YOUR Daily Bread
A true story about applying one’s talents
productive life by focusing on what he COULD do. His generosity gave his work purpose that brought him much joy and happiness. We were blessed with one of Jeff ’s paintings as a gift which we have hanging in our bedroom. Each morning I sit up in bed, say a prayer and gaze at the painting. I always see something new each time I look at it. It not “God has given each of you special abilities; only decorates our bedroom, but it is a source use them to help each other, passing on to othof great inspiration. Jeff ’s generosity is contaers God’s many kinds of blessings.” (TLB) gious. I am hopeful that my own generosity will grow and pass on to others. This verse is exemplified by an artist named In my columns, I like to suggest action steps Jeff Hanson. Jeff was born in 1993 to parto take to grow in your faith. For this issue, I ents Hal and Julie Hanson in Overland Park, draw on Hal Hanson’s reflections in his book, Kansas. At age 12, Jeff was diagnosed with Lessons from CLOD, recounting Jeff and his neurofibromatosis type 1 and an optic chiasm Terry Frisk family’s journey. brain tumor (he named CLOD) that was slowly 1. Focus on what you CAN do – Take intaking away his vision. While undergoing chemotherapy treatventory of your God-given talents and develop these into skills. ment, he started painting watercolor notecards as a diversion. I have always had an interest in analyzing numbers. When This led to a curbside business selling his creations and mom’s I was young, I graphed my favorite baseball players’ stats to brownies, with the proceeds benefiting the Children’s Tumor measure their performance. It was only natural that I pursued Foundation to fund optic tumor research. a career in accounting. At the suggestion of his eye doctor, Jeff transitioned to 2. Find a purpose – Establish why you do what you do. acrylics-on-canvas with heavy texture and bold colors. He Jeff ’s purpose was to “change the world through art.” My purmaintained a “philanthropy first” philosophy, giving many pose is to increase family financial well-being through nurturof his paintings to charities for fundraising auctions. He set a ing the businesses that employ them. lofty goal of raising $1 million for charity by age 20 which he 3. Be passionate in what you do – Pursue what excites reached at age 19. He then set another lofty goal to raise $10 you. CBS News correspondent Charles Kuralt had a news segmillion by age 30. ment where he interviewed everyday people across the country. Jeff saw the world through a different lens, not because of I remember one segment with a garbage collector who was his visual impairment, but through the joy of using his Godgiven talent for art to positively impact others. He refused to be very passionate about his work. He recognized the importance of his work to his patrons and truly loved his work. Quoting defined by his challenges and embraced his abilities. Though American poet, Maya Angelou, “You can only become truly he could not do many things most of us take for granted, like accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your driving a car or participating in sports, he could live a happy, By Terry Frisk In Genesis, we learn that God created humans in His own image. However, God gave each of us unique individual abilities. In 1 Peter, the apostle Peter discusses Christian life and duties. In Chapter 4, verse 10, he states:
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34 March / April 2021 | Christian Living