beautiful designs. It was evident that she was dedicated to her work. At last, I
*Volume 119 *No. 03 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 *MARCH 2010
Contents: Build Again by Maxine Trigleth Hurricanes of the Soul by Maxine Decisions by Felicia/ Byrum Lee Christian Triumph financial report Financial report Byrum Lee (Cont. from Page 3) How Did We Get Here? by George Bell
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Build Again!!!
What a fascinating scene! It held me captive for at least 15 minutes. It was an artistically designed spider web! It was being created by an ambitious developer. She would not relent even though the sun was shining and sharing some of its hottest rays. I stood captivated--watching with only a glass window separating us. I marveled at her faithfulness---never stopping---weaving with her miniature thread--circulating and spinning---making such
grew tired of watching, but she did not tire of creating. The next morning I looked and there it was!!! A beautiful piece of spider tapestry. It was swinging in the gentle breeze! In a day or two, a tragic thing happened!!! A storm with wind and fierce rain came unexpectedly and struck the lovely web. It tore one side off its foundation. It was crumpled---an unattractive mess of web. I looked to see what had happened to her---and there she was in the middle of her shattered dreams. She was so very quiet!!! She had not abandoned her once gorgeous artistic home. I shall continue to watch her, but I already know the answer---She will begin building again! God has put that spirit into His most minuscule creatures. Does He do less than that for each of us? NEVER GIVE UP? BUILD AGAIN!!! P.S. ---a few days have passed, and I’m watching her rebuild again! She is making it bigger and better! It looks as if it has some pink
strands in it as it sways in the gentle morning sun! By Maxine Trigleth
Anchor!!! These storms can hurt---crush--claim our lives, cause us to stumble--wobble---fall, but they cannot destroy You!!! Reconstruction is in the realm of Your Will!!! Take our hand and give us strength to build again!!! By Maxine Trigleth
Hurricanes of the Soul:
Jesus – “All who listen to my instructions and follow them are wise, like a man who builds his house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents, and the floods rise and the storm winds beat against his house, it won’t collapse, for it is built on rock.” Matthew 7 – Living Bible
Are we Prepared for Them? They are storms which hover along the coast-line of our hearts. They are hidden---obscure--passive---yet alive and quietly growing until they reach their full potential. They then burst on the scene without warning and leave a highly visible path of destruction. These are desperate moments!!! Soon, we leave reality behind. It is an undeniable truth that they are powerful, challenging, and greedy---slaying and seizing everything within their scope. They truly are thieves which rob us of our peace of mind. They shatter our dreams---crush our accomplishments---and kill our sacrifices. Some of these shall never be rebuilt---others become remnants of our past. There are others which leave us in a state of despair---emotionally deenergized. Still others rob us of our Faith!!! We are never prepared for their impromptu visit.
(A request from the Editor: please pray that God will continually strengthen Maxine after the passing of her daughter in June and then her son in August.) Faith Messenger Permit #695 Periodical Paid at Corpus Christi, Texas Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO:
Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905-909 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, Texas 78405 L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.
How do we respond to all of this? Do we become angry? Do we become self-absorbed? Do we nourish self-pity? Do we allow them to kill our souls?
This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of
Father, we recognize there is no extermination with You!!! You are our 2
God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at
unable to control the car. She also did not have a valid driver’s license. Life will never be the same for this young girl. She may face time in jail as well as costly hospital bills for the two wounded. She may never be able to obtain a driver’s license for many years – if ever. Additionally, the terrible memories of the wreck in which innocent victims were hurt will remain with her for a lifetime. I wonder what made this girl decide to drive a car so low on gas, especially when she did not have a valid driver’s license. I do know, however, that because of these decisions several lives will never be the same, including my own. Her two bad decisions not only twisted her thread of life but almost severed another’s. It is because of situations like this that we need to make sure EVERY decision we make is in accordance with God’s will and with what we know to be right; regardless of how small that decision may seem. Even one seemingly insignificant decision…can lead to regretful, massive consequences. And so, I plead: please do not make the same mistake this girl did, thinking that personal decisions will not impact anyone else. It only takes one time for that fragile, delicate thread of life to tangle or even break, changing one’s future or the future of others. (Edited)
DECISIONS By Felicia Rose We human beings cling to a thread - a thread which we call “life.” It is very fragile and can be broken at any time. The thread of life is delicate and requires the utmost care. Every day, we are faced with decisions that affect this frail thread. Decisions are good or bad; some we know should not have been made so quickly and some we wish we never had made. Today was one of those days in which I witnessed how two or more terrible decisions can almost sever one’s thread of life, as well as entangle the lives of others nearby. In my city, car wrecks are not uncommon; In fact, traffic has outgrown the highways. I have been in two recent car wrecks in less than a year, and they were very stressful. And yet the crash I witnessed today was even more traumatic. I was sitting at a stop light waiting to go forward when out of nowhere a white car came barreling towards our line of traffic. There was nothing anyone could do except watch in horror, wondering who was going to get hit. Although time seemed to stand still, it actually only took a fraction of a second to hear the horrendous crash of metal, horns going off, and the shouts of witnesses. Instantly, people gathered around the area, staring in disbelief as they realized two women in their cars were injured; one was unresponsive. In that fragile moment, the lives of several people were changed forever. I was one of those even though not involved in the wreck. I was one car behind the two that were hit, and I shall forever remember this shocking experience. The girl that had caused this accident was young - 19 or 20. She was driving her boyfriend’s car and while attempting to make a turn– ran out of gas. This caused the car’s engine to die and she was
WHO WILL BE IN HEAVEN? Byrum C. Lee “Who Can Be Saved?” and “Who Will Be Saved?” Two different questions, dealing with the exclusivity and the inclusivity of the faith. These questions lead to another interesting, if puzzling question, “Who will be in heaven?” Will persons of other religions, or those who profess no religion, be saved? The question is profound and defies a simple answer. If one believes Christ's death paid the price of redemption for all mankind — for all time, can we thereby assume that all men will be saved? The question about who will be saved was a topic of considerable discussion recently as a prominent, formerly charismatic, minister left his 3
fundamentalist beliefs to espouse the doctrine of universalism. (continued on Page 6)
Or was there no provision for the salvation of those who were not of the Judeo-Christian culture? What will be the fate of the multitudes who, since the death of Christ, still have not heard the gospel message of salvation, and are living in spiritual darkness? There is no better source for shedding light on this question than the greatest of all Christian theologians, the Apostle Paul. In his letter to the Romans, Paul writes: “All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. . . (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, showing that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares” (Rom. 2:12-16). These thoughts of Paul, who it seems had a clear insight into the justice of God, should help one better understand that when God judges men it will be on an individual basis, based on each person’s knowledge, and obedience to what he knows. Even they who have never heard the message, and know nothing of Jesus' death for the salvation of all mankind, may still benefit from his death if they, through faith turn to God with repentance, seeking forgiveness. Will their faith in God's grace of forgiveness save them? It seems a reasonable conclusion that God, who knows the hearts of all men is the only one capable of being their judge. However, under the Great Commission of Christ to the church, they who know the joys of salvation are under obligation to take the gospel of deliverance to those still living in darkness; for how can they have hope unless someone enlightens them with the good news? Every person deserves to hear that God in heaven loved the world so much that he gave his only Son through whose death we may be saved. Each person then, has the personal responsibility for either accepting or rejecting the gift of God, which is eternal life. Christians dare not be either complacent or arrogant about who will be saved, and therefore have hope of heaven. For it is neither through religious beliefs, nor the practice of good works —
Byrum Lee: This led to the defection of his large congregation, and to his eventually becoming a minister in the Universalist religion. Evangelical Christians believe that, although Christ's death provided atonement for the sins of all mankind, the conclusion that all persons will be saved is unwarranted, and that to obtain forgiveness one must pursue it through repentance and faith. Where no forgiveness is sought none is granted; or where there is no faith in the offerer or in the efficacy of the offering, there is no forgiveness. This, therefore leaves the non-believer with no provision for the remission of his sins. So far as the Jewish people are concerned there is still another dilemma. After the death of Christ, the offering of blood sacrifices of animals was no longer acceptable to God. And with the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem where Jews brought their sacrifices, the practice of offering sacrifices came to an end. Although the Jewish people are hoping for, and currently even planning for, the rebuilding of their temple, what hope is there for them who have had no offering for their sins in the intervening millennia since the destruction of the temple? Furthermore, even if the temple sacrifices are at some point in time resumed, in the belief of Christians, that would be mockery since God has abandoned the old covenant, replacing it with a new, improved covenant relationship with his people who now include all people of faith, whether Jew or Gentile. The question of who will be in heaven remains, as we consider those who aren't of the Judeo-Christian religion? Is there no hope for the many who follow other religious persuasions? Several ancient philosophers and religious leaders outside of the Hebrew lineage taught, and presumably, lived according to high moral, and spiritual principles. Some of those teachings had similarities to the teachings found in our holy scriptures. Can one assume, with justification, that they too, had some revelation from God, as did Moses? Are there certain moral principles and truths instinctive within humanity? Is living according to one's conscience a safe and dependable guide? Did those persons who lived to the highest standards known to them find acceptance with God? 5
even though exemplary, that one can be saved.
as a body of believers do not walk in the power of God, as a whole? Of course, there are those who do walk in His power on a weekly basis and, therefore, see the fruits of their labor come to fruition. But generally speaking, this is a rarity, and the Church suffers as a whole. There are some churches who preach that all the gifts of the Spirit have passed with the passing of the Apostles. My understanding is that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still active and remain for the edifying and protection of the church through the demonstration of the power of God. There are some churches which try to “sell” prosperity by stating, “Send two hundred dollars for your miracle.” I did not know the Gospel was “for sale;” in fact, my impression was that the Gospel is Free to all who ask. In reading the Word of God, it seems to me that the Instructor of the Truth is the Holy Spirit, according to First John 2:27. As well the Apostle Paul tells us that we can know the length, the breath, the depth and the height of the love of GOD - to know this is to know God. I believe that we as children of God are losing our freedom in this country, and we need to standup and be counted. The Church as a whole has deteriorated while secular humanism has taken over; yet, we have said little. How have we as a Church and a Country come to this point in time in which we are about to lose it all - our freedom of speech and religion? I believe the reasons for this decline are complacence and greed. We have forgotten our first love, Jesus Christ. In Revelations, the second chapter, we read that the Church in Ephesus, had good deeds, worked hard, and persevered, but, yet, the Lord said He had somewhat against them. They had forsaken their first love; in fact Jesus told them to – “repent and do the things they did at first.” May God bless as the Church resumes leadership and influences the principles and values of our beloved Country. ---------------------------------------------------------
(Continued on Page 7)
The only satisfactory atonement for sin is the death of the sinless Son of God. And faith in that atonement is the only assurance anyone has of being among those fortunate enough to be in God’s heaven. - Byrum Lee -------------------------------------------------------------- HOW DID WE GET HERE? By George Bell All the promises of God given unto His children have been taught, preached and broadcast over the entire world, including the promise of the infilling of the Holy Spirit’s power. Yet, I see not only in myself, but the Church in general, the weakness which prevails in us. I have studied the Word of God all my Christian life and read it even before Jesus came into my life. Saints of God die every day of some sort of sickness; churches quarrel with each other and compete with different denominations. Marriage is being questioned; living together is becoming more prevalent; aborting babies is common place (over fifty million have been aborted since it became legal in this country). Homosexuality is rampant; sex education is being taught to preschoolers. The Church’s message, which has influenced the world’s moral lifestyle, is quickly ceasing to exist. So the question is, “How have we gotten here?” Now, I know that not everyone has lost hope or a sense of morality; in fact, there are many who practice Christian living. Yet, it seems that even though the children of God have been given everything that pertains to life and Godliness, we still fail to practice these precious promises. Why do we not partake of Jesus divine nature and live like Him? I ask even of myself why I do the things I do and why does the Church (as a whole) do the things it does. I have written articles on authority, justification, power, commitment, obedience, contentment - on every subject that has arisen in the church. And I ask, “Does the power of God still exist today in His Saints?” Why is it that we
APRIL FAITH MESSENGER: More great articles, letters and the Study of Matthew coming 6
in April. Thanks to all our writers, missionary partners and readers. We truly appreciate you! Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, TX 78465
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695
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WITHOUT GOD Our week would be: Sinday, Mournday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday, Shatterday, Seven Days without God Makes one Weak!
2010 7