September / October 2017
Cowboys for Christ God in the rodeo ring
Christian schools Faith and education
Praying His promises Achieve your goals
A powerful tool
Use a 6-step plan
Co-founders of the local chapter of Cowboys for Christ (left to right) Mike Locknane, Pete Blockhan and, sitting, Bryan Green, Dillon Green and Clayton Snow
Contents September / October 2017 Teen dating:
Features 6
Equip your adolescent
“He will endure as long as the sun, as long as the moon, through all generations.” — Psalm 72:5
5 9 14 12 Looking in the right place A robin scores:
Notes from Home: God in a garden Maximum Health: Nutritional supplements Challenging Faith: Releasing the Kraken
Cover Story —
Volume 5, Number 5 Publisher Sandy Jones Editor Gaye Bunderson 208-854-8345 Sales & Marketing Kimberly McMullen 208-854-8345 • Scott McMurtrey 208-841-4583 • Sandy Jones 208-703-7860 Cover Photo Steve Jones Graphic Design Matthew Sanchez
Cowboys for Christ Nampa Christian Schools: Adhering to Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Intentional parenting:
Love agape-style
Cole Valley Christian Schools: Guiding young souls
Idaho Learning Center:
This: 16 18 Consider Praying His promises 20 Man’s Tool26 Real box: Be filled
with 22 28 Outdoors Dougherty:
Joys of traveling
Departments 24 Your Daily Bread: 8 Goal achievement 27
A non-traditional approach
In Each Edition Corner: 4 Publisher’s Something new
Contributors Daniel Bobinski, Dan Dougherty, RM Drury, Terry Frisk, Dani Grigg, Leo Hellyer, Janet Lund, Joel Lund, Rosie Main, Connie Risser, Kyna Ritchie, Dan Woodworth and Konrad Ziesing Distribution Specialists Idaho Distribution Services Website Design SEO Idaho Christian Living is committed to encouraging and instructing individuals in their daily lives by presenting stories of people in the Treasure Valley who are living on a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ and who serve as uplifting examples to others. Views expressed in Christian Living do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by Christian Living to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2017 by Christian Living Ministries Inc. Christian Living is published every other month and is available in over 600 locations throughout the Treasure Valley, including most grocery stores, convenience stores, medical waiting areas, and churches. If your church would like additional copies please email us today at Annual subscriptions available for $10/year. To start your subscription or give one as a gift send your check or money order, along with complete address information, and a phone number to call in case there’s questions about your subscription to Christian Living Magazine, PO Box 867, Meridian, ID 83680. Find us on Facebook Badge
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September / October 2017 | Christian Living
An opportunity to share some news I believe God hears our prayers and has answered in a mighty way. This past July we I recently saw a meme on Facebook that celebrated Christian Living’s 4th anniversary. said ‘Is it just me or did June and July last 5 It was a time to reflect on what we’ve learned minutes?’ This pretty well sums up our sumin the past 4 years, and to take note of just how mer. It came, we ran like crazy and just like far we’ve come. When we started Christian Livthat the grandkids were back in school and ing Magazine, my long-term goal was to reach life settled back into routine, or at least as 20,000 readers here in the Treasure Valley. One close to routine as our life ever gets. It never day in May God caused me to really look at the ceases to amaze me how two empty nesters statistics in our media kit – to realize that those can base their schedules on two young ones readership numbers were actual people – you, who live at home with their Daddy, but it our readers – and although I didn’t see distindoes seem to work that way. In many ways guishable faces, I saw faces, where the numbers it’s like reliving our own childhood summer were – 39,000 to 42,000 of them. Humbled. I vacations, well between work appointments was so very humbled. The responsibility of this Sandy Jones, Publisher anyway. blessing was not lost on me. I often ask myself, ‘how can God love us?’ Christian Living Magazine As much as I love what I get to do, there is a We take Him for granted. We ignore Him. responsibility that goes with it, and part of that We put other ‘things’ before Him. We often turn away from responsibility is to be a wise steward with His blessings. His teachings. And yet He chooses to love us. I think the In the interest of being transparent with you, our readers love a grandparent feels for their grandchildren is as close and supporters – those who cheerlead and encourage us – I’d to understanding His love as humanly possible. Not that our like to take this opportunity to share a bit of news. I’ve asked grandchildren are naughty, it’s just that the way we love them many times for you to frequent the businesses that support makes me think of His love as expressed in Psalm 86:15. Christian Living Magazine through their advertising dollars; But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and without them we can’t do what we do. That continues to be abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. Psalm 86:15 ESV true, and please do continue to shop them and thank them for My studies lately have been in the book of Judges, where their support. the Israelites are taking possession of their promised lands. That being said our distribution growth continues to trend Through the generations their devotion to God, who has faster than our ad sales. We don’t want to stifle that growth, brought their people through so much, fades and eventually so after months of prayer we felt that God was leading us they turn away, denying Him, and starting to worship other to make a substantial change in our organization. Through gods, false gods. As I studied Exodus and followed the resthis past summer we have reorganized, we are now Christian cuing of the Israelites I find myself shocked at how quickly Living Ministries Inc., dba Christian Living Magazine, and they forgot His many miracles – I was quick to criticize them have applied for our own non-profit status with the IRS. The – after all, they saw with their own eyes His mighty works. But look and feel of the magazine will stay the same. Our plan as I have worked through Judges, I see that really the Israelis to continue to be primarily supported through advertising ites were no different than we are; we ask for His miraculous sales (so if you own or operate a business we’d love to chat intervention in times of great need, and so many times He with you; please call or email us), but this change will allow us responds with “yes,” and yet time passes, our memories and to receive tax deductible donations through our website and emotions fade and too often we fall back into our old familiar apply for grants to help shore up the shortfall; to pay off the routines. debt we’ve established; and to eventually grow the magazine I’m far from perfect, and suffer the same human tendencies to reach more people with additional content. of our ancestors, and try to often check myself to see if some Thank you to each and every one of you who picks our “thing” in my life has become a false god, or worse yet, is any- magazine up, whether occasionally, or each and every issue. thing in my walk leading anyone to believe that I’m denying Thank you to those of you who have reached out to encourmy Jesus or my God. I don’t ever want to take for granted the age us; to those of you who pray for the ministry of Christian sacrifice Christ made for me. Living. And thank But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father you to those of you who is in heaven. Matthew 10:33 ESV Miss an issue? who do frequent Giving hope to and encouraging fellow believers is why we and thank our adWant to re-read a past article? initially started Christian Living Magazine. To share stories vertisers. It brings Our Past Editions can all be found at: of inspiration, and to remind our readers that they are not us great joy to get alone in their journey. To show God’s love and mercy, as our to call this our friends and neighbors act as His hands and feet in our com“j-o-b,” where evmunity and abroad. It has never been an undertaking that we ery day is a blessing. “Like” Us on take lightly, our staff prays over their roles, and we pray for each other. We pray to only bring glory and honor to God in Until next time all we do. – God Bless! n By Sandy Jones
September / October 2017 | Christian Living
Notes from Home
Lessons in a garden about God, prayer By Dani Grigg I never would have predicted this as a kid, but it turns out I love to garden. I found this out when I bought my first home seven years ago. We moved in, and there was a garden plot, and it was spring. It was inevitable. I started planting things. And it was a miracle — they grew! So did the weeds, and I couldn’t tell them apart, but I did my best. That summer and fall, I ate tomatoes from my own backyard. They tasted like sunshine. I still haven’t gotten over the miracle of gardens. You plant something small in the dirt, you water it and you wait. Before your eyes, shoots and leaves start to appear. Then flowers. Then fruit. Every day the fruit gets bigger, and then you eat it and it’s delicious. And you grew it! It feels like magic. So my kids have grown up appreciating the magic of a garden. We keep an eye out for new blossoms or marble-sized pumpkins or reddening strawberries and shout for everyone to come and see when we spot them. My kids hate tomatoes but still feel some of my joy when I find the tiny green balls bursting from the yellow flowers. The downside is they also feel some of my grief when any of my little miracles meet an unhappy end. This summer my heart dropped when I noticed a dozen shiny brown dots clinging to the bottom of a zucchini leaf. Squash bug eggs, I guessed, and a quick image search on my phone confirmed my fear. I mournfully scraped off those eggs and the many others I found, but within days all my zucchini and pumpkin plants were crawling with the foul creatures. I’d experienced squash bugs once before, and it was devastating. Lush, beautiful plants had turned rotten and dead under my desperate watch. For days I picked the bugs off one by one — or two by two, really, because they were always coupled up, aggressively multiplying, the jerks. I dropped them in a bucket of soapy water, knowing they’d drown. It was gruesome work, but I couldn’t lose my previously thriving plants. My dismayed shouts each time I discovered another bug or egg cluster attracted my two boys, and they worried with me and pointed out bugs for me to snatch. Things were not looking good, and it was almost time to leave on vacation. I told my older son, who’s 6, that we needed to say a prayer. He asked God to watch over our garden and keep it safe from the squash bugs while we were gone. After he was done, I gently mentioned it was possible the plants would still die. “No it’s not, we prayed!” he countered incredulously. It was a hard moment. I loved his faith, but I also knew God takes care of us in ways that aren’t always as simple as granting our requests. I wanted to help him broaden his understanding of faith and prayer and God a little bit so his worldview wouldn’t be
turned upside down if our plants didn’t survive. I started out wrong. “Well, sometimes things don’t work out how we think they should work out,” I said. “God made us this world, and it’s a world with squash bugs, and sometimes the squash bugs win and that’s just how it goes.” “So God is MEAN??” he asked. Nope, nope, nope. I tried again. “No… He loves us and wants us to learn a lot while we’re on earth. Maybe He wants us to learn about squash bugs so we can be better gardeners,” I ventured. “And maybe He’ll help us to feel happy even if our plants die.” “Oh,” he said, deflated. That day we ran into a friend who told us about some powder she puts on infested squash plants. It felt like an answer to our prayer. We coated the plants and left on vacation. When we got back, the plants were still alive, but so were the bugs. We kept picking the bugs off and I coated the plants one more time. A few weeks later, one and a half zucchini plants had turned to dust, but half of one lived on. It gave us six beautiful zucchinis. I’m thinking maybe we experienced the best of both worlds. We learned an important lesson but also felt the joy and magic of watching our garden grow. n Dani Grigg is a Boise freelance writer, wife and happy mother of two young sons.
September / October 2017 | Christian Living
Give them a foundation
Tools to equip your teens for dating By Janet Lund
The Birds and the Bees – Teen Dating
3) Putting in the effort to truly understand what they are going through 4) Reflecting what you hear them saying 5) Asking questions for clarification No matter how irrational your teen may come across when expressing themselves, listen in love. Remember that they are still growing their communication skills. These daily chats will help them feel loved by you and make it easier to discuss important topics, like dating.
Watching our kids mature into teens and young adults can be such fun. Our boys grow into handsome young men. Our girls blossom into beautiful young ladies. But we aren’t the only ones noticing our kiddos growing up. Their peers are noticing too. Before you know it, your youth will come Discuss Dating Dynamics home with a dazed look in their eyes...Ahhh Talking about dating with your teen isn’t opyes, young love. tional. If you don’t lead the way, they will turn Yep! The days of puppy love have begun. It to friends, Hollywood, the internet, and social Janet Lund can be a time filled with playful adventure and media for direction. Not a good plan. You need painful heartbreak depending on the day, the to prepare your teen for the many different dynamics of dating. hour, the minute. This time can be hard on your kid’s self-esteem and a bit 6 Empowering Dating Tools overwhelming. It is important to give your teen tools to navigate through this uncharted territory. Help your teen: 1) Think through physical boundaries (aka “Space Bubble”) before ever going on a date. Planning puts them in the driver’s Healthy Hearts Come From seat of their hormones, their bodies and their brains. Healthy Homes 2) Visualize how they want to be treated by their date and The most important step in preparing your teen for the how they want to treat their date. Help them think through dating days is making sure they are getting the love they need details like holding the door open, responding politely to from you. Without that strong foundation of love from mom kindness, touching, etc. Talk about being gracious with their and dad, a teen feels insecure and lacks self-confidence. They date, who will be nervous. Address hand-holding and the first are left wondering if they deserve love and at the same time kiss. Remind your teen that going on a date should have no hunger desperately for it. strings attached. Neither party should feel like they are owed or owe the other person anything more than a “thank you” and “goodnight.” 5 Tips for a Firm Foundation 3) Make a list of all the qualities they are looking for in a So, make sure every day that you are: boyfriend/girlfriend or future spouse. Doing this will help them 1) Communicating your love for your teen become more observant of personalities (instead of looks), nar2) Listening respectfully to their feelings row their focus, and help them find someone they would enjoy dating. 4) Make a list of hobbies or sports that they would like to share with a boyfriend/girlfriend or future spouse. Doing things that they both enjoy is a great way to get to know the other and have a lot of fun. 5) Be a sleuth. Have your teen observe how the person they are dating interacts with their own parents, siblings, you, their siblings, other adults, and peers. Is he or she respectful? Are they respectful to the needy, to children, to animals? How they treat others will show your teen how that person naturally behaves. Remind your teen that people try to show their best side, to make a good impression. This being the case, it is also important that your teen keeps their ears open. Getting input from close dependable friends can be very helpful. Information through the grapevine can be tainted, but sometimes there can be a grain of truth worth investigating. 6) Be ready to say “no” to sex. Instead of being surprised by the topic, it is better to just be prepared for it. Make it clear to your teen that lust and love are two very different things. When a person persists on wanting to have sex or going beyond the other person’s boundaries, they are being selfish. Lust involves
September / October 2017 | Christian Living
a person wanting their own needs fulfilled. Love is respecting the other person’s choice to wait. It’s important for kids to know that hormonal urges are not so strong that they can’t be controlled. They are not victims of their own hormones or anyone else’s.
Love Yourself First
If your teen is terrified that their date will break up with them if they say “no,” then it is time for you to discuss another important topic — valuing themselves. Being in a relationship can make your son or daughter feel special. It’s nice to feel cared for by another person. But it’s important for your teen to remember that they need to love themselves first. Seeking value from another person will lead them to very unhealthy, unhappy relationships. Relationships based on filling needs can lead to verbal, physical, or sexual abuse.
Your Love Makes All the Difference
Kids surrounded by love at home will be more confident. Confident kids equipped with relational tools are more likely to have healthy relationships. Prepare your teen for the dating days by talking things through today. Love. Empower. Support. You’ve Got This! n
Janet Lund is a relationship coach who specializes in nurturing the bond between moms and their teen/pre-teen daughters. She leads moms through coaching, speaking, and songwriting. Janet has spoken and performed in Canada, the United States, and Norway. Follow her on Momkeepcalm and visit her website for parenting tools and words of support to be a calm mom.
September / October 2017 | Christian Living
Your Daily Bread
Creating a plan to achieve your goals By Terry Frisk
tial. Proverbs 21:5 states, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty Young people seem to set goals for themselves comes only to poverty.” We all need goals to establish naturally. They may have goals for their career direction in our lives. In addition, whether these goals path, getting married, starting a family or going on are personal, professional or spiritual, they must align a church mission. They also have the discipline to with our Christian values to further our walk with complete the activities necessary to achieve these God. goals. How do you attain your goals? Here is a simple When I was young, my career goal was to become process to follow to help you establish and reach a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). To do so, I your goals: needed to complete my college education, receive 1. Prayerfully consider your life’s purpose and an accounting direction, then define your top six goals. Make them degree, pass a specific so you have a way to measure your progress comprehensive (i.e., instead of a goal to lose weight, set a goal to exam, and incur Terry Frisk reach a certain weight level) and write them down one year of experialong with deadlines for achievement. ence working under the direction 2. Plan your strategy for achieving your goals. Define the activities of a licensed CPA. I just knew you will need to complete to arrive at your goal. If you are trying what I wanted to do and the steps to achieve a certain weight level, then your activities might include it took to get there. However, as switching to healthier foods and increased exercise. I like taking the we grow older, we seem to lose dogs for a walk. I not only get some much-needed exercise, but it this ability to establish goals and also allows me to clear my mind and enjoy God’s creation. take the necessary steps to achieve 3. Review the goals you have written down frequently and build them. your belief in achieving them through affirmations and visualizaGod intends for us to set goals tion. Replace negative thoughts with positive self-talk such as “I can and work toward attaining these achieve this!” or “With God, all things are possible!” Visualize what goals to achieve our full potenit would look like to achieve your goals. This will reinforce your belief in achieving your goals, making it easier to stay on track. 4. Pray for the strength and wisdom to complete the activities necessary to accomplish your goals. Remember Jesus said, “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” (Matthew 21:22) When you experience setbacks, refocus on your goals to get yourself back on track. Avoid giving up on yourself. God never gives up on you. 5. Develop a support group of individuals with similar goals. Find people who will provide unconditional support and hold you accountable for achieving your goals. You may find support groups with similar goals at your church or, if not, create a group. 6. Regularly measure your progress. Celebrate your success along the way and praise God for blessing you. Following these steps will set you on your path to achieving your goals. While it is easier said than done, remember the words of Paul to the Philippians, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13) May God bless you on your goal achievement journey. n Terry Frisk is a partner in the firm B2B CFO, providing financial advisory services to small businesses. He also counsels individuals on personal financial matters through the Cathedral of the Rockies Budget Counseling ministry. He may be contacted through e-mail at
September / October 2017 | Christian Living
Maximum Health
Which supplements do I take, Doc? nutrients in their most absorbable form in the correct ratios the way God made them. They Have you ever found your cupboards to be usually include vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, overflowing with vitamins and nutritional all B vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, supplements? I have people walk in with these iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, giant bags — sometimes three or four bags manganese, chromium, molybdenum, and — and ask me to go through them all, one by potassium. Higher-end multis might also one. I thought I would tell you the top nutriinclude things like alpha lipoic acid, inositol, tional supplements I feel are truly needed. I grape seed extract, Gingko biloba, and Nhate seeing people waste money on what are acetyl-L-cysteine. Among their many benefits, usually “bargain basement” nutrients that in studies show a daily multi can contribute to the long run drain your wallet and potentially the prevention of cancer and osteoporosis. damage your health. I hope this article helps 2. Fish oil: Inflammation plays a role in you begin your journey to health. nearly every disease on the planet, includRosie Main ing obesity. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are “essential” by definition because your body Take these nutritional supplements cannot make them. EFAs fall into two categories: omega 3 These foundational nutrients provide basic nutrient and omega 6 fatty acids. Omega 3s are mostly anti-inflamsupport you’re probably not getting from food. They can matory and omega 6s are usually inflammatory (with a few optimize nutrient status, reduce inflammation, and provide exceptions). Whereas our hunter-gatherer ancestors conmany other health benefits. For nearly everyone, I recomsumed about an equal ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty mend some basics. acids, today we consume up to 50 times more inflammatory 1. A full-spectrum multi-vitamin/mineral: A omega 6 fatty acids. quality whole food that is plant-based, containing optimal Continued on page 10 By Rosie Main
September / October 2017 | Christian Living
Maximum Health Continued from page 9
Wild-caught fish becomes an ideal way to get more of these crucial essential fatty acids, but most people don’t regularly eat fish. Even if you do, you could benefit from taking a fish oil supplement. Among the numerous benefits of taking omega 3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) include brain, eye, heart health, joint health, and cognitive function. Quality especially becomes paramount here, as many commercial fish oils can become quickly rancid and contain mercury as well as other toxins. From a dietary perspective, don’t forget there’s one other way to balance out your omega 3s and omega 6s — starting with reducing consumption of omega 6-dominant grain-fed beef (as opposed to grass-fed beef) and most farmed fish (as opposed to most wild fish). 3. Vitamin D: Many people are deficient in this vitamin that’s actually a hormone. Darker-skinned people such as African Americans and Hispanics especially have deficiencies, but if you’re not living in a sunny-most-of-the-year climate (most of us aren’t), you’re probably deficient. Overall, researchers estimate about half the world population carries vitamin D deficiencies. Among its roles, vitamin D contributes to immune system function, brain health, digestion, cancer protection, hormone production, and bone formation. Researchers link deficiencies to many chronic diseases, including heart disease and cancer. To determine exactly how much vitamin D you should be taking, ask your doctor for a 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Test. Individuals who test deficient can take a higher-than-typical dose of vitamin D (for example, 10,000 IUs per day) until falling into an ideal category, and then shift back to 2,0005,000 IUs daily to maintain ideal levels in the body, which can be monitored through this testing.
10 September / October 2017 | Christian Living
4. Probiotics: You are probably not surprised that the number one health complaint and reason people visit a doctor is because of gut issues. Gut health’s connection with overall health has become a hot nutrition topic, and rightly so: a healthy gut participates in brain function, digestion, vitamin and mineral absorption, immune function, and overall health. There are a number of factors which can contribute to the depletion of good gut flora — everything from the overuse of antibiotics to chronic stress — so, a quality probiotic is crucial for most people. Look for one that has billions of microorganisms with several bacterial strains. (In comparison, basic yogurt at the grocery store might only offer 1 or 2 bacterial strains and far fewer overall microorganisms.) Shelf life particularly matters here: these are live bacteria that can die out quickly. Therefore, keeping your probiotics in the fridge is a good idea. 5. Magnesium: Over 300 enzymatic reactions require this underrated mineral, in which upwards of 80 percent of Americans are deficient. Besides not getting enough magnesium in foods (nuts, seeds, and leafy greens are good sources), everyday culprits like chronic stress and caffeine can deplete what little magnesium we do get. Magnesium is a bulky mineral, so even a good multi will contain some but probably not optimal amounts — that’s why magnesium on its own is a good idea. I recommend a chelated magnesium supplement or powder. Start gradually and increase, since taking too much at once might leave you running to the bathroom.
You MIGHT also need these
Beyond the basics, a few supplements can step in and provide support for certain conditions; hence, we call these “conditionally essential nutrients.”
1. Digestive enzymes: Post-meal gas, bloating, and “running to the bathroom” become cues you aren’t completely breaking down your food. Chronic stress and age are among the culprits that reduce your body’s digestive enzyme production, making supplementing worth a shot. Research shows digestive enzyme supplementation can help digestive and absorption disorders, something I often see in people over 30 or people with chronic stress — which is a lot of people. This said, there are other ways to spark your body’s enzyme production on its own, by addressing food sensitivities and, as simple as it sounds, chewing your food, eating it slowly, and being careful what other foods you combine it with. 2. L-glutamine: In addition to its popularity for leaky gut syndrome, research shows this conditionally essential amino acid might benefit patients with weak immune systems — L-glutamine can help strengthen the immunity. For trauma of major surgery, glutamine can potentially speed up healing and recovery time. Athletes might also benefit using L-glutamine to speed up recovery times. 3. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10): This powerful antioxidant particularly benefits heart muscle health. It is well-recognized that statin drugs (to reduce cholesterol) interfere with the production of mevalonic acid, a precursor of CoQ10 in the body, making CoQ10 supplementation crucial for individuals taking these types of medications. CoQ10 also works within your energy-producing mitochondria, so fatigue
sufferers might benefit. CoQ10 also becomes ideal for vigorous athletes. Like fish oil, quality matters here, since most CoQ10 supplements are poorly absorbable. You’ll want to find one in a lipophilic carrier to enhance absorption. 4. Glucosamine: This naturally occurring substance helps synthesize and maintain cartilage and other connective tissue. Glucosamine supplementation can protect joints against athletic wear-and-tear and aging. Studies show supplementing can increase the amount of cartilage and fluid that surrounds the joints to prevent joint deterioration and reduce pain. Some supplements combine glucosamine with other joint-protecting, anti-inflammatory nutrients like chondroitin and methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). These are perfect legit additions that might provide more benefits. 5. Curcumin: The primary compound found in turmeric can provide powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits. Curcumin can benefit many chronic illnesses, including brain, cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, and autoimmune diseases. Like CoQ10, find a curcumin supplement in an optimal lipophilic carrier. As always we hope you begin taking action on maximizing your health. Feel free to text or email me directly at 208859-6170 or n Rosie Main, DC, owns Main Health Solutions at 2300 W. Everest Lane, Suite 175, in Meridian. She is also the host of Maximized Living Radio on 94.1 The Voice and KIDO 580 AM. For more information, visit
September / October 2017 | Christian Living 11
A robin scores
Looking in the right place to be filled By RM Drury I watched a robin this morning as she searched the tall, wet grass for a morning meal. The sprinklers had been on and had very probably coaxed the little robin’s breakfast near the surface. She hopped here and there then suddenly stopped, cocked her head and with a swift jabbing motion dove her beak into the ground. With two hard, fast tugs, she pulled out a fat worm that looked to be about 5 or 6 inches long. If birds could talk, I am fairly certain she would have shouted what I did as an observer: SCORE! (I really did shout “SCORE!” I was so excited for her.) She finished her first course and hopped to another section of the lush, green lawn and promptly found the second course to her meal. I watched her for quite some time as she repeated her searchand-find mission and then she happily flew off, contented and satisfied that she had relieved our yard of all the fattest and juiciest worms. But was she done? Had she met her fill? Nope! She flew to the neighbors’ yard and began her search all over again. I found this whole scenario quite fascinating. As always, when I see something that amazes me, I try to find a way to see God in it. This morning it was easy. Oh, I could quote the scripture found in Matthew 6:26: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” The lesson being God takes care of the birds, He’ll take care of you. But I’d like to go much deeper today. Let’s think about our soul. The heart of each one of us. My little friend the robin kept searching, kept filling herself with bugs and worms. (Ewwww!) She needs to keep filling herself. It is a matter of survival and perhaps being able to feed her young. I have to ask, what do we keep filling ourselves with? What feeds the very heart of you — your soul? What do you think you need to make you whole — to survive? We often search for people we think will fill us up. Maybe for you it is traveling, or a nice house, a boat, a motorcycle, a better job, more money — the list can go on forever. We could go on searching tirelessly, and we don’t find what we need. My little robin was not
12 September / October 2017 | Christian Living
always successful in her foraging. Sometimes she’d drive her beak into the ground and come up empty. She hadn’t looked in the right place. We are the same. We can look and buy and go and do, but we won’t find what we need until we look in the right place: UP! God made us so we could and would have a relationship with Him. He made us in such a way that our souls long for Him. He is what we need for survival. He is the One who makes us whole. “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” (Psalm 63:1) “My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” (Psalm 84:2) I have Psalm 62:1-2 labeled in my Bible as “My Song.” “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” God made each one of us so that He could be with us, so we could be filled up with Him. He even sent His Son, Jesus — Emmanuel, which means “God with us” — so we could be with Him eternally. When my soul is filled up with God, none of the other things matter, because it is all about God. I have inner peace. I am content. I am satisfied. I am whole. I have looked in the right place and found what my soul needs: God with me. Here’s an idea. What if the first thing we (you and I) do when we wake up, even before we fall out of bed, is ask God to walk with us through the new day. Invite Him to just be with us. Perhaps even ask if we can be with Him. If we were to do that each and every morning and mean it, I imagine that each morning God would smile real big and say, “I’d like nothing more, My child.” SCORE! “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.” — Psalm 62:5 n
Roxanne Drury is a wife, mother, grandmother and retired Christian preschool teacher with a Certificate of Achievement in Early Childhood Education from Moorpark College. She is a former insurance executive and trainer. She has served the Lord for over 40 years in a church setting in many capacities, with most of her time spent in children’s ministry. Her heart is sharing God’s Word and its life application through her blog at
September / October 2017 | Christian Living 13
Challenging Faith
Releasing the Kraken on social media By Joel Lund
Marketing in the Age of Instant
bigotry and every “ism” that can be named. It seems that some “isms” are made up in the heat of battle and tossed at a complete stranger like a hand grenade. *Sigh* I don’t spend a lot of time on social media because of time constraints. Nevertheless, it only takes a few minutes (at most) before I see yet another thread plummet into the abyss. These days, it appears that the cultural filter I grew up with, referred to as either common courtesy or “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” melted in the furnace of unrestrained impulsive “insights” hurled against social media channels. *Sigh*
Being in business in 2017 means having a “Social Media Marketing” plan. Of course, for some that plan can be summed up with, “We have no idea what we’re doing.” For others, it ranges from lobbing something onto one channel, depending on their preference. So, maybe it’s a random tweet on Twitter, or a post on Facebook or LinkedIn. Or, with a large enough budget, there’s a whole team of people pouring out content on behalf of the enterprise. There is a distinct benefit of having the luxury of a social media marketing team, and Joel Lund it has absolutely nothing to do with powerful, successful campaigns. It has everything to do with a developed But My Opinion Matters! plan. Look. I’m a business coach. And even a mediocre coach In my work as a business revenue coach, I encounter a wide knows that they must speak the truth to their clients for them to variety in owners as well as diversity of industries. It makes for grow. Therefore, if you are a business owner — regardless of interesting work. company size, industry or revenues — I have news for you. But there is an unwelcome trend I’m seeing that, left unYour opinion doesn’t matter the way you believe it does. checked, will bring ruin to many solopreneurs and small comLet’s say you have a super-strong opinion about a political pany owners. And the problem is their digital mouth. issue that is “turbulent.” You’re flipping along Facebook one evening, read a friend’s update and notice a comment you take Instant Never Means Insightful exception to. You can: Perhaps you’ve determined that the world has changed 1. Ignore it recently in terms of social conduct. People will “say things” 2. Serve up a gentle response online that, not long ago, they would have never uttered out 3. Unleash the Kraken loud. Common courtesy prohibited it. I’d argue that the world Here’s the thing. What’s the risk to you using #1 or #2? — prior to Facebook — was a kinder, gentler place. But that’s Right. There’s no risk. Certainly, ignoring it brings no risk. If a topic for a later discussion. The point here is this: it’s nearly you’ve offered a gentle response, you already know that can certain that you have seen a thread on Facebook, either on fuel a firestorm. your personal page or that of a friend, quickly devolve into But when you unleash the Kraken, that mythological destroyscathing, blistering, venomous assertions and claims of idiocy,
14 September / October 2017 | Christian Living
er from the deep, you’re the one igniting the firestorm. And there are countless Krakeners on social channels.
Woe Be Unto You
With growing consistency — and urgency — I find myself reaching out to business owners and clients to counsel them on the very real risks when they release the Kraken. More than a few people I consider friends have alienated me to the extent that I’ve muted them in my social accounts. And more times than I can count, my palm slaps my forehead when I read posts from organization leaders ranting as hard as they can on various topics. Do they have a right to rant? Sure. I’ve not asserted otherwise. Do their rants come with a cost? Yep. And this isn’t a make-believe cost. When you take a political position on social media and release the Kraken of your unbridled umbrage, you are risking the immediate alienation of 50 percent of your potential customer base and a significant percentage of your existing base. The question you must ask yourself is this: Am I willing to do more damage to my business than the markets, world events or my competitors can do, combined?
Once finished, the one clutching the spent tube would triumphantly thrust it into the air. I don’t know why, but they always did this. That’s when I’d ask them to put it all back. “Back where?” they’d blurt. “Back into the tube,” I’d reply. And that’s exactly the same problem we face when we unleash the Kraken on social media. You can’t take it back. It’s messy and hurtful. And the image can’t be forgotten. Keep the Kraken chained. In doing so, you’ll release the pause that refreshes.
It’s Just Like Toothpaste
When we were doing full-time youth ministry, a favorite message was “The Parable of the Toothpaste.” I’d invite kids (and adults) up to the front. Then we’d talk about the challenge of communicating well with others, and how much we all yearn to be understood and valued. When we receive harsh words from others, it leaves a mark. Sometimes a permanent one. All heads would nod. That’s when I pulled out the paper plate and a fresh tube of toothpaste. I’d get two volunteers, hand one the plate and the other the tube. Then I’d ask the one with the tube to empty it onto the plate. The congregation would be utterly amused, especially at the holder of the plate since they’d be challenged to capture all the goo.
Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you. — Romans 12:3 n Joel Lund is a certified master coach and business marketing expert. Are you a business owner? Check out his newest enterprise,, an online business accelerator. Owners and entrepreneurs using the academy quickly break through to higher revenues, with less work and more fun. Download his (free) simple 10-step guide for living with more purpose and joy:
September / October 2017 | Christian Living 15
Cowboys for Christ
Gospel in the rodeo By Gaye Bunderson Ridin’, ropin’ and gettin’ right with God: Cowboys for Christ has come to Idaho. Mike Locknane, chairman of the men’s ministry at Ten Mile Community Church, said he went looking for a ministry targeted toward cowboys when his grandsons decided they wanted to participate in rodeo. “I had two grandsons who wanted to ride bulls, and I wanted to get them involved in something,” Locknane said, explaining he wanted a faith-based organization that would fit the young men’s interests. Locknane started looking. And looking. And looking. “I should have dropped it because it wasn’t going anywhere,” he said. Every faith-centered cowboy group he tried to connect with ended up getting away from him like a calf slips from a poorly thrown lasso. Still, he kept trying. For 6 to 9 months, he said, he tried to find an organization for his grandsons, one that he could open up for other cowboys as well. He felt spiritually motivated to do so, he said. Then one day, he experienced one of those coincidences that, in the end, seems a lot more like something divine and a lot less like “just a coincidence”
— he invited Pete Blockhan to church, and Blockhan showed up. Blockhan wears a cowboy hat and boots and fits the mold of the American cowboy to a “T.” Locknane started to tell him how he wanted to start a Christian group based on rodeos and livestock. Something in Blockhan just jumped with excitement — he had personally known Ted Pressley, founder of Cowboys for Christ. Finally, Locknane found his connection. “It’s incredible. It’s so obvious when it’s a God thing and not a me thing,” Locknane said. A wrinkle in the plan was that Pressley had passed away. But when Blockhan contacted new Cowboys for Christ president Dave Harvey, the chute opened. A chapter of Cowboys for Christ launched in September of 2016, with Blockhan attending the District 2 High School Rodeo in Homedale as his first ministry opportunity. Locknane’s grandsons not only participate in Cowboys for Christ, they are listed as founders of the local chapter, along with a friend. The young men include: Dillon Green, 21; Bryan Green, 18; and Clayton Snow, 19. Rodeo cowboys to the core, they got baptized in a stock tank in a rodeo arena. When Blockhan attends rodeos — and he feels high school rodeo is his main calling — he has a
Co-founders with Mike Locknane and Pete Blockhan of the local Cowboys for Christ chapter are, from left to right, Bryan Green, Dillon Green and Clayton Snow. (Photo by Steve Jones)
16 September / October 2017 | Christian Living
arenas of Idaho display full of The Christian Ranchman newspapers, as well as Gospel tracts. He wears a special belt and belt buckle that announce his faith in God. Locknane, who owns Locknane Accounting in Nampa, runs the business end of the organization. Costs for the nonprofit include Bible study materials and travel costs for Blockhan. Blockhan quotes Matthew 16:15 as the guiding Scripture for what he does: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” “I want to get God’s word out there and get people saved,” he said. Through the main branch of Cowboys for Christ, which is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, he achieved status as an ordained chaplain. “It’s a regular course of study — nothing too difficult,” he said. “If I can do it, anybody can do it.” And in fact, he wants more people to do it. He needs more rodeo enthusiasts to get ordained and help him meet needs at rodeos around the state. “Christianity is moving through rodeo cowboys like it moved through auto racing,” Locknane said. Membership is open to both men and women and includes anything to do with rodeo and livestock, including cutting and roping events, and 4-H and FFA chapters. Women are also welcomed to become chaplains. Said Blockhan: “We need ladies ministering to ladies.” There’s plenty of enthusiasm for rodeo among women, who participate in such events as barrel racing and queen Mike Locknane competitions. (In fact, there is a Women’s Professional Rodeo Association and all-female rodeos, where women compete in breakaway calf roping, tie-down calf roping, team roping, bareback riding and bull riding, in addition to the barrel races.) Locknane tells the story of how Blockhan conquered the Riggins Rodeo. Traditionally the first Idaho rodeo of the year, the
Riggins Rodeo has a reputaPete Blockhan tion for being wild and rowdy, with plenty of drinking among the fans. “Pete went up there and asked the announcer if he could pray before the rodeo,” Locknane said. The announcer said he’d have to ask the board chair, but Blockhan eventually got the go-ahead to start the state’s rowdiest rodeo with a moment of prayer. Both men said that, as far as they know, it was the first time in the 69year history of the rodeo that a public prayer preceded the rodeo action. Turns out, the rodeo clown was a Christian and kept pointing Pete out during the event and telling the crowd he was holding a Cowboy Church, which Pete actually does. Blockhan never expected the clown at the Riggins Rodeo to show such enthusiasm for the ministry. “The Lord has blessed this,” he said. Locknane and Blockhan believe people can and should be reached wherever they’re at. Though church can be a literal structure with pews and pulpits, believers — and potential believers — are all over. “We go to church to learn to reach people,” Locknane said, pointing out that Jesus preached on hillsides and lakeshores. Everywhere a Christian goes is a place to minister, he said. Blockhan believes with all his heart that a great revival is coming. When it does, he’ll be doing his part to tell people about Christ in the dust, danger, thrills and excitement of the rodeo grounds. n
For more information, contact Mike Locknane at 208-880-5675 or; or Pete Blockhan at 208-391-8984 or (Blockhan said it’s all right to text him.) The national Cowboys for Christ website is at September / October 2017 | Christian Living 17
Consider This
Praying His healing promises By Dan Woodworth
are interested, you can check out my website at The amazing experience I have encountered How do you think our Living Lord activates His from the Holy Spirit is the growing transformation healing promises? When we think about them or in me and then My Most Beautiful Beloved Bride, when we speak them? Irene, and our Sensational Spectacular Son, I am astonished at the power of His healing Chris, our Faithful Friends and Future Friends. promises when I have spoken them. The last few Let me give you an example. I begin by thanking days I have noticed a dramatic demonstration of our Lord with thanksgiving verses of Scripture out His power of healing. loud such as: I was testing my blood pressure to see the differThank You, Lord, for Your Resurrection Words in ence before I prayed and after I prayed. Let me Psalm 118:24: explain: The prayers I have been praying have This is the day that You have made. I will rejoice and be been growing in grace and glory. glad in it. Why? Thank You, Lord, for Your Resurrection Words in Because I have been passionately pursuing Dan Woodworth Philippians 4:4: supernatural solutions to some of the most chalWe rejoice in You always and again we say rejoice. lenging circumstances I have ever faced in my life. Celebrate You all day every day. I mean revel in You. I have sought our Living Lord in a deeper dimension than I have Thank You, Lord, for Your Resurrection Words in 1 Thessalonians ever experienced. 5:16-18: One of the most challenging circumstances I have encountered Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In everything give thanks, for this is is increasingly higher blood pressure. I daily drink fresh lemon Your will in Christ Jesus concerning us. juice, eat raw garlic, take natural healing supplements, exercise Thank You, Lord, for Your Resurrection Words in Psalm 34:1: vigorously for an hour on the ARC trainer at the gym (I have lost I will bless You, Lord, at all times. Your praise shall continually be in my 20 pounds in the past 50 days), do deep breathing for 15 minutes mouth. and a host of other activities. Then I speak, Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your Resurrection Words If I do my Best, He will do the Rest. My blood pressure has been fluctuating up and down, but I have in John 10:10: Thank You, Lord, that You came to this earth 2,000 years ago so that we not experienced a significant drop until the last couple of days. can experience and enjoy overflowing, supernatural, real and eternal life, more The most important thing I have been doing is passionately and better life than we could ever dream of. praying His healing promises twice a day and some days much Then, I speak, Thank You, Lord, for Your Resurrection Words and more. Healing Promises in Isaiah 53:5: I have been writing a new eBook to be titled, Seven Secrets to You were pierced through completely for all of our transgressions. You were Transforming Success. I have been praying His healing promises for crushed completely for all of our iniquities. You took all of our punishment and years and now I feel that our Loving Lord wants me to put this that made us perfectly whole. By the stripes that wounded You, we are perfectly model of praying into this book. This book is a sequel to my first healed and perfectly made whole mentally, emotionally, physically, socially and book I wrote titled, Disappointments Transformed into Destiny. If you financially. Then, I speak: Thank You, Lord, for Your perfect, pure healing and wholeness and Your perfect pure prosperity and peace for us, in us and through us to all of the people around us and all of the people that we pray for all over the world. Which people? Every relative, every intercessor and ministry that You have called and anointed, every government leader around the world, every American military person around the world, every past, present and future relationship and all the people who these people know and will know and everyone calling on You in Boise and beyond. These promises that we pray have been growing in revelation to us. Our Lord keeps refining and renewing us in His healing promises. There are several other confessions of prosperity, favor and blessings that Our Living Lord has revealed to me through passionate, persevering prayer I have included in my future book I am completing. One of the greatest truths that I have discovered from the Holy Spirit when praying these transforming promises is the raw resurrection power of our Living Lord. The same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in us. When we speak His healing promises, these powerful promises
18 September / October 2017 | Christian Living
are radically revealed for us, in us and through us. They are not dependent upon circumstances or feelings. Both circumstances and feelings change continually. We will eventually experience His feelings of love, joy and peace if we continue to passionately pursue Him and His healing promises. This is rigorous, intense spiritual exercise that will produce results. Let me share a miracle manifestation of the power of His healing promise that I have spoken out loud in the past few days. I was curious to know if there was any difference in my blood pressure readings before and after praying. I tested my blood pressure before we prayed. After praying for 15 minutes through the Seven Secrets to Transforming Success model, I took my blood pressure reading again. Before my family and I started praying two days ago, my blood pressure reading was 122/65. After passionately praying, my blood pressure reading was 90/57. That drop of 32 points on the systolic and 8 points on the diastolic readings is absolutely amazing. What is the significance of this experience? When we continue to consistently speak His healing promises, He heals us. Let me encourage you. One of our five Great Grace Power Packs that we speak at least twice every day is Romans 4:17: You are the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being the things that do not exist. When we speak into being His healing promises, we know that He hears us, answers us and that the promise that did not exist before now exists. Our spiritual enemy’s number one tactic is the pressure of doubt
and fear he brings to cause us to give up and cave into his defeat. Spiritual pressure against you will be overwhelming at times. I challenge you to speak His healing promises to drive the diabolic pressure out of you. Keep speaking even when we you feel all hell is coming against you. Keep speaking until you feel His perfect peace. You will break through barriers and become stronger in His grace in your spirit, your mind, your emotions and your relationships. Increased prosperity blessings will come to you so you can bless others with your overflow. Why? Because if His healing promises work for me, they will for you. Listen to His healing powerful promise in Deuteronomy 31:6: Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought (doubt and fear). Because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down. He won’t leave you. Listen to His healing promise in His victorious voice in Psalm 91:14: If you’ll hold onto Me for dear life, says God, I’ll get you out of any trouble. Remember: You are more than a conqueror through Christ who loved you. (Romans 8:37) n
Dr. Dan Woodworth earned his Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree from the King’s University in Los Angeles in 2009. His passion is to encourage and empower people with the transforming power of hope and healing to become all they are created to be. He and his beautiful bride, Irene, have planted three churches. They are in the process of creating a cross/cultural, cross/generational healing community solving pressing problems in Boise and beyond. He may be reached at
September / October 2017 | Christian Living 19
Nampa Christian Schools
Educational adherence to Deuteronomy 6:5-7 By Konrad Ziesing The average American student spends about 6½ hours a day for 180 days a year in school.* That’s about 1,170 hours a year. This may vary from state to state and according to each grade level, but even with conservative estimates, it accounts for just under half of a typical student’s waking hours when school is in session. There are many who advocate increasing the number of instructional hours a student receives each year. The argument is that if you spend more time on something, the result is usually better. While this is an interesting debate to consider, a question worth asking is, “Spending time on what?” For those of the Christian faith, the Bible answers this question for us. The Israelites were given a charge in Deuteronomy 6:5-7. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” It was the expectation that children be taught about God. This was not something relegated to an hour on Sunday morning, but throughout the day, every day. Children were to be taught about God’s commands and statutes every waking moment. This sounds a lot like the environment that is present in the Christian school setting. It stands in stark contrast to what is seen in today’s public schools.
Consider Nampa Christian Schools. Between 1900 and 1950, small Christian schools dotted the Treasure Valley. Among these were elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. In the 1950s, three of these schools united together to become what is known today as Nampa Christian Schools. For over 50 years now, Nampa Christian Schools has faithfully carried out the charge given in Deuteronomy.
Spanning the Generations
Nampa Christian Schools has motivated generations of students to achieve academic excellence and prepare for a lifetime of service to Christ. Throughout the years since Nampa Christian was established, there have been many success stories and graduates who have gone on to serve God in great ways. With more than 800 alumni still living within the Nampa/Boise area, this provides a rich heritage for the Nampa Christian Schools community. Deep roots spread and multiply. Alumni have now chosen Nampa Christian to educate their children. Grandchildren of alumni currently attend the school. Generations upon generations have chosen Nampa Christian Schools, showing that their commitment to the school and community are far-reaching. This echoes Deuteronomy 6:2, “and you and your children and grandchildren must fear the LORD your God as long as you live.”
Church-Family-School Partnership
Nampa Christian Schools is a biblically based learning community that partners with Christian families to develop a Christian worldview and prepare students for a lifetime of faithfulness to Christ, all while promoting academic excellence. Its goal is to develop Christ-like character and Christ-centered lives. This charge given by God through Moses requires a wholehearted commitment and constant diligence. Educating a child requires a partnership. Impressing God’s commands indelibly on the hearts of children happens in a variety of settings. Jeff and Tracey Antosh, whose children have attended Nampa Christian — two graduates and another now in high school — provide a first-hand perspective of this partnership: “As a result of partnering with Nampa Christian, our church, and home in the education of our kids, they have been challenged and have grown tremendously in their Bible knowledge and their understanding of biblical truths. The staff and teachers have a special interest in the kids’ spiritual well-being.” Nampa Christian understands that they do not take the place of the family but simply come alongside parents and their church to help train up their children so the promise of Proverbs 22:6 can become a reality. By working together in partnership, students have the opportunity to see Deuteronomy 6 played out in their lives.
Accredited Christian Education
Dr. Greg Wiles, superintendent of Nampa Christian Schools, often repeats the refrain “boldly Christian, unquestionably academic.” He is dedicated to providing high quality Christian education and training for the development of well-rounded students who will impact this world for the Lord Jesus Christ through biblical thought and action. Nampa Christian Schools is proud to maintain accreditation with the State of Idaho through AdvancED ( and the Association of Christian Schools International (www.acsi. org). The ACSI places spiritual formation at the core, and values such things as respect for authority, service, moral integrity and character,
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as well as a life commitment to Christ and the church. Parents Jeremy and Stacie Glassco offer a powerful testimony of the value of a decidedly Christian education: “We are thankful our kids learn in the unique environment at Nampa Christian Schools where, in conjunction with their academics, they are encouraged to treasure God’s Word in their hearts. During these academic years, where they have minds eager for growth, Nampa Christian has been a special blessing for our family by working with our kids to help them set their moral compass and find faith in Jesus.” That is what it’s all about. Education not just to teach, but to transform.
Heart Transformation
Christian education is not only concerned about the head, but more importantly the heart. The late Howard Hendricks, longtime professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, made a profound statement in an article he wrote titled, “What Makes Christian Education Distinct?” “In Christian education we deal with the transcendent. Secular education deals only with the human. Christian education discusses the eternal, secular education the here and now. Secular education seeks to make more successful and intelligent people. The Christian educator aspires to nothing less than the transformation of a believer into the image of Christ.”** Aspects of the Christian faith are integrated into every class that is taught. Faculty and staff all have a personal relationship with Christ. The morning begins with prayer. There are weekly chapel services. Students participate in community service and go on mission trips. God’s Word is included in the curriculum as well as athletics, the arts, and other extra-curricular activities. Young learners are encouraged to study the Bible and incorporate its teaching into their assignments. Rather than be discouraged from speaking about Jesus and the Scriptures, students are free to apply their faith to their learning. Teachers are not merely teaching to inform the mind but to renew the mind. This is in keeping with Romans 12:2. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Martin Luther’s words, spoken now almost 500 years ago, are
borderline prophetic. In speaking of education in his time he said, “I would advise no one to send his child where the Holy Elementary-age students at Nampa Christian Schools Scriptures are pray together at chapel. (Photo provided by NCS) not supreme. Every institution that does not unceasingly pursue the study of God’s word becomes corrupt. I greatly fear that the universities, unless they teach the Holy Scriptures diligently and impress them on the young students, are wide gates to hell.” More and more parents are acknowledging that Christian education provides one of the best avenues to ensure that their children spend their days in learning that advances their personal faith and not the opposite. Nampa Christian Schools offers open enrollment for all ages, including early childhood (6 weeks - age 4), elementary school (PreK-5), middle school (6-8) and high school (9-12). For more information, or a no-pressure, no-obligation tour of the school, contact the registrar at 208-475-1711, via email at, or visit the school’s website at Konrad Ziesing is communication director at Nampa Christian Schools. n Sources: * Nisen, M. (2013, October 1). America Needs To Suck It Up And Make School Days Longer. Retrieved July 20, 2017 from Business Insider: http:// ** Hendricks, H. (2006, July 19). What Makes Christian Education Distinct. Retrieved July 22, 2017 from Christianity Today: Luther, M. (1520). Twenty-Seven Articles Representing the Reformation of the Christian Estate. Retrieved July 25, 2017 from Bartleby: The Bible. New King James Version. Thomas Nelson Publishers. 1982. The Bible. New Living Translation. Tyndale House Publishers. 2015.
In the Next Issue: Ambrose In Ambrose School School
September / October 2017 | Christian Living 21
Intentional parenting
The need for love and emotional intelligence (pronounced store-gay), the love among family members, and agape (pronounced ah-gop’-ay), Nothing can really prepare you for it. One day, which is selfless love. it’s you and your spouse, and the next it’s you, Today I want to focus on our need to exercise your spouse and a new human being. Your job agape love with our children. If there’s a founis to feed this fragile creature, keep it warm, and dational, one-size-fits-all formula for raising kids, work to prepare this human to establish his or it would be the list of actions identified by the her own relationship with God so he or she can Apostle Paul when he gave us the definition of operate in the world according to God’s calling. agape in 1 Corinthians 13. But … but how? You know the verses, because they get read at Those action items carry a lot of responsibility. most weddings. “Love is patient, love is kind, it does Isn’t there a formula that can make the job easier? not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud …” If you’re a parent, you know by now that no This is one-size-fits-all because every child single parenting formula works for all children. born has a unique combination of quirks that When you first became a parent, no doubt you no other person in the history of the world has. received lots of unsolicited advice. Some of Daniel Bobinski You’ve heard the phrase, “Love conquers all”? it worked great. Other advice made sense but With agape love (which includes “love is not selfdidn’t fit your situation. Still other advice immediately hit you as, seeking”), we can really overcome all obstacles and connect with “That will never work.” And then there are things that worked all people. Children included. for child #1, but not for child #2. Or #3. Think about it. Raising children requires patience. It requires And so, while no single human formula works for all children, being kind. It requires that we not be boastful or proud, so that we do have a foundational mandate from Christ — a mandate our children think they are “less than.” No doubt: Raising chilto love. dren is best done with agape love. Before I get too far, some clarification may be in order. If So that’s the foundation, and that’s a fantastic study by itself. you know anything about the Greek language, it has multiple But let me suggest that on top of that foundation we establish words that get translated into the English word “love.” Among a useful, easy framework to help us know and understand our them are eros (passionate, romantic love), philia, or brotherly children. The framework I’m suggesting is known these days as love (think Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love), storge By Daniel Bobinski
22 September / October 2017 | Christian Living
emotional intelligence (commonly abbreviated EQ). First let me show why it’s so valuable. Workplace research has revealed that for people in technical or middle management positions, EQ comprises two-thirds of the difference between average and top performers. It’s even more important in positions of senior management and leadership, where EQ was found to be four-fifths of the difference between average and top performers. If you’re asking what this has to do with parenting, my response is that we, as parents, are the leaders and the managers of our households. Therefore, to be an above-average parent, it helps if we are learning about EQ and striving to apply it. What follows is a framework of EQ as a springboard for your personal study. (Side note: If you’re reading this before September 23, I’ll be teaching on EQ at the Parenting Conference in Caldwell on that date. Read more at
A Practical EQ Definition
The academic definition of EQ is “the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.” After decades of teaching EQ , I prefer something more practical, so I teach it this way: “The ability to perceive and assess one’s own and others’ emotions, desires, and tendencies, then make the best decision for moving forward that brings the best result for everyone.” In terms of parenting, that means first we must know ourselves. What are our desires and behavioral patterns? And what emotions tend to accompany those? Then, as parents, we must recognize the desires and behavioral patterns of each child, along with their usual emotions. A good EQ framework helps you understand these various
preferences in a practical format. The model I like best considers three core areas of our personality, and I refer to it as Head, Heart, and Hands. “Head” means our cognitive preferences. In other words, how do we perceive what’s around us, how do we process it, and how do we make decisions? Differences exist, and if we’re not aware of them and adapting to differences, conflicts can arise. “Heart” is about our motivations — what drives us. There are learned motivators (e.g., money, knowledge acquisition, or power) and natural, innate motivators (e.g., music, logic, or nature, among others). Again, differences exist, and if we’re not aware of them, conflicts can arise. Finally, “hands” is about behavioral preferences. Some people like to solve problems as soon as they see them. Others like influencing others. Some like an even, steady pace, while others prefer analyzing the world around them. Valuing our differences through the biblical mandate of agape love will make a huge difference in how successful we are in raising children to be who God made them to be. To recap, reliable research indicates that building your EQ and putting it to work will help you in becoming an “above average” parent. As a Christian parent, I believe emotional intelligence to be a very useful framework, and it works best when it’s being used within the solid foundation of agape love. n Daniel Bobinski, M.Ed. is the CEO of, helping teams and individuals learn how to use Emotional Intelligence. He’s also a homeschooling dad, a best-selling author, and a popular speaker at conferences and retreats. Reach him at or (208) 375-7606. Daniel will be a keynote speaker at the Parenting Conference in Caldwell on September 23.
September / October 2017 | Christian Living 23
Cole Valley Christian Schools
Helping guide and guard young souls By Kyna Ritchie Why Christian school? Is it essential? Shouldn’t we be a light for God in the public school? Should I home school? These are the questions we have heard parents ask as they have struggled to decide where to enroll their children. Parents who understand that God has given them precious young souls to guide and guard in their journey towards knowing, loving and serving Him wrestle deeply with this decision. It’s a question with which every Christian parent should grapple through prayer and investigation until they hear a clear direction from God for each child. Every kid is different, and God knows and loves them all. Colossians 2:2-4 reads: “My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by fine-sounding arguments.” If “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” are found in Christ, no education can be as complete without a biblical foundation and relationship with Jesus. At Cole Valley Christian, we want to shepherd students in an atmosphere where they can easily make their faith their own as they witness and learn from loving Christian role models daily. We strive to provide a community where students can enjoy Christian fellowship, discuss their faith, and develop a vision to impact God’s world. These days, finesounding arguments abound and are more quickly discovered and spread than ever before. Therefore, at CVCS we want
24 September / October 2017 | Christian Living
to provide a culture where students are encouraged in heart and united in love by examining what Scripture says about every topic. In a world where endless content is available at the click of a button, it is important that students learn to evaluate that content based on the never changing principles of Scripture and are prepared to contribute and innovate while continuing to apply God’s truth. We know life involves more than academics and that knowledge alone can puff up (1 Corinthians 8:1). Thus, in addition to academics, our mission revolves around helping students achieve their full potential spiritually, relationally, physically and socially to be prepared to impact their world for Christ. What is necessary at each level of schooling? Regardless of where you decide to enroll your students, here are some things to consider. Pre-K or Preschool considerations: Although Pre-K programs may look like too much fun, students are learning classroom expectations and peer interaction that leads to future academic and relational success. Pre-K sets the educational and social foundation on which to build future learning. Does the program you’re considering establish this base well? At CVCS, our Pre-K program layers many strategic curricula to build the fine motor skills and basic concepts of math, reading, writing, and Bible at age-appropriate levels. Direction and correction are welcomed rather than resisted because students feel loved. Between academic and enrichment classes, children get to discover that God made them, loves them, and wants to be their friend forever. They find out that God created a big, glorious, complex world and that we get to love God with our heart, soul, mind and strength by striving to learn as much as we can about it. To see our Pre-K world in action, check out the video preview at cfm. Elementary Level (K - 6th) considerations: Elementary students have enthusiasm and energy for life. Although they need to learn respect for others and rules for engagement in a classroom, does the program you are considering include active engagement both inside and outside of the classroom? In addition to fostering academic learning, are they being taught about their emotions and how to communicate them? When choices bring consequences, are they handled in a way that offers a balance of grace and truth like our God gives us? At our Elementary Campus, we focus on multi-sensory small group learning labs that get students moving and interacting with manipulatives, puzzles, educational games, technology and each other to engage their brains. Test scores soar as students move between three specialist teachers at each grade level, allowing our teachers to become experts in their topic, capable of reaching each student at their level of learning. STEM lab, music, theater and PE give additional weekly opportunities to interact with a wide variety of content. Weekly chapel with our student-led worship team and daily homeroom Bible curriculum infuse God’s Word into everyday life. We examine God’s Word on every subject, so students find God’s truth and unchangeable character in all of His creation. Students learn that they are sinful and in need of a savior, but they are loved beyond measure by a God who wants to give them parameters in life to protect and bless them. Rather than seeing God as the cosmic killjoy, students decide to obey because they trust the
God who cannot lie and loves them immeasurably. Secondary Level (7th - 12th) considerations: In Junior and Senior High, students begin making more of their own decisions. They make their faith their own. In the program you are considering, are they being told what to believe or is there room for evaluating many sides of a topic? Are they allowed and encouraged to apply God’s truth to all subjects, scenarios and decision making? Are they challenged to collaborate with people and engage with content to make connections and problem solve, or are they only learning through a lecture? How are they asked to look at the world? What social causes are promoted? Students at CVCS are challenged to engage with content and each other, so they are prepared to be an asset to their future family, workplace and community. Students who Cole Valley Christian Schools knows that life is more than academics and therefore wants its students to reach their potential spiritu- embrace this ally, relationally, socially and physically. Music, sports and other teaching meth-
od become much deeper thinkers and innovators. Surrounded by caring staff and coaches willing to walk alongside them as they evaluate the outcome of decisions, students are allowed to make more of their own choices. We encourage them to invest time in community and world outreach opportunities where they can discover their spiritual giftedness and how God has built them to invest in his Kingdom. We allow them to ask spiritual questions, knowing our God can handle any doubt and the student will develop a stronger faith and testimony by doing so. Cole Valley Christian Schools currently enroll 950 students on our three campuses. Our third campus, The Idaho Learning Center, provides a cutting edge, non-traditional approach to enable talented students to hurdle academic barriers such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, auditory processing limitations, etc. For more information, go to We welcome any questions you might have and would like to partner with you in preparing your students to impact the world for Christ. For more information visit or call 208-947-1212. n
activities are part of CVCS offerings. (Photo provided by CVCS)
Kyna Ritchie is the advancement director at Cole Valley Christian Schools.
September / October 2017 | Christian Living 25
Real Man’s Toolbox
To be God’s best, we need to be filled By Leo Hellyer As men, we have a huge tendency to overdo, run out of steam, and fall short of what we could accomplish if we would seek God’s presence, strength and direction. There are many ways that we can charge and recharge. We can accomplish much, but we can accomplish much more when our tank is full and when we are supercharged. As Christian men of faith we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. For us to be able to share God’s love with others, we need to have God’s love in us to share. As men we love fixing things, we love helping others. To effectively help others we need to be in a healthy position physically, emotionally and spiritually ourselves. For us to be able to effectively communicate and share God’s love with the people He brings across our paths, we need to be prayed up, confessed up, and armored up with the whole armor of God. We need to have other brothers supporting us and holding us accountable. Leadership or servanthood without accountability is vulnerable to attack from Satan and his various henchmen who seek to steal, kill and destroy. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” — John 10:10 (NAS) Many times men find it difficult to build a truly honest, open and constructive relationship with another man. One very good way for us to be filled by the Holy Spirit is to associate ourselves with other men of God. God guides us and speaks to us in many different ways. If we have a brother who is an accountability partner, or if we are in a men’s small group, God will speak to us through these other men. As we share God’s love and guide others into accountability, our cup needs to be full so we can see others through God’s eyes and not our own, so we can honestly guide in love and honesty and build our brothers and sisters up instead of tearing them down. “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” — Matthew 7:3 (NAS)
26 September / October 2017 | Christian Living
Mentoring is something that the vast majority of Christian adults feel is a very important life experience. Mentoring is absolutely a scriptural concept and practice. There are examples of mentorship and discipleship throughout the Bible. Some of the primary mentors in the Bible are Jesus, Paul, Timothy, Jethro, Samuel and Daniel. If we want to be the men of God that He wants us to be, we need to seek out proven and anointed men of God to mentor us through our spiritual and physical lives. We need to look at our priorities. Are we just sliding through life or are we seeking every day to be more and more Christlike? How much of our day do we spend communicating with God? How much of our energy do we expend in sharing God’s love with the people He brings across our path? Bill Bright was a brilliant Christian leader. He founded Campus Crusade for Christ, which is now called Cru. Bill had the unique ability of communicating complex subjects in a very understandable manner. In a paper that he wrote about being filled with the Holy Spirit, he said, “We are filled with the Holy Spirit by faith. How did you become a Christian? By faith.” “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast.” — Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV) “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him.” — Colossians 2:6 (NIV) Bill said, “You receive Christ by faith. You live by faith. Everything you receive from God, from the moment of your spiritual birth until you die, is by faith. Do you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit? You can be filled right now, by faith. “You do not have to beg God to fill you with His Holy Spirit. You do not have to barter with Him by fasting or weeping or begging or pleading. For a long period of time, I fasted and cried out to God for His fullness. Then one day I discovered from the Scriptures that the ‘just shall live by faith.’ You do
not earn God’s fullness. You receive it by faith.” When God fills us with His Spirit, He gives us what we need to react to the people He brings to us through His divine appointments, in a manner that will reflect His Spirit and not the judging spirit of man. When we are filled with His Spirit we are able to be vessels of His Spirit and we are able to have His love, compassion, grace, mercy and wisdom as we pour Him out to others. n Leo Hellyer is a non-staff pastor with a local church and has been married to his wife, Norma, for 44 years. The couple volunteered with FamilyLife on its Boise ministry team for 20 years. They are both employed by Boise Rescue Mission Ministries, Norma at City Light Home for Women & Children and Leo at River of Life Rescue Mission. They may be reached at If you have questions about Real Man’s Toolbox, or need other assistance, Leo may be reached at 208-340-5544.
Idaho Learning Center
A non-traditional approach to education By Connie Risser
The Idaho Learning Center, in partnership with Cole Valley Christian Schools, is for talented students who benefit from a non-traditional approach to learning in order to help them reach their fullest potential. Sometimes students with ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, auditory processing limitations, etc. have certain barriers to academic learning that can hinder this growth process. The staff at ILC are committed to helping students grow and improve in confidence as well as competence. The Idaho Learning Center seeks to provide a unique approach to learning challenges through the use of Educational Coaching, which uses effective tools to remediate learning struggles. Educational Coaching is a process by which the trained educational coaches shepherd and challenge students according to specific needs that have been formally or informally assessed. This includes students who struggle with academic difficulties, learning disabilities, ADHD, and executive functioning difficulties. (“Executive functioning” is the set of mental skills that allow us to get things done.) One of the strengths of the program is based on the relationship between the educational
coach/teacher and the student. By building what we call the 7 C’s — connection, caring, clarity, confidence and commitment — lifechanging transformation in the learning journey can happen. ILC offers two different school options for families who have students who need a non-traditional approach in the classroom. A personalized plan is developed based on test results, the student’s needs and collaboration with educational professionals and parents. Our portfolio of services has also grown in the last several years in order to meet the needs of students who learn differently. Again, a personalized plan is developed in order that the services meet the needs of the student. The approach is not a system, but tools used strategically and effectively in order ensure lasting results. Whether students thrive in a non-traditional approach to education, or simply want life-changing intervention while attending their current school, ILC is committed to helping students with learning disabilities become successful in the learning journey. n Connie Risser is the director of the Idaho Learning Center. More information is available at
September / October 2017 | Christian Living 27
Outdoors with Dougherty
Traveling throughout God’s creation By Dan Dougherty I thank God for his favor in allowing my wife and I to travel and see the variety of His handiwork. From the Outback of Australia and the Mayan ruins of Belize to the youth of South Korea and the animals of Thailand, the last four years have been a time of wonderment. It brings to my mind the words of the opening and closing stanzas of Cecil Frances Alexander’s poem, “All things bright and beautiful”:
All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all. He gave us eyes to see them, And lips that we might tell, How great is God Almighty, Who has made all things well. This past May we had the privilege of another excursion with our friends Pete and Ileen Gurstenberger. We journeyed to St. Thomas in the American Virgin Islands. We arrived at Cyril E. King Airport in St. Thomas late in the evening. The airport was quite small compared to other international airports. It has only one main runway and 11 gates. However, it is one of the busiest in the eastern Caribbean, servicing over 1.4 million passengers a year. It’s just outside of Charlotte Ama-
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lie, the largest city of St. Thomas and its capital, with about 20,000 people. We got a taxi van to transport us to the resort. Our driver was named Sebastian, a friendly Afro-Caribbean local. He became our driver throughout our stay. He lived near the resort. The 30-minute trip was an adventure. The roads of St. Thomas are narrow and winding and the traffic moves quickly. They drive on the left side of the road, but unlike Australia, use American cars that steer on the left. I had noticed as I entered Sebastian’s van that he had religious music on the radio. When he got in, he switched it to secular hits. A couple days later I sat in the lobby as my wife worked on the computer. Sebastian came in and sat beside me. He was waiting for a family he was about to transport. We began a conversation. I told him I heard the religious music and he should have kept it on because we are Christians. My father and three brothers were pastors and it is our musical preference. He responded with a huge smile and said, “Praise the Lord!” The rest of the time, as he drove us from place to place, the van was filled with God’s music. At times Sebastian would sing along in his beautiful voice and we would join in. More than a driver, he became our friend. We enjoyed good times of joking and laughing. He gave us suggestions of local places to eat. He dropped us off at one restaurant that had excellent food and was cheaper than the tourist hangouts. We stayed at Worldmark Elysian Beach Resort on Cowpet Bay on the southwest end of the island near Red Hook. Its picturesque beach with its palm trees and crystal clear aquamarine water was the perfect image for a Virgin Island postcard. Boats from the nearby Yacht Club littered the bay, where we snorkeled. The saltwater of the eastern Caribbean was warm and buoyant. I learned two important lessons on the first day: one, you can get a good sunburn on an overcast day, and two, always reapply sunblock after each time in the water (even though the bottle says it’s waterproof !). The painful reminder stayed with me for several days. Our first excursion was a day of sailing and snorkeling. We sailed out of Red Hook Harbor to the protected waters of the Virgin Island National Park along St. John’s coast, an area of many types of colorful fish, rays, and sea turtles. The deeper water between the islands was a striking indigo blue. Approaching the white, sandy beaches as the water became shallower, the color changed to aquamarine and then turquoise. We stopped at several locations. The water of the Atlantic was a little cooler but very pleasant. Snorkeling near the shore in about 8 feet of water, I saw a stingray beneath me along the bottom. With thoughts of Steve Irwin, I decided not to get a closer look, but to vacate the area. Our other excursion was to the British Virgin Islands. Passports were required. We traveled with another 40 tourists on a large speed boat. Our main destination was the Island of Virgin Gorda (The Fat Virgin). It was named by Christopher Columbus because the island’s profile looks like a
fat woman lying on her side. It’s known for The Baths, a labyrinth of beach-side pools and seawater-flooded grottoes. Ileen, Peggy, and I took the hike through it. It was fascinating. Pete stayed at the restaurant to relax and view the ocean. On the boat ride back, I talked with a man from northeastern Arkansas. He was with his wife and kids. Naturally we talked about whitetail hunting, as he was an avid hunter. I showed him all my hunting and fishing pictures on my phone. He was especially interested in the pictures of elk and steelhead. He thought the elk were huge and the steelhead were beautiful. He laughed when he viewed a picture of my son’s friend with his first whitetail — it was very small. It was his first hunt and he had no point of reference to judge size. He shot the first one he saw. The Arkansan said it brought to mind one of his most embarrassing hunting experiences. He said he and a church friend went out to his father-in-law’s cattle ranch to hunt hogs. His father-in-law raised black Angus. The friends were hunting at night with a spotlight and shotguns. They spotted some hogs that ran off through the brush. All of a sudden they saw a dark form and bright eyes running straight at them. My new acquaintance said he raised his gun and shot. After approaching the animal, to their dismay the men saw it was one of his father-in-law’s new heifers. All his father-in-law had to say was, “You’re a pathetic hunter!” We saw many different animals during our stay at St. Thomas. One of the strangest sights was all the free-ranging chickens throughout the island. Wherever we went they were roaming around — both big ones and little chicks. They were on the
sidewalks, in the bushes, and on the lawns. Pelicans, seagulls, and giant white egrets were also plentiful. The most interesting were the iguanas. Near the docks, some were almost 6 feet long. At the resort they would lay at the swimming pool under the loungers in the shade. They would come out begging for food. We fed them little pieces of orange. The flight home was during the day. Besides St. Thomas and St. John, St. Croix was in view. As we traveled north, Puerto Rico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, Cuba, and Florida filled the window. The sight of how close Cuba was to Florida became very clear. The realization that Cuba was no further from Florida then Cascade is from Caldwell gave me a new geopolitical insight. My wife and I have been truly blessed to be able to travel and broaden our understanding of how interconnected we all are as God’s creation. Customs, food, landscape, and lifestyles may differ, but man’s basic needs, wants, and desires are the same. Whether it is traveling as tourists with friends, teaching the Bible to youth in Korea, or visiting missionary friends in Thailand, the best part of our trips have been meeting new friends and sharing our mutual love of God. n
September / October 2017 | Christian Living 29
Sun. Worship: 8:15 &11am Sun. School & Bible Study: 9:45 am
Pastor: Thomas Hausch Please Call about our Youth Group Times
Sundays 9:30 a.m. Bible Classes 10:45 a.m. Worship
(208) 631-4438
208-286-9438 (*Must be 21 or older)
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Worship Service 8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am Bible Study 9:30 & 11 am Children’s Church 11 am
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30 September / October 2017 | Christian Living
The Sanctuary
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Sunday Morning Service 9:30
3755 S. Cloverdale Boise • 362-1700
Sunday Morning Services & Sunday School 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM 3/4-17
CHURCH & PRESCHOOL 765 E. Chinden Blvd. Meridian, ID, 83646
Lutheran Church
September / October 2017 | Christian Living 31
32 September / October 2017 | Christian Living