Contents: New Lives Rather Than New Buildings Happy Birthday‌ Free Prayer The Power of the Gospel Letters From Here and Abroad Renew Your Strength In My Opinion This Is From Me
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NEW LIVES rather than NEW BUILDINGS It was the summer of 1961, and I, a timid, young girl had ridden a bus the long way from Illinois to Corpus Christi, Texas. A yellow taxi was now taking me to the Christian Triumph Mission on 905 Bluntzer Street to begin my job as a missionary secretary. Entering the circle driveway, I nervously admired the clean white buildings and neatly kept lawn. Here lived Lyell and Una Janes, the founders of Christian Triumph Company. The house and print shop were well designed and constructed. Another smaller, woodframe building was located to the right; it was a bookstore but would also be my little workplace. Brother Lyell Janes' own personal office was very humble with a small table or two, and an inexpensive desk and chair. No rooms were stylishly decorated but, instead, were places of service where missionaries enjoyed their work.
Across a small portion of the well-kept lawn stood the picturesque mission church. A historical bell rang loudly on Sundays, calling the neighborhood to services. The interior of the mission was very modestly furnished, painted white and looked very clean. I always felt safe within these walls; in fact, people gathered there if a dangerous hurricane threatened. Almost 40 years later, I once again stood on the grounds of 905 Bluntzer - Corpus Christi. After being away many years, my eyes filled with tears as I contemplated those aged white buildings and remembered the precious folk who lived and worked there. Happily, I visited the little bookstore and saw that it had been remodeled but remained similar in size and dĂŠcor. (No elegant fixtures here) Christian Triumph Company, in many ways, has remained the humble place that Lyell and Una Janes created many years ago. Their vision has now become "our" own, and the goal of spreading the Gospel continues. This faith-based work is focused on the ministry of evangelism rather than on the construction of new offices or even a new church. The talented and responsible missionary staff is comprised of volunteers, along with those very few who receive minimum wage for part time work. All of us who share in this ministry remain accountable and committed to carrying forth the mission of Christian Triumph ministries. We thank "you", dear readers, for your partnership in this challenge. Your continued help is valued and appreciated. On the next page are pictures of the current Christian Triumph buildings and some of the missionary staff.
Little Bookstore/Diana's office
Christian Triumph Mission Israel Hernandez - Pastor Below:
Missionary Staff (includes Volunteers)
Faith Messenger Permit #695 Periodical Paid at Corpus Christi, Texas Published monthly, except July and August. another new dollar, and,ADDRESS at last, Jenny had enough POSTMASTER SEND CHANGES TO:
Andres De Leon - Accredited Youth Counselor. Andres works three days out of the week counseling drug addicted young people. He is also Christian Triumph Church's Sunday school teacher for those who do not understand Spanish. In the future, Andres will be writing articles for the FAITH MESSENGER.
money to buy Christian the necklace. Triumph Company Jenny lovedP.O. her Box pearls. 5187 They made her feel dressed up and grown 905-909 up. Bluntzer She wore them everywhere Corpus – Sunday Christi, school, Texas kindergarten, 78405 and even to bed.*********************** The only time she took them off was L.Y. she Janes, Founder (deceased); Steve Beletic, when went swimming or had a bubble bath President; Israelsaid Hernandez, Vice-President; because mother if they got wet, they might turn William Anderson, 2nd Vice-President; Diana Beletic, her neck green. Secretary/Treasurer; Sec./Treas. Jenny had a Una veryCollins, loving Asst. daddy. Every night when she was ready for bed, he would stop This periodical is issued without charge in the name whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and her a story.Christ-like One nightsimplicity as he finished maintain amongthe thestory, peopleheof asked “Do you love me?” God. Jenny, To send donations or for your FREE “Oh, yes, daddy, that I love you.” SUBSCRIPTION, write you to know the address above or giveTriumph me yourCo. pearls.” contact“Then Christian at
Vitalina Hernandez has been working with Christian Triumph Mission for more than twenty years. Vitalina is a wonderful, dedicated missionary. She is in charge of operating the folding machine that folds tracts, as well as preparing the tracts and the Spanish version of the FAITH MESSENGER for mailing. Vitalina also fills orders for English literature such as Bibles. Israel Hernandez is the Pastor of Christian Triumph Church as well as caretaker of the premises. Israel is the Vice President of Christian Triumph Company and Director of Corpus Christi Bible Institute (IBCC courses). He also capably fills the position of Treasurer for the Church of God Hispanic Concilio of South Texas. Or see us on the web at
Steve Beletic is President of Christian Triumph Company and serves voluntarily in this position. Steve donates his time doing tasks that exceed the responsibilities of a typical president, such as maintaining the office computers.
Vicenta (Elena) Merida is an instructor for the Corpus Christi Bible Institute. While living in Mexico, Elena was a Bible Institute teacher for ten years. She has now moved to Corpus Christi with her husband, Pastor Teo Merida and their son, Helesteo Merida. Pastor Teo will be writing for the Spanish version of the FAITH MESSENGER, EL MENSAJERO DE ESPERANZA.
Diana Beletic is the Secretary/Treasurer as well as Office Manager of Christian Triumph Company. Diana's position includes a variety of responsible duties such as receiving visitors, routing the mail, paying bills and much more. Donna Schillinger reconciles the bank accounts monthly, prepares tax forms and assists in preparing the annual budget and annual report. Donna also compiles the MENSEJERO DE ESPERANZA.
Jose Arguelles moved to the United States three years ago. Jose is a consultant for the IBCC courses. He has volunteered and helped in the Christian Triumph Church and company for more than a year. He is now teaching the Adult Sunday school class and has written articles for EL MENSAJERO DE ESPERANZA.
John Schillinger volunteers his time to design and edit the web page for Christian Triumph Company. William Anderson is the second Vice President with Christian Triumph Company and is helpful in many capacities. William serves voluntarily with the ministry. He is the grandson of Rev. and Mrs.
Nancy Hunter compiles the FAITH MESSENGER, answers English mail from supporters and has edited English tracts. 2
Lyell Y. Janes- the founders of this ministry, and son of Noel and Evelyn Anderson.
--------------------------------------------------------------FREE PRAYER
Una Nolavyn Collins is the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer for Christian Triumph Company. Una is the granddaughter of Rev. and Mrs. Lyell Y. Janes. She is the daughter of Noel and Evelyn Anderson.
A pastor was asked to call on a woman in a…hospital and pray for her. After his visit, he thought how good it would be for somebody to go there regularly and pray for the residents. The "someone" turned out to be him. On a table in one of the wards, he put up a sign saying, "Free Prayer". Later, he recalled, "Suddenly I had 15 people standing in line to get prayed for." People often ask for our prayers, but do we faithfully pray for them? Many times, we see others in great need but find it easier to discuss their plight with friends rather than to intercede for them. But people need and want our prayers. Oswald Chambers often referred to prayer as the ministry of the interior and said, "There is no snare, or any danger of infatuation or pride in intercession. It is a hidden ministry that brings forth fruit whereby the Father is glorified." Faithful prayer whether in public or private is one of the greatest gifts we can give others… (Our Daily Bread) Provided by L. H. Means
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" To Evelyn Anderson, Christian Triumph - founder and missionary (Daughter of L.Y. and Una Janes)
Pictures above are Mrs. Evelyn Anderson and her family. Evelyn Anderson Along with her parents and sisters, Evelyn founded Christian Triumph Company. She has given her life to this missionary ministry and will always be a great prayer warrior and friend. She has trained and mentored many missionary workers at the CT office and printing plant. Her Christian influence is felt around the World, especially with those native missionaries to whom she has brought encouragement and friendship. Her children and grandchildren remain involved with the Christian Triumph Ministry and are influential in its growth and progress. "She is a woman of dignity and has no fear of old age. When she speaks, her words are wise, and kindness is the rule for everything she says…her children stand and bless her…there are many fine women in the world, but you are the best of them…charm can be deceptive and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears and reverences God shall be greatly praised. Praise her for the many fine things she does. These good deeds of hers shall bring her honor and recognition from even the leaders of the nations." (Proverbs)
Faith is believing what God says simply because it is God who says it.
THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL "For I have complete confidence in the Gospel: It is God's power to save all who believe…for the Gospel reveals how God puts men right with Himself: it is through faith alone, from beginning to end. As the scripture says, 'He who is put right with God through faith shall live.'" (Romans 1:16-17)
FAITH: "Belief in the value, or trustworthiness of someone…."
Letters From Here and Abroad
"My grandfather homesteaded a farm in northern Nebraska…and raised 15 children. My father was born in a sod house on the Nebraska prairie. The farm was only about 24 or 30 miles from the South Dakota border. My grandfather was farming when the battle of Wounded Knee took place a few miles into South Dakota on the large Sioux reservation. It was in the winter. …the neighbors…advised him that it looked like a storm was coming, and he had better plan to work on Sunday to get all of his hay in before the storm hit. He told them that he did not work on Sunday - and that he was raising boys - not hay! (He also had several daughters.) This story has made the rounds around the entire country several times!" (provided by Larry Hatch)
Additional literature sent from: CHRISTIAN TRIUMPH COMPANY: Two pounds of Spanish tracts to Padro Aldo Geurrero Aguilar, Nicaragua. Also El Mensajero subscription. Four pounds of Spanish tracts to Agustin A. Cuova Quiroz, Peru. Also El Mensajero for 12 persons. The writer said Christian Triumph Ministry helped him start almost 300 churches with our tracts. He is very grateful. He knows Evelyn Anderson. -----------------------
----------------------Dear Saints of God, A prayer request for Robert who left for Iraq this week… In World War II, my husband crossed an open field with a wounded solder. The enemy was shooting at them and not one bullet touched them. I know he was praying, and he had a praying mother. Thank you for your prayers. Mrs. Aungst
Dear Friends, God bless you all. Happy New Year! Sincerely in Christ, Denver & Idell Shaffer ----------------------Faith Messenger: Have enjoyed the FAITH MESSENGER for more than fifty years. God bless each one of you for the good work you are doing. In Christ, Esther Gentry
----------------------Faith Messenger: I started reading the FAITH MESSENGER after my Mother died. I found it among her letters and things. I immediately wrote to one of Mr. Janes’ daughters; it might have been Evelyn Anderson…I mentioned that my father, Rev. Lawrence A. Hatch, had been a minister…for 40 years before the Lord took him home… Mother lived a number of years after my father had passed on. They were my role models for the Christian life… The Lord’s blessing on all of you for carrying on the wonderful work of Brother Janes and his wife and daughters. Larry Hatch
-----------------------------------------------THANK YOU! …as chaplain, I am responsible for nurturing over 16 faith groups. Your gifts (of literature) to the men here in this prison have brought tremendous blessings…we have no funding from the state for these ministry needs! I have always considered folk like you and those that support you to be a continued fine example of the assistance that was given to Moses during the battle with the Amalekites – EX. 17:10-13. We pray that, if possible, you will keep us on your mailing list as our needs are ever present. Sincerely, William M. Moors Protestant Chaplain California Medical Facility
EDITOR'S NOTE: A true story has been told about George Hatch, the grandfather of Larry Hatch. We are privileged to print this true bit of history. 4
SENT: 10 New Testaments, 4 pounds English tracts, and 2 pounds Spanish tracts.
A Scripture of Hope "Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22, 23) ---------------------------------------
EDITOR’S NOTE: We have received many requests from inmates, many of whom are in our Bible Institute!
----------------------THANK YOU:
Renew Your Strength
First Church of God, Athens, TX Oak Park Church of God, Salem, OR. First Church of God, Holdenville, OK.
CSM Ivan J. Smith Salvation Army
The Sunday school literature which you shared With us has been sent for use in Africa.
Are you sick and tired of “being sick and tired”? Are your spiritual batteries flat? Would you like to renew your power and strength? Isaiah 40:27-31 says, “O Jacob, O Israel, how can you say that Lord doesn’t see your troubles and isn’t being fair? Don’t you yet understand? Don’t you know by now that the everlasting God, the Creator of the farthest parts of the earth, never grows faint or weary? No one can fathom the depths of His understanding. He gives power to the tired and worn out and strength to the weak! Even the youths shall be exhausted, and the young men will all give up. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” There are and always will be times when it seems that Satan is beating us up and getting the best of us. Many times, it is hard to maintain our faith and trust in God when everything is going against us. We may be in the middle of one of the greatest battles of our lives. It is a time like this that we need the Lord more than ever, even though our faith and trust in God are put to the test. There are moments when it seems like our whole world is falling apart, and, too often, some of us turn our backs on God as soon as the storm gets too strong. Instead, when life is a mess and seems out of control, put all your trust in God. When temptation is about to bury you, put all your trust in God for that is the moment of
----------------------Greetings…FAITH MESSENGER and Christian Triumph Co. …we like your little papers coming into our home…do not know who signed us up for the papers. I first got in contact with the Church of God at Dayton, Ohio, where Brother McCoy was the Pastor…he might have signed us up or Brother Earl Sharp…we thank God for them and God bless you and yours. Keep them coming, Rufus Perry, Ohio -----------------------
Dear Christian Friends, …asking you to remember to pray for my son…I know that God is able…pray for us to have that kind of faith. Will you please send the paper (FAITH MESSENGER) to this… address? Thanks, Ressie Fulton ----------------------Greetings…Please send me many tracts, about 500, for evangelizing in our community. Thank you, Ramon Rodreguez, New York ----------------------5
testing and, perhaps, the opportunity to make your trust and faith grow. Trouble can be changed into opportunity. If you find yourself weak, look to Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Valuable behavior is sometimes shaped by the trials and problems that we face. Without God’s loving correction and faithful discipline, we could never develop our spiritual strength and endurance. If obstacles never come, it is easy to give in to the feeling that we do not need God and, instead, can handle everything by ourselves. God never promised anyone an easy life. What He did promise was to never leave or forsake us. He also promised to supply our needs, (different than “wants”). Always remember that God also promised that we would never be tempted beyond what we are able to bear (with His help). God will make a way of escape so that we might win the victory against Satan. It is good to be reminded of God: Who He is, and that He is still in control. Those who place their trust in Him will be renewed with strength. God is all-powerful. There are no limits to His ability to deliver you and to answer your needs. God never tires or experiences weakness. Furthermore, He listens to your prayers and comes to your aid. Romans 8:28 tells us, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” God knows how to give you the power to overcome. He will take your weaknesses, your failures, doubts and fears and turn them into miracles of deliverance. God is the source of all strength, and also the source of provision. No matter how strong or independent we may be, we cannot do it alone. God may have to bring us to the place where we even stop trying and where we turn to Him and say, “God, that is all I can do; now it is up to You.” He is waiting for those words right now. Will you allow God to renew your strength through His great power?
"Reward Yourself" is the message seen in an incredible number of advertisements. Why? Because it is a successful "feel-good" sentiment. Who does not respond to the positive thought that we should be rewarded for every good decision we make. The problem is that every good decision does not always come with the "reward" mentality. Those serving in Iraq are not being "rewarded;" they are being denied. Denied the opportunity to live with their families. Denied the opportunity to experience the freedom for which they are fighting. And even some are denied the very life they are giving for their beliefs, for their country. Yet most would say they are making a good decision. What does the Bible say, though? Certainly, God recognized that "denial" not "reward" was the immediate need for Christians. "Deny yourself" was Jesus' message in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." Jesus was speaking about our lives, our desires, and our behaviors. And this message can be applied and is applied to many areas of our lives. Those who pay their tithe deny themselves some something they could purchase with that money. Those who want to be physically healthy deny themselves ice cream and chips for lunch. Those who care for their elderly parents and their disabled children deny themselves the opportunity for a "normal" life. Those who go into the ministry Reward Yourself vs. Deny Yourself Continued from pg. 7 or missionary field deny themselves a materialistically rich existence (in theory). Those who want to be rewarded with Heaven, deny themselves the many decadent things this world has to offer. Things that meant to reward them according to a worldly view and also meant to cause them to stray by taking in excess the things of earth over the things of God. But of course within these examples is the message that you are rewarded for denying yourself. That kind of reward, however, is rarely a tangible one.
************************ In My Opinion Reward Yourself vs. Deny Yourself
Those kinds of rewards for denying yourself the things of earth to be slave to higher principles or the things of God come with long work and never really appear as money or comfort food or diamonds. What kind of rewards are you seeking? Are you even denying yourself? Juli Ginn
THIS IS FROM ME "This is from Me," the Savior said, As bending low He kissed my brow, "For One who loves you thus has led. Just rest in Me, be patient now, Your Father knows you have need of this, Though, why perchance you cannot seeGrieve not for things you've seemed to miss, The thing I send is best for thee." Then looking through my tears, I plead, "Dear Lord, forgive, I did not know, 'Twill not be hard since Thou dost tread, Each path before me here below, And for my good this thing must be, His grace sufficient for each test. So still I'll sing, 'Whatsoever be God's way for me is always best.'" -Anonymous Author, Poems That Preach, Compiled by John R. Rice, Sword of the Lord Foundation, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 1952