*Volume 95 *No. 08 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 *OCTOBER 2007
Contents: Tears on the Altar Are We Pleased With Our Harvest? Tell Me the Old Old Story A Look at the Book of Matthew A Special Report My Shepherd Update on Postage Letters
Tears on the Altar
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The prayers of the saints held me hostage--They effected a change in my life. I remember to the Throne they came boldly, For the enemy they came for a fight. Sister Greenwood--a Godly prayer warrior--One knew to respect her bold stand, For there was a power in her praying, Surely devils trembled and ran!!! And when they had finished---which seemed long, They arose and wiped tears from their eyes, They patted and hugged one another, And the true bond of love stronger tied.
I love to return to view pictures--Of the saints kneeling down on the floor, And the saw-dust clung to their clothing, And the altar was made of old boards.
Although but a child half sleeping, On a crudely old fashioned pew, I absorbed those intimate moments, When the saints knelt there in my view.
It’s a scene which is sacred and Holy, Created in my ancient of times, As they fervently cried out to Jesus, Their Faith and their Trust were sublime.
And in my childish evaluations--Of that precious Holy Place, Was that God must have many listening ears, For the saints who sought His face.
And there they went to do battle--With forces in devilish décor, God listened to them up in heaven, Broke satan’s chains and restored.
They left their tears on the altar, With a Faith and Trust level so high--And a Love penetrated that setting, That shall live in my heart ‘til I die.
Their tears softly fell on the altar--As they cried for humanities souls, They prayed long and loud in His presence, To the One whom they loved and adored.
It’s refreshing to think of that picture, God’s children have all said “good-bye.” But the scene is alive in my memory, Of the saints who prayed and they cried. (Pg.2)
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OCTOBER Harvest Time
Yes, they left their tears on the altar, A sweet sacrifice of pure love. For the souls of lost men so precious. Now united with Jesus above.
Are We Pleased With Our Harvest? - by Jo If we are pleased with our harvest - then we are reaping abundant blessings. If, however, we are not pleased – then, perhaps, we should inspect what we have planted. The following scriptures and thoughts may help us understand God’s plan for sowing and reaping.
A scene yet still vibrates with passion. A place where the battle is men. And we too must walk in their foot-steps, To unleash the captives of sin. Will now there be tears on our altars From this new generation of saints? Will we cry with the same kind of passion For the souls which satan has claimed?
Genesis 8:22: God said “As long as the earth remains, there will be a seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease.”
Unless we do battle with satan, And boldly attack his fierce game, There will be many souls lost and dying, In a dark harvest field that’s unclaimed. By Maxine Tolbert Trigleth
(Continued on Page 3)
Prayer Warriors Faith Messenger Permit #695 Periodical Paid at Corpus Christi, Texas Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO:
Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905-909 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, Texas 78405
Planting and reaping Brother and Sister Janes (founders of Christian Triumph) prayed many prayers for those who sent in their requests. They would respond to letters which asked for God’s healing by anointing a cloth, praying over it, and then sending it through the mail. Seeds were planted; God gave the Harvest.
L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Steve Beletic, President; Israel Hernandez, Vice-President; William Anderson, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.
In this present-day ministry are individuals who were strengthened by their prayers. They held us up by faith, even in the hard times, as did their daughter, Evelyn Anderson, and her sisters.
This periodical is issued without charge in the name of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of God. To send donations or for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or contact Christian Triumph Co. at christiantriumph@yahoo.com. Or see us on the web at christiantriumphcompany.com
Now, it is our sacred privilege to lift requests to the Throne of God. And the same God of the Harvest will answer - as the seeds of faith - are sown. 2
A Word from God’s Grandma: Whatever is planted for the Lord will increase! Each time a prayer is prayed, ↑ A seed will develop And this seed will grow into an answer!
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Luke 17: Jesus speaks about a tiny seed A grain of mustard seed. He promises That faith (even this small) When planted - will receive A harvest of answers from God.
Praise the Lord of the Harvest! (Edited)
Galatians 6: “He that soweth to the Spirit Shall of the Spirit Reap life everlasting… Do not be weary in well doing For in due season, We shall reap, if we faint not.”
“The One Who sowed the Good seed is the the Son of Man.”
Are We Satisfied With Our Harvest?
(Matthew 13:37)
Matthew 9: “The harvest truly is plenteous, But the labourers are few. Pray ye, therefore, To the Lord of the harvest, That He will send forth labourers Into His harvest.”
Jesus “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4)
Laborers in God’s Harvest: We may not be able to go To far-away places; Yet, we can pray and sow a financial seed To help in the harvest. Psalm 126: They that sow in tears shall Reap in joy!
Tell Me The Old, Old Story Kate Hankey & W.H. Doane)
Planting and sowing With God: Our relationship becomes fruitful When we daily fellowship With the Lord, In spring, summer, Harvest-time - Even winter.
Tell me the old, old story Of unseen things above, Of Jesus and his glory, Of Jesus and his love. Tell me the story simply, As to a little child, For I am weak and weary, And helpless and defiled. Pg.262 Heavenly Highway Hymns
Accepting injustice, violence, and abuse because of not wanting to “rock the boat” is clearly failing to be a peace – maker. Actively facing things and dealing with them not only conquers worry and strife but, instead, creates an honest, open and peaceful end to disorderly conditions.
A LOOK AT THE BOOK OF MATTHEW SERMON ON THE MOUNT Chapter 5 (Reference for this study comes from the Holy Bible as well as the book, The Gospel of Matthew, Volume 1 By William Barclay)
“Blessed are the peace-makers” for they are engaged in the very work of God. +
Matthew 5:9 – “Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God.”
November’s Faith Messenger – Matthew 5: 10-12
In this beatitude, Jesus almost certainly was teaching us that the most significant mission a person can engage in – is - building genuine relationships between individuals. God’s will is that we become “peacemakers.”
A SPECIAL REPORT From Narciso Zamora Missionary/Pastor Earthquake in Peru Unites the Americas
August 21, 2007 – The devastating earthquake that shook the area south of Lima, Peru, less than a week ago has had the surprising aftershock of uniting the Americas. Help from numerous countries quickly made its way to the victims, reports Peruvian Narciso Zamora, an evangelical pastor, church planter and author of the new book, Walking Man: A Modern Missions Experience in Latin America.
* A person in whose presence - bitterness is not allowed to remain. * A person who is committed to strengthening others through kindness. * A person who stands in the gap - who becomes a connection where there is division, * A person who is steadfast in building peace between individuals.
Zamora lists the following aid that had arrived in Peru as of Aug. 19: Food, medicine and linens from Bolivia; water, medicine and food from Panama; humanitarian aid from Chile; medicine, tents, rescue workers and paramedics from Argentina; humanitarian aid, rescue workers and firefighters specializing earthquake disaster from Brazil; doctors from the United States; humanitarian aid, doctors and water from Mexico; food, medicine, water and tents from Columbia; and Canada has pledged financial support to rebuild houses of the victims.
In studying this ninth beatitude, we discover that possibly the word “Peace” has another meaning. Peace not only signifies the absence of stressful situations but it implies much more - a life overflowing with God’s love. Jude, the brother of James, voices this in his letter in the New Testament (vs.2) “…peace and love be yours in abundance. As well in John 14:27, Jesus assures us of freedom from a troubled soul when He gives us this promise: “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” And yet - in being a peace-maker, one may indeed face troublesome situations which demand intense action. Believing that peace calls for an avoidance of trouble is not necessarily prudent; instead - refusing to face difficult problems can lead to serious, harmful consequences.
Zamora visited most of the affected area earlier this year in anticipation of beginning evangelical churches as part of his new initiative, the InterAmerican Missiology Ministerial School (IMMS), opening in Chota, Peru, in 2008. IMMS will train Latin Americans missionaries to be sent to (Page 5) 4
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In a few moments, I began asking God for direction. I had just finished the column “A Look at the Book of Matthew” and suddenly remembered John 14:27: “My peace I leave with you….do not let your hearts be troubled or do not be afraid.” Well, here it was-- an opportunity to find out if I really believed in this promise! The pans were filling; the towels were ringing wet, and I looked deeply into my Father’s eyes and simply said, “Please help me.” A sensation of confidence moved within my spirit, and with renewed energy, I got busy. Finding the old flashlight, I made my way through the darkness to the well house, kneeling down in the wet grass to turn off the water. With gratitude, I thanked God for being so near and filling my heart with His peace. The worry was gone! I needed this time to finish the Faith Messenger anyway and with a little cup of tea and a huge dose of Jesus’ assurance, I began thinking of the 23rd Psalm:
unreached areas in their own countries, like Ica, Pisco y Chincha, three of the towns hit hardest in the quake. “The area was already impoverished and now it is destroyed. We need your prayers for the victims,” says Zamora who is participating in Chota’s local effort to gather nonperishable food and clothing to send to the over 1,000 injured and 150,000 whose houses were destroyed. Zamora says the cities of Pisco and Chincha each lost an estimated 75 percent of their homes and suffered casualties so great that the deceased are being buried in common graves. “It was a terrible wake up call that God sent to Peru in order for people to repent,” reflects Zamora. “Yet never has anyone seen Peruvians come together to help the victims as they are doing now. Even the inmates of a penitentiary in Callao, Peru, donated two days worth of their own food to help the victims. All of Peru and all the countries in the Americas have joined as brothers to help the victims get back on their feet.”
MY SHEPHERD “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness For His Name’s sake. Even though I walk Through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, They comfort me. You prepare a table before me In the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; My cup overflows. Surely goodness and love Will follow me All the days of my life, And I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.” Psa.23
Zamora believes his planned outreach to Ica, Pisco and Chincha is now even more needed to bring emotional healing to the grieving and spiritual healing through the gospel of Christ. Visit www.walkingman.ws for more information about IMMS and Walking Man: A Modern Missions Experience in Latin America with afterword by Michael Cassidy, Founder of African Enterprise (©2008 The Quilldriver). + WHAT DO I DO? !! - by Nancy This morning about 4:30 a.m., I woke up with a water leak in my utility room. In this room sets the washer and dryer along with the little computer desk where I edit the Faith Messenger. Water! Water! I was ready to panic! I tried to catch the spraying water in a couple of pans, then next came all the towels I could find. It was too early to call a plumber, and I couldn’t afford one anyway. There was only one family member I knew who could help, and he had been working all night. 5
UPDATE ON NEW POSTAGE RATES We appreciate any and all prayers concerning the change in postage rates. The prayers have been answered! Christian Triumph will be working with Brokers Worldwide (Voice Mail: (800) 573-1960 Ext. 5857). Here is the update: New prices for sending literature have been sent to Diana (Christian Triumph Sec.-Treasurer) by Carole Kopit from Brokers Worldwide, and the cost appears acceptable. In the future, Diana hopes to send m-bags which will require, at least 11 pounds and also must be sent to a single address. This will cost $2.38 a pound. For example, we have approximately 50 letters from Brazil requesting Portuguese tracts, and they all seem to come from a single city. If we can send these tracts to one address in Brazil, this will benefit us greatly.
“A Bar of Soap Got me to thinking!”
- Anita I like to keep a bar of soap handy to use for spot cleaning. “Oops, it just fell down between the wash stand and washing machine! Oh, no…looks like a spider is near it! Just how badly do I want that bar of soap?” Well, I wanted that soap badly enough to reach down and get it, regardless of the spider, and that little scenario started me to thinking. I remembered a time in my young life -when in spite of great stress and anxiety, God helped me to persevere and gain my education. I began Kindergarten in San Fernando, CA., but after the second grade, we moved to North Redondo Beach to be near my Dad’s job. And, thus began the next 10 years of moving and adjusting. A couple of times, my Mother enrolled me in a Christian boarding school which required getting used to a new home, school, and care givers. More moves…and by the eighth grade, my education was suffering: I became a slow reader, didn’t want to do my home work, and missed school. I failed to graduate from the eighth grade. Moving back to Redondo Beach, I found support in my pastor and his wife and began taking life a little more seriously. The Christian boarding school allowed me to re-enter and I finished the ninth grade. It was worth all the hard work! Between part time work and commuting to school, I continued with my education, finishing the 11th grade; and, at last, I was a senior. I just knew that God would not fail me now! Then came a shocking surprise! I was short one-half credit! I was still allowed to walk down the aisle with the graduating class anyway. But did God let me down? Never! While working at Sears in Los Angeles, I took a First Aide Class (during P.E. at the high school), and that is how I earned my diploma. I can’t tell you how many times I needed that diploma! God is so good!
Other prices are: Zone 1 (Western Europe): $3.53 per lb. + $.22 per piece; 2 lb. pkge to Spain: $7.28 Zone 2 (Mexico): $3.61 per lb + $.22 per piece; 2 lb. pkge to Mexico $7.44 Zone 3 (Rest of World): $4.72 per lb. + $.13 per piece; 2 lb. pkge to Central/ South America, India, Pakistan or Africa: $9.57. Carole’s information to Diana states, “I will also give you the details of our pickup arrangements for you with UPS.” Diana found little help for our literature ministry through the Post Office, but we appreciate Carole’s efficient assistance. If anyone has comments or suggestions regarding these rates, please write or email us. We appreciate any letters of interest. Write to: Christian Triumph Company, PO Box 5187, 905 Bluntzer, Corpus Christi, TX 78465-5187 Please continue to remember this ministry in your prayers. It is our desire to do God’s work in the most efficient manner possible. We appreciate each and every one of you, and we thank God for all those who support this ministry. We remain accountable to God and to you. 6
One of the key things we need is Spanish language material. Currently we are seeking Spanish Hymnals for our Hispanic congregation. Any assistance you can give us would be greatly appreciated. The prison is a great Harvest field and with the right support, can also be an opportunity for significant spiritual growth for the inmates who are reassessing their lives and strengthening their relationships with the Lord. Thank you for your attention and compassion. I look forward to hearing from you. – Yours in Christ
A card from Green Haven Correctional Facility:
The way you use your unique gifts and talents…makes a magnificent difference in the body of Christ!
From Kru Krubo – Nigeria Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that you receive this letter in good faith. The Lord has been good to us and is doing wonderful work in the life of the people in my church and our community…The church has increased in few years ago and we needed Christian materials such as Christian Literature books, Magazines, books, Bibles, preaching cassettes of Genesis to Revelation…which are needed for ministering and for Evangelism. We therefore deem it necessary to request to grant an assistance from you in areas for books, etc. Our church is deeply involved also in youth out-reach and the less privilege in our society. May God bless you much, but we shall redeem the lost souls by the Grace and love upon us all. We are looking forward to hear from you, not because I desire a gift, but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. Phil. 4:17. Yours in His Ministry
“We just want to say Thank You for sharing the love of Christ with us. You are in our prayers. God bless you!” – Church at Green Haven Corr.Fac. (This expression of gratitude is for – YOU - our partners in this ministry. Thank you! - from Christian Triumph workers)
From Idell – Hello and happy summertime! How are you all?...May God bless all of you as you labor to bring the good news to others….Yours in Christ. From Kathryn – I pray God will bless all of you in your wonderful missionary work. From Glenice – God bless you all.
From Madonna – I would like to ask a question: Is there anything at Christian Triumph that Grandpa and Grandma Janes would want to change if they came back? We welcome any comments, articles or testimonies from our readers.
From Jo – We appreciate all everyone does and we are happy to have a small part. We love each one in Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. May God give a double portion of blessings to Christian Triumph. From Sue – We would like to start receiving your newsletter. It would help us in our ministry as well. God bless you in all you do.
UPDATE: on John 14:27 and my water leak: The kind family member who worked all night came, fixed the water pipe and even taught me how to do it. Then he presented as his parting gift – one of his own pipe wrenches so that I might try my skills next time. And his pay??? (A basket full of groceries, diapers, and wet wipes to help his family.) God supplies our needs!!!! Peace!
From Cleveland S., Chaplain – We have a significant Hispanic population at Allendale Correction Institution. Since we have no funds for all the material we require for a meaningful religious program, we depend heavily on contributions from associations such as yours. 7
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Corpus Christi, Texas Permit # 695
Faith Messenger A publication of Christian Triumph Company P.O. Box 5187 905 Bluntzer Corpus Christi, TX 78465
Address Service Requested
Harvest Time “The Harvest is Plentiful, But the Workers Are Few.” Luke 10:2