Christian Living Jan Feb 17

Page 1



Times of


Jason Billester Boise Rescue Mission Development Vice President


in Prayer Praying for schoolchildren

Everyone has them

Dawn Maglish Anti-trafficking fight continues

Your Daily

Bread Meaningful toil

Jason Billester visits City Light Home for Women and Children


Contents January / February 2017 Features Moms in Prayer: 6 Lifting students heavenward

9 Columns

Biblical worldview: Renew your mind

A time to plow:

A sugar beet lesson

Kevin McNeese:

Online music ministry

A son and dad:

Loving when it’s hard

Salvation Army: Here all year

“You obey the law of Christ when you offer each other a helping hand.” — Galatians 6:2 (CEV)

11 8

Consider This: Losing ‘spiritual fat’

Real Man’s Toolbox: 12 10 God’s in control Challenging Faith: 16 14 Renaissance men and women

18 22 Notes from Home: Pants and pizza

Cover Story —


Heartbeat: Proverbs 4:23

Are They Now? 24 Where Dawn Maglish Brighter Side: 35 The Times of doubt Health: 36 Maximum Bone broth

Jason Billester:


God’s perfect will:

26 5

Days for Girls:

Business Spotlight: 28 15 Rock and Armor

Rescue Mission development vice president A look at healing

Departments Your Daily Bread: Meaningful toil

Providing needed products

Rocky Detwiler:

Winner, loser, winner

Servants’ hearts: Examples for youth


Returning to Boise

30 38 Understanding Relationships: 32

Marriage myths

In Each Edition Corner: 39 4 Publisher’s Soul and body

Volume 5, Number 1 Publisher Sandy Jones Editor Gaye Bunderson 208-639-8301 Sales & Marketing Kimberly McMullen 208-854-8345 • Scott McMurtrey 208-841-4583 • Sandy Jones 208-703-7860 Cover Photo Steve Jones Graphic Design Glen Bruderer Contributors Daniel Bobinski, Rocky Detwiler, Tom Dougherty, Ann Doupont, RM Drury, Terry Frisk, Kelsey Graybill, Dani Grigg, Edie Hearst, Leo Hellyer, Ron Kern, Janet Lund, Joel Lund, Rosie Main, Gary Meuser, Gary Moore and Dan Woodworth Distribution Specialists Idaho Distribution Services Website Design SEO Idaho Christian Living is committed to encouraging and instructing individuals in their daily lives by presenting stories of people in the Treasure Valley who are living on a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ and who serve as uplifting examples to others. Views expressed in Christian Living do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by Christian Living to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2016 by Christian Living Magazine LLC. Christian Living is published every other month and is available in over 600 locations throughout the Treasure Valley, including most grocery stores, convenience stores, medical waiting areas, and churches. If your church would like additional copies please email us today at Annual subscriptions available for $10/year. To start your subscription or give one as a gift send your check or money order, along with complete address information, and a phone number to call in case there’s questions about your subscription to Christian Living Magazine LLC, PO Box 867, Meridian, ID 83680. Find us on Facebook Badge

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January / February 2017 | Christian Living


Living life as a soul with a body Him with everything she has, but often falls far short. I share this in hope that you find the mere thought as profound as I did — something too Listening to the radio as I was driving, I good to keep to myself ! If you find it valuable, heard Ravi Zacharias make a statement that please feel free to use it, and share it with those was so obvious and yet caused me to pause you think may benefit from it. — a realization so profound, how could I I don’t ever just sit down and write the first have forgotten? He said, “You are not a body words that come to my mind for one of these with a soul; you ARE a soul WITH a body.” columns. I pray, often for weeks, over what it is Oh yes, I did my research. The original God would have me share. This column is no statement, although slightly different, is atdifferent. The fact that I heard Ravi on the radio tributed to C.S. Lewis, while at the same time over a month before I wrote this column and some sources say that Mr. Lewis was not the it stuck with me is so out of character for what originator either. Still others debate that scriphappens to most of what I hear on the radio. It ture is clear that we have a spirit, a soul and was clear I am supposed to share it. a body. I get it, but if we debate that, then Sandy Jones, Publisher As we enter this New Year, we are going into we’ve missed the point. Christian Living Magazine new, uncharted waters. We have a new adminisOne thing so many of us have in common tration that some are heralding, while others are with each and every New Year is self-imcursing. We are living in a time of unprecedented unrest in our provement. We’re going to do more in-depth Bible study, eat healthier, lose weight, go to the gym, spend more time with our nation — a nation that, by the numbers, is pretty evenly difamilies, be more focused and dedicated at work — the list can vided. While we don’t “do politics” within the pages of Chrisbe endless. How would that one statement — “You ARE a soul tian Living, I would be remiss to not talk about the proverbial “elephant in the room,” if only to share this reminder — the WITH a body” — change, not just my New Year’s resolution, same as my last two columns: Scripture doesn’t promise a life of ease but my entire life? As a soul with a body I know it’s important for the Christian, but it does give us a pretty good roadmap. It encourages to take care of my body, it houses my soul. Many view their body as God’s temple. Would I let God’s temple fall apart? But us to put no one and nothing above our God, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. going deeper, simplifying it even more: “You ARE a soul.” I love my husband and I love my adult children. That doesn’t In 2015 I lost 35 pounds to become a healthier version of mean I always agree with them. I love people — lots of people me, but this statement caused me to stop and ask myself, ‘Am — from many different walks of life, different religions and I paying enough attention to the real me? My soul?’ This gave even different political views, but I still love them. As we go me a new perspective, not just on the obvious things like Bible into this New Year it would be my hope that we carry the joy study and devotionals, but my prayer life, how I look at and of the holiest of seasons with us, with the renewed determinaperceive others, as well as how I treat them. I had to seriously tion to remember that we don’t have to always agree on things, consider my eternity. but we are called by our Heavenly Father to love one another. I Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not some super Christian. wish peace for you and yours in this New Year. May God bless There’s no big “SC” on my chest. I’m a middle-aged woman, with a secular past, who loves the Lord and wants to serve you beyond your wildest dreams! n By Sandy Jones


January / February 2017 | Christian Living

Your Daily Bread

Make what you toil to achieve meaningful I remember when my wife and I were shopping for our first house, our realtor advised us to “Buy the most expensive house you can afford.” This has been the mantra in the real estate market for generations. So, we scraped together every nickel we had for a down payment and signed on to a 30-year mortgage with payments that we could barely make on our limited income. Since we used all our savings for a down payment, we used our credit cards to buy furniture and appliances. It was a Terry Frisk tough go, but we were sure our income would grow, making our payments a smaller portion of our income. Then, our family started growing and we needed a bigger house. Of course, we shopped for the most house we could qualify for, which translated into a new 30-year mortgage with even higher payments. Sound familiar? It almost seems that it is part of the American culture to accumulate more and better material things. We like to blame our market-driven society for creating this desire to want more. But this behavior dates back to biblical times. In Ecclesiastes 2, King Solomon writes: “I wanted to see what was good for people to do under the heavens during the few days of their lives. I undertook great projects: I built houses for myself and planted vineyards. I made gardens and parks and planted all kinds of fruit trees in them. I made reservoirs to water groves of flourishing trees. I acquired servants and had other servants who were born in my house. I also owned more herds and flocks than anyone in Jerusalem before me. I amassed silver and gold for myself, and the treasure of kings and provinces. I acquired singers, and a harem as well — the delights of a man’s heart. I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me. “In all this my wisdom stayed with me. I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my labor, and this was the reward for all my toil. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.” We all take pleasure in treating ourselves from the fruit of our labor. There is no sin in that. The point that King Solomon is making is that the constant quest to obtain more achieves nothing. So, instead of buying the house that is the most you can afford, how about buying (or renting) a house that costs 20 percent less than the maximum you can afford? One rule of thumb is your monthly rent or house payment should not exceed 30 percent of your monthly income. I’m suggesting limiting your housing cost to 24 percent of your income (20 percent less than the 30 percent rule). Similarly, shop for a vehicle that costs 20 percent less than what you would otherwise pay for a replacement. Vehicle expenses, including principal, interest and insurance, should not exceed 10 percent of income. Instead, shop for a vehicle that will cost 8 percent of your income. Once you pay it off, resist the urge to trade for another vehicle. Instead, put the amount

of the payment you had been making into a savings account so you have cash to purchase your next vehicle. If you apply this “20 percent less than I can afford” rule to all your spending, then you will have 20 percent of your income for other things. Use this surplus to increase your giving, build your savings and grow your retirement fund. Giving to your church or other charities to support their missions and ministries will enrich your life as you enrich the lives of others. Having savings will give you peace of mind in knowing you have a financial cushion and relieve the stress of living from paycheck to paycheck. Having a retirement fund will help ensure you are financially secure in your retirement. As King Solomon learned, spending all your income on pleasures of the heart is meaningless. Make 2017 the year you add meaning to what you achieve through your toil. Be more intentional on how you spend your income and share a portion with others while providing for your financial security. You will be abundantly blessed in the process! Have a joyous and peaceful new year. n Terry Frisk is a partner in the firm B2B CFO, providing financial advisory services to small businesses. He also counsels individuals on personal financial matters through the Cathedral of the Rockies Budget Counseling ministry. He may be contacted through e-mail at


By Terry Frisk

January / February 2017 | Christian Living

Moms in Prayer

Sending prayers heavenward for students By Gaye Bunderson Faith-filled mothers often pray for their children. In 1984, a Canadian woman named Fern Nichols worried about the challenges her two sons were going to face at school: peer pressure, bullying, drinking and other temptations. She prayed for them intensely and asked God to send her a mother who, also concerned for her children, would pray with her. God answered her prayer, and eventually other mothers started joining the prayer group. Such were the modest beginnings of what has since become a worldwide movement known as Moms in Prayer International (originally Moms in Touch). The nonprofit, faith-based organization now has 10,000 chapters in 140 countries. Groups of mothers in the Treasure Valley joined the movement years ago when Moms in Prayer spread to this area. Current Idaho State Coordinator Robin Elliott first became involved with Moms in Prayer in Minnesota before her family’s move to Boise in 1999. She said she connected to already established groups in the valley when she got here; she was named state coordinator in 2015. “I’ve been so impressed with the integrity and accountability of the ministry,” Elliott said. “We have a strategic plan and budget. This is an amazing ministry that is run with excellence.” The main emphasis of prayer is for children and schools. Teachers are included. “We pray specific things if we know about them,” Elliot said. Otherwise, members pray general prayers for the salvation of individuals and for victory over any challenges they may be facing. Members follow a Four Steps of Prayer plan that includes praise, confession, thanksgiving and intercession. They utilize what they call the One Accord Prayer, which is defined on as follows (in part): “The Holy Spirit within us moves our hearts, initiaties our requests and leads us in how we should pray. Therefore, the focus is on God and not on the approval of others. “If a mom starts to pray on a particular subject, the other

Robin Elliott is Idaho state coordinator for Moms in Prayer, an international organization of mothers who pray for their children and children’s schools. (Courtesy photo)

January / February 2017 | Christian Living

moms need to be keenly aware of her request. Hear her heart. Then, when she is finished, other moms may feel free to pray on that subject as well.” The women use scripture when they pray, taking specific verses and inserting children’s names into them. The group limits its meeting time to one hour. “We value the mothers’ time,” Elliott said. There are at present 20 groups praying for specific schools in the Boise area. Elliott said that is the ideal situation, having moms with kids in the same school pray together. While it’s not bad to pray for children, schools and teachers at large, that’s “just dipping your toe in,” according to Elliott. “Moms praying together for one school is more like immersing it in prayer to really cover that school,” she said. The group set a goal for the 2016-17 school year to make sure every school is prayed for by name. Sometimes, group members even pray an individual prayer for each child in a yearbook. Elliott’s own children are now grownups in their 20s; nonetheless, she continues to pray for them in the group she meets with. “After 18, your children face life-changing decisions,” she said. Moms in Prayer has a college and career group and even a grandmother’s group. “We like to say you never graduate from Moms in Prayer,” said Elliott. It’s free to belong to the organization, and though membership has largely grown through word of mouth, interested women may go to to find a group or to learn how to start one themselves. Elliott said her experiences in the group have been amazing, and leaders such as herself want to see the organization continue to flourish. “We’ve prayed for young moms,” she said. “We really need that next generation to come in and carry on the vision.” All the materials used in Moms in Prayer — including a book titled, “Mom’s Little Book of Powerful Prayers” — are available in different languages. In fact, at present they are available in 60 languages and interpretations are being prepared for mothers in more countries. Elliott said that moms who feel alone when dealing with their children’s needs are a target for spiritual warfare. “Satan uses discouragement and isolation to defeat us,” she said. Getting together with others in prayer is a powerful weapon. n

January / February 2017 | Christian Living 1/2-17

Consider This

Let’s get lean, lose ‘spiritual fat’ do we do that? We do that by making a qualified decision in the Spirit to let go of all of them! New Year’s resolutions in our culture Our spiritual enemy, the devil, will send evil spirits to are created to be broken because most convince us that it “feels better” to hold onto grudges, of us do not have the willpower to fulfill resentments, bitterness and anger against people. them. But it’s still worth considering getWhy? ting lean in 2017. So he can hinder us and slow us down in our walk in What do I mean by the word “lean”? the Spirit to cause us to lose heart and give up. One of As I have been praying, I have been his tactics is to make us feel that we have no power or thinking about “lean” meaning no excess authority to overcome obstacles that weigh us down so baggage and hindrances. In other words, much that we are totally defeated. “lean” is becoming the most effective Jesus Christ died for our sins and was raised from the and efficient we can become as our Livdead for our justification (Romans 4:25). ing Loving Lord transforms us into the He is FOR us, not against us! image of Christ in ever increasing splenHear Him speak in Romans 8:31-32 in the Greek dor as we look to Him (Romans 12:1-2, 2 Dan Woodworth original text: Corinthians 2:18 and Ephesians 4:22-24). What shall we say to these things (of our justification)? If God Let’s see what our Living Loving Lord speaks to us in Heis for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own brews 12:1-3 in the original Greek text: Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also, along Therefore since we ourselves have so great a cloud of witnesses with Him, graciously give us all things? surrounding us, let us lay aside every impediment and the sin that Compare these words of spirit and life in The Message: so easily distracts, and let us run with endurance the race that is So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can prescribed for us, fixing our gaze upon Jesus, the Pioneer and Perwe lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for fecter of our faith, who rather than the joy set before Him, endured us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by a cross, disregarding its shame, and has now taken His seat at the sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and right hand of the throne of God. Consider Him who endured from freely do for us? sinners such opposition against Himself, so that you do not grow If we do our part — letting go of our anger, bitterness, weary in your souls and lose heart. resentment — our Living Loving Lord will set us free and heal To see a clearer perspective, let us hear what our Living Loving Lord speaks in The Message translation using our everyday us. modern language: Imagine yourself as a trapeze artist. You must “let go” of Do you see what this means — all these pioneers who blazed one bar to “take hold” of the other. Let go of your “pain” and the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get “take hold” of His promise of hope and healing. on with it. Strip down, start running — and never quit! No extra Jesus Christ has saved us from sin and death and saved us to spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both righteousness and overflowing supernatural life in Christ. began and finished this race we’re in. Study how He did it. BeHe graciously gives us ALL of His authority and power in cause He never lost sight of where He was headed — that exhila- Matthew 10:1 in the original Greek text: Jesus gathered His rating finish in and with God — He could put up with anything twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits so they along the way: cross, shame, whatever. And now He’s there, in the could cast them out and heal every kind of disease and sickness. place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagHe is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). ging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long If He did that for them, He will do that for us. litany of hostility He plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline We can lay aside and strip ourselves of the spiritual fat and into your souls! parasitic sins. “Lean” is the opposite of the Greek word onkos which means Choose “lean.” Lay aside and let the “spiritual fat” go. bulk, weight, burden and impediment. The Message equates This New Year let Him transform all of your hurt into hope “lean” with no extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. and healing and all of your pain into peace and power. Think for a moment. What are the weights, burdens, impediFor the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, ments, spiritual fat and parasitic sins that our Living Loving but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit! (Romans 14:17 Lord is describing? – Greek) What I see is resentment, bitterness and anger from people or Let’s get lean in 2017! n circumstances that have hurt us. Our natural reaction to hurt is to hold on to it. Dr. Dan Woodworth earned his Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree from But we are not natural people if Christ is living in us. We are the King’s University in Los Angeles in 2009. His passion is to encourage spiritual people if Christ is living in us. Let’s see what our Livand empower people with the transforming power of hope and healing to ing Loving Lord reveals about who we are and how we are to become all they are created to be. He and his beautiful bride, Irene, have respond. planted three churches. They are in the process of creating a cross/cultural, He clearly reveals we are called to strip off ALL spiritual fat, cross/generational healing community solving pressing problems in Boise parasitic sins, spiritual weights, burdens and impediments. How and beyond. He may be reached at By Dan Woodworth

January / February 2017 | Christian Living

Biblical worldview

Undertaking the renewing of your mind

cannot do, the church is supposed to do. And what the church cannot do, the state is supposed to do. When the state starts doing what the church is supposed to do, problems emerge. And when the church starts doing what the family is supposed to do, again, problems emerge. God clearly says “give,” so we should. He even says we will be blessed by offering him our first fruits and by giving to the church. From there, the caring of widows and orphans is the responsibility of the church. Charity that is forced is not biblical, and it is causing problems. For example, lately we see government agencies punishing churches for reaching out to feed the homeless. What are some resources? I strongly recommend anything on worldview produced by Summit Ministries in Colorado. Focus on the Family also has coursework available on the Christian worldview, as does the Colson Center for Christian Worldview (founded by the late Chuck Colson). For those who prefer a live, in-person study, Family Experience Ministries provides complementary worldview classes to churches, home groups, or homeschool co-ops in Idaho’s Treasure Valley. The idea behind Romans 12:2 is that transforming our mind is not some mystical happenstance, but rather a systematic purging of worldly perspectives, and replacing them with biblical perspectives to form a unified and meaningful framework for dealing with the challenges and opportunities of life. n Daniel Bobinski is the director of Family Experience Ministries (, a best-selling author, and a popular speaker and trainer at conferences and retreats. Reach him at or (208) 3755048.

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This is because by seeking God’s perspective about philosophy, psychology, Many people hold politics, law, economics, the opinion that biology, sociology, eththeology, philosophy, ics, and history, then your psychology, politics, worldview aligns with and law are separate God. On the other hand, and distinct fields of if you acknowledge God study. Also separate as the relational, righteous are economics, biolruler of the universe, but ogy, sociology, ethics, look to Charles Darwin to and history. Although inform you about biology those fields can and or Karl Marx to inform should be studied inyou about economics or dependently, they are politics, then your worldalso related. How, you Daniel Bobinski view is “mixed,” and ask? Because the way in which someone answers questions in therefore not biblical. Unfortunately, the teachings of these 10 facets of life makes up one’s Darwin and Marx permeate much of worldview. Sadly, according to research conduct- what is taught in our culture today, and because we see it all around us, it’s ed by the Barna Group, less than 10 easy to let that influence our thinking percent of people claiming the label of if we’re not careful. God has a method “Christian” hold a biblical worldview. He prescribes for all 10 of the aboveGeorge Barna, founder of the famous research company, says, “Although most mentioned areas. We need to know what He thinks about these areas if we people own a Bible and know some are to align ourselves with Him. Reof its content, our research found that member Romans 12:2 — we need to most Americans have little idea how be transformed by the renewing of our to integrate core biblical principles to form a unified and meaningful response minds. We must be clear about God’s perspective in these areas, or we run to the challenges and opportunities of the risk of being deceived, and unable life.” to determine what God’s will is — His One might ask, “I’m a Christian — doesn’t that mean I have a Christian good, pleasing and perfect will. So what to do? Because we are imworldview?” A good answer would be, mersed in our culture, it’s not easy to “Not necessarily.” Paul tells us in Rosee things clearly without a bit of help. mans 12:2, “Do not conform to the patFor example, if someone has been tern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will taught their entire life that it’s okay to take by force from people who have be able to test and approve what God’s much and give it to people who have will is — his good, pleasing and perfect need, then that perspective “feels” will.” In other words, the ways of the world are not the ways of God, and just normal and “right.” In fact, it’s not uncommon to hear people say this is the mere fact that we live in the world a Christian thing to do. The problem? influences our thinking, our attitudes, This practice violates the free will that and our values. These worldly patterns God gave us. God blesses when people must be overwritten by renewing our are giving based on their own decision minds, and the starting place for this is understanding who God is and how He to do so — not when they are forced to. Yet many of us believe that forced charimpacts our lives. ity is a Christian thing to do, simply For all worldviews, everything starts because we’ve been around it so long with theology: Who is God? For the and we’ve heard people say that it’s a Christian, the answer is He is the relaChristian model. tional, righteous ruler of the universe. By taking courses about or reading If you hold to that viewpoint as you books on the Christian worldview, we answer questions about the other nine learn that God created the family as the facets mentioned above, you are more core unit of society. What the family likely to hold a Christian worldview. By Daniel Bobinski

January / February 2017 | Christian Living

Real Man’s Toolbox

Take a deep breath; God is in control By Leo Hellyer We men are pulled in many different directions in our lives. We want to be good husbands, fathers, managers, problem solvers, workers, friends, spiritual leaders, disciples of Christ, leaders of others, etc., and not necessarily in that order. This can be very daunting to a man. How do I do all of these things? Which is more important? Does this change on a daily basis? What if I blow it? Does my entire life fall apart if I can’t do all of these things well? Okay, men, take a breath! The first thing for every man to realize is that God is in control over everything. He is our Protector, Leo Hellyer our Guide, and our Deliverer. In Philippians 4:6-7 Paul tells us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard you hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” When we let all of life’s stressors get the best of us, we are showing a lack of trust in God’s wisdom, power and love for us. We also read in Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Regardless of what is in the world around us, or even in our own lives, we can rest assured that God is with us and that He is in control. In his book titled “God Built,” Steve Farrar points out that God is in control “from the womb to the tomb. He is in control over everything in your life and will work it for good.” In Romans 8:28 Paul puts it this way, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz co-authored a book called “God Is Amazing.” On the front cover of the book it states, “Everything changes when you see God for who he really is.” Men, this is a very powerful and truthful statement. All of us have storms in our lives as we try to find out who we are and what we are to achieve. In Bruce and Stan’s book it says, “When you have storms in your life that seem overwhelming and you feel intimidated and helpless, remember this miracle reported in Mark 4:37-41: A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a

cushion. The disciples woke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet, be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to His disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey Him!” God is a miracle-working God today, just as He was that day on the water. Being a man, a Christian man, and a disciple of Christ is a huge endeavor and can be an overwhelming challenge. Men, we cannot achieve these very worthy, desirable and noble goals in our own power, knowledge, wisdom or desire. We must have the God of Creation leading us every step of the way. We must have a very high-speed, constant connection to God. A sporadic, “when it’s convenient” connection will not do. We must be in constant contact with our loving Father in Heaven. Prayer to God, or more accurately, prayer with God, is essential to our lives if we want a chance to achieve being those things we think we need to be a man. A core part of our success comes when we ask God who He wants us to be. God’s will and direction are perfect; ours can be completely off-base. God may want you to be a servant, and you may want to be a leader. When we are living our lives in God’s will instead of our will, or other men’s wills, we achieve much more, and we are much more fulfilled, joyful and godly. If you want to be the best man that you can be, seek after and follow the One who is in control of all that is: God Almighty. His path is more difficult, but His rewards to us are immeasurable. Stay in constant contact with the One who created you, loves you unconditionally, is in control of all that is, and will work everything in your life for good. Ask God for some miracles in your life and see what He delivers. Seek God, depend on God, follow God, receive your strength from God, and be blessed by God. n Leo Hellyer is a non-staff pastor with a local church and has been married to his wife, Norma, for 44 years. The couple volunteered with FamilyLife on its Boise ministry team for 20 years. They are both employed by Boise Rescue Mission Ministries, Norma at City Light Home for Women & Children and Leo at River of Life Rescue Mission. They may be reached at If you have questions about Real Man’s Toolbox, or need other assistance, Leo may be reached at (208) 3405544.

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A time to plow

Sugar beet harvest becomes a sweet lesson By RM Drury Just outside our neighborhood, there is a huge field. Being new to the area, it took some research to discover what the crop even was. Turns out it was a crop of sugar beets. I will tell you a little secret; because I am a curious soul, one time when we were out walking, I plucked a plant to see if I could tell what it was. I couldn’t; I just got roots. (My apologies, little plant!) One day when we were out walking the dogs, we were surprised to find that, finally, the farmer was plowing the field and gathering up his crop of sugar beets. All spring and summer we watched the sugar beet plants grow from tiny little shoots to huge bush-type plants. The field was a blanket of solid, deep dark, rich green. When the summer was winding down in August, we couldn’t understand why the field had not yet been harvested. When September hit, we thought for sure the farmer would begin harvesting. Nope! October came and with it, chillier weather — surely now the farmer will harvest, we thought. Nope! It wasn’t until the third week in October that the farmer finally revved up his tractor and called in the big trucks to harvest his crop. Day and night for three solid days he and his crew worked. The machines they used looked ferocious: shiny wheels of sharp steel churning and turning, loosening the soil and pulling up the sugar beets. The smooth flow of their system was like a well-choreographed dance. The giant “tractor digger” (I didn’t know what it was really called, so I just made that up) moved slowly along the field, digging up and spitting out the sugar beets into the tummy of its partner — the sleek, white dump truck that was waltzing along by the tractor’s side. Once its tummy was full, the dump truck sped off to unload and a new fresh dump truck took its place with precision and timing. Absolutely fascinating. We were so entranced, we watched for over 45 minutes. Upon further research, we learned that the timing for harvesting sugar beets must be perfect. The farmer has to pay attention

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to the weather and to the temperature and the conditions in order to know exactly when it’s time to harvest. He has to be prepared to go at it the first sign of readiness. Harvesting sugar beets begins with the first frost. The day of the first frost, that farmer must be prepared to harvest or all is lost. And once harvested, the sugar beets must be protected to prevent them from deteriorating before they can be delivered to the factory. Such an amazing process and it is all centered on timing. (By the way, I also learned that the giant “tractor digger” is actually called a beet harvester.) I tell you this story of the sugar beets because it made me think of how precise and exact God’s timing is, as well as how precise our timing must be in order that we do not miss a blessing. Hosea 10:12 teaches us, “Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until He comes and showers righteousness on you.” It is time to sow the things of God in our lives and the lives of others. It is time to reap the fruit of His unfailing love. It is time to plow through the things that prevent us from being and doing all God has planned for us. It is time to seek the Lord with all our heart. It is time to be prepared... Until — in His time — He comes and showers righteousness on us. Until — in His time — we receive His blessing. Until — in His time — He comes again. n Roxanne Drury is a wife, mother, grandmother and retired Christian preschool teacher with a Certificate of Achievement in Early Childhood Education from Moorpark College. She is a former insurance executive and trainer. She has served the Lord for over 40 years in a church setting in many capacities, with most of her time spent in children’s ministry. Her heart is sharing God’s Word and its life application through her blog at


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January / February 2017 | Christian Living 11

Kevin McNeese

Using internet’s long reach to sell Christian music By Gaye Bunderson Kevin McNeese, owner of New Release Today, rightly contends that music is a universal language that transcends age, race and other differences. “There’s something for everybody,” he said. NRT is an online retailer of Christian music, and McNeese of all people should know about the “something for everybody” concept. From a small office in Meridian, Idaho, NRT offers hundreds of Christian music choices for all tastes. “The Christian music market is huge,” McNeese said. “Fifteen percent of all music sold is Christian music. The industry is pretty significant.” He said the music people hear on Christian radio stations is just the tip of the iceberg in an ocean of artists of faith. “The fringe genres are under-represented; 40 to 50 percent of artists are independent,” said McNeese. “All the music is not getting out there. Some of the best artists are ‘underground’, though they’re in line with their faith and doctrine. We feel incredibly called to unearth those artists and songs.” McNeese said his calling to minister through music came when he was very young. “I was 13. I knew I would use music as a missions tool,” he said. After obtaining an associate degree in broadcast technology from Boise State, his career — and his calling — began in 1999 when he managed the music department for Family Christian Stores. At the time, music was 20 to 30 percent of Kevin McNeese sells tons of Christian music — much of it otherwise unavailable — through his online company, New Release Today. He operates the business out of a compact sales for the company. office in Meridian, which he shares with one other full-time co-worker. (Courtesy photo) He started with the business in Boise and was given an opportunity to transfer to Grand Rapids, Mich. to launch a lease datwes online to let the public know when new albums would Christian lifestyle website called His bosses told him he’d also head up the music editorial department for the company, be available. “I was rejected outright,” said McNeese, “because it would give the competition an advantage.” but he had to be in Grand Rapids in 14 days. He then came up with a plan to allow people to pre-order al“I had to ask my dad where Michigan was,” he said. bums prior to their release date. He proposed the idea to his boss; He was 21 and single but dating his wife-to-be, Renee. They had been selling to a mostly female, mostly eventually married and he refers to their time in Grand Rapids as older audience and wanted to reach a younger cohort. “The way “encouraging for both our faiths.” to do that was by pre-selling lots of music. Nobody balked because But like so many believers’ journeys, there were unexpected it worked,” McNeese said. “I had an incredible job at a young age. bends in the road. “We got married, went on a honeymoon, and There were always new challenges. I got free music. I was living then the boss called and said, ‘We can’t raise funding (for the job my calling.” he’d been offered),’” McNeese said. Fortunately, the company saw But he and his wife despaired of the cold, dreary Michigan winpromise in him; others weren’t so fortunate. ters, where 20 inches of new-fallen snow would sometimes greet “Out of 40 employees, there were three of us left standing,” he them in the morning. They missed Boise and wanted to start a said. family. Then one day McNeese went into the job he loved and got McNeese was offered a different position and, on top of that, into a blowup with a co-worker. “It had come to a boiling point,” got a 30 percent pay raise. “My job was to market music,” he said, he said. noting this pre-dated iTunes, Amazon, Facebook and other social When he went home after work that day and told his wife about media. “We were the Wild West of online retail.” the altercation, she started crying. He thought, “What did I say? In 2002, the business created New Release Tuesday. At the time What have I done?” all new music, including Christian music, was released on Tuesday. “I may be responsible for the argument,” his wife said, making “I was the new guy with a sales platform: buying online.” Many him even more confused. “I prayed last night that God would of his co-workers were used to old-style in-store selling, which by change your heart about moving back to Boise.” And in an odd then had become less lucrative. “I had to get respect, bring new twist, the confrontation at work was, for her, the catalyst she had value to the business by using this online arena.” sought for His leading the couple from Michigan back home to During an NRT team meeting in Nashville, where most ChrisIdaho. tian music is produced, he offered the idea of publishing music re-

12 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

“All the music is not getting out there. Some of the best artists are ‘underground’, though they’re in line with their faith and doctrine. We feel incredibly called to unearth those artists and songs.”

On the side, McNeese had been building a website construction business called KMWeb Designs and had created roughly 80 websites for clients; he put in 70-hour weeks between his day job and his at-home enterprise. Before quitting, he asked his boss if he could have New Release Tuesday. The site had been purely promotional, so all he was essentially asking for was a domain name, and he got it. He and his wife were then Idaho-bound, returning to Boise in 2006. In July of 2015, the music industry scrapped Tuesdayonly release dates, and the website was renamed New Release Today. “It’s an incredibly interactive music site — a Christian music Wikipedia. Users have created thousands of pages of content,” McNeese said. NRT has approximately 150,000 members who view content online, and it’s all free to the public. It has 150 free music downloads a year; 5,000 to 6,000 artist profiles; a Coming Soon section, plus album reviews, devotionals and more. In all, NRT has 10 different ways to introduce people to Christian music, according to McNeese. The site makes money through advertising and marketing to artists and labels. McNeese works with Marcus Hathcock, executive editor at NRT, while he handles the business and marketing end of the enterprise and sells the ads. There are also 12 editing volunteers and a part-timer based in Nashville who sends them frequent news from the music hub of the U.S.A. NRT has now pre-sold thousands of CDs.

Kevin McNeese Owner of New Release Today “The big draw for us is that we’re really about music discovery,” said McNeese. The business is debt-free, but that means growth is slower. Still, he was able to close KMWeb Designs and allow Renee to quit her job and focus on being a stay-at-home mom. Now in his 30s, McNeese can look back at the 13-year-old called by God to help Him reach others through music. Back then, he may never have imagined that his ministry would entail technologies that allow him to reach thousands of people around the globe. For more information, go to Along with music, the site also features Christian movies and other faith-based products and promotions. It also allows members to earn points to either purchase items or donate to charities. n


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203 11th Ave. S. • Nampa, ID • 208-466-7821 January / February 2017 | Christian Living 13

A son and his dad

Loving someone who is hard to love By Vincent Kituku


His dad had aged, become fragile and subdued. He had left his father behind nearly a quarter of a century before, and the soft-speaking, toothless man trying to hug him couldn’t possibly be the same person who had been such a pillar of authority in the past. The dominant image of a father he never really figured out whether to love or hate had long faded. Only occasional moments of fond memories protected him from being destroyed by the bitterness he heaped toward his father. He knew that were it not for his father’s admiration for education and hard work, he would not have left his village. His father encouraged him, sometimes with spankings when grades were below expectations, to work hard in school. Never were his tuition and fees a day late, even if a family goat or cow had to be sold. How could he not feel emotional Vincent Kituku attachment to a father who traveled more than 50 miles in search of goats for his son’s marriage dowry? Neither could he ignore the personal college graduation gown purchased for a son who had listened and acted on his father’s educational dream. Incidents like these became reference points of a past that had to be left behind. Those memories were disturbed by images the son was unable to force from his mind. Time heals, but only what the mind allows to be healed. The son’s mind stubbornly refused to let go the image of his mother fainting when his father brought

14 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

another woman home as a second wife, an act that was repeated three other times. One day, the son was with his mom and siblings as usual, and then before supper, another woman with two children became part of the family. His life fell apart; he was forced, sometimes with a beating, to love the newcomers. Then it continued to deteriorate when his property was taken, without his approval, to support those who were the reason for his childhood miseries. He loved his father because he could not hate him. He disliked his father because he could not love him unconditionally. That became his internal war — a war that accepting Christ Jesus and His forgiving power needed time to win. He experienced the empowering qualities of grace, love and forgiveness and wanted to invite others, including his father, to that experience. That, too, was postponed because of his father’s other heartbreaking acts better confined to family circles. This morning’s reunion was different. He had called and directed his father and mother to go to Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, to meet a “person” he had sent to bring them some gifts. That person was me, the son. The moment my father saw me, all he could say was, “Uu ti ula mwana wakwa, ula wambee” — “This is my child, my firstborn” — as he demonstrated a human vulnerability (tears) I had noticed before only when my siblings died. We spent the day reflecting on more than 20 years of separation. We visited chapters that were previously forbidden territory of his marrying-and-more-marrying days and the pain that inflicted on innocent lives. What, however, will remain in my mind forever is the moment my father said, “Vai mundu utekaa makosa na Yesu andaa andu maekanie” — “There is no one who doesn’t make mistakes, and Jesus wants people to forgive each other.” That was the closest words to “I am sorry” I had ever heard from my dad. I had known God has a way to melt hearts of stone, but not solid rock hearts like my father’s. I had known the power of forgiveness, yet this experience brought healing never before experienced. As I said, “Dad, I love you,” he reached out to get a hug. He left me crying. As it says in scripture in reference to our God, “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” (Malachi 4:6). n Dr. Vincent Muli Kituku, award-winning international speaker and author, is the founder of Caring Hearts and Hands of Hope and Caring Hearts High School in Kenya. He may be reached at (208) 376-8724 or

Rock and Armor

Physical therapy with a special touch By Tom Dougherty One can make a difference in life in many ways. Tim Williams and Jason Ellis are certainly doing that. They opened Rock and Armor Physical Therapy and Sports Performance in 2014. Tim was a four-time state champion in track and cross country and went on to run for the Tim Williams, co-owner of Rock and Armor Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, University of Nebraska Tom Dougherty works with a client. Williams and his business partner, Jason Ellis, wanted to launch a busifor four years. Jason ness that provided a warm environment for people in need of physical therapy. (Courtesy photo) was a star basketball player out of Seattle who played for Boise State for four years and currently is the all-time school children. Jason attends Cloverdale Church of God, where leading rebounder. He also spent a number of years playing professionally with the Idaho Stampede and pro teams in Europe. he and his wife come and support almost everything that is going on and are the first to volunteer for any church activity that hapJason was one of Tim’s therapy patients, and the next thing you know, they started talking about going into business together, pens. They would both tell you that they are not perfect, but they both love the Lord and want to be about His purpose. thus the beginning of Rock and Armor. They both not only had Tim and Jason not only want to be an example to those they played in a high level of sports, but both of them had a passion to work with, they desire to have their business be full of integrity do something for the glory of God. and character and to truly help people with the physical struggles This was a challenge in faith for them, building a business from that might come their way. They have a great desire to see their scratch, with the Lord leading them along the way. Tim wanted clients become as healthy as possible and to give them tools to to have a business that would promote character and values and continue the journey of life in a positive way. having Jason on the same page made for a wonderful busiI thank the Lord for all our Treasure Valley businesses that are ness scenario. They wanted to have a place that was warm and making a difference in the community. For more information welcoming for those needing therapy and to have an atmosphere about Rock and Armor Physical Therapy and Sports Perforthat wasn’t like a hospital, and they have created that. mance, call (208) 917-2660 or visit n They based their business after a few scriptures, one of them being Ephesians 6:13: “Therefore put on the full armor of God, Tom Dougherty is pastor at Cloverdale Church of God in Boise. so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.” I’ve had the privilege of having Jason as a personal trainer over the past five months, and watching Jason and Tim in action has been terrific. Much of the time they have Christian music in the background, but also play other good workout music. I love the atmosphere that they have created. They have 11 employees from trainers to therapists, and in January they will have their own chiropractor. I was able to do my physical therapy for a back issue I had with one of their physical therapists, April. Not only did she help me with my issues, we had some great discussions about the Lord, and that was so refreshing. A number of sports teams and individuals come and utilize the facility, and trainers come for sports We Ship performance training. The staff at Rock and Armor work with World-Wide very young children to senior citizens. One thing is for certain, they care for each and every one who walks through their doors. Tim and Jason are family men. Tim and his wife Laura have Weiser C lassic Candy & Deli two children, Kamryn and Madilyn, and Jason and his wife (208) 414-2850 | (877) 818-5016 Christine have three children, Quincy, Cooper and Carter. 449 State St., Weiser, ID They recognize the importance of their families and spending time with them. They both are also very involved in their local Shop Our Entire Collection at churches. www.WeiserC Tim attends Foothills Christian and works with the middle 1/2-17

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January / February 2017 | Christian Living 15

Challenging Faith

The world needs Renaissance men, women Because, according to

By Joel Lund Renaissance men? Let’s get this out of the way immediately: No, this article isn’t an anthem on behalf of men. In other words, I’m addressing both men and women. At the same time, we must submit to the reality that 600 years ago (and more) the term “Renaissance men” referred to, well, men. Unfortunate, yes, but there it is. That was then. This is now. And I’m here to declare that our world needs Renaissance men and Renaissance women and in great numbers. Why?

“A Renaissance man is defined as a man who is knowledgeable or proficient in a variety of fields. He is an intelligent man who excels in many areas.” Joel Lund

So more than a “Jack of all trades” (although that can be admirable). A great example of a Renaissance man is Leonardo da Vinci, because he was a painter, sculptor, engineer, scientist, philosopher, architect, inventor and a number of other things. Many consider him a genius. So, here’s a question. Do you have to be a genius to be a Renaissance man or woman? No, you don’t. It might make it easier, but it isn’t a requirement. Which is encouraging, since I am a long way from being a genius. But since I was young and first heard about Renaissance men, I’ve striven to be one. They just seemed to be incredibly interesting people. Curious about the world. Seeking out multiple ways to positively impact those around them. In a word, their eager engagement with the world seemed to me to be a profound living out their faith, discovering the fingerprints of the Creator in more and more places. Engaging in so many disciplines within God’s creation was, in a small way, imitating their Creator.

Renaissance intentions in action

Leonardo da Vinci was the quintessential Renaissance man because of his many diverse talents and interests. (Photo from Pixaby)

16 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

Last November was an intense month for me. The reason I mention it is to show, in part, how I tried to be a Renaissance man during that month. As a business and marketing coach, I worked with more than 35 business people in November. Ten of them were in one company, which is seeking to 1) develop a more cohesive and adaptive team, and 2) become the best firm in its niche. All of the others are entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs (“employees”) needing help with increasing revenues, getting more efficient, playing to their natural giftedness or learning how to excel. Even with several days off for Thanksgiving, it was a challenging month. It was also very gratifying. November is also called NaNoWriMo to writers. Over 400,000 people around the world struggled to write 50,000 words or more to “win NaNo.” What do they get for winning? They get a pdf declaring “Winner!” Yes, for averaging 1,667 words per day, for 30 days, they get a sheet of paper. But you know what? NaNo winners feel like they completed the Iron Man. Because it’s hard. About 8 percent of the participants in this year’s NaNo crossed the 50K finish line.

This was my third NaNoWriMo. It was also my third “win.” I am passionate about completing my teen fantasy novel series, and NaNo has an incredible focusing effect. Two books in my series are published. Three more are in the works because of NaNo. Two more are planned. My goal is to create a contemporary series in the spirit of C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. Will I succeed at that? I have no idea. Besides, readers are the ultimate judge of that, anyway. All I can do is write the series. God has put it on my heart to do so. But writing books is a very right brain experience and nothing like coaching business people. Still, I intentionally worked diligently at both in November. I was an entrepreneur, business coach and novelist. A mini-Renaissance man!

Renaissance living in action

What I have discovered about living like a Renaissance man is that you must work hard at it. And to work that hard, you must take care of yourself. My physical workout objective is to average 10,000 steps per day. In November I logged 312,939 steps, so I exceeded my goal by a smidge. Sleep is crucial to long-term health. I averaged over seven hours a night. Every day, I drank at least six glasses of water. How do I keep track of these? I use a pedometer for walking, an app on my smart phone for sleeping, and a 24-ounce water bottle for water intake. For my spiritual health, I do my devotions in the quiet hours of early morning, and I end each day with a gratitude recap, noting what went well and what I am grateful for. We attend a spiritually challenging church. We listen to music that enriches our spirits, and read books that do the same.

A Renaissance mindset

Look. There’s nothing special about me. Trust me when I say there are people who would enthusiastically agree with that statement. I, like you, have good days and bad days. It’s just what happens on this side of Heaven. To all of us. I watch more TV than I should. During the days leading up to the election, I spent way too much time on Facebook. And I haven’t always intentionally worked at behaving, in my small

ways, like a Renaissance man. It’s really only in the past five years that I realized that waiting for the right time to pursue other interests would result in a life of more “what ifs.” God does not call us to a life of “what ifs.” He calls us to live fully. To live free from that which held us back. Why don’t more believers live as people of the Renaissance? I offer this explanation: they believe their inner critic. Often we don’t try new things when we don’t believe we’ll be good at them. Does that mindset come from God? Um, no. It comes from our experiences in grade school. Being ridiculed stings. Even as a grown-up. But as grown-ups we know better. We know that insecurity drives children to mock other children. We recognize that our own insecurity means we avoid trying things — including behaving as Renaissance women and men — because we fear failure. In fact we fear it more than we fear success. The result is there are a great many gifts, discoveries, observations, books, songs and insights that the world desperately needs…that never arrive. Because we fail out before we’ve even tried.

It’s your turn, Renaissance men and women

Of all the times in human history that call for people to live with a Renaissance mindset, this is it! This is an era that bellows for you to step up. If you are already doing your best to live a Renaissance life, good on you and more power to you. But if you’ve felt the nudge but have so far avoided pursuing it, now is your time. The people of God must level up and impact our culture. The need is great. The opportunity is huge. So expand your interests. Peer over that horizon. Make your mark. You are called to a life of purpose. Live it each and every day. n Joel Lund is a certified master coach and business marketing expert. Are you a business owner? Check out his newest enterprise,, an online business accelerator. Owners and entrepreneurs using the academy quickly break through to higher revenues, with less work and more fun. Download his (free) simple 10-step guide for living with more purpose and joy:





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January / February 2017 | Christian Living 17

Salvation Army

Meeting needs 365 days of the year By Gaye Bunderson Nestled behind the historic structure that houses the Marian Pritchett School on 24th Street in Boise sits a compound that includes the offices of Majors Robert (Bob) and Rhonda Lloyd, Treasure Valley coordinators and Boise Corps officers for the Salvation Army. The couple has many years of ministry experience. While living in Seattle, Rhonda worked with New Horizons Ministries, helping to get homeless women and children off the streets. Bob, on the other hand, occasionally had to put people out on the street. As a transit supervisor, he had to clear the buses of transients when transit system services shut down at 2 in the morning. It was far from his favorite thing to do. Now, however, both the Lloyds help people in need through their work at the Salvation Army. The Army has been in the valley for nearly 130 years, providing crisis aid, food, clothing, furniture, utility bill assistance, emergency and transitional housing, and a center for worship services which are led by the Lloyds. At a meeting with Bob Lloyd in early November, the Army was launching its red kettle brigade, those friendly figures who stand at the supermarket, ringing in the holidays. “Christmas is our most visible time, and the red kettles are one of the most iconic symbols of the season,” Lloyd said. As everyone knows, the Salvation Army collects donations from shoppers who drop coins or cash into the kettles and then uses


the money to help the less fortunate. The generosity of people thoughout the valley at Christmas is remarkable; prior to Christmas, volunteers flock to the Salvation Army at Thanksgiving to lend a spirit-of-the-holidays helping hand. And while Major Lloyd is exceptionally grateful for the money and the volunteerism in November and December, there’s something he wants everyone to know: the Salvation Army works to help those lacking in life’s necessities 365 days of the year. “We touch 78,000 people in a year,” Lloyd said. “One of the challenges we have is that most people want to volunteer around the holidays. It’s not unusual at Thanksgiving for us not to have enough room for all the volunteers; there are sometimes more than we can manage. We’d like people to remember we are doing the same basic things in the spring and summer.” One of the Salvation Army’s mottos is: “Need knows no season.” The Army teams with other ministries in the area, including the Boise Rescue Mission. “People confuse our missions at times, but there’s a lot of partnership,” Lloyd said. Kendelle Sundell, development manager for the Salvation Army in Boise, said: “We work together to provide a social safety net in the community, and it really takes all of us to work together.” The Salvation Army also partners closely with the Idaho Food Bank to help meet the needs of those who are struggling. “We encounter people who are in distress,” said Lloyd, explain-

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Five Salvation Army Facts Below are some of the things you may not know about the Salvation Army: 1. A number of Hollywood stars have played Salvation Army characters in the movies, including Cary Grant, Marlon Brando and Frank Sinatra. 2. Since the 1920s, a Salvation Army brass band from Southern California has marched in the Rose Bowl Parade. 3. The 1966 Beatles song, “Strawberry Fields Forever,” was written by John Lennon about his experiences as a boy playing with children from a Salvation Army orphanage called Strawberry Field in Woolton, England. 4. The Salvation Army operates a Missing Persons Program which, in 2015 alone, provided services to more than 209,000 people. 5. Sometimes Salvation Army officers, dressed in the traditional Salvation Army uniforms, are mistaken for airline pilots. Though not very stylish, the uniforms serve as an outward display of that person’s calling to care for the lost, feed the hungry, and comfort the hurting. Source: did_you_know ing that sometimes, out of their distress, they may not be as open and friendly as they would otherwise be. “We try not to take it personally because we realize they’re coming to us because they have issues. They aren’t happy with life. We strive to create relationships with clients so we can help with their deeper issues. In the Salvation Army, we have a spiritual movitation, and that helps a lot.” The Salvation Army does not require anyone it serves to attend church, but members don’t shy away from letting it be known they are people of faith, serving God. “We serve without discrimination,” Sundelle said. The Army does not ask anyone his or her religious affiliation and has no stipulations about who may receive aid. As much as it is able, the

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Salvation Army helps any person in need. Lloyd is just one of many members of the Salvation Army who feels fulfilled by his calling. “I love this job,” he said. “It beats kicking people off the bus at 2 a.m.” n For more information, go to There is also a Salvation Army in Nampa. Go to


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Rhonda and Bob Lloyd are Treasure Valley coordinators and Boise Corps officers for the Salvation Army. (Courtesy photo)

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January / February 2017 | Christian Living 19

Development vice president with By Gaye Bunderson Jason Billester serves as the vice president of development for Boise Rescue Mission Ministries. Though it’s a corporatesounding title, VP of development takes a different spin in the nonprofit world — especially working for an organization that helps the homeless. Billester’s job requires him to raise both money and food for the Mission, as well as thanking donors for their generosity. Asked how he does that, he replies, “I get to show how the love of Jesus Christ is offered to our guests every day.” The guests he refers to are the people who find succor within the Mission’s walls. “On average, we provide shelter for 400 men, women and children per night at four facilities*. They’re hurting, broken people with shattered lives and scrambled brains,” he said. Another of his responsibilities is getting people involved with Rescue Mission programs and services through speaking engagements and tours of the Mission’s sites in the valley. “I tell people, ‘If you’ve got a gift, skill, talent or ability, we will put you to work,’” he said. Volunteers at the Mission do everything from tutoring children to serving meals and sorting clothes. Billester, now 39, finds himself in a far different position than

20 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

he ever imagined as a younger man. “My goal was to work and make money,” he said. “I thought of God as my ATM machine, and prayed that way. The accumulation of money and possessions was my motivator.” Though Billester has been a believer since his youth, he was not born into a model Christian family. “We were showy Christians,” he said. “We went to church. We dressed well, smiled big and smelled good.” But beneath the outward display, there were undercurrents of dysfunction — his parents were on the verge of divorce. “They argued constantly,” Billester said, “about money, business and family matters.” Then, at age 13, Billester suffered serious injuries when an El Camino he was riding in was t-boned by another driver. He was thrown 32 feet out of the back of the vehicle and landed on his head. He was in a coma for a month, with 44 staples holding his skull together; his wrist and both his ankles were broken. The doctors gave him a 3 percent chance of living, a 2 percent chance of living but being in a vegetative state, and a 1 percent chance of regaining a fully functional life. He pulled through despite the extremely narrow odds, with youth and faith in his corner. “I realized I was a broken vessel that was put back together, and the Lord had a different plan for me,” Billester said.

a higher purpose

A Vision for Gospel Rescue Missions To lead the Church of Jesus Christ into a new understanding of biblical hospitality and to find innovative ways of expressing the truth that all human beings have value, dignity, and eternal worth because they are created by God and bear His image. Gospel rescue missions need to take delight in diffusing tense situations and creating environments that exude God’s grace and compassion. — Rev. Bill Roscoe, President and CEO of the Boise Rescue Mission

Five Rescue Mission Facts Jason Billester is the vice president of development for Boise Rescue Mission Ministries. (Courtesy photo)

He moved from Southern California to Northern California to live with his grandmother, and his parents eventually divorced. In the small town of Lucerne, he attended an Evangelical Free Church at a senior center with older Christians; his relationship with the Lord started to take root and flourish, and his grandmother was pivotal in fostering its growth. “It was my grandma who taught me how to love others and serve God, stay centered and focused, and stay active and involved in church,” Billester said. At age 18, he “moved around a lot,” he said. His travels led him to Idaho. After graduating from Idaho State University in Pocatello, where he majored in speech communication and rhetorical studies, he sought employment in Boise working with a large pharmaceutical company. He imagined it would be his ticket to a world of financial and career success. It was another grandmother — Grandma Jean — who connected him with this current vocation/ministry. She told him she’d been talking with a friend at church who suggested he call Rev. Bill Roscoe at the Boise Rescue Mission about the possibility of employment, but it wasn’t until four months later that he made the call. “It was a pride thing. I just didn’t see myself working at a homeless shelter,” Billester said. He set up a meeting with Rev. Roscoe, who told him, “I like your resume.” But when Roscoe offered him a job, Billester answered no, respectfully. Nonetheless, Rev. Roscoe wasn’t ready to concede. He said, “I’ll call you in a week. I want you to pray about it.” So Billester spent time on his knees during the ensuing week until, at last, he was convicted by the Holy Spirit that the Boise Rescue Mission was where God wanted him. He took the job, but the focus on his paycheck remained. “I thought working at the Rescue Mission was a way to make money,” he said. He was doing a lot of work and drinking Monster energy drinks to get it all done; but over time, his emphasis shifted. “Back then, I worked harder and prayed less,” he said. “Now I work hard but pray more. I see God’s evidence and fingerprints every day, doors of favor that open with fundraising, and transformative changes in the lives of people we serve.”

1. The largest emerging demographic of homeless people are veterans and single moms with children. 2. The average age of a person who stays at BRM is about 40. 3. Fifty-five percent of the total guest population is currently employed. 4. In 2011, 2,200 first-time jobless people came to the Mission because they’d never been in that situation before. 5. A decade-in-review study covering 2004-2014 indicated that BRM provided more than 1.1 million beds and served more than 3.3 million hot meals to homeless people. For more information, go to An influx of approximately 1,300 people come into the Mission’s shelters each week, according to Billester. “We never turn anyone away because of lack of room, so if someone needs recovery, they’ll find it at the Rescue Mission,” he said. “We want to treat each person with love and respect and address their needs as an individual.” The development vice president has served a total of nine years at the Mission. He took a job at the Better Business Bureau for two years in that nine-year time frame to earn enough money to pay off medical bills incurred when his baby son was born with a heart defect that required treatment at a Seattle hospital. When he returned to the Mission, it was again through the leading of the Holy Spirit. Despite his formal job description, he feels he’s been called to more than might be undertaken in a similar secular position. “I used to think I was here for the purpose of raising food and money. The Lord has shown me that His plan is perfect and better than anything I could imagine. This is the Lord’s rescue mission; it’s not mine,” he said. “I just get to be a part of it.” n *Boise Rescue Mission Ministries homeless shelters include: River of Life Men’s Shelter in Boise; Lighthouse Men’s Shelter in Nampa; City Light Home for Women & Children in Boise; and Valley Women’s and Children’s Center in Nampa. The Mission also has a thrift store at 1215 12th Ave. S. in Nampa that helps raise funds for BRM’s many programs, including addiction counseling and other services. The Mission thrives through the generosity of the local community and receives no government funding.

January / February 2017 | Christian Living 21

Notes from Home

On kids, pants, pizza and Scripture I have to go to get them to eat their food! Their FOOD! Food holds a special place in my It’s winter, and my two heart (and body). If I received the sons have finally given into kind of positive feedback they get afthe inevitable: wearing ter eating their whole dinner, I would pants. feel like a million bucks all the time. That’s right, they ignored I am REALLY good at finishing my many disbelieving comdinner. ments throughout the fall Having to bribe a person to eat and early winter about their their pizza is something I will never bare legs. They wore shorts understand. It’s pizza! You know that long into the frosty days, emoji with the huge smile and hearts claiming they weren’t cold for eyes? That’s how I feel about (“The cold never bothered pizza. The only incentives that should me anyway, Mom!” as our be in play are incentives to not eat the like-minded, Frozen-obwhole pie! Instead I’m holding back sessed little girlfriend would a treat or soda until they’ve eaten an say) and clinging stubbornly acceptable amount of the food that’s to the shorts that were not passing as dinner on pizza night. only inappropriate for the And pizza is not the only ridiculous weather, but also starting to food enemy in my kids’ minds. One hug them a little too tight. night I told my son he had to finish When other parents half his dinner before he could come expressed their reasonable out and play soccer with the family. concern at my boys’ attire, I Do you know what he chose? To lie laughed the comments off, on the floor and cry instead of eating. shaking my head, hoping to The food in question? A CHEESEdraw the disturbed parties BURGER. into sympathetic musings Dani Grigg is a Boise freelance writer, wife and happy mother of two young (I feel it should be noted that I cook about how impossible kids sons, including Jonah (in the striped shirt) and Andy. (Courtesy photo) many things besides pizza and cheeseare. And I did get lots of burgers. Healthy things. I promise.) sympathy. Many parents Ugh, kids. Kids! understand about kids being It occurred to me today that I’m not that different from my weird about that kind of thing and about choosing peace over kids in some ways. epic struggle when safety is not an issue. It’s become clear to me over the years that when I read the But kids! We’re talking about PANTS! They’re WARM! Scriptures, my life is better. I feel more peace and joy and Warm and soft! purpose. But do I choose to read the Scriptures every day? No. Ugh, kids. I’d begun to doubt it would ever happen, but when the snow I often choose sleep or TV or stupid cell phone games at times came pants started to seem like an okay option to my two boys when I could be choosing to draw closer to the Savior by reading about His life and words. at last. I wonder if God is up there, giving me the crazy eye when I Kids are so weird. make those decisions. Is He ranting at anyone who will listen? Another crazy thing about my kids? The lengths to which “We’re talking about PEACE here, people! PEACE! And JOY! Peace “Every Life Leaves A Legacy!” and joy and warmth and clarity! Ugh. Dani!” Established 1911 Funeral Homes No, I know He understands why Quality and Integrity Still Matter I make the decisions I make. But Advanced Brakes, Diagnostics, Tune ups, Debbie Bachmann at the same time, I know He’s (208) 695-9102 Emission Repairs, Oil & Lube, cheering for me to make betFuneral Planning 1099 Wells St. #200, Meridian, ID Major/Minor Repairs, ter ones. He wants me to have a The last loving gift A/C, Nationwide wonderful life, just like I want for to your family. 36Mo/36K Mile Warranty my kids. He wants to cover me and fill me 562-1693 Donna Hundt with spiritual pants and pizza. I 2200 S. Cole Road, Boise, ID 83709 208-343-6493 just need to trust Him more. I will get there! n (1 1/2 blocks South of Costco) By Dani Grigg

22 January / February 2017 | Christian Living





The hub of heart verses: Proverbs 4:23

closely connected than we can imagine. For example, By Gary Meuser statistically, men who have “Keep your heart with all diligence anger issues are for out of it spring the issues of twice as likely life.” — Proverbs 4:23 to have a heart attack. Stress From my perspective, this is the has a profound central verse in fully grasping the weakening effect importance of the human heart in upon the heart. Scripture. All the principles that Stress has much we gain from the Bible concernto do with fear ing the heart revolve around Gary Meuser and anxiety, the truths found in this which along verse. Imagine with anger, are with me an spiritual issues old-fashioned dealt with in wooden the Bible. wagon Centuries wheel ago, physiwith cians recspokes ognized the extendconnection ing from between the the hub. mind and Proverbs the body. 4:23 is the In recent hub around decades they which addidrifted back to tional Scripthat same underture references standing. But now, will revolve. Like science is going even the hub of a wheel, deeper and beginning to our heart is at the acknowledge a connection center of what moves us between the spiritual heart along the road of life. The and physical health. I think we health of our physical, emowould all agree that a strong physitional, intellectual, and spiritual cal heart is essential for a healthy body. heart will determine how successfully We are admonished to “keep” our this road is traveled. Let’s take a closer heart. This can be approached from look at this verse. The original Hebrew word for heart in both a physiological and spiritual perthe Old Testament is “Lehv.” In the New spective. If we are going to obey this command, we must first clearly underTestament the Greek word for heart is stand the meaning of the word “keep.” “kardia.” From this term we derive the The root Hebrew word is “nahzar,” English word “cardiac,” which refers to which conveys the understanding of all things pertaining to the heart. Carguarding, observing and watching over diac arrest is a level of heart failure. A cardiologist is a heart specialist. “Heart” something. Psalms 141:3 declares: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch itself means center, or taking central over the door of my lips.” place. Heart is at the center, and is cenAdded meaning would be to “keep a tral. Physically it is in the center of our vineyard.” We are to go beyond just paybody. It is central to living healthy. ing attention to our heart. The instrucThe same is true of our spiritual tion is to keep it, as a farmer would keep heart. In fact, if our spiritual heart is his vineyard. out of balance, then our physical heart Continued on Page 31 will struggle as well. The two are more

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January / February 2017 | Christian Living 23

Where Are They Now?

Maglish’s anti-trafficking work never slows By Sandy Jones Editor’s note: Dawn Maglish and InsideOUT Salon were featured on the cover of the September/October 2014 issue of Christian Living. Dawn helps girls caught up in human trafficking. Her ministry has broadened a lot since that first story was published, and her work continues.

to other states, like Oregon and Washington, for her rehab. InsideOUT also funded her treatment, as there are also no resources for On November 1, 2016 InsideOUT Salon celebrated trafficking victims. Even their fifth anniversary. Their mission of combating sex if these places existed and human trafficking has never wavered, but in early and were funded, Dawn 2014, God started changing their focus from internaquickly discovered that tional trafficking to a localized focus. It was then that Inthey would have to be sideOUT founder Dawn Maglish saw a girl on the news unique, as someone who who had been missing; it was reported that her mother has been rescued from a feared it was part of human trafficking. Knowing that if this girl trafficking situation needs help immediately — their need cannot was a missing child, a runaway, or drug addict she would most wait for funding or application approval, which under normal likely be a trafficking victim, Dawn reached out to the mother. circumstances could take up to two weeks. The girl was recovered, and was, in fact, a trafficking victim. It was also in 2014 that Dawn and her staff were working This scenario repeated itself just two weeks later when Dawn toward their next trip to Thailand to hold special classes for noticed Facebook posts about another girl who had gone missrescued girls there who had graduated from the cosmetology ing. Again Dawn reached out to this girl’s parents, sharing about program provided by Destiny Rescue and getting ready to go her training and experience and worked with them to find their out on their own. Dawn found this trip to be simultaneously daughter. Through all of this Dawn realized the statistics that eye-opening and disheartening. She was excited about all the she’d been taught through her extensive training are just as true changes that had happened in Thailand since her first visit five here as they are elsewhere. years earlier, walking through the “amazing” Destiny Rescue Often by the time a victim is rescued, they’ve become a drug facility, and witnessing firsthand all their wonderful programs; addict and usually suffer from severe trauma. What Dawn found but her heart was back home where she’d become all too aware was that in our area there is nowhere specifically set up to house that in her own home town there was nothing for the same type human trafficking victims. In the case of the first victim, menof victims. tioned above, InsideOUT ended up outsourcing her treatment While Dawn totally respects and is grateful for the work that Destiny Rescue does in Thailand, it broke her heart that “we live in a country that has resources and we don’t even notice that it [trafficking] is happening.” Upon her return home Dawn was contacted by the Boise City Police Department regarding a 15-year-old girl they had recovered from trafficking while conducting a sting. The BPD had tried all other resources, hitting a dead end. It was actually a victim witness coordinator who suggested they turn to InsideOUT to see if they could help. When she went into the Detention Center to visit this teen, Dawn suddenly realized there weren’t any resources at that time to help kids in this situation except them, and she knew how very limited their offerings were at that point. She invested everything she had into this teen to Dawn Maglish, left, works closely with Paula Barthelmess, right, to rescue girls caught up in a web of human traffick- find her help and began working ing. Dawns owns InsideOUT Salon; Paula owns Community Outreach Counseling. The women’s combined resources with the courts and police. have enabled them to reach more girls in peril. (Courtesy photo)

24 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

This case wasn’t as easy, as the victim was in denial that she’d been trafficked and believed it was her choice to participate, and felt that her captors were like family. It took a couple of years to work through this process. She would improve, and then at 18 suffered a relapse back into that lifestyle. Dawn views this case as a success today, as the young woman has now fully left that life behind her. Dawn has seen firsthand that it can take years to even have a breakthrough, and it takes people who can be consistent and persevere through all the heartache to get there. Constantly looking for ways to train and improve herself and her staff, Dawn heard of a conference that Community Outreach Counseling (COC) was holding for their own therapists to train them on what human trafficking is — how to deal with it, and what the signs are. Dawn reached out to Paula Barthelmess, the owner of COC, and asked if she could attend this training, explaining that while she’s not a therapist she wanted to learn anything they could share with her. This was the beginning of a partnership of sorts as both women soon learned they were both passionate about trafficking victims and, each in their own field, dedicated to helping them. The COC training was just part of the education process; Dawn and her staff traveled to Seattle to work through the Genesis Project, and they trained with the State Attorney General’s Office when they brought in GEMS (Girls Education and Mentoring Services) from New York. Dawn was working to develop a really good basis for becoming an expert in the field. Seeing that the need locally was so great — the numbers of victims larger than even Dawn had imagined, coupled with the

lack of help and resources available to these victims — Dawn went to the board of InsideOUT Salon and asked them to join her in discussion and prayer about changing their focus to be solely localized. Within a month of this change Dawn was contacted by the Ada County Juvenile Detention Center and eventually was asked if she would come in and teach a class to youth to help them understand the risks of being trafficked; she ended up offering up her salon as a neutral ground. With no curriculum available, Dawn set about to create her own, coming up with things like Lifesaver Bingo, using the statistics on human trafficking to fill the boxes. This gave her the opportunity to chat about these statistics throughout the game, teaching conversationally instead of lecturing. The youth weren’t the only ones who learned; soon some of the detention officers started coming to InsideOUT to get their hair done so they had more time to talk about the reality of human trafficking. Shortly thereafter, Health and Welfare learned of the work InsideOUT was doing to combat trafficking and help its victims, and contacted Dawn to see if she and her staff would consider working with girls who are high risk, not necessarily who have been trafficked, but who exhibit risky behaviors. Dawn was also invited to speak at their annual conference on this topic. All of this worked into Dawn and her team training the H&W social workers and community members. It was when the InsideOUT team was invited into the Canyon County Juvenile Detention Center that Dawn realized just how significant the numbers of victims are in our community. Continued on Page 27

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January / February 2017 | Christian Living 25

‘God Can Heal Anything!’

Some thoughts on spiritual healing draw near to us (James 4:8). He said that He would, and He cannot No matter what you lie. (See Numbers 23:19.) need, God’s got it. It’s our move, yours and I’m of the firm persuamine. God said it and He sion that it is God’s will will do it. Jesus said that to heal His people. Not His sheep know His voice everyone will receive (John 10:4). their healing from God Knowing Him is what just like not everyone it’s all about. When will receive Jesus as their we come to know God Lord and Savior and through meditating on be saved. That does not His Word along with mean it’s not available. prayer, understanding It just means that what His character, and by His has been made available Ann Doupont Holy Spirit inside of us, by the Lord has not been we will then know what His will is for our received. lives. We will come to understand that as There are many reasons why some an earthly father gives good things to his people are not healed. It’s often because children, our Heavenly Father will give of a lack of knowledge, some kind of change that is needed in their lives in or- us so much more (Luke 11:13). If you had a sick child, and had the der to become well and stay well. Hosea means to make him or her better, would 4:6 says that God’s people would perish you withhold help from that child? Of if they lacked knowledge. course you wouldn’t. That would be God can supernaturally heal people cruel. Your Heavenly Father loves you so directly, and when He does it’s glorious. very much, and He wants you to be well. But not all people are healed the same He has the answers that you need, but way, or the same way each time healing it’s up to you to find them. is needed. I’ve been healed directly by In other words, we each have a part God as I meditated on verses on faith in this. So has God. In James, we find and healing and totally amended my that one of these ways to be healed is diet. That was when I was a new Christo call on the elders and they will pray tian and everything I read in the Bible the prayer of faith and the sick will be was brand new to me. healed. In the book of Mark, we find As I exchanged my thoughts for His that believers can lay hands on sick (in the Scriptures), and prayed, I experienced a great and mighty transformation people and they will be made well. Romans 8:11 is one of my favorite of my inner being and was healed from verses of all for healing. It says that if what was medically incurable: bipolar disorder. I’d been in the mental hospitals the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us, He will bring life on five separate occasions, and doctors to our mortal bodies by His Spirit in us. had given up hope that I would ever be By the moving of God’s Spirit in us, we healed. But that was before I met Jesus can be healed simply by believing it and and understood His will. allowing Him to move in us. Drawing near to God, He will then There is a real devil, however, whose “job” it is to steal, kill and destroy (John We offer free 10:10). There is spiritual warfare to be pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, fought. The battles that come to us from STI testing as well as the enemy of our souls need to be fought other related services. and won using spiritual weapons. The weapons of our warfare are not Now open in Caldwell carnal but mighty through God to the 524 Cleveland Blvd. Ste 110, Caldwell, ID pulling down of strongholds, casting 1323 12th Ave. S. • Nampa, ID down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge Text: 208-615-1053 • E-mail: of God and bringing into captivity every 208-466-4000 • 1/2-17

By Ann Doupont

26 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

thought to the obedience of Christ. This is found in 2 Corinthians 10, verses 4 and 5. The mind is the battleground. It’s where we will either win or lose the battle. What we think about matters, possibly more than we even realize. That’s why it’s so important to put God’s Word into our hearts and minds through meditating on it each day. Some people simply quote a verse, or part of a verse, from the Bible and believe that’s all it takes for them to be healed. For me, it takes a lot more. I need to study and meditate on God’s Word every day, putting my focus on it rather than the many distractions that come my way. Recently, I went through another season in my life where healing was needed. This time, the Lord chose to do it a different way from before. As I was already close to Him when that diagnosis came, I understood that not only did He want me healed from it, but I knew what my part was in it this time, which was different from the other times He has healed me. The answers are in the Bible, but sometimes people get so busy with their lives that they don’t take the time to find the answers that they need. For me, it’s a priority, a matter of life and death. Jesus came to give us life, and that life more abundantly; but it’s up to each of us to learn how to live in that new life He has provided for us. God said that He set before us life and death, blessing and cursing (Deuteronomy 30:19). He then said to “choose life.” Each of us has a choice in how we live. We can make healthy choices that lead to a healthy lifestyle or we can choose to live in such a way that we become sick and possibly die before our time. God surely can heal anything, but it’s up to each of us to walk with Him and find out how to live as healthy as possible. We do our part and God then does His. n Ann Doupont is the author of “God Can Heal Anything!” and several more ebooks on healing, as well as on many other subjects. Find her writings online at and


For more information on human trafficking, or to find out how to help with the needs of one of their homes, email Dawn at


Continued from page 25 She says “once you put the word out and really teach people how to identify [human trafficking] you find that they’re [victims] everywhere.” And these victims come from all walks of life; it often happens to be “the girl next door.” Paula explains that these victims “don’t know what words to put with it. The girls don’t know how to express ‘this has happened to me; I can’t connect, hey I’ve been trafficked or sold.’” Sometimes the victims explain it away by defending their offenders with statements like ‘well I did it because my boyfriend said that I needed to help him buy food, or drugs….’ They really don’t understand themselves at first, until they come to understand what trafficking is and what it looks like. It’s often in the classes they hold at the detention centers that all of a sudden one of the girls will start identifying and realize ‘that happened to me!’ Once they recognize and accept that they’ve been trafficked, then these victims can start down the road to recovery. This is where Dawn and Paula’s organizations have joined forces. Dawn and her staff go in to the detention centers and teach classes to help the girls make healthier choices, while trying to identify triggers that might lead to trafficking. Once a victim is identified and with their parents’ consent, and while following the procedures and protocols that are in place in the respective counties, the InsideOUT team works to form a mentor relationship with the victim, based on trust and honesty. Once established the victim has someone walking beside them, visiting them, going to court with them — a person on their side

— then Dawn and her staff can introduce them to Paula or one of her therapists as someone who is trusted and safe. Paula explains that the two organizations (InsideOUT Salon and COC’s non-profit Community Outreach Behavioral Services) are collaborating to develop an assessment tool to see “what these girls need besides just the trauma work and the mentoring; sometimes they need a lot higher level of care”; it is their shared hope to give these victims quicker access to the tools they need for their recovery. Paula adds, “It is God’s hand that is putting this all together.” She and Dawn readily admit that it’s not an 8 to 5 job, and you can’t lump all of these victims in one category either; you have to see each one of them as an individual, often an individual between the ages of 16 and 18 who is a little girl on the inside, but because she’s had to carry the weight of the world feels that she has to be an adult. At the time of this interview there was no housing available for victims who are minors. None of the local shelters or homes were set up or licensed to take in an unescorted minor child — regardless of the circumstances, and without a court order. With the number of locally identified minor victims needing help and services already at 35, Dawn knew that could not continue to be the case. In early December 2016 the first home sponsored by Community Outreach Behavioral Services and supervised by InsideOUT Salon staff members opened, with homes two and three right behind them. Once again Dawn finds herself in uncharted waters, and it has to feel a bit like déjà vu — a thought, a prayer, and suddenly it all comes together — God thrusting her forward at the speed of light. This time she has a staff and a Godly partner in Paula to navigate alongside her. n

January / February 2017 | Christian Living 27

Days for Girls

Organization fills need for hygiene products By Kelsey Graybill God’s call to service comes in many different ways. For Kayla Rich it came in the form of an unexpected period while traveling in Haiti. Rich remembers, “I felt for a short time what it feels like to not have what I needed to manage my period in a developing nation. There was nothing available. I felt panic, shame and embarrassment. I would return to Idaho, where there would be ample supplies at my disposal, but I knew this was something Haitian women had to deal with every month. I knew I had to do something. I couldn’t un-see the poverty I saw there; I couldn’t un-feel what I experienced.” Rich returned from Haiti and responded to God’s call by starting a local chapter of a nonprofit called Days for Girls. Days for Girls makes reusable feminine hygiene kits for girls and women around the globe. The kits include sewn items that act as menstruation pads. The pads can be rewashed and reused every month. Each kit lasts for 3-4 years. “Disposable products are not available everywhere, and for

some they are too expensive to purchase,” Rich said. “There are girls in this world who use corn husks, leaves, bits of mattress, whatever they can find to manage their period; or if they can’t find anything, they stay home from school or work during their menstruation. Month after month they miss days of school and eventually are forced to drop out because they are so behind. Days for Girls aims to get more days in school for girls who need supplies, and more days at work in or out of the home for women in developing nations.” Since beginning her chapter in early 2016, Rich has had more than 600 volunteers help make and collect items for nearly 750 kits. Days for Girls in Meridian has held over 20 events, which were hosted by sewing circles, church groups, and others. But the calendar fills up fast, and she has quickly outgrown the room in her home where all these items are stored. “We are hoping that someone will feel impressed to donate a small dedicated space for volunteers to meet once a week to sew, pick up fabric and drop off completed items. This will allow us to have more reach. We are hoping that the tax

Schoolgirls receive Days for Girls kits in Williamson, Haiti. The kits were distributed by Days for Girls team members, from left, Kari Hales, Grace Lazenby, Tiffany Larson and Kayla Rich. The young man shown here served the group as an interpreter. (Photo provided by Days for Girls)

28 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

“In Haiti, I was so grateful for the opportunity to testify that God loves His daughters, that our bodies are a beautiful creation.”

benefit will help in this donation,” Rich said. It isn’t just the manufacturing of these kits that happens at a grassroots level; the distribution is handled the same way. The kits have been sent to India, Uganda, and just recently, Rich returned with a team of three other volunteers to distribute 464 kits in Haiti. “It was such a full circle experience for me to return to Haiti and bring these items for the women there. Of course I couldn’t reach every girl, but for the 464 we did reach, I knew it would make a difference each month. It is all about helping a girl maintain her dignity during her period,” Rich said. She explained, “Different groups approach us about taking kits to the areas where they are called to serve, whether it is an orphanage, school, or a church. This is how we distribute the kits to girls around the globe; we don’t have to worry about the items getting stuck in a port or lost in shipment. We know hand to hand they are delivered to girls and women in need.” Right now Days for Girls in Meridian is able to give the kits to those who ask for them. Rich adds, “We know that preparing for a mission trip is an expensive venture. For now we are able to give these kits to groups to distribute without a cost; we hope to be able to continue to do so throughout 2017.” Days for Girls kits are distributed with education. At minimum it is a little knowledge on how to use the items in the kit and how to wash and dry them to prevent infections. With more time available, the kits are used as a discussion opener to share information about the female body, reproduction, and basic feminine hygiene. “In Haiti the women would thank us for coming to share with them how to prevent infections. Knowledge is power, and I saw woman after woman being empowered about what was happening inside her body,” Rich said. For Rich the women’s education went beyond basic anatomy. “In Haiti,” she said, “I was so grateful for the opportunity

Kayla Rich Owner of New Release Today to testify that God loves His daughters, that our bodies are a beautiful creation, and that our periods allow us to have families.” The organization also works in developing nations to train women to make the products. “One of the ways we want to expand in the future is to hire Haitian women to sew these items for women in their own country, thus providing the menstrual supplies the women need while also providing employment,” Rich said. Days for Girls’ motto is “Every Girl. Everywhere. Period.” Rich also aims to bring awareness here in Idaho that there are girls and women who don’t have the products they need to manage their periods. She has encouraged feminine hygiene drives to help fulfill local needs at middle and high schools, women’s shelters, homeless shelters, and refugee centers. Even in our own community, girls stay home from school if they don’t have supplies. “This is a silent necessity, because we don’t typically talk about periods; we also don’t ask enough questions about periods. Does your child’s school have need of supplies? Does the orphanage or school you support have a steady supply of feminine products? Are some of our global initiatives being halted when girls and women stay home? As you ask these questions, we hope to be able to be a part of the answer,” Rich said. n For more information on donating, serving, or accessing kits, contact Kayla Rich at

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January / February 2017 | Christian Living 29

Power of the word

Rocky Detwiler tastes success, then loses it By Rocky Detwiler My grandma always called me the “spoken word baby.” After my mom had my older brother, her doctor told her she would not be able to have more children. However, it was placed on my mom and dad’s hearts to have another child. A close friend of the family was a missionary and had a gift of healing. He prayed for my mom, and about nine months later I was born on December 17, 1969. I was blessed with a wonderful Christian upbringing and loving home to grow up in. I found success after college, as a combination of my work ethic and wise investments brought me financial prosperity. I was a millionaire in my 30s, and while I contributed to missions at my church, I wasn’t changing any lives with my semi-retired lifestyle. I thought I had reached the pinnacle of everything in life — I wanted for nothing and loved the time and freedom that living off the interest from my primary investment afforded me. After several years of watching a close friend’s business venture, I decided to invest a large sum of my money with him. He was a friend of 18 years and it seemed a wise decision at the time. This single action would change my life forever. I remember my rock bottom like it was yesterday. Tears streamed down my face as I forced myself to look at the man in the mirror, at what I had become. My self-image, worth, and confidence could go no lower. I found myself in the deepest pit of despair, and I was contemplating how to end my life to eliminate the pain after becoming a victim of one of Arizona’s largest Ponzi schemes. This scam claimed all of my money (over a million dollars), my home, land, possessions, my dreams, my marriage and almost my life. I had gained 50 pounds, ended up homeless and living in a tree house for a year because I had nowhere else to go. That night while looking at the shell of a man in the mirror, I decided to live, not die, and to never give up. I thank God he was in my life or I would not be writing this today. He was the anchor that held me strong during the biggest storm of my life. I focused first on what I was thinking about and the ultimate power of God’s word in my life. I had to dig deep to figure out what my new dreams and purpose were for my life. I read in Revelation 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” It became my mission to share my testimony, which helped me overcome my greatest challenge. Other scriptures stood out to me at this time, such as Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things Rocky Detwiler found success at a young age. He also hit rock bottom at a young age, losing everything, living in a treehouse, neglecting his health, and gaining 50 pounds. He eventually turned his life around, launched a new company, and got his health back. (Courtesy photo)

30 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things.” Also Proverbs 18:21: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” These scriptures helped me realize that my thoughts become my words, my words become my actions, my actions become my habits, and my habits become my lifestyle or how I lived my life. I called this process The Samson Effect and ended up writing a book about it to help others. Losing everything changed my life’s direction and my mess became my message. I now speak, write, and coach in order to uplift, inspire, and bring hope to others. I have two companies that use the power of words to change people’s lives: Samson Wear and Samson Life. I named the companies after Samson in the book of Judges in the Bible because he overcame and conquered his mistakes with words of power. Samson Life is the home of my Samson Life Challenge that propels individuals, teens, couples, and employees to positive life change by implementing life and leadership skills through an online interactive program. This program of coaching, workshops, and speaking focuses on the positive power of His word. I am humbled by this bigger purpose God has given me and have seen depressed teens become positive mentors, couples mend their broken relationships, individuals lose weight to become fit and healthy, and stress/anxiety disappear for teens and individuals as they learned simple daily tasks that became habits. People learned to dream again as I had to, and they learn how He instructed us to think and speak. I designed my program to reach a secular world and it works. God is a big God and we are only limited by our thoughts about how we think our lives should be. God has no limits and says to trust Him and He will give us the desires of our heart. After my rock bottom, I found myself completely alone. I began praying and speaking about what I wanted in my future wife. I made a list of specific qualities I was looking for and knew it would be impossible, but believed that God would bring the right woman to me. In January 2015 she came. She is everything and more than I asked for. I call her my “spoken word bride.” God has redeemed every area of my life and given me a better second chance. I was overweight, alone, and living in a tree. By applying God’s word, I became a bodybuilding champion, madly in love, filled with joy, living in a beautiful home and inspiring millions with hope that they too can overcome life’s adversities. God wants to redeem you, He wants to bless you, and He wants to do more than you could ask or think. n Rocky Detwiler is the author of “The Samson Effect.” Visit his website at to download his free ebook, “5 Steps to Fit & Healthy” to help you with your physical goals for 2017.

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Meuser Continued from page 23

He would care for his vineyard in such a manner as to keep it healthy, and carry it through each level to maturity, at which point the vineyard would yield fruit, hopefully a bountiful crop. In this verse, “keep” is used in the imperative sense. This means that the action is now, immediate, and mandatory. This is not a negotiable item with God. But obedience will bring tremendous fruit in our lives. “Nazhar” also conveys the understanding of being verdant, that is to flourish and advance in strength. God declares that it is imperative that our hearts grow and flourish as a green plant. Our hearts are not to remain status quo and certainly not regress. No matter what age, we do not need to become complacent. We can have a growing heart brimming with vitality. I am convinced by Scripture that a healthy spiritual heart will stimulate health for our physical hearts as well. This same word “keep” is also used in Proverbs 3:1: “My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands.” In order for the Word of God to flourish in our lives it must be guarded and cultivated. It must be nourished in our hearts so life may flow forth. This is serious business! We are instructed to approach this task with all diligence. Not a little effort, but with total energy and purpose. “All,” meaning everything, nothing left over. “Dili-

gent” in its root understanding means that this endeavor is the most important of all. It is also used in Scripture as “ward,” with the understanding that we are a “guardian” of our heart. A guardian performs his responsibility constantly, day and night. We are to exercise the utmost vigilance, as if we are building a fortress around our heart, with guard posts that are manned at all times. This may seem like an impossible task, but I assure you it is not. The heart is more than willing to assist in this task, and God has supplied all the tools needed. Out of our heart “spring the issues of life.” As the heart is life to our physical life, so the spiritual heart is life to our soul. This is made clear in Galatians 4:6, where the Apostle Paul teaches that God has imparted the Spirit of Christ in our hearts. No wonder God places such a great importance on your heart, since life springs from our heart as the Spirit of Christ flows from our innermost being. n Gary Meuser received his BA degree in Christian education from Northwest Christian University and MA in clinical psychology from Pepperdine University. He and his wife, Carolyn, have five adult children and 10 grandchildren. He has served as a pastor, counselor, high school and college teacher and business owner. His current ministry, A Smarter Heart, is the title of his recently published book available at and bookstores. He is available to speak at church, business and private gatherings of any size. You may follow his daily devotions on the heart at or email him at

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January / February 2017 | Christian Living 31

Impacting youth

Nurturing a servant’s heart in young people ing past as they stare into their screens. One of the most empowering gifts you can give kids is the chance to see that they can make a difference. Now. Not when they are all grown up, but at this very moment.

By Janet Lund I stood there in shock. I couldn’t believe my ears. It had been my dream to learn I had done this. After nearly seven years of youth ministry I was hearing the words. I was speechless…..

Make like a tree…

Paying it forward

Making a difference in kids’ lives had been my mission since I was a teen. It was during the most difficult time in my life, the death of a friend and member of my singing quartet, when I received the support I needed from adults in my Janet Lund church. I was moved by this, and by my senior year in high school realized I wanted to pay it forward. Helping kids by cheering them on, providing them a listening ear, and giving them opportunities to stretch and grow was hard work but a great joy.

Moving kids’ perspectives from i to you

In a society filled with i-this and i-thats we need to get kids looking at the living, breathing human beings they are walk-

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The moments I observed my youth paying kindness forward was magical. Watching them reach out and talk with a sweet arthritic homeowner as we raked leaves in her enormous yard was really what the project was all about — physically helping and emotionally connecting to those they were serving. We went to her house several times, and the kids started thinking about what else she needed. They were thinking beyond themselves. After our visits, they had smiles on their faces and felt good about what they had done. Placing kids in circumstances where they could see life from another person’s perspective inspired them to think through how they themselves could help make it better. It also made them reflect on their own lives and appreciate what they themselves had. This was what it was all about. Opening their eyes. Kids as pre-teens and teens start to become very self-conscious. Their enthusiasm and confidence to take on the world diminishes. Insecurities take over and make them turn inward. They grow blind to all the wonderful things they can do. Service helps them think beyond themselves and realize their own value by changing other people’s lives. Sometimes that something is as simple as making others smile.

32 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

Parents, the opportunities are endless on how you can inspire your child to blossom through service. Here are just a few: Working with Habitat for Humanity, your teen can experience the heartfelt teamwork of people giving their time and money, so that someone else can have a roof over their head. A place to feel safe and call home. Go to https://www. Locks of Love is an organization you can donate hair to. They create wigs for children who have health issues that cause hair loss. Go to My favorite event to host could also be done at home as a family: World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine. For 30 hours we could only drink juice. During this time of being hungry we would participate in different service events like serving meals at a gospel mission. This gave kids the opportunity to look into the eyes of the people they were feeding. Sometimes they were surprised to see the face of a classmate as they handed him or her a plate of food. Every year we would study a different country and learn about their specific struggles with war and/or famine. Go to https:// As a family, you can also participate in the World Vision – Child Sponsorship program. One of the positives of technology has been that now your kids can get to know the

child you sponsor. Make it a family project. Take time to learn and get to know your sponsored child through photos and emails. This way your kids can truly connect with the little person you support on the other side of the world. Go to https://www. There are so many other ways you can introduce your child to participating in service. Explore!

…so yes I was speechless. Why?

Bringing it to your home Weave the joy of serving others into your family activities and you will weave compassion into your child’s heart forever. You will make a difference. n Janet Lund is a relationship coach specializing in nurturing amazing bonds between moms and their pre-teen daughters. She is a singer-songwriter who has spoken and performed in Canada, the United States and Norway. Follow her on Facebook/Janet Lund Music, and preview her music.

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It had been awhile since I’d seen Allison. She had been in youth group for four years while I was working at her church and then off to college she went. She was a very quiet kid. She had a sweet smile and a gentle spirit. Allison participated in many youth events. Now that I think about it, she often attended the service project events. Anyway, she was going to college to major in math. I’d occasionally see her mom after that, but since Connie’s girls had grown out of youth group our paths didn’t cross as much. But one day they did. It was a delight to talk with her. She was always such a sunny lady to be around. You couldn’t help but smile when you were with her. Then it happened. Connie said to me, “The service projects you had the youth group do really impacted Allison. She changed her major from math to social work because of you. You made a difference.”

January / February 2017 | Christian Living 33


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34 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

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The Brighter Side

Dealing with the inevitable times of doubt By Ronald Kern


Have you ever had your faith tested to a point that you seriously started questioning it? Prior to you having these uncomfortable doubts, or questioning your Christian faith, you were reading your Bible often, your prayers were being answered, and perhaps you were even attending a Bible study. You rarely missed Sunday church, and things overall were moving according to God’s plan and you felt close to Him. Then it happens. You start having doubts and insecurities about your faith, questioning things in greater detail, and you Ronald Kern really want these feelings to go away. It may be a tragedy in your life that sparks these thoughts, something small, or even nothing at all; but the doubts haunt you more and more. You think you know what you believe, so why is this happening to you? If you feel this doesn’t happen to true believers, I want you to know it’s more common than you think. Everyone’s walk is different, but no matter your journey, you have had, or will have, a time of doubt and likely uneasiness and guilt for even feeling it. At one point, or several points in our lives, we all have these thoughts; we are all human, flawed, and it’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up over it. If you need further comfort about doubting your faith, Jesus’s own disciples doubted Him. They physically ate, walked, slept, talked, and prayed with Him; so if they could doubt Jesus while being with Him in the flesh, then it doesn’t seem so far-fetched that we too may have our own doubts from time to time. Matthew 8:26 says, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid? Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The disciples asked, ‘What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey Him?’”

Acts 17:27 says, “They should seek God, in the hope that they might seek after Him and find Him. Yet He is not far from each one of us for, ‘In Him we live and move and have our being, for we are indeed His offspring.’” John 20: 24-29 discusses Thomas, known as “Doubting Thomas,” for not believing it was actually Jesus who appeared to the disciples eight days after being crucified. Thomas said, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe. Jesus said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.’ Thomas then said, ‘My Lord and my God!’ Then Jesus said, ‘You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.’” I believe our doubts and insecurities come in two forms, from our mind or from our heart. The doubts from your mind formulate questions like: • “How is evolution not real?” • “How can I believe the Bible is accurate and true when it’s been transposed and rewritten over not hundreds but thousands of years?” • “I really don’t have any physical or logical proof about many stories in the Bible; are they true?” The doubts from your heart formulate questions such as, “How can God allow all of the suffering in the world to take place? Why do children get cancer? If God is so loving, why would He send someone to hell?” I believe these doubts, whether they are from your mind or your heart, can actually be a conduit for spiritual growth. They may cause you to investigate the Bible further, ask more questions, engage in more discussions, thus putting the word of God into your hands more often. Continued on Page 37

January / February 2017 | Christian Living 35

Maximum Health

Bone broth helps body and emotions By Rosie Main From Halloween to New Year’s, we truly know how to ruin our health and create “dis-ease” through overeating and overindulging. During a season that should be used to glorify God with our body for the coming of our Savior, we do not necessarily honor the temple He has given us in order to be able to serve Him for the long haul. Many people during that time of year succumb to a cold or flu because of the holiday-associated stress and bad health choices. I encourage my patients to make all things new and restore their bodies by recommitting to their health and renewing their minds Rosie Main by fasting and prayer. I have them do a 5- to 7-day bone broth fast. I started doing bone broth for healing my own issues with Crohn’s disease years ago. I realized that my autoimmune issues with glucose sensitivity were due to the inflammation in my gut. I had a leaky gut that resulted in many other health issues. Years ago I began removing all inflammatory foods, such as grain, sugar and toxins and began to heal my gut through bone broth. Bone broths have been used medicinally throughout the centuries to cure digestive disorders, cold and flu viruses, skin conditions, and a host of other infectious diseases. It was often referred to as the “Jewish Penicillin” and can heal the body in a very short amount of time. In my personal experience, I have noticed clear skin and increased energy that I was truly not expecting. I am loving the benefits of it both spiritually and emotionally. Many people do it to help with autoimmune conditions caused by the leaking of undigested food that stimulates the immune system to attack parts of the body it is designed to protect. We see many people with thyroid issues, arthritis, diabetes, lupus and many more new millennium diseases due to a leaky gut. Bone broth helps restore health, as well as mental health, since the gut is also considered the second brain. Serotonin is primarily produced in the gut, and if inflammation exists in the gut, many issues such as anxiety, insomnia and depression are found. Lastly, doing a bone broth fast is soothing and easy to prepare (see recipe).

Superfood benefits

1. Strengthened immune system: “Science validates what our grandmothers knew. Rich homemade chicken broths help cure colds. Stock contains minerals in a form the body can absorb easily — not just calcium but also magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur and trace minerals. It contains the broken down material from cartilage and tendons — stuff like chondroitin sulphates and glucosamine, now sold as expensive supplements for arthritis and joint pain.” (Taken from Sally Fallon’s “Why Broth Is Beautiful.”) Try it out. Next time you are feeling a little down, drink some bone broth and notice the incredible difference in how you feel. Or if you don’t even want to get to that point, start consuming it now and nourish that beautiful body. 2. Glowing skin and strong hair: Want the number one

36 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

Bone Broth beauty secret that ancient women discovered long ago? It promotes hair growth, fights aging, wrinkles, and even stretch marks. No, you do not have to pay hundreds to support a gorgeous body — just consuming nutrient-dense foods will do the trick, bone broth being a major player. The collagen and gelatin in bone broth supports hair growth and rejuvenates the cells of the skin. Our bodies need certain building blocks to manufacture collagen. Gelatin is basically powdered collagen, providing our bodies with what it needs to make healthy skin and hair cells naturally. You will see the results you are looking for. 3. Strengthens digestive system: Science has now confirmed the beneficial effects of gelatin taken with food. It aids in the digestion and has been used to treat numerous intestinal disorders. The gelatin in bone broth protects and heals the mucosal lining of the digestive tract and also helps aid in the digestion of nutrients. Bone Broth Recipe Calories: 379 per serving Number of servings: 3 quarts Ingredients 2-4 pounds grass-fed beef marrow and knuckle bones 2 Tbsp raw apple cider vinegar 4 quarts filtered water 3 garlic cloves, halved 3 tumeric pieces, halved 1 onion, quartered Pepper, sea salt, and any other desired spices


Place bones in a pot or a crockpot (high temperature), add apple cider vinegar and water, and let the mixture sit for 2-4 hours so the vinegar can leach the mineral out of the bones. Add more water if needed to cover the bones. Continued on Page 37



Reduce to a low simmer, cover, and cook for 24-72 hours. (If you’re not comfortable leaving the pot to simmer overnight, turn off the heat and let it sit overnight, then turn it back on and let simmer all day the next day.) Let the broth cool and strain it, making sure all marrow is knocked out of the marrow bones and into the broth. Add sea salt to taste and drink the broth as is or store in fridge up to 5 to 7 days or freezer up to 6 months for use in soups or stews.

If you are experiencing doubts in your faith, or when you do, it’s important to be prepared for them and have a few things in your arsenal. I want to provide you with some tools that might be of value. Pray. Praying about your faith seems so backwards, doesn’t it? It is likely the last thing you might consider doing during this time of doubt, but push through it and make it happen. You might be saying, “I am doubting my faith so you suggest I pray to something I’m not sure of ?” Yes, that is exactly what I am suggesting. Pray that God will provide light and insight regarding your doubts, and ask that He give you strength, knowledge through the Bible, and the courage to move forward. You see, God is there for you even if you don’t want Him to be. He is there for all of us all the time, the good and the bad; during your strongest faith or your weakest moments and doubts, He is present. Read. Another suggestion is reading the book, “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel. It is exceptionally well written, an easy read, and can be of great value in eliminating doubts, or in some instances having some of your doubts answered. Strobel was an atheist working as an editor who wanted to prove God didn’t exist. He interviewed top scholars, professors, experts in theology and, of course, studied the Bible to prove his point. What he discovered changed his life beyond what words can describe. (On a side note, he has several degrees including one from Yale, so he’s a sharp guy and was beyond diligent and objective when writing the book. If you’re interested, you may order a copy at

Continued from page 36

Let me know if you need help following this plan or if you have other health concerns. Article references: http://body UXmirYJVqGg n Rosie Main, DC, owns Main Health Solutions at 2300 W. Everest Lane, Suite 175, in Meridian. She is also the host of Maximized Living Radio on 94.1 The Voice and KIDO 580 AM. She may be reached at (208) 859-6170 or rjmaindc@yahoo. com. For more information, visit

Continued from page 35

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Investigate and communicate. God gave us an inquisitive mind, so don’t be afraid to use it during these times. I don’t believe He wants us to power it down and go on autopilot when we start to follow Christ. God is honored by sincere faith, and that is what you are seeking. Ask your pastor to help you during this time, connect with someone you trust, or dive into the Bible and do some research on the topic of doubt and losing faith. Drive with faith. On average we drive around 15,000 miles a year, which equates to hours upon hours of time on the road, usually wasted. Why not use this time effectively? Have you considered listening to an audio Bible while on the road? If you have satellite radio, there are countless Christian talk shows, sermons, and Christian music to listen to. I have found that listening to Christian music in the car seems to put me in a mindset of calm and clarity, and who doesn’t need that when driving? Remember what Romans 10:17 tells us: “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Pick up your Bible and read it. Having a low level of belief and a high level of doubt at the time you are reading or listening is not critical, as faith comes and grows by hearing the word of God. So, in your own times of doubt, you can take the suggestions above and confidently declare, as in Mark 9:24, “I do believe! Help my unbelief.” I know from personal experience, He will. n A multi-business owner in Meridian for more than 20 years, Ronald Kern and his wife sold their businesses in 2013. Ron is a serial entrepreneur, personal and professional consultant, author, columnist, motivational speaker, and philanthropist. All of his information is on his website,, and he always looks forward to speaking with his readers.

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January / February 2017 | Christian Living 37

Undertanding Relationships

Dispelling four biggest myths of marriage ticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens. Mutual understanding Because of the way we and not communication is were raised and bethe key to your marriage. cause of the influence One of the areas of mutual of media and society understanding that we need in general, we have two to address is the area of major categories of marital expectations. We all incongruous expectaenter marriage with expections: unspoken rules tations of some kind. And and unconscious roles. quite frankly, many of these And, since opposites expectations are unrealistic usually attract, we and misguided — more acprobably have differcurately, just plain myths. Gary Moore ing unspoken rules and The research, and the unconscious roles. work that I do with couples, Unfortunately, many of us don’t discuss shows that every difficult marriage is our unspoken rules before marriage. plagued by a vast assortment of misconceptions about what marriage should be. They don’t usually raise their ugly head until our spouse “breaks” them. LikeThe most harmful and most common, wise, rather than discussing unconscious according to Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott roles, we try to follow a script that was in their book, “Saving Your Marriage written by the role models we grew up Before It Starts,” are: with. 1. We expect exactly the same things The Parrotts summarize Myth One this from marriage. way: “Don’t believe the myth that you 2. Everything good in our relationship and your partner automatically come will get better. 3. Everything bad in my life will disap- with the same expectations for marriage. Instead, remember that the more openly pear. you discuss your differing expectations, 4. My spouse will make me whole. Let’s take a brief look at each of these. the more likely you are to create a vision Myth One: We expect exactly the same of marriage that you agree on — one that is unique to the two of you.” things from marriage. Myth Two: Everything good in our Saying “I do” brings with it a host of relationship will get better. conscious and unconscious expectations The truth is that not everything gets that aren’t always fulfilled. What we anBy Gary Moore

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38 January / February 2017 | Christian Living

better. Many things improve in relationships, but some things become more difficult. Every successful marriage requires necessary losses, and in choosing to marry, you inevitably go through a mourning process. Marriage means giving up a carefree lifestyle and coming to terms with new limits. It means unexpected inconveniences. It means coming to the realization that marriage is filled with both enjoyable and tedious trade-offs. And by far the most dramatic loss experienced in a new marriage is the idealized image you have of your partner. We actually marry an image and only later discover the real person. And, we have to accept the fact that we are married to a human being. Myth Three: Everything bad in my life will disappear. The Parrotts say, “All of us, at least unconsciously, marry in the hope of healing our wounds….we long for a Prince Charming or Cinderella to right the wrongs and make everything bad go away.” But no matter how glorious the institution of marriage, it is not a substitute for the difficult work of inner spiritual healing. Marriage does not erase personal pain or eliminate loneliness. Why? Because people get married primarily to further their own well-being, not to take care of their partner’s needs. However, if you are patient, marriage can help you overcome even some of the toughest of tribulations. Myth Four: My spouse will make me whole. The book of Proverbs says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Our incompleteness and differences give iron its roughness, its sharpening power. Marriage is a God-given way to improve and hone our beings. Marriage challenges us to new heights and calls us to be the best person possible, but neither marriage nor our partner will magically make us whole. What myths characterize your marriage? n Gary Moore is currently a part-time staff member at Cloverdale Church of God in charge of Adult Education. He’s served as associate pastor there for the past 11 years. He’s principal of .003 Coaching, providing life coaching, couples’ coaching and business coaching locally and around the country.


Returning to Treasure Valley By Edie Hearst

like yourself into His epic story. Historical, Your Spiritual Lineage — Christian history is wrought with the immeasurable power of God. From Abraham to today you will walk in the shoes of believers who have paved the way and set the stage to thread us all into God’s story. Cultural, Peoples of the World — Through Christ Jesus we will eventually see the New Testament church thriving among every nation, tribe, people and language. You will experience how God is threading diverse peoples into His story in culturally relevant ways. Strategic, Your Place in the Story — There are endless opportunities to help complete the Great Commission. Getting threaded into the story is about discovering practical and strategic opportunities to leverage your passions, training and expertise for His glory at home or abroad. When & Where: Classes will be held from 6 to 9 p.m. every Monday beginning January 23 through May 8 at Foothills Christian Church, 9655 W. State St., Garden City. For more information: Call the Perspectives Boise Team at (208) 779-0521, email or go to n



What is Perspectives? It is a ministry of the U.S. Center for World Missions, a non-denominational ministry serving churches and mission agencies worldwide. You will be taught by 15 different instructors in 15 weeks and learn firsthand the global experiences of pastors, professors, biblical scholars, theologians and missionaries from the field. Why take the Perspectives course? God has a “world sized” role for every Christian in His global purpose. Whether people go to distant countries or stay at home is secondary. The primary issue is what most people hunger to discover: a vision to live a life of purpose. Discovering that vision makes the Perspectives course valuable, and perhaps crucial, for any Christian. Why me? Because you have an epic role to play. You will experience God’s heart for all peoples and encounter the momentum of the world Christian movement. Perspectives will broaden your outlook with fresh knowledge and understanding of God’s unchanging purpose and why it is relevant to your life, today. Perspectives is for believers from all walks of life: professionals, business leaders, high school students, college students, military personnel, pastors, missionaries and mission leadership, retirees, and many others. Why now? A Perspectives class takes much planning and cost to bring to our area. The last Perspectives class in Boise was in 2013. Course covers: Biblical, The Word of God — With striking clarity, Perspectives illuminates God’s unchanging promises as they unfold from Genesis to Revelation. You may never read your Bible in the same way when you experience how Jesus threads believers

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