Christian living julyaugust

Page 1



Hands of

Hope NW A global medical impact


Players God on the golf course

Fathers and sons Setting an example


Miracle of light Amazing burst of life


Genders cope differently

Sharon Griffith is the founder of Hands of Hope NW and Debbie Wheeler is executive director.


Contents July / August 2016 “Life is not measured by how much you own.” — Luke 12:15 (NLT)

Features Love:


Special moments:


The various kinds Spend time not money

Cover Story —

Columns 7 8

Notes from Home: Surprising lessons for kids Outdoors with Dougherty: Coeur d’Alene’s beauty

Man’s Toolbox: 14 Real Fathers’ examples for sons


Heartbeat: A miracle of light

20 Challenging Faith: Live your purpose

Hands of Hope NW:

the Gap: 25 Bridging Where you came from

Christian golfers:

This: 28 Consider An inspiring trip

16 From gauze to global cause Tee time for faith


Departments 13

Kipp Sherry:

Christian illusionist

Many worldviews: Avoiding deception

22 26

30 Radio & the Rescue Mission Kevin Miller:

Your Daily Bread: Work/life balance

24 Understanding

Relationships: Gender and stress

Volume 4, Number 4 Publisher Sandy Jones Editor Gaye Bunderson 208-639-8301 Sales & Marketing Melva Bade 208-631-3779 • Sandy Jones 208-703-7860 Cover Photo Drew Brown Graphic Design Glen Bruderer Contributors Daniel Bobinski, Dan Dougherty, Ann Doupont, Terry Frisk, Dani Grigg, Leo Hellyer, Janet Lund, Joel Lund, Louis Sheppard and Dan Woodworth Distribution Specialists Idaho Distribution Services Website Design SEO Idaho Webmaster Liza Morgan Christian Living is committed to encouraging and instructing individuals in their daily lives by presenting stories of people in the Treasure Valley who are living on a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ and who serve as uplifting examples to others. Views expressed in Christian Living do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by Christian Living to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2016 by Christian Living Magazine LLC. Christian Living is published every other month and is available in over 600 locations throughout the Treasure Valley, including most grocery stores, convenience stores, medical waiting areas, and churches. If your church would like additional copies please email us today at Annual subscriptions available for $10/year. To start your subscription or give one as a gift send your check or money order, along with complete address information, and a phone number to call in case there’s questions about your subscription to Christian Living Magazine LLC, PO Box 867, Meridian, ID 83680. Find us on Facebook Badge

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In Each Edition 4

Publisher’s Corner: Attitude of gratitude July / August 2016 | Christian Living


The importance of an ‘attitude of gratitude’ By Sandy Jones

This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. — Psalm 118:24 NKJV

Editor’s note: Christian Living marks its third year in publication with this issue. It’s been challenging, but also very fulfilling. We wish to thank our advertisers, contributors, readers and the people who have allowed us to feature them in our pages. As we enter our fourth year, we do so with enthusiasm – and no small amount of faith that God will continue to bless the magazine. We are grateful to be a part of it.

grateful for. Not necessarily big things either; Recently I let a friend down. I blew it. Got I’ve been earnestly trying to live with an “atticalled on it. Owned it. Apologized for it. We tude of gratitude,” reminding myself that “I get had a few words (because that’s what humans to,” as Joan Endicott says, instead of “I have often do). Both apologized and set a time to.” Sometimes it’s as small as a green light for coffee the next morning! I share this; for Sandy Jones, Publisher staying green when I’m running a few minutes one thing I try really, really hard to be a good Christian Living Magazine late. Or it’s as big as a receiving a letter in the friend, and to not let anyone down, but also mail from a total stranger telling me that our because it reminded me so of God’s grace. magazine has touched their life in some way. Scripture tells us that “all have sinned,” not just some – all. We One particular Monday my day overflowed with blessings sin. We let God down. We get convicted by it. We confess it. – I truly felt like I was walkin’ on sunshine as the old song goes. Sometimes we have to go to The Word to see what it says. We That evening our son and his children came for dinner, and we set aside a time with God to get right with Him, and we’re off were doing a round robin around the dinner table, each sharagain. He’s still there for us. As promised, He’ll never leave us ing their favorite part of the day. It was Monday so some had nor forsake us. We might try really, really hard to be a good to stretch to find a favorite part to tell. Fortunately I was last Christian, but how many times do we slip and let Him down? because I’d had a truly great day, and there was no one favorite I’m grateful for a friend who has the ability to forgive and thing. Admittedly, I kind of bubbled over. Later that evening move on with brotherly love. as my hubby and I sat on the back deck enjoying the warm Lately there have been so many things in our lives to be summer-like evening, he shared with me that my excitement and my energy earlier had really made him happy. I smiled and squeezed his hand. I honestly didn’t think much of it, until the next night, with him miles away in California on business he brought it up again, telling me that although I’m generally a pretty happy person, that Monday evening my excitement and enthusiasm had been contagious. Being a business consultant he of course used a business analogy to explain himself, going on to share how he teaches business owners and upper management that if they want a happy team that they have to be happy themselves – they have to set the tone. Funny how it’s that way in our homes too: one person having a really good day can light up the room; or a person down and out can make the air feel stagnant and impenetrable for the whole family. It’s easy to remember and quote scripture and feel all safe and secure in God’s love and in His plan on those good days, but on those tough days I encourage you to remember that you “get to,” and that He has a plan for us and is with us wherever we go. God Bless! n

The first edition of Christian Living came out in 2013. Shown here with the magazine’s first cover are, from left: Melva Bade, sales and marketing; Sandy Jones, owner; and Gaye Bunderson, editor.

July / August 2016 | Christian Living

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” — Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

July / August 2016 | Christian Living

Maximum Health

Try these recipes for healthier living By Rosie Main Editor’s note: Dr. Rosie Main has been selected as a team doctor in support of the USA Wrestling team when it competes for Olympic gold in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in August. Dr. Main is a member of the Florida-based Maximized Living

Rosie Main

The Five Rules of the Advanced Plan

The basic idea: We must eliminate all sugars and everything that turns to sugar. 1. No grains – not even whole, healthy grains. 2. No sugars – this includes hidden sugars (read the ingredients). 3. No fruits – berries in moderation. 4. Monitor protein intake – on average 15g per/meal. Larger males and those performing resistive exercise may consume between 20g and 25g per/meal. • An egg typically contains 7 grams of protein. • A piece of meat the size of a deck of cards typically contains 15 grams of protein. 5. Increase healthy fats – 2 to 3 weeks after beginning program. This is the typical time needed to become a fat burner.

Black Bean Brownies 1 can black beans 1/2 c. cocoa 4 Tbsp. extra-virgin coconut oil 1/2 c. xylitol 2 level tsp. stevia powder 1 tsp. organic vanilla extract 3 large free range eggs 1/2 c. gluten-free flour 1/4 tsp. sea salt 1/4 c. water Blend all ingredients together. Grease pan with coconut oil and bake for 40 min. at 350 degrees.

Sports Council, which provides a whole-athlete approach to chiropractic care. She has been an Olympic team doctor in the past, most recently for the 2012 Olympic games.

eases such as diabetes and heart disease are reversed by removing those things that interfere with the body’s ability to heal and function the way God designed. Follow these key principles below and recipes and begin healing from within. n

We see many patients in our office able to reverse disease by removing inflammation through eliminating inflammatory foods such as grains, sugar and man-made fat. It is amazing when dis-

Rosie Main owns Main Health Solutions at 2300 W. Everest Lane, Suite 175, in Meridian. She is also the host of Maximized Living Radio on 94.1 The Voice and KIDO 580 AM. She may be reached at (208) 859-6170 or For more information, visit

Coconut Curried Chicken

2 lbs. chicken breasts (free range) 1 can coconut milk (full fat) 2 c. broccoli 1 c. water chestnuts 1 white onion 2 Tbsp. curry powder 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 tsp. ginger, minced 1 tsp. cinnamon Sea salt to taste In a large skillet, add coconut milk, chicken, broccoli and onion. Cook on med/ high for 15 min. Add curry powder, garlic, ginger, cinnamon and sea salt. Reduce heat to med/low and cook for 15 more min.

Mashed Faux-tatoes 1 medium head cauliflower, about 1-1/2 lbs. 1/4 c. organic (or raw) butter or ghee 1/2 tsp. sea salt 5-8 grinds black pepper Minced chives (optional) Steam cauliflower until tender in steamer basket or small amount of water. In food processor, blend cauliflower, butter, sea salt and pepper until smooth.


2 cans garbanzo beans 1/4 c. raw sesame seeds 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1/4 c. lemon juice 1 garlic clove, peeled 1 tsp. cumin

July / August 2016 | Christian Living

Sea salt to taste Drain and rinse garbanzo beans, reserving 1/4 c. liquid. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend. Add more water or olive oil until desired consistency is reached.

Crackers, crumbled Place all ingredients into a bowl and mix together. Form into patties. Cook 5 minutes on each side.

Chocolate Mousse

2 Tbsp. coconut oil 2 medium green onions, coarsely chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 large head fresh broccoli, washed and chopped 1 Tbsp. basil leaves, dried 2 c. chopped spinach, kale, turnip greens, collards, or Swiss chard 2 quarts vegetable or chicken broth (homemade or organic/free range) 1 can coconut milk 1 tsp. sea salt 1 Tbsp. curry powder In large soup pan, melt coconut oil and sauté green onions and garlic for 1-2 minutes, until translucent. Add chopped broccoli and stir. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until broccoli turns bright green. Add basil and additional chopped greens. Cover and steam-sauté for 3-4 more minutes. Transfer vegetables to food processor or blender. If using blender, process in two batches. Add a little coconut milk and process until smooth. Transfer vegetables and stock to pot and add remaining ingredients. Reheat gently and stir. Serve.

1/2 c. chocolate protein sweetened with stevia 1 can coconut milk 1 to 1-1/2 c. mashed avocado (abt. 2-3 avocados) 3/4 c. organic cocoa 2 Tbsp. coconut oil Blend and process until creamy, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula if needed. Add the water and process until smooth. Serve at room temperature or chilled. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator up to 3 days or in the freezer up to 2 weeks. Fudgesicles: Freeze the Chocolate Mousse in ice cube trays. Thaw for 5 minutes before serving. Chocolate sauce or fondue: Increase water to 1 c. This mousse is rich and smooth. It is delicious alone or served as fondue with fresh strawberries, bananas or tangerines.

Salmon Patties

1 can Alaskan salmon 2 eggs (cage-free organic) 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1/4 of an onion, chopped 1/4 box of Mary’s Gone

Creamy Broccoli Soup

Notes from Home

Lessons I never thought I’d have to teach • We don’t eat cat food. • We don’t eat toe jam, even if it tastes O.K. • We don’t smell people’s socks. • We don’t drop our pants and pee in public, especially when we’re girls. • We don’t stomp in puddles when they’re made of pee. • The car floor is not a toilet. • The bedroom floor is not a toilet. • The bathtub is not a toilet. • We don’t sit on the toilet backwards. • Toys don’t go in the toilet. • Toothbrushes don’t go in the toilet. • Toothbrushes should not be used to clean things that are not teeth. • Birthday suits are not appropriate attire when we have company over. • We wear clothes when we ride bikes. • We don’t walk home from the neighbor’s house bare-bummed in February, even when we’ve wet our pants. • We don’t put peas up our nose. • We don’t put Legos up our nose. • We don’t gag ourselves on purpose. • We don’t throw rocks at cars, windows, Mom, etc. • We don’t put hot dogs in the toaster. • We don’t pee in bottles. • We don’t pretend bottles of pee are poisonous potion. The more time I spend around kids, the more I understand how weird they are. The good thing is there’s a whole lot of wonderful to go along with the weird. And really, the weird is kind of wonderful too. n

By Dani Grigg

Going into parenthood, I knew I was accepting the role of teacher to my children. Babies know nothing, obviously, so I was ready to teach them words and numbers and facts and skills and morals and rules and stories and all kinds of truth. Underneath my preparedness, however, I guess there was an expectation that some knowledge would be instinctive. But there are many things I’ve taught my children that I never expected to have to teach them. For example, the other day I offered a new life lesson to my 5-year-old: We don’t put ham on people. Shouldn’t he have known that? Wasn’t that implied with the introduction of ham into his life? When he felt the slimy texture, shouldn’t there have been a little voice some- Dani Grigg where deep inside saying, “It would be unpleasant for Mom to have this on her leg”? I asked my Facebook friends if they’ve had experiences like this, and they offered up a treasure trove of messy, strange, amazing instructions they’ve found themselves giving. Here are some: • We don’t eat curtains. • We don’t lick the door (or the floor, or windows, or people). • Licking your fingers and wiping them on your sister counts as licking. • We don’t chew on the dog’s chew toys. • We don’t give infants the dog’s chew toys to chew on. • We don’t growl at strangers. • Years-old food from inside the sofa is not appropriate for human consumption. Dani Grigg is a Boise freelance writer, wife and happy mother of two • We don’t eat food from the grocery store floor. young sons, including Jonah (in the striped shirt) and Andy. • We don’t eat food from the parking lot.

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July / August 2016 | Christian Living

OUTDOORS With Dougherty

Fishing and seeing the sights at Coeur d’Alene The next year, with my wife, in-laws, and two youngest children, we Every now and then stayed at Arrow Point. We an opportunity comes rented a slip for the boat along that provides a at Harrison and spent whole new chapter of some time fishing up the memories and experiCoeur d’Alene in the ences. The things we Chain Lakes. On unloadlearn through such ing the boat at the slip, experiences can be a something fell into the future asset. In June water. It wasn’t until back 2001, my wife was at the condo I realized I attending a week-long was missing my wallet. I Idaho Supreme Court don’t like sitting on it in convention at the the boat. We returned to Templin Resort in Post the slip. I audibly prayed, Falls. Since she had “God help me find it.” good accommodations, Dan Dougherty, Diving down beside the she invited her father, boat and dock into over Bob Yelm, and I to ac- Retired school teacher 7 feet of water, I ended company her. We did, up on the bottom with it and I took the boat right in front of my hand. “Thank you, with us. We fished and explored during Jesus!” It was a faith building experience the day while she worked. for all. Our quest was to catch a fish we had On one occasion, fishing for pike in never caught before, a pike. We were Cougar Bay with wrapped smelt, Bob catching perch, bass, blue gill, kokanee, hooked a monster. He had brand new and trout, but no pike. Being the astute 14-lb. test line on the pole but could not fishermen that we were, we sought lostop the fish. He was yelling at me to cal guidance. We visited the native fish get the anchor up so he wouldn’t lose gurus at Fins and Feathers in Coeur it. Too late, it snapped the line before d’Alene. We left with an increased the anchor was in. The state record understanding of pike fishing tactics as had been caught in the same location a well as lures, hook sets, and smelt. couple weeks earlier. I always teased him Bob caught the first one on a lure that he lost the next state record, and his looking like a skinny perch. We both response was always, “You should have ended up catching several. Nothing to shout about by pike standards, they were been faster with the anchor!” The Idaho all between 24 and 28 inches. How hard state pike record as of this year is 51.5 inches and 40.13 lbs. Caught in Lower they hit was impressive. If you would Twin Lake near Rathdrum. say bass hit at the speed of a small moIn early May this year, Peggy had tor boat, pike come out of nowhere and a conference for five days in Coeur hit like a jet boat. Fun! We even kept d’Alene at the resort. Her mother, Joyce one, put it on ice and brought it home Yelm, and I accompanied her. I took my to eat. We were not too impressed. I fishing poles. We stayed at Arrow Point. learned recently we didn’t know how to I would drive Peggy to the resort each fillet, “chunk” and cook it properly. morning and pick her up late afternoon. It was a very scenic drive. I had to keep a close lookout for deer. Many whitetails were out feeding in the mornings. Leaving the condo one morning, a beautiful tom turkey was standing off the road, brilliantly illuminated by the sun. It was turkey season, and the bird knew where it was safe to stay. One of my first stops while Peggy was working was a trip to the Buck Knife Factory in Post Falls. I visited with Lori and her grandson Josh. Lori’s husband 7/8-16

By Dan Dougherty

July / August 2016 | Christian Living

Chuck was CEO of the company for over 20 years and had passed on the leadership to his son C.J. In the last email I received from Chuck, he said he still had an office at the factory and Lori had one next to him. She was going to write their memoir. Chuck died last February. I can’t believe it’s been over a year since he passed. Chuck was a great ambassador for his company and personal Christian values. He will always be remembered for his kindness, generosity, and love of his Savior. I will never forget seeing him pray over the pallets of knives to be shipped throughout the world, hoping God would bless their owners. The personal knives he signed for us will always be a family heirloom. I took a picture in his garage of him with his favorite car the day Peggy and I spent with him, Lori, and her sister Doris – a cherished memory. Lori told me that with Chuck’s illness and death she hadn’t done much on the memoir. I hope she completes it. It would be a book I would like to read. When I first met Josh a couple of years ago, he didn’t even have a girlfriend. Lori happily told me Josh had been married last year on Chuck’s beautifully landscaped yard (Chuck’s Park). She commented that she knew that Chuck was smiling down from heaven. I couldn’t resist the question, “Is there another Chuck Buck in the future?” Laughs and smiles and a sparkle in Josh’s eye left me with the impression it is a distinct possibility – God willing. Coeur d’Alene Lake is so big and me not having a boat, I spent most of my fishing time at Fernan Lake. It is a small lake attached to Lake Coeur d’Alene at the northeast end of the city. I was fishing off the boat dock one afternoon catching small blue gill, perch, and crappie. Occasionally I caught a small bass. A man and his grown son were fishing by me. Down on the grassy bank about 100 yards, two women were sitting in lawn chairs, fishing. Beside them was a large bucket and a cooler. They were certainly not teenagers but probably several years away from middle age. (Guessing women’s age is always a dangerous proposition!) What was weird was they were wearing bikinis with a thin, sheer top covering. They seemed to be always looking around. The older gentleman next to me, seeing my

perplexed look, asked me, “Are you happily married?” My instant response was, “Absolutely!” He smiled and said, “Stay away from them. Those are Catch’em Gals. They’re after fishermen, not fish!” I never heard that before. I learned a new fishing term. Fishing the upper end of the lake one afternoon, I caught a couple decent bass and crappie, but most were small. I met a man named Ed. He was raised Missionary Alliance but went to the First Christian Church. He was a roofer for years but fell off a roof and was injured. He said it was only by God’s grace he survived. He no longer roofed and was now a “finish” carpenter. He said some people resented how the area had grown, but it had been great for his work. Coeur d’Alene has grown from a town of about 15,000 people in the ‘70s to a metro area, including Hayden and Post Falls, of over 150,000. Many law enforcement and firemen

from California had retired in the area. He said some people didn’t like it, but he liked having ex-policemen and firemen as neighbors. In a brochure at the condo were two quotes from National Geographic. An older quote has Lake Coeur d’Alene listed as one of the five most beautiful lakes in the United States. A later quote

listed it as one of the 10 most beautiful lakes in the world. If you have never had the chance to see that part of our great state, treat yourself to a vacation. Priest Lake and Pend Oreille are also beautiful places to visit and fish. Men, if you are going to fish, let me pass on some experiential advice: stay away from the Catch’em Gals! n




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July / August 2016 | Christian Living

Love makes the difference

The word ‘love’ has more than one meaning true love I have needed, but I didn’t know it at the time. Not finding love in our lives, we often take a My favorite song of all is “Love Lifted Me.” wrong turn and are off course until such time as Love is truly something we all need and God we find what we really need. Love is in a person, is love. the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. As He enters into Many are searching for love, like I was doing our hearts and lives, we begin to go in another before finding Jesus, but in all of the wrong direction from before. The fruit of the spirit, places. As a teenager, I thought that love was we are told in Galatians 5, is love, joy, peace, a feeling. In the decades in which I was raised, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness there were many love songs on the radio, and and self-control. I sang along with them. They were so romanMost of us are familiar with the Greek word tic and I lived in a fantasy type of world want“agape” (pronounced ag-ah’pay). It’s described ing to be in love. in Strong’s concordance as being affection, Picking petals from a daisy, I would say, “He benevolence, a love feast. That’s the kind of love loves me. He loves me not….” I’d always end that God is, and has, for His people and we’re to with “He loves me,” using the stem if need Ann Doupont love Him back with this same type of love. be to end the way I wanted it to end. I would However, there are also other words translated “love” in the daydream of a man being in love with me as I sang “Will he Bible. Another of these is the Greek word “agapao” (pronounced be handsome? Will he be rich?” along with the other words to the song “Que Sera, Sera” (What will be will be). Looking ag-ap-ah’-o). This is defined in Strong’s as loving others in a back at these words online just now, I found that I’d actually social or moral sense. It’s the type of love we’re to have for our enemies and for our neighbors. We’re to care about them, about changed some of the words. their welfare, and where they’re headed for all eternity. Okay, so I’m dating myself. I am over 60. Many things When we find and understand the difference in these two kinds have changed since the time when I was a teenager. I too of loves, we know how to better handle each relationship with have changed greatly, especially since inviting Jesus to take others in our lives. There are also other kinds of loves. We love over my life as the Lord and Savior of my soul. He is the ice cream, for example. We love our dogs or cats. We love our spouse, if married. The kind of love for a spouse is very different from any other kind, or it should be. It’s to be a committed type of love that is to be reserved for no other person. It’s the only type of love where “eros” is to be involved. Eros is the Greek word from which “erotic” comes, which is referring to sexual desire. This kind of love is to be only between a man and his wife. Our love for God is to always be number one in our lives. The Bible speaks of the love of many growing cold, but we can By Ann Doupont


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determine in our hearts to not let this happen to us and to pray that it won’t. In the book of Revelation, it speaks of people leaving their first love (Jesus) and needing to be restored to Him. By doing the first works, of repentance, this restoration can be done. Over the years, some have let their love walk not be what it once was. They’ve grown cold in their hearts, perhaps embittered by the many trials they have experienced. They’re not as on fire (passionate) as they once were and they need to return to Jesus as their Lord and Savior. There are some who never really meant it when they first prayed. They wanted their socalled “fire insurance,” but didn’t understand about the commitment to obedience that would be required of them. They loved their sin, and it is understandable because sin is pleasurable for a season; but when the season changes, it’s not fun any longer. All that’s then left are broken hearts. God loves purity. Philippians 4:8 tells us to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and of good report… We each have a choice. We can watch television all day long, never pray or read the Bible, get to church on Sunday or occasionally,

and think we’re all right. It doesn’t work that way. Life only works right if we’re surrendered to Jesus. In hearing that there are many suicides in our region, and having tried it myself before I was saved, I came to the conclusion of what the need was. The answer to the problems we face is not suicide, but surrender to Jesus. Surrender your heart to Him. Surrender the pain that you have, the guilt and the shame. Surrender all that you are, and all that you have, and allow Jesus to take over in your life. He alone can satisfy your soul and He will do it if you will relinquish control of it to Him, allowing Him to fully take over your life. He is the love you’ve been looking for. Jesus loves you. Let Him show you how to love yourself and others with His love. You’ll never be the same once you understand how much He really loves you. Yes, you. n Ann Doupont is an evangelist and the author of four print books and more than 50 ebooks, all of which are nonfiction inspiration and can be purchased through Amazon. See her Amazon page at anndoupont. Ann has known the Lord for 36 years and lives in Boise. Her desire is to share her experience, strength and hope with others that they too might find the freedom she has found through a diligent study of God’s Word coupled with prayer.

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July / August 2016 | Christian Living 11

Summer memories

Create some special moments with your kids expensive. Just make them deliberate. Setting aside time to truly be present with your child makes them feel cherished. There is nothing more valuable – or memorable – than that. Do you have favorite memories that you love looking back Seize the day. This summer, set aside time to make some memories on? The kind that just warm your heart? Have you ever nowith your kids. Don’t just be near them. Truly invest yourself and ticed that some of the most special warm fuzzy moments are experience the moment together. Most importantly, communicate the ones you made as a kid? clearly to your children (no matter what their age) that whatever it Seriously, just stop and remember. What memories give you is you are doing, it is you doing it with them that makes it special to warm fuzzies inside? My bet is these memories happened you. If you make that message clear, they will cherish those mowhile you were with someone. This moment was special and made its home in your heart because someone special was with ments forever. It won’t even matter what it is you are doing. I am going on an adventure! Be like Bilbo Baggins, from The you. It’s a special place you can visit whenever you want inside Hobbit, when he ran out of the Shire while announcing his plans your heart. to his neighbors. Set aside time this summer to go somewhere and Oh, give me a home where all the cows roam. One of my do something different away from the everyday work, chores, etc. favorite memories is visiting my Uncle Fritzy’s farm in SnoGo camping. Visit a National Park. Ride a ferry, a cable car, a bus homish, Wash. I remember when he showed me how to call the cows in for their lunch. “Come-boss, come-boss!” we’d yell. or a buggy. Get outside your usual world and go on an adventure together. Even experiencing something just once will last forever in Watching the cows meander back to the barn for their afteryour child’s memories and yours, too. noon smackerals was magical to me. I enjoyed his two dogs, Time does fly. There are times when you are just exhausted from especially the friendly springer spaniel. The huge water pump the daily grind of work, housekeeping, and being a responsible outside was as big as me. parent. On those days, raising your kids may feel like a job that will We didn’t visit Fritzy’s farm all that often, but the warm last forever. But you know what? It won’t. You only have so many memories I made there with him have filled my heart and summers at home with them before you are congratulating them stuck with me all these years. on their high school graduation. Then off to college, work, or the Those memories not only travel with me wherever I go, service they go. It’s really that fast. they are part of who I am. I have found great joy in sharing So, parents, enjoy your summers with your kids, as much as my memories at the farm with my family and taking them to “Uncle Fritzy’s Farm” so they too can see the water pump and possible. Turn your swim lessons into a picnic event with friends afterwards. Explore nature, go on walks, check out local parks and where his cows roamed. Focus on spending time, not $pending. When I look back on art displayed throughout your city. There are so many things you can do to make memories that don’t cost anything but maybe a little these memories, one thing stands out like a firefly on a dark night. Nothing about them was expensive, filled with entertain- gas and your time. Partner teachable moments with powerful fun. There are so many ment and spending sprees. Making them didn’t cost my uncle things we have to teach our kids. Take the time to think about and anything but his time. His time. Uncle Fritz spent time with make a list of what you want your kids to be able to do on their me. One thing I have always known is that he loved spending own. It’s never too early to start thinking about that. Give yourself that time with me. the time to plan out these learning experiences so that they are fun You can create treasured memories with kids you care about, for you to teach and for them to learn. The more fun you pour into just as easily. Special occasions don’t have to be elaborate or the experience, the more positive an experience it will be for your teen, young adult, and adult child to fondly remember throughout their lives. Invite them to experience things you’re doing anyway. Even simple things like these create lasting memories: • Wash clothes while dancing to fun music • Change the oil in the car • Change a tire • Sew a button while listening to their favorite audio book Whether it is a trip to DC, or a weekly ritual of playing Go Fish! after enjoying a popsicle, turn these times into memory makers with your kids. The fun experiences you have with your children this summer will last their whole lifetime. These are the memories that they will not only carry with them forever, but pass on to their own kids. What a gift you can give them. So take the ordinary and make it extraordinary just by pouring yourself into the moment. You and your kids will be so glad you did. n


By Janet Lund

12 July / August 2016 | Christian Living

Janet Lund is a relationship coach specializing in nurturing amazing bonds between moms and their pre-teen daughters. She is a singer-songwriter who has spoken and performed in Canada, the United States and Norway. Follow her on Facebook/Janet Lund Music, and preview her music.

Your Daily Bread

Achieving work/life balance through service By Terry Frisk Throughout my career, I have struggled with work/life balance. The inability to find balance leads to a great deal of stress in our lives. While many view work/life balance in terms of time spent at work versus time spent at home, I believe much of the stress stems from the feeling that we somehow have to leave our Christian values and beliefs at home when we enter the Terry Frisk workplace. We can find that balance when we serve God both in the workplace and at home. God intended us to work. He, Himself, set the example in Genesis through His work to create the world we live in and everything in it. In addition, on the sixth day when His work was completed, He viewed the fruit of His labor and stated, “It was very good.” (Genesis 1:31). In biblical times, most people worked in a family business. Jesus grew up working in his father’s carpentry business. Work was an extension of the family life and was considered an act of worship. Today, most people work in a business with people who are not related and who have different beliefs. So, how can we worship and serve God in a secular workplace? First, cultivate the spiritual gifts that God has given you to serve others. Consider 1 Peter 4:10: “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (NLT) The word “vocation” comes from a Latin word meaning “a calling.” It doesn’t matter whether you are a farmer, laborer,

janitor, manager, or CEO. You were called to do the work you do and you are providing a valuable service to others. Next, consider the work you do as an act of worship. In Colossians 3:23, we learn: “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (NLT) During the grind of the workday, it is sometimes difficult to recognize that the work you do is serving God. But, you are doing God’s work when you serve others. This is true if they are people you work for or people who work for you. Finally, the workplace is typically a melting pot of people who are from different cultures and have different beliefs. It is sometimes difficult to work with this diverse group of people. Remember in Mark 12:31, Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Notice that Jesus did not include any exceptions in this statement. Loving your neighbor means everyone, including your co-workers, your boss, and anyone else you encounter in the workplace. Practicing these principles has helped me reduce the amount of stress at work, which translates into reduced stress at home. Three years ago, I was called to become a small business adviser even though I have no previous adviser experience. God provided spiritual gifts to help me overcome my weaknesses. While I work to serve my clients’ needs, I am serving God in the process. At the end of each day, my goal is to recount the day’s activities and say, “It was very good.” This makes work more rewarding and balances the work/life conflict. n Terry Frisk is a partner in the firm B2B CFO, providing financial advisory services to small businesses. He also counsels individuals on personal financial matters through the Cathedral of the Rockies Budget Counseling ministry. He may be contacted through e-mail at

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July / August 2016 | Christian Living 13

Real Man’s Toolbox

Sons need dads for security and as examples By Leo Hellyer In my previous column we looked at fathering daughters; in this column we will look at fathering sons. There are many similarities, but there are some significant differences as well. As Christian men, one of our responsibilities is to be an example for others to follow. As a father, that is especially true for us towards our sons. Whether we acknowledge it or not, our sons are looking at us to see what a Christian man is. This is a huge responsibility, and a privilege. In his book “Dads & Sons,” Dr. James Dobson says, “Chief among the threats to this generation of boys is the breakdown of the family.” He further develops this by pointing out that, “When asked who their heroes are, the majority of boys who are fortunate enough to have a father will say, ‘It’s my dad.’ On the other hand, when a father is uninvolved – when he doesn’t love or care for his kids – it creates an ache, a longing that will linger for decades.” As boys are growing into young men, they are looking for an example of what

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a man is. If they have a father or “father figure” in their life, they will look to him as an example of what a grown man should be like. Without a good example of a man in his life, a young boy will still look for an example. The problem is, he may find the wrong example to follow. Many men that society puts up on a pedestal are not men of morals and faith. In this earthly kingdom that we live in, we must be Warriors for our sons. Stu Weber was awarded three Bronze Stars as a Green Beret in Vietnam and is a senior pastor of a church in Oregon. In his book “Tender Warrior,” Stu states, “The heart of the Warrior is a protective heart. The Warrior shields, defends, stands between and guards…By Warrior I do not mean one who loves war or draws sadistic pleasure from fighting or bloodshed. There is a difference between a warrior and a brute. A warrior is a protector…Men stand tallest when they are protecting and defending.” Our sons crave that feeling of security of knowing that Dad is there. There is comfort in knowing that whatever they face in life, they can always go to Dad for wisdom, guidance, love, understanding, and protection. Life’s experiences can be very scary for our sons, especially if they have to face the unknown alone, without their dad’s influence, presence and love. In his book “Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood,” Dennis Rainey very pointedly says, “The greatest predictor of a child dropping out of high school, committing a crime, and going to prison is a home without a dad. … One of the tragedies of our day is that too many boys are growing up without the guidance of a father, or another man, to show them what it looks like to do away with that boyhood stuff. … Boys get their first glimpse of their Heavenly Father by watching their earthly father.” As our sons go from being boys to men, they enter a very puzzling time of their lives. Trying to successfully complete this journey from boyhood to manhood without the example of a loving, godly father is like trying to put a puzzle together without the use of the picture of the finished puzzle on the top of the box. The time that God provides for a father and son to teach and learn from each other is limited. When a father is called home to be with the Lord, times of reflection follow when sons examine their lives with their father and remember those “special memories” that truly impacted them. As

14 July / August 2016 | Christian Living

this process takes place, most sons do not remember stuff, possessions, accolades, etc.; they remember “special times.” They remember times when it was just Dad and them, one-on-one with the man who was their example of what a man is. Some of the most memorable times I can remember with my father are the times we would crawl under the car and change the oil, or change the brakes. It was just Dad and me, no other distractions, just us. Dad brought me into his world and taught me, and trusted me with his tools, and his car. My dad was a career military man, and in adulthood, so was I. In World War II my dad was awarded the Air Medal and the Distinguished Flying Cross. He didn’t talk much about his combat experiences. I have no idea what he did to receive those medals. Unfortunately as a boy, and a young man, I was too interested in myself, and I didn’t take the time to ask my dad to share those experiences with me; and before I knew it, my father was called home to be with the Lord. Fathers, make sure to take time from your busy schedules to breathe life into your sons. More importantly, tell your sons that you love them, show your sons that you love them. Show your sons how to love and respect a woman. Make sure your sons don’t question whether you love your wife. Let your sons see how Real Men treat women in general, but most importantly, women they love. Sons, seek time with your father. Maybe your father wasn’t the perfect example for you to follow. Ask God to make it clear to you what He wants you to experience and learn and emulate from your earthly father. Don’t let questions go unanswered. Tell your father that you love him – show your father that you love him and respect him. If you have holes in your life that ache to be filled, that were filled by your father, or that you wished were filled by your father, ask your Heavenly Father, God Almighty to fill them. n Leo Hellyer is a non-staff pastor with a local church and has been married to his wife, Norma, for 43 years. The couple volunteered with FamilyLife on its Boise ministry team for 20 years. They are both employed by Boise Rescue Mission Ministries, Norma at City Light Home for Women & Children and Leo at River of Life Rescue Mission. They may be reached at If you have questions about Real Man’s Toolbox, or need other assistance, Leo may be reached at (208) 344-1357.


A miracle of light and life for everyone By Gary Meuser

“I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well.” – Psalms 139:14 An amazing truth came to light in early May when the findings of Northwestern University in Chicago were made public. Scientists captured on film the moment a human sperm met an egg, and found that the union caused a blast of white light, much like “fireworks.” Scientists noted that this explosion of fiery sparks marked Gary Meuser the exact moment of conception. It was clearly expressed that this was not an implicit theory, yet to be proved, but rather an explicit fact. Wow! Do you realize the door that has opened, making the way much less encumbered in arguing the topic of abortion, which pivots on the question of when life begins? Science is not revealing anything that God has not allowed them to discover about His creation, for His glory. With that in mind I would like to focus on the miracle of our physical and spiritual birth and life in the backdrop of God’s “light.” The word “light” is used several hundred times in the Bible, covering the beginning of creation to the end of this age and eternity to follow. In the very beginning of creation God spoke “light” into existence. “Then God said, ‘Let there be light’” (Genesis 1:3). We are reminded in I John 1:5, “…that God is light…” and that He “alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable ‘light’…” (I Timothy 6:16). But what does that have to do with my life? How am I to take it personally and apply it to my spiritual growth now? Begin by comparing your personal and spiritual existence with the existence of the Universe. In the same way that “light” marked the beginning of creation it also marked the beginning of your

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individual life. The moment of your conception was marked by a flash of creative “light.” When you came out of the darkness of your mother’s womb you were met with “light” as it totally dispatched the darkness. In the birth of your spiritual life you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as the Savior of your soul, eternal darkness was replaced with the radiance of the everlasting “light” of Christ. Sharing in this amazing life of the true “light” of God would have never been possible apart from the birth, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. “In Him was life, and the life was the ‘light’ of men. And the ‘light’ shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:4-5). Christ continues to enlighten us inwardly and illuminates the path of our earthly pilgrimage as we learn to glorify God in our daily living. “For it is the God who commanded ‘light’ to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the ‘light’ of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (II Corinthians 4:6). But there is much more to this miracle of “light” in our lives, as we can barely scratch the surface of this amazing revelation. We learn in the Book of Revelation that when Christ returns, His eyes will appear as a “flame of fire.” What a frightening sight that will be to behold as He comes with His heavenly army to exercise Lordship over the nations of the world. But it won’t end there. For all of eternity there will be “…no lamp nor ‘light’ of the sun, for the Lord God gives them ‘light’”…(Revelation 22:5). It all adds up to the fact that Christ is the “light” of your life, a life with no end. When you accept Jesus Christ into your heart as the Savior of your soul, eternal darkness is replaced with the radiance of the everlasting “light” of your heavenly father. That is the miracle of it all! As pointed out in II Corinthians 4:6, the enlightenment that we receive to understand God and His son Jesus Christ in all their glory takes place in our hearts. Our personal relationship with Christ begins by an act of our hearts. Continued on page 19

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July / August 2016 | Christian Living 15

Saved gauze becomes a By Gaye Bunderson In 1992, when former nurse Sharon Griffith saw fellow nurses throwing away unused gauze, she started gathering it up. She thought that rather than waste the gauze, it could be used by others who needed it. She couldn’t have been more correct. Not only did she save area landfills from more mounds of waste, she served as the catalyst for an organization called Hands of Hope Northwest that sends millions of dollars in surplus medical products around the world. Griffith started packing the excess gauze in her home, then worked with others from her church in a place they referred to as “the rat hole” due to its size and lack of appeal. A plaque with Griffith’s photo is in a prominent place at the Hands of Hope offices and warehouse at 1201 S. Powerline Rd. in Nampa. It names her as

founder and notes she started in 1992 and is “still going,” continuing to work as a volunteer. Another plaque celebrates the contributions of Liz Murtland, who is listed as a founder and former manager, as well as the woman who got Hands of Hope incorporated in 1996 and brought together its original board of directors. “In 2003, it really took off,” Debbie Wheeler, current Hands of Hope executive director, said. The nonprofit has grown way beyond excess gauze and now is able to loan out locally such items as wheelchairs and walkers, canes and crutches, electronic hospital beds and other medical equipment. The equipment is loaned free of charge for up to six months, but donations are encouraged when possible. As of May 10, 900 different pieces of medical equipment were loaned out to Treasure Valley residents.

COVER STORY Sharon Griffith, a former nurse, started collecting excess gauze years ago. She saw a use for the gauze beyond the borders of Nampa and the U.S., and her effort evolved to become Hands of Hope Northwest. Griffith still volunteers with the organization. (Photo by Gaye Bunderson)

16 July / August 2016 | Christian Living

global supplies program

Debbie Wheeler, executive director of Hands of Hope Northwest, stands in the busy warehouse of the organization’s location in Nampa. (Photo by Gaye Bunderson)

Globally, it ships gloves, bandages, dressings, blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes and much more. It marked its 100th shipment with a celebration in August of 2015 and reached the 106 shipments mark this year, with more scheduled. Wheeler and her husband, Ted, served a two-year mission in the Philippines from 2004-2006. While there, they visited a hospital. “There were no blankets and no supplies; they had one IV pole for the entire hospital, but they had no IV fluid,” Wheeler said. Hands of Hope works with Christian organizations to help ship products to countries such as the Philippines. The faith-based organizations pay the shipping costs, get the supplies through customs, and see that they get to the places they are needed most, generally among the poorest populations. There is a large map on the wall in the front offices of Hands of Hope where a sticker is placed for each country that has received a shipment over the years, beginning with Papua New Guinea in 1992; another sticker indicates the country received a shipment this year as well. There are stickers on the country of Sierra Leone, where Hands of Hope sent gloves, masks and protective gear when nations in West Africa suffered the ravages of the Ebola virus in 2014.

Over the years, products have been shipped to 33 countries. However, Wheeler explained that the organization has reached 69 countries in all, as it gives health care products to doctors and nurses who request them for medical mission trips. A handwritten chart across from the map lists current shipments, indicating the majority of them carry in excess of $200,000 worth of valuable supplies to foreign countries. “We ship over $3 million worth of supplies every year,” Wheeler said. Health care product donations are made to organizations throughout the Treasure Valley as well, to such places as the Boise Rescue Mission, the Canyon County Community Clinic, Terry Reilly Health Services (22 examination tables for its newest site), and even the Canyon County Animal Shelter. Dentists are also given supplies to provide dental services to indigent populations. More than 200 volunteers serve at Hands of Hope. Its warehouse is a busy, well-organized place, run in every way like a highly functioning business. Health care items from diapers to crutches, donated by area hospitals Saint Luke’s, Saint Alphonsus, West Valley Medical Center, Treasure Valley Hospital and area clinics, fill the warehouse. Volunteers sort, count and pack the items into designated boxes (i.e., diapers, ob/gyn products); they are then logged into a computer, weighed, wrapped in shipping plastic and put onto a shipping pallet. All items are cleaned and repaired, when needed, so they leave the warehouse in top condition. During Idaho Gives Day on May 5, Hands of Hope raised $8,000 from generous Idahoans. The money will be used to help purchase a $9,000 Aqua Phase machine for sanitization. Hands of Hope has grown to the point it needs a bigger building. Architectural firm CSHQA has drawn a rendering for a 17,000-square-foot warehouse – so it’s literally on the drawing board. Wheeler said she hopes to have the space fully functional within a couple of years, and sooner if possible. Funding comes through grants, private donors and churches. Having been incorporated in 1996, Hands of Hope is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, and is throwing a party. Blind pianist Gordon Mote, who has performed with the Gaither Gospel Band, will present a concert on 7 p.m. Friday, August 5, at Nampa First Church of the Nazarene. Admission will be $10 at the door, and there will be no advance ticket sales. For more information, go to n

Hands of Hope NW at 20 • $31 million of medical product helped others in need • $3.8 million of equipment loaned to area residents • 123 local charities, schools and shelters equipped • 181 mission teams took medical supplies overseas • 105 full and 76 partial 40-foot containers shipped worldwide • 907 tons of waste saved from landfills • 69 countries benefited, including the USA Source: Hands of Hope Northwest, 1201 S. Powerline Rd. in Nampa,

A map in the offices of Hands of Hope Northwest shows every place medical supplies have been sent throughout the world over the course of the organization’s 20-year history. (Photo by Gaye Bunderson)

July / August 2016 | Christian Living 17

Links Players

A fellowship where God and golf go together By Gaye Bunderson

“Family Picnics” Are So Much Fun!

Both men feel their group is meeting a deep need in the area. “The community is hungry for it,” Purdy said. “People are looking for a stronger base, for stability,” Gee said. “People are being pulled in all different directions. Christian people too are looking for a base, for something solid to stand on.” Links Players International’s history extends back to the 1980s, originally starting out as a newsletter known as Links Letter. Pro golfers Tom Flory and Jim Hiskey were pivotal over the years, with various twists and turn, of establishing Links Fellowships across the country. In mid-2000, the website was launched, featuring daily devotionals and Bible studies. Though different leaders ran the organization throughout the decades, Hiskey and Flory remain involved in both ministry and golf. (A more complete history is available at www.linksplayers. com/wp-content/uploads/2013/.../LPI-History.pdf.) The word “links” is also used as an acronym to help define the group’s mission, which encompasses activities and values such as love, integrity, networking, kindling compassion, and sharing Christ through golf. Gee is retired from a lengthy career in broadcast TV, and Purdy works as a business manager and men’s wardrobe adviser at Dillard’s. Both men feel they have been called to serve the Lord through golf and the Links Players ministry. “We’re not experts, but God is working with it,” Gee said. For more information, go to fellowships/idaho. Also, anyone is welcome to show up at one of the weekly meetings, including people who aren’t golfers, Purdy said. Everyone is warmly greeted. n The life you want to live, the price you can live with

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Two current members of Treasure Valley Links Players Fellowship at Purple Sage are Brian Seidel, left, and Purple Sage golf pro Donnie Gregerson. All are welcome to attend any meeting of Links Players in the area. (Courtesy photo)

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Members of Links Players International want to integrate Jesus into all they do, including work, family and sports. They are golfers who love playing the game and making Jesus a part of it. Three local men – Tom Purdy, Michael Gee and Donnie Gregerson – formed two affiliates of Links Players International in 2015. One is at Centennial Golf Course in Nampa and the other is at Purple Sage Golf Course in Caldwell. They’re now collectively known as the Treasure Valley Links Players Fellowship. “We felt there was a need for this, and we’ve taken it and run with it,” Purdy said. He and Gee are members of a 55 and over golf group known as the Senior Golf Association. They want everyone to know, however, that Treasure Valley Links Players Fellowship is open to males and females of any age or religious affiliation. The men would like to see the two local chapters grow into at least eight more. It is a realistic goal for the area. “There are 31 golf courses throughout the valley,” Gee said. The Centennial fellowship meets at 8 a.m. each Wednesday morning; the Purple Sage fellowship gathers at 8 a.m. on Thursday mornings. Prior to playing a round of golf, the fellowships gather in the clubhouses of each golf course. They hold morning prayers led by a pastor; discuss community projects they are undertaking; accept prayer requests; offer praise to God; and study a section of the Bible, drawing parallels between the Word and aspects of golf, where possible. During a recent gathering of the fellowship at Centennial, the topic was “Meet the Holy Spirit.” The devotion used for the meeting discussed how golfers introduce themselves to one another during the first tee at tournaments or out-of-town golf events. It then went on to explain how an introduction to the Holy Spirit leads a person to a meaningful and lasting relationship. Two of that fellowship’s giving-back efforts include projects with Advocates Against Family Violence and the Family Justice Center. Currently, there are 10-12 men interested in the Centennial fellowship, with 5-8 attending on a regular basis. Many times, interest in joining starts on the golf course. “We don’t grab people by the collar,” Gee said. “You talk and walk like Christians, and people see that. It’s a very positive way to disciple.” “We’re not here to intimidate anyone,” said Purdy, explaining meetings are non-judgmental, safe and secure. Then, members take to the links, where the same principles apply.

Ambrose School to build second gym The Ambrose School of Meridian broke ground in May on a second gymnasium, which will alleviate scheduling conflicts and allow games, practices and events to happen concurrently. The school has grown continually since occupying its building in 2009. “One gym for six basketball teams and 550 students was certainly becoming problematic,” Headmaster Kirk Vander Leest said. “We have had teams coming to practice at all hours of the day and evening, from as early as 6 a.m. and staying as late as 9:30 p.m. “From the very beginning of our school’s existence, we had planned and hoped to have a second, auxiliary gym. We are extremely thankful to very generous donors who have made this second gym possible on an accelerated timeline, and are looking forward to giving our student athletes more reasonable practice schedules.” The new auxiliary gym is scheduled to open in November, just in time for basketball season. It will be located on the school’s 16-acre property on the corner of Locust Grove and Chinden. The Ambrose School offers a classical Christian education. For more information, go to

Summer Alive Music Festival returns Summer Alive Music Festival returns for a third year to Middleton’s Hawthorne Park on August 13 from noon to 9:30 p.m.


This year’s concert will feature headline acts Manic Drive and veteran rap artist KJ-52, as well as the up-and-coming, Michigan-based rock band Scarlet White. Supported by a dozen other local and indie artists that range in style from rap and hard rock to blues, ‘80s pop, and worship, the festival has a little something for everyone, according to J. Ken Cross, worship arts pastor at Fill My Cup Church of the Nazarene in Middleton. The festival also features a classic car show hosted by Classics for Christ, where the top cars in each category receive trophies. There will be free horse rides and bounce houses for kids, and vendors of various foods and beverages. Summer Alive Music Festival is a family-friendly, community outreach put on each year by the churches of Middleton. The festival is free to attend. More information may be found on Facebook at

Rosie Main named Olympic team doctor Dr. Rosie Main of Main Health Solutions has been selected as a team doctor in support of the USA Wrestling team when it competes for Olympic gold in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in August. Dr. Main is a member of the Florida-based Maximized Living Sports Council, which provides a whole-athlete approach to chiropractic care. She has been an Olympic team doctor in the past, most recently for the 2012 Olympic games. Main Health Solutions is located at 2300 W. Everest Lane, Suite 175, in Meridian. For more information, go to

This is exactly what we encourage children to do when we ask them in Sunday school if they would like to receive Jesus into their hearts. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your HEART that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the HEART one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9, 10). Our hearts are of the utmost importance. God makes this abundantly clear by focusing on the heart nearly 1,000 times in the Bible. And there is much to learn as God speaks about the

Gary Meuser received his BA degree in Christian education from Northwest Christian University and MA in clinical psychology from Pepperdine University. He and his wife, Carolyn, have five adult children and 10 grandchildren. He has served as a pastor, counselor, high school and college teacher and business owner. His current ministry, A Smarter Heart, is the title of his recently published book available at and book stores. He is available to speak at church, business and private gatherings of any size. You may follow his daily devotions on the heart at facebook. com/asmarterheart or email him at


Continued from page 15

many aspects of the heart, including our physical, emotional, spiritual, and even intellectual heart. I invite you to join me in this exciting journey of unlocking the mysteries of your heart in the light of God’s Word. n

July / August 2016 | Christian Living 19

Challenging Faith

Four steps for living into your purpose By Joel Lund



some life-altering event to knock one out of a soothing, comforting rut. Let’s be honest with each other. There’s Think about it. Even though people a reason many people – OK, most people love to say they “hate working for the – don’t chase their dreams. And it’s not man,” not being the man means you can, because they weren’t encouraged enough generally, dink around on the weekend, after blurting out their dreams in front get mandatory days off, and possibly of family members when they were little, even get overtime. If you are fortunate, it although that is a contributing factor means you have company-sponsored (or (sometimes a severe contributing factor). subsidized) insurance. Your work life is pretty predictable because you are paid to The reason most people don’t pursue complete certain tasks you are presumably their dreams as an adult is because it is well suited for. easier not to. A lot easier. So, not being the man allows for considSo much easier, in fact, that it often takes erably more freedom than being the man. Because “the man,” who just as well might HELPING HANDS FIREARMS TRAINING LLC be a woman, until they reach a certain LEO HELLYER - Chief Firearms Instructor level of success with their business, doesn’t enjoy most anything their employees BASIC CONCEALED CARRY enjoy. They wake up thinking about their ENHANCED CONCEALED CARRY business. They go to sleep worrying about INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION TRAINING their business. They wonder how to tilt the marketing scale in favor of more sales so 208.340.5544 they can make payroll without depriving their family of a short vacation. And if you wonder why I’m harping on business this and business that, it’s because in most every case, for your dreams to be fulfilled some involvement of money is required. Either you are independently wealthy (lucky you!), have a benefactor (as if that happens since the time of Da Vinci), are supported by your partner, self-fund. In other words, you keep your day job to support the fulfillment of your dreams. The options look like this: I. Do your job during the week, then play on the weekends and holidays because once you punch out on Friday, you’re on YOUR clock. Think about your dreams from time to time, maybe. Complain about the man. Hope to win the lotto. II. Keep your day job to pay the bills while you also pursue your

20 July / August 2016 | Christian Living

dreams. Go all in. Work your fanny off making things happen. Live your purpose. The first option looks easier. The second looks harder because it actually is. To actively lean in and dare to pursue your dreams...looks a bit unhinged. This isn’t to say it’s not worth doing. Hardly. It is to say there is a cost. We know that cost intuitively. And most people choose to not pay it. This is a valid, reasonable choice. However, it is arguably not inspiring or inspired. “Reasonable” is the choice for safety. It is not the choice for fulfillment. The world needs fewer reasonable folks and more people who dare to pursue their dreams. Because dreams not pursued are dreams lost. They are inventions stillborn. They are books not written, songs not shared. They are cures never found. They keep beauty hidden. Understanding is stalled. Breakthroughs remain stuck. When you don’t pursue what truly inspires and matters to you, you won’t have anything with which to dent the universe. You fail to live into the calling God created you for. Not just words on a plaque. We do love a great quote, don’t we? I bet you can complete this one by Robert Frost after seeing just the first few words: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. It speaks to the yearning we all have – or had when we dared to dream our dreams – for living a life of purpose. And then we grow up. We get a job. Maybe we go to college before that. Perhaps we serve in the military. However it happens, eventually we have a life, responsibilities and bills to pay. That sounds like the road most traveled by. And that road also makes all the difference. It’s always about our choices. The good news is that we always get to choose. The fork in the road Frost writes about isn’t something you face only once in your life. It comes every morning. Each day we come to it. Each day it presents the same choice. This way? Or that? The road most traveled? Or the one less traveled? Each day we get to choose. Earlier, I boldly stated that it is easier to not pursue your dreams. Because indeed it is easier. But “easier” isn’t the same as “better.” It is better to pursue them. Madly. As if

you are possessed by them. That’s better. Always, every single time, better. Not easy. But better. Is it uncomfortable chasing your dreams? Yep. Somedays it is excruciating. Other days, the struggle takes the wind out of you. Then, when you least expect it, you get a productive day – a good day – and you’re renewed enough to stay committed. Joel lund Still, every day is a challenge when you live into your purpose. Dreams that are worth achieving aren’t fulfilled without massive persistence. Why? The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. ­— M. Scott Peck Four steps for living your purpose. Anyone can live into their purpose. It’s never too early or late to begin. There are four steps.

Step One: Choose – Remember, every day we get to choose. This is a great gift God gives us: the power to choose. While you may have lingered for a long time in your comfortable rut, you can choose to get out of it. Step Two: Connect – If you have been keeping your dreams locked up inside, you know. You need to connect again to your dreams. Depending on how long you’ve been in a rut, this step may take some time. That’s OK. When I was in grade school, I wanted to be an author. It was a BIG dream. Then life happened and I repeatedly chose the road most traveled by. But in my 30s, I was so “propelled by discomfort” that I wrote my first book in just two months. Then, I let the dream return to its coma. It took another decade before I again pushed through the discomfort and got it published. Don’t use that as your pattern. Step Three: Change – This steps sounds much bigger than it is. No, you’re not quitting your job, selling your home and pitching a tent on an Oregon beach to


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Joel Lund is a dual-certified master coach, author and speaker. His newest enterprise is an online school ( dedicated to accelerating entrepreneurs to breakthrough higher revenues, with less work and more fun.

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write the next Great American Novel. All you’re doing here is changing some habits, slowly. Start with reducing how much screen time you allow. Track for one week, with a little notebook beside you, how much time you spend in front of the TV, tablet, smartphone or other device. The following week, free up 30 minutes every day. Use that time to pursue your dream. That’s more than three hours dedicated to what you care about! You’ll discover soon enough, the “I don’t have time!” excuse won’t play anymore. You had time. Step Four: Charge – Congratulations! You stepped “out of the ruts.” Now, confidently charge down the road less traveled by. Your dreams are worth the effort. Choose to charge. Every day you’ll face that fork in the road. Choose the one less traveled by, knowing you can start on that path using simple steps. Live into your purpose. Don’t forget, even if you choose the other road, you can always turn around. And be considerate of the woman or man behind your job. They’re already on the road less traveled by. n

July / August 2016 | Christian Living 21

Kipp Sherry

Using illusion to illustrate biblical truths As a boy, Kipp Sherry enjoyed the kinds of things most other kids enjoyed: Three Stooges movies and Felix the Cat cartoons. He was fascinated by the physical comedy of the Stooges. “I thought if it was funny, you couldn’t get hurt,” Sherry said. He was intrigued by Felix’s Magic Bag of Tricks, and for a time in the mid 1960s, when his family lived in Simi Valley, Calif., he watched Chuck Jones the Magic Man. He was 5 at the time and decided to invent his own magic tricks. He took a partially empty bottle of Pepto Bismol, put a towel over it and turned it over and over while saying magic-sounding words. When he uncovered the bottle, it looked full. It was a 5year-old’s “trick” for sure, but the adults loved it. He showed the trick to his mom and was then called upon to entertain at her Tupperware parties. “They’d applaud, and I liked that


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more than the magic,” Sherry said. He started checking out library books about magic, teaching himself magic skills and continuing to create and upgrade his own tricks. But it wouldn’t be until many years later that he actually started to make a living at magic – and magic with a Christian twist at that. Throughout high school, he built cabinets in his father’s cabinetry business. Later, he worked as a broadcaster in both radio and TV in Twin Falls and Idaho Falls. It’s a career he stayed with for 10 years, continuing to learn magic as a hobby. After that, he studied computer programming at Boise State, saying he felt the Lord was leading him to go to school. Having been self-educated in broadcasting, studying and preparing for a new career was a change for him, and a large change for his wife as well. She worked at home but felt, along with her husband, that she was to get a job outside the home while he went to school. It was a financial challenge for them, but Sherry said the Lord blessed their obedience. When Sherry would balance the family budget and look at the columns of money going out as opposed to the columns of money coming in, there was a real deficit in the latter. “The math didn’t add up,” Sherry said. And yet, they never went without the necessary things. When he graduated, he went to work for the Idaho Department of Corrections, writing code for an offender tracking system, an

inmate banking system and a sentencing calculation system. In 2005, he finally left his other careers behind and began performing magic full-time. He doesn’t see his various jobs, however, as lacking in commonality. “None of these jobs are different,” he said. “What’s the common thread? They all require creativity. You take something from concept to something real for somebody else’s use.” He now entertains at birthday parties, corporate banquets, county fairs, trade shows and fundraisers. No more Pepto Bismol bottles for him. He’s gone from 5 to 59 years of age, and everything he’s learned goes into his skillful and entertaining magic presentations. “You don’t want to duplicate anyone. I tell stories; I try to engage people. I want you (the audience) to be a part of it,” Sherry said. He’s aware there are some Christians who feel magic isn’t anything a person of faith should be involved in. Sherry’s magic isn’t sorcery; it’s friendly, wholesome fun. He’s a well-grounded believer who is well-versed in the Word of God. He said that though he’s no street corner Bible-thumper, he loves evangelism. He believes God uses his magic to reach others. “I’m an entertainment art form,” he said. “God enjoys it, He uses it, He created it.” One of Sherry’s tricks centers around Isaiah 1:18: “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.” He asks, “How can something that is scarlet become white as snow?” He then takes two Family Owned Business with 20+ Years of Honesty & Integrity separate pieces of 3 ROOMS & HALL, or 7 ROOMS & HALL, or 5 ROOMS & HALL, or cloth: one red (or 6 Rooms, Hall & Stairs 4 Rooms, Hall & Stairs 2 Rooms, Hall & Stairs scarlet) and one white $229 $179 $99 (like snow). While Up to 1,500 sq ft Up to 1,000 sq ft Up to 450 sq ft speaking – with a Sofa, Loveseat & Recliner = $149* former TV broad*Extra for additional pillows & loose back cushions caster’s eloquence and a radio DJ’s use OTHER CLEANING SPECIALTIES: Area rugs, hard floors, tile, counter tops, of visual expressivepet stain & odor removal, wool 8 delicate fabrics ness – he inserts the Expires 12/2016 red cloth into a hole FAST DRY ... We promise not to soak you! he makes in the white cloth while holding Herman & Margaret Roest it in his fist. When Tel. 208-375-8686 the red cloth is deep Email: / into the hole, he then

22 July / August 2016 | Christian Living


By Gaye Bunderson

fully opens the white cloth and shows that the red cloth is no longer there. Only the white one remains. He has thus used magic to illustrate a valuable biblical lesson. He said magic requires a familiarity with human psychology. To illustrate his point, he talks about how a doctor taps a patient’s knee to trigger a physical reflex. As a magician, he’s tapping into psychological reflexes – the “ticks, quirks and oddities” of human psychology, he said. For instance, he’ll look up and point to a place in the ceiling, knowing that the vast majority of humans will then turn and look up to see what he’s pointing at. There’s actually nothing there, but the average person’s response is automatic and reliably predictable. Sherry studies the Bible devotedly. He’s a fan of Rick Warren’s “Bible Study Methods” and said that to study the Bible well, a person needs Kipp Sherry holds two pieces of cloth that he uses to present the idea of God making “scarlet sins a concordance, maps, history books, as white as snow.” When he puts the colored cloth inside the white one, it disappears. (Photo by different versions from King James to Gaye Bunderson) the New International Version, and said. “I exhibit what I think people ought to do. If it intrigues books with Hebrew and Greek definiyou and you want to know more, I’ll tell you.” tions. Sherry has taught and sometimes still teaches classes For his magic shows, he’s created a character he calls Cletus based on Warren’s book. Bugfester (go to, which he uses to entertain 4-H He cautioned you should never take what someone else says and FFA groups. When he entertains at a trade show, he’ll put about the Bible at face value, but should study it for yourself. Sherry’s faith was stirred when in his adolescence he got into a sales message into his tricks. Something he introduced this year is a character known as trouble with drugs and ended up in jail. There, all he had in the way of reading material was a Gideon Bible, which turned the Charitable Cheat, which he brings out at fundraisers. The out to be a blessing. “The only thing that has not disappointed character is anything but an actual cheat. Sherry created him so that everyone comes out on top at the fundraiser – he makes me is the Bible,” he said. a little money and the charity makes money as well. Now, he tries to live a life based on being a good example. “I For more information about setting up a magic show with try to influence people not by what I say but what they see me do. I’m not publicly intoxicated or using profane language,” he Sherry, go to his website at n

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July / August 2016 | Christian Living 23

Understanding Relationships

Husbands and wives handle stress differently

of how differently men and women handle stress. And, Stress. We all experience our individual personality type it – yet men and women has the potential to add to the process stress differently. problem by naturally exaggerAnd not having mutual ating these differences. understanding about these These differences also affect differences causes us unour relationships at another needed relationship issues. level and draw attention to In general, during times another difference between of stress men go to what men and women – relational Mark Gungor describes as security and how we listen. their “nothing box.” Other According to research done authors describe how by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn, men handle their stress relational security to a woman as retreating, others as is mainly defined as emotional Gary Moore going to their “cave.” Men security – and one of the need time to think things major components of this emotional security out, process their emotions and figure out a is not only her husband’s ability to listen but solution to the situation before they will even also the frequency of listening. entertain talking about it. The problem? Men and women listen difOn the other hand, women handle stress ferently. As fixers, men generally listen only to by talking about it, for it’s in talking about it what they interpret as “the facts.” They have that they figure out how they feel about the an innate filter that enables them to strip their problem or situation. And, once women know wife’s emotions from the conversation and how they feel about the problem or situation, concentrate only on discovering and evaluatthen they can deal with it. ing the facts. Because of this, men usually Without understanding these differences, we listen in bullet points (the Cliff Notes version) assign motive as to why our spouse is acting while women tend to talk in the “unabridged the way they are. Women often get hurt and mode.” Women have to discover each and view their spouse’s retreat as a lack of love, of every connection and emotion involved in not caring enough about her – their – relathe particular situation. Then they can figure tionship or the situation to even talk about it. out how they feel about the situation and deal He, on the other hand, as the “born fixer,” with it. can’t understand why she doesn’t just listen to When men listen only to the facts, especially the facts and solve the problem or situation. in a stressful situation, this sends out an uninBecause they care so much for each other, tentional vibe to their spouse that says, “I’m they can escalate the situation even further not really listening” – which totally frustrates if they don’t understand these basic differher and adds to the tension of the moment. ences. Seeing his wife all stressed out, the man Men, what your wife needs is for you to give assumes his way of handling stress will work her your full attention, to actually set aside for her since it works for him. So, he offers whatever the problem is and instead listen to her his sure-fire formula – just quit talking and validate what she’s feeling about it. This is about it…quit thinking about it. In her highly totally foreign to men. However, learning how agitated condition, this just causes her to go to do this – and then doing it – will reassure into a higher orbit. Seeing her husband all her that in spite of the stressful situation, the stressed out and because she cares so much relationship is secure. for him, she assumes her way of handling Understanding how differently we handle stress will work for him since it works for her. stress gives us another piece of the Mutual So, she offers him her sure-fire formula – talk Understanding Puzzle. n to me…just talk to me about it. And, in his Gary Moore is currently a part-time staff member highly agitated condition, this causes him to at Cloverdale Church of God in charge of Adult go into a higher orbit. Education. He’s served as associate pastor there for Now we have two good willed people who the past 11 years. He’s principal of .003 Coachreally care and love each other building aning, providing life coaching, couples’ coaching and other communication barrier. Why? Because business coaching locally and around the country. they don’t have a mutual understanding By Gary Moore

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24 July / August 2016 | Christian Living

Remembering where you came from situation doesn’t sit well in my spirit. I see more people moving away from Over the last several the glory of God, because months, there has been if that’s how Christians a theme in the Christian are acting, why would they community that has been want to know God? I don’t really disturbing. It seems remember reading in the that we are becoming the Bible that Jesus belittled people of pointing fingers others to get a point across. rather than putting a hand But if I missed that part, out. please feel free to let me There is a quote that I know. like: “You catch more flies Put yourself back in that with honey than you do person’s shoes – the time with vinegar.” I believe before you got saved. Our the point of walking with Louis Sheppard one job is to help save the Holy Spirit is to bring people from darkness. For my wife it only others into that same light. The best way took me saying to her that “I know Jesus.” I can explain this is how I introduced my That one Name changed her life, motiwife (at the time just a girl I knew) to the vated her to become a Christian, to get love of God. When I first met her she baptized, and to now work with the Holy did not believe in God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Now that sounds like most people in Spirit. No verses, no Bible thumping, just compassion for someone who didn’t know today’s world, and I get that. One of the reasons she formed this opin- what it felt like to walk in the light. I was blessed to make her my wife after that and ion was because of the Christian community’s actions and what they were saying to am blessed to know now that when she her – let’s just say they were very un-Chris- dies, she knows where she’s going. I’ll leave you with this… I’ll never forget tian-like things, while at the same time, where I came from, because I know Who they were saying they know God. These saved me when I was in darkness. I’m so are people I call “Bible thumpers.” They happy after all this time walking with Him; will hit you in the head with verse after I know what direction my life is going in. verse but truly miss out on the essence of what Jesus is saying. Not only will that hurt I believe that since I was in darkness, that the person who has never been introduced gives me the compassion for others, to see what they might need to pull them out of to God and become a missed opportunity, but it also makes the mission of others who their own darkness and into the light. You should be doing the same thing. Jesus saved are trying to save souls a lot harder. you; now you have to help save others. Just My wife walked in darkness years ago remember how someone introduced you and so do many people today. They don’t to the light. It might work the same way see the love from Christians that really for someone else. n needs to be seen. As a ship at sea at night, there should be a lighthouse that they can Louis J. Sheppard is a former financial adviser see from time to time to help them find turned business owner / speaker / network martheir path. As Christians, let’s not forget keter. He believes in the 3 F’s — Faith, Fitness, that we were sinners at one time in our and Finance — to help people reach their potenlives. We all fall short of the glory of God. tial through Isagenix. Originally from Queens, We must remember, living in sin you’re N.Y., he has called Idaho home for the last 13 only going to do what you do best, and years. He is the president of St. Joe’s School that’s sin. I lived in sin all the time with no Board and president and founder of the Downreason to change, but now I at least work town Winners Business Network International on improving myself and ask for forgiveChapter (BNI). Married for 10 years to Jamie ness every day. Sheppard, the couple has two children: JaMarcus, I see videos of Christians walking into Target and yelling at the top of their lungs 8, and Brooklyn, 3. For more information, visit or email about people going to hell. That whole By Louis Sheppard

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July / August 2016 | Christian Living 25

EMPTY HAND COMBAT Remain steadfast

Worldview perspectives: Fun+ How not to be deceived Fit

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By Daniel Bobinski

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The scene was my world history class in college, and my professor was explaining the various people who had called themselves messiahs throughout history. His examples were convincing, and at one point in the class I started doubting that Jesus was God in the flesh. I had been a Christian for nine years, and came to my salvation though a series of minor miracles. Without going into detail, with the experiences I had, I knew God was real, and I knew Jesus was real. So why was my faith shaken by the words of this professor? Looking back, it was because my professor’s arguments were very convincing. His reasoning seemed sound. The professor was older, well-read, and well-spoken. He had the position of an authority figure and I was there to learn from him. Thankfully, I had attended a two-week Christian Worldview training at Summit Ministries in Colorado several years earlier. The instructors at Summit warned us what we would be up against in college – that both Secular Humanist and Marxist-Leninist worldviews are pervasive on college campuses. For those who unfamiliar with the term, a worldview is the lens through which one sees the world. It’s a set of ideas that one holds about the world that affects everything one perceives and processes. Think of a worldview as a filter that causes people to see events in a particular way. For example, Christian biologists are more likely to see God’s hand when they examine the inner workings of cells, whereas atheistic scientists examining the same cells look for ways to validate evolution. At least six distinct worldviews exist, each with its own set of beliefs in 10 different categories. These categories are biology, economics, ethics, history, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, sociology, and theology. And, in many ways, theology is the cornerstone for each worldview, because how one views (or doesn’t view) God creates ripple-effects into the other nine areas. This is not the time or place to analyze the various worldviews, but I do want to stress that it’s important for us Christians to know the Christian worldview, lest we

26 July / August 2016 | Christian Living

succumb to false reasoning and fall away, despite the many warnings throughout the New Testament about being deceived. Without knowing the Christian worldview, many Christians have a “mixed” worldview, believing some aspects of Christianity while simultaneously subscribing to some Secular Humanist or Cosmic Humanist perspectives. This may seem like no big deal to some people. They might think, “I know I’m saved by the Blood of the Lamb, does it really matter if I agree with a few aspects of Cosmic Humanism or some aspects of Marx and Lenin?” As the saying goes, “Ideas have consequences,” and the consequences of bad ideas are really, really bad. Think of the brutality of ISIS or the collapse of the Greek economy, and you’re seeing the consequences of bad ideas. Think of the riots in Baltimore, the gender-identity “crisis,” and 54 million abortions since 1973 and you’re seeing the consequences of bad ideas. And so, in response to the question of, “Does it really matter?” I believe the answer is, “Yes.” Why? Because the Church is producing a generation of people with a hodgepodge of worldviews – people holding to some aspects of Christianity but also to aspects of Cosmic Humanism or Postmodernism. Or both. This begs the question, “How can this be?” After all, our kids are being brought up in Christian homes and are attending Christian churches. They’re hearing the Gospel and they know its tenets. What is causing them to walk away from the faith? I believe the reasons are many, but perhaps the biggest reason is that we’re not teaching our children to think logically and critically about why they believe what they believe. We’re teaching them what to believe, but we’re not teaching them the skills to consciously dig down and examine the evidence supporting those beliefs. And why aren’t we teaching these things to our kids? In large part it’s because we, as adults, do not know how to do these things. And the reason we don’t know how to do these things is because nobody has taught us. Case in point: At the beginning of this article I mentioned that my world history professor nearly undermined my faith.

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Daniel Bobinski is the director of Family Experience Ministries, and co-author of award-winning book, “Becoming a Student of Your Students,” written with his wife, Jeralynne. Together Daniel and Jeralynne run the WinSome Speech & Debate Club for homeschooled Christian teens. Reach Daniel at or (208) 375-5048.

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What I didn’t mention was that I didn’t go to college until I was in my mid-30’s. There I was, a 30-something adult and a Summit grad, and I was still a bit shaky on how to defend my Christian worldview. Being grounded in a Christian worldview is not something that comes easily, nor something we should ever take lightly. Now in my mid-50’s, I am co-director (along with my wife, Jeralynne) of a speech and debate club for homeschooled Christian teens. And while we cover speech and debate, we also spend a great deal of time studying Christian worldview and apologetics. But it’s not just the teens who get this message, because at our club, at least one parent of each club member must also sit in on these classes. Interestingly, the parents tell us they get just as much – if not more – from the classes as their students do. And this allows the parents to reinforce their Christian worldview “when they sit at home, when they walk along the road, when they lie down, and when they get up.” (See Deuteronomy 6.) My wife and I are very passionate about equipping parents and teens with the structure and reasoning of a solid Christian worldview, and we’re willing to speak and train on this whenever we’re asked. But obviously, we’re only one resource. Many great resources are available on this topic – we highly recommend Summit Ministry’s curriculum, so you might want to check them out. The bottom line? It’s never too late to start polishing the lens through which you see the world. n

July / August 2016 | Christian Living 27

Consider This

A transforming trip to inspiring Israel By Dan Woodworth


In our May/June issue of Christian Living I wrote about the miracle of answered prayer from my Mother-In-Love for us to go to Israel. We flew from Boise to Newark, NJ and across the Atlantic to Tel Aviv, Israel on Monday, February 22. When we arrived in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, February 23, my Most Beautiful Beloved Bride, Irene, and I were amazed at the peace and order at the airport. We quickly identified our guide and got on the bus for our ride to Jerusalem. What beautiful trees and farmlands we saw on our way to Jerusalem. We arrived at the Jerusalem Leonardo Hotel and settled into our room. We had no idea what an astonishing adventure we were about to have! I was invited to pray on our bus as we began our tours each of the seven days we were there by our tour guide, Ronny Simon. We had about 45 people on our bus and 14 buses on our tour. I felt highly honored and blessed to start each day with an inspiring invocation from the Holy Spirit. We visited the Friends of Zion Museum. We were amazed at the incredible videos broadcast in a 360 degree circle describing Jewish victims of the Holocaust. To our surprise, we discovered that President Truman and many other Americans rescued thousands of Jews. The museum guide thanked us as Americans for saving the Jews during the Nazi nightmare. She said without us there would be no Jewish race.

Each day we packed 10-12 hours of learning into our hearts and minds. Our tour guide, Ronny, is a walking Bible about the land of Israel. We felt like we heard the Living Word through him. We visited the Sea of Galilee and took a boat trip across the lake. We experienced an original fish fry probably very close to the way Jesus and His disciples experienced. We saw Peter’s house. It was amazing to see and to feel the place where Jesus called Andrew, Peter, James and John as His disciples and all of the miracles that happened there. I kept feeling in my heart that what Jesus and His disciples did we can do here in Boise and beyond! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He has not changed. We visited Mount Carmel where Elijah called fire down from heaven and destroyed all the prophets of Baal. We felt like we were living a dream from heaven. We climbed along the mountaintop of Masada after a 1,000foot cable ride almost straight up the mountain. Masada was where a group of Jews overcame a Roman garrison. It was an astonishing tour to see the ruins and the vast view of the Jordan River valley. I experienced floating in the Dead Sea, just leaning back in the water, which is 40 percent saturated with rich healing minerals. My Sweetheart watched from shore and took pictures. Afterwards, I was highly honored along with several other

28 July / August 2016 | Christian Living

pastors to baptize about 40 people in the Jordan River. We baptized about 400 people in all. To feel and see the place where John the Baptist baptized Jesus was a miracle blessing from heaven. On the temple steps where Peter preached and 3,000 people were converted and became Christians in Acts 2, we experienced a worship service as Joseph Prince, pastor of New Creation Church in Singapore, preached. I felt and saw the place where the Day of Pentecost happened about 2,000 years ago. I kept feeling and thinking: What the Holy Spirit did through Peter He will do through us as we call upon Him. Acts 10:34 radically reveals that “God is no respecter of persons.” We saw and felt the place where Jesus was born in Bethlehem and where He grew up in Nazareth. Only about 50 families lived in Nazareth at that time. It is still a small town today, but much larger now than it was then. We stood and felt the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem along with thousands of other people. We put our prayers on paper and stuffed them into the wall. Many have been answered already! We saw and felt and walked on the Via Dolorosa, the road within the Old City of Jerusalem down which Jesus carried his cross on the way to His crucifixion. We saw and felt His empty tomb. We stood on the Mount of Olives where Jesus ascended to heaven and where He will return in His second coming. Again, I was highly honored to serve communion in the Garden of Gethsemane to hundreds of believers on our tour. I cried through the whole service. The Holy Spirit was present during that empowering experience. We were blessed with another anointed worship service at Caesarea in an ancient outdoor rock theater on the Mediterranean Sea where Paul left on his first missionary journey. Doves were flying above us. Speaking of the presence of the Spirit, our whole transforming trip felt like a long movie with no interruptions. We met many marvelous believers and enjoyed fresh, tasty and healthy food everywhere we went. It felt like what it may be like at the banqueting table in heaven. We arrived back in Boise on March 2 with a renewed sense of the presence and power of our Living Loving Lord.

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Dr. Dan Woodworth earned his Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree from the King’s University in Los Angeles in 2009. His passion is to encourage and empower people with the transforming power of hope and healing to become all they are created to be. He and his beautiful bride, Irene, have planted three churches. They are in the process of creating a cross/cultural, cross/generational healing community solving pressing problems in Boise and beyond. He may be reached at

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This transforming trip was a miracle from heaven graciously given to us from our Living Loving Lord. We saw and felt and heard the Living Word. We believe that what the Holy Spirit did through Jesus in the Gospels and the disciples in the book of Acts is about to happen in Boise and beyond. Let us pray and allow Him to purify and prepare us for this last great awakening from the Holy Spirit. We “see” many people recreated in Christ and we “see and hear” many mighty miracles! (Acts 5:12-16) n

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Dan Woodworth, along with other pastors, helped baptize people in the Jordan River during a trip to Israel in February. Here, Woodworth is shown at left praying and preparing to baptize a woman. (Photo provided by Dan Woodworth)

July / August 2016 | Christian Living 29

My Rescue Mission



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How I got involved in helping the homeless


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30 July / August 2016 | Christian Living



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Editor’s note: The following article was originally published in the April 2016 issue of Mission: Rescue, a newsletter produced by the Boise Rescue Mission. It is used here by permission. Rev. Bill Roscoe with 580 KIDO’s Kevin Miller. “In the age of ‘I can’t,’ we get to say, ‘I can make a difference!’” The way I got involved with the in life, but they come and share Rescue Mission is a personal their stories with us, and it’s our story, like all of ours. About eight day to be their cheerleaders. years ago, I lost my job just ten Two things inspire me about days before Christmas. Miller’s Mission. One is people Before then, I have to admit who say, “Kevin, I can only afthat I never really understood ford to give you one turkey,” and the idea of homelessness. But I had been living paycheck-to-pay- that sacrifice – one turkey – feeds a family in need. check and, if not for help from The other is meeting the my mom and dad, I would have people whose lives have been lost my home and been homeless changed because of the Mission: in Pittsburgh. men and women who have overBut I found a job, and when come addiction, those who have I came to work in Idaho, I saw how hard Reverend Bill Rosovercome abuse, and the ones coe was working at the Rescue who have risen from the lowest Mission on behalf of homeless point they could ever have imagpeople in this community. We ined they would find themselves. had a chance to speak, and I told Through God’s grace, their lives him that I had been so close to have blossomed. homelessness myself, I would like That week that I lived at the to experience what it is actually Mission, I would often see a parlike to be there. ticular family. The wife and kids So, I lived at River of Life were staying at City Light, and Men’s Shelter (ROL) for a week. the husband was at the River We did our show from there, of Life. Their time together as and we started Miller’s Mission a family was when they came to help provide for the Mission’s to ROL for meals. That family needs. That morphed into the is what this is all about for me Treasure Valley Turkey Challenge. Our first year, we collected – providing for the real needs of men, women and families just 20 turkeys, then last year, we like that one. were given over 1,600! Many people give during the For me, it is a blessing to be holidays, but homelessness, drug part of the Mission in a small abuse and domestic violence sense. When we do Miller’s happen year round. If you truly Mission, now in both the spring want to follow in the footsteps of and fall, we turn the show over Christ, join me in helping out the to many of the Mission’s guests Rescue Mission today. In the age to tell their stories. It is not easy for these men and women to of “I can’t,” we get to say, “I can talk about where they have been make a difference!” n

July / August 2016 | Christian Living 31


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