FM Apr 2009

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*Volume 110 *No. 04 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 *APRIL 2009

Contents: The Cornerstone The Cornerstone Officers for 2009 Poem by Byrum Your Radiant Testimony by Anita I am Guilty! /// Poem by Maxine A Look at the Book of Matthew Letters

1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7


The Corner Stone is the “starting place” in building an edifice or a “Life.” “See, I lay a stone in Z ion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one w ho trusts in him w ill never be put to sham e.” (I Peter 2:6) Life begins and develops successfully w hen its foundation is based on Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone.

J e s u s tells a parable

The Cornerstone I m ay be young I m ay be old, But I can start again! N ew beginnings Changing, leareningN ever had to end! A Corner stone is the first stone placed in the construction of a m asonry foundation, one of great im portance since all other stones and form ation w ill be set in reference to this stone, thus determ ining the position of the entire structure.* w w w .w

O nce upon a tim e there w as a landlord w ho planted a vineyard. H e w as very careful to equip the estate w ith everything that w as needed – a hedge, w inepress, and even a tow er. The tow er w as especially im portant; it m ade w atching for thieves m uch easier w hen the grapes w ere ripening; also those w ho w orked could reside in it w hen needing rest.

A t last, the landlord finished his w ork and entrusted the vineyard to the farm ers, leaving them to com plete the m ission. Later, w hen harvest tim e drew near, the landlord sent m essengers to collect his part of the fruit; how ever, the farm ers refused to honor his request. In fact, they beat the m essengers and even killed one. Yet after this terrible tragedy, the landlord still did not reject the farm ers but offered them another chance. H is patience w as beyond m easure! E ven so, the farm ers continued to rebel, choosing their ow n w ay, and harm ing all those w ho w ere sent. Finally, the landlord sent his very ow n Son, but instead of respecting The Son, the farm ers “said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Com e, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him .” W hat w as the landlord to do? H e took the vineyard from “those w retches” and gave it to others for the disobedient tenants had becom e useless to H is cause. Their day of reckoning had com e, and they w ere accountable for their deeds.

“Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other nam e under heaven given to m en by w hich w e m ust be saved.” (A cts 4) “A nd n d G od rais ra ised is ed us up w ith Christ and seated us w ith H im in the heavenly realm s in Christ Jesus, in order that in the com ing ages, H e m ight show the incom parable riches of H is grace, expressed in H is kindness to us in Christ Jesus… consequently, you are no longer lon ger foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens w ith G od’s people… … w ith Christ Ch Jesus him self as the chief cornerstone.” (E ph.2) In building or “rebuilding” our lives, G od gives us the chance to choose Jesus as our Cornerstone – our foundation! “Seize the t he m om ent” to renew focus and direction if needed. needed . Let Jesus reinforce the th e goodness of life and becom e “The Source” for abundant living. John 3:16 Faith Messenger Permit #695 Periodical Paid at Corpus Christi, Texas Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO:

Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905-909 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

*The Gospel of Matthew, Barclay, Volume 1 Matthew 21

This story told by Jesus m akes ake s it clear that H e is the Son, and that H e is not just a prophet (like the m essengers); esse ngers); instead H e is the M essiah, essiah , the Savior of the W orld, and G od is H is Father! Father ! (Landlord) In H is death, Jesus sacrificed H is ow n earthly life to “bridge the gap” betw een G od the Father and every individual of every nation. In life, Jesus is the “starting place” – the basis for a new beginning.

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas. This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at


who want to remain Pure, Debt-free and Regretfree. Book available at and other online booksellers. This book makes a great graduation present to a high school or college student, and the audio book is free with the purchase of the print book. Books can be ordered through any bookstore or ask your local library to purchase a copy – which will make it accessible to the community also. Use this number when ordering: ISBN 9780979163951. The best price for the book is on Donna’s web site, click on Buy the Book link. Donna is the granddaughter of Evelyn Anderson and helps considerably with the Christian Triumph ministry. All the Christian Triumph officers and their families are appreciated for their gifts of time and other resources. Special “thanks” goes to Vitalina, Pastor Israel’s wife and also his sister, Elena. They work long hours in the mail room as well as at the mission church. Many times they prepare delicious meals for the church meetings and help in other areas. Every person who has a part in this missionary ministry is appreciated. We thank our missionary partners and all those who take part in sharing the Good News about Jesus! ---------------------------------------------

Officers for 2009 Christian Triumph Vice President: William Anderson

Christian Triumph Secretary/ Treasurer: Diana Beletic

Christian Triumph Assistant Secretary/ Treasurer:


He who was the world's Creator Came to earth to be our Savior; On earth was a Benefactor; Refused to be an Arbitrator. Is with God, our Intercessor, And our only Mediator.

John Schillinger: Web Site Director Donna Schillinger: Bookkeeper/ Consultant Editor – El Mensajero Publisher of Walking Man Author of New Book: On My Own Now: Straight Talk from the Proverbs for Young Christian Women →↑

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Byrum C. Lee: 02/2009 (1) John 1:3; (2) John 4:42; (3) Mark 1:34, John 6:5-14 (4) Luke 12:14; (5) Romans 8:34; (6) I Timothy 2:5





I received a gift in the mail from a very special person – a beautiful Himalayan Ionic Salt Crystal natural lamp which purifies the air and beautifies the home. The glowing hues of orange promote calm and relaxation as it is said that color seems to influence one’s emotional state. It has also been suggested that due to the nature of natural salt, each crystal, even the same size, varies in terms of weight, shape and color. For thousands of years, natural crystal salt has been used for its cleansing and healing properties. Salt is necessary to life; our bodies need sodium and chlorine. As well, salt is used for curing meat, packing, and preserving fish. It is used in refrigeration, the metal industry, the treating of wounds such as burns, toothaches, sore throats and headaches. Rock salt is used in the winter to clear pavements, melting snow and ice. Salt is valuable and is bought with a price. Jesus taught His disciples, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” Matthew 5:13 As “salt of the earth” – how very important each of us are! We are bought with a price! In sharing our radiant testimony, we can let others also know of their value to God, the Source of Love and of an abundant life! The words of Jesus spoken in Matthew 5 teach us how very blessed we are! Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God…” (These words give instruction and comfort.) +

By Anita

He became poor so that we might be rich, Trading the splendor that was His very own To become Son of man — my, what a switch! But now in heaven He's regained His throne, And become King in both heaven and earth. Of His great church He's the chief Cornerstone, And we've become members thru' the new birth. Byrum C. Lee: 02/2009 SIMEON AND THOMAS CONTRASTED Simeon took (baby Jesus) in his arms and praised God, saying: “Sovereign Lord . . . mine eyes have seen your salvation.” --Luke 2:28,29,30 Jesus said to Thomas, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who having not seen . . . have believed.” --John 20:29 Comments: Because Simeon believed, God allowed him to see that for which he had waited in faith. Thomas said, “Unless I see, I will not believe.” Only because God allowed him to see was Thomas able to believe. “Faith is the assurance of that which can't yet be seen.” --Hebrews 11:1 God rewards our faith by allowing us to experience that for which we believed. And sometimes God mercifully allows us to experience that for which we only hoped, but couldn't believe. Jesus said, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible.” . . . “Lord, I believe; help thou my unbelief.” --Mark 9:23,24. Byrum C. Lee: 03/2009



Moments later, the Judge spoke again, very sternly, “But those who do not trust YOU have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only Son of God. Their sentence is based on this fact: that the Light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the Light, for their deeds were evil.” (John 3: 18, 19) John 3:16

Scene: A Courtroom I stood as the Judge entered the room! Glancing at the Jury, I saw their somber faces and knew their decision would be “Guilty!”

(Scriptures from the Living Bible)

The Prosecutor opened with his merciless statements, condemning me for one offense after another, and I knew they were all true! At last, all was lost, and I was doomed!

By Nancy (editor)


Soon, my Defense stood to His feet and, much to my dismay, He agreed with the Prosecutor. “Truthfully,” He said, “My client is guilty! I am painfully aware of every wrong action she has committed. I am not here today to convince the Jury of her innocence.”

Coarse appearance--bereft of style-A youth to culture and its claims. With heart as gentle as a lamb Perhaps we’ll never know his name. For child that’s sick with fever high, Took off his coat and made a bed. Tenderly, he laid her there-In grocery cart--she seemed as dead.

And then, slowly, my Advocate moved closer to the Jury. He looked deeply into the eyes of each person as He simply stated, “He who is without sin, let him convict her!”

He gently brushed a strand of hair That stubbornly refused to move From off her cheek and over eye And pushed the cart out of my view!

The Advocate then turned and went to stand before the Judge. He held His hands outward so the Judge could see the deeply, pierced holes in each hand, and sadly, He pointed at me, “She is guilty!” The silence in the room was terrible, and I knew the desperation of hopelessness!

And though the scene was so short lived, It found a place within my heart. This gentle man betrayed his looks As he made the bed within the cart.

Unexpectedly, the Advocate quickly turned back to the Judge, but this time, He did so with a surprising plea of mercy, “Father, let her go free for I have paid for her transgressions with My own Life!”

JUDGE NOT! JUDGE NOT! We have been told. For we can never see inside. And seldom do we know all facts-Our judgments often are not wise.

I was shocked! Why would anyone do that for me! I am guilty!

And once again he came in view, As he checked his groceries through-I watched and saw him take a sack And help the boy to fill them too!

The Judge looked intently at the Advocate, and His eyes filled with compassion and love: “My Son,” He said, “this is the fulfillment of My plan for ‘there is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust YOU to save them.’” (John 3:18)

This man with kindness--prone to help How many more like him we need. This world cries out--the hungry, sick-Let someone hear--Let someone heed!

I could not believe it! I was free! Forgiven!

(Continued – Page 6)


THE GENTLE HEART (Continued from Page 5)

Our thinking needs altered when it comes to the important things of life. For instance, when we leave this earth as we all will, our earthly rewards will stay behind. Whatever pride we have had in the attention of others will not follow us to our eternal destination. In contrast to worldly rewards, following Jesus and doing as He asks are, in fact, rewards in themselves for Jesus satisfies the soul, flooding one’s heart with contentment! Just to hear His “well done” is more delightful than receiving applause from persons who cheer you today and forget you tomorrow. In the Bible story of the talents, we read about another reward. (It is similar to receiving a promotion at work for dedicated, efficient service.) “The reward of the faithful servants was still greater responsibility.” Barclay, Page 183 We often believe a vacation, an easier life or perhaps retirement is the greatest rewards, but the Christian’s reward is often the opposite. God’s greatest blessings may result in – writing a book, beginning a Bible study to learn more, entering the ministry, becoming a missionary, or teaching a Sunday school class. It seems the more we dedicate our lives to God, the more He trusts us to do greater things for His Kingdom. Eternal rewards that count come from doing good deeds with unselfish motives. It is when we practice good works to win the praise of men that our rewards turn to dust. The world is a fickle place, unpredictable, and quick to forget. I am reminded of recently looking at a name on a street sign and wondering who that person is and what they had done. And then I recalled my Dad telling me about a relative who had a section in the hospital named after him. When my Dad returned much later to the same place, his relative’s name was gone. So soon – earthly rewards become meaningless! In visiting a nursing facility, one is aware of the precious elderly patients and of how valuable they are, and yet their temporary rewards in life have almost ceased. Only their deeds done in Jesus’ name, from sincere, Christian hearts, will have lasting rewards in that beautiful City of God. May Faith Messenger: Matt. 6:2

He is a man of unique wealth-A type of riches that aren’t bought. By this world’s standards, often vain, All too often are not sought. Thank you for the lesson shared-Such wisdom, priceless and not new. We need so often to review The words which Jesus said were true! JUDGE NOT!! By Maxine Trigleth

A LOOK AT THE BOOK OF MATTHEW SERMON ON THE MOUNT Chapter 5 (Reference for this study comes from the Holy Bible as well as the book, The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 1 By William Barclay) Matthew Matt. 6:1-18 Matthew 6:1 “Take care not to try to demonstrate how good you are in the presence of men, in order to be seen by them. If you do, you have no reward with your Father in heaven.” These first words of Jesus in chapter 6 provide a foundation for the continuing verses. As studied in the past chapters of Matthew, Jesus requires His followers to be genuine, honest people. Their actions must come from hearts of love and sincerity; then true, lasting rewards will result in a closer relationship with God. We cannot be two people - desiring the attention of mankind while acting as though only God matters. Jesus sees our inner self and knows all our thoughts. As well, the rewards of Jesus are quite different: they are far from temporary and are described as “great in heaven.” Jesus declares that faithful service will have its reward as well as “giving to one a cup of cold water.” 6

THANKS! From: Bloomburg, TX “God bless you for the work you do and have done through the years. God will prevail!”

Thanks to all who send in used Sunday school materials as well as other literature. The Donica Church of God in Indiana.

These good letters encourage and remind us of the caring Children of God who support this missionary outreach. We appreciate your prayers; they are making a difference! +

Duane from Indiana The Homebuilders in Kansas

The MARCH FAITH MESSENGER was late because of mechanical problems at the Printers.

Gladys from Canada

NEW MINISTRY Christian Triumph will begin offering English Bible Correspondence Courses Courses in September of 2009. There will be no cost for these courses. The courses will be available for each and every person in all walks of life. If needed, Bibles will be provided. More details in the May and June Faith Messengers.

We appreciate hearing from: Seguin, Texas Columbus, Ohio Visalia, CA Bellefontaine, OH Mt. Pleasant, MI Juncos, P.R. Sioux Falls, SD West Plains, MO San Antonio, TX Colorado City, TX Nevada Portland, TX Tulsa, OK Ft. Worth, TX West Monroe, LA West Palm Beach, FL Portland, OR Arlington, TX

We will be making a list of all those who wish to begin the courses in September. Please send name and address to Christian Triumph Company, PO Box 5187, 905 Bluntzer, Corpus Christi, TX 7846578465-5187. Attn: Attn: English courses ---..….. Used Sunday school literature as well as Bibles is available for any individual, church or group who may need them. THANK YOU! 7

Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695

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“Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you.”




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