MK Hope Academy
Providing education, planting optimism
Above is a group of schoolgirls who attend Cosmo and Sarah Zimik’s MK Hope Academy in India. (Courtesy photo)
By Gaye Bunderson Hope is a four-letter word that is changing lives in India. On February 5, 2020, Cosmo and Sarah Zimik opened a school in the village of Marao, India and named it MK Hope Academy. “We are the first, private, English-speaking school in that area to talk about Jesus and the Bible,” Cosmo Zimik said during an interview on March 10 at his martial arts studio in downtown Nampa. Marao is Cosmo’s birthplace and the school was named in honor of his parents. The M stands for his father, Mayarbing, and the K stands for his mother, Khathingla. If it weren’t for them, Cosmo wouldn’t be the well-respected Christian businessman and philanthropist he is today. “The whole story is a miracle,” he said. “As a family, we barely had enough to eat, but three of us kids went to college.”
It was his sister who first started a school in Marao 20 years ago. She saw many orphans on the streets and decided she would educate them. Amazingly, she did it in her front yard. For many years, Cosmo and Sarah helped support his sister’s work by sending her money. Twelve years ago, they started to fund the entire project and it was only a matter of time before they decided to start a school themselves. In 2003, the Zimiks established the International Missionary Network, a non-profit that oversees the work they do for Cosmo’s own native people, northeast India’s Naga tribe. IMN is supported by donations but the Zimiks have provided a lot of the funding themselves. “We empty our pockets every month,” Cosmo said. “I am happy to serve God; it’s not so much about money.”
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