The disciples had rowed about three or four miles when they saw
*Volume 121 *No. 05*Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 *MAY 2010
Contents: A Dark Stormy Night Our Mother The Timid Little Dove A Young Woman’s Story O Taste and See A Look at the Book of Matthew A Request Letters
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A Dark Stormy Night “When evening came, His disciples went down to the lake, got into the boat, and went back across the lake toward Capernaum. Night came on, and Jesus still had not come to them. By now a strong wind was blowing and stirring up the water.
Jesus walking on the water, coming near the boat… ‘Don’t be afraid,’ Jesus told them, ‘it is I!” (Good News for Modern Man)
Have you faced a night, dark and lonely? Did it seem that Jesus was far away? Even when you called, did the storm rage, seemingly without His presence? It appears at times, our worry and grief can almost block our faith in God although He has been our very Best Friend. One night, after hearing that my Dad’s health was deteriorating, the feelings of despair and loneliness were crushing. As I questioned the Lord, hopelessness answered. Where was God when I needed Him the most? The dark stormy night lingered as I clutched at Christ! At last, morning came and this story of the disciples revealed that, even in doubt and despair, Jesus is near, and the love which
flowed from the Cross of Calvary will bring peace and calm. Jesus is still the Answer! In Memory of Helen Bell
her loyalty to God because she instilled in her children how to appreciate His Love. I myself am serving the Lord Jesus due to her decision to make Him her Lord and Savior 66 years ago.
Our Mother
Some things never change with time. The years go by and God calls us home; but I shall never forget my Mother’s teachings of God’s Word.
As children, we cannot comprehend or fully realize how we miss someone until they are gone. Our Mother, Helen Rogers Bell, went to her heavenly reward, Friday morning, January 15, 2010, at the age of 94.
Mother is now home, where harmony and joy surround her. Praise God for all his Love and Promises.
When she was 28 years of age she surrendered her heart to Jesus Christ, her Lord and Savior, under the Pastorship of M. B. Boucher in San Antonio, Texas. Mother read God’s word daily, teaching her children with daily devotions. She reminded us daily of God’s ways.
God’s word tells us to raise up a child in the ways of the Lord and when he is older he will not depart from them. This is so needed today for our children and grandchildren. Do not let the opportunity pass, because only what is said and done for Christ will last.
During her walk with the Lord she served as a SS teacher, on several church boards, and was very active in the Women’s Missionary Society. She truly believed in prayer and I could hear her at night in her room praying, calling each one’s name out loud to the Lord for their salvation and divine protection.
Love, Jo and the Bell Family (Missionary Partners) Faith Messenger Permit #695 Periodical Paid at Corpus Christi, Texas Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO:
Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905-909 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, Texas 78405
Mother also, had a deep love for her siblings; if they called and were sick, she prayed for them over the phone, asking for God’s special touch.
L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez, President; William Anderson, Vice-President; Fred Pena, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.
Growing older I stop and look back, better understanding her love and loyalty to our Lord and Savior. It makes me appreciate
This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of
protective purposes from the heat of the rapidly rising sun. Why were they there? What was their role in this event? We would soon know! One by one, the disciplined trainer placed each dove in the hands of my son-in-law and grandsons. With a delicate word, they were instructed to give them a gentle lift into the air. They soon became airborne. This was repeated several times. They knew the route they were to take around the mountains. They were responding to their “expansive months of training. They and the mountains were cohorts in this endeavor. As the last dove was placed in waiting hands, it appeared to be smaller than the others. I noticed also that the trainer touched the miniature head with the tip of her finger---lovingly--then bowed her head and kissed it gently. It was as if she were giving it assurance that it would be alright. I was sensitive to her delicate touch. It was then lifted upward and followed the others around the mountains. My eyes followed the pale white trail against an azure sky until they could no longer be seen. The fragile drama reminded me of the many times the Lord had extended His Hand to me when I was unsure---fearful---doubtful. Some of God’s children seem to be so strong! There are others of us who need a special touch! What kind of price-tag (value) do we put on Encouragement? It is priceless! Encouragement, in its myriad of expressions, inspires, comforts and brings peace to our inner
God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at Or see us on the web at
The Timid Little Dove The atmosphere was somber. The environment spoke of distilled sorrow---moments of intense suffering---the struggle within the human soul. We were in the sacred cemetery where my daughter’s beautiful Cherry-wood casket, with her once suffering cancerous body, was awaiting its final resting place. It would soon be committed to the soil. The service was only a few moments away. People with kindred spirits were still gathering to unite with the family. Amidst all of our brokenness, we were surrounded by the daunting beauty of the mountains---lofty--rugged---constant changes in design and color as the morning sun touched them. The faithful, seasoned Minister rendered his conclusive thoughts of solace to a people whose emotions had been crushed and chilled. His final “Amen” was given and echoed. It was a service of love---a voice of finest gold. To my left, my slothful ears captured unusual sounds---foreign tones---so unfamiliar to me. Cordoned off outside the realm of the service area were two large baskets. Perhaps…a dozen daintily feathered white doves occupied them. The tops of the baskets were covered with cloth, used for 3
being. Never underestimate the value of your encouraging words to others…it could be life changing!
do; nothing is so hard that God and I cannot make our way through it! Already, God has greatly changed my life! I now have a wonderful apartment with nice furniture, a good car, and two precious cats. I am about to graduate with a degree in psychology and am going to pursue graduate school. My dream is to have a small horse ranch some day where disabled children can come for fun and rehabilitation. On top of all this, God has blessed me with good friends that contribute to my life. I have so much love and joy in my heart... and to think...that just a few years ago, I was ready for life to end. Furthermore, God has called me to work in a Family Violence Center, a Girls’ Shelter, and the Pregnancy Care Center. What a difference God’s Saving Grace can and will make in one’s life!
By Maxine Tolbert Trigleth
A Young Woman’s True Story God’s Saving Grace Last night when I went to bed, I reflected on my life of the last few years. Thinking back to January 2006, I remember how shattered, hurt, and destroyed I felt when my boyfriend and I broke up. Though I cannot remember all the details of living back then, I do have foresight enough to see where life would be right now, if I had not been saved and rescued by God from that situation. My future would have held little promise or hope. In fact, I would be married to my ex-boyfriend as he faced prison time, probably caring for his child, dropped out of school, and working some hard, dead-end job. I would have few friends, be extremely depressed and maybe even suicidal. It is frightening to think what would have happened in this relationship which was marred by domestic violence. A person never really realizes the impact that someone else is having until removed from the situation. Since God’s saving grace has come into my life, things have taken a drastic turn. Although I still have to learn new patterns of living, while letting go of the mistakes of the past, there is hope and help for the future. God’s presence is in everything I
By Felicia
God made this world beautiful. Earth's riches He made plentiful. And those who are resourceful Will find most all things useful. When harvests are so bountiful, That all your barns are chock-full, Remember to be thankful, And your day will be joyful. Some days will be eventful, And some days will be stressful. But if you're always prayerful, Each day will be delightful. Refrain: It's a beautiful, wonderful world. 4
This life-changing food and drink is free to every individual on this earth; no one is turned away! The song writer so amply put it: “All things are ready; come to the feast! Come, for the table now is spread. Ye famishing, ye weary, come, And thou shalt be richly fed. Hear the invitation, Come, whosoever will.” This great invitation is found in the Word of God (Matthew 11:28 – 30). “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” There is great hope and encouragement found when trusting in our God! “Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (edited) +
So, let your banners be unfurled. Turn them loose, and watch them fly, Soaring high up in the sky. Byrum C. Lee: 06/2009 Oh, Taste and See!
By Anita
I enjoy Apricot Preserves on my toast! Even though there are other kinds of spreads, nothing takes its place! When the jar is empty, Apricot preserves is added to the grocery list. If we are hungry, there are many foods that appeal to us. If we are thirsty, we can choose something good that satisfies our thirst. However, there is a hunger and thirst within a human being that cannot be satisfied with food or drink. That deep need can only be met by our Creator – God. In Psalms 34:8, we read “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” When Jesus stopped to get a drink at the well, he met a woman who needed a new life, and it began when she met the Savior. “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4:13b & 14. When my heart needs encouraging, unlike an empty jar of preserves, our Heavenly Father offers His satisfying, spiritual food. When He invites us “O taste and see,” he does not disappoint us. “Whosoever will may come.”
A Few Thoughts for Today By Sara For the past several years, I have been writing notes in the margins of my Bible. A recent reading of Psalm 18 found several “tidbits;” maybe they will have meaning for someone else... It is exciting to know that God loves us: “He brought me forth also into a broad place; He rescued me, because He delighted in me.” Psalm 18:19 (And here is the note I added some time ago, “What an affirming thought. God rescued us because He delighted in us.” Psalm 18:35, “You have also given me the shield of Your salvation, and Your right hand upholds me; and Your gentleness makes me great.” (The note I wrote reads: “Interesting! Not God’s power but His gentleness!” I find it fascinating that David considered God’s gentleness to be what made him great.)
prevail over any earthly possessions, left behind to perhaps be sold at garage sales or antique stores.
The last of my scribbles is found in verse 36, “You enlarge my steps under me, And my feet have not slipped.” (My note reads: “God makes firm steps out of what seem small footholds – we just have to make the effort to take the steps.”) -condensed A LOOK AT THE BOOK OF MATTHEW Reference for this study comes from the Holy Bible as well as the book, The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 1 By William Barclay
It is true that though good judgment advises us to spend money on sturdy, well made items on this earth, they remain subject to damage, theft, storms, fires, floods, etc. Earthly treasures simply do not last. As our devotion remains centered on the Savior and His Word, we will find an endless dimension of joy and gladness now and in the future
Matthew 6:19-21 There is a story of a man who distributed his wealth among the poor in a year of great famine. In being criticized for doing so, he explained that his treasures (in souls) would bear much more interest in the World that was to come than sitting on his riches now, ignoring his neighbor’s hunger. Ironically, hoarding money and things is a losing investment, while giving to others enriches one’s self and one’s eternal future. (Page 243 – The
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust destroy them, and where thieves dig through and steal. Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy them, and where thieves do not dig through and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” +
Gospel of Matthew by William Barclay.)
An old Spanish proverb:
Recently, a devoted minister of 50 years was overheard to say, “I want to leave this life ...penniless.” In blessing others through a lifetime of service, his bank account may be depleted, but his wealth is absolutely secure in a permanent place called Heaven.
“There are no pockets in a shroud.” (Page 244 – The Gospel of Matthew by William Barclay)
Surely, this last year has taught us that there is little security in the treasures of this world. So quickly, houses, money, and cars which delight us today, betray us tomorrow. In evaluating the things of the world, we realize their temporary values do not compare to everlasting gain.
“For where your will your heart thing we take out very own self. In the “better” self eternal Home.
Jesus was personally aware of our need for structures and provision; He Himself, most likely trained as a carpenter, providing for His Mother and family. And yet, many times He implied that this world is temporary and just the beginning of an eternal life. In “laying up treasures in Heaven” our timeless riches will far
treasure is, there be also.” The only of this world is our enriching our heart, we will bring to an
The story that Jesus told about the man who built his house on the Rock reminds us that real security and treasure is based on the Lord Jesus Christ. What joy and fulfillment is found in a present and future
relationship with Him! As the sands of time, the falling rain, and the rising floods assail our very souls, no one or nothing will ever be able to steal or ruin our true, eternal treasures. +
Anchor.” Many of our readers have gone through these difficult moments of earthly life; and even though painful, we know our Heavenly future is filled with promise. Thank you, each one, for praying and caring.
(The Pastor of 50 years is my very own wonderful Dad who is even now preparing to leave this life for his new Home.)
A Request
Prayer is the place where burdens change shoulders.
Please pray for Christian Triumph ministry and the missionary staff. Even in this last week, as we prepared to create a safer environment for the Church as well as devote our attention to greater missionary service, it seems the opposing spiritual forces were moving actively against us.
L E T T E R S From WCG in Louisiana: We always “Messenger” work.
Diana, Office Manager, was once again hit by a car; in fact, her car was totaled. She was bruised, hurt and is now recuperating. Amazingly, her faith is even stronger as she depends upon the healing touch of the Lord.
enjoy – Keep
reading up the
the good
From Daisy in Oklahoma: Dear Workers at Christian Triumph, Thank you for the Faith Messenger. I get a lot of help with reading it. My daughter who lives in Amarillo reads it when she comes to visit. I appreciate all the work you do sending things to other countries to help others find the Lord.
Fred, 2nd Vice President and a valuable helper, was called to his mother’s side in ICU. One of the local Bible Institute teachers and associate of Pastor Israel was detained in South Texas and has not been able to get back to Corpus.
From Alice in Oklahoma: Dear Christian Company, I read the Faith Messenger as I get it, don’t put until I read it. I thank all the good work you put missions. God bless you.
My own Dad has been hospitalized and is now ministered to by HOSPICE at his home. I am spending 12 hours a day caring for him while another care giver comes at night.
as soon it down you for out for
THANKS TO LETTERS FROM: Texas and Indiana Thanks to friends and relatives who continue to honor Helen Bell,
We are reminded of the song, “In times like these, we need an 7
our missionary partner, who is now enjoying her “treasures in Heaven.”
delighted in me.”
Thanks to our readers, helpers, writers, and especially those who pray. We need your prayers. You have ours! God bless!
(New International Version)
Psalm 18:19
Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, TX 78465
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695
Address Service Requested
“…He rescued me
because He 8
Jesus – “I am the good shepherd…” John 10