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Ongoing Accountability and Encouragement
To encourage and support ongoing spiritual, emotional, intellection, physical and social health, each staff annually takes the “Soul Health Self-Assessment” questionnaire tool. This tool provides opportunity for personal reflection, year-by-year review of trends and progress, and also discussion/processing with one’s supervisor.
To be clear, these conversations with one’s supervisor are not a performance review and have no bearing on employment, raises, etc. They are engaged with a spirit of grace and no hint of judgement. They aim only to help each staff member better see, articulate, prioritize and pursue the health they desire.
To complement the annual self-assessment, supervisors also hold with each staff member a conversation mid-year to offer encouragement and advice, help individuals identify their challenge areas, and plan ongoing actions to care for and build up the staff member in every aspect of their soul.
A modified form of the “Soul Health Self-Assessment”18 is also used for interns at the start and closing of internships.