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The main event of the year for Christian foster care advocates is the CAFO Summit in Oklahoma City, Sept. 20-22 at CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
If you care about orphaned and vulnerable children & families, these are your people and this is your home. CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
Once a year, thousands of leaders gather to connect, share resources, and be inspired together. Join us at CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
CAFO Summit (OKC, September 20-22) is my favorite event of the year to be with people who get it. CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
Together we can more accurately reflect the heart of the Father. CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried #BetterTogether
Whether you’re leading an established orphan care ministry or just getting one off the ground, #CAFO2023 is for you! CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
Infuse your ministry with new energy, renewed passion, and encouraging connections at CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
If you are an adoptive or foster parent, #CAFO2023 in Oklahoma City on September 20 22 is the place to be. CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
Come to the place for next steps in your orphan care journey. CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
Join leaders from all around the country (and globe!) at #CAFO2023 on September 20-22 in Oklahoma City! CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
Join me (and thousands of other orphan care advocates) in OKC for CAFO’s annual summit September 20-22! CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect with orphan care leaders from all parts of the country and around the world! CAFO2023.org #CAFO2023 #Unhurried
What resource, connection, or encouragement do you need in your orphan care journey? Find it at #CAFO2023 CAFO2023.org
Adoption can be lonely; don’t let it be. Find your people at #CAFO2023 CAFO2023.org
Foster care can be lonely; don’t let it be. Find your people at #CAFO2023 CAFO2023.org
Global orphan care can be lonely; don’t let it be. Find your people at #CAFO2023 CAFO2023.org
The main event of the year for Christian orphan care advocates is the CAFO Summit, Oklahoma City, September 20-22 #CAFO2023 CAFO2023.org
Ready to make a bigger difference for kids in foster care? Come learn how at #CAFO2023 September 20-22. CAFO2023.org #fostermovement #bettertogether #morethanenough
If you are a professional in child welfare, you don’t want to miss #CAFO2023 on September 20-22 in Atlanta! CAFO2023.org #childwelfare #letsworktogether