2023-2024 CAFO Impact Report & Prospectus

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Empowering God’s people to care wisely and well 2023 Impact Report & Prospectus





More Than Enough


Global Network


Research Center


Soul Care


Pure Religion Project


Family-Centered Healing & Health


Development & Discipleship




Communications & Advocacy

Dear Friend, What first drew me to the Christian Alliance for Orphans was something rare as summer snow. I’d worked with organizations all over the world, many of them excellent. But very, very rarely did I see them join their strengths in shared endeavors, at least not for long. That’s what the members of CAFO were doing. They’d pledged to “leave logos and egos at the door” for greater impact than any one organization could achieve alone. That’s still the heart of CAFO. Today, more than 260 respected organizations and a global network of churches join in shared initiatives. Through CAFO, they work together to inspire and equip the church to effectively answer God’s call to care for vulnerable children and families. From kids in US foster care to orphans worldwide … congregations across America to networks of churches in developing countries … from media and public policy to academic research … the CAFO community demonstrates every day what happens when God’s people work together. This booklet offers just a glimpse of these shared endeavors – some of the good fruit from the year behind and exciting plans for what’s to come. I suspect our world will know deep need until Jesus returns. But God’s people are never more effective than when we join our strengths to serve Him together!

In Christ, Jedd Medefind, President Christian Alliance for Orphans

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in the face of immense need.

The plight of children growing up without the care and protection of a family is too big to solve alone. But as we unite our strengths, we work together toward our resources to work toward a future where every child experiences God’s unfailing love in a thriving family. CAFO unites a growing movement in shared initiatives to inspire and equip God’s people to care effectively for vulnerable children and families, rooted always in Christian discipleship and the life of the local church.

We celebrate what God has done in 2023 and want to invite you to participate in some of the most strategic initiatives coordinated by the Christian Alliance for Orphans next year.

Transforming foster care in all 3,142 US counties More Than Enough works to see more than enough well-supported homes for every child in foster care – including foster, kinship, adoptive and biological families. The MTE team supports the launch and growth of local foster care networks in counties nationwide, focused on five key areas: communications, data & technology, church support, fundraising and network health.

2024 GOALS • Through the More Than Enough Fellowship, we will pair MTE’s tools and trainings with approximately $500,000 in small, competitive grants to strengthen new and developing networks — expanding networks in existing counties and adding 100+ new counties by the end of 2024. • We will also begin to track new Network Health Scores for the networks More Than Enough serves, aiming to see year-over-year improvement over the first year in at least 85% of these emerging networks.

2023 HIGHLIGHTS On the path to more than enough, we’re now serving churches, organizations, and advocates working in 837 counties across 41 states through support in communications, church engagement, fundraising, data and technology and network leadership.

We launched 3 new training experiences this year: a communications coaching clinic, a course to equip local leaders with the principles and practices of effective collaboration, and a guided community discovery project to help local leaders identify the biggest strengths and gaps in foster care where they live.

Uniting global networks to work better, together The Global Network initiative unites and strengthens more than 50 locally-led and globally-informed networks of churches, NGOs and agencies within developing nations worldwide. These networks labor together to see every child in a loving family, embraced within a collaborative community.

2024 GOALS • We aim to increase membership in the CAFO Global Network to over 60 networks, with focus in Africa and Latin America. • To encourage mutual learning among peers, we will equip 1,700 global leaders through Collaborate learning events (15% increase). • We will conduct Better Together Network Assessments with 25 member networks to establish baseline metrics in Network Effectiveness (creating a collaborative community), Leader Effectiveness (developing collaborative leaders) and Network Health (creating an environment of collaboration).


We are now equipping 57 national/ regional networks of churches and NGOs in more than 50 countries.

More than 1,500 global leaders were trained in best practices and network development via Collaborate mutual learning events, which also connected them with peers engaging similar ministries worldwide.

We supported 20 networks to host

their own Collaborate+ events

in their countries to catalyze local leaders to equip churches and NGOs to better serve vulnerable children and families in their communities.

Connecting research with best practices The Center on Applied Research and Best Practices for Children and Families (also known as CAFO Research Center) helps Christian organizations apply the best available knowledge in their work to see better care and outcomes for children worldwide.

2024 GOALS • The new Innovation and Excellence Fund will offer to child-serving organizations a catalytic combination of competitive microgrants paired with expert guidance and peer learning. Each micro-grant will help organizations take decisive next steps to provide better and more family-based solutions for children. • We will launch Round 2 of the Care Transition Accelerator Academy, training national/local leaders to become Transition Coaches, able to guide and support organizations in transitions to family solutions for children. We expect to train 30+ participants from 12+ nations. • Our ebook on resilience will be updated in both content and format, allowing readers to more easily access key truths about how to help children overcome adversity. We’ll also develop a children’s book so parents and caregivers can help the children they love understand what resilience is all about.

2023 HIGHLIGHTS In 2023, eight of CAFO’s training courses were adopted by the government of Peru to improve care for children nationwide. Through this CAFO-Peru partnership, more than 1,000 courses have been completed by Peruvian child welfare professionals so far.

We launched the CAFO Latin

America Peer Learning Community in 2023 to connect and equip Spanishspeaking leaders in child welfare, now including participants from across Latin America.

The Center published research papers in academic journals to improve knowledge and effectiveness across the field and to affirm the vital contributions of faith-based organizations.

To highlight the value of small- and mid-sized programs typically overlooked by researchers, CAFO micro-grants

paired academic researchers with ministries serving vulnerable children and families to evaluate promising practices. Findings were

presented in a webinar and booklet, and soon will be published in an academic research journal.

Soul Care Encouraging habits God uses to sustain us in work of justice and mercy

All ministry is a pouring out. As we serve, life spills from us into others – and by God’s grace brings new health to them. But when life pours out of us without life pouring in, we eventually run dry. CAFO’s Soul Care initiative exists to strengthen Christian leaders for lifelong service on behalf of the most vulnerable by encouraging simple rhythms and practices that God uses to feed the soul.

2024 GOALS • We’ll continue building on the monthly Spiritual Formation Calendar Experience, including translation of these resources for organizations across the Spanish-speaking world. • The 2024 Soul & Strategy Retreat will feature Dr. Curt Thompson along with acclaimed artists Mako & Haejin Fujimura, strengthening the souls of CEOs so they do the same for their teams. • In 2024, we’ll also launch a new season of the “Justice & the Inner Life” Podcast!


In 2023, we launched the Spiritual

Formation Calendar Experience to help organizations’ staff grow together in simple practices that root us deep in Christ and His life. More than 60 nonprofit leaders enrolled in the online course.

We hosted CEOs and their spouses, representing over 50 organizations, at the Soul & Strategy Retreat at Winshape Retreat Center in Georgia. Alongside deep refreshment, the retreat also helped CEOs map strategies to care well for their teams in mind, spirit, body, and relationships/ marriage — cultivating vision and vitality for the long road of ministry.

Inspiring a holy and helpful vision for the Church The Pure Religion Project aims to inspire and equip local churches to live the “pure religion” described in the book of James and invited throughout Scripture via excellent resources, supportive community and ongoing connection and coaching.

2024 GOALS • Throughout 2024, the Pure Religion Project will deliver excellent church-focused resources and training in partnership with each of CAFO’s major initiatives – from local foster care (More Than Enough) to global engagement (Research Center). • We will release Version 2 of the “Effectively Engaging Churches” book – designed to strengthen the capacity of organizations and networks to serve and resource churches in their communities – ultimately to better serve vulnerable children and families, rooted in the local church. • We will continue to expand our training and coaching of church engagement officers of CAFO member organizations. Our goal is not merely to help parachurch organizations connect with churches, but – most of all – to see these organizations better serve and strengthen local churches as the central institution of Christian life, discipleship and mission.


In 2022 we launched Phase I of the Pure Religion Project — designed to help churches live out their calling to care for vulnerable children and families while growing closer to Jesus as His disciples.

Throughout 2022, we facilitated cohorts of more than 220

organizational leaders representing 80+ unique organizations nationwide to grow

together in how to more effectively engage and strengthen the work of churches in their local communities.

The first-of-its-kind “Effectively Engaging Churches” Pre-Summit Intensive at CAFO2023 in Oklahoma City drew 100+ church engagement

leaders from 40+ organizations around the country.

Helping Christian families nurture healing and health The Institute for Family-Centered Healing and Health (also known as CAFO Family Institute) equips parents and other caregivers to cultivate whole-person healing and health in children who’ve experienced special adversity, rooted in Scripture and science.

2024 GOALS • In 2024, the Family Institute will offer a second wave of compelling parenting resources rooted in Scripture and the best available research – including webinars, written documents and in-person events, and small-group curriculum.


In 2023, we launched the Institute

for Family-Centered Healing & Health, to promote the long-term flourishing of Christian foster and adoptive families.

In addition to extensive research and listening across the field, the Family Institute released its first

resources and in-person training at CAFO2023.


Guiding new approaches in fundraising The Development and Discipleship initiative expands Christian adoption, foster care and orphan care worldwide by helping child-serving ministries build more effective fundraising programs grounded in the theology of God’s abundance.

2024 GOALS • In 2024, we will develop a new online course on monthly giving programs, equipping members with skills to boost financial sustainability through recurring giving. • We seek to expand soul care groups to 30 member nonprofits while also adding a retreat component to the program to further strengthen the spiritual health of leaders. • We will help drive an additional $36 million in increased giving to member organizations participating in the training and coaching offered by the initiative bringing the all-time total to $150 million.

2023 HIGHLIGHTS We equipped over 250 leaders

from 166 CAFO member nonprofits through 31 fundraising workshops, providing

substantive training and coaching to empower strategic expansion of their programs serving vulnerable children and families.

We launched two new soul care learning communities helping leaders from 16 members nonprofits learn to live and lead from a place of reliance on God’s strength rather than their own.

Since 2020, we have helped catalyze

over $114 million in increased giving to member organizations

participating in the training and coaching offered by the initiative.

Strengthening a movement through an unforgettable


The annual CAFO Summit gathers Christian ministry leaders and parents with bestin-class speakers, coaching and connections to grow and guide a global movement on behalf of children and families.

2024 GOALS • With the support of a growing sponsorship base, we aim to bring together over 2,500+ attendees for strategic gatherings focused on local impact at CAFO2024 in Nashville, Tennessee for our 20th anniversary Summit. • We will launch a new “Mobile Summit” package, providing the best content from recent Summits to equip local gatherings in the months following CAFO2024 and further strengthen the collaboration and interconnectedness of networks, organizational leaders and churches.


More than 3,000 people gathered for CAFO2023 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma from 50 countries —

2,000+ in person & 1,000+ online

through Virtual Collaborate & OVC Applied Research and Best Practice Symposium — focused on adoption, foster care, family preservation and global initiatives.

Communications & ADVOCACY

Spurring the CAFO community through compelling communications

Communications and Advocacy seeks to grow and guide the movement of Christians caring for vulnerable children wisely and well through clear and compelling communications, equipping advocates with the tools, inspiration and resources they need to inspire their communities.

2024 GOALS • We will launch Communications Cohorts for professional communicators working in childserving ministries to help expand their reach and impact via more effective digital marketing, content creation, media relations and more. • While CAFO’s primary focus is the role of the church – not government – we recognize government policies can significantly impact the ability of the church to play its role. We will continue to monitor legislative, executive and judicial actions for both positive and negative developments – ready for media engagement, behind-the-scenes influence and coalition-based responses when needed.


In 2023 we launched the new cafo.org website — pulling four unique websites into one and making CAFO resources and opportunities more available and accessible to all.

We refreshed our CAFO visual identity, logos and wordmarks across all CAFO Initiatives and launched the new CAFO Brand Book to strengthen clear brand identity.

We started the Champion Advocates program to individually strengthen Christian communicators with monthly resources and quarterly training to help them further mobilize the Church across their spheres of influence.

Engaged a range of high-stakes public policy issues: from the American Enterprise Institute’s Child Welfare Working Group, to life-affirming articles and interviews in Christian and secular media, to leading a coalition response urging substantive changes to new Biden Administration regulations that would negatively impact faith-based foster care agencies and families.

When you give to CAFO, you’re strengthening an entire movement of God’s people working together to see every child experience God’s unfailing love in a thriving family. Make a One-Time Gift Strengthen the movement and multiply your impact by giving today to help raise a strong, united voice on behalf of the world’s most vulnerable children and families.

Give Monthly Join a community of more than 170 CAFO champions giving monthly to impact vulnerable children and families through the Trellis.


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