REAL Man’s Toolbox
We are blessed when we walk with God
Think about this... God Almighty, the God of By Leo Hellyer the Universe who created all that is, created you Being a Christian man in the United States in to have an intimate, eternal relationship with 2020 can be very overwhelming, confusing, and Him. daunting. We may find it hard to put into words Whatever is going on in your life right now the feelings we have inside of us. One of my is just a speck of time in God’s reality, the true personal mentors, Dr. Vincent Kituku, always reality. We are living here on Planet Earth only is able to respond to people immediately when for a moment. While you are here, make the asked, “How are you?” Vincent very clearly and most of it by walking with God through whatquickly responds, “I am blessed.” As Christian ever experiences He allows you to go through. men, and particularly Christian men living in Sometimes we go through some difficult situathe United States of America, we are blessed! tions, but we can grow through each of those There is a great book that was first published events or seasons of our lives. If we will get our in 2008 which I recommend as a great read for strength and direction by walking with God, Christian men: “Walking with God” written by then we will be able to say, at any time, “I am John Eldredge. On the flyleaf of the book, Elblessed!” dredge says, “Intimacy with God is the purpose Leo Hellyer If you are looking for some good news in your of our lives. It’s why God created us… God crelife journey, then pick up “The Good News” – pick up the ated us for intimate fellowship with himself, and in doing so he Holy Bible and start or improve on your walking with God. As established the goal of our existence – to know him, love him, we devour more and more of God’s Word (the Bible), and as and live our lives in an intimate relationship with him.” we do better and better in walking with God, we will see, expeThose of us who are more experienced in our Christian lives rience, and believe in all of the good news that is all around us, have had multiple situations where when we have talked to because it is also IN US. God, we also heard from God. As we face life’s struggles, chalMy prayer and my hope is that each of us Christian men lenges, mountaintops, or valleys, God is with us whether we feel (myself included) will be responsible and will share the good it or not. All we have to do is communicate with Him and He news that we have, and that we will take every opportunity will communicate back to us. If we feel distant from God, as we go through some of our journey in life, then we need to tear we are given to help others get started on their own personal down the barriers that we have placed between us and God. He journey of walking with God. There are many people around us who are eagerly seeking for answers. They are searching for is there waiting for us to invite Him into our lives. the truth. They are seeking happiness, worth, meaning, and As we live our lives, there are times that many of us have significance. The only place you can find the complete and difficulty finding any good news – all we hear, or all we pay pure existence of these traits is in walking with God. attention to, is what is wrong in our lives, or what is wrong in We are blessed! We are blessed to live in the United States of the world. We need to walk with God and not the world, or the America; we are blessed to live in Idaho; we are blessed to live world’s news. In John 10: 9-10 Jesus tells us, “Whoever enters in the community where we live. We are blessed to be a Christhrough me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and tian and to be able to walk with God Almighty. find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and If you have not done so yet, please talk to God, listen for His destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to response, walk with Him. He loves you. n the full.” If you are seeking a better life than what you are experiencLeo Hellyer is a non-staff pastor with a local church and has been married ing, or what you are seeing around you, then you have come to his wife Norma for more than 45 years. The couple volunteered with the to the right place. God has set up a “divine appointment” for Boise FamilyLife Ministry Team for 20 years. They are both employed by you to hear the real, true, and accurate “GOOD NEWS.” God has been walking with you all of your life. He would love Boise Rescue Mission Ministries, Norma at City Light Home for Women & Children and Leo at River of Life Rescue Mission. Leo is also the President for you to get to the point where you will walk with Him. I and Chief Firearms Instructor with Helping Hands Firearms Training honestly believe that if you will pick up John Eldredge’s book and read it, absorb it, and follow what is written in it, your life LLC. If you have questions about Real Man’s Toolbox, or need other assistance, Leo may be reached at or 208-340-5544. will change dramatically.
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