits would definitely get people’s attention. Would that do the trick? Or what if people could plainly see a But try to imagine this: Christians – real people with different Jesus fish on your car as you drove away? opinions, personalities, political affiliations, racial and cultural So back to my friend and his “uniform” suggestion. He figbackgrounds – actually loving one another (and by that I mean ured that this “Christian” outfit would need to be drastic and more than playing nice together). I really think that would be unmistakable. It would need to be something that no one else attention-getting. Even shocking. would just happen to wear. “Love one another.” And if that isn’t going to do the trick, Specifically, he proposed that we all should start wearing then we’d better get to work sewing those penguin costumes. n penguin costumes. Why penguins? I can honestly say that I have no idea. But Scott Riggan is best known for his recording of “I Love You you’ve got to admit that people would notice if you walked around dressed as a penguin. Picture yourself in a penguin suit Lord.” He serves as Worship Arts Pastor for Eagle Christian Church and lives with his family on a small ranch in at your office. Or at the store. Your school. Having dinner at a Emmett. After a long break from songwriting, he’s recorded restaurant. Working at, say, a construction site ... a new album titled “Beautiful and Terrible.” No question, this would make a Statement.
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26 September / October 2021 | Christian Living